Estimates for today

Markets are moving slowly in the 5020-5072 range from yesterday. As expected the auction is in this zone ‘cos of the fast upmove from yesterday afternoon above our 5020 levels. For today 4987 ( Nifty spot ) holds the key to the move. 4987 has to provide the support to the market for yesterday’s big […]

Update : Nifty (2) at 5060

Book partial profit at 5060 levels for intra. Bring Sl of the remaining qty to 5040. We have had a good day, now let’s play it safe. .

Intra Update: Nifty at 5015

The market this morning has been quick and played out to Viren’s levels on Saturday published here At 1.04 pm we are at 5015 and are seeing 5010-5020 acting as resistance to the move up from 4962 . There are two posssiblities at play here. Here’s the profile chart. This is the time value chart […]

Update Nifty at 5000.

Nifty at 5000. We are 34 points up at this stage at 5000 levels.Those who want to book 34 points can do so and bring SL of remaining to 4960. I’m also 70 points up in my Bank Nifty trade in my personal account all in 40 minutes. MP calls it as it is. As […]