08:56 Vtrender Live : (08:55) Vtrender Live: option charts – https://join.me/467-199-187
(08:56) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/462953781
09:22 Shai : (09:22) Shai : Itra – short Nifty 10760 sl of 10799 tgt 10700
09:25 Shai : (09:25) Shai : Raise SL to 10767 if in NF shorts
09:30 Shai : (09:30) Shai : Intra – SEll BankNifty 24850 sl of 24957 tgt 24720
09:33 Shai : (09:33) Shai : Exit the NF shorts at 10755 here. we will stay with the BNF short only
10:39 Shai : (10:39) Shai : Intra- close the BankNifty shorts at 24882 here
10:40 Shai : (10:40) Shai : Intra – Buy Nifty 10720 sl of 10685 tgt 10780
11:03 Shai : (11:03) Shai : Close the NF longs at 10706
11:12 Shai : (11:12) Shai : Intra – short BankNifty 24835 sl of 24940 tgt 24660.
11:36 Shai : (11:36) Shai : BNF 24785 part book here and ride at cost
11:54 Shai : (11:54) Shai : Intra- short Nifty 10660 sl of 10690 tgt 10620. . Trade small size only
11:57 Shai : (11:57) Shai : NF 10636 . Part book and ride at cost
11:59 Shai : (11:58) Shai : Book fully NF 10644
(11:58) Shai : Book the BNF also 24776
12:39 Shai : (12:39) Shai : Aggressive Play- Buy 10900 ce at 108 sl of 90 tgt 150.
12:44 Shai : (12:44) Shai : Exit the 10900 ce at 101.
13:55 Shai : (13:55) Shai : Short BankNifty 24760 sl of 24826 tgt 24580
13:59 Shai : (13:59) Shai : BNF 24680 Part book and ride the rest at cost
14:03 Shai : (14:03) Shai : Book fully BNF 24720
14:34 Shai : (14:33) Shai : Positional – Buy a 10900 ce at 93 sl of 66 tgt 154.
08:55 Vtrender Live : option charts – https://join.me/467-199-187
08:56 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/462953781
09:02 Shai : GM all
09:02 Shai : massive gapdown ahead today
09:03 Shai : we would formally make an entry in the May june compoiste with a gap down
09:04 Shai : 10717 is the early support on the NIfty spot but that composite lows extend to 10520/ 10550
09:04 Upendra : Hi Sir@Shai
09:04 Shai : so stay flexioble
09:04 Upendra : Good mornig all
09:04 Upendra : how about BNF early support
09:07 Shai : 24810/ 24470 spot
09:07 RK : GM Shai and all..weekly island making progress in style
09:08 Uttam null : Good Morning All 🙂
09:09 Praneeth : Shai, can u pls let me know your view on usdinr levels
09:09 TP : GM All.
09:10 TP : Do not get excited by big greens at open could be just VT guys booking shorts 🙂
09:10 Jitender : Gm Folks 🙂
09:11 Jitender : tv says rbi already in usdinr
09:13 Boppanna : Shai levels on the 24900pe pls?
09:15 Shai : 100 point prem
09:16 TP : Whattay day for launch of Investor’s Carnival today at Goa 🙂
09:17 Uttam null : lol Tej and PR Sundar is a speaker there
09:18 Shai : still a 100 point prem
09:18 Jitender : vix 18.97
09:18 Prudhvi : arbitrage algos at work?
09:18 RK : 24900 PE 24 to 200 out 🙂
09:19 Uttam null : super RK
09:19 Boppanna : Nice RK got out at 180
09:20 Praneeth : +1 RK
09:20 Uttam null : congrats Bops
09:21 Jitender : congrats guys
09:21 Uttam null : Shai BN ipm here? moving away from that compo.
09:21 TP : congrats VT guys.
09:22 Shai : Itra – short Nifty 10760 sl of 10799 tgt 10700
09:23 Shai : premium play
09:23 Mihir : Congratulations everyone!
09:23 Mihir : Well done.
09:25 Shai : Raise SL to 10767 if in NF shorts
09:25 Shai : prem down to 40
09:25 Uttam null : 1.7l green in Nf
09:26 Uttam null : at 10740
09:26 Shai : yes
09:27 Shai : 40 point prem again
09:29 Shai : BN spot still has not broken sept lows
09:30 Sandesh : RK, congrats
09:30 Shai : Intra – SEll BankNifty 24850 sl of 24957 tgt 24720
09:33 Shai : Exit the NF shorts at 10755 here. we will stay with the BNF short only
09:37 Shai : going to an OAOR
09:42 Abhishek : booked reliance 50 % at 1152
09:43 Mihir : Abhi 🙂
09:43 Mihir : Thanks 😛
09:43 Abhishek : anytime bhai -)
09:52 Mihir : 30k reds bnf out of no where.
09:55 Boppanna : Shai can we have 24600pe and 24900ce on screen pls?
09:57 Shai : not yet liquid the options
09:57 Shai : BNF very uundecided here this zone
09:58 Shai : and has a potential of a 500 point go/ no go
09:58 Shai : my pivot is 24820 spot into tom RBI
09:59 Shai : currently short biased as stuck longs of yesterday may look for exits
09:59 Jitender : Shai..can u pls review vix & usdinr pls
09:59 Shai : k
09:59 Mihir : Shai is there a possiblity of having vix widget on the room?
10:00 Uttam null : that 71k seller winning the round in bnf looks like
10:00 Mihir : Close to ns pricing?
10:00 Kunal : Uttam – 71k seller from which period? sorry, didnt get you
10:01 Uttam null : 30min chart on top in this bar
10:02 Pradeep : BNF is bouncing off from 24860.. each time it comes there. Any reason?
10:02 Boppanna : vwap and dpoc around
10:02 Kunal : thanks, I was searching for 71k in the 5 min chart.
10:03 Uttam null : for BNF 71k id too big for 5mins Kunal 🙂
10:06 Jitender : 74 on usdinr Parneeth
10:06 Praneeth : +1 Jit.. i think spot has to touch 74
10:07 Jitender : 20p to go tere
10:07 Praneeth : yes..
10:07 Jitender : Rbi came at 73.83 spot in morn
10:07 Praneeth : 74.2 is next res in F
10:09 Shai : curr vwap / dpoc- (10:02) Pradeep : BNF is bouncing off from 24860.. each time it comes there. Any reason?
10:09 Pradeep : tx
10:10 Gaurav : @Utaam, where’s 2ATR from yesterday’s FA NF
10:11 Gaurav : *Uttam
10:11 Uttam null : 10680
10:11 Gaurav : thanks
10:11 Uttam null : 🙂
10:12 Uttam null : 10k green stucj in bnf at top in this 5min bar
10:13 Praneeth : bring it on uttam.. DL
10:13 Uttam null : 24910-920 was where we had greens on Monday so this rise must have been for them to exit
10:13 Praneeth : let C go till 760
10:16 Shai : India Vix longer term pivot at 19.4 tagged this morning
10:16 Shai : anything more than 19.40 is another wake up now this quarter esp to dec
10:16 Shai : cos that means Vix will rise to 24 and beyond
10:16 Boppanna : NF touching mornings call target
10:17 Shai : 15.8 to 19.4 range for this immediately volatility
10:17 Shai : both extremes imp
10:18 Shai : yes I let go of NF thinking BNF would drive down with all that green inventory stuck – (10:16) Boppanna : NF touching mornings call target
10:18 Shai : NF is defintely weaker
10:18 Shai : 24840 goes we get a 100 point slide in quick time
10:19 Shai : bulls back above 24940 and start dominating above 24980/ 990
10:21 Boppanna : +1 .. morning MB low as well at 840
10:21 Shai : old buyers of yesterday are not defending
10:21 Shai : so PLR is lower
10:22 Shai : lot more pinks in OrderFlow suggest stuck longs liquidating
10:22 Abhishek : bought nifty 10200 puts.will review at end of day..not a very high conviction trade yet
10:22 Sumit : d is imprtant for today BNF ?
10:23 Mihir : RK you there?
10:23 Shai : C Sumit
10:24 Shai : C and G again today as yesterday was Neut Ext
10:25 RK : yes Mihir
10:26 Mihir : Goes as per the conversation we had 🙂
10:26 Mihir : Please make a book out of your gems.
10:26 Shai : USDINR next res at 74.25 F intra supp at 73.76
10:27 Jitender : tx Shai
10:27 TP : Mihir lots of guys waiting for that book 🙂
10:27 Shai : swing view is long above 73.10 all month for 74.10/ 74.55/ 75.18 projected spot prices
10:28 Shai : breaks 73.10 we could have a pullback
10:28 Shai : spot**
10:28 Jitender : grt…tx
10:29 RK : Mihir 🙂
10:29 Boppanna : Day set up for that 10600 test like you predicted in weekly report below C low ?
10:29 Boppanna : *Shai
10:29 Jitender : done n dusted with overnite positions [8.57am]at 10697 we do 10% correction in nf. So watch for OF around theese lvls
10:29 Abhishek : bnf below 24700 spot may give 700 points quick move…any contra views??
10:30 Jitender : awesum day so far..next 2 couple of days in Feb i had
10:30 Mihir : Kudos jit. More of these days to you.
10:30 Jitender : tx man
10:31 Praneeth : Congrats Jit..
10:31 Mihir : 80 on nf.
10:31 Mihir : Just one trade.
10:31 Mihir : Out 🙂
10:31 Jitender : tx P
10:31 Jitender : congo Mihir
10:31 Mihir : Thanks 🙂
10:31 Shai : any of the channels carried that US 5 billion snction threat today?
10:32 Jitender : nuthn on cartoon tv
10:32 HK : at last NF came near 10680
10:32 Abhishek : congrats (10:30) Jitender : awesum day so far..next 2 couple of days in Feb i had
10:32 Jitender : tx Abhi
10:32 Uttam null : thats the 2atr from yesterdats fa of 11025 HK
10:32 Mihir : Now become wild nf.
10:32 Jitender : greens here (10:29) Jitender : done n dusted with overnite positions [8.57am]at 10697 we do 10% correction in nf. So watch for OF around theese lvls
10:33 Jitender : 10697 bar
10:33 Mihir : Lets get 750
10:33 Jitender : now 10% correction without retail panicking has happened…lets c wen tey do or we cvr 2-3% frm here
10:33 HK : @Uttam, 11070 and 10683 are 2 major pivots in my charts, I am short from 11070 and got out
10:34 Jitender : in case we dont..the fall wud be very swift
10:34 HK : mentioned here many times, if you see, we have 2 extn handles here in the past
10:34 Jitender : End Oct wud be horrible fr greens….by Mon we will know
10:34 HK : to me 10550-680 no go zone
10:35 Praneeth : anyone whats bnf max pain now?
10:36 HK : below 10550, you get 9600 invalidation abv 10880
10:36 Abhishek : 24900(10:35) Praneeth : anyone whats bnf max pain now?
10:36 Jitender : 24.9
10:36 Praneeth : thanks abhi
10:38 Praneeth : +Jit
10:39 TP : Looks like LIC babus have finally reached office 😉
10:39 Shai : Intra- close the BankNifty shorts at 24882 here
10:40 Shai : Intra – Buy Nifty 10720 sl of 10685 tgt 10780
10:41 Jitender : tey r buying since open Tej
10:41 Pradeep : 38K seller at 24940?
10:41 Jitender : ys
10:41 TP : ok jit , tght late comers.
10:42 Jitender : rbi in usdinr at open n chck the open bars & abv 845..imo
10:46 Praneeth : Jit, bnf days low donw?
10:51 Shai : One C has gone lower and the other C in BNF higher 🙂
10:51 Shai : typically neut extreme behavior
10:51 Shai : should hold till G
10:51 Shai : let’s see
10:52 Jitender : Parneeth..below 840 as Shai has pointed out
10:53 Uttam null : probable FA in BNF at 24957
10:53 Uttam null : already 90 down
10:54 Jitender : 24.7 cepe combo at 190…thinkn of longs in it …hmmm
10:56 Praneeth : Thanks Jit, Shao
10:57 Jitender : tis is the 2nd 10% correction tis year…but tis time macro’s r bad
10:59 Jitender : Shai..either 24.4 or 25.2 poss today ?
10:59 Shai : 25110 max if we cross day highs
10:59 Jitender : tx
11:00 Boppanna : all eyes in 840 seems like BNF
11:00 Sumit : 6k seller on that price BNF
11:00 Sumit : 60 k
11:01 Jitender : 24.8+24.7e looks better…at 137…in it ..lets c
11:03 Shai : Close the NF longs at 10706
11:06 Jitender : Uttam..can u pls post the chart fr 24.8ce+.24.7pe wen poss
11:07 Uttam null : sure Jit
11:08 Jitender : tx
11:11 Boppanna : Shai levels to watch on 24600pe pls
11:12 Shai : Intra – short BankNifty 24835 sl of 24940 tgt 24660.
11:13 Shai : 24600 pe tgt 68 for now
11:13 Shai : sl is 8
11:13 Boppanna : thx
11:17 Uttam null : posted it on slack Jit
11:27 Jitender : k
11:31 Mihir : Was 11025 a FA yest?
11:32 Uttam null : yes Mihir
11:32 Mihir : Thanks Uttam.
11:32 Uttam null : 10989 fa in spot
11:32 Uttam null : 10680 2atr done in nf today
11:32 Mihir : RE time. 2ib
11:32 Mihir : please 😛
11:33 Mihir : Take 10600 today only.
11:34 Mihir : Kidding. Hope greens defend a little.
11:35 Uttam null : boom
11:36 Shai : BNF 24785 part book here and ride at cost
11:36 Jitender : is tat 43k red at bottom in bnf ?
11:36 Mihir : Looks like
11:36 Uttam null : yep
11:36 Mihir : 36k in single bar.
11:38 Jitender : tx M & Uttam
11:38 Jitender : motabhai 5% dwn
11:40 Mihir : donation trade 24500 pe from 11 to 22
11:40 Mihir : Put 10% of mtm
11:40 Mihir : lovely.
11:41 Mihir : Uttam doubt. Yest 2 periods at top na? FG still fa valid?
11:42 Shai : 10600 spot a good supp
11:42 Uttam null : did nit stay above ibh for more than 30mins
11:42 Shai : time closing in for a boucne
11:43 Praneeth : vix 19.5
11:43 Mihir : Chief sip mode can be started? ce side?
11:43 Mihir : Or too early?
11:43 Uttam null : 1.34l red at lows in Nf
11:43 Boppanna : 1.34 l
11:43 Sumit : 135 k seller in nf
11:44 Jitender : 19.52 vix
11:45 Shai : BN spot now at Sept lows
11:45 Mihir : Chief (09:59) Mihir : Shai is there a possiblity of having vix widget on the room?
11:45 Shai : No space Mihir
11:45 Shai : add it to the trade terminal
11:45 Mihir : Okay no problem 🙂 Just to avoid going elsewhere 😛
11:46 Mihir : Done added.
11:46 Mihir : Keep seeing there.
11:46 Shai : once upon a time nobody looked at the vix in months
11:46 Shai : now evert 2 mins 🙂
11:46 Mihir : Yeah those were the days 😉
11:46 Upendra : is 144k on NF SL orders???
11:47 Mihir : I have been told by seasoned traders. You’ve come at a very good time to trade. When vix has gone to chill.
11:47 Shai : No new sells – (11:46) Upendra : is 144k on NF SL orders???
11:47 Upendra : thank you
11:47 Jitender : Mihir..fr a traders everythn is subjective…setup is paramount
11:48 Jitender : gv me any lvl of mkts n any vix..if sebi doesnt fuckup…m k
11:48 Azmath : +1 Jit
11:48 Jitender : its margin tinkern tat affects me
11:48 Shai : +1
11:48 Mihir : Warrior you are man!
11:48 Mihir : Love the way you think.
11:48 Shai : A good traders trades all markets vix 12 vix 18 vix 24
11:49 Jitender : +1
11:49 Praneeth : +1
11:49 Mihir : +1
11:50 Mihir : 1.4L selling at that level. What he might be thinking? 10600?
11:50 Himanshu : so they will be stuck if we dont get lows nows ? (11:47) Shai : No new sells – (11:46) Upendra : is 144k on NF SL orders?(11:47) Shai : No new sells – (11:46) Upendra : is 144k on NF SL orders? (11:47) Shai : No new sells – (11:46) Upendra : is 144k on NF SL orders?(11:47) Shai : No new sells – (11:46) Upendra : is 144k on NF SL orders?
11:50 Praneeth : shai, bnf fall is not intensive..is it because of OAOR?
11:50 Himanshu : oh sorry.. my keyboard got stuck
11:50 Shai : and settelemnt
11:51 Praneeth : ok.
11:51 Shai : yes they can get stuck
11:51 Shai : 10550- 10600 spot would be watched for a bounce
11:52 Mihir : In other news, mumbai lad Shaw is scoring at a strike rate of 101.35 in red ball cricket.
11:52 Praneeth : bnf pain moved down or still at 24.9?
11:53 Jitender : 24.8
11:54 Praneeth : thnaks jit
11:54 Jitender : wc
11:54 Shai : Intra- short Nifty 10660 sl of 10690 tgt 10620. . Trade small size only
11:54 Jitender : 24.4 has a pcr of 1347..dwn from 2200..#trivia
11:54 Uttam null : lol Jit
11:55 Shai : we will see if that 144K guy can give 40 in nexr 30 mins
11:56 Mihir : at it chief. Got friends 44k
11:56 Mihir : VT guys looks like 😛
11:57 Shai : NF 10636 . Part book and ride at cost
11:57 Jitender : +1
11:57 TP : Fastest trade 😉
11:58 Shai : Book fully NF 10644
11:58 Shai : Book the BNF also 24776
12:00 Upendra : Shai, is that 26k on 5min chart in BNF SL orders
12:00 RK : first obj for weekly island 10650 done
12:00 Mihir : +1 RK fast and furious.
12:01 RK : now Shai has to give 24670 BNF to close the day far better
12:01 Uttam null : poor lows in bnf
12:02 Shai : yes that is SL- (12:00) Upendra : Shai, is that 26k on 5min chart in BNF SL orders
12:02 Uttam null : one trip to 860 will be nice
12:02 Shai : G is the time for a boucne
12:02 Upendra : got it, thanks
12:03 Shai : H is the time for a new sell
12:06 Mihir : Jit 1135
12:06 Mihir : Ril 🙂
12:06 Shai : 10668 res here if crossed we should see 10705 again
12:06 Jitender : ys M
12:09 RK : NF better hold this low else it opens up another 100 point move down..may not come today but possible tmw # 10520
12:09 Jitender : expiry today..bnf can get wild
12:10 RK : this was so imp from Apr bracket
12:11 Jitender : new theory of cartoon tv..do sip n wait till elections
12:11 Jitender : 🙂
12:11 RK : yes once SIPed noother way..should wait only 🙂
12:12 Mihir : Jit which side of wildness?
12:12 RK : these are times which gives immense pleasure of not having any portfolio
12:12 Jitender : Mihir below ibl…it wll start
12:12 Jitender : abv ibl…200 point bounce
12:12 Mihir : Gracias.
12:13 RK : BNF one move to 870 possible ehre
12:13 TP : +100 ….(12:12) RK : these are times which gives immense pleasure of not having any portfolio
12:13 RK : here
12:13 Praneeth : 23k buyer @ 24805
12:15 Praneeth : usdinr 73.74
12:15 Praneeth : bring it on jit – 24870
12:17 Kunal : doesnt the 23k buyer help give a support pt
12:17 Shai : 670
12:17 Kunal : for a quick long?
12:17 Kunal : in bnf
12:17 Jitender : beautiful accuracy +100 (12:02) Shai : G is the time for a boucne
12:18 Jitender : Shai’s the man !!
12:18 Shai : yes to 877- (12:17) Kunal : doesnt the 23k buyer help give a support pt
12:18 Praneeth : +1
12:18 Kunal : tks
12:19 Praneeth : so far perfect balance in bnf
12:19 Jitender : jrtli+oil min in a mtng with PMO wrt OIL
12:20 Jitender : sum relief expected…OMOs will bleed…
12:20 Jitender : OMCs
12:27 Mihir : Tap opened in afternoon
12:28 Shai : 698- (12:06) Shai : 10668 res here if crossed we should see 10705 again
12:28 Shai : game on here as we hit vwap
12:29 Boppanna : morning support 840 now res in BNF
12:30 Shai : alos vwap of a balnce holding price
12:30 Shai : dpoc too
12:39 Porus : IL&FS Engg up 20% today
12:39 Porus : whats cooking?
12:39 Shai : Aggressive Play- Buy 10900 ce at 108 sl of 90 tgt 150.
12:39 Jitender : 800-860 done bnf..tx 2 Shai
12:39 Jitender : (12:17) Jitender : beautiful accuracy +100 (12:02) Shai : G is the time for a boucne
12:40 RK : 865 (12:13) RK : BNF one move to 870 possible ehre
12:40 Jitender : I nvr used to believe in Aliens…until i joined VT
12:40 Shai : lol
12:41 Jitender : 🙂
12:41 TP : Jit 🙂
12:41 Shai : vwap/ dpoc/ ext handle all at 710
12:41 Shai : if this continues we see 740 and 780 by close
12:42 Himanshu : this ought to provide resistance shai ?(11:50) Himanshu : so they will be stuck if we dont get lows nows ? (11:47) Shai : No new sells – (11:46) Upendra : is 144k on NF SL orders?(11:47) Shai : No new sells – (11:46) Upendra : is 144k on NF SL orders? (11:47) Shai : No new sells – (11:46) Upendra : is 144k on NF SL orders?(11:47) Shai : No new sells – (11:46) Upendra : is 144k on NF SL orders?(12:41) Shai : vwap/ dpoc/ ext handle all at 710
12:42 Himanshu : ohh sorry …whats happening my bad
12:42 Shai : It is actualy a res
12:42 Shai : hence I mentioned as aggresive
12:42 Himanshu : yeah okk
12:44 Shai : Exit the 10900 ce at 101.
12:45 TP : O n the other side Shaw scored the fastest century on debut 🙂
12:45 Mihir : Yes TP.
12:45 Uttam null : pull back high came early today?
12:46 Uttam null : super Tej 🙂
12:46 Mihir : nice innings there.
12:46 Mihir : Lad is promising.
12:46 TP : sorry shikhar dhawan is fastest 85 balls .
12:47 Mihir : 85 balls for his century
12:48 Uttam null : vwap and ibl res in NF
12:49 Praneeth : DD possible in bnf today?
12:49 Praneeth : or IBL will b protected for the event
12:51 Mihir : KISS trade. Shorts at vwap.
12:52 Jitender : (12:03) Shai : H is the time for a new sell
12:52 Jitender : _/\_
12:52 Mihir : Shai <3
12:52 Mihir : Saalam saab!
12:52 Praneeth : +`
12:54 Jitender : Shaw is 18yrs n 329 days old
12:57 Uttam : (12:01) Uttam null: poor lows in bnf(12:02) Uttam null: one trip to 860 will be nice 24865 done
12:57 Uttam : poor lows still holding
12:57 Uttam : one side break can come today
12:57 Uttam : OAOR + expiry also
12:58 Uttam : FA at 24957 so 1atr comes to 24445 which is also Suyog’s higher range of 500 in BNF
13:01 Mihir : Tp Shaw has habit of scoring centuries on Debut. Did for Mumbai too.
13:01 TP : ranji/duleep and now test 🙂
13:03 Mihir : Yeah 🙂
13:03 Mihir : F for Fyaar!
13:03 Mihir : Touch that f tpos.
13:03 Mihir : Come on.
13:04 Mihir : 655 ledge?
13:05 Praneeth : 24.5PE 21L OI
13:13 Uttam : 24550 is a vpoc in BNF
13:14 Uttam : only issue in BNF here is as tom RBI will we stay in this range only till close for a bigger move tom?
13:14 Uttam : looks difficult though
13:19 Mihir : 90k
13:19 Upendra : 90 k green in bnf 5 min chart
13:19 Mihir : longs bnf
13:19 Mihir : Just woke me up.
13:19 Shai : stop orders
13:20 Gaurav : stops should be on the sell side?
13:21 Shai : tick info missing
13:21 Shai : was a 60 pointer miss
13:23 Jitender : if bnf sustains ibl..probab of DL being dne is tere
13:24 RK : yes
13:24 Uttam : RK BNF can end in this range cos of event tom?
13:25 RK : yes Uttam that was the expectation..lets see this IBL breakdown is a shock or real
13:25 Uttam : back above IBL now so probable FA at lows with huge greens
13:25 Uttam : 24840 touch can come now once?
13:26 RK : yes above 780
13:26 RK : 730 SL
13:26 Uttam : +1
13:26 Uttam : what a profile it will be if we end this way at dPOC 😉 with FA’s at both ends
13:27 Uttam : long straddle will be a good way then to play the RBI tom
13:27 RK : 3-1-3
13:27 Uttam : yep
13:28 Uttam : BNF going for that 25840 looks like
13:28 RK : 600 CE from 84 to 102
13:28 Uttam : nice RK
13:28 Mihir : Nice RK
13:29 TP : +1 RK.
13:29 Mihir : 875 again on bnf?
13:34 Mihir : no can’t hold ibl
13:35 Jitender : yup
13:35 RK : 24660 (12:01) RK : now Shai has to give 24670 BNF to close the day far better
13:35 Mihir : Azmath
13:36 Mihir : Where are you my friend.
13:36 Mihir : 10625.2 on screen.
13:37 Mihir : Came late but came for sure 😛 (11:32) Mihir : RE time. 2ib
13:38 Azmath : MJ 😉
13:38 Mihir : 600 missed by 20 points. 🙁
13:41 Mihir : Uttam vpoc you taking today?
13:47 Mihir : Wallah Wallah! (10:22) Abhishek : bought nifty 10200 puts.will review at end of day..not a very high conviction trade yet
13:49 Jitender : tis 640 buyr in bnf needs to go
13:50 Mihir : Yest 11025 and today 10600. Both shown so nicely through BB bands.
13:50 Mihir : Just need to take trades with OF and MP conviction.
13:51 Jitender : chanda kochar 2 seek retirement
13:52 Mihir : Abhi out at 81 in 10200 pe.
13:53 Uttam : (12:57) Uttam : one side break can come today(12:57) Uttam : OAOR + expiry also(12:58) Uttam : FA at 24957 so 1atr comes to 24445 which is also Suyog’s higher range of 500 in BNF(13:13) Uttam : 24550 is a vpoc in BNF
13:53 Uttam : BNF low so far 24620
13:53 Uttam : wow what a play in BNF
13:54 Uttam : looks like policy annoucement today itself
13:55 Shai : Short BankNifty 24760 sl of 24826 tgt 24580
13:55 Uttam : super Shai 🙂
13:58 Abhishek : thank you bnf for the bounce 🙂
13:59 Shai : BNF 24680 Part book and ride the rest at cost
13:59 Uttam null : wow 80 points in 5 mins 🙂
13:59 Jitender : +1
13:59 Shai : yes right upto IBL it was
13:59 TP : icici banj news …chanda kochar seeks early retirement bew md ceo announced …adds to vix value 😉
14:00 TP : icici bank
14:00 Mihir : will wait for rbi policy now.
14:00 Mihir : All out.
14:00 Mihir : and sitting.
14:01 Mihir : Chief lovely call last one.
14:01 Uttam null : policy tom right?
14:01 Mihir : My bad.
14:01 Mihir : Sorry its tomorrow.
14:02 Uttam null : I was wondering if you will be able to sit quiet till tom 😉
14:02 Mihir : *puts self gag*
14:02 Mihir : 😛
14:03 Shai : Book fully BNF 24720
14:03 Shai : expiry tadka would be there today?
14:05 Shai : pointless looking at that expiry day OI in BNF. It’s just no way these guys can hold a position from 9 to 3 unless they are a Jit or a TP
14:06 Shai : and of course some of you other wonderful guys
14:07 TP : no need to hold chief …bracket orders done in a jiffy …risk 2.5 reward 1 …all hitting tgt
14:07 Mihir : Get me vwap chief? in NF?
14:08 Shai : yes TP ..that’s what I’m syaing that buy and hold till 3 pm is so dated on such days
14:08 Shai : 30 k buyer caught upside down
14:09 Shai : can puke
14:09 TP : Right chief …some nice broadband speed would have helped 😉
14:10 Jitender : 50k green at top in bnf
14:10 Jitender : oh..30k
14:10 Shai : 30
14:10 Shai : below 740 he pukes
14:11 Shai : RK here?
14:12 RK : yes Shai
14:12 Shai : 2% move down off 5 day POC
14:12 RK : yes Shai
14:12 RK : yday evening I was noticing that it came off weel
14:12 RK : well
14:12 RK : to 11k
14:12 Shai : ok
14:13 Shai : 10550 is the lows of the may balance
14:13 Jitender : jetli has presscon at 3pm
14:13 HK : oh my
14:13 RK : am in a happy that atleast 30-40 rows of ref is being wiped from my sheet 🙂
14:14 Shai : 🙂
14:14 RK : Shai we have greater threat if 10600 goes for 10290
14:14 RK : large bracket down there
14:14 TP : Vix getting on everyone’s nerves …..(14:13) Jitender : jetli has presscon at 3pm
14:14 Shai : If we don’t get a boucne at 10550 I’m seeing 10110
14:14 RK : 10635-520 is small one inside that large bracket
14:14 HK : let jetli announce another merger and you wil get it RK
14:15 RK : no one isasking MO
14:15 RK : -76
14:15 HK : midcaps and small holding RK
14:15 Mihir : RK how you find MO? any hack for that?
14:16 RK : one sweet guy here in room offered us portable software to get MO
14:16 RK : Sameer
14:17 Mihir : Do you have the software? Or is he in the room still?
14:17 Mihir : Reading bit about MO.
14:17 Uttam null : MO still has scope to fall further RK?
14:18 RK : Mihir I have but dont know how to share..will do in the evening
14:18 RK : Uttam one more quick swipe to 10500 kind wont be surprised
14:19 Mihir : Thanks RK. will slack you later.
14:19 Mihir : Can hear pe writers scream 😀
14:19 Shai : BNF
14:20 Uttam null : FA under threat
14:20 RK : yday it triggered long also Shai..so better to build sm 20-30 filter and can observe it..yday did stop around 20+..fyi (14:12) Shai : 2% move down off 5 day POC
14:21 Shai : this is jet li effect?
14:21 Shai : okay TK
14:21 Mihir : Round two it did (13:29) Mihir : 875 again on bnf?
14:22 Uttam null : thats the weekly ibl also RK 24861
14:23 Praneeth : bnf to 902?
14:23 Uttam null : that 24800ce+ 24700pe made a high of 175 and now below 48
14:23 Shai : chanda gone?
14:23 Uttam null : bnf boom
14:24 Gaurav : yes shai
14:24 Shai : 5% up icicic
14:25 Jitender : (13:51) Jitender : chanda kochar 2 seek retirement(14:13) Jitender : jetli has presscon at 3pm
14:25 Jitender : grt grt day
14:25 Shai : +1 Jit
14:25 TP : (13:59) TP : icici banj news …chanda kochar seeks early retirement bew md ceo announced …adds to vix value 😉
14:25 TP : 320 ce 10.2 to 13 .
14:26 TP : Shai 247k combo can give 125 till expiry or fizzle out.
14:28 Praneeth : where’s the max pain now?
14:29 Abhishek : 24700 and 24800 alomost equal
14:29 Shai : BNF long for 940
14:29 Praneeth : thanks abhi
14:33 Shai : Positional – Buy a 10900 ce at 93 sl of 66 tgt 154.
14:34 Mihir : Haaash! finally! 🙂
14:34 Mihir : Thanks shai.
14:34 Shai : counter trend trade
14:34 Shai : looking for a bounce back
14:34 Shai : RR also good
14:35 Jitender : 750 in bnf wud be interstn
14:36 Mihir : Jitt aur kuch chaiye?
14:37 Mihir : 13k was screaming 🙂
14:37 Mihir : F1 f2
14:37 Mihir : out.
14:38 Mihir : below 820 all yours.
14:42 Uttam null : bnf 11oct pes making new lows
14:42 Mihir : Thank you chief!!!! (14:07) Mihir : Get me vwap chief? in NF?
14:43 Mihir : All out intra nf! 691
14:43 Shai : 940- (14:29) Shai : BNF long for 940
14:43 Uttam null : did mention that FA unde threat in bnf
14:43 Shai : bouncy
14:43 TP : +100000 chief for 940 😉
14:43 Sandesh : booooooom
14:44 Shai : neutral extreme still
14:44 Mihir : Sandesh salami kabul
14:44 Shai : watch 990
14:44 Mihir : for your conviction.
14:44 Shai : can boom off above
14:44 Sandesh : _/\_ Mihir
14:44 RK : LIC all 20 fingers 🙂
14:45 Shai : For Sandesh F2 was not working today. Only F1 🙂
14:45 Sandesh : hahaaaa
14:45 Uttam null : lol
14:45 RK : am getting msg today price is out of range on NEST
14:45 Sandesh : eod green mtm matters
14:45 RK : dont know why
14:46 Shai : big seller BNF
14:46 RK : happened with 600CE and 700CE while trying to book trades
14:46 Shai : down to 840 again sl of 990
14:46 Boppanna : same with Kite as well RK
14:46 RK : ok
14:47 RK : due to price jump or what..not sure though
14:47 Shai : FM
14:47 Mihir : AJ long.
14:47 Shai : some guys must have got a copy of his draft
14:47 Shai : 🙂
14:47 Mihir : I traded MP and OF
14:47 Mihir : this is what I loveeee.
14:47 Mihir : Slow start came to another 5x day.
14:47 Uttam null : Anuj Jit 😉
14:48 Shai : went straight from printing machine at the FM office to brokers
14:48 Mihir : 25110
14:48 Mihir : coming
14:48 Mihir : 40 mins still.
14:48 Mihir : 2 rs to 15 rs. 24900 ce.
14:49 Mihir : Thrill of donation trade is else only.
14:49 Shai : avoid this sell – (14:46) Shai : down to 840 again sl of 990
14:49 Shai : can boom away
14:50 Mihir : RK we have inner advantage of the casino though.
14:55 TP : 28k combo around 26 each donation trade.
14:55 Uttam null : 24800 you mean Tej
14:56 TP : yes 248k
14:56 TP : donation in favour of jet li …if he appears before mkyt close 😉
14:56 Mihir : Lol tp
14:56 Mihir : mad mad day.
14:59 Praneeth : max pain should have moved up?
15:00 Himanshu : rumours of excise duty cut on petrol diesel
15:01 TP : Jit has JL arrived on tv ?
15:04 Jitender : nope
15:04 Jitender : sry was busy bookn
15:04 Shai : 10660 supp
15:04 Shai : 27840
15:05 TP : tks jit …looks like jet li sold that combo to me ….becoming zero 🙁
15:06 Jitender : never mind..we get them nxt expiry
15:07 TP : +1
15:09 Jitender : on tv
15:10 Jitender : charts gone ?
15:10 Pradeep : FM pressconf started
15:11 Jitender : yup
15:11 RK : #JustIn Important announcement from Union govt on Petrol , Diesel price shortly
15:11 Shai : test
15:11 Shai : charts up?
15:11 RK : when Crude hitting sky what are they going to pull now to calm mkts?
15:11 Mihir : Pass
15:12 Mihir : Yes
15:12 RK : it will mostly back fire
15:12 Mihir : Cut down borrowings by 70k crores.
15:16 HK : chars lagging?
15:19 Mihir : Petrol diesel will be cheaper by 2.5 rs
15:19 Prudhvi : 1.5+1rs cut
15:19 RK : well closing the day with 328 orders and highest MTM for 2018..just 1 NF rest all BNF weeklies and all on buy side 🙂
15:20 Mihir : Congratulations RK. Deserve it.
15:20 TP : Superb RK !1
15:20 Praneeth : Waw.. congo RK
15:20 Uttam null : wow RK congrats buddy and wishing you even more 🙂
15:21 HK : Many congrats RK, you are a super rockstar
15:21 RK : last trade open 25K PE from 124
15:21 Mihir : 580
15:21 Mihir : ping ping
15:22 RK : 180 closed # done and dusted
15:22 Jitender : Rk…14.32xDT today
15:22 Mihir : Jit mammoth! 🙂
15:22 Jitender : was 18.2 at one time
15:22 Mihir : Congratlulations.
15:22 Prudhvi : dl
15:22 Praneeth : awesome Jit..
15:22 Jitender : but with carryovers
15:22 RK : congrats Jit and all
15:22 TP : Congrats Jit .
15:23 Mihir : Kudos Bopp! (10:29) Boppanna : Day set up for that 10600 test like you predicted in weekly report below C low ?(11:33) Mihir : Take 10600 today only.
15:23 Jitender : Congrats to u also Rk
15:23 Jitender : tx guys
15:23 TP : I think we can ask Sandesh to look for an island around Goa , VT guys are ready 😉
15:23 Jitender : jetli caused a sell off
15:24 RK : BRN NF what a anti climax 🙂
15:25 Mihir : Jit 5x moved to 8.2x today 🙂
15:25 Jitender : OMCs r bleedn…as said earlier
15:25 Mihir : 1117
15:25 Abhishek : finally got bnf move from 24922 🙂
15:25 Mihir : Mota
15:25 RK : another blow off tmw
15:25 RK : to 10500
15:26 Mihir : hpcl down 15percent
15:26 Praneeth : usdinr to 74.5 today?
15:26 Abhishek : still holding 50 % mihir
15:26 Abhishek : (15:25) Mihir : 1117
15:27 Mihir : Positional out shorts.
15:27 RK : take that BRN
15:28 Mihir : Abhi in ril.
15:28 Shai : Congarts JIt- Massive : (15:22) Jitender : Rk…14.32xDT today
15:28 RK : gone
15:28 Shai : FM again!!
15:28 Jitender : tx chief…
15:28 HK : Spike close Shai?
15:29 Shai : not much
15:29 RK : FII should have loaded shorts again today thanks to LIC 20fingers for the offers
15:29 Shai : 10610 was a prev low
15:29 Jitender : bye all
15:29 Praneeth : bye all
15:29 Shai : Bye all
15:29 TP : Bye All.
15:29 Shai : Have a nice evening
15:30 Abhishek : bye all
15:30 Uttam null : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening