Order Flow charts dated 05th May 2020

Many traders are looking for information on how to use market conditions to find good trades. Order Flow is best understood as a way to see existing bias in the markets. Order Flow helps us understand who is in control of the market and who is ‘upside down’ and likely to make exits from that position in a loss.

Volume Profile and Order Flow are very good tools to assist you in trading. You can also use it along with your existing setup.


30 Min Nf Fpx 1 Order Flow Charts Dated 05Th May 2020 Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading


30 Min Bnf Fpx 1 Order Flow Charts Dated 05Th May 2020 Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading

Room Chat

08:40 Manikandan : Gm all
08:55 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/127931293
08:55 Krishan : gm all
08:56 Vtrender Live : 5 min charts – https://join.me/499-852-701
08:57 Manoj : good morning guys
08:57 Rajan : Good morning all
08:59 Shai : Gm all
09:00 Upendra : good morning all
09:00 Vishnu : gm chief
09:00 Shai : Ref line at 9381 for the ope n today
09:00 Himanshu : GM chief- Gm all
09:00 Srividhya : good morning all
09:01 Shai : An early auction abv 9381 can test 9430 again and abovbe that short covering can bring 9510
09:01 Shai : bears dominate below 9340 gain for 9190 later in day
09:01 Sree : Good Morning all
09:01 Chandrashekhar : GM all
09:02 Gopi : GM all
09:02 Shai : Auction did not have a lot of selling below 9300 F yestwrday so wait and see if they reappear at higher levels
09:06 Chintan : GM all
09:06 Rajesh : good morning Shai. Any references for Bank Nifty?
09:06 Dhananjayan : GM all
09:09 Tejpreet : GM All
09:09 Prateeek : good morning friends
09:10 Naresh Dubbudu : Good morning friends
09:11 Bhupinder : GM all
09:15 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:16 Rajesh G : gm all
09:17 Uttam : lot of shorts getting hit with theri SL looks like
09:17 Sandesh : good morning all
09:17 Uttam : 1.8L green?
09:17 Uttam : 9400?
09:17 Chandrashekhar : +1 Uttam, test of PDH coming?
09:18 Uttam : needs to get in to that selling tail of 9422
09:18 Uttam : high so far 9420
09:19 Uttam : both above yesterday’s POC
09:19 Uttam : so seller did a bad job and are now getting punished looks like
09:20 Uttam : BNF would be good abovr 20080
09:20 Uttam : weekly POC
09:20 Uttam : but some reds coming there
09:21 Shai : REF MOVES TO 9430 ON THIS OPEN
09:21 Shai : CAN TEST 9315 WITH SL ABV 9430
09:22 Chintan : +1
09:23 Kunal null : hi my chat not working from morning
09:23 Kunal null : pls share morning levels
09:23 Kunal null : from shai
09:24 Uttam : it is there in tab 2 Kunal
09:25 Jitender : 09:02 Shai : (09:00) Shai : Ref line at 9381 for the ope n today(09:01) Shai : An early auction abv 9381 can test 9430 again and abovbe that short covering can bring 9510(09:01) Shai : bears dominate below 9340 gain for 9190 later in day(09:02) Shai : Auction did not have a lot of selling below 9300 F yestwrday so wait and see if they reappear at higher levels
09:25 Uttam : IS forming in both
09:25 Sagar : what was that all positivecot
09:25 Shai : 9370 , if in book half- (09:21) Shai : CAN TEST 9315 WITH SL ABV 9430
09:26 Shai : will get the rest also
09:26 Uttam : testing the morning 0s
09:27 Uttam : both get weaker if yPOC taken out
09:27 Uttam : 9354 & 19840
09:27 Shrishti : can we take fresh shorts below 9360
09:28 Shai : can
09:28 Shrishti : sl
09:29 Shrishti : 9394?
09:29 Shai : This was at 9415 with 15 points of risk- (09:21) Shai : CAN TEST 9315 WITH SL ABV 9430
09:29 Jitender : 20.2pe 585-698…day job thru…jmd
09:29 Shai : 9350
09:29 Rajan : Jmd
09:29 Boppanna : 20070 -900 BNF SL was above 20120 ref Uttam had mentioned as the level to watch for this weel
09:30 Govind : Congo Jit
09:30 Uttam : 43k green at 9356
09:30 Shrishti : missed that trade!
09:30 Boppanna : *week
09:30 Vijay : 21500pe 845-895
09:30 Jitender : tx Gov…first rise after a fall is……..:)
09:31 Boppanna : +1 Jit
09:31 Jitender : basics 101
09:31 Amit Jain : cong jit +1
09:31 Shai : 9350 supp
09:32 Govind : a sell!!
09:32 Jitender : tx guys
09:33 Jitender : know yr setups n ……..?
09:34 MJ : Good morning bossman 🙂 9446 whattey whattey 🙂
09:34 MJ : Went short with that as sl. just booked 50% at 43k greens.
09:35 Uttam : so that 43k greens is you MJ 🙂
09:35 Uttam : congrats
09:35 MJ : Thanks UG.
09:35 Amit Jain : wow MJ 43 k hehe 🙂
09:36 MJ : na bhai 🙂
09:36 Nagaraj : Hi UG, any idea why YPOC is not showing on MPLITE? https://mplite.vtrender.com/?symbol=NIFTY_E28-05-2020&tf=daily&tpo=3&sp=1&startDate=&endDate=&nDays=8&idstr=&dstr=_8&rst=0&iam=
09:37 MJ : Booking zone was yvwap.
09:38 Suyog : @Nagraj.. ypoc = ywap for yest, can check the bottom table too..
09:38 Nagaraj : Thanks Suyog
09:39 Uttam : cool Suyog 🙂
09:39 Boppanna : 19830-860 band to break for more downside in BNF
09:39 Shai : +1 MJ
09:40 Uttam : Spot sustaining above 9410 is not good for bears
09:40 Uttam : need to push & stay below it in B period
09:40 Uttam : else bounce coming
09:40 Shai : Did mention yesterday that with vix rising you havr to get quicker in entering and exiting. Your april performance has to be bettered. Can’t work with the speed of April. Go back to March
09:41 Boppanna : +1 Shai
09:41 Uttam : (09:27) Uttam : both get weaker if yPOC taken out(09:27) Uttam : 9354 & 19840(09:30) Uttam : 43k green at 9356
09:42 Govind : Vix still at 42 right? My computer is acting funny…had to reboot 3 times
09:43 Uttam : yes vix down 5% today
09:43 Jitender : 41.91
09:43 Govind : ok thanks guys
09:43 Uttam : boom boom coming?
09:43 Shai : exit NF shorts if any
09:43 Shai : or trail abv 9411
09:44 Suhas : 9500pe from 220 to 198
09:44 Sagar : +1
09:44 Sagar : congo
09:44 Uttam : 9400 seeingsome good greens today
09:44 Govind : Congrats Doc
09:44 Jitender : congo Suhas n Vijay
09:44 Rajan : Congo Doc
09:45 Uttam : mornign 2.2L and now again 45k
09:45 Shai : shouuld go down as an aopen auctiomn now
09:45 Sagar : 63k green
09:46 Boppanna : A high probability inside day Shai?
09:46 Shai : sl 9430
09:46 Shai : will review if 9430 is taken out per morning plan
09:46 MJ : Interesting ib range number.
09:47 Chandrashekhar : Ha ha..
09:47 Boppanna : thx Shai
09:47 Himanshu : Ugs number
09:47 Vijay : charts stuck?
09:47 Uttam : NF needs to sustain above 9400
09:47 Himanshu : Jit – ( 69) IB
09:47 Uttam : 🙂
09:48 Himanshu : Today all UGs lvls will come has number favourig
09:48 Himanshu : Chief- 220K and 64K in NF are SLS
09:48 Himanshu : or Fresh longs will we be ale to figur ethat
09:48 MJ : Yes ug, quite a bit of greens at 9400 level.
09:50 Shai : ignore the 220k- looks like a cash basket orders hedged+ it’s in first 5 mins so won’t consider the COT
09:51 Uttam : oh ok Shai, thanks for the iinput
09:51 MJ : +1
09:51 Jitender : boom…9k green..KiS 🙂
09:52 Tejpreet : 63k green gives quick 25
09:52 Jitender : +1 Tej
09:52 Boppanna : Nice on Tej
09:53 Tejpreet : tks guys
09:53 Ankit : congo tej
09:53 Shai : more selling here
09:53 Uttam : yes
09:53 Ankit : yea
09:53 Sagar : that 63 covered at 350 ?
09:54 Uttam : 9400pe had seen some good writing since morning
09:54 Uttam : lets see that OI covering
09:54 Amit Jain : this 64 exit is top one ?
09:54 Chandrashekhar : 65 K green @ YPoc
09:54 Jitender : 20kpe 504-590 thru
09:54 Shai : bring me 9315 now
09:55 Jitender : peace pipe nw
09:55 Shai : bulls gave up
09:55 Uttam : yes sir
09:55 Chandrashekhar : +1 Jit
09:55 Rajan : +100 sHAI
09:55 Prateeek : +100 shai.
09:55 Vijay : 20.5kpe 871-915
09:55 Chintan : +1
09:55 Prateeek : 9400 pe from 143 to 172
09:55 Jitender : tx CS
09:56 Vijay : Congo Jit
09:56 MJ : nice trade jit.
09:56 Prateeek : done with three trades and 1 dt done. will be patient now.
09:56 Jitender : my 95-60 zone of yday…if sum remember
09:56 Uttam : congo guys
09:56 Boppanna : 830-770 BNF
09:57 Vijay : Yes Jit
09:57 Jitender : 19950-60*(09:56) Jitender : my 95-60 zone of yday…if sum remember
09:57 Ketan : +1 jit
09:57 Shai : +1
09:57 Ankit : +1
09:57 Jitender : _/\_
09:58 Jitender : if only i cud convince chief to do more bnf…maaja aa jayega
09:58 Uttam : 0s at lows in NF plus a 65k green
10:00 Shai : roughlky at 9365- (09:53) Shai : more selling here
10:00 Uttam : fresh reds?
10:00 Uttam : +1
10:05 Suhas : +1 Jit
10:06 Himanshu : morning seller hs 80 Points now
10:07 Chintan : Shai its looks like last week what buyers are doing that job is now sellers are doing
10:08 Shrishti : 9300 pe 18-129 half out
10:09 Shrishti : 118-129
10:10 Sagar : gap almost filled
10:10 Uttam : 9400pe from 159 to 183
10:10 Ankit : bingo uttam
10:10 Ankit : same trade
10:11 Ankit : +1
10:11 Vijay : Congo Guys
10:11 Govind : congo guys
10:12 Shai : 9321 IB Quant rocks again- (09:21) Shai : CAN TEST 9315 WITH SL ABV 9430
10:12 Uttam : 9321 nice number
10:12 Uttam : +100 Shai
10:12 Amit Jain : +1 shai
10:12 Boppanna : +100 Shai
10:12 Tejpreet : Looks like writers day
10:12 Ketan : +1 shai
10:13 Shai : next ref for shorts below 9315 only
10:13 Shrishti : all shorts to be booked
10:13 Shrishti : ?
10:13 Rajan : Thanks Shai
10:14 Shai : yes
10:14 Shai : we wait
10:14 Govind : OAIR right, in both?
10:14 Boppanna : Yes Govind
10:15 Shai : OAIR but expect streaks
10:15 Govind : THanks Bops and Shai
10:16 Shai : 9315- 9430 range test
10:16 Govind : trade small and quick 🙂
10:17 Shai : yes last week POC here- will call it back again and again
10:18 Chintan : +1 shai bops and gov
10:18 Uttam : trifecta at VWAP
10:21 Seshadri : shai last week POC is around 9320?
10:21 Uttam : 9348
10:21 Seshadri : ok. thanks
10:21 Uttam : back to back IB in NF
10:22 Uttam : 55k & 63k COT
10:22 Uttam : BNF also has some good greens
10:22 Boppanna : 15K 22K 23K but needs to push and sustain above vwap
10:22 Boppanna : BNF
10:24 Boppanna : back to 830-860 band
10:25 Sagar : all green cot
10:27 Tejpreet : dpoc still 94k nf?
10:33 Govind : somebody is suggesting wealth tax for additional revenues
10:35 Sanjib : Petrol and diesel prices increased
10:36 Prateeek : those irs officers who did suggested got charge sheeted though. who is the new someone govind
10:37 Govind : sonal varma from nomura
10:38 Govind : economist
10:39 Prateeek : okay. thanks. will read
10:45 Rajesh G : ..
10:46 Sanjib : Straddle writing day
10:46 MJ : @Tp mplite dpoc came down a bit 9384
10:48 Tejpreet : tks MJ , 380 onmy charts
10:48 Sanjib : Sold 9400 Straddle at 280; SL 300
10:49 Suhas : looks like it wil be and inside day
10:49 MJ : Ping pong day Tp.
10:51 Saheer : chart stuck?
10:51 Chandrashekhar : charts fine…no movement in index itself..vey dull
10:52 Uttam : no seems stuck now
10:52 Uttam : room charts
10:52 Tejpreet : Jit …Anuj says this for the day …..Just one of those days where I cannot figure out at all whether its bullish or bearish
10:52 Bhavani : yes stuck..
10:52 Chandrashekhar : yes its stuck now
10:53 Govind : push to 9400 again?
10:53 Kannan : what do you guys generally think of Anuj’s analysis?
10:54 Tejpreet : TV analysis is all Junk , rest Jit can clarify 😉
10:54 Govind : 🙂
10:55 Sagar : spot needs to go above 9400
10:58 Shrishti : charts still stuck
11:00 Chetas : charts back
11:00 Uttam : 9400ce from 122 to 129.3
11:00 Govind : one set of 0s at 9382
11:01 Govind : +1 Uttam
11:01 Uttam : D giving RE?
11:01 Chandrashekhar : +1 Uttam
11:01 Uttam : 9400 key once again
11:03 Sanjib : room chart stuck?
11:04 Sagar : spot at 9400
11:04 Shrishti : ya stuck
11:06 Prateeek : working now for m
11:06 Prateeek : me*
11:07 Shai : flat lined at vwap
11:07 Shai : we have to wait
11:09 Uttam : DD possible Shai?
11:09 Uttam : naarow range & balance in both
11:11 Shai : possible
11:12 Shai : writers have come back today
11:12 Shai : At 9400 ce pe
11:12 Shai : And 9300 pe
11:12 Uttam : yes
11:12 Shai : And 9500 ce
11:15 Jitender : 9500ce saw good writing yday…bth weekly n monthly
11:15 Shai : yes
11:16 Shai : mentioned an entry at 110 sl of 150 yesterday
11:16 Jitender : +1
11:16 Jitender : wat wud be the SC point fr theese guys chief ?
11:17 Shai : singles abv 9430
11:17 Jitender : tx
11:17 Shai : they will cary till we clsoe abv 9510
11:17 Jitender : plus get theta also
11:18 Shai : And vega
11:18 Jitender : +1
11:18 Shai : eyes on vix abv 45
11:18 Shai : so far not confirming
11:18 Shai : so no new lows over yesterday
11:19 Jitender : tis 9500ce is a manageable game…only caveat is gap up….elon musk is on help mode 🙂
11:20 Uttam : 70k red
11:20 Jitender : 130 bps on vwap…danke MP & VT
11:20 Jitender : 3/3
11:22 Boppanna : Congts Jit
11:22 Chandrashekhar : -1 lac cot in NF
11:22 Jitender : tx bro..tis m particularly happy..as finished kiddo’s online class also with her in between
11:23 Ankit : congo jit…hehe thats a feat
11:23 Vijay : @Jit i love the way you trade these type of days, Its a great learning.
11:23 Jitender : dont mess with trend V..as long as its clear and not giving u any contra sign
11:23 Boppanna : D high around 860 BNF
11:24 Jitender : remember turtle…he needs a confirmation to change his path
11:24 Jitender : tx A & V
11:24 Vijay : Perfect +100
11:24 Prateeek : +100 jit. trying to embrace the turtle inside me. keep sharing bro. it helps a lot
11:24 Jitender : thank Shai man…its his baby n vision
11:25 Ankit : +1 jit…turtle equipped with a sniper gun is the key 🙂
11:25 Prateeek : for sure man. grateful to shai .. always… and whole V T team
11:25 Suhas : congrats Jit
11:25 Jitender : +1
11:26 Jitender : Ankit…u r sharp bro…fr a turtle 🙂
11:27 Ankit : trying to tone it down and learn it. jit 🙂
11:27 Jitender : +1
11:27 Ankit : thx 🙂
11:27 Jitender : k..fr u..wats the next stage for a turtle ?
11:27 Ankit : 9295 hoping to see lets see
11:28 Ankit : next stage in terms of trading habit or set up today?
11:28 Jitender : both
11:28 Jitender : not today….
11:28 Shai : Buy 9300 pe at 115 sl of 100 tgt 140
11:29 Favas : 9300 strddle for expiry good idea?
11:29 Ankit : sure.. let me frame it in rigth words and post it
11:29 Jitender : aah..call has come..lets do it later n let the room focus
11:29 Ankit : yes
11:29 Vijay : Chief has a bird in sight 😉
11:30 Uttam : lets get the DDD 😉
11:30 Uttam : DD Down
11:31 Shai : 9315 and 9292 on this COT
11:31 Shai : sl defined at 9392
11:32 Ankit : okay chief
11:41 Boppanna : Uttam’s a) hypo 680 zone is holding BNF
11:42 Uttam : 9400pe OI seeing little bit resduction
11:50 Shai : same auction as yesterday now
11:51 Shai : we struggled to break this and then 9315 also before moving down
11:51 Shai : But hope the bias is clear for all intra day
11:52 Shai : morning gap up was not help and we are seeing a trde below vwap now
11:52 Rajan : +100 Shai
11:52 Shai : stay on the right track
11:52 Shai : was not held**
11:53 Shai : 9375 a trailing slthough 9392 is best on day
11:53 Shai : dpoc should move to 9350 anytime
11:54 Naresh Dubbudu : Shai. Will Eurpean opening again give an upward push?
11:54 Boppanna : Uttam pls let the bots know that there is b hypo in BNF
11:54 Naresh Dubbudu : Can we stay in shorts confidently?
11:54 Uttam : mera DD aayega?
11:54 Shrishti : c hart stuck
11:55 Shai : it’s fine
11:55 Suresh : chart is fine
11:55 Shai : @Naresh trade the screen, not your bias unless you are a positional trader
11:56 Shai : 9315
11:56 Naresh Dubbudu : Sure Shai.
11:56 Chandrashekhar : +100 Shai
11:56 Shai : 1 done- (11:31) Shai : 9315 and 9292 on this COT(11:31) Shai : sl defined at 9392
11:56 Shai : That’s why COT wins!
11:56 Shai : Always forward looking
11:56 Uttam : 9312 needs to be taken out
11:56 Rajan : Yes Chief..thanks
11:57 Boppanna : +1 Shai just did a nice vwap check as well
11:57 Shrishti : book half or stay on?
11:57 Shai : 127 book half in 9300 pe and raise sl to 112 on rest
11:57 MJ : +1 chief.
11:57 Vijay : +1 Chief
11:59 Uttam : right time for that DD extension to come
11:59 Uttam : lets do it guys
12:00 Shai : Add new shorts below 9313 only
12:00 Shai : shoukd give 9292 quickly
12:03 MJ : 109 – 134 thanks shai /\
12:03 MJ : 9300 pe
12:03 MJ : holding 25%
12:04 Prateeek : 9300 pe 116 to 132 booked half. holding half
12:04 Shai : 134 – trail at 127 now- (11:28) Shai : Buy 9300 pe at 115 sl of 100 tgt 140
12:06 Shai : exit 9300 pe
12:06 Shai : trail NF if holding at 9337
12:06 Prateeek : took tsl at 127. thanks shai for ur guidance 🙂
12:09 Shai : Cheers
12:09 Suhas : congrats all
12:09 Ankit : great all shai
12:09 Ankit : *call
12:09 Shai : That 9300 pe has very poor delta
12:10 MJ : nf bell 🙂
12:10 Suhas : grt trade
12:10 MJ : who’s going to press the bell icon?
12:13 Vishnu : nifty in lot ref points of previous week
12:14 Vishnu : hvn 28/4 9362 vpoc of 27/4 9343 vwap of 27/7 9323 vwap of 28/4 9333 and vpoc of 284/4 9307 and yes vwap & vpoc 9357. NTZ for me this
12:15 Uttam : aa gaya halwa wala
12:15 Vishnu : trade only good cot here
12:16 Vishnu : ug stocksup?
12:17 Shrishti : if G goes lower then short?
12:17 Uttam : 9294 & 9272 needed in G
12:17 Uttam : lets get that ext handle
12:18 Shrishti : stopped exactly of val
12:18 Shrishti : f yest
12:18 Uttam : some reds got stuck in that 9312 zone
12:18 Vishnu : hvn of 28/4 9294 and9272 ? ug
12:18 Uttam : can they get support and an exit?
12:18 Uttam : je baat
12:19 Shai : 3 IS
12:19 Shrishti : can we short this?
12:19 Vishnu : +100 shai
12:19 Tejpreet : NF TSL 337, down 40 after hitting 336 +100Shai.
12:20 Shai : yes Shrishti
12:20 Shai : tgt 9262
12:20 Suhas : 9200ce frm 234 to 201
12:20 Suhas : DT booked after long wait
12:21 Vishnu : 9272 val of 28/4
12:21 Uttam : doom doom
12:21 Uttam : 9294 here
12:21 Uttam : (12:17) Uttam : 9294 & 9272 needed in G
12:21 Shai : +1
12:21 Uttam : BNF so close to PDL
12:22 Uttam : 9400pe above 204 can start a new leg
12:22 Uttam : (11:42) Uttam : 9400pe OI seeing little bit resduction
12:24 Shrishti : shai target for 9300 pe?
12:24 Uttam : 9272 coming?
12:24 Shai : 152/ 166 on tghat PE
12:24 Shai : tighten sl on shorts
12:24 Shai : don’t add more
12:25 Shai : 9315 trailing
12:25 Boppanna : Europe open in a few min
12:25 Uttam : no clead DD down so can get back to VWAP or DPOC
12:26 Uttam : 69k green at 9300
12:26 Ankit : 9290 to the dot
12:26 Shai : exit shorts
12:26 Ankit : +1 shai
12:27 Shai : warning was there in COT- (12:24) Shai : tighten sl on shorts
12:27 Shai : there will be quicker days than this
12:27 Shai : have to execute well
12:27 Shai : vix at 43
12:28 Uttam : OAIR and inside prev days Value so moves will be like htis only 🙂
12:28 Shai : should do 9347
12:28 MJ : +1 ug
12:28 Uttam : yes filling up profile process started now
12:29 MJ : Chief get 347++
12:30 Shai : Abv IBL
12:31 MJ : yes watching.
12:31 MJ : 68k greens at work.
12:32 Shai : 9347 big ref here
12:32 Shai : if criossed go long abv vwap
12:32 Sumit Bajaj : 9300ce 160 to 140
12:33 Shai : +1
12:33 Sumit Bajaj : 20000ce 446 to 320
12:34 Vijay : Good one sumit
12:34 Ankit : +1 sumit
12:35 Sumit Bajaj : tks
12:36 MJ : reduced risk at VAL
12:36 Uttam : 8 more mins NF has
12:36 Uttam : if its planing an ext handle lower
12:37 Ankit : break of 9270 would be nice
12:37 Uttam : spot needs to break & stay below 9312
12:38 Ankit : yea
12:39 Gopi : 9300 pe writiers not giving up much
12:39 Shai : NF is all over here
12:39 Shai : stepping back to let it settle
12:40 Suhas : +1 shai
12:40 Uttam : Bops getting ready with his hammer looks like
12:41 Shai : 9300 pe was forced out last 60 mins
12:41 Shai : but yes open guys are stilla round
12:41 Shai : And under water
12:42 Shai : roughly 500000 is the count on 9300 pe under water
12:42 Gopi : shai sries target 8k?
12:42 Ankit : wow
12:42 Ankit : thanks for the insight chief
12:43 Shai : has to be clean below 9300 Gopi for tgt of 8100
12:43 Prakash : Shai, can we have one OF on ATM CE/PE .. we used to have this few mths back
12:43 Gopi : tahnks shai
12:44 Shai : @Prakash 5 min OF has everything
12:44 Shai : It makes the option chart dance
12:44 Himanshu : chief room chart stuck
12:44 Himanshu : ok now shoot up
12:44 Himanshu : working
12:45 Tejpreet : Shai swing SL 9510 ?
12:47 Shai : 9430
12:47 Shai : All that late shoort covered
12:47 Shai : short*
12:48 Shai : we got out much early :)- (12:27) Shai : warning was there in COT- (12:24) Shai : tighten sl on shorts
12:48 Gopi : ohh those greens sc?
12:48 Uttam : +100 Shai
12:48 Vishnu : +100 shai
12:48 Ankit : thx shai
12:48 Shai : 9344- (12:32) Shai : 9347 big ref here
12:49 Tejpreet : tks Chief
12:49 Sagar : id that taken out we go long right ?
12:50 Shai : Abv vwap tgt 9375/ 9410
12:50 Shai : Abv 9357
12:50 Tejpreet : MJ 347 for you
12:51 Shai : is a wild day here
12:51 Shai : hope all of you safe
12:51 MJ : Booked more tp 🙂
12:51 Ankit : yes chief…with the flow 🙂
12:51 Vishnu : yes shai
12:51 Prateeek : yes shai 🙂
12:51 MJ : but at 308ish was all over as chief pointed out. Hence reduced some risk there.
12:52 Tejpreet : ok
12:53 Himanshu : chalo bhai
12:54 Himanshu : vwap ke age aur bhi jahan hai
12:54 Tejpreet : charts stuck ?
12:55 Prateeek : yes. stuck for me
12:55 Himanshu : me alos
12:55 MJ : room chart stuck?
12:55 Chandrashekhar : yes..stuck
12:57 Uttam : (12:25) Uttam : no clead DD down so can get back to VWAP or DPOC
12:57 Uttam : overlapping POC in NF
12:57 Uttam : 9354
12:58 Suhas : yes UG +1
12:58 Uttam : NF is just making yesterday’s ‘b’ profmile more smoother so far
12:58 Govind : vwaps are pretty close to each other too Uttam
12:59 Uttam : 155 to 164 9300ce
12:59 Uttam : day high coming?
12:59 Govind : nice one Uttam
13:00 Govind : 33k @ ywap
13:00 Uttam : made couple of wrong trades today but now its all even steven 🙂 but needed to wkr hard to get parity
13:00 Uttam : boom boom
13:00 Tejpreet : 258 to 281 on monthly 95k ce, holding some for neutral day by Uttam 🙂
13:00 Govind : good greens coming here
13:00 Uttam : (12:59) Uttam : day high coming?
13:00 Govind : blast off
13:00 MJ : Cheers TP. 🙂
13:00 Shai : Buy NF abv 9375 sl of 9347 tgt 9410/ 9430 Buy abv
13:00 Govind : congo Tej
13:01 MJ : 68k did good work.
13:01 Govind : nice COT
13:01 MJ : at 9300
13:01 Uttam : 69k that was MJ
13:01 Uttam : number is imp
13:01 Govind : haha
13:01 Shai : 9500 ce aggressive longs now with sl of 62 cmp 75
13:01 MJ : lol sorry sorry bhai
13:01 Tejpreet : tks guys
13:01 MJ : maafi.
13:01 Shai : have also closed ny shorts in 9500 ce
13:01 Boppanna : BNF 860 check coming
13:01 MJ : aye chief same pinch.
13:02 Prakash : Any NEWs..??
13:02 Vijay : world markets\
13:03 Shai : My broker is gibing short trades in NF from 9321 🙂
13:03 Uttam : lol
13:03 Tejpreet : lol
13:03 Vijay : haha
13:03 Govind : COT is closing in on 2L
13:03 Govind : He is just a tad late Shai 🙂
13:03 Himanshu : 69 _ IB did magic
13:03 Rajan : 9 consecutive blue COT 5-min bars
13:04 Boppanna : If H can move that 860 day high coming there as well
13:04 Govind : 62k in BNF is significant
13:04 Shai : Yes
13:04 Shai : (12:32) Shai : 9347 big ref here
13:04 Shai : =ref always changes COT
13:04 MJ : +100
13:04 Uttam : had mentioned this yesterday – 14:53 Uttam : new low post 2:15 has a nice set up for the week 🙂
13:05 MJ : moved into ces above the ref.
13:05 MJ : super chief. 🙂
13:05 MJ : COT = BADASS!
13:06 MJ : UG enlighten more on that setup.
13:06 Vishnu : 9348-9379 did
13:06 Vishnu : 0s at lows of 30 min
13:06 Boppanna : SL below vwap+filter for that DH view in BNF
13:07 MJ : Works on any day or Monday?
13:08 Shai : move sl to 71 and hold- (13:01) Shai : 9500 ce aggressive longs now with sl of 62 cmp 75
13:08 Uttam : 9300ce needs to stay above 180
13:10 Boppanna : moving SL to 800 now 860 needs to sustain in H
13:10 Sagar : i am in in 9300 CE from 150
13:10 Uttam : Bops not using the hammer?
13:10 Vishnu : 9400 oi weekly 15.99 l vs 8.09l ce/pe
13:11 Sagar : cot still positive
13:11 Boppanna : Stopped
13:11 Boppanna : Uttam 860 ref for me
13:12 Boppanna : boom boom only above that
13:12 Boppanna : 🙂
13:13 Uttam : hmmm
13:13 Rajiv Ohri : JIT push the SPX 5 points and let get DH
13:13 Shai : exit this at 9377 here cost- (13:00) Shai : Buy NF abv 9375 sl of 9347 tgt 9410/ 9430 Buy abv
13:14 Shai : Also exit the CE at 83 cmp or can trail at 76 cost
13:16 Uttam : tom could be a good day 🙂
13:16 Boppanna : +1 Uttam
13:16 Uttam : expiry before expiry types
13:16 Uttam : _/\_ timing – (13:13) Shai : exit this at 9377 here cost- (13:00) Shai : Buy NF abv 9375 sl of 9347 tgt 9410/ 9430 Buy abv
13:17 Uttam : ideal close would be at the 2-day POC pf 9354 in NF
13:17 Uttam : 19840-19800 in BNF
13:17 Uttam : though still lot of time left today
13:18 Rajesh G : shai very good exit what was the reason
13:18 Tejpreet : Uttam neutral day har do then close at 9354 🙂
13:18 Tejpreet : kar
13:19 Uttam : Tej pushing for RE up
13:20 Tejpreet : My pushing won’t help biggies need to print those zeros.
13:21 Sumit Bajaj : @shai reason for exit
13:22 Uttam : we had 2 bars on 5mins where POC of the bar was at 9375
13:22 Uttam : kind of RS
13:23 Chetas : earlier when shai send a message, i used to get a sound. Now a days i dont get it, any ideas why
13:24 Uttam : check the settings on bottom left side Chetas
13:24 Sanjib : I think it was Announcement earlier, so we used to get the sound
13:25 Uttam : top right you have the setting ico
13:25 Uttam : icon
13:25 Sanjib : Nowadays it’s in the main chat,
13:25 Uttam : in that select audio notifications
13:25 Chetas : yes its on
13:25 VaibhavG : its on but no sound
13:26 Chetas : i think Sanjib logic is correct, if is a nnouncement then sound bell comes
13:26 Uttam : 30min IB turned to RS in prev bar
13:26 Sanjib : Like when the 5 min and 30 min chart is posted in the morning
13:26 Sanjib : we get sound
13:26 Uttam : so we need good COT above 9375
13:26 Chetas : Cheif has to be deicde whether to announce or not 🙂
13:26 Shai : test
13:26 Sanjib : yes
13:26 Chetas : yes sounds
13:26 Sanjiv : worked
13:26 Prateeek : yes
13:26 Santhosh null : s@
13:26 Uttam : all messages by admin gives sound
13:27 Chetas : ok.
13:27 Sanjib : No UG, we used to get sound only when it’s posted in Announcement Tab
13:27 Uttam : oh ok may be some setting had changed on Omnavia
13:28 Uttam : never realised, before all msgs from Shai used to give a alert
13:29 Shai : too well centred thse 2 days here at 9360 +/-
13:29 Sanjib : +1 with sound 🙂
13:29 Uttam : tom giving blast off Shai ;)?
13:29 Shai : yes
13:29 Uttam : Amen 🙂
13:29 Sagar : not i can hear the sound
13:30 Uttam : Shai had muted himself looks like 😉
13:30 Favas : +1 sound
13:30 Rajesh G : shai can we buy some bear spread monthly
13:30 Chintan : speaking ?
13:31 Chintan : no sound here
13:31 Uttam : no one is speaking Chintan
13:31 Chintan : ok
13:31 Uttam : only an audio alert comes when Shai posts a message
13:31 Chintan : accha
13:31 Chintan : 🙂
13:32 Uttam : so when you hear that sound you know you need to leav everthing and get back to the chat tab 😉
13:33 Chetas : BNF wants to move?
13:33 Uttam : NF too
13:33 Chetas : uttam – ready above 860?
13:33 Suhas : EVEN NF
13:34 Uttam : 23k green in BNF at 19900
13:34 Vijay : 19.5ce 680-725
13:35 Uttam : congo Vijay
13:36 Vijay : thanks UG
13:38 Boppanna : Big volumes in this bar BNF
13:39 Shai : Nf ready to move higher
13:40 Chetas : spx hitting day high
13:40 Suhas : abve dvah shd move quickly
13:40 Suhas : to days high
13:40 Shai : 9410 and 9430
13:41 Chintan : great alert
13:41 Uttam : boom boom
13:41 Boppanna : part out 950 ..Jit’s ref
13:41 Suhas : 9500pe from 227 to 197
13:42 Shai : 9365 sl from here now- (13:39) Shai : Nf ready to move higher
13:42 Suhas : +1
13:42 Chetas : someone wanted spx push of 5pts, we have it now
13:42 MJ : 9300 nf longs out
13:44 Boppanna : all out
13:44 Vijay : +1 bops
13:44 Vijay : 19950 acting as stiff resistance
13:45 Boppanna : Jit ref is always rock solid
13:45 Jitender : 944-840 half thru…4/4
13:45 Shai : NF lon gs out
13:46 Chetas : spx fell 10pts
13:46 Boppanna : Jit Neighour’s envy VT’s pride 🙂
13:46 Jitender : right at 951 Chetas 🙂
13:46 Vijay : +100 Jit
13:46 Jitender : u guys r better than me BoPs…just a normal trader
13:46 Vishnu : +100 jit
13:47 Shai : +1
13:47 Chintan : +1000 jit
13:47 Jitender : _/\_ chief n guys
13:47 Shai : Below vwap NF for 9327 again
13:47 Jitender : missed lot of moves due to 2nd class of kid…but first time zerodha alert worked 🙂
13:47 Shai : fast churing mkt
13:48 Jitender : all out 800 (13:45) Jitender : 944-840 half thru…4/4
13:48 Boppanna : awesome Jit hats off
13:48 Jitender : tx man
13:48 Amit N : Amazing Jit
13:49 Ketan : +1 jit
13:49 Sanjib : Great, Jit
13:49 Jitender : tx guys
13:49 Shai : trap and trap
13:50 Jitender : OAIR chief
13:50 Shai : now the bugger will rest at 9350
13:50 Jitender : milking day
13:50 Shai : yes Jit
13:50 Jitender : missed the upmove fromm 600-950..but no regrets
13:50 Himanshu : uper fast like
13:50 Shai : 10 more in NF would have got an exit
13:50 Himanshu : march
13:53 Prateeek : this fall in global markets may be related to the german constitutional bench order on th elegality of the QE by ECB. order came wherein judges said some action by ecb is unconstiutional
13:53 Prateeek : legality*
13:53 Govind : Dax is up 2% Prateek
13:53 Boppanna : globe is up Prateek no?
13:54 Prateeek : yup. true that. its up. but the order came annd 10 points odd fall maybe due to this. the news just broke.
13:54 Boppanna : oh ok
13:55 Chetas : but spx now recevered, s just a knee jerk action
13:55 Chetas : *so
13:56 Chetas : shai, above 9375, again buy?
13:56 Jitender : dpoc gttng fatter in nf
13:57 Uttam : one new high will be nice as Tej said and then close at dpoc
14:01 Uttam : big red cot in both
14:02 Chintan : Global indices in 30m chart coming down …
14:02 Tejpreet : IS killing it Uttam
14:02 Uttam : yes Tej
14:02 Jitender : 19.3pe 253-315…5/5
14:02 Tejpreet : looks like all DH SL cleared in this cot
14:02 Tejpreet : +1 Jit
14:02 Uttam : congo Jit
14:02 Jitender : back into rotation Tej
14:02 Chintan : below vwap 9327 shai mention is here
14:02 Chintan : +1
14:03 Jitender : 9450ce 94.30 -80 (13:56) Jitender : dpoc gttng fatter in nf
14:03 Jitender : tx guys
14:04 Sumit Bajaj : 20000ce 410 to 350
14:04 Jitender : grt
14:05 Jitender : Sumit u do ITM…hope u have yr risk parameters in place…
14:05 Sumit Bajaj : learning from jit
14:05 Sumit Bajaj : yes
14:05 Shrishti : Shai IS with huge Cot at VAL is not bearish?
14:05 Jitender : u r a pro man
14:06 Chintan : small trade 9338 to 20
14:06 Jitender : howz yr day going Chints
14:06 Sumit Bajaj : not as swift as u are
14:06 Chintan : doing good jit
14:07 Jitender : i wish i was swift…
14:07 Chintan : near to 1DT
14:07 Chintan : 🙂
14:07 Suhas : day is not atall swift Sumit…
14:07 Jitender : good to hear Chintan
14:07 Chintan : thanks 🙂
14:07 Jitender : bnk back (13:50) Jitender : missed the upmove fromm 600-950..but no regrets
14:08 Jitender : classic OAIR today
14:08 Suhas : +1 Jit
14:08 Jitender : cheers doc…u r rockn today as well
14:08 Chintan : yes
14:09 Suhas : Thanx Jit
14:09 Uttam : RS + IS on 30min in NF
14:09 Suhas : Late Ltif aya kya
14:09 Chintan : hehe
14:09 Suhas : let him come with more power
14:10 Chintan : +1 UG
14:10 Shrishti : Uttam why dont the signs of IS and RS show on 30 min chart?
14:10 Jitender : 17.8pe 26-38 good quantity in positional
14:11 Vijay : superb
14:11 Jitender : its just 12bps…but made up fr the qty fr positional acc DT
14:11 Sanjib : 9500 CE 76 to 58.5
14:11 Jitender : +1
14:11 Prateeek : see DAX now. that news was material imo
14:12 Uttam : new lows coming
14:12 Jitender : wat news Prattek ?
14:12 Jitender : Prateek
14:12 Suhas : I want that 9260 spot
14:12 Prateeek : See DAX now. that news was material imo
14:13 Shrishti : can we enter fresh shorts here?
14:13 Chintan : yes prateek
14:13 Suhas : out
14:13 Prateeek : constituional bench of germany gave an order that some part of the ECB qe was unconstiutional
14:13 Jitender : oh..tx
14:13 Himanshu : SO ECb will report to judicry now then Politcians
14:14 Suhas : thanx pratik
14:14 Himanshu : the ony weapon they have is QE
14:14 Prateeek : I am a student of law and you cant undermine judiciary when central banks are already in uncharted territory
14:15 VaibhavG : can shorts be entered here shai
14:15 Shai : RR equal here for shoirts
14:15 Shai : not a good lcoation
14:15 Jitender : wat time was the news ?
14:15 Shai : 9290- 9334 again
14:16 Uttam : can spike lower
14:16 Jitender : yup
14:16 Shai : shoirt was right at vwap break- (13:47) Shai : Below vwap NF for 9327 again
14:17 Prateeek : 30 mins ago approx. @jit
14:17 Suhas : twist
14:17 Uttam : aa gaya spike
14:17 Suhas : :0
14:18 Jitender : tx P
14:18 Suhas : 9260 on way
14:18 Chintan : out last one at 9286
14:19 Shrishti : three IS in a row
14:22 Uttam : 9272 cometh?
14:22 Prateeek : posted the new item and brief detail on slack.
14:22 Suhas : doom doom
14:22 Uttam : (14:12) Uttam : new lows coming
14:22 Prateeek : news*
14:23 Boppanna : +1 Prateek
14:23 Suhas : UG ghee shakkar
14:24 Uttam : guys be careful with shorts
14:24 Uttam : as close oculd be back at the dpoc
14:24 Uttam : 2day compo it is
14:24 Uttam : keep trailing
14:24 Uttam : not getting s cleean break lower
14:25 Suhas : +1
14:26 MJ : ug today also lows after 2.15?
14:27 Uttam : 922 here
14:27 Uttam : 9272
14:27 Chintan : 9245 timr. low ?
14:28 Jitender : 610-500..half book..
14:28 Jitender : tis one all tx to u Prateek
14:28 Chintan : 9290 to 9270
14:28 Chintan : +1 jit
14:28 Prateeek : thanks jit… hope i was able to contribute to this forum
14:28 Jitender : u def did bro
14:28 Uttam : 9222 coming?
14:28 Chintan : yes prateek
14:29 Prateeek : 🙂
14:29 Vishnu : yes low support taken
14:31 Uttam : could go
14:31 Uttam : 9222 seen
14:31 Jitender : +1
14:31 Jitender : jai ho…(09:57) Jitender : 19950-60*(09:56) Jitender : my 95-60 zone of yday…if sum remember
14:32 Ketan : super Jit !
14:32 Jitender : more book at 390…1/3rd left (14:28) Jitender : 610-500..half book..
14:32 Uttam : b) The auction gets weak below 9272 for a test of 9250-40 / 9222 / 9189-77** / 9142-11 & 9093
14:32 Jitender : beautiful n timely OAIR brk as Shai says after 2pm
14:33 Uttam : 9240 done below it 9222 could come
14:33 Jitender : Prateek..u r a beaut
14:33 Uttam : thats a combo of bauty & beast Jit 😉
14:34 Jitender : 🙂
14:34 Prateeek : thank u brothers 🙂
14:34 Prateeek : converted my 1 DT to 1.6 DT
14:34 Jitender : Prateek..he means me wen he says beast…so u r the beaut
14:34 Jitender : congo P
14:34 Prateeek : haha
14:35 Uttam : fresh ext handle coming in L?
14:36 Uttam : 9226 nw low in NF
14:36 Jitender : shrts cvrn in tranches
14:36 Uttam : hello 9222
14:36 Govind : Spot below weekly VAL Uttam
14:37 Uttam : (14:28) Uttam : 9222 coming?
14:37 Uttam : yes Gov
14:37 Jitender : all out 374 (14:32) Jitender : more book at 390…1/3rd left (14:28) Jitender : 610-500..half book..
14:37 Jitender : Tej…bettered yday
14:37 Jitender : but by thin line
14:37 Sumit Bajaj : 19800ce 370 to 300
14:38 Tejpreet : +1 Jit
14:39 Jitender : tx bro
14:39 Suhas : downfalls are always exciting..upside is boring
14:39 Rajan : 9400 PE – 157 to 231
14:39 Uttam : wow Rajan super
14:39 Vishnu : good rajan
14:39 Uttam : congo
14:39 Vijay : Nice Rajan
14:39 Suhas : congo Rajan
14:39 Jitender : awesum Rajan..straight sixer
14:40 Rajan : Thanks all
14:40 Jitender : wat did u eat fr breakfast
14:40 Tejpreet : +1 Rajan
14:40 Rajan : though only 1 lot…learning from you all guys
14:40 Jitender : process matters..money follows
14:40 Uttam : (14:09) Uttam : RS + IS on 30min in NF(14:12) Uttam : new lows coming
14:41 Rajan : Yes brother…learning it everyday with you all
14:41 Govind : Congrats Rajan
14:41 Uttam : lethal combo of RS+IS doing it yet again
14:41 Govind : Congo to all! Great day to trade and understand the VT process
14:41 Rajan : Your comment Uttam gave me the trade
14:41 Shrishti : but why couldnt i see it on 30 min chart Uttam? RS plus IS?
14:41 Uttam : go through the concepts & conditions Shrishti
14:41 MJ : cheers all!
14:42 Shai : Sell NF 9252 sl of 9282 tgt 9208
14:42 Uttam : once you understand them you do not need the automatic tickers
14:42 Uttam : thanks Shai
14:42 Govind : and Shai is giving us more, some desert 🙂
14:42 Uttam : 9177 please
14:42 Shrishti : ok on 30 min aurimatic tickers donr come..
14:42 Uttam : they do
14:43 Uttam : but if you know the conditions you can make them out yourself
14:43 Uttam : ‘L’ starts here
14:48 Shai : 9237 break swipes it lower
14:48 Uttam : comeon guys lets do it
14:49 Jitender : sbi has 20% OI addition today
14:49 Jitender : hope no cockroaches come out tere
14:49 Jitender : llot of family accounts in it
14:49 Govind : too big to fail Jit
14:50 Jitender : hope so
14:50 Chintan : exactly Gov.
14:50 Uttam : b) The auction has immediate support at 19600-570 below which it could test levels of 19500-444 / 19331-316 / 19275 / 19185-125 & 19020
14:50 Uttam : BNF low so far 19330
14:51 Shai : sbin huge sellers at 172
14:51 Uttam : 19240 2ib in BNF
14:51 Uttam : below that 19020 could come
14:52 Shai : 9214 book 3/4th- (14:42) Shai : Sell NF 9252 sl of 9282 tgt 9208
14:52 Govind : Shai, can we carry anything overnight, monthly PEs?
14:52 Jitender : +1 Shai
14:52 Shai : yes
14:52 Shai : just this break was refering to
14:52 Shai : missed that early leg down but wanted to short retest
14:52 Shai : 9260 was perfect
14:53 Uttam : 9312 to 9213 NF 🙂
14:53 Uttam : playing games
14:53 Chintan : +1 shai
14:53 Uttam : with 123
14:53 Jitender : was 78 ten..now 38 (11:19) Jitender : tis 9500ce is a manageable game…only caveat is gap up….elon musk is on help mode 🙂
14:53 Uttam : BNF 19240 here almost
14:53 Uttam : 19250 low
14:53 Uttam : gaya
14:53 Chintan : you need 9123 UG ?
14:54 Chintan : hehe
14:54 Uttam : 9177 first
14:54 Shai : (09:01) Shai : bears dominate below 9340 gain for 9190 later in day
14:54 Uttam : then 9013.2 chalega ;-p
14:54 Naresh Dubbudu : Closed in green after being in red all day,
14:54 Jitender : grt Naresh
14:54 Uttam : congo Naresh
14:54 Uttam : green is what matters
14:54 Ketan : +1 shai
14:54 Govind : 118 to 139 9200PE, last trade for the day
14:54 Shrishti : shai still holding 25%
14:54 Shrishti : shorts
14:54 Naresh Dubbudu : Thank Jit & Uttam.
14:54 Uttam : room charts stuck
14:55 Uttam : BNF going for 19020?
14:55 Chintan : greak naresh
14:55 Amit Jain : yupp
14:55 Chintan : *grt
14:55 Rajan : Congo Naresh
14:56 Swapnil : charts stuck?
14:56 Shai : short only below 9187 now
14:56 Shai : close shorts
14:56 Shai : tgt below 9187 is 9130 close
14:56 Shrishti : charts stuck
14:56 Prakash : COT is all green..
14:57 Shrishti : shai can we hold positional shorts?
14:57 Shrishti : monthly 8800 pe
14:58 Gopi : blue cot mean booking shorts
14:58 Shai : carry is we close below 9190
14:58 Shrishti : ok thank you
15:00 Uttam : spot close below 9209 is bearish
15:00 Rajan : +1 Uttam
15:01 Uttam : you know it Rajan 🙂
15:01 Uttam : its there in the monthly report also
15:01 Rajan : For the confirmation Uttam
15:02 Uttam : 9208.35 new lows in spot just now
15:03 Shai : diff to break 9187 on this COT
15:03 Shai : let’s see
15:03 Uttam : yes most of the shorts booked Shai?
15:03 Uttam : but Fiis have changed their positions quickly & swiftly
15:03 Uttam : can get fresh reds into the close
15:03 Govind : 9201.95 spot
15:03 Uttam : 9169 coming in it looks like Gov
15:04 Govind : bring it bring it
15:04 Uttam : close below 9209 is good enough 🙂
15:04 Govind : need to pick a monthly PE to carry, once we go and stay below 9190
15:04 Jitender : howz the josh Guys
15:05 Uttam : high sir 🙂
15:05 Vijay : High Sir
15:05 Rajan : high sir
15:05 Jitender : (11:23) Jitender : dont mess with trend V..as long as its clear and not giving u any contra sign
15:05 Santhosh null : fantastic sir
15:05 Jitender : though half credit goes to Prateek also
15:05 Amit Jain : high high
15:05 Uttam : (09:18) Uttam : needs to get in to that selling tail of 9422(09:18) Uttam : high so far 9420
15:05 Govind : Josh is good Jit, vix made new highs
15:06 Jitender : good to see room in green….
15:06 Uttam : (09:40) Uttam : Spot sustaining above 9410 is not good for bears
15:06 Jitender : tis is called precision (15:03) Shai : diff to break 9187 on this COT
15:06 Jitender : claps
15:07 Sanjib : +100
15:07 Uttam : +1000
15:07 Govind : Anuj is calling VT a genius
15:07 Suhas : +1
15:07 Ketan : +1 shi
15:07 Vishnu : +100 jit
15:07 Ketan : +1 shai
15:07 Vishnu : and all green players
15:07 Govind : +1 Shai
15:07 MJ : Super chief.
15:07 Amit N : +100 Shai
15:07 Shai : _/\_
15:07 Govind : Anuj said it would’ve taken a genius to catch all the moves
15:07 Prateeek : +1 shai. as always. super se bhi upar
15:07 Santhosh null : s big green
15:08 Jitender : and Gov as Uttam wud say…a beast too
15:08 Jitender : tats fr me 🙂
15:08 Govind : oh yeah, ref levels are amazing
15:08 Govind : trade from ref to ref on days like today
15:08 Jitender : now guys 2 good days on a trot…pls dont come excited tomorrow
15:08 MJ : Chief that 9347 too good tha.
15:09 Jitender : and less vols for tomorrow
15:09 Suhas : +1 Jit
15:09 Rajan : +100 Jit
15:09 Jitender : be sharp as Shai says..n we will hunt
15:09 MJ : Yes Jit. very imp self note.
15:09 Uttam : tom’s move will be much cleaner Jit I feel 🙂
15:09 Uttam : one direction
15:09 Jitender : cool
15:09 Prateeek : i just wrote it down in my diary – the first thing for tomm.
15:09 Vijay : Chief premium from dicount to neutral in NF
15:09 Tejpreet : hopefulyy not a gap Uttam
15:09 Govind : Ghee and sugar for you Uttam (to steal Jit’s line)
15:10 Arun : can we carry overnight shorts from here ?
15:10 Uttam : spot wants that 9169?
15:10 Uttam : time running out
15:10 Suhas : +1
15:10 Jitender : #keep markets open
15:10 Govind : Arun, pls see Shai’s message above at 2:58pm
15:11 Uttam : no holidays for next 4 months Jit 🙂 Gov confriemd that
15:11 Govind : 21 weeks Uttam
15:11 Uttam : super
15:11 Shai : one more IB extension lower
15:11 Govind : Oct 2nd is the next one
15:11 Shai : now who is in control?
15:11 Uttam : Jit 😉
15:11 Govind : Haha
15:12 Shrishti : Shai its so close to 9190 how to decide where close is:)…carry or not?
15:12 Suhas : :))
15:12 Jitender : God save us from corona _/\_
15:12 MJ : shai open reference for shorts?
15:12 Arun : 9190
15:12 MJ : ext handle?
15:12 Shai : @Shrishti carry 50% if you must, but most of us will trade off open prices tom on spike rules
15:12 Shai : easier to manage that way
15:13 Govind : +1 Shai
15:13 Shai : 9365 -9277 ref zone
15:13 Shrishti : ok thank you
15:13 Shai : 9265- 9277*
15:13 MJ : Thanksbossman.
15:21 Naresh Dubbudu : True Govind. Day trading is not holding a bias for hours & hours.
15:21 Prateeek : I was a newbie here once and it gets a little tricky in the beginning. the key is to trade when you get the gist and confidence to trade the view.
15:21 Sanjib : +1 Prateeek
15:21 Ankit : Its a science of probablity…once we all accept it mentaly…all these wont be an issue:)
15:22 Naresh Dubbudu : Market changes qucikly. Specially on days like this. I was red all day. Made money and turned green in the last hour.
15:22 Prateeek : commentary is equal to reading the tape. which seniors give and is always helpful. you trade only when u get in sync with the tape i believe
15:22 Ankit : Guys, if someone has any concern lets address it… nothing to feel cornered 🙂
15:23 Shai : Break below 9270 F today first time in 2 weeks
15:23 Shai : need follow up tom
15:23 Suhas : +1 Shai
15:23 Ankit : +1 chief
15:23 Prateeek : +1 Ankit
15:23 Chintan : +1 shai
15:23 MJ : Chief COT good enough for lower?
15:23 Gopi : thanks chief
15:23 Govind : needs f/u he said MJ
15:23 MJ : Or come fresh tomorrow?
15:24 Rajan : @Shai – 2-days of IBL RE 🙂
15:24 Vijay : This is a very positive and open forum, Anyone who is having difficulty will get great help from a lot of experts here, We have a wealth of knowledge her.
15:24 Suhas : ba Gap down na ho..it shd give nice chance to VT tigers
15:24 Sanjib : shutter close. Thank u guys, see you tmrw
15:24 Suren : lot of buying in last 1 hr
15:24 Suhas : 🙂
15:24 Shrishti : short coverig i guess
15:24 Chintan : bye sanjib
15:24 Suhas : short covering
15:24 Sanjib : Bye Chintan
15:25 Chandrashekhar : +1 Amit
15:25 Suhas : +1 Amit
15:25 MJ : Thanks Gov. Read that.
15:25 Vishnu : usually prior to vt i thought that nothing can do in 5 min . but joined vt anyhting can happen in 5 min , tht wht i understand
15:26 Prateeek : the great example is the buy 9500 CE given today, we were asked to exit in 5 minutes. thats being nimble.
15:29 MJ : Have a nice day guys 🙂
15:29 Tejpreet : Bye All.
15:29 Uttam : 🙂 _/\_ cheers
15:29 Manikandan : bye all
15:29 Vishnu : bye all amzing day lamost 2.1 dt
15:29 Jitender : Mj…u r banned from my side 😉
15:29 Uttam : thanks guys & have a lovely evening
15:29 Naresh Dubbudu : By everyone. Have a good day.
15:29 MJ : bas na 🙂
15:29 Suhas : Thanx all
15:29 Suhas : hv nice evng
15:29 Chandrashekhar : Thanks all, Bye now
15:30 Rajan : Bye all
15:30 Dhananjayan : Bye all
15:30 Santhosh null : bye all
15:33 Himanshu : Bye all
15:33 Chintan : bye all