Many traders are used to viewing volume as a histogram beneath a price chart. But the Order Flow approach shows the amount of volume traded during each price bar, and also it breaks this volume down into the Volume generated by the Buyers and the Volume generated by the sellers again at every row of price the market traded at.
An Order Flow trader can actually see exactly what is happening in the market as it happens. Once you are able to understand what is happening in the present, you are able to make far better decisions about what might happen in the future. Order Flow provides traders with vision into market activity.
Room Chat
09:03 Shai : (09:01) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts –
09:34 Shai : Intra – Buy BNF 28680- 690 sl of 28600 tgt 28840
09:58 Shai : (09:58) Shai : BNF make exits
10:59 Shai : (10:59) Shai : Intra – Buy 11250 pe at 113 sl of 93 tgt 141/ 152
11:17 Shai : (11:17) Shai : Make xits in the 11250 pe at 114 cmp near cost
11:27 Shai : (11:26) Shai : Intra – short NFR 11277- 11280 sl of 11307 tgt 11240 . Trdae smnall as mkt volatile
11:30 Shai : (11:26) Shai : Intra – short NFR 11277- 11280 sl of 11307 tgt 11240 . Trdae smnall as mkt volatile
11:33 Shai : (11:33) Shai : Close out NF at 11258
15:20 Shai : (15:20) Shai : Reminder – webinar tom at 11.30 am –
09:02 Shai : GM all
09:03 Shai :
09:03 Dr Prajwal null : gm
09:03 KK : GM
09:04 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:05 Uttam : Shai waiting for the new weapons that are being launched today 😉
09:05 Manish : GM all
09:08 Vipul : GM all
09:08 Shai : :)- (09:05) Uttam : Shai waiting for the new weapons that are being launched today 😉
09:09 Shai : 15:06 Shai : see a bounce coming
09:09 Shai : 15:12 Shai : BNf looking for a snap back tom onb this COT15:12 Shai : 28380 doable tom
09:11 Manish : That was superb analysis shai. Really amazed. Hope to learn lot from you
09:12 Nishchal : GM All
09:12 Shai : +1 Manish
09:12 Shai : Let’s take this forward from today
09:14 Uttam : bumper opening in BNF 🙂
09:19 Shai : 11320/ 11347 firdst supply
09:22 Uttam : BNf for 28580?
09:22 Shai : BNF rising still for 28632
09:23 Azmath : @ Shai, looking forward for the new weapons, anything on charts we need to look for.
09:27 Shai : Charts are fine – and are in the best shape
09:27 Shai : NF shoukd struggle at 11347
09:27 Shai : let’s see
09:28 Uttam : a) Sustaining above 11253, NF can probe higher to 11270-282 / 11298-316 & 11345
09:28 Uttam : check high in NF 🙂
09:28 Uttam : Rs coming in NF
09:29 Uttam : (09:14) Uttam : bumper opening in BNF :)(09:22) Uttam : BNf for 28580?
09:29 Shai : BNF si still strong
09:29 Uttam : Done
09:29 Uttam : yep
09:29 Uttam : start above 28220 was bullish
09:29 Uttam : 28650-700 on cards?
09:31 Uttam : fresh boom
09:31 Uttam : NF on for 11372?
09:32 Uttam : 71k red at 11350
09:32 Shai : 11225 buyer booking here
09:34 Uttam : whoah
09:34 Uttam : done (09:31) Uttam : NF on for 11372?
09:34 Shai : Intra – Buy BNF 28680- 690 sl of 28600 tgt 28840
09:35 Uttam : 11400-406 next ref in NF
09:36 Uttam : looks like 11430 coming inside IB
09:36 Shai : yes this is driving now
09:36 Uttam : yep
09:36 Shai : ckleared 11350 smootth
09:36 Shai : 0’s at 11350 near supp
09:36 Uttam : +1
09:37 Uttam : 11300ce writers yet to be taken out looks like?
09:42 Niraj : sir do previous poc act as support and resitance levels
09:43 Manish : Almost hit SL. Just saved
09:44 Shai : 28600/ 11348 levels of the IB for drive
09:45 Shai : yes – that is basics of market profile- (09:42) Niraj : sir do previous poc act as support and resitance levels
09:46 Shai : Hold BNF trade with sl of 28577
09:46 Shai : we will give this 25 more points
09:46 Boppanna : vwap test
09:47 Niraj : sir are you following pivot points for crucial levelds
09:48 Niraj : levels
09:48 Surinder Sihag : sl before amend
09:49 Boppanna : BNF gave a clean hypo c) move so far c) Above 28430, BNF can probe higher to 28486-525 / 28565-590 & 28650-700
09:51 Jitender : vwap line missn in 5 min chrt?
09:54 Shai : It’s there
09:54 Shai : BNf struggling
09:55 Manish : hold or get out ?
09:55 Shai : hold
09:55 Nidhi : stop of 577 in the system?
09:55 Manish : VWAP @562
09:56 Shai : yes add in system in IB
09:58 Manish : hit
09:58 Shai : BNF make exits
09:59 Shai : Not sure what BNF is upto here
09:59 Shai : morning buyers in trouble
09:59 Niraj : can we initiate short
10:00 Uttam : vwap of a drive fails so day low coming?
10:02 Uttam : remains weak if stays below 28535
10:02 Uttam : 28450 immediate sup
10:02 Jitender : hv u observed that in big moves of bnf nowadays…dpoc becomes more relevant as a ref than vwap
10:03 Jitender : (10:00) Uttam : vwap of a drive fails so day low coming?
10:03 MJ : Bossman. Good morning. 🙂 Quants for our access via slack/charts?
10:03 Jitender : trend days va r nt relevant
10:03 MJ : Quite excited to see what’s happening in VT lab 🙂
10:03 Jitender : n everyday we r gettn trand days in ATR terms
10:04 Uttam : NF needs to get above 11360 & BNF 28570
10:06 Jitender : q fr all…wat is one thing tat has changed today from last few sessions ?
10:07 MJ : Shai 5 min high/low value you’ve added to the 5 min chart?
10:07 Niraj : PRICE
10:12 Jitender : nope
10:17 Shai : P forming
10:17 Niraj : Sir 28620 to 590 heavy volumes are coming on bank nifty can we treat as immediate resistance
10:18 Uttam : D period ext needed Shai?
10:18 Shai : may not
10:18 Uttam : yes weekly also we are in a balance
10:19 Shai : Big volumes have dropped off
10:20 Prakash : Very flat
10:22 Niraj : sir when volumes are low does that is no trade zone
10:24 Shai : scalping comes
10:24 Prakash : Low volume – No direction to mkt
10:25 Shai : 11376- 11324 mode
10:26 Vijay : BNF lvls shai?
10:26 Shai : 28420 supp below
10:27 Vijay : ok]
10:27 AmitN : Jit, what is the answer to your Q?
10:28 Jitender : dm on slck will ans
10:29 AmitN : ok
10:29 Uttam : 0s at 28500 in BNF
10:30 Uttam : NF has an IS at 11352
10:30 Niraj : sir can we say any selling as inititaive selling even if it has low volumes
10:31 Uttam : (10:00) Uttam : vwap of a drive fails so day low coming?
10:32 Uttam : BNF made an attmept to get above that 28570 but got rejected
10:32 Uttam : late longs being pushed out here
10:32 Uttam : BNF back at open price
10:32 Uttam : 28300
10:32 Jitender : in at 310bn
10:33 Uttam : new lows
10:33 Uttam : Doen (10:31) Uttam : (10:00) Uttam : vwap of a drive fails so day low coming?
10:33 Niraj : sir heavy shorts
10:34 Uttam : (10:29) Uttam : 0s at 28500 in BNF(10:30) Uttam : NF has an IS at 11352
10:34 Uttam : C period ext in BNF
10:35 Uttam : going for that 28150-130 tag?
10:35 Uttam : crazy jumps in prices
10:37 Jitender : out at 301
10:37 Jitender : 10 bps+ brk loss
10:39 Uttam : fresh selling in NF?
10:39 Uttam : boom
10:41 Shai : wtf BNF
10:41 Jitender : wat an escape
10:41 Shai : whacked if you were positioinal
10:43 Uttam : always works…(10:00) Uttam : vwap of a drive fails so day low coming?
10:44 Uttam : BNF breaks PDL too
10:44 Jitender : stopped at dpoc n came down 🙂 (10:02) Jitender : hv u observed that in big moves of bnf nowadays…dpoc becomes more relevant as a ref than vwap
10:44 Jitender : both worked….
10:44 Uttam : +1 Jit have started to mention the HVNs in the daily report
10:45 Jitender : yh..tx fr tat
10:45 Uttam : 🙂 _/\_
10:46 Uttam : now NF wants to brak below PDL
10:46 Uttam : BNF for 27820?
10:47 Prakash : Is it a Free fall.. anynews
10:47 Jitender : mkt is telln to take oct off 🙂
10:47 Jitender : everyday fire crackers
10:48 Uttam : Done (10:46) Uttam : BNF for 27820?
10:49 Bhavani : VIX at 18.25
10:49 Jitender : kya thoka hai
10:50 Bhavani : JIt, Seems to be a challenge for your fast fingers:)
10:50 Jitender : absolutely
10:50 Jitender : Dt nt done yet
10:52 Jitender : Shai..lets take tis non tradable time fr the new missile launch from yr arsenal
10:52 Uttam : done (10:46) Uttam : now NF wants to brak below PDL
10:52 Uttam : both filling up the weekly profile
10:53 Prakash : can we get a quick 100pt up in NF from here??? @Shai
10:54 Uttam : BNF up 200 points in 5mins
10:54 Shai : 11211 supp for 11286
10:54 Uttam : 60 in NF
10:57 Shai : done at 11261- (10:54) Shai : 11211 supp for 11286
10:57 Niraj : high volue coimg at current level
10:58 Niraj : 28087 to 27992
10:58 Niraj : can we say it crucial for next move
10:59 Shai : Intra – Buy 11250 pe at 113 sl of 93 tgt 141/ 152
11:17 Shai : Make xits in the 11250 pe at 114 cmp near cost
11:17 Shai : Nf stuck at 11250 again
11:22 Shai : 555375 plus cot at the cloose yesterday at 11250
11:22 Shai : -400000 cot now at 11250
11:22 Shai : so what ahppened?
11:24 Bhavani : Craziness started again
11:26 Shai : Intra – short NFR 11277- 11280 sl of 11307 tgt 11240 . Trdae smnall as mkt volatile
11:27 Shai : That kind of a day when small stops wonlt be safe
11:27 Shai : so trade small
11:29 Prakash : COT??
11:30 Shai : NF 11253 Book half here and ride some at cost
11:30 Niraj : sir can we call 11.30 candle initiative selling
11:31 Uttam : where is the POC of that candle Niraj?
11:31 Niraj : 28040
11:31 Uttam : please go through the Of video & check the conditions that need to be met for each concept
11:32 Uttam : POC on this bar is in the lower part of the candle
11:32 Niraj : yaa
11:32 Shai : Yes sometimes those videos need more than 1 listen
11:32 Uttam : for IS POC should not shift lower
11:32 Shai : but the rules are explained clearly and are a must follw
11:32 Uttam : +100 Shai
11:33 Shai : Close out NF at 11258
11:42 Jitender : booked 232….danke chief (11:26) Shai : Intra – short NFR 11277- 11280 sl of 11307 tgt 11240 . Trdae smnall as mkt volatile
11:42 Shai : +1
11:43 Jitender : bnf guy traadn bnf…coz bnf is too volatile 🙂
11:43 Jitender : talk of adapting
11:43 Jitender : tradn nf
11:50 Uttam : come on NF lets break 11225
11:50 Vijay : one round down uttam?
11:51 Jitender : Shai..any stocks on yr radar fr short ?
11:51 Uttam : yes got reejcted at IBL so expecting one more test of PDL
11:56 Shai : No have not been looking at stocks- (11:51) Jitender : Shai..any stocks on yr radar fr short ?
11:56 MJ : (11:30) MJ : Shai your view on USDINR?
11:56 Shai : 11258 once sl of 11226
11:58 Uttam : yes this 11225 not breaking
11:58 Jitender : k (11:56) Shai : No have not been looking at stocks- (11:51) Jitender : Shai..any stocks on yr radar fr short ?
12:07 Shai : 11261 done – (11:56) Shai : 11258 once sl of 11226
12:07 Shai : I’ll post a lot of these quick ones in the coming days as part of a new quant sessions
12:08 Shai : we have a 92% accuracy in these
12:09 Shai : one more was here – went to 11289 actally- (10:54) Shai : 11211 supp for 11286
12:09 Shai : what’s good is that they wonlt mess around with either stop or tgt
12:10 Shai : would be 1- 3 points around point to point
12:10 MJ : +1
12:10 Uttam : 4 more mins for NF to break 11228 if it wants to go lower
12:10 Amit : +1
12:11 Bhavani : Sounds Quite interesting Shai.+1
12:23 Prakash : any trade..??
12:28 Shai : still there one hour later – (11:17) Shai : Nf stuck at 11250 again
12:28 Shai : may close again here
12:29 Uttam : yes prominent POC on weekly around 11250
12:29 Uttam : can take a 11250 combo at close today Shai, the monthly one?
12:34 Shai : can
12:34 Shai : though still a 11150- 11400 spot oct marjet
12:37 Uttam : thanks Shai, will keep a check on that combo on MPLite too 🙂
12:42 Shai : NF sl 11282 for 11225
12:44 Jitender : Shai pls also type cmp with such trades..will help (12:42) Shai : NF sl 11282 for 11225
12:44 Prakash : should we short now??
12:45 Shai : close 11251
12:47 Bhavani : Explosion sets ablaze Iranian oil tanker near Saudi port …Reuters-1 hour agoDUBAI (Reuters) – An explosion set ablaze an Iranian oil tanker off the Saudi port city of Jeddah, Iranian state media reported on Friday, adding …
12:47 Uttam : Shai then that 11400ce+11150pe is a better strangle to short? combo at 250 SL can be 285?
12:47 Bhavani : above was a news exactly 1 hour ago.. might be the reason of sudden downfall of NF
12:49 Vijay : trade closed@11251?
12:49 Shai : yes
12:49 Vijay : ok
12:50 Shai : up for 11268
12:50 Shai : hence close
12:53 Shai : close- no position
12:53 Shai : 11225 next review
12:53 Jitender : Shai..theese trades have volume clusters as initiation and objectv
12:54 Shai : just OF quants
12:54 Shai : have to move quick else they clsoe
12:54 Jitender : k
12:55 Shai : tracking all these machines printing the numbers and they are quick
12:57 Prakash : how & where can we see these numbers
12:58 Shai : see he was up for 11268 but he closed
12:58 Shai : he will come againm
12:58 Vijay : boom
12:58 Shai : 11302 stop for 11254/ 36
13:01 Shai : he is shortt again
13:02 Shai : 11247/ 11234
13:10 Shai : 11288 sl
13:10 Shai : now
13:10 Shai : still shiort
13:13 Shai : closed at cost here
13:15 Shai : I’ll reprogram these charts in afew days and you will se ethe quant levels live
13:15 Shai : that guy added 39000 at 11285
13:15 Shai : he closed 11266
13:16 Shai : but systme is still short for 11234 sl of 11303
13:17 Shai : Next week will track 5 of these guys together and it would be cleaner
13:17 Govind :
13:17 Jitender :, always have admired and kudos to yr spirit of constant innovationa nd thinkn ahead…..its +10000 …..
13:17 Jitender : love u fr it
13:18 Shai : Cheers
13:18 Shai : 11235 coming
13:18 Shai : who is short
13:18 Vijay : cvrd shai
13:18 Prakash : am short
13:18 Jitender : me
13:18 Jitender : half cvrd
13:19 Jitender : rest trailn
13:19 Shai : +1
13:21 Jitender : nit pickn today….still shrt of DT
13:23 Shai : added back short 11285 sl
13:23 Shai : 11235- 11241
13:33 Shai : 11285 big number into close
13:33 Shai : they are sitting there and whacking it
13:33 Shai : I think we hit day lows
13:33 Shai : just the OF here
13:34 Prakash : slide begins
13:36 Shai : The oroginal short of the system- (12:58) Shai : 11302 stop for 11254/ 36
13:37 Shai : 11255 lows
13:44 Shai : vol increasing
13:44 Shai : big boys back from lunch
13:49 Shai : NF sl
13:50 Shai : lot’s of 0’s
13:50 Uttam : 1L green right at top
13:51 Shai : sl
13:51 Uttam : D period singles standing tall since morning
13:51 Uttam : and now getting accepted above IBL
13:59 Uttam : boom boom
13:59 Uttam : crazy
13:59 Uttam : another 1L guy at 11309
14:00 Uttam : boom boom
14:02 Uttam : 8L vols in this 5min bar in NF
14:02 Uttam : Fridays seem to have become a constant for these type of moves
14:03 Uttam : 2L COT
14:04 Uttam : shorts being crushed royally
14:06 KK : pls adjust charts
14:12 Boppanna : where art thou heading BNF
14:14 Shai : 11308 is the big guy
14:14 Niraj : sir candle of 14.00 can be termed intitiative buying
14:14 Shai : all buyers abv 11297
14:14 Shai : yes
14:15 Uttam : yep till 11305 holds close could be at highs else close ta 11250 Shai?
14:21 Shai : 11320 sl for 11350\
14:24 Manish : looking for tgt ?
14:28 Shai : sl cost 11330
14:28 Shai : now
14:29 Shai : exit
14:29 Manish : out
14:30 Shai : crazy
14:34 Bhupinder : the move from 11275( 1:45 pm) to 11364 (about 2 pm) is not captured by quant, any reason?
14:35 Shai : will have those up on charts
14:35 Shai : sometimes it’s just too fast to post
14:36 Bhupinder : oh, but it was there
14:36 Prakash : i agree & thats why ML
14:36 Shai : 11308 did noit suupp\
14:36 Shai : so res
14:36 Shai : 11283 supp
14:37 Bhupinder : @Prakash, ML=machine learning or anything else
14:37 Prakash : thats right
14:52 Shai : 11250 pe for 102 cmp 82
14:52 Shai : sl 65
14:54 Shai : sl 74 cmp 88 now
14:55 Shai : sl 86
14:56 Shai : out
14:57 Bhupinder : +1
14:58 Manish : Are we seriously playing for pennies here ? Someone pls make me understand the rationale behind this trades? Correct me if I’m wrong
14:58 Shai : this is fast trades
14:59 Bhupinder : this isthe very nature of day trading
14:59 Shai : these markets won’t let you keep profits if you are not fast
15:00 Shai : see these guys chopping and changing so fast
15:01 Jitender : 28161-28066 ten 28081-28154
15:01 Jitender : finally DT done
15:02 Shai : +1
15:02 Jitender : abv vwap we can get 100-150 more ?
15:02 Jitender : tx Shai
15:02 Manish : DT is double top ?
15:02 Shai : no0 dropping again bnf
15:02 Shai : 28060
15:04 Bhavani : Manish, DT is JIt’s daily target
15:06 Sandesh : (15:01) Jitender : finally DT done> 10lks+
15:07 Jitender : my DT…bro, nt yours 🙂
15:07 Bhavani : JIt wants to buy a yacht daily..!!:):)
15:07 Jitender : arre nahi bhai
15:07 Jitender : small DT
15:07 Jitender : Sandesh is the yatch guy
15:07 Bhavani : Ha ha..!
15:08 Sandesh : (15:07) Jitender : Sandesh is the yatch guy> come on
15:08 Jitender : soory…yatch+pvt jet guy
15:08 Bhavani : Shai, Any NF range for next week?
15:08 Sandesh : lol
15:08 Sandesh : doosra koi nahi mila kya aaj?
15:09 Shai : 🙂
15:09 Shai : Sandesh is on a mission to double his 60L he added today 🙂
15:10 Shai : just wondering whther to do in 2 days or 4 🙂
15:10 Jitender : ye lo 🙂
15:10 Sandesh : upto you Cheif!
15:10 Sandesh : 🙂
15:10 MJ : 2 days it is chief. 🙂
15:10 Shai : 🙂
15:10 Sandesh : ball is in your court
15:11 Shai : Range locked 11390- 11110 spot for next week also
15:11 Shai : may move by friday next if it has to on diwali buying
15:11 Bhavani : OK..!
15:12 Shai : the media will push people to BUY BUy BUY and they will all buy puts in the rally
15:12 Shai : everyone’s top 10 ideas will come from Monday
15:13 Bhavani : :):)
15:14 Sandesh : Chief.. anything from your side? delivery based? something like adani trans 😕
15:17 Shai : no
15:18 Shai : buy mutual funds if you are long on India story and look to short index all the time in deriv
15:18 Shai : 🙂
15:18 Sandesh : phir casino ka mazaa kidarse lelein?
15:18 Shai : last 2 years no one made money in mid cap\
15:18 MJ : Chief, give alerto for diwali.
15:18 Sandesh : roz Maccau toh nahi ja saka
15:19 MJ : Or indextrader back 🙂
15:19 Shai : buy and hold is dead
15:19 Sandesh : +1
15:20 Shai : working MJ on it
15:20 Shai : Reminder – webinar tom at 11.30 am –
15:20 MJ : bestest diwali gift that will be 🙂
15:22 Uttam : NF wants to close at that 1L guy at 11309 which is also the dPOC now
15:26 Uttam : registered 🙂 thanks for the reminder Shai, had forgotten signing up (15:20) Shai : Reminder – webinar tom at 11.30 am –
15:28 Shai : Bye all
15:28 Shai : Have a good evening
15:28 Shai : Catch up later
15:28 MJ : Thanks chief.
15:28 Nishchal : Bye All
15:28 MJ : Have a nice weekend.
15:29 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely weekend