Market Profile Analysis dated 24th May 2024

Nifty May F: 23019 [ 23090 / 22953 ]

Nf 16 Market Profile Analysis Dated 24Th May 2024 Banknifty Futures, Charts, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Srategies, Market Profile, Market Profile Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Technical Analysis, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading
Market Profile Analysis dated 24th May 2024 3 Decode the Market
Open Type
OA (Open Auction)
Volumes of 17,345 contracts
Initial Balance
87 points (23040 – 22953)
Volumes of 56,261 contracts
Below average
Day Type
Normal Variation – 137 pts
Volumes of 2,19,961 contracts
Below average

NF got back to balance mode with an Open Auction start on low volumes wtih the probe above PDH not getting any fresh demand triggering a probe lower in the B period as it made a low of 22953 and remained in the IB range for the first half of the day before making couple of REs (Range Extension) in the H & K TPOs completing the 1.5 IB mark of 23083 while making a high of 23090.

The volumes however remained below average indicating only locals being in play and this triggered a swipe lower in the L period down to 22984 before closing the day around the VWAP of 23019 leaving ovarlapping Value and a good chance of moving away from here in the next session.

Click here to view the latest profile in NF on Vtrender Charts

Daily Zones
  • Largest volume (POC) was traded at 23013 F and VWAP of the session was at 23019
  • Value zones (volume profile) are at 22970-23013-23039
  • NF has immediate support at AVWAP of 22916 from Trend Day from 23/05
  • NF has next support at AVWAP of 22611 from Swing Low of 22154 from 16/05
  • NF has swing support at AVWAP of 22475 from Swing Low of 21900 from 13/05
  • NF confirmed a FA at 21900 on 13/04 and completed the 2 ATR objective of 22343 on 14/05. This FA has not been tagged hence is a postional swing support
  • HVNs are at 22638 / 22778 (** denotes series POC)
Weekly Zones
Monthly Zones
  • The settlement day Roll Over point (May 2024) is 22648
  • The VWAP & POC of Apr 2024 Series is 22386 & 22457 respectively
  • The VWAP & POC of Mar 2024 Series is 22168 & 22001 respectively
  • The VWAP & POC of Feb 2024 Series is 21956 & 21930 respectively
Business Areas for 27th May 2024
23019 – VWAP (24 May)
26063 – K TPO POC (24 May)
23100 – 2 ATR (VPOC 22625)
23154 – 2 SD AVWAP (23 May)
23202 – Weekly 2 IB
These levels are best actionable once we get confrimation from the OrderFlow charts
23013 – POC (24 May)
22953 – PDL
22916 – AVWAP (23 May)
22861 – TD VWAP (23 May)
22816 – Ext Handle (23 May)
These levels are best actionable once we get confrimation from the OrderFlow charts

BankNifty May F: 49045 [ 49116 / 48702 ]

Bnf 16 Market Profile Analysis Dated 24Th May 2024 Banknifty Futures, Charts, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Srategies, Market Profile, Market Profile Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Technical Analysis, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading
Market Profile Analysis dated 24th May 2024 4 Decode the Market
Open Type
OA (Open Auction)
Volumes of 16,581 contracts
Initial Balance
313 points (49018 – 48705)
Volumes of 57,264 contracts
Above average
Day Type
Neutral Extreme – 414 pts
Volumes of 1,46,710 contracts
Below average

BNF also made an Open Auction start with the probe above PDH stalling right below the weekly VPOC of 49051 (02-08 May) forcing a move down back into previous range in search of buyers as it broke below yPOC of 48838 and went on to make lower lows of 48705 in the B period which was followed by a miniscule C side extension to 48702 which was swiftly rejected.

The auction then got into coil mode staying inside the D TPO range till the G period before making higher highs in the H followed by couple of REs confirming a FA (Failed Auction) at lows as it went on to make a look up above 49051 but could only manage similar highs of 49115 displaying exhaustion and promptly giving a pull back to day’s VWAP before closing well above the IBH leaving a Neutral Extreme Day with poor lows & poor highs.

Click here to view the latest profile in BNF on Vtrender Charts

Daily Zones
  • Largest volume (POC) was traded at 48858 F and VWAP of the session was at 48904
  • Value zones (volume profile) are at 48768-48858-49011
  • BNF has immediate support at AVWAP of 48696 from Trend Day of 23/05
  • BNF has immediate support at AVWAP of 48393 from Swing Low of 47611 from 22/05
  • BNF has immediate support at AVWAP of 48117 from Swing Low of 47200 from 13/05
  • BNF confirmed a FA at 47200 on 13/04 and almost completed the 2 ATR objective of 48425 on 21/05. This FA has not been tagged and is now a positional Swing support .
  • HVNs are at 47910 / 48637 / 49555 (** denotes series POC)
Weekly Zones
Monthly Zones
  • The settlement day Roll Over point (May 2024) is 48360
  • The VWAP & POC of Apr 2024 Series is 47971 & 47994 respectively
  • The VWAP & POC of Mar 2024 Series is 47051 & 47300 respectively
  • The VWAP & POC of Feb 2024 Series is 46119 & 45700 respectively
Business Areas for 27th May 2024
49054 – HVN (24 May)
49180 – G TPO h/b (06 May)
49318 – D TPO h/b (06 May)
49448 – C TPO tail (03 May)
49577 – Selling Tail (03 May)
49017 – IBH (24 May)
48904 – VWAP (24 May)
48802 – Weekly IBH
48702 – FA (24 May)
48560 – TD VWAP (23 May)

You can check the monthly charts & other swing levels for both Nifty & BankNifty here & for the weekly charts & analysis, please click here.