Participantwise Open Interest – 2nd JUL 2020
FIIs have added 5K long Index Futures and net 6K long Stocks Futures contracts today. They were net sellers in equity segment for ₹557 crore. Clients have added 6K short Index Futures contracts today while reducing exposure in Index Options and Stocks Futures. Nifty JUL shed 499 contracts today while Banknifty JUL Open Interest went […]
Desi MO (McClellans Oscillator For NSE) – 2nd JUL 2020
MO at 9
Order Flow charts dated 02nd July 2020
Order Flow trading is thinking about what order market participants do and when you think along this, you can anticipate what kind of action they will be taking in the market. This is a very important concept in Order Flow. Market participants always look for the weaker side of the market, so both buy and […]
Market Profile Analysis dated 01st July 2020
Nifty Jul F: 10408 [ 10430 / 10244 ] HVNs – 10190 / 10293 / 10475 NF opened in the 4-day composite but left a buying tail in the Initial Balance which was the first sign that it could move away from this balance. The auction then made a Range Extension in the ‘E’ period […]