Profile charts of Crude and NG

Here are 2 profile charts of crude oil and NG.     Crude has seen a 300 point drop in the past week and is now trading in the composite profile created on the 20th of march.   On the left of the chart that composite shows up as a balance with a POC around […]

Profile charts of NF and BNF

Here are the profile charts of NF and BNF as of Fridays' close.     The NF profile is a ledge with repeated rejections at 5593 during the day.   The auction which began from 5735 on Friday still continues southwards and the target below for sellers would be 5502.   The upside reference levels […]

Profile Update

Much before the selloff began today in the last hour the delta picture showed dominant sellers in both the Nifty and the banknifty today much unlike yesterday in the latter part of the session when the market was trying an upmove.   I like to see both NF and BNF respond in one direction from […]

NF April composite

yesterday we looked at split profiles of the Nifty and saw a balance developing which told us that there was a move to imbalance coming up.   That move took the NF to 5773 yesterday, just short of the HVN at 5788.The market then distributed as it rose higher as sellers took advantage of higher […]

Nifty swing view

We had an interesting day in the markets as NF and BNF diverged on delta and the OI picture shows a reduction in BankNifty Open Interest and an addition in Nifty Open Interest at the close.   OI chart updated by RM is here :  Current Month OI   Here are the profile and delta […]

Bid- Ask screen

The bid ask screen defines a true auction.   In the market today it was easy to form a view based on the same bid -ask.   Have a look :     There was one large attempt made by the seller at 12.41 today to control the market, but apart from that you can […]

Split Profiles

In market profile we learn to distinguish and trade the market not based on time or day but actually on the type of auction taking place.   Since RBI day we have had 4 different mini auctions taking place.   Have a look at this profile chart :     The chart is annotated.   […]

Nifty Profile Update – 1

Here is a cumulative delta check from friday- 21st march .   The chart has a composite profile and cumulative delta from the above date.     The BNF Apr profile still shows a lot of shorts in april and they have added shorts at higher prices too.     The Nifty futures on the […]

Bid- Ask screen

Today we have a low volume day dictated by local to local trading.   The illiquid market was exposed badly in the quick move from 5724 to 5738 and back to 5733 on almost zero tick.   Here's a consolidated picture from the morning showing buyers and sellers.      

Nifty Profiles

In marketprofile we always like to see where the market is creating value over the longer trem and the state of the current auction with respect to it.   Value is defined as the region where the market traded about 70% of the volume for the time frame you are watching.   Here are two […]