The key to using order flow trading is to determine market depth. This describes the places where Market participants have taken positions or the zone they have transacted. The order flow is like a list of trades and helps to know how other traders are placed in the market
Vtrender helps you to stay on top of the Market by understanding Order flow… This increases your flexibility, your data analysis capability and your winning trade signals. And you make your existing systems better.
08:59 Shai : (08:59) Shai : Nov F & Option charts –
09:00 Shai : (09:00) Shai : 30 min Oct F charts –
09:09 Shai : (09:05) Shai :
(09:09) Shai : weekly and monthly Profile charts updated at –
09:23 Shai : (09:23) Shai : Intra- Short Nifty 10336 sl of 10366 tgt 10305 and 10280
09:45 Shai : (09:45) Shai : NF at tgt 1. Book half and ride the rest at cost
09:58 Shai : (09:58) Shai : Book fully the NF shorts
10:20 Shai : (10:19) Shai : Intra – short BankNifty 25215 sl of 25295 tgt 25050
10:42 Shai : (10:42) Shai : Move SL of the BNF short trade up 12 points to 25307.
10:58 Shai : (10:58) Shai : NOv F charts –
10:59 Shai : (10:59) Shai : we are in settlement week and some of the numbers in the charts are rollovers and not directional trades. Keep a look at NOV numbers also
11:43 Shai : (11:43) Shai : Make exits in the BNF short trade
12:15 Shai : (12:14) Shai : Intra – Buy NF 10352 sl of 10328 tgt 10390
12:24 Shai : (12:24) Shai : Make exits in the NF long trade at 10349 just below entry price
12:43 Shai : (12:43) Shai : Intra- short BankNifty agin 25330 sl of 25430 tgt 25180
12:50 Shai : (12:50) Shai : bnf 25273 Book half and ride the rest at cost
12:57 Shai : (12:57) Shai : exit from the reminder in BNF at 25305 cmp
13:43 Shai : (13:43) Shai : Intra – short BankNifty near 25220 on a rise sl of 25310 tgt 25070
(13:43) Shai : cmp 25180
14:23 Shai : (14:23) Shai : Exit the BankNifty shorts at 25230- 35 here
08:55 Shai : 30 mon charts –
08:58 Shai : Nob F and Option charts at-
08:59 Shai : Nov F & Option charts –
09:00 Shai : 30 min Oct F charts –
09:02 RD Arora : good morning
09:04 Shai : GM all
09:05 Shai :
09:08 Boppanna : GM all, Twin Shai’s in the room 🙂
09:08 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:09 Shai : weekly and monthly Profile charts updated at –
09:09 Kathir : GM Shai all
09:10 Shai : Yes Bopp got signed in at 2 ID’s today
09:10 Pradeep : 400 points gap up on BNF
09:10 Shai : I want you all guys to also welcome Uttam in a new role as the moderator of the Room. I’m sure he will add a lot of value to all that we do here. I wish him the best.
09:11 Uttam : thanks so much Shai 🙂
09:11 Pradeep : Hey Uttam: Nice to see you in this role! All the best and happy guiding us
09:11 Azmath : Congrats Uttam
09:11 Uttam : thanks Pradeep & Azmath 🙂
09:11 Boppanna : Nice to see that good call Shai
09:11 Kathir : Great . Congrats and all the best Uttam.
09:12 Uttam : thanks Kathir 🙂
09:12 Uttam : wish to keep learning & get all in the room on the same level
09:12 Shai : +1
09:12 Jayesh : Perfect …all the best Uttam.
09:12 Uttam : thanks Jayesh 🙂
09:13 Kathir : Uttam the color bit lighter t view
09:13 Boppanna : May be a darker font for Uttam would be better
09:13 Uttam : will do Boppanna, just checking out
09:14 Uttam : so we have a gap up cos of the HDFC results or some other news also?
09:15 Boppanna : Friday had some NBFC related news I think
09:15 Kathir : both open high
09:15 Uttam : 10405 weekly ext handle in NF
09:15 Uttam : today OH exactly there
09:15 Murli : gm to all
09:17 Uttam : staying below 10370 NF can do 10345 & 10290
09:17 Shai : Gap up faded again
09:18 Shai : 10341 a supp
09:19 Uttam : ORR down in both Shai?
09:20 Shai : yes
09:20 Shai : 10310 next in NF
09:23 Shai : Intra- Short Nifty 10336 sl of 10366 tgt 10305 and 10280
09:23 RK : GM SHai and all
09:23 RK : COngrats Uttam for the new role..
09:23 RK : O=H > PDH in both
09:23 Uttam : thanks so much RK 🙂
09:23 R Goel : GM shai and team
09:23 R Goel : congrats uttam 🙂
09:24 Narendra : congrats uttam..
09:24 Uttam : thanks RG & Narendra 🙂
09:26 Ashish null : congrats uttam. but whats this all about. cant read old messages since i use mobile
09:26 TP : GM All.
09:26 Eric : hello everyone
09:26 TP : Congrats Uttam .
09:27 Uttam : thanks Asish & Tej 🙂
09:29 Shai : Not much supp at 10341 . The seller was able to push through easy
09:30 Shai : vwap is the res for the open reject and 1st tgt is the VPOC zone of FRiday
09:30 Uttam : +1 Shai and if that POC goes can tag 10290-285
09:35 Narendra : uttam is that 32775 in nifty is a fresh sell??
09:35 Uttam : could be Narendra
09:36 Azmath : Shai @10380 69k is RS?
09:36 Uttam : we also have a stuck green box on the 30mins at 10370 levels
09:36 Uttam : so that buyer could also be forced to exit
09:38 Uttam : 40k green at 10320
09:38 Uttam : overpowered by sellers
09:40 Uttam : 10305 here in NF
09:42 Uttam : (09:17) Uttam : staying below 10370 NF can do 10345 & 10290 low of 102293 so far
09:42 Boppanna : +1 Uttam
09:42 Pradeep : great start Shai-Uttam duo
09:43 Uttam : thanks Bops & Pradeep 🙂
09:43 Boppanna : Shai below 160 quick drop to 25080?
09:43 Boppanna : BNF
09:43 Uttam : guys hope all have booked 50% & trail remaining to cost in NF
09:43 Jitender : Gm Folks 🙂
09:44 Uttam : hey Jit so good to have you back in the room 🙂
09:44 Uttam : you have been royally missed
09:44 Kathir : welcome Jit
09:44 Boppanna : GM Jit nice to see you back
09:44 Kathir : nf finished 80 % in A period uttam ?
09:44 Jitender : tx Uttam & congrats on moving to upper one deserves it better
09:44 Uttam : yes Kathir +1
09:45 Jitender : tx Kathir & BoP
09:45 Shai : NF at tgt 1. Book half and ride the rest at cost
09:45 Uttam : thanks so much Jit, it has always been a teamwork here at VT & wish to extend the same to others
09:45 Jitender : +1
09:45 Uttam : NF new lows
09:45 Uttam : 10285
09:46 Shai : 10400 CE is a short to expiry with SL of High+ 5
09:46 Shai : 25500 ce also
09:46 Uttam : +1 Shai prev week ext handle down at 10405 so looks like bears will conquer that level or already have
09:47 Shai : 10265 exp hence holding the NF short still
09:48 Uttam : week opens with a ORR down & looks like A period singles so looking like bears taking full control of expiry week here?
09:48 Narendra : shai no signs of buying right
09:49 Pradeep : Bops thanks for the alert. Made some quick points on this. (09:43) Boppanna : Shai below 160 quick drop to 25080?
09:51 Uttam : some buying coming at 10280 looks like, have a green band there but good chances of it getting negated also as 30min bar has just begun
09:51 Boppanna : Ur Welcome Pradeep.. green band stalled that move to POC in BNF
09:52 Pradeep : Shai: on 30 min charts, the large size order on top went away
09:52 Uttam : BNF negating that red box that was being formed at 25160
09:52 Uttam : POC shifting to lows on 30mins
09:53 RD Arora : how can see that 11520 buyer at 25190 shai
09:53 RD Arora : oh now 12440
09:53 Uttam : that can be that 13000 red which as a late short being forced to exit RD
09:54 RD Arora : ok thanks
09:56 Uttam : 10310-315 should resist here or bears will lose bit of their grip
09:56 Favi null : uttam bnf intra?
09:57 Uttam : BNF needs to get above 25200 for more upside as of now
09:58 Uttam : 25200-225 which is vwap also
09:58 Favi null : tnks
09:58 Shai : Book fully the NF shorts
09:59 Manish : Congrats Uttam !!!
09:59 Uttam : thanks Manish 🙂
10:01 Himanshu : congo uttam..
10:01 Uttam : that 10310 red box which was formed in the morning can be called an Initiative Seller Shai? sold below yPOC & seems to have covered at lows leaving that green band?
10:02 Uttam : thanks Himanshu 🙂
10:03 Uttam : BNF gettign some greens
10:03 Uttam : at vwap now
10:04 Uttam : NF also negating that red box at 10310
10:06 Uttam : NF going for a reverse 80%?
10:07 Uttam : but getting sellers at vwap
10:08 Boppanna : BNF looking stronger ?
10:08 Ashish null : uttam 80% target or nifty?
10:09 Ashish null : of nifty?
10:10 Uttam : 10350 which was yVAH, already doen that wide TPO poc of 10325 though from yVAL of 10294
10:10 Ashish null : thanks man
10:10 Uttam : 🙂 welcome
10:11 Uttam : BNF having this odd issue of getting big greens at top on 5min bars
10:12 Uttam : 12k then 11k & now 20k green right at top
10:12 Upendra : @Uttam, you are rocking
10:13 Uttam : thanks Upendra 🙂
10:19 Shai : yes may get stuck
10:19 Uttam : NF also one 40k green above 10330
10:19 Shai : Intra – short BankNifty 25215 sl of 25295 tgt 25050
10:20 Uttam : 20k red below vwap in BNF
10:20 Boppanna : 20k looks to have puked in BNF
10:20 Uttam : SL of that 20760 green
10:20 Uttam : exact same number
10:20 Uttam : +1 Bops
10:20 Uttam : got in at wrong level & SL below vwap gets hit
10:28 Narendra : uttam i have a sho again at vwap should i hold??
10:30 Uttam : nice one Narendra, can part book & trail to cost & re short if IBL goes
10:30 Uttam : as for now we have a small buying tail at lows in both
10:30 Uttam : 10295-10277 small tail in NF from morning
10:31 RD Arora : nov 10200 pe showed highest build up on friday does that will support
10:31 Uttam : for now both forming a ‘b’ so dVAH to dVAL low trades are nice set ups thanks to RK’s inputs
10:32 Shai : yes dv containing the move
10:32 Shai : @RD the Open interest build in last week is speculator money and not smart institutiional
10:32 Uttam : some reds could get stuck in NF here at lows of this 5min bar
10:32 Shai : don’t trust blindly
10:33 RD Arora : ok i see
10:33 Uttam : those greens in NF just below the vwap seem to be the stuck reds exitig?
10:34 Uttam : we have a 1L red on 30mins at 10300 levels
10:34 Uttam : wrong place unless it is a initiative seller
10:36 Jitender : 25270 ST pivot
10:37 Boppanna : +1
10:37 Jitender : 20k green tere at top ..AG long here 🙂
10:37 Uttam : another big green at top of 5min
10:38 Uttam : yes Jit same level B period high also made
10:38 Jitender : cool
10:42 Shai : Move SL of the BNF short trade up 12 points to 25307.
10:46 Narendra : is charts lagging??
10:47 RD Arora : rsing vix to 20.53 does that means put buying
10:48 Mihir : Good morning everyone.
10:48 Mihir : Jit good to see you back in the room 🙂
10:48 RD Arora : gm
10:48 Mihir : Oh Uttam has new colour.
10:48 Uttam : BNF left an FA at 24927 on Friday if we ignore the freak low of 24860 made in the mornign where there were no vols & 1atr from there was 25461 which was hit in the morning
10:49 Uttam : multiple day FA it was
10:49 RD Arora : ? FA please
10:50 Uttam : Failed Auction RD
10:51 RD Arora : ok thanks
10:52 RD Arora : icici move seems someone latching on ?
10:53 Uttam : BNF no vols above 25410 today Shai?
10:56 Mihir : Uttam you planning to touch feku high?
10:56 Jitender : tx Mihir
10:57 Shai : yes 410 is the last of the numbers
10:57 Uttam : thanks Shai so we can take IBH as 25410?
10:58 Shai : NOv F charts –
10:59 Shai : we are in settlement week and some of the numbers in the charts are rollovers and not directional trades. Keep a look at NOV numbers also
11:00 Uttam : +1 Shai
11:00 Boppanna : Shai options charts not available?
11:01 Shai : BNF just quiet here
11:01 Jitender : did we bnf & nf dicount on friday ?
11:02 Shai : yes
11:02 Jitender : tx
11:02 Uttam : @Mihir above 25300 BNF has good supply at 25360 but if stays above 25320 levels can go for that 25461
11:02 Mihir : Thanks Uttam 🙂
11:02 Shai : LOts of big changes have happened in settlement week past 3 months . we will keep a closer look on Nov. The option numbers are not that imp
11:03 Uttam : makes sense Shai
11:03 Jitender : bnf ce’s r getting propped..good
11:04 Uttam : yes Jit for once the PEs premium are not over balanced as compared to the CEs
11:04 Uttam : 14k green again at top in BNF 5mins
11:11 Boppanna : Shai is it possible to char that 25200ce/pe straddle when you have time?
11:11 Boppanna : *chart
11:14 Uttam : you there on slack Bops?
11:14 Boppanna : yep
11:14 Kathir : Now dpoc and poc in nf same..
11:15 Uttam :
11:15 Boppanna : thx
11:15 Uttam : have posted the Ami chart of that combo here, see if it is of nay help
11:15 Uttam : yes Kathir & Value also inside pdat value
11:16 Kathir : ok
11:31 Kathir : 20 k green at top bnf ?
11:32 Mihir : SL looks like.
11:33 Uttam : that has been the story of the day so far in BNF
11:33 Sandesh : flirting with sl’s!
11:33 Mihir : Today’s day has better winners in identifying upside down guys.
11:33 Mihir : But again, OF can mislead as we are in the expiry week.
11:33 Uttam : (10:11) Uttam : BNF having this odd issue of getting big greens at top on 5min bars
11:35 Shai : nothing big comes in NOV in BNF so early
11:35 Shai : is the quietr of the 2
11:35 Mihir : Okay chief. So upside down are really giving good trades since morning.
11:35 Uttam : yep no matching vols there
11:36 Mihir : 307 short 255 out.
11:36 Jayesh : Shai, view on USD INR pls.
11:36 Boppanna : BNF 1 TF up since B
11:37 Jitender : still tere despite 4 moves abv it (10:36) Jitender : 25270 ST pivot
11:38 Mihir : +1 jit 🙂
11:39 Kathir : bnf 60 discount
11:40 Uttam : RK you there? 10295 ledge in the making in NF?
11:41 RK : no Uttam
11:41 RK : box making between 315-300
11:41 RK : *320-300
11:41 Uttam : ABCDE yes all there
11:42 RK : D and E inside C
11:42 Uttam : last week we had made a similar box at the 10575-595 levels?
11:42 RK : forgot Uttam..
11:43 Shai : Make exits in the BNF short trade
11:45 RK : large swipe coming up in BNF upside
11:45 Uttam : +1 RK
11:45 Uttam : NF also can do 10360?
11:46 RK : NF 340 res now
11:46 Uttam : NF getting greens at top on 5min now
11:46 Uttam : 23k & then another 25k in this bar
11:47 Mihir : had to get excited above that 320.
11:47 Mihir : Junction of yvwap vwap and vpoc.
11:48 Mihir : 308 to 320 too many imp values.
11:51 Uttam : 37k green in NF now at top of this 5min bar
11:51 Uttam : 40k
11:52 Jitender : hmmm..below 270…m hoping for 25180..but first da after a brk 🙂 (11:45) RK : large swipe coming up in BNF upside
11:52 Jitender : *day
11:53 RK : JIt yes with you on that
11:53 RK : below 260
11:53 RK : but before that 330-350 swipe
11:53 Mihir : Someone start ce/pe appreciation program. Buggers moving too slow.
11:53 RK : is the expectation
11:54 Jitender : k
11:55 Mihir : YAAY!
11:56 RK : done
11:56 Mihir : BNF you beauty!
11:56 Jitender : +1
11:56 RK : and NF stayed below 340..hold it pls else entire perspective now will go for toss..dont want NF to show sm balance above 340 today
11:57 Mihir : RK 🙂
11:57 Mihir : Looks like wants to run away.
12:04 Uttam : (11:02) Uttam : @Mihir above 25300 BNF has good supply at 25360 but if stays above 25320 levels can go for that 25461
12:04 Uttam : 25360 done
12:04 Mihir : /\
12:05 Mihir : Uttam feku high please. Lets sort that 🙂
12:06 Uttam : 25410 & 25461 expecting now
12:06 Jitender : a drop in vix will kill prem in ptions..just b watchful
12:06 Uttam : but still near that supply zone of 25360
12:06 Uttam : true Jit
12:07 Shai : back to 10342 where the seller added to drive the index down again after foirst 10 mins
12:07 Pradeep : We have weak high in NF. So test of day high possible?
12:08 Shai : BNF is steady abv vwap
12:08 Shai : shorts are not looking good and aboundance of greens from open
12:08 Mihir : 411
12:08 Mihir : 😀
12:08 Mihir : baaammmmmm
12:08 Shai : what d hell
12:08 Shai : 495?
12:08 Mihir : +1 chief shorts above pdh were very risky.
12:08 Uttam : (12:06) Uttam : 25410 & 25461 expecting now
12:09 Uttam : 495 is false tick Shai?
12:09 Mihir : Thanks Uttam 🙂
12:09 Mihir : (10:56) Mihir : Uttam you planning to touch feku high?
12:09 Uttam : 25413 GDFL showing high so far
12:09 Sumit : 110 reds in bnf ?
12:09 Mihir : Hahaha! Swipe of order 🙂 (10:56) Mihir : Uttam you planning to touch feku high?
12:09 Uttam : (11:45) Uttam : NF also can do 10360? high so far 10351.8
12:10 Mihir : Thank you uttam.
12:10 Jitender : Congo M
12:10 Mihir : (11:56) RK : and NF stayed below 340..hold it pls else entire perspective now will go for toss..dont want NF to show sm balance above 340 today(11:57) Mihir : Looks like wants to run away.
12:10 Mihir : Jit 🙂 fixing 😉
12:11 Jitender : 🙂
12:11 Uttam : 52K green in NF at highs
12:11 Jitender : yh….wat do u plan to do to him
12:12 Uttam : fade with SL abv 10360
12:12 Boppanna : 11:36 Boppanna : BNF 1 TF up since B
12:12 Uttam : +1 Bop
12:12 Gaurav : 1L in BNF
12:12 Uttam : no such vols in Nov BNF
12:12 Mihir : Gaurav sl
12:12 Uttam : NF 10357
12:12 Mihir : wholesome sl.
12:12 Mihir : Headshot from afar.
12:13 Uttam : that 1L buy exactly at 25410 morning highs
12:13 RK : 10388F coming
12:13 Uttam : if we ignore the freak hihg of 25475
12:13 Mihir : Kardo RK.
12:13 Mihir : 🙂
12:13 Uttam : +1 RK
12:13 RK : 10330 invalidation
12:14 Shai : Intra – Buy NF 10352 sl of 10328 tgt 10390
12:15 Mihir : Jayesh you there?
12:15 Mihir : 🙂
12:15 Jayesh : Yes Mihir.
12:15 Mihir : Goes per the plan.
12:15 Jayesh : view was perfect…yep ..enjoy
12:16 Mihir : Thanks J.
12:16 Jayesh : welcome
12:17 Uttam : BNF trend day vwap at 25500 & that frwaj high so far at 25495
12:17 Uttam : freak*
12:22 Mihir : Uttam that 1L looks like sl hit only right?
12:22 Mihir : BNF
12:22 Uttam : yes Mihir all 0’s above it so looks like sabka SL kha liya & showing a consolidated number
12:22 Mihir : Possible.
12:23 Mihir : No fresh demand here popping up.
12:23 Shai : BNF may test vwap
12:23 Mihir : +1 chief.
12:23 Mihir : lets doo
12:24 Shai : Make exits in the NF long trade at 10349 just below entry price
12:24 Uttam : profile fillinf time in both?
12:31 Shai : 25317 – (12:23) Shai : BNF may test vwap
12:31 Jitender : +1
12:32 Mihir : Super chief.
12:32 Mihir : Wanted pdh 🙂
12:32 Mihir : you gave it.
12:32 Shai : That 82K in NF came late to the game , we had to exit
12:32 Gaurav : that was part rollover also in Nov
12:33 Shai : yes
12:43 Mihir : Just stopped again at pdh.
12:43 Mihir : Please go down.
12:43 Shai : Intra- short BankNifty agin 25330 sl of 25430 tgt 25180
12:44 Shai : trading this as a davh to daval trade on that selling at 25410
12:44 Shai : below vwap gets momentum downwards quick
12:46 Uttam : probable FA at hgihs in BNF
12:48 Mihir : Thanks Chief.
12:48 Mihir : out at vwap 🙂 fully.
12:48 Mihir : Now holding your call 🙂
12:49 Uttam : OTF up in BNF stops
12:50 Uttam : after G made an inside bar now H making lower low
12:50 Uttam : breakin low of F also
12:50 Shai : bnf 25273 Book half and ride the rest at cost
12:51 Uttam : NF new sellers in the 10320-330 band
12:51 Uttam : vwap break on aggressive reds looks like
12:51 Shai : yep
12:52 Shai : luckily we dis not get caught on wrong side in NF
12:52 Uttam : +1 Shai timely exit there
12:55 Shai : 280- 300 zone was acting as res all morning
12:55 Shai : dip to 285 has got siome buyers going again
12:56 Shai : was a nice short Mihir congarts – (12:48) Mihir : out at vwap 🙂 fully.
12:56 Uttam : yep vwap holding in both
12:57 Shai : exit from the reminder in BNF at 25305 cmp
13:01 Mihir : Thanks chief 🙂
13:03 Mihir : Chief can holding of vwap again attempt towards 370?
13:21 Shai : big moves look to be done in both
13:21 Shai : could be a quiet period into close
13:22 Pradeep : which side 🙂
13:22 Uttam : BNF making a nice bell looks like?
13:22 Mihir : Yes uttam nice slim bell.
13:25 Mihir : Most of the ces in bnf around vwap.
13:26 Mihir : This time we move south of vwap. We see dark green if we are shorted.
13:32 Narendra : uttam fresh shorts in nifty below vwap??
13:33 Mihir : 15k looks like needs friends in bnf.
13:33 Pradeep : Uttam: NF – is it headed for ylow 10244?
13:34 Uttam : short at dVAH looks better Narendra as NF looking like a ‘b’ and has sup at 10310-295, if these taken out & we see reds in OF can short afresh
13:35 Uttam : next move may come post 2-2:30 else as Shai mentioned we could have a quiet close
13:36 Uttam : 80% down almost done here in NF
13:37 Mihir : Shorts below pdh and just booked (13:26) Mihir : This time we move south of vwap. We see dark green if we are shorted.
13:37 Uttam : 10350-10310-10294
13:38 Uttam : 26k red in BNF stuck at lows in 5mins
13:38 Uttam : 19k & 13k in NF
13:39 Mihir : 36k
13:39 Mihir : at low
13:39 Mihir : uttam
13:39 Uttam : yes Mihir
13:39 Uttam : 25200
13:39 Uttam : 25215
13:42 Mihir : that 15k and 22k looked confident.
13:43 Mihir : Govinda govinda 🙂
13:43 Uttam : BNF gone
13:43 Mihir : took out all the intra players.
13:43 Shai : Intra – short BankNifty near 25220 on a rise sl of 25310 tgt 25070
13:43 Shai : cmp 25180
13:43 Jitender : finally DT done (11:52) Jitender : hmmm..below 270…m hoping for 25180..but first da after a brk 🙂 (11:45) RK : large swipe coming up in BNF upside
13:44 Uttam : super Jit 🙂 congrats & super comeback
13:44 RK : JIt 25320-25230 with you 🙂
13:44 Jitender : went in2 red mtm of -1.2DT….now same up
13:44 Shai : +1
13:44 Jitender : tx Uttam..but not good tradn
13:44 Jitender : cheers Rk
13:44 Mihir : Cheers Jit.
13:44 Mihir : It is a very tough day to trade.
13:44 Mihir : Both sides are getting whacked 🙂
13:44 Uttam : back after a break Jit so little bit teething problems? but you still managed your DT so thats great
13:45 Mihir : and faster.
13:45 Jitender : not…was little jaded….shld have caught the move up also
13:45 Shai : 25350- 410 zone was an ideal sweet spot with all that red
13:45 Shai : that guy is up 200
13:45 Mihir : +1 chief 🙂
13:46 Shai : we should go to that VPOC 25070
13:46 Mihir : If I held then I would have been too 😛
13:46 Shai : on these new reds
13:47 Mihir : That 74k in NF looks like some ID shorts exiting.
13:47 Mihir : Sorry ignore.
13:51 Uttam : that stuck 74k red in NF at lows looks will give vwap?
13:52 Jitender : clocking out guys..c u
13:53 Kathir : TC jit
13:53 Uttam : see you Jit, take care
13:53 Jitender : +1 guys
13:53 Mihir : Bye Jit 🙂
13:53 Jitender : bye
13:54 Uttam : (13:51) Uttam : that stuck 74k red in NF at lows looks will give vwap? Done
13:55 Mihir : Been a day full of spotting upside down guys.
13:55 Mihir : Good RR trades have come.
13:56 Mihir : now 16k again just above vwap.
13:56 Mihir : in bnf
14:00 Uttam : BNF looks like will not be in the upper half of the profile till close
14:00 Uttam : will now*
14:06 Mihir : Test
14:07 Kathir : pass
14:07 Mihir : Thanks K.
14:07 Mihir : Chat had vanished.
14:09 Kathir : oh ok
14:11 Kathir : vix strong above 20 today ..uttam ?
14:12 Uttam : yes Vix after taking a dip to 19.7 again rising now
14:13 Mihir : Low of a yet to be tested.
14:13 Mihir : Again at these reds.
14:13 Mihir : Lets do it. 😀
14:14 Kathir : bnf mihir ?
14:15 Mihir : yes kathir.
14:15 Kathir : ok
14:23 Shai : Exit the BankNifty shorts at 25230- 35 here
14:27 Eric : HI shai, im not an expert with orderflow analysis, correct me if wrong, today sell side volume have decresed from prev days. does it imply sellers are weak now?
14:33 Mihir : Kathir lets touch low of b now?
14:34 Mihir : Doneeee!
14:34 Mihir : 🙂
14:34 Kathir : cheers
14:34 Shai : BNF slipped 🙁
14:34 Mihir : Chief 🙁
14:34 Mihir : Next trade we get.
14:34 Sandesh : Bummmmmmmmmm
14:35 Mihir : Sandesh baba!
14:35 Shai : @Eric it started adding up in last 2 hours on the sell side
14:36 Shai : yes there was some buying near 10320- 10360 in that rise up
14:37 Mihir : Cheif 47k greens in bnf.
14:37 Mihir : holds the slide for now?
14:38 Mihir : Gaurav big vols in rollover?
14:39 Shai : 54 to 32 – (09:46) Shai : 10400 CE is a short to expiry with SL of High+ 5
14:39 Shai : Going to 0
14:44 Shai : nice bell in BNF
14:44 Uttam : yes Shai
14:45 Eric : @shai whant i meant was the ratio from prev to today. buy ratio from yest is up, whearas sell ratio is down, i dont know if i am reading this right, plz correct if wrong.
14:45 Boppanna : Shai a test of 25000 possible today?
14:45 Mihir : Bopp. Would love it 🙂
14:46 Mihir : Shai below this to watch out for? (13:46) Shai : we should go to that VPOC 25070
14:46 Uttam : 24965 is the 1atr from 25495 todays FA in BNF
14:47 Mihir : Nice!
14:47 Pradeep : Uttam: You had right in the first part. lol 🙂 (14:00) Uttam : BNF looks like will not be in the upper half of the profile till close(14:00) Uttam : will now*
14:47 Uttam : so if 25065 broken again then can expect 24965
14:47 Shai : 24965/ 24870
14:47 Uttam : lol Pradeep
14:48 Mihir : I think he was confusing the bots.
14:48 Pradeep : ha aha
14:48 Uttam : looked like as it was forming a bell could fill the upper part but it had otherp lans still retaining the bell
14:49 Mihir : 30+ mins Uttam is capable of driving us there.
14:49 Uttam : planning for a spike close Mihir?
14:50 Uttam : NF can tag that vpoc of 10218 then
14:50 Uttam : big IB so even 1.5 IB down there only
14:50 Mihir : Can do 218.
14:50 Mihir : Bots go to 218
14:51 Mihir : Clinging to ibl so far.
14:51 Azmath : OTF down from G period
14:52 Mihir : Aye aye!
14:53 Uttam : yes Azmath ‘J’ was an inside bar but as RJ tells ‘K’ dictated the closing move
14:53 Uttam : RK*
14:54 Uttam : vix making new day highs?
14:55 Shai : heavy volume being transacted here
14:55 Boppanna : big volumes
14:55 Uttam : looks like bell close only
14:55 Shai : it’s the buyers trying to lift
14:56 Uttam : Shai BNF dpoc can shift to 25260 levles?
14:56 Uttam : that 1L red still has it at 25412 now
14:56 Shai : yyes
14:56 Shai : That is big – wont shift
14:57 Uttam : but can we take it as that prominent POC of 25260 for tom’s reference?
14:57 Shai : 10200 pe is a but abv 62 for 90 cmp 58
14:57 Shai : sl of 50
15:01 Shai : 65
15:01 Shai : 10200 F calling NF
15:04 Pradeep : we broke the ylow on NF. (13:33) Pradeep : Uttam: NF – is it headed for ylow 10244?
15:04 Mihir : Break of vwap and take this day to lows kinda day.
15:04 Mihir : +1 pradeep.
15:04 Uttam : nice Pradeep 🙂 +1
15:05 Mihir : Uttam this is spike down?
15:05 Mihir : Or more you want?
15:05 Uttam : yes
15:05 Mihir : 😛
15:05 Kathir : 21.2 vix
15:05 Shai : 75- Book half the PE- (14:57) Shai : 10200 pe is a but abv 62 for 90 cmp 58
15:06 Mihir : that 1L guy got 400 pts intra.
15:06 Shai : 26 more needed in NF
15:06 Mihir : amazing planning.
15:07 Pradeep : In the nindsight, we could have just taken this ride with that 1 L guy
15:10 Mihir : Bopp 25k 🙂 here.
15:10 Uttam : 10220 low so far NF
15:10 Uttam : 24990 BNF
15:10 Uttam : 10218 done
15:10 Mihir : 217.2 tags that vpoc
15:11 Shai : 10217/ 79 on the PE
15:11 Uttam : super Shai 🙂
15:11 Shai : 17 and 10 needed
15:11 Boppanna : +1 ..965-940 pending
15:11 Uttam : 19 more in BNF for that 1atr
15:11 Mihir : NF shorted on vwap 🙂 will close at day’s end.
15:11 Uttam : 10 more
15:11 Uttam : 6
15:11 Mihir : 180 coming.
15:11 Uttam : 24967 low so far
15:11 Shai : I’m done
15:12 Shai : Thank you
15:12 Pradeep : Yeah great day Shai & Uttam show
15:12 Mihir : Chief! 🙂
15:12 Pradeep : first day show
15:12 Mihir : badaboom! move.
15:12 Shai : 10206 – (15:01) Shai : 10200 F calling NF
15:12 Mihir : happy to have caught most of it 🙂
15:12 Mihir : Kudos chief!
15:12 Uttam : (14:47) Uttam : so if 25065 broken again then can expect 24965
15:12 Mihir : we got the next ones 🙂
15:12 Mihir : all of them.
15:12 Shai : 85 – (14:57) Shai : 10200 pe is a butyabv 62 for 90 cmp 58
15:13 Uttam : super guys 🙂
15:13 Pradeep : Shai: The webinar of Friday helped. Wish you did more of it weekly
15:13 Uttam : 24966.7 BNF low
15:13 Mihir : KISS setup is break of vwap.
15:14 Mihir : Keep TSL on. Or keep reshorting higher.
15:14 RK : Shai 10K opening up for expiry? 🙂
15:14 RK : or for tmw open?
15:15 Uttam : yes RK bears have the upper hand ORR weekly open & close at lows
15:16 Uttam : 10266 & 25050 extension handle and spike highs in NF & BNF
15:17 Pradeep : Uttam: this 1 L guy, do these guys get out by end of day or carry? How do we get to know if they have covered by now in parts.
15:17 Uttam : you aksing abot that BNF 1L guy Pradeep?
15:18 Pradeep : yes
15:21 Uttam : that could have been a consolidated order of all SLs getting hit & in case that has a big seller within it then could be covering here at lows as so far delta has been red & climbing all day higher
15:21 Shai : a small aggressive long for 10260/ 10300 tom
15:21 Uttam : BNF ext handle tagged today itself
15:21 Shai : sl of 10195
15:21 Pradeep : ok tx
15:21 Shai : only for traders wanting to take a bit of risk
15:22 Shai : spike rules apply at open tom
15:23 Uttam : 10200ce has big buyers in this fall of NF Shai?
15:23 Uttam : at 95 levels
15:25 Shai : 10300 has
15:25 Shai : 10200 pe saw pinks at 85
15:25 Shai : was an exit of shorts
15:25 Uttam : oh ok 10200ce also had big increase in OI from 4.3L to 8L now
15:25 Uttam : last 25 mins
15:26 Shai : k
15:26 Boppanna : Shai BNF free fall if gets below 24900 ?
15:26 Mihir : Shai bnf for 270 at open tomorrow?
15:26 Shai : 24870 strong supp in BNF
15:27 Shai : I think would expite 24870- 25180
15:27 Boppanna : 🙂 timely opposite views Mihir
15:27 Uttam : yes 24867 is vpoc of that composite in BNF
15:27 Mihir : Yes bopp 🙂 staying here then.
15:27 Mihir : hehe.
15:27 Uttam : 1L green in NF here
15:27 Uttam : 95k
15:28 Uttam : not a good close for shorts
15:28 Uttam : BNF 100 points up from that 24966
15:29 Shai : Bye all
15:29 Mihir : Bye everyone
15:29 Uttam : (15:23) Uttam : 10200ce has big buyers in this fall of NF Shai?(15:23) Uttam : at 95 levels up at 109 in 10 mins
15:29 Shai : Hope everyone had a good session
15:29 Shai : catch up tom
15:29 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:29 Pradeep : great session
15:29 Boppanna : bye all & thx
15:29 Narendra : bye all..have a nice evening
15:34 Kathir : Thanks and bye all
09:53 Boppanna : Shai HDFC intra levels pls?
10:35 Boppanna : Shai any big buying in HDFC at the lows?
10:47 Shai : HDFC at a supp band here 1655
10:47 Shai : also 1620- 1655 is a swing supp zone and a range of trade
10:48 Shai : No big buying since opeb
10:48 Boppanna : thx
13:23 Gaurav : Shai Asian Paints can buy NOvember?
14:09 Shai : technical supp zone at 1190
14:09 Shai : wait near the close to see if it holds
14:09 Shai : then sl would be 1174
14:43 Gaurav : Thanks Shai