Our Performance with MarketProfile, and the awesome COT

Our Performance with MarketProfile, the awesome COT and with lots of Discipline

We get a lot of questions on email as well as all the inquiry number we have on our website, ( we’ve closed voice support as volume was high)  on what is our performance and off-late  because of the nature of the market and the higher VIX we’ve got even more questions on how we have managed to tide over the volatility, how our system has run and how we have managed to apply the concepts and the knowledge we have to making money in the markets

First things first, we’ve had an awesome time trading the volatility and it’s been an extremely profitable and rewarding time, not just for me but  for a whole bunch of traders who trade alongside me, live in the Vtrender Trading Room.

Whilst most other people have struggled and generally lost money in the markets in these past three months of volatility our team has excelled, and we’ve generated anywhere between 50 to 150% returns of our capital in these past three months. Now I know a lot of people would not like to believe that,  because the human mind does not accept things which are beyond the comprehension of the limited understanding they place upon themselves,  so this post is an effort only to minds which are open and ones which are ready to see possibility.

But first, a bit of a background

In early Feb I put on Twitter a message mentioning 1% risk per trade and 1% return to be worked for as a minimum. Both percentages on the capital employed for trade

That 1 day in Feb.

Twitter Our Performance With Marketprofile, And The Awesome Cot

As you would imagine the minds with limited beliefs jumped to troll, because it was beyond the comprehension of their existence and the world they surround them selves in.


So I decided to transfer funds to an existing dormant account and show the process with a small capital  to prove to all how it could be done. Now I trade with a Capital of INR 75,00,000 and it was very difficult for me to trade again with INR 10,00,000. But a message had to be sent and I set off.




Decision made

Kotak Payment 16 Our Performance With Marketprofile, And The Awesome Cot

And this below is the starting capital of INR 10,00,000. There was an additional 10k balance pending there for some reason but it is alright.

Kotak Day 1 Our Performance With Marketprofile, And The Awesome Cot

Listed below is the performance in the past three months.

I trade mostly in options and all trades have been taken in the options- weekly expiry and on an intraday scale( very few are BTST and STBT) 

We’ve gone from averaging about two to four trades a day to about 8-14 when the VIX was at the highest around 70-80 and all these trades are documented against the expiry and a single strike could have multiple trades against it.


Because of the sheer number of trades it’s not possible to document all of them over the past three months but the effort over here is just to show you how applying a system and applying it with a known risk of 1% which means on this account of 10 Lac rupees there was not a single trade which was meant to lose more than ₹10,000 in that one instance . This process is explained at -https://vtrender.com/risk-management-on-calls/


We choose our trades accurately and we did really well and there have been multiple examples where one particular trade with the risk of about 10,000 returned about 80 or ₹90,000 quickly and within the space of the hour just because we knew the bias of the trade correctly through the market profile and we were interpreting the progress of the trade through the COT and we could hang in there and allow the trade to workout .

And the Numbers!

Perf Our Performance With Marketprofile, And The Awesome Cot

in the sheet there are also examples of trades that have failed as you could see against the negative number of the strike. I make losses even after 15 years of being in the markets and it is alright to do so. Every loss gives you a lesson and a reason to improve and come back better. It eventually is the reason why you become a better trader and make bigger profits.

And the Point is

That with the capital of, as little as 10 Lac rupees you can be profitable in derivatives trading if you have a system to follow with proper risk management and have the discipline to implement it. 


You can be profitable over a lifetime.


Lots of people say “price is King” and “price always pays” which is partly right. But I say to you what I learned from a fellow trader in my room and an extremely good trader himself – Jitender  – Discipline Bhagwan Che!


Our system was tested up and down in these 3 months and we triumphed through our discipline of process and not just with 1 or 2 or 10 trades mind you, but several. 

The Other Point being

I’ve never been the guy, who posts screenshots because we live in a world and time where it is not just enough to know, it is important to know how.


All these trades in the past three months have been taken live and in a community of over 300 plus active traders all logged in with me live every single session from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM .


They’ve seen the reasons for taking these trades, they’ve traded with me on these trades  and they have made profits with me on these trades.


and unlike the pundits on Twitter who trade with a capital of about ₹50,00,00,000 ( making money on higher amounts is very easy) and with leverage and  show you all those screenshots and no method or process we explain everything including adopting the right bias at the start of the day   and showing you how to change as the market unfolds, all live.

And the final point is

As you can see at the very bottom we made an 85% return or a profit of about 8.5 Lac rupees in a period of three months which is 60 working days less all the Holidays we ever had in between so in about 50 days we’ve made about 8.5 Lac rupees .

Do the math.

It is more than 1% per day

This is not an advertisement for people to come and join the Vtrender Trading room.


Generally, we do not put performance reports out, because every time we do, we had a lot of people come and join us for the trades.


We are not a tip service, but a program for active traders. We are not suited for novices or people cutting their teeth in trading, but we stand for the seasoned, sophisticated intelligent traders who are not new to Futures and Options and can understand  complex models and that everything is a part of the larger whole.


We do not want people to join us, to know “buy at this price” and “sell at this place” (the few who do , we do not renew them) . 

Anyway, you would not be able to trade profitably in the market with someone else’s  buy and sell. 

You can never make money on the buying and selling of others

You need to know how, you need to know why, you need to know the place, the bias at the start of the day, you need to know what  system is being followed .

The market would reward people who know a system and are following a  process and are disciplined enough to follow it completely

Discipline Bhagwan Che!

Closing Comments

I’m going back to trade with my full account size from Monday and it would not be possible for me to produce results on a 10L model again. 

I have done what I had to and made a point I wanted to.

We do have a program for traders who want to grow and generally want to elevate themselves to a higher level. It’s meant for a certain group of people and is behind a Paywall, so we can attend to the business of trading peacefully without the trolls.I do it because some one taught me the proper way to trade and I have to give back what I know, to clear the “debt”

I give my 100% there everyday and hold nothing back from my people. Only you know what you lose out on, by not being a part of it.

If you want to know more visit – https://vtrender.com/trading-room/ or whatsapp Manoj on 9284331270

Update dated May 1st

I will be updating this post with trades we have taken in the Vtrender Trading Room. These trades are measured on a virtual account of INR 10,00,000.


The trades are a sum total for the month and represent all the opportunities which the markets presented to us and which we have taken advantage of .


Details given below month wise. 

Month wise summary

Perf July 1 Our Performance With Marketprofile, And The Awesome Cot

May 2020

May Ss Our Performance With Marketprofile, And The Awesome Cot

June 2020

June Ss Our Performance With Marketprofile, And The Awesome Cot

July 2020

July Ss Our Performance With Marketprofile, And The Awesome Cot

We will continue to update the performance for the rest of the year in the space below.