Market Profile Analysis dated 22nd May

Nifty May F: As mentioned in yesterday’s report, NF stayed above 11715 and went on to make a nice balance between 11715 to 11833 giving a Gaussian profile and an inside bar for the day as NF completed the 3-day balance (chart given below) before the much awaited Election Results Day from where it could […]

Order Flow charts dated 22nd May

Many traders are used to viewing volume as a histogram beneath a price chart. This approach shows the amount of volume traded below the price Bar. The Order Flow approach is to see the Volume traded inside or within the price bar, an important distinction. Order Flow trading is thinking about what order market participants […]

Order Flow charts dated 22nd May (5 mins)

Order Flow trading is thinking about what order market participants do and when you think along this, you can anticipate what kind of action they will be taking in the market. This is a very important concept in Order Flow. NF BNF

Market Profile Analysis dated 21st May

Nifty May F: NF gave a hat-trick of trend days today with a Double Distribution Trend Day to the downside which was not a typical DD as the singles separating the 2 distributions was missing but nonetheless the auction did make 2 distributions on either side of the day leaving 2 HVNs at 11862 & […]

Order Flow charts dated 21st May

A good trader is a one who can make money consistently over a longer period of time. But how to become one such trader, who can make money in any type of market condition? A good trader keeps a close watch on the current information of the market and assesses it for change against previous […]

Order Flow charts dated 21st May (5 mins)

Many traders are used to viewing volume as a histogram beneath a price chart. But the OrderFlow approach shows the amount of volume traded during each price bar, and also it breaks this volume down into the Volume generated by the Buyers and the Volume generated by the sellers again at every row of price […]

Market Profile Analysis dated 20th May

Nifty May F: NF opened at 11651 with a huge gap up of 225 points and probed higher as it made a high of 11700 and as expected there was a lot of long liquidation seen as NF dropped by almost 100 points making a low of 11601 in the ‘A’ period. The ‘B’ period […]

Order Flow charts dated 20th May

Many traders are looking for information on how to use market conditions to find good trades. Order Flow is best understood as a way to see existing bias in the markets. Order Flow helps us understand who is in control of the market and who is ‘upside down’ and likely to make exits from that […]

Order Flow charts dated 20th May (5 mins)

An Order Flow trader can actually see exactly what is happening in the market as it happens. Once you are able to understand what is happening in the present, you are able to make far better decisions about what might happen in the future. Order Flow provides traders with vision into market activity. NF BNF

Market Profile Analysis dated 17th May

Nifty May F: NF made an exception today as it gave a rare follow up post a Neutral Extreme Day. The first signal was the fact that the auction left a small tail at lows in the IB (Initial Balance) which was relatively big (68 points) & then consolidated with the ‘D’ period making a […]