Market Profile Analysis dated 17th Jan

Nifty Jan F: NF made a OAIR start inside previous day Value with low volumes again to make a crawling first couple of hours today while the auction was rotating in the IB range of just 27 points. NF had made a high of 10949 in the opening minute & was taking support at yVAL […]

Market Profile Charts dated 17th Jan

The Market Profile will guide traders through a new understanding of the market that will allow them to identify the most profitable trade opportunities as they happen. A ‘Market Profile’ takes the guesswork out of the markets by putting Price, Volume and Time in one chart in an easily understood graphic format. Market Value is the […]

Order Flow charts dated 17th Jan

Timing is the key to successfully trade the markets in the shorter time frame. Order Flow is one of the most effective methods to time your trades by seeing exactly what the other traders are trading in the market and positioning your bias accordingly. Order Flow is the most transparent way to trade and takes […]