Participantwise Open Interest – 29th APR 2021

Series view At the close of April series, FIIs are holding 38% of long and 11% of short Open Interest in Index Futures besides holding 41% long and 29% short Open Interest in Stocks Futures. They were net sellers in equity segment for ₹10195 crore during the series. Clients are holding 55% long and 58% […]

Order Flow charts dated 29th April 2021

Many traders are looking for information on how to use market conditions to find good trades. Order Flow is best understood as a way to see existing bias in the markets. Order Flow helps us understand who is in control of the market and who is ‘upside down’ and likely to make exits from that […]

Market Profile Analysis dated 28th April 2021

Nifty Apr F:  14855 [ 14891 / 14685 ] NF opened with a gap up well and remained above the VPOC of 14682 but settled down into an OAOR start leaving a narrow range of just 73 points in the IB where it made new highs for the week at 14758 and broke below VWAP […]