Buyers respond

Yesterday’s DD we noted is still controlling the market auction and only a move above those session highs can give the buyers some impetus.


Nifty Mp 48 Buyers Respond


Personally would have preferred the market to spend a little more time below 6200 .
But those buyers we saw on 18/11 had some other ideas.
Here is what we have been tracking in terms of OrderFlow all morning.


Vb Nf Buyers Respond


Notice the big defense of the lows at 6188 as buyers quickly mopped up all the orders at market prices.
In profile , this is what we call as intent or aggressive trading which is a player who has a view of what he wants to do next.
There is a little bit of selling near the POC of yesterday at 6229, but the orderflow is with the Buyer who is controlling the auction now.
Our earlier view remains.