Trading Order Flow allows a trader to see the specific price where a trade has hit the market, along with the volume of that trade. This information is extremely valuable and allows a trader to generate substantial revenue by using this information to trade.
The way we see it is that Order Flow trading is a mindset. Well, instead of just looking for technical patterns, Trader should go a step further and think about what other market participants might do.
Room Chat
08:54 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts –
08:55 Vtrender Live : 5 min NF charts –
08:55 Vtrender Live : 5 min BNF charts –
08:58 Ankush Jain : GM all
08:58 Shubham Q : good morning
08:58 Ankush Jain : wow we have 3D charts today
08:58 Arcchit Agarwal : GM All
08:59 Shai : GM all
08:59 Shai : Ref line for the open at 11955 this morning
09:00 Shai : supp at 11906 from thurs and lower at 11887
09:00 Shai : supplay at 12004 amd 12023
09:00 Shai : we work with these for the day today knowing that the larget auction is also in a 200 point range
09:01 Shai : BNF ref line at 24630
09:01 Shai : 24800 to monitor on intra day upsides
09:01 Shai : supp strong at 24230
09:02 Shai : Gradually we move to 3D – (08:58) Ankush Jain: wow we have 3D charts today
09:03 Shai : haver added day 5 min charts at the top of both join me and zoon for a full day pic . That will have the IB/ IS in green and pinks
09:03 K2dt : +100 chief
09:03 K2dt : tx
09:08 Raveendra : gm all
09:12 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:12 Naren : Gm All.
09:12 Himanshu : GM all
09:12 Himanshu : GM Chief – UG
09:12 Tejpreet : GM All.
09:18 Manikandan : GM al
09:18 Ankush Jain : we r below Thursday’s POC
09:31 Himanshu : Chief – was observiing 3D candles with volume bar – and previous day tape in same raw .. is like very good visual reference, – as if we have new tool like Visual Alogo to cop up with Machine Algos
09:33 Himanshu : This screen is upgrading like – SpaceX Control..
09:35 Tejaswini : ORR in BNF?
09:37 Shai : +1- (09:31) Himanshu : Chief – was observiing 3D candles with volume bar – and previous day tape in same raw .. is like very good visual reference, – as if we have new tool like Visual Alogo to cop up with Machine Algos
09:37 Uttam : ORR will not let it get back into prev day range
09:37 Shai : 3 D is enhanced clarity
09:37 K2dt : only the candles that matter right chief?? IBs and ISs :))
09:38 Shai : we are working to get the numbers sorted in 3 D. That will be a challenge though, but all the rest will be in 3 D
09:38 Uttam : nice Shai +1
09:38 Naren : +1
09:40 Shai : Itra – short NF 11895 sl of 11925 tgt 11840
09:41 K2dt : chief can u bring speedo in the foreground pl..good part of it is hidden
09:42 K2dt : tx chief
09:46 Shai : Put exit orders for the NF at 11892- 11895 cost price. Make exits
09:46 Shai : we may coild here for some time
09:47 K2dt : 887 good support for now looks like chief
09:54 Gopi : whts cooking with BNF @ ug
10:02 Uttam : staying below 24520 not good for BNF
10:02 Uttam : alsothough somehow managing to stay in fridays range
10:03 Uttam : one push down can being more fall
10:10 Uttam : BNF shaping up for a C side up?
10:10 Uttam : NF needs to get accepted baove 11908
10:14 abdulla mahamood : is there a short in nifty
10:16 Uttam : no Abdulla
10:20 Uttam : looks like NF going for a C side down here
10:20 Uttam : that 22k green stalled BNF’s rise
10:20 Gopi : 11900 ce pe both buildng
10:24 Shai : still here – (09:46) Shai : we may coil here for some time
10:24 Shai : yes 11900 writers would come in
10:24 K2dt : +1 chief
10:27 Shai : 11870 minopr supp by thayt green band
10:27 Shai : below that opens 30 poinst to 11840
10:27 Shai : 11915 has sellers along with 11925
10:27 Ankush Jain : chief foor shorts SL 11915 would be good?
10:29 Shai : 925 better
10:29 Ankush Jain : ok thanks
10:31 K2dt : chief profile charts stuck for both?
10:32 K2dt : was stuck here..refreshed..working fine
10:43 abdulla mahamood : wht is COT sirji
10:45 Uttam : COT is total buying minus selling of the bar
10:45 Uttam : Commitment of Trade
10:45 Uttam : C done so D ready?
10:48 Uttam : that 22k green stuck at top exiting below VWAP looks like in BNF
11:01 Uttam : Market seems to be in holiday mood 😉
11:01 Uttam : bandh karo market
11:05 Shubham Q : frustating…….
11:05 Gopi : cautious ahead of election?
11:08 Naren : both BNF and NFT is completely held within the last wednesdays final session low and rally high, although the rally high is taken out, the auction is still contained within that tight balance. multiple attempts to take out wednesday low seems to be attracting responsive buying, so fireworks later in the day either side or close here and come fresh tomorrow?
11:12 Shubham Q : kaboom!
11:12 Gopi : france, itali, sapin to lock down
11:13 Shubham Q : 11870 still needs to be taken out
11:14 Uttam : 1.9L in NF
11:14 Uttam : 0s at lows
11:14 Shubham Q : in 11900 pe from 95.6
11:15 MJ : 11978 seller looks like exited here?
11:16 Naren : Shai’s short call target in NFT almost reached, 11858 low
11:16 Shai : end of auction in NF
11:16 Shai : watch vwap
11:17 Rahul : 000 taken
11:17 Shai : taken out
11:18 Shubham Q : 11830 is where we go right?
11:18 Shai : 11840
11:19 K2dt : 101-127 11900ppe dt done
11:21 Devkant : 11846 low.
11:21 Shubham Q : we may just build a DD day
11:23 Uttam : doom doom day
11:23 Shubham Q : vertical break high chances of mean reverting?
11:25 Uttam : 11950combo taken at 198 on Friday got a exit here at 214
11:25 Uttam : patience pays
11:25 Prashant : Break of 820 for new short??
11:25 K2dt : cheers UG
11:26 MJ : +1 ug
11:26 Shubham Q : does decay in options happen continuously or only during trading hours
11:27 Uttam : 11865 ref on upside
11:27 Uttam : 1L green there with 0s
11:27 Uttam : it is also the VWAP of the 13-day comp in NF
11:27 Uttam : 11822 is the VAL
11:30 Shai : Buyt NF abv 11865 sl of 11839 tgt 11905. Buy abv only
11:31 Shai : 12000 ce sl of 35 from here can do 47 and more
11:31 Shai : cmp 39.5
11:34 Uttam : BNF makes the RE down now
11:34 Uttam : 70k greens
11:36 Shai : exit the 12000 ce at 37.85
11:36 Shai : os’ in BNF alos
11:37 Ankush Jain : holding 12000 ce short
11:38 Shai : has to dip below 35
11:38 Uttam : both do 1.5 IB down
11:38 Uttam : 11822 here
11:39 abdulla mahamood : is there any positional call running ?
11:39 Uttam : we do only intraday trades mostly here A
11:40 Uttam : NF gave a neat probe today
11:40 Prashant : New shorts below the lows now??
11:41 Uttam : left singles in the IB / stayed below PDL & now makes a RE
11:41 Uttam : not new selling seen here
11:41 Shubham Q : this is getting too short intraday
11:41 Uttam : and we are at VAL of composite
11:41 Prashant : Yes, blue here
11:41 Uttam : could be rolls too though
11:41 Prashant : but 760 is there..
11:43 abdulla mahamood : do u give positional calls also ,,,,,,just asking,,,ia new to this
11:43 K2dt : bnf almost did its storng support level of 230
11:43 Shai : shorts stay in control below 11866
11:43 Shubham Q : 77k in 11.40 bar
11:44 Ankush Jain : holding 12000 ce short till 11866 then
11:44 Shai : once chance to rise abv 11865 was waster at 11,40\
11:44 Shai : so PLR stays down
11:44 Uttam : 11794 2ib
11:46 Uttam : we got E for exgtension handle in bpth
11:46 Uttam : 11872 & 24360
11:47 Uttam : 11821 low so far so next leg once that goes – b) The auction staying below 11931 could test 11890-867 / 11822 & 11783-742
11:47 Uttam : did mention BNF weak below 24520 in the morning – b) The auction staying below 24520 could test 24451-393 / 24280-207 / 24125-072 & 23985-873
11:48 K2dt : chief these 3d charts r a boon 🙂 a few small IBs we got there on friday nd thursday.. today no IB at all… fantastic addition to the charts
11:50 Shai : +1
11:57 Uttam : will F make a lower low or will it happen in G?
11:57 Rohit : 11950PE, +122-133-137-144-149-157….holding 25% for 199, with SL at PE vwap
12:01 Uttam : above 11845 NF can test 11865
12:02 Uttam : vwap+IBL aligned now at 11872 and will be the ref to watch
12:06 Shai : Buy 11800 pe at 81- 82 sl of 68 tgt 102
12:08 Rahul : yeppppp
12:09 Shai : 95 book half and s;l at cost on rest
12:09 Rahul : thanks shai
12:09 Shai : was waiting near 11860 for that short but it stoppe dat 11845
12:13 Shai : BNF at last intra supp of 24130
12:13 Shai : can start leading downsides below that
12:13 Uttam : +1 23980 possible in it ?
12:13 Shai : 23900/ 750
12:14 Uttam : thanks Shai
12:16 Shai : 97
12:17 Shai : writers of thurs feel the pain abv 102
12:31 Ankush Jain : every small rise being sold into
12:33 Aditya09 : low unsecured
12:34 Uttam : 2 IB doen in NF
12:34 Uttam : 11794
12:34 Uttam : 0s as of now
12:34 Uttam : lets see how this bar closes
12:36 Ankush Jain : more downside
12:37 Shubham Q : prev. week low at 11766
12:37 Chandrashekhar : that 43K green old short covering Shai/Uttam?
12:37 Devkant : 11800 PE above 102 . CMP 107
12:38 Shai : hold
12:38 Shai : 98 TSL for 122
12:39 Uttam : 11778 – (11:47) Uttam : 11821 low so far so next leg once that goes – b) The auction staying below 11931 could test 11890-867 / 11822 & 11783-742
12:39 MJ : 11950 combo out.
12:39 Chandrashekhar : +1 Uttam
12:39 MJ : Thanks UG. had picked up on friday.
12:40 Chandrashekhar : 780 was defended last wednesday – 21st Oct
12:42 Uttam : congo
12:42 Uttam : 24072 imp ref in BNF
12:42 Uttam : staying below it BNF gets weaker
12:43 Uttam : 24060 low so far – b) The auction staying below 24520 could test 24451-393 / 24280-207 / 24125-072 & 23985-873
12:43 Naren : +1
12:45 Shai : staying abv – (12:17) Shai : writers of thurs feel the pain abv 102
12:45 Ankush Jain : 11800 pe?
12:45 Shai : (12:38) Shai : 98 TSL for 122
12:46 Shai : yes
12:46 Shai : 10 IS today- No IB
12:46 Shai : there is no rebound till IB appears
12:46 Shai : refer to last wed
12:47 Ankush Jain : SD chrts presenting a b’ful overview
12:47 Ankush Jain : 3d
12:47 Uttam : (11:23) Uttam : doom doom day
12:50 Ankush Jain : we r in 783-742 zone now UG
12:50 Uttam : yep
12:50 Uttam : that 11765 still a vpoc
12:50 Uttam : weekly FA it was
12:50 Uttam : imp level
12:50 Uttam : if goes then more downside ocming this week it we close below it
12:51 Ankush Jain : 11765 vPOC of 16th
12:57 Shai : 122.3
12:57 Shai : 128
12:57 Shai : 130
12:57 Uttam : doom doom3
12:57 Uttam : 11742 here
12:57 Prashant : esit?
12:57 Prashant : exit
12:57 Prashant : ??
12:58 Ankush Jain : reds all the way today
12:58 Uttam : BNFfff
12:58 Ankush Jain : trend day down
12:58 Uttam : 3 IB done
12:58 Uttam : 23980
12:58 Uttam : 23873 nexrt
12:58 Uttam : NF can go for 11680 next
12:58 Shubham Q : vapas LIC ko bulana padega
12:58 Uttam : and you were calling it a frustrating day S 😉
12:59 Uttam : H ne maara hathoda
12:59 MJ : 11655 vwap of oct.
12:59 Shubham Q : my bad… lol
12:59 Uttam : 11800pe OI falling quick
13:00 Shai : 119 trailing in 11900 pe
13:00 Shai : we can drop another 25 quick
13:00 Uttam : this hypo done to the T – b) The auction staying below 11931 could test 11890-867 / 11822 & 11783-742
13:00 Uttam : 11741.1 LOW
13:01 Uttam : 23886 so far – b) The auction staying below 24520 could test 24451-393 / 24280-207 / 24125-072 & 23985-873
13:01 Sandesh : @shai, thank you! 🙂
13:01 Rohit : UG, NF extended hypo’s please
13:01 Uttam : Baba ki jai
13:03 Shai : booked?- (13:01) Sandesh : @shai, thank you! 🙂
13:03 Rohit : Holding !
13:03 Shai : 117 trailing loast few lots in 11800 pe
13:03 K2dt : he not only booked but caused the fall :))
13:03 abdulla mahamood : booked
13:03 K2dt : congo Sandesh
13:04 Shai : trail out
13:04 Shai : lets’ wait for PBH
13:06 Uttam : 3 back to back Neutral Days so Trend Day to aana hi tha 😉
13:06 Uttam : NF
13:07 Uttam : balance to imbalance
13:07 Sandesh : @shai, yes baba, booked. planning to enter again
13:07 Uttam : the VPOC of 11985 was not tagged and today we took out the lower VPOC of 11890 and trending lower
13:08 Uttam : 150 pointer from there
13:08 K2dt : gazab UG
13:08 Tejaswini : This move has more potential @ Shai. Asking for positional
13:10 Shai : A 100 more is there based on these vols
13:10 Shai : 11640
13:11 Tejaswini : 11640 because it was last weeks low?
13:11 Uttam : last week low was 11767
13:11 Tejaswini : last to last i mean
13:11 Uttam : 11663
13:11 Shai : no
13:12 Shai : in marketprofile we don’t look at lows and highs
13:12 Shai : there is no volume at highs and lows
13:13 Shai : 11740- 50 and 11620- 640 last set of buyers from 6th and 7th oct
13:13 Shai : if we get 820- 840 we look for shorts in a pullback
13:13 Himanshu : yes – 11673 was defended on probe down on that large day
13:14 Shai : 11795 first watch as it has some pink bands
13:14 Tejaswini : Thanks Shai
13:19 Ankush Jain : 1st IB of the day
13:19 Shai : yes PBH is expected
13:20 Uttam : updated hypos on downside in both in tab 2 as well as slack
13:20 Devkant : Shai i have a stupid question . PBH means “pink band high”???
13:21 Shubham Q : pullback high
13:21 Shai : taling small shirt below 11780 sl of 11802 tgt 11740/ 11700
13:21 Shai : below 780 o’s only
13:21 Uttam : in day type chekc Trend Day characteristics D
13:21 Devkant : thanks Shubham
13:22 Shubham Q : now here we have IB
13:23 Shai : enetered 50% at 112.5 sl of 102
13:23 Shai : tgt is 153
13:26 Shai : ou guys saw that IB turn to RS here ??- (13:14) Shai : 11795 first watch as it has some pink bands
13:26 Shai : rest is easy
13:26 Ankush Jain : +1
13:29 Shai : 11762 book half- (13:21) Shai : taling small shirt below 11780 sl of 11802 tgt 11740/ 11700
13:30 Shai : sl at 113 cost on PE
13:36 Shai : PBH done
13:36 Ankush Jain : that IB turned to RS & we have IS after that
13:37 Shai : yes
13:37 Shai : good obs
13:37 Shai : that’s why PBH was done
13:37 Prashant : Still showing as IB
13:37 Ankush Jain : every small rise since morning has been sold into
13:38 Shai : will show as IB but thats’ wehere we hold an edge over machines
13:38 Tejaswini : +1
13:38 Shai : yes but short calls have stopped givbing gains cos of the rising vix
13:50 Devkant : Shai is the floodgates still open for 11700???
13:51 Vidhyasagar Lingesan : or change in polarity?
13:51 Chetas : K will open the flood gates 🙂
13:53 Uttam : BNF forming a RS at 24080
13:54 Vidhyasagar Lingesan : Already started
13:57 Chandrashekhar : 65K greens @ 740…Shorts covering Shai?
13:57 Uttam : 11750pe in at 102
13:57 Uttam : out at 114
13:57 Uttam : 3min trade
13:58 Chandrashekhar : +1 Uttam..the eagle eyes
13:58 Uttam : _/\_
13:58 Uttam : 11720 coming?
13:59 Uttam : BNF yet to make new lows
13:59 Uttam : (13:53) Uttam : BNF forming a RS at 24080
13:59 Sandesh : +1 sirji
14:00 Uttam : change of polarity – 24072 which was support becomes supply now
14:01 Ankush Jain : RIL looking very weak
14:01 Chandrashekhar : 715 3 IB
14:01 Uttam : 11680 next in NF
14:02 Uttam : BNF also starting the slide
14:02 Uttam : can do 23600 today
14:02 Uttam : yep 3 IB done in NF also
14:03 Ravi : colors and a box of green
14:04 Uttam : we have an IS right above
14:04 Uttam : TRend Day Down set up so please have context in mind
14:04 Uttam : do not go by individual bars
14:04 Ravi : _/\_ Uttam
14:05 Uttam : 11742 immd ref upside above it 11763
14:06 Uttam : IS no. 13 🙂
14:11 K2dt : bears 🙂
14:11 Naren : K to start in 2 mins
14:11 Shai : 155 done book full- (13:23) Shai : enetered 50% at 112.5 sl of 102(13:23) Shai : tgt is 153
14:11 Bhuvan : no relief for pe writers
14:12 Aditya09 : +1000 cheif
14:14 Vidhyasagar Lingesan : Shai have we seen the bottom for the day?
14:16 K2dt : super exit cheif
14:16 Uttam : pull back time?
14:16 Vidhyasagar Lingesan : Waiting UG
14:16 Uttam : 3IB done so bounce to banta hai
14:16 MJ : 🙂
14:16 MJ : Yeah Ug.
14:17 Uttam : BNF does 230 down from that 24080 and getting back there looks like
14:17 MJ : 21/10 we had wild K.
14:17 Uttam : did we make new low post 2:15 ;)?
14:17 MJ : 🙂
14:17 K2dt : looks liek UG wants 4IB 😀
14:21 Uttam : so just one fresh low and a hihger close 😉
14:23 K2dt : following same script UG :))
14:23 Naren : colors and a box of green does it indicate buying at lows
14:23 Vidhyasagar Lingesan : … looks like done with the down move… Shai +100 for the exit
14:24 K2dt : today is a trend day down Naren.. so keep the day type also in reference while taking a trade/forming a bias
14:25 Uttam : 3 IB done so can expect shorts to book
14:25 Uttam : plus its expiry week so rolls also will be here so be wary about this week’s OG
14:25 K2dt : yess no end to greed 😀
14:25 Naren : +1
14:26 Uttam : 11763 ref in NF here
14:26 Uttam : above it can go for VWAP
14:26 abdulla mahamood : rsi divergence is seen in 15 min chart
14:26 Uttam : 11763-775 supply zone
14:27 Uttam : what is rsi A? ;-p
14:27 abdulla mahamood : relative strenght index
14:27 K2dt : loool
14:27 Uttam : we use only MP & OF
14:27 Uttam : no other lagging indicators
14:28 abdulla mahamood : trying to study MP
14:28 K2dt : no moving averages and mfi/rsi here Abdullah
14:28 K2dt : 🙂
14:28 abdulla mahamood : ok sorry
14:28 Shai : looking for one final dip into 11670/ 11640 for clsoe
14:28 Tejaswini : can we take BNF positional shorts?
14:29 MJ : 11789.xx pbh reference.
14:29 Shai : if short from higher carry
14:29 K2dt : chief vix has just started or what! 🙂 25 ab door nahi
14:29 Shai : but on trend day we as a rule do not carry shorts
14:30 Tejaswini : Thanks shai. The number of IS today suggests new inventory and a break of balance so i asked
14:30 Shai : short NF below 11740 sl of 11767 tgt 11700/ 11670
14:31 Shai : short below only*
14:31 Shai : yes daily supports broken today
14:32 Shai : but on the weekly you still have 11640
14:32 Aditya09 : in
14:32 Shai : wehn weeekly breaks you get the move which you saw last month to 10800
14:32 Shai : 118 sl on 11800 pe
14:33 Shai : looking at 190 if 152 is crossed
14:35 Prashant : charts?
14:35 Uttam : charts are fine na P?
14:36 Vidhyasagar Lingesan : Charts fine…. Movememt is not 😛
14:43 Uttam : short covering coming?
14:44 Shai : exit the shorts
14:46 Shai : 11785- 95 tro watch into clsoe and tom 1st session
14:47 Shai : don;t see shorts closing till we are abv it
14:47 Shai : 11865 is the higher sell;ing
14:47 Bhuvan : shai can we short 11500pe and 12000 ce in the ratio 1:2
14:49 Shai : for how many sessions
14:49 MJ : UG plans to go back to series poc before expiry?
14:49 Shai : if spx breas 3400 we may have a gap down
14:49 Shai : else back to 860 by tom
14:50 MJ : Okay close enough to poc. Thanks shai.
14:51 Sandesh : 11555 calling? @shai
14:52 Bhuvan : so its better to avoid
14:53 Uttam : charts stuck
14:54 Naren : we have 35 mins still left on trend day
14:56 Prashant : test
14:57 Uttam : charts back
15:11 Shai : micro balance into clsoe
15:23 Shai : shorts not pushing into the close
15:24 Shai : more like a 11865- 11700 set for tom
15:24 Shai : if we don’t gap that is
15:28 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:28 Shai : Bye all
15:28 Manikandan : Bye all
15:28 Sandesh : bye all, have a lovely evening
15:28 Shai : have a nice evening
15:29 Naren : Bye All. Have a great evening!