Make TIME your friend in the markets

Untitled Design 2 750X410 1 Make Time Your Friend In The Markets

This August we would be completing 12 years in the Vtrender Trading Room as a community of people who trade together. Though, these years we have seen a lot of people walk into the door, some stayed and have become 6 figure a day traders , some are still trying to get there and some have […]

3 new videos in the Training Library

Video Img 13 1 3 New Videos In The Training Library Training Library

They say, all things in life happen twice Once in your thoughtsNext in your physical realm Whilst, you may or may not be drawn to that particular idea, fact remains that nothing much can happen without you thinking about it first! The greats were all thinkers first Fact also remains that a Sachin Tendulkar or a Viral Kohli were […]

Performance of the Trading Room in the June 2021 series

The Nifty was up 2.95% through the series of June The trading strategies used in the Vtrender Trading Room gavc a return of 15.03% for the series. Details are below     We work with #MarketProfile to understand market structure and use the information from the #Orderflow to make decisions to enter trades or exit. You can […]

The May 2021 series

In the series of May the Nifty delivered returns of 2.95% . The Trading Strategies used in the Vtrender Trading Room and based on the MarketProfile and the Orderflow delivered 17.18%     The way we use the MarketProfile is discussed at –   The way we use the Orderflow is discussed at – […]

StressFree trading with #Orderflow

Vol Pic Bnf 10 750X410 1 Stressfree Trading With #Orderflow #Orderflow #System #Process

Here are the rules :   Buy when there is an IB+ IB with sl at POC of the bar before the IB Sell when there is an IS+IS with sl at POC of the bar before the IS Exit the trade on an IS if you are in the IB trade Exit the trade […]