Order Flow : 11th FEb

Earlier today, we noticed a not very confident probe of price below value lows, though the distance covered was around 45 points to 5175 levels.

What was noticeable was an important part of the index – the banks not moving below value or to new lows.

If you had watched the value areas closely especially the relevance of the point of control, it was not at all a difficult day to trade today.

The OrderFlow charts made the job even easier. Take a look :

Nifty Of3 Order Flow : 11Th Feb

Order Flow suggested buyers coming to replace reluctant sellers at 5194.These confident buyers managed to take the Nifty up to 5328 in one continuous move measuring 134 points.

Bank Nifty Of1 Order Flow : 11Th Feb

The BN got resisted at VAH early in the morning, but once it broke through there was no stopping. I tried to take a counter trend trade around 10265 levels, but had to quickly give up to persistent buyers for a minor 30 points of profits.When the previous highs around 10290 were taken, there was no looking back.

The profile charts of today throw interesting possibilities for Monday, many of which we will discuss in the webinar tomorrow.

So if you have not registered for it yet, try the link at the top right of the blog or send a mail to [email protected].

Market profile is one study which can call the major levels and the moves of the market right, 90 % of the time.So if you are still struggling in your trading, start reading up about profile.Your trading will get the edge it requires!
