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Room Chat
09:05 Vtrender Live : (09:01) Vtrender Live: option charts – https://join.me/953-370-966
(09:05) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/259441949
09:15 Shai : (09:15) Shai : update – Make an exit in the 30100 puts ay 80 cm,p
09:33 Shai : (09:33) Shai : Intra – Buy NF 11786 sl of 11755 tgt 11835.
09:52 Shai : (09:52) Shai : NF at 11803 book half and ride at 11785 some
09:57 Shai : (09:57) Shai : Book fully NF – 11804 here
13:05 Shai : (13:05) Shai : INtra – Buy NF 11820 sl of 11795 tgt 11865
14:00 Shai : (14:00) Shai : NF at 11839. Book half and ride the rest at 11820 cost
14:56 Shai : (14:56) Shai : Update – NF book out 11829 the balance
15:16 Shai : (15:15) Shai : Positional – Buy BankNifty 30595- 30605 sl of 30390 tgt 30900/ 31200.
09:01 Vtrender Live : option charts – https://join.me/953-370-966
09:04 Himanshu : GM all
09:05 Mani : Gm all
09:05 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/259441949
09:06 Deepak : hi
09:06 Deepak : Good Morning
09:07 Deepak : Uttam – hi i was waiting for your call yesterday
09:07 Jitender : Gm Folks 🙂
09:08 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:09 Uttam : hi Deepak I did call you yesterday evening but there was no response
09:09 Govind : Good morning guys
09:09 Deepak : oh ok
09:09 Uttam : 6:15 PM
09:09 Deepak : can u send me u r mobile no
09:09 Deepak : i will call u in the evening
09:09 Deepak : have network issues
09:09 Deepak : big time
09:09 Shai : GM all
09:09 Shai : https://vtrender.in/market-profile-analysis-dated-15th-apr/
09:09 Deepak : GM Shai
09:11 Himanshu : Shai- GM – BNF f wants open above HVN2
09:12 Uttam : NF can move away from the composite here Shai?
09:12 Uttam : but we need good volumes?
09:12 Boppanna : Gm all
09:14 Lokesh : GM All
09:15 Govind : SL hit
09:15 Shai : update – Make an exit in the 30100 puts ay 80 cm,p
09:16 Shubro : Jit +1
09:16 Shai : yes the gap up killed the option
09:16 Shai : 30340 is still supply for the gap
09:16 Jitender : chhers Shubro
09:17 Jitender : cheers
09:17 Uttam : NF open low start above the VAH of the composite
09:17 Uttam : BNF revisits that FA of 30335
09:18 Uttam : yesterday was a low volume & narro rage day so can we have some bigger rage today 😉
09:19 Lokesh : volumes are missing in chart?
09:19 Uttam : 11700ce writers under pressure here looks like?
09:19 Jitender : 15:19 Himanshu : Uttam – Jit BNf closing +ve15:19 Himanshu : spike up tom morning possible15:20 Jitender : ys
09:19 Himanshu : Jit =1
09:19 Himanshu : jit +1
09:20 Uttam : 11834 coming today in NF?
09:20 Jitender : howz the josh 🙂
09:20 Uttam : high sir 🙂
09:20 Jitender : +100
09:21 Himanshu : Exited overnight 30100- 30000 PEs at 356F
09:22 Jitender : +1
09:22 Jitender : icici rockn
09:22 Boppanna : Nice one Jit
09:24 Jitender : +1
09:30 Jitender : 11.6 at top bnf
09:33 Shai : Intra – Buy NF 11786 sl of 11755 tgt 11835.
09:35 Shai : 30100 puts are being written for 0 sl of that 80 we had c,mp 56
09:40 Gaurav : ATH on spot
09:40 Jitender : new LTH nf (09:20) Jitender : howz the josh 🙂
09:41 Uttam : +1
09:41 Uttam : closed at the dPOC of 11727 giving a nice Gaussian Profile for the day with the lowest range of this series of just 57 points and a good chance of giving a move away from this POC in the next session….had mentioned this in todays report
09:41 Jitender : lovely weather in delhi today..n also on the screen 🙂
09:41 Jitender : +1 Uttam…
09:41 Boppanna : +1
09:41 Uttam : (09:12) Uttam : NF can move away from the composite here Shai?
09:41 Shai : +1
09:42 Shai : except that could have done it without the gap
09:42 Uttam : yes Shai 🙂
09:42 Boppanna : 🙂
09:42 Jitender : 🙂
09:43 Jitender : Shai..usdinr at supply point ?
09:43 Uttam : (09:19) Uttam : 11700ce writers under pressure here looks like?…OI down by almost 5L in this since open
09:44 Boppanna : Shai is this an OTD?
09:44 Boppanna : in NF
09:44 Shai : yes usdint 69.66 supply zone
09:44 Uttam : OAOR plus drive on low volumes though
09:44 Boppanna : ok thx Uttam
09:44 Jitender : tx chief
09:45 HPandey : shai yesterday sellers covered in open today?
09:45 Shai : yes
09:45 Shai : seller caught upside down
09:46 Anubhav null : rs in nf
09:50 Shai : in IB and at close watch the 30 min @anubhav
09:50 Shai : BNF for 30488
09:51 Jitender : 30.1ce taken at 235 at opne..part book at 301
09:52 Shai : NF at 11803 book half and ride at 11785 some
09:52 Jitender : +1
09:53 Shai : some one places a profit book order at 11806
09:53 Shai : and was executed fully
09:53 Shai : 114k sold
09:53 Jitender : booked all in bnf
09:54 Jitender : 321
09:54 Shai : +1
09:54 Jitender : _/\_
09:57 Shai : Book fully NF – 11804 here
09:59 MJ : Nice one shai.
10:01 Shai : +1
10:03 Subhodeep : good morning all
10:04 Subhodeep : congo to everyone for the all time high on the nf and ns
10:06 Himanshu : bot booking out,, Uttam- Jit
10:20 Anubhav null : short here?
10:21 Shai : C ext can do vwap
10:24 Uttam : NF all time high still pending Subho
10:24 Uttam : 11834 that weekly FA
10:24 Uttam : @Himanshu profit booking is always good 🙂
10:31 Himanshu : yes – now will wait for fres entry at open test if it comes
10:31 Himanshu : r we heading for DD –
10:32 Himanshu : second lag down
10:32 Uttam : vwap imp ref for the day
10:32 Uttam : possible tredn day here
10:33 MJ : Uttam do you recall that 5day poc stat?
10:34 Uttam : BNF got soem RS at 30455
10:35 Uttam : but NF still looking good
10:35 Subhodeep : MY BAD got enthused with spot but aaj ho jana chahiye so congo n advance :)(10:24) Uttam : NF all time high still pending Subho
10:35 Uttam : lol Subho…yes should happen today…Amen
10:35 Uttam : (09:20) Uttam : 11834 coming today in NF?
10:37 Uttam : Mihir I do not use that in my analysis but we had a full series POC at 11727 where we closed yesterday
10:39 MJ : Yes 11727.
10:39 Uttam : 11788-780 is the zone NF needs to hold now & we can probe higher
10:39 MJ : Just curious. small deviation of values in mplite vs your poc value is okay right?
10:39 Uttam : 11780 is the initiative buyer today
10:40 Uttam : old comp now at 11748-11727-11652
10:41 Uttam : yes Mihir as that 11721-730 is a high vol zone so little bit of difference can be there
10:41 MJ : Adding yest day vpoc is at 11728.2
10:41 MJ : Before that it stayed 11718ish.
10:41 MJ : Thanks.
10:41 Uttam : if you take the tpo POC it comes to 11721
10:42 Uttam : so 11700pe needs to be watched
10:47 Shai : C done
10:47 Shai : 11820 and 30480 new ref zones for day
10:47 Shai : supp is vwap/ dpoc
10:48 Shai : in 90% cases of this profile the vwap/ dpoc won;t break
10:48 Shai : for intra that is
10:49 Uttam : 30516 is a composite vpoc in BNF above that we can get the higher vpoc of 30666
10:50 Lokesh : Gap Up, O=L, P+OI+Vol+PCR rising, Price above VWAp . Seems Will end in a Trend day closing at high of day.
11:01 Uttam : NF tagging the monthly IBH of 11822.6
11:08 Shai : condition of a trend day is HH and HL- (10:50) Lokesh : Gap Up, O=L, P+OI+Vol+PCR rising, Price above VWAp . Seems Will end in a Trend day closing at high of day.
11:08 Shai : all the others are not imp
11:08 Shai : KISS it
11:09 Shai : BNF has that heavy supply at 30480- 30500
11:09 Shai : one time frame stopped in BNF already
11:13 Uttam : yes Shai last month’s RO point also there at 30500
11:17 Jitender : icici direct guy sayn tat golden cross ovr happened at 10470 on 15/3nnn15% return tgt for tat pattern is 12.8-13k
11:18 Jitender : saala 15th ko batana chaiye tha na
11:19 Jitender : 15/3 n 15%
11:22 Govind : Golden Crossover…sounds like something from GoT
11:22 Govind : Uttam, this is probably a good place to try a weekly NF strangle?
11:23 Govind : breakeven is below 1% on 11750/11850.
11:24 Raj : What is RO Uttam?(11:13) Uttam : yes Shai last month’s RO point also there at 30500
11:24 Raj : Roll Over?
11:26 Govind : Yes Raj.
11:26 Raj : Thanks Govind
11:29 Uttam : @Govind tom is a holiday so this week’s strangles may not give too much that too if we end up as a trend day today then Thursday weekly expiry could be a muted one
11:30 Uttam : @Raj yes that is the rollover point for this series which had been slightly dominated by sellers so far so close above tht point could mean change in market conditions
11:31 Govind : Uttam, good point. Forgot about Mahavir Jayanthi
11:36 Raj : Thanks Uttam..
11:41 Uttam : Friday is also a holiday this week so better not to carry any April options
11:42 Uttam : unless it is deep ITM & also deep in profit 🙂
11:44 HPandey : OTF stopped uttam?
11:45 Uttam : yes HPandey, BNF stopped earlier itself & now NF also stopped
11:46 Uttam : OAOR so could be a range bound afternoon before giving a move later in the day
11:46 Uttam : USDINR new day highs?
11:49 Lokesh : Can MKT profile chart be zoomed more so we can see clearly all TPOs
11:49 Lokesh : Price and TPO al overlapping
11:53 Uttam : if we zoom then we will not be able to see the prev 2 day’s profile
11:53 Uttam : you can watch the same on website also
11:53 Uttam : its bigger there
11:54 Lokesh : Thank you Uttam
11:54 Uttam : https://mplite.vtrender.com/
11:55 Uttam : both making a ‘p’ profile for now
11:56 Lokesh : Yep
12:08 Lokesh : Does AB adjacent TPOs are hey Anomolies ?
12:15 Uttam : 11796 coming in NF>
12:15 Uttam : ?
12:19 Uttam : some reds at vwap getting stuck?
12:20 Lokesh : Anomalies single price with have unusual structure weakness
12:21 Lokesh : Which is right and false anamolies. Any idea?
12:23 Anubhav null : 11835 now coming
12:25 Uttam : needs to get greens above 11815 for new highs
12:27 Uttam : BNF waking up?
12:28 Uttam : trifecta greens in it
12:28 Uttam : at ibh
12:28 Uttam : new highs htere
12:29 Uttam : boom
12:29 Uttam : reds coming but looks like being absorbed?
12:31 Uttam : 30516 comp vpoc in BNF
12:31 Uttam : 16k red at top here
12:34 Anubhav null : bnf high done for the day?
12:34 Jitender : y do u say tat Anubhav ?
12:35 Uttam : mechanical hgih and expected supply at RO point
12:35 Uttam : plus round number
12:35 Himanshu : Bhi unka anubhav hoga
12:35 Anubhav null : lol
12:35 Uttam : alsmot 3 hours to go & Anubhav seems to have tamed the beast 😉
12:35 Himanshu : Anubhav ka bahot impotance hai
12:36 Himanshu : Jit ne ka liye woh uttam hai
12:36 Jitender : 🙂 anubhav hi to pucha taki hum bhi same anubhav ka labh utha sake
12:36 Himanshu : Have fast alseep – 3 times today and NF – BNF is playing ping-pong
12:36 Uttam : BNF going for Shai’s 30580 looks like
12:37 Himanshu : Shai – ne bola to khatm
12:37 Boppanna : Just needs to sustain 500 for a little while
12:37 Uttam : (12:27) Uttam : BNF waking up?(12:28) Uttam : trifecta greens in it(12:28) Uttam : at ibh
12:37 Himanshu : Bol shree BNF maathko jai
12:38 Jitender : new high anubhav
12:38 Uttam : supply is getting abosorbed here in BNF
12:38 Jitender : naya anubhav kijiye
12:38 Uttam : 30516 vpoc done
12:38 Jitender : 30.2ce 231-291 part book
12:38 Uttam : another 11k red here
12:38 Jitender : lo..pura book
12:39 Uttam : 30580 can come Jit
12:39 Jitender : k
12:39 Boppanna : congrats Jit
12:39 Jitender : tx
12:39 Uttam : (12:35) Uttam : mechanical hgih and expected supply at RO point(12:35) Uttam : plus round number
12:40 Jitender : for newbies…trend days see’s lot of contra reds….coz of ID n multi day bookings
12:40 Uttam : NF not making new hgihs here
12:41 Uttam : needs to pull up now else BNF can tretrace
12:41 Uttam : boom boom
12:41 Uttam : 15k at 30545
12:42 Uttam : 30580 ko salaam
12:42 Boppanna : That was a quick 70 12:37 Boppanna : Just needs to sustain 500 for a little while
12:43 Uttam : 2 atr in BNF done from Fridays FA of 29833
12:44 Boppanna : Thx for all these updates uttam
12:44 Jitender : +100 (12:39) Uttam : 30580 can come Jit
12:45 Jitender : 30.1pe at 30
12:46 Jitender : 11.7ce dbles from yday close
12:47 Boppanna : Never sustained below 435 since IB hypo was a bulls eye even if gap up hit the 30100pe carry of yesterday f) On the upside, if 30435 is sustained BNF can tag levels of 30485-516 & 30580
12:49 Jitender : +1
12:51 Uttam : _/\_
12:57 Uttam : BNF hgih so far is exact 1.5 IB range ext
12:58 Uttam : NF needs to make a move here
13:00 Uttam : (10:49) Uttam : 30516 is a composite vpoc in BNF above that we can get the higher vpoc of 30666…can we do this today?
13:04 Shai : BNF take off mode
13:04 Jitender : m/c in full capacity chief 🙂
13:05 Uttam : it started here….(12:27) Uttam : BNF waking up?(12:28) Uttam : trifecta greens in it(12:28) Uttam : at ibh(12:29) Uttam : reds coming but looks like being absorbed?
13:05 Shai : +1
13:05 Uttam : OF showed the way
13:05 Shai : INtra – Buy NF 11820 sl of 11795 tgt 11865
13:05 Uttam : NF also warming up looks like
13:06 Jitender : (09:20) Jitender : howz the josh 🙂
13:06 Uttam : 🙂 Still high Sir
13:06 Jitender : +1
13:07 Jitender : seeded it yday (09:19) Jitender : 15:19 Himanshu : Uttam – Jit BNf closing +ve15:19 Himanshu : spike up tom morning possible15:20 Jitender : ys
13:07 Uttam : +100
13:08 Uttam : NF is waiting for BNF to catch up so that both came make new ATH together 😉
13:09 Uttam : that 28k green in BNF looks to be shorts SL
13:09 Jitender : 28k green..booked again
13:10 Uttam : (10:49) Uttam : 30516 is a composite vpoc in BNF above that we can get the higher vpoc of 30666….40 more to go
13:11 Uttam : 30666 is also exact 2 IB today
13:11 Uttam : always amazed at how levels always match up in MP
13:12 Jitender : symmetry
13:12 Himanshu : so uttam now – in second half to complete P
13:12 Jitender : its DD in bnf now
13:15 Uttam : still lot of time left in the day so looks like up move came early?
13:15 Shubro : more smash coming i think
13:15 Jitender : a test of 460-520 will tell
13:16 Shubro : reliance yet to fire
13:16 Uttam : yes Jit 30520 level to watch in BNF on dip
13:19 Uttam : 11800ce on watch after 11700ce writers being forced to cover since open
13:23 Govind : Uttam, NF looks like a P?
13:23 Uttam : yes Govind
13:24 Govind : So, is this a short covering rally with follow-up to be seen?
13:25 Uttam : short covering yes but lots of shorts being added today also so can force them to exot as well
13:25 Govind : OK. Thanks
13:25 Uttam : BNF already made an extension
13:25 Uttam : not its turn of NF?
13:26 Govind : Let’s hope 🙂
13:26 Uttam : now* its turn of NF
13:29 Jitender : timing 🙂 (13:09) Jitender : 28k green..booked again
13:31 Anubhav : hmm
13:35 Anubhav : holiday tomorrow
13:35 Govind : No fresh buyers?
13:36 Anubhav : divergent highs
13:36 Anubhav : game over i guess
13:36 Govind : RIL is tumbling
13:37 Jitender : 53o odd so far (13:15) Jitender : a test of 460-520 will tell
13:39 Uttam : @Anubhav are you trying to instigate both NF & BNF 😉
13:40 Uttam : BN spot has poor highs at ATH so looks like it is going to repair that this week if not today
13:43 Anubhav : ohk
13:50 Shai : 30660 F last vpoc
13:51 Uttam : yes Shai
13:51 Uttam : BN Spot has got above the weekly vpoc of 30490 so looks all set to make new ighs
13:58 Govind : HDFCBank at day’s high
13:59 Uttam : NF boom boom
13:59 Govind : Uttam, VPOC is the same as POC volume?
13:59 Uttam : new ATH
13:59 Uttam : (10:49) Uttam : 30516 is a composite vpoc in BNF above that we can get the higher vpoc of 30666….30 more to go….
13:59 Govind : and RIL has not even participated today
14:00 Shai : NF at 11839. Book half and ride the rest at 11820 cost
14:00 Uttam : (09:12) Uttam : NF can move away from the composite here Shai?(09:17) Uttam : NF open low start above the VAH of the composite(09:20) Uttam : 11834 coming today in NF? Done
14:01 Deepak : any target for positional ?
14:01 Uttam : MP showed the path within 5 mins of open today
14:01 Deepak : i am long in bnf from 26990
14:01 Deepak : and nifty 117000 levels
14:01 Deepak : 11700
14:02 Uttam : 1L red in NF is a mix order Shai?
14:02 Uttam : SLs?
14:02 Deepak : nifty 11810
14:02 Uttam : NF completes 1.5 IB ext up
14:02 Deepak : bnf 30545
14:02 Deepak : sls
14:03 Deepak : Nifty Sl 11810 / BNf sl 30545
14:03 Uttam : 11915 coming in NF looks like
14:03 Deepak : ok
14:03 Uttam : by Friday
14:03 Deepak : and bnf ?
14:03 Deepak : thanks
14:05 Uttam : (10:49) Uttam : 30516 is a composite vpoc in BNF above that we can get the higher vpoc of 30666…BNF high so far 30653
14:06 Shai : mix yes- (14:02) Uttam : 1L red in NF is a mix order Shai?
14:06 Uttam : thanks Shai
14:07 Deepak : ok thanks
14:09 Shai : 30653- (13:50) Shai : 30660 F last vpoc
14:09 Shai : if it survives abv this
14:09 Shai : buyt a 30600 call imnto close for aclose at highs
14:10 Deepak : nifty gives a breakout of 11834 also breakout of rounding bottom
14:11 Deepak : if it sustains that is
14:12 Uttam : are we going to get a afternoon pull back for this trend day?
14:12 Shai : 30650/ 30680 last of the 2 big sellers we aaw on 1st and 3rd april
14:15 Uttam : above 30666 BNF can do 30715-727
14:16 Deepak : thanks
14:17 Subhodeep : shai dhi 15900 is a sl ?
14:28 Shai : in BNF?
14:28 Shai : No
14:28 Uttam : NF 5mins
14:28 Uttam : we have a 15900 green at top
14:28 Shai : just profit bookings coming
14:30 Uttam : Jit making sure BNF is a DD 🙂
14:32 Anubhav : btst 11800 call tgt 120
14:33 Uttam : BNF finally tags 30660 🙂
14:33 Uttam : 30666
14:35 Jitender : +1
14:35 Jitender : 30.4ce 179-255
14:36 Uttam : nice Jit 🙂 congrats
14:37 Uttam : BN Spot needs 60 more points to repair that poor highs
14:37 Shai : 24- (09:35) Shai : 30100 puts are being written for 0 sl of that 80 we had c,mp 56
14:37 Uttam : +1 Shai
14:38 Shai : massive failure by sellers on the gap open todau
14:41 Jitender : tx Uttam…
14:41 Jitender : good day for a holiday week…
14:41 Jitender : peaceful sleep now
14:42 Uttam : +1 OL today gave the first hint 🙂
14:42 Jitender : u as a bull r very dangerous
14:42 Jitender : nvr to b ignored
14:42 Jitender : had mentioned tis earlier also
14:42 Uttam : _/\_
14:44 Shubro : i remember Jit very well…Uttam + 100
14:45 Uttam : guys be careful about longs here & trail it well as can give a big dip into the close
14:47 Shubro : ok boss
14:52 Uttam : NF taking sup at monthly IBH of 11822.7
14:52 Uttam : if that breaks next level is the IBH + vwap combo
14:54 Uttam : (11:01) Uttam : NF tagging the monthly IBH of 11822.6
14:54 Uttam : If this holds then close at highs
14:54 Uttam : lots of reds are there today to give that spike
14:56 Boppanna : Uttam you leaving the BN spot new high for Friday
14:56 Shai : Update – NF book out 11829 the balance
14:57 Uttam : Bops 🙂 BN is the queen you see so her wish is everyones command 🙂
14:59 Deepak : seems profit booking going on ? or intra positions being booked ?
15:00 HPandey : uttam..shai we have value completly abvove compo…so now again in imbalance?
15:00 Anubhav : nice selling
15:02 Shai : @Hpandey it;s a P in NF and a DD in BNF
15:02 Shai : imblaned yes but through short covering
15:02 Shai : 11730 F test due
15:03 HPandey : okkk so ideal trend day would we better for imbalance?
15:04 Shubro : Shai what is your go forward view on NF and BNF now?
15:04 Shubro : The BNF DD extension / RO point to be tested ?
15:04 Jitender : Its part PB n also the powers to be want to eat CE prem as well due to holidat..ie y bnf peaked n ten tey held it n now have CE prems as well in their kitty’
15:05 Jitender : peaked early
15:05 Shubro : right Jit thanks
15:05 Jitender : bck to 179 (14:35) Jitender : 30.4ce 179-255
15:07 Shai : bullish @shubro
15:07 Shai : buy dips
15:07 Shubro : ok
15:08 Shubro : Shai any buying of options is for next expiry week right?
15:09 Boppanna : Shai upper extreme for Thursday NF and BNF pls
15:09 Shai : yes BNF can buy next expiry
15:09 Shai : 30830 Bopp
15:09 Boppanna : thx
15:10 Shai : BNF can give a 70 point dip?
15:11 Boppanna : looks possible
15:14 Anubhav : vwap lending support
15:15 Boppanna : dpoc
15:15 Anubhav : nice
15:15 Shai : Positional – Buy BankNifty 30595- 30605 sl of 30390 tgt 30900/ 31200.
15:16 Jitender : +1
15:16 Shai : 2 buy signals today in BNF and NF
15:16 Shai : will go with the NF
15:16 Shai : BNF**
15:21 Uttam : shorts getting out in both?
15:22 Shai : yes
15:22 Shai : dip used to cover
15:22 Uttam : +1
15:22 Govind : and HDFCBank closing at day’s high!
15:23 Uttam : 70k COT
15:23 Uttam : 22k in bnf
15:23 Uttam : stgart of a new IPM this could be Shai?
15:25 Uttam : NF COfrom -5L now to -3.6L & still shorts coveringT
15:25 Uttam : 53k green in NF
15:26 Rajiv : Shai significance of closing above 11830
15:26 Uttam : ‘p’ profile in both so today’s POC will be imp ref for Thursday
15:27 Uttam : @Rajiv it is negating that weekly FA so that opens up a 1 ATR move on weekly timeframe to the upside
15:27 Shai : Break from balance Rajiv
15:27 Shai : April can go to a close at highs if we follow through on this
15:27 Shai : also 11730 new supp
15:27 Uttam : +1 Shai
15:28 Jitender : bye guys..tc
15:28 Shubro : by eveyone
15:28 Shai : Bye all
15:28 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening & a good break tom
15:28 Shai : Have a nice evening
15:28 Uttam : catch up on Thursday
15:28 Shai : Catch up Thur
15:29 Lokesh : What is daily report link?
15:29 Boppanna : bye and Thx all
15:30 Boppanna : @Lokesh check the Forum in vtrender.com and also posted in slack
15:31 Lokesh : Thanks Bopanna
15:32 Anubhav : bbye
9:56 Gaurav : Shai can buy Escorts for 830?
10:30 Shai : escorts buy onky abv 800 now. has met sellers there
10:30 Shai : if 792 is not defended can do yesterday lows again
11:48 Uttam : Maruti tagging the 1 ATR move from weekly Fa of 7044 at 7460
11:48 Uttam : had mentioned this last Tuesday here
11:49 MJ : Uttam check slack for maruti 🙂
14:21 Gaurav : Shai Asian Paints can sell for 1400?
14:35 Shai : asian has 2 supports at 1445 zone. a close here abv 1462 today can send it higher
14:51 Gaurav : Thanks Shai