
Nifty Mp6 26/12/11

Nifty :

Nf profile shows an auction which stayed above the previous day’s POC for the most part and a minor tail at the lows.What was also notice is a fairly prominent POC at 4745 increasing the odds of a visit there on Monday.

The day was a nothing day in the single prints of last Friday’s sell off as the market built volume in a low volume zone. The profile also shows signs of balancing which is very crucial for the next 100- 150 point trending move to emerge.

BsnkNifty :

Bn Mp7 26/12/11

The BN is clearly balancing with a prominent POC.

Again we are seeing evidence of the auction within the single prints of last Friday. In BN break of value and range should set up a very rewarding trade for short term targets of 8561 above and 8134 below