OrderFlow charts dated 04th June

OrderFlow charts dated 04th June


OrderFlow charts – 30 min duration of the Nifty and the BankNifty May Futures showing the Buy side and the sell side imbalances


30 Min Bnf Bid 1 Orderflow Charts Dated 04Th June Orderflow 30 Min Fp Nf 1 Orderflow Charts Dated 04Th June Orderflow Delta Stack 1 Orderflow Charts Dated 04Th June Orderflow Delta Stack Bn 1 Orderflow Charts Dated 04Th June Orderflow


08:57   Vtrender Live : (08:56) Vtrender Live: option charts -https://join.me/979-337-083
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09:05   Shai : (09:04) Shai : https://vtrender.com/evening-marketprofile-report-dated-01st-june/
(09:05) Shai : https://vtrender.com/weekly-outlook-for-week-dated-04th-june-to-8th-june-spot-prices/

09:22   Shai : (09:21) Shai : Intra : short BankNifty near 26777 sl of 26855 tgt 26660/ 26550. cmp 26740. short higher

09:31   Shai : (09:31) Shai : If you got in BNF book. It\’s 26551 low

09:48   Shai : (09:48) Shai : Intra : Buy BankNifty 26400- 405 sl of 26335 tgt 26560

09:52   Shai : (09:52) Shai : BNF 26470. Part book and ride the rest at cost

09:59   Shai : (09:59) Shai : BNF close the balance longs

11:01   Shai : (11:01) Shai : Place a NF long call above 10677 Sl of 10651 tgt 10715/ 10730. cmp 10666. Buy abv only*

11:24   Shai : (11:24) Shai : Intra : Buy BNF near 26465 sl of 26395 tgt 26575.

11:30   Shai : (11:29) Shai : BNF in

11:46   Shai : (11:46) Shai : Part book BNF 26508 here. Rid eth rest with SL at cost

11:49   Shai : (11:49) Shai : Book the BNF fully 26490

12:29   Shai : (12:29) Shai : NF in

12:56   Shai : (12:56) Shai : NF hold with 645 sl

12:58   Shai : (12:58) Shai : NF stopped. Exit

13:14   Shai : (13:13) Shai : Positional : short BankNifty in 2 parts- 1 here at 26310- 320 and other at 26440 F. Sl of 26610 for the trade. Target is 25840.

14:37   Shai : (14:37) Shai : Update : close the BNF short poistion at 26210- 215 here. We will enter a full size postion tom.

15:16   Shai : (15:16) Shai : BTST Trade : Buy 26300 ce at 144-148 sl of 92 tgt 250.

15:16   Shai : (15:16) Shai : 151 now – can buy


08:56   Vtrender Live : option charts -https://join.me/979-337-083
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08:58   Shai : GM all
08:59   Santosh : GM
08:59   Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂 and welcome back Shai
09:02   Kathir : GM Shai all
09:04   janak : GM Shai. GM all
09:04   Shai : https://vtrender.com/evening-marketprofile-report-dated-01st-june/
09:04   janak : on Friday towards close I bought 10700 CE – from premkt, looks like i did the right thing
09:05   Shai : https://vtrender.com/weekly-outlook-for-week-dated-04th-june-to-8th-june-spot-prices/
09:06   janak : shai we hit 10830 by tom morning?
09:07   janak : phew! bn premkt 300 up – shd have bought 27k ce also
09:08   janak : so today shd be a good day for buy-on-dips atleast in NF
09:09   Jitender : Gm Shai, Folks 🙂
09:13   Jatin : gm all
09:14   Aiholi : gb all
09:15   Manish : gm everyone
09:16   HK : GM Shai, friends
09:17   Shai : 37 K RS at 25820
09:20   Jatin : shai friday first period volume in nifty and bnf was the highest of the day and market did not cross that period high
09:20   Jatin : tdy pulling back from almost same levels
09:20   Shai : yes
09:20   Shai : 10736
09:20   Jatin : yes
09:20   Shai : 26820 was the high vol in BNF
09:21   Jatin : ok
09:21   Shai : Intra : short BankNifty near 26777 sl of 26855 tgt 26660/ 26550. cmp 26740. short higher
09:23   Shai : 🙁
09:23   Shai : if you shorted on that RS at 26820 you are up 100 already
09:24   Uttam : NF also has a pink band at top * at open
09:24   Shai : Hope we get a fill in
09:24   Kathir : bnf also pink band 5 mins
09:25   Kathir : both at POC
09:25   Shai : headed to 26550
09:26   janak : shai that RS at open can not have a beep indicator on charts?
09:27   Kathir : now green band in bnf 5 mins ..morning pink covered at VAL ?
09:27   Jatin : shai A period vol of friday was 15.34 and arnd 9 for nf and bnf respectively
09:27   Jatin : is that normal or higher than avg
09:27   Shai : great info Jatin
09:28   Shai : 15.35 is just abv average but not avg
09:28   Jatin : have been spending more time on orderflow
09:28   Shai : I”l post the avg range and vol for A period later on slack
09:28   Jatin : +1
09:29   Uttam : it is an ORR in both Nifty & BankNifty in Spot Shai?
09:29   Shai : BNF shuld see 26550 from here on tis open
09:29   Uttam : NF also can test that 10670?
09:30   Jitender : 550
09:30   Uttam : lol Jit
09:31   Uttam : but if 670-659 goes NF gets weak
09:31   Shai : If you got in BNF book
09:31   Jitender : oh..i was sayn Shai’s 550 is here
09:31   Jitender : in bnf
09:31   Jitender : managed a small shrt
09:32   Jatin : i pulled the trigger and covered thanks
09:32   Uttam : oh ok I thought you want 550 in NF too
09:32   Shai : Nice
09:32   Shai : I missed by 15 points
09:32   Shai : watcing 720 for a reentry
09:32   Santosh : same here
09:39   Jitender : bnf fr 645/660 ?
09:39   Shai : yes one rise due
09:39   Jitender : tx
09:40   Kathir : uttam 570 ext handle ?
09:40   Kathir : 26570 bnf
09:40   Uttam : yep that ext handle gone though did get some greens there
09:41   Uttam : 26510 was last week’s FA so that can be one level to watch now
09:41   Uttam : else goign to tag that vpoc of 26450
09:42   Uttam : 1.2L green in NF on that break
09:42   Uttam : all SLs hit looks like
09:42   Lakshay : is this buyer real or mop up?
09:42   janak : lucky i booked my 10700 ce at open! this is a wild selling at open
09:42   janak : gap fill done in nf/bnf
09:42   Uttam : (09:29) Uttam : NF also can test that 10670?….Dome
09:42   Uttam : Done
09:43   Uttam : staying below 10659 is bad for NF bulls
09:43   janak : ICICI – Fresh investigation orders have done this damage
09:44   Uttam : 10623 vpoc in sight
09:44   Shai : damn
09:44   Uttam : ohhh gone
09:44   Shai : below that ext handle
09:45   Uttam : reversal this Shai in both?
09:46   Uttam : big first 30mins
09:46   Uttam : right at supply zone has reversed
09:46   Jitender : 400 points bnf dwn from open
09:46   Uttam : 110 points in NF
09:47   janak : yeah that explains last 10 min. 40 pt sell on Friday, FII were sellers but US mkt gave a gap up today
09:48   Shai : Intra : Buy BankNifty 26400- 405 sl of 26335 tgt 26560
09:50   Jatin : tdys mrkt does not seem right,asian mrkts up,very broad based selling here
09:51   Jatin : a period bnf vol 11.25
09:52   Shai : BNF 26470. Part book and ride the rest at cost
09:52   Shai : NF can do 10670
09:53   Shai : big RB at lows
09:53   Shai : 1L
09:54   janak : buy 10700 ce shai for 670?
09:54   Shai : yes day low sl
09:55   Shai : 10610 zone indebtified supp
09:55   Shai : identified
09:55   Shai : 26340 in BNF
09:55   Shai : spot 10640 give r take
09:56   Jitender : 460-470 in bnf is a seller
09:57   Shai : yes
09:58   Shai : Big tail in A period today
09:58   Uttam : yep
09:58   Shai : if b and c don’t get abv 550 BNF ha sissues for June
09:58   Jitender : yup
09:58   Shai : 476 is B high so far
09:58   Jitender : cud b a multiday top fr June
09:59   Shai : there is 46K at 10390 hinting at no new supply in the A period
09:59   Jitender : Shai..pls zoom in on 30mins charts fr nf
09:59   Shai : BNF close the balance longs
10:02   Praneeth : shai, bnf what is below 380 target?
10:02   Jitender : looks like tey didn’t release hdfc buy fig fr fii on friday..as tey wanted this 400+ points on monday
10:03   Shai : intra tgt?
10:03   Shai : goes to a swing sell below 26340 fr 26300
10:03   Shai : 26000*
10:03   Praneeth : thanks shai
10:03   Jitender : we cud get 26100 by morrow also
10:04   Natarajan : whats is the story in HDFC bank ? can yoany one explain
10:04   Jitender : Uttam…yr weekly FA cud be formed today fr both ?
10:05   Shai : for a move down a test higher is needed
10:05   Shai : 520 point IB does not make sense to short at low sof A period
10:06   Jitender : ys
10:06   HK : Jit me think bottom in place
10:06   Jitender : k
10:06   HK : heading for 11k
10:07   HK : no bearishness in charts
10:07   janak : good call shai NF approaching 10670
10:07   Uttam : yes Jit in fact we had a chance of a weekly FA at last week lows but both NF & BNF did not close good enough to confirm & was thinking will happen this week at starting but here we have a drive down today in both but need to break below 10606 & 26192 for weekly FA at top to confirm
10:08   Uttam : yep 10670 test will be good for next signal
10:08   Jitender : tx Uttam
10:08   Uttam : vwap also there in NF now
10:08   Jitender : wats the weekly ATR fr bnf n nf ?
10:08   Uttam : 229 & 785
10:09   HK : cross 10723 and bears are done for the series
10:09   Uttam : start of the month such big singles if not negated will be bearish (happened in Feb this year)
10:10   Jitender : yh…& bth had O=L
10:10   Jatin : bnf looks like the top made for the month
10:10   Jitender : tis was preplanned OTF money wu=ich unloaded
10:10   Uttam : expiry high yet to be crossed in both
10:10   Jitender : srry o=h
10:10   Uttam : yep Jit +1
10:11   Uttam : 10751 & 27058
10:13   Jitender : Shai..if 10623 brks…we can get a positional shrt fr 200-300 points in nf ?
10:17   Boppanna : Shai can we have the 26400pe on the options
10:22   Shai : 10520- second supp- (10:13) Jitender : Shai..if 10623 brks…we can get a positional shrt fr 200-300 points in nf ?
10:22   Jitender : tx
10:22   Shai : 669.85- (09:52) Shai : NF can do 10670
10:23   Uttam : +1 Shai
10:23   Natarajan : 10670 was given based on VAL?
10:25   Mihir : Good greens in BNF?
10:26   Mihir : Vwap calling?
10:26   janak : good one in bnf also shai getting closer to 550
10:31   Jitender : 530 in bnf a resis
10:31   janak : is that a reentry in bnf/nf sell around here?
10:42   Jitender : bnf 520-440 done…atleast DT happened 🙂
10:43   Boppanna : +1 Jit nice entry exit
10:43   Jitender : tx bro
10:45   Mihir : Jit: 530 had relatively lesser reds vs greens. So did you enter based on 530 being resistance area?
10:45   Mihir : Also congrats 🙂
10:47   Jitender : Mihir…today bounce backs r being easily killed…..secondly…this is the largest PB of the day…so it wud retrace its journey …n 530 was tested thrice…& nf also stalled tere
10:47   Jitender : for bnf..ID tats the split second gut decision u can take
10:48   Jitender : from last week may..bnf has becum mad in its swing range
10:48   Boppanna : true ..I just waited too long on 26400pe vwap test for entry and price ran away
10:49   Jitender : tis cud ..if it closes at eod low..be the precursor fr mkt thinkn that UP has the balls fr a rate hike
10:50   Jitender : wich imo he doesn’t….so tat day bnf cud be a positional buy
10:51   Shai : Fri lows- (10:23) Natarajan : 10670 was given based on VAL?
10:51   Shai : long bias if we get vol av 670 again
10:53   Boppanna : Shai pls 🙂 10:17 Boppanna : Shai can we have the 26400pe on the options
10:54   janak : good call shai today. that morning bnf entry 770 was too fast. to get in but 550 was on and then it did 200 below that
10:54   Shai : sure Bopp
10:55   Shai : when the market does 500 in 20 mins changing strikes is diff
10:56   Mihir : Thanks Jit. Was observing.
10:58   Boppanna : thx Shai
10:59   Uttam : D making an inside bar so far…guess the move out in this period could give sign of remaining part of day
10:59   Mihir : Shai. Bnf call was stellar 🙂
10:59   Mihir : Done both short and long.
10:59   Shai : Thanks
11:01   Shai : Place a NF long call above 10677 Sl of 10651 tgt 10715/ 10730. cmp 10666. Buy abv only*
11:13   Santosh : Shai could today be Normal Day as IB range is very wide
11:16   janak : 26k pe has lot of buying?
11:17   Shai : yes Santosh
11:18   Shai : one time frame lower ended
11:18   Santosh : Thanks & if IB is breached above A time frame then Normal Variation Day
11:21   Jitender : 440 in bnf..is a supp now
11:24   Shai : Intra : Buy BNF near 26465 sl of 26395 tgt 26575.
11:25   Shai : 26575 visist pending BNF
11:25   Shai : we buy lower wehre RR is better
11:29   Shai : BNF in
11:33   Jitender : nf nt able 2 scale vwap
11:38   HK : Why there is so much disc in NF/BNF to spot, anyone
11:39   janak : camd to 10676.55 – 10677+ is a buy order!
11:40   Jitender : not much disc HK…it was tere in beg of series also
11:40   HK : yes Jit, it narrowed down on friday but it came back
11:40   Jitender : tats coz of cash unwindn…n now fut selln
11:40   HK : is that becos of dividend Jit, usually F prices are abv spot
11:41   Jitender : SC wikk reduce it
11:41   Jitender : dividend thingie got over i guess on 31st
11:44   janak : something to do with HDFC FII open window buying also – it was not upto the mark on Friday so they extended today
11:44   Jitender : tey uploaded blank excel sheets on Fri
11:44   Jitender : so it was a pure manipulation
11:45   Jitender : buy on anticipation & sell on the D day..happened today
11:46   Shai : Part book BNF 26508 here. Rid eth rest with SL at cost
11:46   janak : Reliance and other biggies are strongly going up so i dont know how long they can keep the indexes down
11:48   Shai : 513- 516 is becoming an iffy zone
11:48   Shai : 50 if we cross above
11:48   Shai : or can take out 50 if we stay below
11:48   Jitender : 440-510 range fr now
11:48   Shai : reduced risk in the position
11:49   Shai : 420- 575 zone of trade in BNF
11:49   Shai : Book the BNF fully 26490
11:52   Uttam : till BNF stays below 26540 & NF below 10670 path of least res is down I feel
11:55   Uttam : both making a ‘b’ profile looks like for the day
12:02   Jitender : 4th attempt fail (11:33) Jitender : nf nt able 2 scale vwap
12:03   HK : supply absorbtion
12:03   HK : 12.30 will tell us
12:04   Jitender : Uttam..cover one of the tails in the profile 🙂
12:05   janak : bnf long gave a reentry exactly at the same price
12:05   Kathir : 🙂 upside jit ?
12:06   janak : nf has buyers so on the back of it bnf can do shai’s tgt o f575
12:06   Jitender : tat is the biggest ? of the day
12:07   Jitender : Latha question GOI intent on releasing statements to several reporters ….tat tey r k with rate hike
12:07   Jitender : guys watch out
12:07   Jitender : GOI sources sayn tat if tey get lower band of growth…tey r k
12:07   Jitender : looks like JetLi is short
12:08   Jitender : informal briefing by GOI
12:08   HK : 44lacs in NF and vwap is flat, whips
12:09   Uttam : (12:04) Jitender : Uttam..cover one of the tails in the profile 🙂 lets take out the smaller tail Jit 😉
12:10   Jitender : no positios..till this is sorted (11:48) Jitender : 440-510 range fr now
12:10   Jitender : fr me
12:12   Jitender : GOI sayn tat incrsd MSP will hurt fisc “quite a bit”
12:15   janak : NF in
12:15   HK : plr up
12:15   HK : shorts gonna run for cover in NF
12:17   Uttam : needs a high vol bar if breaks out above 10680
12:23   janak : NF is hardly 10 pts down from Friday close so eventually we may end up in green eod
12:24   HK : ok Uttam, i have taken swings long in SIP mode and probably I am biased
12:26   Jatin : nf trading above poc of all periods tdy
12:27   Jatin : particularly A period high vol bar
12:28   HK : guys on the job 12:03 HK : 12.30 will tell us
12:29   Jitender : +1
12:29   Uttam : boom boom in NF thanks to HK
12:29   Shai : NF in
12:32   HK : but concern here is bulls are struggling a bit, so these are ST guys and no trend yet for this series
12:32   Jitender : ys HK..bnf didn’t bout of 510
12:33   Jitender : ex RIL, icici, hdfc, kotak n couple more…we wud be at 10k
12:33   Jitender : midcas r already massively dwn
12:33   Jitender : lot of portfolio’s hurtn
12:34   Jatin : additional margin requirement is creating havoc
12:34   janak : that 10677 is a battle point today in NF – 3 times rejected so far
12:35   Jitender : with 71k trapped at top
12:37   Shai : yes 69k single trade
12:37   Shai : 10683
12:37   Uttam : he got a vwap test
12:37   Jatin : as long as bnf underperforms rally seems difficult
12:39   Uttam : BNF still coiling triple inside bar on 30mins
12:39   Jatin : ledge forming?
12:39   Shai : that BNF sucker overperformed on thursday right
12:39   janak : ha ha
12:39   Kathir : 🙂 yes shai
12:40   Shai : 26470 was the zone from where it took off the last 90 mins
12:40   janak : expiry millionaires are milking it
12:40   janak : some calls went from 15 paise to 90 rs
12:40   Jatin : june expiry both days underperforming
12:40   Jatin : does not bode well
12:40   Shai : yeah I know and will happen again as long as thse babas keep writing for 4 bucks
12:41   Jitender : hehe
12:41   janak : and that 877 to 620 trade on Friday was a signal for things to come
12:41   Jitender : tat fucker posted a 1.47cr profit tat day
12:41   Jatin : all private banks rallied to the max
12:41   janak : lol
12:41   Uttam : Jit that guy still made 1.7 cr tat day?
12:41   Jatin : now reversion
12:41   Uttam : exactly
12:41   Jitender : i just hope his photoshoppn is caught one day
12:42   HK : day to save amotions
12:43   Jitender : did tat (12:10) Jitender : no positios..till this is sorted (11:48) Jitender : 440-510 range fr now(12:10) Jitender : fr me
12:44   Shai : 26550 is that second zone to watch
12:44   Shai : was the A period high on thurs
12:44   Shai : max damage happened abv that
12:44   Shai : now res for today
12:44   Shai : was looking forward to it holding this morning
12:45   Shai : second leg lower happened when 550 cracked suddnely
12:45   Shai : a nice test there now can set up the BN nicely
12:51   Jatin : shai u think dnf could test may vwap in a week if this 550 is not crossed in a day or two
12:51   Jatin : bnf*
12:51   Uttam : BNF still insdie bar on the 4th consecutive 30min bar
12:51   Uttam : can give a good move into the close Shai?
12:51   Shai : Yes Jatin
12:51   Shai : PLR is now lower
12:52   Shai : further weakness and addition of shorts come below 26340 roughly
12:52   Shai : for a test of last week lows
12:53   Jatin : hope the put writers dont get screwed on thursday
12:53   Jitender : Jatin..y trade after 2pm on thrus ?
12:54   Jitender : save money…it turns in2 a gambling zone in bnf
12:54   Jatin : true
12:55   Boppanna : Shai, chance of a dvah -dval with a B profile sustaining below vwap and a stuck 71k green at dvah?
12:55   Jatin : shai am preempting the 340 break
12:56   Shai : NF hold with 645 sl
12:58   Shai : NF stopped. Exit
13:01   Shai : these reds are too much suddenly
13:01   Jitender : rate hike
13:02   HK : RBI on 6th right
13:02   Jitender : yup
13:04   RK : slow grind first breakout mostly fake and trapped buyer adds conviction to this context..70K greens on micro breakout at top NF
13:05   Jatin : may vwap in bnf may come tmrw
13:05   Ankush : what was may vwap jatin?
13:06   Jatin : 26091 i think
13:06   Uttam : 10669
13:06   Uttam : yes 26091′
13:08   Jatin : bnf june start a bit ominous
13:09   Ankush : ok
13:09   Uttam : RK NF headed to 10599?
13:10   Jatin : shai in my experience such kind of buying/selling at the start sets the trend for the series
13:10   RK : <10630-10600-10585 & >10655 – 10675-10690
13:10   Uttam : +1 RK 🙂 10655 should resist now on any bounce
13:11   Jitender : hope bnf is nt plann fr 2 IB 🙂
13:12   Uttam : poor lows in NF
13:13   Shai : Positional : short BankNifty in 2 parts- 1 here at 26310- 320 and other at 26440 F. Sl of 26610 for the trade. Target is 25840.
13:14   Jatin : this period bnf vol 5.1
13:14   Shai : It’s run away a bit too much on these reds
13:14   Shai : we will do in 2 parts tis trade
13:14   Shai : ready to short a bounce if it comes
13:15   Priyanka : other at 26440F means?
13:15   RK : Nf in 35 point discount to spot..due to dividends?
13:15   RK : Usual in June?
13:15   Shai : short higher Priyanka
13:15   Priyanka : oh okie
13:15   Shai : If you do 4 lots then 2 here and 2 higher
13:15   Priyanka : sure
13:16   Shai : can’t afford to lose out on the move also as reds are heavy
13:17   Jatin : shai last period bnf vol almost double of prior four periods @5.1 l
13:17   Jitender : got 100 on bnf..DT dbled 🙂 (12:43) Jitender : did tat (12:10) Jitender : no positios..till this is sorted (11:48) Jitender : 440-510 range fr now(12:10) Jitender : fr me
13:17   Uttam : (12:51) Uttam : BNF still insdie bar on the 4th consecutive 30min bar(12:51) Uttam : can give a good move into the close Shai?
13:21   Shashwat : Which VWAP is at 10612?
13:21   Shashwat : Because today’s vwap is at 10665
13:22   Shai : – 3sd of the vwap
13:22   Shashwat : ok, thank you
13:23   Jatin : thanks shai(12:55) Jatin : shai am preempting the 340 break
13:24   Shai : +1
13:25   Jitender : done ..tx 2 Uttam (12:04) Jitender : Uttam..cover one of the tails in the profile :)(12:09) Uttam : (12:04) Jitender : Uttam..cover one of the tails in the profile 🙂 lets take out the smaller tail Jit 😉
13:25   Uttam : congrats Jit 🙂
13:26   Jitender : 2 u also bro 🙂
13:26   Jitender : happy hunting 2day
13:28   janak : today has to be one of those days when BNF is down 700-800 from day high – shd close around 26100 to give 25850 tom
13:29   Jitender : danke (10:03) Jitender : we cud get 26100 by morrow also
13:30   Shai : +1
13:31   Shai : again proves what a joke of an expiry it was on Thursday
13:31   Shai : esp BNF
13:31   Jitender : yh..for us retail
13:31   Jitender : but thoose guys who did it thrusday n today dwn…wud be doing 5 X of their capital
13:32   Jitender : m assuming its the same grp
13:33   RK : planned execution with FRiday balanced profile
13:35   Uttam : 26360 is ext handle down in BNF today
13:35   Jitender : will buy bnf abv 310 now
13:35   Jitender : ID
13:41   Jitender : out ..gt 15 points
13:42   Jitender : 2day in IB..i have seen the largest oversold period fr bnf in 5mins TF
13:43   Jitender : don’t recall seeing tat fr last 1yr
13:46   janak : shai if also riding 26kpe this expiry – 240 tgt can be expected?
13:46   janak : now around 100
13:48   Davis : Is there any importance for the green, dark green and red shown as the volu,e candle in Market profile charts?
13:49   Davis : Today in Bnf it is dark green?
13:49   Shai : No
13:50   Uttam : pull back done for a close at lows?
13:50   Uttam : anamoly in NF at 10635 & EH in BNF at 26360
13:54   Shai : That MP profile vol canldes are just vols. Don’t ay attention to colors
13:54   janak : 26280 is a strong buyer it seems
13:54   Jitender : bnf is also due for a good bounce….
13:54   Shai : will plot tat PE janak
13:54   Jitender : else carnage below 250
13:54   Jitender : nf holdn 620 so far
13:55   Shai : looks headed to 26033 at least next 2 days
13:55   Shai : sell stength in BNF
13:55   Uttam : 30th MAy voic in BNF at 26065 Shai?
13:57   janak : ok shai
13:58   janak : it has run up from 20 to 117 today
13:58   janak : so taking a breather
13:59   janak : rare monday where a strong gap up is so violently sold off
13:59   janak : i think if a study is made – out of 50 odd Mondays in a year – 35 would have a gap up in NF of around 30-60 pts
13:59   janak : easy to trade
14:00   janak : generally buy on 3.29 pm on Friday close and sell at 9.15 am on following Monday will give u atleast 20-40 pts in NF
14:03   Jitender : 250-340 range again in bnf…a brk either side wll gv 50 points
14:03   Mungerilal : HDFC bank trading volume at < 2cr and 90 minutes left…Did FII finally agree that valuations of HDFC bank stretched ?
14:04   Mungerilal : They have opportunity to take delivery > 4cr shares
14:05   Jitender : 4.5cr
14:11   Shai : NF weakening
14:11   Jitender : done (14:03) Jitender : 250-340 range again in bnf…a brk either side wll gv 50 points
14:12   janak : brilliant call again shai
14:12   janak : hats off
14:12   janak : ur positional calls are a delight to trade
14:12   HK : BN option writers cleaned up again
14:13   RK : 10612-10587 post grind (13:22) Shai : – 3sd of the vwap
14:13   RK : *612 to 587
14:15   Shai : yes RK incr in vol
14:15   RK : yes
14:15   Shai : in BNF also
14:15   RK : expansion
14:15   Shai : yes
14:15   RK : in a grind when in doubt this tells the story so one needs to use pullback
14:15   RK : so mentioned
14:16   Gaurav : Shai can buy 10600 ce-pe combo here?
14:17   RK : if 580-585 dont hold then 550
14:17   RK : stretched profile
14:18   Shai : Gaurav large move may not show immediate expansion
14:18   Shai : If day 2 of series is like this – then sideways to day 8 is the norm
14:21   Jitender : 440 close in bnf ?
14:21   HK : @Shai, in Nf are buying buying the dips
14:21   HK : *buyers
14:21   Shai : 10620 could get defended spot
14:22   Shai : the premium is making it messy
14:22   Davis : (13:54) Shai : That MP profile vol canldes are just vols. Don’t ay attention to colors… Ok thanks Sahi
14:22   Davis : Shai
14:26   Boppanna : charts stuck?
14:26   Praneeth : yes for me
14:26   Jitender : yh
14:27   Shashwat : for me too
14:28   Shai : up now
14:28   Shashwat : working now
14:28   Jitender : ys
14:28   janak : bn back to 10300?
14:34   Jitender : tats 16k down 😉
14:36   Mungerilal : if Modi doesnt become PM
14:37   janak : then NF goes to 8000 🙂
14:37   Shai : Update : close the BNF short poistion at 26210- 215 here. We will enter a full size postion tom.
14:37   janak : BN will have lower circuit 🙂
14:37   janak : ok shai. good trade as always. thnx
14:37   RK : Nf could bounce hre
14:37   RK : here
14:38   Shai : BNF may drift back up to 26340
14:39   Uttam : irregular profile in both RK?
14:39   Uttam : so could repair this next 2 days?
14:39   Uttam : if todays low not taken out?
14:39   RK : yes Uttam..maybe repair till 650
14:39   Uttam : 10647 & 26430
14:39   Uttam : levels to watch for upside?
14:40   Uttam : super just put 10647 🙂
14:40   RK : bigger trends we know start with pullback to VWAP on first day of trend initiation
14:40   Uttam : plus we have RBI on 6th
14:41   Uttam : even on the profile it is exactly where the repair is needed also
14:43   Uttam : that 10600 straddle yet to give a buy & both at 142 levels
14:44   RK : failure to scale above IBL and break low means NF could do spike..band still increasing
14:44   Shai : HDFCBANK.EQ-NSE – HDFC BANKChange: -48.8 (-2.31%)Vol: 20148843 Bid: 2060.7 Ask: 2060.8
14:44   HK : RK, you mean the vwap bands
14:44   RK : yes Hari
14:44   Shai : HDFCBANK.EQ-NSE Vol Surge Alarm! 2061.8 at 14:42:43
14:45   RK : buyers Shai there?
14:45   RK : HDFC
14:45   Shai : somthing begining to cook
14:45   Jitender : tx Shai..fr the surge alaram
14:45   Uttam : these are the FIIs filling up their shares?
14:45   Sandesh : yep
14:45   Jitender : was waitn fr it
14:45   HK : you mean vwlow and vwaupb
14:45   janak : yes shai they extended the FII open window today in HDFC thinking they would buy it – they are selling it
14:45   HK : why they should buy at highs?
14:46   RK : yes Hari..on downtrend band width move down and vice versa if trend is strong
14:46   HK : Thank RK noted
14:46   Uttam : tagging IBL & that MB lows also
14:47   RK : Uttam my 2cents for MBs..dont take swing low and high..take the grind high and lows
14:47   RK : 10620 is the swing low of morning imabalnce
14:48   RK : then we had small bounce and then got MB in 10650-10680 range..so thats your MB extremes and not 10620
14:48   Priyanka : what does surge alarm indicate??
14:48   Uttam : big vols in that counter
14:50   Uttam : (14:47) RK : Uttam my 2cents for MBs..dont take swing low and high..take the grind high and lows…cool RK will keep in mind now on 🙂 thanks
14:50   janak : HDFC has 33% share in BNF? FII’s fav stock
15:00   Uttam : more reds here in BNF
15:01   janak : yeah that 250-275 zone was sold off again in bnf
15:01   janak : 3 times now
15:01   janak : US mkt is shooting up like anything!
15:02   Mungerilal : Whats happening in HDFC bank ?
15:03   Mungerilal : I guess HDFC bank driving BNF today than overall mkt sentiments
15:04   janak : yes 3 % down from day high on heavy volumes
15:04   Shai : new reds BNF
15:04   Uttam : yes Shai
15:04   Uttam : but could be a trap to lure late shorts?
15:04   Uttam : green band also now at lows
15:05   Jatin : market breadth looks like bear market beginning
15:06   Uttam : today is a trend day in both Shai?
15:06   Uttam : though we did have couple of pullbacks which were also very small
15:07   janak : tricky to carry any trade becoz on the back of US mkt – we may again have bnf 300 up tom 🙂
15:09   RK : gates going to open (14:44) RK : failure to scale above IBL and break low means NF could do spike..band still increasing
15:11   Uttam : poor lows in NF 😉
15:11   Mungerilal : https://twitter.com/PRSundar64/status/1003536295480606720
15:12   RK : whats this vol thing in HDFCbank..whats expected vol?
15:13   Mungerilal : Delivery volume of 4500 cr sharesexpected
15:13   RK : thats the limit for FII?
15:13   Mungerilal : as thats headroom for FIIs to take delivery
15:13   Mungerilal : yes
15:13   RK : ok
15:13   Mungerilal : ~1.43 % of total market cap
15:14   Mungerilal : Sorry 4.5cr (and not 4500cr) shares
15:16   Shai : BTST Trade : Buy 26300 ce at 144-148 sl of 92 tgt 250.
15:16   Shai : 151 now – can buy
15:17   Shai : Looking for the F to test back up to 26350 and possibly 26440 which should put that ITM
15:19   HK : charts stuck?
15:20   Ankush : yes
15:21   Gaurav : Shai Banknifty futures shorts positional booked out fully?
15:21   Shai : yes Gaurav
15:21   Shai : an update was sent to cut that position
15:22   Gaurav : ok, missed that. carrying calls so wanted to confirm
15:22   Shai : all updates here in the A channel and on Slack
15:23   Shai : was cut right here
15:23   Shai : one bounce due
15:27   Jitender : UP pleadn Fed not 2 reduce their bal sheet fast
15:27   Jitender : wtf
15:28   janak : he he that SP chart is H&S and staring steep down towards 2650 – waiting some such news only
15:29   Shai : Bye all
15:29   Jitender : bye all
15:29   Shai : Hve a nice evening
15:29   Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:30   janak : bye all.
15:30   janak : shai thnx again
15:30   Ankush : bye all
15:31   Jatin : bye all


09:03   Santosh : shai levels for HDFC Bank
09:57   Gaurav : Shai at what levels can I start buying NBCC and SREI Infra? Can hold for a year
11:07   Shai : hdfc bank OD down countering thursday buyer at 2049
11:07   Shai : next level of weakness only if 2048 breaks but upmove can run into selling at 2150 again
11:10   Shai : NBCC 79 zone can give you a bounce to 104 and 113 higher. Over 6- 8 months
11:10   Shai : But may get sold again closer to 113
11:11   Shai : 85 is a smll supp but 79 is a n extremly good MT level
11:12   Uttam : Shai positional view for TaMo for month of June please
11:12   Uttam : also BPCL looking good for upside from here?
11:14   Shai : SREI 71 and 66 can produce short term bounces but in my view the stock is not done falling over MT yet and can go to a low of 55.
11:14   Gaurav : Thanks Shai
11:16   Shai : 305 supply an 260 supp for TTM
11:17   Shai : BPCL ib extension upwards will make it better
11:18   Uttam : thanks Shai & levels to look for in BPCL if moves higher from here? 425-430?
11:22   Shai : yes
11:22   Uttam : thanks Shai
12:14   Mihir : Shai Intra M&M views please.
12:14   Mihir : Thanks.
12:32   Shai : good abv 911 fr 922
13:35   Rushabh : shai how’s dlf looking? 180 coming?
13:55   Shai : DLF for 196 and 182 from here

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