Trading Order Flow allows a trader to see the specific price where a trade has hit the market, along with the volume of that trade. This information is extremely valuable and allows a trader to generate substantial revenue by using this information to trade.
The way we see it is that Order Flow trading is a mindset. Well, instead of just looking for technical patterns, Trader should go a step further and think about what other market participants might do.
Room Chat
08:38 Chandrashekhar : GM all
08:39 Vtrender Live : 5 min charts of NF-
08:40 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts of NF and BNF –
08:41 Vtrender Live : 5 min charts of BNF, password vtrender =
08:54 Shai : Gm all
08:54 Sanjeet : Good Morning
08:54 Shai : ref line for the sellers stays at 9740 F today, which saw big selling yesterday on that upmove
08:54 Ashok82 : Good morning All
08:55 Avinash : GM Everyone
08:55 Shai : support lower is strong at 9720- 9744 which has not seen any sharp selling yet
08:55 Shai : likely to remain ranged between 9745 lower and 9950 upper
08:56 Govind : We got the pace of trade addition now, awesome Shai!! Good morning
08:57 Shai : Pace of Tape added to the BNF charts link . The upper one is for the NF and lower one for BNF
08:57 Chandrashekhar : and we have Moratorium case hearing, any idea what time it is scheduled today?
08:58 Manikandan : gm all
08:59 Chandrashekhar : thanks for the addition Shai, read your tweet yesterday on this…
08:59 Krishnakant : good morning folks. hopefully a beginners luck today to all
08:59 Chandrashekhar : a small intro on how we could implement in this and any tricks on it would be appreciated
09:00 K2dt : +100 for the pace addition chief
09:00 Rajesh : Shai – good morning. How we should read pace of tap in bank nify charts
09:01 Giridhar Gowravajhal : GM all
09:01 Gopi : gm all
09:01 Sushil : gm all
09:01 Shai : Pace of tape is nothing but continuation of a trend. If you see big monetum in the market, continue to hold the trend, till pace of tape turns red again
09:02 Shai : It is a sum of new orders entering in the market at a better pace than before
09:02 Shai : And works better than volume
09:02 VijayT : thanks Shai, Great addition.
09:03 Rajesh : thanks Shai.
09:03 Chandrashekhar : thanks Shai, one small suggestion/request , not sure if that works
09:04 Chandrashekhar : on 5 min charts specific to NF/BNF we have 4 more graphs/charts of both BNF/NF..can we arrange all NF relaed charts into one window and BNF into one
09:05 Chandrashekhar : that would make it easy …as atleast for me i trade only NF..and all info on NF would be there on single window/screen
09:06 Shai : put suggestions on Slack
09:06 Nagaraj : Good morning all
09:06 Chandrashekhar : sure, will do
09:07 Shai : let’s come back to the markets
09:07 Shashidhar : Good Morning Shai
09:07 Shashidhar : Good Morning Everyone
09:09 Sreedhar : Good Morning everyone
09:09 Sreedhar : New entry
09:10 Kannan : Pace of tape?
09:10 Tejpreet : GM All
09:10 Himanshu : gmorning al
09:11 Kannan : got it, thanks
09:11 Amit Jain null : gm all
09:12 Ankur : Good morning
09:12 Amit Jain null : shai can u plz post mrng ref again here
09:13 Sachith : Good morning everyone… happy trading
09:13 Shai : (08:54) Shai : ref line for the sellers stays at 9740 F today, which saw big selling yesterday on that upmove(08:55) Shai : support lower is strong at 9720- 9744 which has not seen any sharp selling yet(08:55) Shai : likely to remain ranged between 9745 lower and 9950 upper
09:21 Seshadri : gm
09:21 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:25 Shai : Intra – Buy NF abv 9836 sl of 9899 tgt 9892
09:27 Fenil : charts hung?
09:27 Dhananjayan : you mean sl 9799?
09:28 Shai : sl 9799**
09:28 Dhananjayan : thanks Shai
09:28 Boppanna : BNF holdinng 19900 ref
09:28 Shai : +1
09:28 Shai : As it should
09:29 Shai : Those who read last nights notes know what 19900 is
09:31 Shai : NF 9869 book half- (09:25) Shai : Intra – Buy NF abv 9836 sl of 9899 tgt 9892
09:31 Shai : sl is 9832 on rest
09:31 MJ : Good morning bossman!
09:31 MJ : easy peasy. with the references.
09:33 Shai : holding some for 9950
09:33 Uttam : +1
09:33 K2dt : congo all
09:33 K2dt : 9900ce 81-105
09:33 Uttam : exited 9900 long straddle at 430 – had entered at close 415
09:33 Uttam : boom boom
09:33 Uttam : IB per IB
09:33 Shai : NF 9910 book all
09:34 Shai : 09:25) Shai : Intra – Buy NF abv 9836 sl of 9899 tgt 9892
09:34 Shai : done
09:34 Ketan : +1 shai
09:34 Shai : Good Morning!
09:34 JayJ : done
09:34 Ankur : Good one!!
09:34 Shai : How are we this morning?
09:34 Uttam : 🙂 super morning Shai 🙂
09:34 Chandrashekhar : awesome trade to start teh day Shai, +100
09:34 Shriram : wonderful shai!!
09:34 Avinash : +1 Shai That was fantastic
09:34 Suresh : +1000 Shai
09:34 Shashidhar : S
09:34 Shashidhar : Super
09:34 Sreedhar : super morning
09:34 K2dt : boom boom morning UG 🙂
09:34 K2dt : +100 chief
09:34 MJ : Green Shai 🙂
09:34 Rajesh G : superb shai
09:35 Neeraj : superb
09:35 Neeraj : what a morning to start
09:35 Boppanna : Good one Shai played the with 19900 ref
09:35 Shai : 9880 supp
09:35 Rajesh G : shai which notes u are talking about, is it UG market profile analysis?
09:36 Shai : get past 9950 and this has legs
09:36 Arjun : zoom chart seems to be working fine, but room chart seems to be very delayed today . Is anyone else also seeing this ?
09:37 Ankit Maheshwari : “India-china lac update: indian army has been given emergency power to deal with complete freedom against any chinese aggression at the line of actual control”
09:37 Ankit Maheshwari : News play started again
09:38 Ankit Maheshwari : 0s at top
09:38 Uttam : these are notes what Shai discusses in the room – (09:35) Neeraj : what a morning to start
09:39 Uttam : it is all updated on the 30min OF chart’
09:39 Uttam : BNF has some greens
09:39 Rajesh G : ok
09:40 Shai : Book if in longs
09:40 Shai : we need a cross abv 9950 for new longs
09:40 K2dt : day biz done 🙂 +100 chief
09:40 Boppanna : Clean trade Shai Kudos
09:41 Shai : Cheers
09:41 Neeraj : Thank you Chief for lovely start of the day …
09:42 Shai : Volume leads Price and we have the best Volume indicator in COT right here
09:42 Abhishek : thank u shai
09:42 Rajesh : thank you shai
09:42 Shai : profit booking at 9930
09:42 K2dt : true that chief
09:43 K2dt : chief there is plenty momentum but pace didn’t turn into big green..
09:43 K2dt : for NF
09:45 Shai : is compared to lasr 2 sessions for reativity
09:45 Jitender : u hv a 100 bps IB K2
09:45 K2dt : thanks chief
09:45 Shai : sicne yesterday was bigge, this in comparaison is less
09:45 K2dt : 😀
09:46 K2dt : lol Jit yes.. that helped reach day goal..
09:47 Jitender : wich is grt fr OAIR
09:47 K2dt : 🙂
09:47 Jitender : bnf 21255-20150 half thru
09:47 Shai : watch this in B – (09:35) Shai : 9880 supp
09:47 Chetas : what i am missing ? what is this pace?
09:48 K2dt : +1 Jit
09:48 K2dt : congo
09:48 Chetas : where is it marked in chart/
09:48 K2dt : in zoom BNF 5 min chart, Chetas
09:48 Nagaraj : Yeah, me too not getting this Pace of Tape..
09:48 Nagaraj : ok
09:48 Rajesh G : how do i read pace charts Shai?
09:48 K2dt : upper one is for NF and lower one for BNF
09:48 Jitender : tx K
09:49 Boppanna : Shai a refresh of 5 min BNF pls
09:49 Chetas : thanks K
09:50 Nagaraj : Thanks K
09:50 Boppanna : thx Shai
09:50 K2dt : +! guys
09:51 Shai : pace of tape or POT –
09:51 Shai : for those who missed
09:51 Shai : will explain post market
09:52 Rajesh : open is balance and OAIR uttam…right at POC of 4 day composite?
09:52 Uttam : we had a 341 pointer yesterday so OIAR only 🙂
09:52 Uttam : BNF it was 1199
09:53 Shai : you see the flow of orders stopped in POT with that pinkk band and red COT, hence profits were taken and long book out suggested
09:54 Shai : if we get past 9950 , am expecting 10035\
09:54 Uttam : lets do it in Shai 🙂
09:54 Jitender : stoppd on bal
09:54 K2dt : SC emi moratorium judgement time guys?
09:54 Himanshu : 12 Onwards hearing
09:54 K2dt : thnx Himanshu
09:54 Himanshu : will check chanel and post
09:54 K2dt : pl do
09:55 Jitender : source ? (09:54) Himanshu : 12 Onwards hearing
09:58 Jitender : vix up
09:58 Jitender : b alert guys n follow r/r strictly
09:59 Shai : fun begins in BNF on 20285 cross
10:01 Boppanna : +1 Jit
10:01 Uttam : bulding up for another boom boom looks like both?
10:03 Shai : see what I meant- (09:59) Shai : fun begins in BNF on 20285 cross
10:03 Jitender : +1
10:03 K2dt : chief _/\_
10:03 Shai : NF can also spike abv 9950
10:03 Shai : 20535 expected BNF
10:04 Himanshu : Last time same time it was – Ok let us be clear – SC has already ruled out complete Interest waiver which is 2 Lakh Crs
10:05 Himanshu : Meaning – for the moratorium period – Interest – that can’t be waived.
10:05 Uttam : 20k ce from 899 to 951 50% out
10:05 Boppanna : Congts Uttam
10:06 Himanshu : But Banks were greedy to levi – Interest on interest – meaning for all accumulated Interest – Banks were to charge Interest on deffered interest payment also – which can be very detrimental
10:06 Shai : 20250 supp in BNF
10:06 Seshadri : above 9950 whats the target
10:06 Shai : is thin- trades afe in BNF
10:07 Chetas : in the pace chart, there are totally 4boxes, is the first and 3 chart represnt pace?
10:07 Ankit Maheshwari : 1.2 Lac Red near 9940 worth going short Shai?
10:07 Himanshu : besides for Credit card payment the interst levies were severe which can be eased.. is expecatation. Not detrimental for Banks – first stand of SC.
10:08 KK : 1.2 lac reds ?
10:09 Uttam : BNF needs a refresh Shai?
10:09 Uttam : 1L plus 0s
10:11 K2dt : POT turned big pink.. no fresh trades now
10:11 K2dt : for NF
10:11 KK : That 1 Lac trying to create a P” ?
10:11 Chandu : these 1L sellers but with IB means prft booking shai..,
10:12 Uttam : (09:39) Uttam : BNF has some greens
10:12 Uttam : those morning longs booked looks like in BNF
10:13 MJ : 0s holding bnf.
10:14 Uttam : C side coming?
10:15 Shai : Nf is weakening
10:15 Shai : below 9909 is a 20 point drop to vwap clean
10:16 Chandu : shai 1.2L seller old one booking prft.. bcz it is in Ib candle
10:18 Shai : yes
10:20 Chandu : shai tat 9950 seller exited in d IB candle 1.2L is tat correct?
10:20 Krishnakant : shai 9909F or spot??
10:21 Ankit Maheshwari : All prices here are F
10:21 Prateeek : always futures…
10:21 Prateeek : if spot shai mentions it
10:22 Abhishek : wow chief 9909 and 30 pt done
10:22 Ankit Maheshwari : IS + 1 Lac COT + VWAP 🙂
10:22 Shai : wa clean – (10:15) Shai : below 9909 is a 20 point drop to vwap clean
10:22 Jitender : bnf 430-210 labour thru
10:22 Ankur : Good one Shai!!
10:22 KK : 9900 PE from 85 to 108 booked
10:22 K2dt : clean it was chief
10:22 KK : P ban gaya
10:22 K2dt : congrats Jit
10:23 Boppanna : +1 Jit
10:23 Prateeek : 9900 pe from 90 to 105… thanks shai
10:23 Jitender : tx guys
10:23 Jitender : congo P
10:23 Prateeek : thanks jit
10:23 Tejpreet : +1 Jit
10:23 Uttam : 9900pe from 213 to 222.9
10:23 KK : So back to 9915 from here and wait and watch mode till 12.
10:24 Jitender : tx K
10:24 Tejpreet : looks like prenty of green MTM in room , congrats all 🙂
10:24 Jitender : +1 UG
10:24 KK : +1 Jit +1 UG
10:24 Ankit Maheshwari : “High level meeting being chaired by defence minister rajnath singh to take stock of the situation in ladakh.” News play again
10:25 Jitender : OAIR
10:25 KK : that 1 Lac red was the conference room Peon
10:25 Shai : Buy 9800 pe at 69 sl of 52 tgt 96/110
10:26 Shai : This IS caught longs off
10:26 Shai : expecting 9817/ 9797
10:26 MJ : Reds in both. #LOVEOF
10:27 Jitender : tis is the play (10:25) Jitender : OAIR
10:27 Jitender : guys b clr
10:27 Jitender : unless u get RE
10:27 K2dt : yes Jit..noted 🙂
10:28 Jitender : 3 days range is wide n algo driven at edges
10:28 Jitender : will take news to brk it + vols
10:28 Jitender : trade small n light..atleast i will
10:28 Abhishek : when is the sc order today
10:29 Jitender : 10.45 was hearn last i knew
10:29 Abhishek : oky thanks
10:31 Shai : exit from the puts at 71- 72 cmp
10:31 Uttam : 9870 holding
10:31 K2dt : RB
10:31 K2dt : in bnf
10:31 Shai : timing was better near 9910
10:32 Shai : little risky here
10:34 Ankur : Good timely exit from 9800 pe
10:35 K2dt : Jit how do we consider the number of days for a composite?
10:36 Jitender : tat Shai & UG can tell better
10:36 Jitender : basic rule wud be to look fr balance for composite to work
10:37 K2dt : thnx jIT
10:37 Seshadri : bought out 9800 at 63
10:39 Jitender : bench hasnt cum yet
10:39 Jitender : expected anytm
10:39 Shai : stand by guys, let the news flow run out
10:40 Himanshu : Chief – cumulative OI is in favour of 9800,9900,9700 PEs v/s 9900,10K,10100 CEs
10:40 Chandu : wat is d time for news ?
10:41 Himanshu : by 900K
10:43 Ankit Maheshwari : Chief do we expect re-test of 9700 area ? (Just for learning, not trading this)
10:46 K2dt : get ready for 400 point spikes 😀
10:46 Ankit Maheshwari : Spike or Dip?
10:46 K2dt : anyway..don’t know the direction.. i sasy coz of the newsflow
10:46 Ankit Maheshwari : ok
10:47 Uttam : spike can come in any direction
10:47 K2dt : +1 UG
10:48 Chandrashekhar : +1 Uttam
10:56 Jitender : bench is tere
10:57 K2dt : this will take long right Jit?
10:59 Jitender : cant say
10:59 Ankit Maheshwari : VIX rising
11:09 Uttam : BNF changing gears?
11:13 Avinash : SG: Moratorium effectively means “deferment”. Justice Bhushan: Then the deferred amount should stay as it is while it is under moratorium. Justice Kaul: What you are saying is you are doing them a favour by deferment for three months?
11:17 Tejpreet :
11:19 Shai : Govt tells the court, interest waiver would put to risk financial stability of the banking system. Waiver of interest will hurt the interests of depositors
11:20 Shai : @FinMinIndia bats against interest waiver. Govt tells Supreme Court, banks will also have to issue interest to depositors parking their savings. It’s not advisable, feasible to waive interest for 6 months
11:20 Uttam : BNF boom boom coming?
11:21 Swapnil : Just last week, I thought this dispute changed from waiving of full interest to waiving of only interest on unpaid interest
11:21 Shai : Rahul Kanwal has been chosen to break the breaking news ?
11:21 Tejpreet : 🙂
11:21 Rajiv Ohri : 🙂
11:22 MJ : Haha!
11:22 Tejpreet : SC favourable verdict check the seller at 10036 , then China news and back to 9740 ….how’s the plot 🙂
11:22 Shai : play it 🙂
11:22 Chintan : bring it tej
11:23 Chandu : shai in which channel v wil et d news
11:23 Chandu : shai in which channel v wil get d news
11:24 Avinash : Salve : Accoring to authoritative estimates, the world will see a meltdown by 2022. Not charhing interest during this period will put the entire banking sector under a lot of distress.Senior Advocate Rajiv Dutta interjects. “But theres already a pandemic going on!”
11:25 Avinash : Salve Quotinf likes of Zerohedge
11:25 Shai : 🙂
11:25 Shai : best breaking news is always twitter – (11:23) Chandu : shai in which channel v wil et d news
11:26 Prateeek : @livelawindia is one twitter handle for court hearings.
11:26 Prateeek : if someone wants to use
11:26 Avinash :
11:26 K2dt : yess Prateeek..Jit also recommended that
11:26 SagarK : follow Lata V :)P
11:27 Govind : No need to follow anyone, I get my news here at VT…someone is always quick to post
11:28 Swapnil : “Justice Kaul: We are aware of all these concerns. We are talking only about interest on interest. For these three months, you have deferred but then you have not done away with interest on interest. ”
11:29 Swapnil : How will banks react if interest on interest is waived.
11:29 Shai : not much
11:29 Shai : over time it was not accounted
11:30 Shai : should be a win- win and a way out of this mess
11:30 Swapnil : Yes and that’s what the court is only expecting. Let’s see
11:31 Ankit Maheshwari : “Interest waiver case: banks say plea seeking interest waiver is “premature”. Need to see what is on the other side of the tunnel, critical sectors such as agri might need support || we will consider payment deferrals on a case to case, sector to sector basis”
11:32 Swapnil : “Rohatgi: The benefit of deferment has to come with a cost. It cannot be availed and not come at a cost.Justice Kaul: We are only saying provide a waiver on the interest on interest.
11:32 MJ : Bnf chala pudhe.
11:32 Chetas : if 2 lak crore is the interest , interest on interst for 1 quarter would be approx 2500 crore per month
11:32 Chetas : not much correct for waive interest on interst during moratoruium
11:32 Swapnil : Rohatagi’s point is also valid. How can deferment not come with any cost? Every person will defer payment then.
11:33 Swapnil : Even those who can afford to pay.
11:35 Jitender : wat abt farm loan waivers
11:35 Jitender : who bears the cost
11:35 Ankit Maheshwari : “Salve : Can I make a suggestion? Lets wait for three months and see where this is going.”
11:35 K2dt : us Jit..taxpayers
11:36 K2dt : we also fund psu bank recaps
11:36 Prateeek : +1 K2dt
11:37 Shai : not crsosing abv 9910
11:38 Ankit Maheshwari : 9930-40 seller knew something 🙂
11:38 Shai : may want to test 9822 again
11:38 Uttam : big reds in BNF
11:39 Swapnil : Let’s ask Modi to fund a portion of the 20L stimulus towards this interest. :S
11:39 Ankit Maheshwari : 😀
11:39 Jitender : 19.1pe 74-104.8…half thru 3x qty
11:39 Avinash : +1 Jit
11:39 Prateeek : awesome jit 🙂
11:40 Shai : +1
11:40 Chandu : bnf 1L cot
11:40 Jitender : 330 hadd 0s on way up if u goys remember
11:40 Tejpreet : Jit +1
11:40 Jitender : tx Shai n friends
11:40 Ankit Maheshwari : Charts stuck?
11:40 Uttam : congo Jit
11:40 Uttam : yes charts stuck
11:40 Shai : Looking at the conversation happening, looks like Justice Kaul has made up his mind already to give interest off 🙂
11:41 Tejpreet : Maybe he is part of this 1l bn red cot 🙂
11:41 Swapnil : What if it leads to everyone deferring payments because it is free any way. WIll hit banks harder than just waiving off interest on interest
11:41 Ankit Maheshwari : “Sbi: bank to supreme court – 90% of borrowers have not even sought a moratorium || interest waiver can’t be issued like a free gift
11:42 Jitender : all out 95
11:42 Swapnil : May be charge half the rate of interest on the interest 😀
11:42 K2dt : dow F flying
11:43 Jitender : tx UG
11:43 Chandu : shai shul v ignore d COT in bnf
11:44 Shai : 9910 ref lione
11:44 Seshadri : DPOC has moved higher from 9869 to 9908.. does it mean nifty will go up
11:45 Shai : A cross abv can bring 9977 and more
11:45 Jitender : awesum Judge Dutta sayn wat abt the ppl who took money from banks and fled the country
11:45 Jitender : adjourned to Aug
11:46 Ankit Maheshwari : Bring that China news now Tej 🙂
11:47 Tejpreet : 🙂
11:47 Shai : Adjourned is it?
11:47 Jitender : yup
11:47 Shai : what is there to deliberate so much?
11:48 Shai : make a decision and get it done with
11:48 Shai : The SC is a master at kicking the can further down the road !
11:48 Swapnil : moratorium period may be over but the case will still drag on
11:49 Ankit Maheshwari : And 90% people will continue to pay due to interest fear 🙂
11:49 Swapnil : problem solved.
11:49 Shashidhar : Join Me struck
11:50 Swapnil : And when they take the decision, may be banks are more aware of the potential hit. And taking the decision is more informed.
11:51 Ankit Maheshwari : Charts stuck
11:52 Shashidhar : Thanks
11:53 KK : this time 9950 ke paar
11:53 Tejpreet : 328 to 352 on 97k ce, holding some….yks to Jit’s update on deferment
11:53 KK : 9900 CE from 86 , 105 now holding for IB extension
11:54 K2dt : abki baar IB paar
11:54 KK : no charts ?
11:55 KK : back
11:55 K2dt : same trade KK congrats..89-110 . but exited
11:57 KK : BNF those 0s should support
11:58 Jitender : +1 Tej
11:59 Tejpreet : tks
11:59 Jitender : congrats K n K2
12:00 K2dt : thnx Jit
12:00 Shai : charts updating?
12:00 Ankit Maheshwari : No
12:00 Jitender : stuck
12:00 SagarK : no
12:00 Ankit Maheshwari : Very slow
12:00 Raunaq null : no
12:00 Ankur : No
12:00 K2dt : no
12:00 KK : tx
12:01 Abhishek : goin on & off
12:03 Himanshu : SC is pushing Govt to bear some burden – as to part of covid package –
12:04 Shashidhar : Charts Blank in this window
12:04 Ankur : No charts.
12:04 KK : Abh yeh SPx Spx khelenge once hearing is over
12:05 KK : and sudden drop for any news on china volatile day
12:05 Himanshu : only moratorium – is like deffering payment till 6 month for EMIs is not great relief package – and Banks wanted to charge interest on deffered interest – so it was like encashing oppurtunity wide, Govt and RBI increasing excess liquidty to use it to fund defferement instead of fresh lending .. and charging higher penal interest
12:06 Himanshu : Banks had evil plan, Govt to is cornered for this . In true sense it was not anyway any relief – was seen as pure siphoning off – excess liquidity.
12:07 KK : I cant see the charts, anyone else ?
12:07 Himanshu : Banks are seating on fence – on real support. SC – has figuredout this – trust me settelement will be in favour of borrowers.
12:07 Prateeek : me too KK
12:08 KK : ok
12:08 Rajesh G : no charts
12:08 Swapnil : Thanks for sharing Himanshu
12:08 KK : better take a break, till it comes back, thanks Himanshu..NO OF – No trading
12:09 Himanshu : There was mention of – Govt FIn Min- considering this with-in Them, RBI. And then with Banks. –
12:09 Rajiv Ohri : is the screem working?
12:09 Uttam : nope
12:09 Himanshu : 5 Minute Zoom – BNF is working for me
12:09 Uttam : yes BNF working
12:09 Uttam : boom boom there
12:09 Himanshu : 20404
12:09 Uttam : weekly FA getting confirmed 😉
12:10 Himanshu : Yes Zoom has decided to ZOOM past Join me
12:10 Himanshu : haha
12:10 Himanshu : I saw Chief’s face I gues inbetween
12:11 Himanshu : OK now we have message on Join me –
12:11 Favas : no charts?
12:11 Shai : Please use the other charts
12:11 Shai : small break down at webinato
12:11 Favas : ok
12:12 Shashidhar : ok good the chat room is on
12:12 Himanshu : Chief – Zoom is under reboot was working
12:12 Uttam : BNF can get into beast mode
12:13 Uttam : small congestion zone at 20500-530
12:13 Uttam : if taken out next stop 20685
12:13 Uttam : then 20899
12:14 Uttam : lets go BNF
12:14 Tejpreet : Ok guys the other breaking news coming in at 12.30 🙂
12:15 Abhishek : nothing material
12:15 K2dt : what that Tej?
12:15 Ankit Maheshwari : China
12:15 Ankit Maheshwari : Rahul Kanwal
12:15 K2dt : thnx
12:16 Tejpreet : yes
12:16 Abhishek :
12:16 Uttam : je baat
12:17 Uttam : here now – (12:12) Uttam : BNF can get into beast mode(12:13) Uttam : small congestion zone at 20500-530
12:17 Ketan : +1 uttam
12:17 Uttam : abhi to party shuru hui hai 😉
12:18 Uttam : take out that 20530 & we can have more
12:18 Vtrender Live : 5 min charts –
12:18 K2dt : UG 1 ATR tgt?
12:19 Uttam : let is close above 20430 today Kushal will then give the 1 atr 😉
12:19 K2dt : 🙂
12:20 SagarK : Sai above 9950 call is on for 10100?
12:21 Uttam : 1L seeler
12:21 Uttam : in NF
12:21 Uttam : right at 9950
12:21 Shai : Go with COT. Don’t trade blind abv 9950
12:22 SagarK : kk
12:22 Uttam : a) BNF needs to sustain above 20268 for a rise to 20365-448 / 20534-558 / 20640 / 20795*-820 & 20905*-21024
12:22 Uttam : 20548 so far
12:22 MJ : that bnf red value can anyone tell?
12:22 MJ : blurry here.
12:22 Uttam : 23k
12:23 MJ : Thanks UG.
12:24 K2dt : 9900ce not making new highs
12:24 Tejpreet : Uttam are you tracking monthly 10k ce, what’s the bo level ?
12:25 Chandu : shai wat was d 1L seller t 9951.., is he yesterday seller.. plz tel
12:25 Uttam : let me chekc in the 9900ce as of now
12:25 Uttam : 223 to 231 booked
12:25 Tejpreet : +1
12:26 Uttam : 249 in 9900ce imp level to be taken out
12:26 Uttam : 186 similar hvn in 10kce
12:26 Seshadri : DPOC has moved higher to 9930 from 9908
12:27 SagarK : even after big seller its look like selling getting absorb if we test this level again thn big short cvering can happen
12:27 Tejpreet : tks Uttam
12:29 Chandu : uttam at 9950 1L seelr came in RS candle which means yday seller covered..?
12:30 Vishnu : sell cover by only through buying chandu. we need 1 l in buy side not in sell side.
12:30 Amit Jain : if seller will cover it will come as RB
12:31 Tejpreet : Guys that 1l is RS ….so if you are long put tsl in system…..if want to go short get in half and balance once you get IS …..i am long so my tsl is in system.
12:32 Chandu : k. thank u vishnu.., in such case tat 1L is mrng longs booking prft
12:32 Shai : 9900 is forming into a new base for tom
12:32 Himanshu : No only 19 % cases have deffered as per SBI
12:32 K2dt : +1 chief
12:33 Himanshu : then what’s releif package
12:33 Shai : Add 20 points filer to 9880
12:33 Shai : just like 19900 yesterday
12:33 Himanshu : dont support borrowerrs and take bloody all lending to NPA
12:33 Shai : push is to 10100 tom is we don’t stay below 9880 F into close
12:33 K2dt : 10100 magnet back chief?
12:33 Shai : plan is to activate this abv 9950
12:34 Uttam : +1 Shai
12:36 K2dt : chalo boom boom..gore bhi boom boom shuru kar diye hai 😀
12:36 Prateeek : haha K2dt
12:36 Prateeek : relentles buying is the word i like
12:36 K2dt : +1 Prateeek
12:37 MJ : Another word that I like is meltup 🙂
12:37 Shai : Build 50% position in 9900 ce at 109 sl of 94 tgt 195
12:37 K2dt : 195… massive tgt 🙂
12:38 Shai : balance on confirmation
12:40 Rajesh G : shai confirmed?
12:40 Uttam : Bops ready for H with his hammer looks like
12:40 Uttam : getting an ext handle today Bops?
12:41 Uttam : a) NF needs to sustain above 9900 for a rise to 9933-60 / 10005-041 / 10080-095* & 10110*
12:41 Vishnu : shai getting rs at 9950 level
12:41 Uttam : NF high so far 9959.95
12:41 Uttam : 9960 ke upar Jit hai 🙂
12:42 Shai : how do we get a confirmation any one?
12:42 Sanjib : RE
12:42 Uttam : fresh greens at 9950
12:42 Rajesh : ib with good cot
12:42 K2dt : IB with good COT
12:42 Vishnu : +1 ug
12:42 Uttam : IB will be super
12:42 Chandu : IB with good cot
12:42 Shai : +1- (12:42) K2dt : IB with good COT
12:42 Chetas : IB +RE
12:42 Shai : why worry, IB and COT will show the way
12:42 Uttam : mere Karan Arjun aayenge 😉
12:42 Tejpreet : Uttam Is room ke upar mein bhi Jit hai
12:42 Uttam : IB & COT
12:42 Shai : +RE on open singles
12:43 Chetas : ok
12:43 Uttam : yes Tej, Jit is always on the top
12:43 Gopi : bnf greens
12:43 Jitender : Tej 🙂
12:43 Gopi : nf reds
12:44 Uttam : H starts
12:44 Jitender : leg pollin starts 🙂
12:44 Uttam : Bops you ready?
12:44 Jitender : pullin
12:44 Boppanna : Uttam BNF has done its bit from 19900 to 540
12:44 Tejpreet : Been easy day Jit so time pass
12:45 Himanshu : Tussle on
12:45 Uttam : 20685-720 pending in it Bops
12:45 Jitender : cheers brah
12:45 Uttam : you plan to get a VWAP test before that move?
12:45 Ankit Maheshwari : Any news flow?
12:46 Jitender : no
12:48 Boppanna : I am biased for a late upmove Uttam after 2:30 today on upside if 20300 holds
12:50 Uttam : then lets get that vwap test done
12:50 Jitender : 40k green at top do their 100+ dwn
12:50 Uttam : profile fillign will also happen then
12:50 Shai : sl of 90 for the 9900 longs
12:50 Shai : will exit if vwap breaks
12:50 Chandu : Shai tis RS+IS is good short setup r need some good cot
12:51 Shai : looking for momentun abv 9950 for it to go 1:6
12:53 Ankit Maheshwari : What was 12.30 Breaking Tej?
12:54 Tejpreet : never checked
12:54 Tejpreet : let me see
12:54 K2dt : 9900 ce respecting its vwap
12:54 K2dt : weekly
12:55 Uttam : done with the dip?
12:55 K2dt : looks like UG
12:56 Tejpreet : Ankit nothing on twitter maybe some visuals on TV .
12:56 Ankit Maheshwari : Ok
12:56 K2dt : dowF blast
12:56 Ankit Maheshwari : TRP stunt might be
12:57 Tejpreet : yes
12:57 Tejpreet : Let’s clear that 960 now
12:57 K2dt : 9900 ce unwind karo ab
12:59 Boppanna : Uttam pushing BNF
12:59 Uttam : thank you Bops 🙂 I knew you would deliver as always…hammer time
12:59 Shai : 90 looks secure in that CE now
12:59 K2dt : IB with good COT here
12:59 Shai : can add abv 134 cross
12:59 K2dt : chief tgt still 195?
12:59 Shai : close or tom at open
12:59 K2dt : +1
13:01 Shai : BNf could lead abv 20555F right upto 20755
13:01 Uttam : Amen Shai…bas itna sa khwaab hai
13:01 Shai : remembver 20555 I mentioned before all that court drama began
13:01 Shai : is the bias point for noon
13:01 Boppanna : +1 Shai
13:02 Himanshu : UG – Jit. Some BCs are seating still at 9960 – see 9959.95 Tick hih
13:02 Himanshu : Gaya BC
13:03 K2dt : lol H
13:03 MJ : lol
13:03 MJ : himanshu.
13:03 Himanshu : am telling you – they are chinese
13:03 Himanshu : Le ghoss gaya
13:04 Uttam : 708 to 735 50% out in 20500ce
13:04 SagarK : chinese bola toh uda du=iya
13:04 Uttam : Bops gives that token new high in H
13:04 K2dt : 9900 ce ko day high cross karvao pl
13:04 Himanshu : Bops – H ko H chahiye – De Do
13:04 MJ : 9900 oi dukan dipping.
13:05 SagarK : MJ?
13:05 K2dt : yes MJ
13:05 MJ : 9900 ce.
13:06 Shai : Cot badhao Guys! 🙂
13:06 MJ : Kaam chalu saheb!
13:06 K2dt : agreed chief 😀
13:06 Uttam : BNF & NF both so cutely placed inside yesterday’s Value
13:06 Himanshu : Ek minute Chief
13:06 Shai : I’ve given you a good signal – with 60 points risk you can have next 150 points
13:06 Uttam : time to move away and make your own Value
13:06 K2dt : Himanshu loading big guns 😀
13:06 Himanshu : There is Lassi Break in LIC post lunch..
13:06 Shai : 🙂
13:06 MJ : I am loving the comments today.
13:06 Himanshu : They will do BCs – are on break,,
13:07 K2dt : loolll
13:07 Uttam : Bops you have 7 mins to get abv PDH in BNF
13:07 Himanshu : Chief we want one CCTV footage here in room for LIC
13:07 MJ : mock training how to punch orders while having lassi?
13:07 Himanshu : so we know – when are the on desk and when are on breaks ,,
13:08 Himanshu : They will give smooth exit to shorters .. then will come.
13:09 K2dt : 1 screen for LIC H.. sounds good
13:09 Himanshu : Haha
13:10 Himanshu : Liek we are waiting Bear cartel must have given undertable – 15 Minute time ..I dont trust LIC people ..
13:11 Himanshu : Last – effort from my side is – let me short 2 lot here ,,
13:11 Himanshu : then it will go up
13:11 Chetas : now china news on tv18 ( old wine)
13:11 Himanshu : Sab Mile hue hai,, TV- to syndicate all
13:12 Himanshu : I exited 9800 PE – short was brave attempt with 15 Points am ok
13:12 Himanshu : will enter again
13:12 K2dt : china asks India to stop provocative activity loool
13:12 MJ : STFU china.
13:13 K2dt : +100 MJ
13:14 Himanshu : Fitting answer is with in next 1000 Days strat producing everthing under the sun – we need for our consumption and export – subsitute all intermediary products, finihsed goods, Electronics, Mobile all
13:15 K2dt : aa gye chai pssni krke
13:15 K2dt : LIC vale
13:15 MJ : 130 high of 9900 ce needs to go. made in late B period. some smartiepants wanted to eat premium.
13:15 Uttam : I wala ext handle coming
13:15 Himanshu : 15 Miunte ka deal liya tha unhone
13:16 K2dt : 😀 jitne shorts ko nikalna hai nikal lo
13:16 Shai : 9900 ce guys are lossening up or not yet?
13:16 Himanshu : to ho gaya 15 minute – atleast -150K cover ho gaya
13:17 MJ : chief going with a shredder. BRB.
13:17 Suresh : time for spike
13:17 Uttam : je baat
13:17 K2dt : yes chief now seems like they r giving up
13:17 Uttam : 20640 please
13:17 K2dt : 21.6 to 18L OI 9900ce
13:18 Shai : (12:59) Shai : 90 looks secure in that CE now
13:18 Shai : This is till close
13:18 Uttam : IB forming in BNF
13:19 K2dt : aaya LIC jhumke
13:19 Shai : 10020 shoukld come by 1.15
13:19 Shai : rest you guys manage 🙂
13:19 Uttam : thanks Shai 🙂
13:19 Shai : 1.45**
13:19 Tejpreet : +100 Chief
13:19 K2dt : +100 chief
13:20 MJ : Super stuff chief. /\
13:22 Shashidhar : +1
13:22 Uttam : mere Karan Arjun aa gaye 😉
13:24 Uttam : 31k red in BNF at 20611
13:24 Uttam : similar humber in NF too at 9988
13:24 Uttam : number*
13:24 K2dt : 9900 ce nicely obeying
13:26 Jitender : Uttam..just be careful of Mcs..the moment tey go overboard…SLs can get hit 🙂
13:26 Himanshu : 73200 Matching both side
13:26 Jitender : MC’s
13:26 Shai : reduce some longs here at cmp
13:27 Shai : we buy on pullback
13:27 Santosh : are these algos which are causing controlled movement?
13:27 Himanshu : same party switching side now
13:27 Himanshu : they made money of PBH
13:27 K2dt : itna bada pullback nahi dena tha..any news?
13:27 Jitender : no
13:27 Himanshu : now Retail for roggering
13:28 Jitender : see (13:26) Jitender : Uttam..just be careful of Mcs..the moment tey go overboard…SLs can get hit :)(13:26) Jitender : MC’s
13:28 K2dt : +1000 Jit
13:28 Himanshu : Saw – 1 mt, 9900 PE hit 3 SD price low of today – at same point reversal started. or vice a versa – Planned move.
13:28 Tejpreet : +1 Jit
13:29 Jitender : tx guys
13:29 KK : 20540 to 20450 booked
13:29 Tejpreet : all party meet on 19th by PM
13:29 Himanshu : Tea Party
13:30 Himanshu : Tea and Bhajia Party meet.
13:30 Ankit Maheshwari : Lockdown party may be
13:30 Himanshu : Raool gandhi wants to know China in map so
13:30 K2dt : lol H.. u r literally cracking me….
13:30 MJ : Himanshu, Did you get some supplies from daman?
13:30 MJ : 🙂
13:31 K2dt : dry state MJ 😀
13:31 Himanshu : To kya – is anguish basically – am not happy from with in.
13:31 Jitender : Himanshu..spare us…find a gf 🙂
13:31 MJ : Himanshu is on Fiyyaah!
13:31 Jitender : just kidding 🙂
13:31 Ankit Maheshwari : Lol
13:31 K2dt : lool
13:31 Himanshu : Somehow, can’t describe – selfishness around in difficult times
13:32 Himanshu : Jit – Mrs Rajeshwari Himanshu Thakkar – also knows Reliance prices now
13:32 Shai : 9930 a supp
13:33 Himanshu : So – GF is Nifty and Second GF is Ben Nifty ( ).
13:33 Jitender : 🙂
13:34 Swapnil : 9930 broken
13:34 Himanshu : She also tells me – am more focussed on them since last year – in between – see comes to check charts..
13:34 Jitender : 490-20365
13:34 Jitender : yahoo…
13:34 Jitender : completed yday deficit
13:34 Himanshu : + 100
13:34 Himanshu : Jit – you are killer.
13:35 K2dt : u r OAIR king man..Congo Jit
13:35 Avinash : +1 Jit
13:35 Jitender : tx guys _/\_
13:36 Uttam : +100 Jit
13:36 Himanshu : Chalo – well done. But we want to go other side of China – that’s 9990 – Thtas where – Victory is,
13:36 Jitender : done fr the day
13:36 Jitender : tx UG
13:37 Himanshu : Now – JIt you see TV and upadte us – on china, lockdown etc
13:37 Jitender : 🙂
13:37 Uttam : 22k stuck at lows in BNF
13:37 Shai : lomg 9900 ce again 103 sl of 89 tgt open
13:38 Himanshu : Hain ?
13:38 Himanshu : Chief – is on our side ( India Side ) bravo all
13:38 MJ : low made 91.xx when chief said that 90 looks secured 🙂
13:38 K2dt : sellers r paxtanis Himanshu? 🙂
13:39 Chetas : want above ibh /dvah, my dream is to close at high 🙂
13:39 Jitender : dream / hope & ID trading 🙂
13:40 Jitender : new series at netflix
13:40 Govind : haha 🙂
13:40 Himanshu : K2DT- we deal with China –
13:40 Chetas : every 4 to 5 days, i get this dream of close at high or close at lows 🙂
13:40 Himanshu : Pakistan is unlisted scrip .. Nano CAp
13:41 Jitender : just dream of daily DT Chetas..more power n wishes fr u
13:41 K2dt : hahah H
13:41 Chetas : it was listed, now delisted 🙂
13:42 Himanshu : woh sale – Corona mein hi khatam ho jayenge
13:42 Himanshu : No point wasting bullets,
13:43 Shashidhar : :0
13:44 SagarK : let 22k seller get out
13:44 Jitender : Rahul is showing sat images….
13:46 Himanshu : Chalo BOOM”
13:46 Himanshu : Boom 2
13:46 K2dt : yeap
13:46 K2dt : 9900ce ghar bhejo yojna
13:46 Uttam : BNF not in sync yet
13:46 Himanshu : Sponsored by Chief
13:46 Himanshu : Yes
13:47 Himanshu : Ben ka koi bharosa nahi..
13:47 SagarK : uttam bro aap boom boom bol do 🙂
13:47 Prateeek : +1 SagarK
13:47 Uttam : that 27k red at 10410 if stuck can give that boom boom
13:48 Himanshu : 20410
13:48 Shai : (13:26) Shai : reduce some longs here at cmp(13:27) Shai : we buy on pullback
13:48 Shai : (13:37) Shai : lomg 9900 ce again 103 sl of 89 tgt open
13:48 Shai : bought as per plan
13:49 Shai : check the lows – (13:18) Shai : (12:59) Shai : 90 looks secure in that CE now
13:49 Jitender : +1
13:49 Ketan : +1 shai
13:49 SagarK : dow mai boom boom ho gaya
13:50 Uttam : ok looks all set now…BNF this time give a good move
13:52 Uttam : BNF being lazy
13:53 Govind : HDFCB and Kotak not participating UG
13:54 Uttam : bell close today will mean explosive expiry tom 😉
13:55 Govind : Amen to that
13:57 Shai : exit from the 9000 ce at 110 cmp
13:58 Shai : lost opp to push higher
13:59 Shai : COT did not supp
14:00 Uttam : toom much time left so one more move possible though in both
14:00 Uttam : 2:25 or 2:45?
14:00 Uttam : 2:15
14:02 Shai : if cot supports will plug back in 9900 ce again
14:03 Shai : 9900 F shopuld hold into tom
14:03 Uttam : BNF getting into action
14:05 MJ : Shai any longer reference in 9940 9970 zone?
14:06 MJ : Lots of coiling here.
14:09 K2dt : even goras stopped pumping seeing lethargy of LIC..
14:10 K2dt : will watch now
14:13 Uttam : 20500pe from 740 to 769
14:14 Uttam : bell forming so mean reversion trade
14:14 Uttam : VWAP & IBL here so exited
14:14 Uttam : above 780 can do 850 that PE
14:16 Uttam : 20500ce above 645 can do 690-700
14:17 KK : yeh 69K red stuck
14:17 KK : in NF ?
14:18 MJ : yes above vwap.
14:23 K2dt : badhiya bell in both UG 🙂
14:26 Uttam : boom boom
14:26 Uttam : exited at 662 – (14:16) Uttam : 20500ce above 645 can do 690-700
14:27 Ashok null : can we go long in that 9900ce chief?
14:29 Shai : may close here Ashok, hence I exited
14:29 Uttam : tom will be good expiry Shai 😉
14:29 Shai : + coT alsoi went red
14:29 Ashok null : ok chief
14:29 Shai : just be open around 2.50 for a spike
14:29 Shai : if it comes we get in
14:29 Uttam : cool
14:29 Uttam : thanks Shai
14:30 Ashok null : sure Chief thanks
14:37 Tejpreet : Uttam nice exit on that ce +1
14:37 Shai : third IS
14:38 Shai : market is worried about something later tonight
14:38 Uttam : @Tej into that 9900 combo again at 405
14:39 Chandu : uttam it wont b a FA if v close at d low .. bcz v spend above 30min time above d vah, am i right?
14:39 Avinash : Stopped at yesterdays vwap
14:40 Tejpreet : Good one Uttam .
14:41 Uttam :
14:42 Uttam : this 9900 combo has A period singles today with a nice 2-day balance so small R:R of 15 points on the combo in rusue of a tredning move tom
14:42 Uttam : will cut off one leg on confrimation tom
14:42 Rajesh G : UG can we buy it
14:43 Favas : uttam 20300 combo for 550 worth?
14:43 Favas : straddle
14:43 Uttam : this is monthly one Favas
14:43 Favas : overnite
14:43 Uttam : I am not looking at weekly at all
14:43 Favas : ok
14:43 Uttam : but weekly not worth it in my opinion as premium will come crashing down if we open here
14:44 Favas : selling
14:45 Chandu : shai hw do v knw yday 9950 1L seller exited r not?
14:45 Uttam : Shai has alrwady warned selling options in this higher range market
14:46 Favas : ok
14:46 Uttam : NF completing the bell
14:46 Uttam : one move to VAL
14:46 Uttam : done
14:46 Shai : This is turning bearish fast
14:46 Uttam : 20500pe does 850above 780
14:47 Tejpreet : +1 Shai for the switch alert
14:47 Uttam : (14:14) Uttam : above 780 can do 850 that PE
14:47 Uttam : missed this trade
14:47 Swapnil : Any news?
14:47 Uttam : big red COT
14:48 Sanjib : 9900 PE Monthly 208 to 219
14:48 Suresh : mising trade also kind of profit instead of doing wrong trades
14:48 Uttam : inside bar plus Gaussian profile and singles at both ends
14:48 Uttam : tom could be killing
14:49 Kannan : any position can we take for tommorow UG
14:50 Uttam : better to take a fresh view tom depending on open type K
14:50 Kannan : ok thanks
14:52 Kannan : have done 35k plus today
14:52 Uttam : congrats 🙂
14:52 Uttam : you have been missing in action off late?
14:52 Chandu : uttam gausian beans pure bell shape?
14:52 Chandu : means*
14:52 Kannan : no i am quitely doing profits every day
14:53 Uttam : that is wonderful K +100
14:53 Shai : This red COT is closing by longs below 9880
14:53 Shai : may go dwon some more
14:53 Kannan : on that gap down to 9557 day i did 5.40 lakhs
14:54 Shai : +1
14:54 Shai : Congrats
14:54 Uttam : great
14:54 Chetas : Congrats K
14:54 Chetas : semma thool
14:56 Kannan : earlier in march LC day i did 21 lakhs from overnight posiotion
14:57 Uttam : then you are due to give all of us a big treat K
14:57 Ankit Maheshwari : Reliance industries: facebook’s investment into jio under india antitrust review – cci chairman
14:58 Kannan : and in monthly far otm straddle with proper hedge i make about 4 lakhs every month with 50 lakhs investment
14:59 Ankit Maheshwari : Saw Reliance melt post this news
14:59 Swapnil : Ankit M – that must be usual due diligence by CCI for such deals.
14:59 Shai : Motabhai must be planning another 1000000 disinvestment
15:00 Shai : 🙂
15:00 Kannan : sure Ug .come to chennai for a big treat
15:01 MJ : yest and today I period tails.
15:02 Swapnil : Thre was some news that morgan stanley resumes coverage on Reliance. MS was the lead investment advisor for all the JIo deals. If they are resuming coverage then it potentially meant end of selling
15:02 Ankit Maheshwari : Yesterday they gave 1801 target
15:03 Swapnil : sounds like end of selling in Jio then
15:05 Abhishek : guys reports of tremors in mumbai hope all safe
15:05 Shai : ?
15:05 Jay Kothi : Haven’t felt anything
15:06 Abhishek : ok
15:06 Shai : this market has gone from bullish intent to bearish with all that IS and COT
15:06 Shai : 4th IS now- (14:37) Shai : third IS(14:38) Shai : market is worried about something later tonight
15:08 Uttam : reds continue
15:09 Jitender : PM on tv
15:09 Uttam : are we getting new lows for the day?
15:09 Abhishek : warning china wow
15:09 Abhishek : thats forst for me
15:11 Ankit Maheshwari : The issue is serious than it has been made to appear
15:11 Abhishek : yes very much
15:12 Ankit Maheshwari : Were these PMO IS Cot?
15:13 Ankit Maheshwari : Shai closing below VAL means we can carry Put overnight?
15:14 Uttam : BNF at its POC of 20140
15:14 Uttam : will NF also bring the POC lower before close?
15:15 Chandu : uttam bnf last 4days composite prfoile is ter am i right?
15:15 Uttam : today is an inside bar in both so composite continues
15:15 Uttam : value also completely inside yest value
15:16 Shai : overnight carries on next week puts only
15:16 Shai : don’t take tom
15:17 Uttam : that 56k red in NF stopped the quest for new lows
15:17 Chandu : shai hw do v knw tat 9950 seller is out r not?
15:18 Shai : hinting atb open near 9800 or 9750
15:19 Shai : LOts added Chandu last 60 mins
15:19 Abhishek : atb?
15:19 Shai : 5 now- (15:06) Shai : 4th IS now- (14:37) Shai : third IS(14:38) Shai : market is worried about something later tonight
15:19 Shai : At*
15:21 Ankit Maheshwari : Lets test 9700 tail tomorrow
15:22 Krishnakant : can we carry month 9800 PE??
15:22 Krishnakant : shai??
15:22 Uttam : finally some greens in NF
15:22 Ashok null : can we carry monthly PE Shai?
15:23 Ankit Maheshwari : yes next week in monthly only
15:23 Shai : carry
15:23 Uttam : (15:16) Shai : overnight carries on next week puts only(15:16) Shai : don’t take tom
15:24 K2dt : went offline nd this happens
15:25 K2dt : AGR negative tomorrow looks like..
15:25 Himanshu : Reliance recovering ,,
15:25 Himanshu : CCI is formality
15:26 Ankit Maheshwari : Abhi to positions bani h Himanshu
15:26 K2dt : 2 lac and 3 lac negative COT on NF 30 minutes.. won’t be a quite day tomorrow for sure
15:27 Himanshu : In this times – Left to PMO – they want to invite MAmbani and give him list of China Imports List and see whatever they can come with proposal to mafg locally with required tax breaks and incentives. Thats how this DUO ( Modi – Shah) works.
15:27 Himanshu : Not like – Corrupt Congis.
15:28 Ankit Maheshwari : Porinju Tweet : Delhi-Meerut Rapid Rail project goes to a Chinese company, Shanghai Tunnel Eng Co. for Rs.1126 Cr while L&T’s bid was at Rs.1170 Cr. #MakeInIndia #VocalForLocal
15:28 K2dt : for 44 cr they let it go…damn
15:29 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:29 Ankit Maheshwari : Exactly 🙂
15:29 Ankit Maheshwari : Had a good day thanks all
15:29 K2dt : thanks to you UG,chief, Jit and all
15:29 K2dt : bye all
15:29 Giridhar Gowravajhal : Thanks Shai & UG. Bye all
15:29 Sreedhar : good first day. Thank you Shai
15:30 Tejpreet : Bye All.
15:30 Rajesh G : bye all
15:30 Shai : Bye all
15:30 Shai : Have a nice evening
15:30 Krishnakant : buhbye
15:31 Himanshu : Bye all
15:40 Manikandan : bye all
08:56 Shai : (08:54) Shai : ref line for the sellers stays at 9740 F today, which saw big selling yesterday on that upmove(08:55) Shai : support lower is strong at 9720- 9744 which has not seen any sharp selling yet(08:55) Shai : likely to remain ranged between 9745 lower and 9950 upper
09:30 Uttam : a) NF needs to sustain above 9900 for a rise to 9933-60 / 10005-041 / 10080-095* & 10110*
09:31 Uttam : b) The auction staying below 9890 can test lower levels of 9846-24 / 9780 / 9735-12 & 9685-62*
09:41 Uttam : a) BNF needs to sustain above 20268 for a rise to 20365-448 / 20534-558 / 20640 / 20795*-820 & 20905*-21024
09:42 Uttam : b) Staying below 20250, the auction could test 20177-065 / 19987-960 / 19890-850 / 19725-655 & 19555-450