A good trader is a one who can make money consistently over a longer period of time. But how to become one such trader, who can make money in any type of market condition? A good trader keeps a close watch on the current information of the market and assesses it for change against previous information. You see current information through an Order Flow chart.
Order Flow can show how a collection of market participates has acted in the past and this helps to create profit by knowing if these traders are profitable or caught upside down.
Room Chat
08:56 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
08:56 Uttam : https://vtrender.com/market-profile-analysis-dated-04th-february-2021/
08:59 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/196148493
09:00 Vtrender Live : 5 min NF charts – https://join.me/119-350-108
09:00 Chandrashekhar : GM all
09:01 Vtrender Live : 5 min BNF charts – https://zoom.us/j/8647754156?pwd=YWwwYUhJWmJsWmJ4T09BelZUcnBPQT09
09:03 Shai : GM all
09:03 Devkant Swargiary : GM
09:03 Shai : 14887 ref line for the open today
09:03 Shai : bias stays up abv it
09:03 Shai : 14940 imm zone to watch on upsides
09:04 Shai : Anystrong upmove may put it at even 15100 if we scale abv it
09:04 Shai : 14740 from yesterday is a alower supp on any strong reaction
09:04 Shai : 35000 now a supp in BNF
09:04 Abhishek : GM everyone
09:05 Shai : 35778 to watch on higher sides
09:05 Chandrashekhar : RBI event @ 10 AM today?
09:05 Jitender : ys
09:06 Chandrashekhar : thanks Jit
09:06 Shai : yes RBI today- so watch your sizes
09:06 Chandrashekhar : +1
09:07 Rusi : Gm all
09:14 Tejpreet : GM All.
09:15 Sunil : GM All
09:15 Shai : going to 14990
09:15 Ankush Jain : SBI upper circuit
09:16 Himanshu : SBI upper circuit is rare event
09:16 Himanshu : Madket strong hai Sain,,
09:16 Jitender : 36.5ce 300-407 dt thru
09:17 Himanshu : Hain
09:17 Tejpreet : wow Jit 1 min and DT +100 bro
09:17 Himanshu : this is super sonic – Congrates
09:17 Amit : 14600 thru
09:17 Amit : 90
09:17 Shai : 14991- (09:15) Shai : going to 14990
09:17 Amit : 900 ce
09:17 Shai : watch for traction abv 991
09:17 Jitender : tx guys
09:17 Chandrashekhar : 7 more for 1 ATR in NF from yestedray’s FA
09:18 Jitender : 9.15.43 was buy
09:18 Chandrashekhar : +1 JIt
09:18 Shai : +1
09:18 Jitender : all sbi
09:18 Jitender : tx all
09:22 Ankush Jain : spot hits 15k
09:22 Ankush Jain : 15k t-shirts in studio are out?
09:24 Favas : bnf ref?
09:27 Chandrashekhar : NF speedo going down again…@ 65 now
09:27 Tejpreet : Uttam yesterday’s VAH NF ?
09:28 Jitender : 404-508…2x thru (09:16) Jitender : 36.5ce 300-407 dt thru
09:28 Uttam : 14931 Tej
09:28 Uttam : BNF 2 ATR done dona done
09:28 Tejpreet : Jit you want to replace RBI Guv by 10 am 🙂
09:28 Tejpreet : Yes wrong on 5 min charts shows 884
09:29 Jitender : close terminal by ten Tej 🙂
09:29 Jitender : peace pipe now
09:29 Tejpreet : +1
09:29 Uttam : BNF boom boom
09:29 Tejpreet : can bn do 1000 point A period ?
09:29 Jitender : done
09:29 Ankush Jain : SBI up 14%
09:30 Surya ganti : whoa!
09:30 Sumeet : this is madness
09:31 K2dt : nice day to have a birthday… fireworks all around 🙂
09:31 Jitender : yipeeeee (09:18) Jitender : all sbi
09:31 Uttam : NF 1 atr from FA done
09:31 Jitender : Happ B’day K2..God bless
09:31 Surya ganti : countdown to 15k
09:31 Chandrashekhar : Oh, Happy Birthday K
09:31 Shai : Buy 15000 ce at 153 sl of 130 tgt 180
09:31 Surya ganti : happy birthdayt k2
09:31 K2dt : tx so much Jit
09:31 Jitender : Happy (09:31) Jitender : Happ B’day K2..God bless
09:31 Chandrashekhar : +1..(09:31) Uttam : NF 1 atr from FA done
09:32 Uttam : Many Many Happy Returns K – have a blast as BNF is having one too
09:32 K2dt : tx u Surya,Chandra
09:32 Shai : Happy birthday K2. Have a fantastic one – (09:31) K2dt : nice day to have a birthday… fireworks all around 🙂
09:32 K2dt : tx so much UG
09:32 K2dt : thn u chiiiiieff :))))))
09:32 Devkant Swargiary : Happy Birtday K2
09:32 Tejpreet : Happy Birthday K2
09:32 Aman Singhania : happy bday k GOD BLESS
09:32 Ashwath : HBD – Kush!
09:32 K2dt : Tx so much guys Devkant and Tej :))
09:32 Abhishek : Happy Birthdy K
09:32 Rusi : Happy b’day K2
09:33 Sumeet : Happy birthday k2 — time you changed to K3dt !!
09:33 K2dt : thnk u guys Aman,Aswath,Rusi,Sumeet :))
09:33 Chandrashekhar : BNF range @ 981 alrady..beast
09:33 K2dt : lol S..amen to that :)))
09:33 Surya ganti : 15k on your birthday
09:33 Chandrashekhar : @ Uttam NF @ 68…just saying
09:33 Chandrashekhar : 😉
09:34 Milind : Happy Birthday K2
09:34 Uttam : lol make it extend by one more point till IB then you will get 3 IB ;-p
09:34 Shai : wxit this at cmp 146 – (09:31) Shai : Buy 15000 ce at 153 sl of 130 tgt 180
09:35 K2dt : tx Milind 🙂
09:35 Chandrashekhar : vix also rising
09:35 Milind : ext, Shai?
09:35 Milind : exit?
09:35 Shai : exit
09:39 Shai : BNF traders rockinbg the open
09:39 Shai : NF is quiet
09:39 Prashant : ya infy a drag
09:40 Shai : that was a 430 point candle at 09.35
09:40 Shai : god bless the lomng put walaa in that
09:40 Tejaswini : +1. 22k contract traded in that candle
09:41 Shai : yes a very high number
09:41 Shai : Amongst all time highs
09:42 Subhadeep : SBI trading opened at that time after circuit… any relation ?
09:42 Sumeet : rbi gov be like – ab kuchh bol ke bhi kya faayda
09:42 Shai : today’s BNF low a cash basket buy
09:43 Shai : read as SBI
09:43 Shai : generally cash basket buys are not broken
09:43 Shai : number is also good 35555
09:43 Swapnil : Airtel on the other hand…. 😀
09:44 K2dt : all stars aligning chief for our mkts 🙂
09:47 Shai : exited that CE becuase NF crossed 14990 and hit a red band
09:47 Favas : shai bnf ref?
09:47 Shai : 14990 ref reamins
09:47 Favas : for long entry
09:47 Shai : BNF 35997 now a supp
09:48 Shai : only oinks here so no buys
09:48 Shai : wait for a dip
09:48 Favas : okey
09:48 Shai : can buy any dip to 36000 with a small stop
09:54 Prashant : Happy b’day K2DT…
09:55 Shai : Let RBI get done
09:55 Shai : 14910 noew a supp
09:55 K2dt : thnx Prashant 🙂
09:55 Sanjib : Happy birthday, Kush
09:55 Tejaswini : Happy birthday Kush
09:56 Suren : Happy Birthday Kush! Wishing you a great year ahead.
09:56 Tejaswini : What a blast u did on your bday
09:56 K2dt : tx Sanjib , Tejaswini , Suren :))
09:56 K2dt : indeed T … a day to remember 🙂
09:57 K2dt : tx so much for ur wishes guys.. u r like a family..logging off.. time to acquire some greens (karma) :))
09:57 Favas : happy birthday bro
09:57 K2dt : tx Favas
10:00 Himanshu : FA on up will be good UG
10:01 Chandrashekhar : Gov starts
10:01 Chandrashekhar : Policy unchanged
10:02 Jitender : bnf has done 6000 bps in a 6 tradn days
10:02 Surya ganti : wow
10:02 Jitender : approx
10:04 Tejpreet : 626 to 705 in 365k ce , DT done.
10:04 Jitender : congo tej
10:04 Swapnil : RBI Gov – no change in rates, inflation in control, acoomoodative stance to continue
10:04 Ankush Jain : chalo phir nifty
10:04 Tejpreet : tks Jit
10:05 Uttam : 1900 red in BNF with 0s
10:05 Uttam : in middle
10:05 Jitender : 376.6ce 258-364..3x done
10:05 Himanshu : Chief – Candle terrace pe chad gayi
10:05 Himanshu : adjust karo
10:06 Ashwath : @Shai – 15k CE buy abv 153?
10:07 Himanshu : B doing C
10:07 Shai : watch greens
10:07 Ashwath : ok
10:13 MJ : Happy birthday Kush. Have a lovely one.
10:13 MJ : Jit, liquidation ref for bnf if any?
10:13 Tejpreet : RBI over 🙂
10:14 Tejpreet : vwap of drive gone bn
10:14 Surya ganti : got in at vwap and got out too 😛
10:14 Surya ganti : of BNF
10:15 Shai : 15000c e buy 138 sl of 120
10:15 Shai : tgt 170
10:16 Tejpreet : +1 Surya
10:16 Shai : sl cost 138- now
10:16 Jitender : MJ..34940
10:16 Shai : (10:15) Shai : 15000c e buy 138 sl of 120
10:17 Himanshu : Cross firing . Chief
10:17 Surya ganti : in the CE
10:17 Shai : book out CE
10:17 Shai : let him finsih
10:19 Bhavesh : happy birthday K2
10:19 Rajan Modi : happy birthday K2 – have a good one!
10:21 Tejpreet : BN reds piling on
10:21 MJ : Sumeet, you held sbi really nice haan! 🙂
10:22 Sumeet : :))))) got back in cash post chairman speech..
10:22 MJ : TSL on, longs since yvwap.
10:22 MJ : in sbin.
10:24 Swapnil : +1 Uttam (10:05) Uttam : 1900 red in BNF with 0s
10:24 Tejpreet : let’s get that 35997
10:26 Rahul : Best Wishes K2, God bless you
10:27 Favas : ug below 36000?next supp
10:29 Jitender : 35780-840 zone F
10:29 Jitender : Shai also gv 35778 in morn
10:30 Favas : tnks
10:31 Tejpreet : Is the Guv off TV
10:31 Shai : pnbgilts flying
10:31 Shai : good stock
10:32 Jitender : ys Tej
10:32 Jitender : hez back at 12 fr a press con
10:32 Himanshu : Chief – how come so much volume today in BNF
10:32 Tejpreet : oh ok, tks Jit
10:33 Shai : 15000c e buy again 146 sl of 124 tgt 180
10:34 Swapnil : PNB Gilts flying because RBI will allow retail investors to invest in GSecs?
10:34 Jitender : yup
10:34 Uttam : that 120 held in that 15000ce Shai
10:35 Ravi : another FA brewing?
10:35 Uttam : @Shai 30min BNF needs a bit of adjustment
10:37 Uttam : 35980-970 zone is imp F – (10:27) Favas : ug below 36000?next supp
10:37 Favas : tnks
10:38 Uttam : thanks Shai – 30mins looks fine now
10:40 Prashant : test
10:43 MJ : Pass Prashant.
10:44 Uttam : 35800 could be fast of 35970 goes
10:44 Prashant : 🙂
10:44 Rajesh G : shai holding call?
10:45 Shai : Auction has slowed down
10:46 Tejaswini : markets waiting for Guv press conference?
10:49 Shai : move sl down to 118 and hold this- (10:33) Shai : 15000c e buy again 146 sl of 124 tgt 180
10:49 Shai : if 14990 is not taken out we will book
10:50 Uttam : 0s at 36125 in BNF
10:50 Tejpreet : BN gets taht 35997 Support
10:50 Tejpreet : done in bn for the day
10:50 Uttam : +1 Tej
10:51 Tejpreet : Huge vol OD 3 times bvwap break .Tks Uttam
10:51 Milind : NF might go 14790 today?
10:53 Uttam : 35800 coming ifthis stays – (10:50) Uttam : 0s at 36125 in BNF
10:54 Shai : make exit in that 15000 ce at cmp
10:55 Shai : 14820 can come
10:55 Uttam : 35829 so far – (10:44) Uttam : 35800 could be fast of 35970 goes
10:55 Milind : 15000 PE entered at 178
10:55 Uttam : 35800 is here
10:56 Surya ganti : nice call UG
10:56 Surya ganti : was about to short BNF shud have 😛
10:56 Uttam : started here – (10:50) Uttam : 0s at 36125 in BNF
10:58 Uttam : 35800 holding
10:58 Jitender : 200bps n counting (10:29) Jitender : 35780-840 zone F
10:58 Jitender : fantastic day
10:58 Jitender : all trades in green
10:58 Jitender : bookes 140..5x thru
10:59 Jitender : done fr the day
10:59 Tejpreet : +1
10:59 Jitender : tc guys…..
10:59 Rajan Modi : Jit is always on a rush on frydayss 😉
10:59 Swapnil : Congrats Jit
11:00 MJ : cheerio jit!
11:00 Jitender : 2nd half is usually dicey RM
11:00 Jitender : tats y
11:00 Uttam : sellers booking out in BNF
11:00 Jitender : tx guys…
11:00 Rajan Modi : cheers … tc
11:00 Uttam : big vol bar that was which tested 35800
11:00 Uttam : lets see what happens at vwap
11:04 Shai : fast moving auction
11:04 Shai : short view aborted now
11:04 Shai : no pos open
11:04 Prashant : LL, LH in tpos uptill now…D not over though
11:17 Tejaswini : BNF gets back vwap
11:17 Tejaswini : shaping up to be a big P for BNF?
11:18 Abhishek : 15000 CE is very notorius today
11:20 Milind : Areed
11:20 Milind : Agreed
11:33 Rusi : vix should fall post das pc.
11:34 Rusi : budget expiry and rbi all in last 5 days
11:35 Tejaswini : +1 Rusi
11:39 Tejaswini : RS+IS at vwap in BNF
11:39 Tejaswini : volumes low though
11:40 MJ : moving before G.
11:40 Shai : for those watching vix, unlikely to cross 24.2 today and could drop to 22 to clsoe the week
11:40 Tejaswini : thanks Shai
11:40 Rusi : thanx shai
11:40 Tejpreet : Tks Chief breakout level remains above 26 ?
11:41 MJ : Shai D low can visit? nf?
11:41 Abhishek : straddle likely to give
11:42 Shai : 14900 pe likely to hold better if thinking of writing
11:42 Shai : cmp 146
11:42 Shai : sl of 176 likely to give you 98 at close
11:42 Shai : mainatin sl of 176
11:44 Shai : not likey- auction ws aborted- (11:41) MJ : Shai D low can visit? nf?
11:44 Shai : expecting a play here now at 14970 till K
11:44 Shai : or if RBI guy does something weird in that PC
11:44 Shai : we track the volds
11:45 MJ : Okaybossman!
11:56 Rajesh G : test
11:56 Rajan Modi : that 1500ce not able to sustain abocve 153
11:57 Santosh Dhir Samant : Shai, what about BNF?
11:58 KK : yup trade comes when it crosses 160 with eyes on OF ?
11:58 KK : 15K CE
11:59 KK : bnf 36060 a support now ?
12:00 MJ : Shai does this change bond market? : Retail investors to be allowed direct investment in g-secs via accounts at the RBI.
12:03 Rusi : rbi starts retail account to buy sell GILT directly
12:04 Swapnil : I think Shai mentioned about PNB Gilts even last year many months back
12:05 MJ : Retail direct they calling it.
12:06 Shai : (09:04) Shai : 35000 now a supp in BNF(09:05) Shai : 35778 to watch on higher sides(11:57) Santosh Dhir Samant: Shai, what about BNF?
12:06 Shai : 35778 now a supp
12:06 Uttam : +1
12:07 Uttam : 35784 low it was in that dip
12:07 Shai : shoter time frame view – manintain bullishness as long as 5 min vol does not come below 35990 now
12:07 Tejpreet : +1
12:07 Shai : 36500 is short term RS from B
12:08 Uttam : yes 2k red there
12:08 Shai : +1
12:12 Uttam : (11:00) Uttam : sellers booking out in BNF(11:00) Uttam : big vol bar that was which tested 35800(11:00) Uttam : lets see what happens at vwap
12:13 Uttam : not getting demand at vwap – BNF
12:13 Shai : That press con is on?
12:13 Tejpreet : Last 3 5 min nf bar 3 digit vol , doesn’t seem on
12:14 Ankush Jain : con
12:15 Abhishek : yes
12:16 Ankush Jain : when room charts are zoomed in & slight movement starts looking very big 🙂
12:17 Tejaswini : It has started now
12:17 Tejpreet : tks T
12:18 Uttam : TTT – Tej thanking Tej
12:18 Tejpreet : 🙂
12:18 Shai : spoken like a true Pro – (12:13) Tejpreet : Last 3 5 min nf bar 3 digit vol , doesn’t seem on
12:18 Uttam : 🙂
12:18 Shai : Ye sthat NF vol abv 2000 is where the mojo is
12:19 Uttam : drifting back to dVAL – (12:13) Uttam : not getting demand at vwap – BNF
12:19 Tejpreet : Chief all shown and taught by you _/\_
12:19 Himanshu : SBI – broken 400 – at 397
12:20 Himanshu : Banks – Cows coming home
12:22 MJ : BNF 4 greens in line.
12:22 MJ : like they decided and triggered.
12:22 Amit : yes H 4 of them
12:22 MJ : and if they are taken to cow corner, 🙂
12:23 Shai : _/\_= (12:19) Tejpreet : Chief all shown and taught by you _/\_
12:23 Uttam : BNF had a 1085 point IB & NF a 83 point one 🙂
12:23 Amit : @MJ will dung all over
12:24 MJ : Short since the red band @amit 🙂
12:25 MJ : Got quick one in bnf F.
12:25 Amit : awesome +1
12:26 MJ : When we see 4 reds, maybe tehy are out 🙂
12:28 Uttam : done – (12:19) Uttam : drifting back to dVAL – (12:13) Uttam : not getting demand at vwap – BNF
12:29 Himanshu : SBI – Crazy volumes – 14 CR so far
12:29 Uttam : failure of an open drive it was in BNF
12:29 Uttam : and got rejected from VWAP so day low coming?
12:30 Uttam : 35800 breaki needed on reds or 0s
12:30 MJ : nf vwap being adamant, ug needs your hammer.
12:31 MJ : else again rotations?
12:35 Himanshu : who is buying all these SBI
12:35 Himanshu : It seems DIIs selling to each other ..
12:36 Himanshu : Whenever I see SBI order book – feel its mini excahnge running seperatelt
12:37 MJ : Let it enjoy @himanshu it has gotten that 400 handle post split for the first time.
12:38 Himanshu : My bro in law retrired from SBI – told him tp buy at 232 if iy crsses
12:38 Tejaswini : If retail participates in Government securities, who will put money in FDs
12:38 Himanshu : He sold – his inv
12:38 Himanshu : said – we know internal
12:38 Tejaswini : Banks deposits may get hit
12:38 Himanshu : now what to tell him – called me today
12:39 Himanshu : Said – last qtr resultw as 4500 CR profit equal of HDFC bank
12:39 Shai : BNF pinks coming’
12:39 Himanshu : He himself does not believe it – said on one land there are 3 agri loans –
12:41 Rajashekhar : 14900 pe sell ok to hold?
12:41 Himanshu : INDUSINDINd – made classic double top
12:42 Rohit : NF coiling between DPOC and VWAP last 45 min
12:43 Himanshu : BNF will pull it down
12:43 Shai : short NF 14960 sl fo 14995 tgt 14912
12:47 Anand : Triggered ?
12:48 Shai : in
12:48 Shai : if not in take blwo 960
12:48 Anand : ok
12:48 Surya ganti : in
12:53 Abhishek : what about that PE 14900 Shai
12:54 Abhishek : we are shorting future and holding put writes at same time
12:57 MJ : 950 reds bnf y u !!!
12:57 Shai : one trade is till 3.30 pm
12:57 Tejpreet : F trade is 5 min zone and other EOD
12:57 Shai : one will get over in enxt 30 and we should be back
12:57 Abhishek : +1
12:58 Shai : Auction gfailed to get new sellers below 14900 and got aborted
12:58 Shai : so that short PE makes sesne to hold
12:59 Shai : but now we see no new demand at 14970 – 80 zone
12:59 Shai : so makes sense to play for a dip here
12:59 Shai : Sl is the morning ref of 14990 + filter
13:00 Shai : remember I gave you 14990 ref at open near 09.16
13:00 Harshvardhan : but shai the vwap is still holding. still shorts can be taken?
13:00 Shai : we have niot seen new demand
13:00 Tejpreet : +1
13:00 Uttam : +1
13:00 Himanshu : Indusind gave back all 34 Rs
13:00 Himanshu : Gain
13:00 Uttam : no new demand in both
13:01 Himanshu : Sory 85 Rs gaib=n
13:01 MJ : Ug 950 reds your say on them?
13:01 MJ : bnf
13:01 Tejpreet : This 982 bn red gets exit we might break Uttams 35800 with 0’s
13:01 Uttam : NF does look like it wants to fill up the lower part of todays profile
13:01 Ashwath : waiting for K
13:01 Shai : one sharp dip to 14920/ 910 and then back up to close here is the plan
13:02 Uttam : IS just below VWAP in the 12:15 bar was the first ref MJ, has been moving lower from there
13:02 Uttam : 36090 ref on upside
13:02 Uttam : with this 958 red acting as an RB
13:02 Uttam : 35850-36090
13:02 Uttam : one needs to go now
13:02 Harshvardhan : ok
13:03 MJ : I want this biggie red to hit home run!
13:04 Amit : make it happen
13:05 Uttam : upar ya neeche? – (13:03) MJ : I want this biggie red to hit home run!
13:05 MJ : Neeche UG.
13:05 MJ : But looks tough.
13:05 Uttam : lower level of 30min holding
13:06 Uttam : 35879
13:06 Uttam : profit booking level for shorts
13:06 MJ : nf has hardly stayed below vwap, 🙁
13:06 Uttam : and who do not have these super levels shorted there 😉
13:07 Milind : NF Future – down move is getting rejected from VWAP
13:09 Uttam : BNF forming a nice balance just like it did on Tuesday
13:09 Uttam : big IB so Normal Day
13:09 MJ : fryday hai aaj. 🙂
13:09 Uttam : (12:29) Uttam : failure of an open drive it was in BNF(12:29) Uttam : and got rejected from VWAP so day low coming?(12:30) Uttam : 35800 breaki needed on reds or 0s
13:09 Uttam : this is still on
13:09 Himanshu : ok take
13:10 Surya ganti : ok vwap broken
13:10 Uttam : 35802
13:10 Uttam : BNF
13:10 Shai : Book the NF 14945
13:10 Uttam : +1 Shai
13:12 Surya ganti : UG.. any buys on dips in BNF?
13:12 Uttam : PLR down Surya
13:12 Tejpreet : Done -3:01 Tejpreet : This 982 bn red gets exit we might break Uttams 35800 with 0’s
13:12 Uttam : IS & red band
13:12 Surya ganti : ok what is plr?
13:12 Uttam : so why buy?
13:12 Shai : +1
13:12 Surya ganti : right
13:13 Shai : hmm
13:13 Shai : 2 mins late these reds
13:13 Surya ganti : lol
13:13 Himanshu : Mornig low broken
13:13 Himanshu : BNF
13:13 Uttam : not yet
13:13 Ankush Jain : IBL
13:13 Naresh C : shai if the morning lows go in bank nifty then it becomes a positional sell
13:13 Abhishek : +100
13:14 Surya ganti : 910
13:14 Milind : Same cae with NIFTY as well
13:14 Milind : case
13:14 MJ : traded via 35k pe 35k pe got 90 pts (13:05) Uttam : upar ya neeche? – (13:03) MJ : I want this biggie red to hit home run!(13:05) MJ : Neeche UG.
13:14 Uttam : (12:29) Uttam : failure of an open drive it was in BNF(12:29) Uttam : and got rejected from VWAP so day low coming?(12:30) Uttam : 35800 breaki needed on reds or 0s
13:14 Uttam : MP rocks
13:14 Tejpreet : always
13:15 Himanshu : BC – kotak is not breaking
13:15 Himanshu : for once want tos ee 34500
13:15 Uttam : that IS at VWAP was the trigger to short MJ not the 982 red
13:15 Himanshu : UG till K -down move is on ? or
13:16 MJ : UG, sharing my context. Went with him and those early green stuck, had updated here 🙂
13:16 Uttam : (13:01) Uttam : NF does look like it wants to fill up the lower part of todays profile
13:16 Uttam : NF profile looking better now
13:16 KK : 15K CE from 135 to 113
13:17 Rajan Modi : 14900 pe nearing 176
13:18 Tejpreet : 880 NF goes with IS fryday LL can come in
13:18 Uttam : 35950 ref now in BNF
13:18 Uttam : latest IS there
13:18 Uttam : which brokw 35800
13:19 KK : nf below IBL fryday ?
13:20 Shai : down move down now plan B
13:21 Favas : shai contra long possible?
13:21 Santosh Dhir Samant : time for up move?
13:21 Himanshu : you mean down move is done .. Chief ?
13:21 Anand : plan B as in PE writing ?
13:21 KK : 900 PE to 98 ?
13:21 Swapnil : playing to this? (13:01) Shai : one sharp dip to 14920/ 910 and then back up to close here is the plan
13:22 Uttam : yes nice balance now in NF also
13:23 Shai : yes- (13:21) Swapnil : playing to this? (13:01) Shai : one sharp dip to 14920/ 910 and then back up to close here is the plan
13:23 Shai : 14880 sl
13:23 Uttam : 14900-14881-14770 is the 2 day balance in NF
13:24 Uttam : so below 14881 can expect a 100 pointer
13:24 KK : +1
13:24 Uttam : but for now context is a bell in NF
13:25 Shai : (12:58) Shai : Auction gfailed to get new sellers below 14900 and got aborted(12:58) Shai : so that short PE makes sesne to hold(12:59) Shai : but now we see no new demand at 14970 – 80 zone(12:59) Shai : so makes sense to play for a dip here(12:59) Shai : Sl is the morning ref of 14990 + filter(13:00) Shai : remember I gave you 14990 ref at open near 09.16
13:25 Shai : I explained the auction happening to you guys
13:25 Shai : c’mon
13:25 Ankush Jain : +1
13:25 Rajan Modi : its amazing Shai _/\_
13:26 Abhishek : logical wondersss
13:26 Prashant : amazing shai
13:26 Uttam : +1 Shai also 14901 low in this fall stalling right at the VAH of the 2-day balance – (13:01) Uttam : NF does look like it wants to fill up the lower part of todays profile
13:26 Ashwath : +100
13:26 Amit : +1
13:26 Ashwath : amazig as always!
13:27 Uttam : 45 degree rule in middle of the day
13:29 Abhishek : shorted more Pe’s at162. good R;R
13:30 Abhishek : SL at cost now. Safe
13:32 Himanshu : Seems SBI will make ISland
13:33 Surya ganti : 14880
13:33 Ankush Jain : PE stopped
13:33 Shai : exit shorts pe if 878 breaks
13:33 Tejpreet : 880 with IS
13:34 Shai : new selelrs
13:34 Himanshu : seems biggies played today SAR
13:34 Himanshu : UG – BNF Island banayega kal
13:34 Tejpreet : Shai now 940 is good SL for ID Nf ?
13:35 Shai : yes
13:36 Tejpreet : tks chief
13:36 Shai : new selling below this ponly- (13:33) Shai : exit shorts pe if 878 breaks
13:36 Shai : no pos open now
13:36 Shai : 878 minor supp fromm morning greens
13:36 Shai : Fryday terror
13:37 Prashant : lol
13:37 Prashant : break it..
13:41 Siddharth : zerodha kite app is down..
13:42 Prashant : charts stuck?
13:44 Shai : 14880 goes now we get a leg lower to 14840 minus
13:44 Shai : This is a new auction now led by BNF and friends
13:44 Shai : I think TV told a lot of people to buy PSU banks today inviting all these shorts
13:45 Tejpreet : 🙂
13:45 MJ : yes chief, everyone and their panwallah was like buy psu banks.
13:46 MJ : bob fed sbin some of the favs.
13:46 MJ : even pnb for few.
13:46 MJ : lol
13:46 Rajan Modi : ppl forgot nirav modi 🙂
13:47 Shai : 880 still there as low- (13:44) Shai : 14880 goes now we get a leg lower to 14840 minus
13:47 Shai : hope all safe here
13:47 Shai : ?
13:47 Surya ganti : a little red
13:47 Rajan Modi : yes chief _/\_
13:47 Harish : in green
13:48 Naresh C : yes sir
13:48 Shai : RBI+ fryday
13:48 Shai : = mad day
13:48 Rusi : safe and in gud hand. gud day today
13:48 MJ : Insane chief almost this happened After long time phew! :(11:41) MJ : Shai D low can visit? nf?
13:48 MJ : but we were safe coz of refs.
13:48 Ankush Jain : all days are mad days
13:49 Rusi : up by 8.5 % today till now
13:54 Prashant : wow rusi..
13:58 MJ : K blockbuster getting loaded.
13:59 Prashant : bnf just hanging
13:59 Rusi : looks like 🙂
14:03 Rajan Modi : K in 10mins
14:05 Shai : Any of you guys applied for Brookfield IPO through a bank?
14:05 Tejpreet : 880 downside and 960 upside needs to go now…….above 960 maybe chances of NE close in nifty 😉
14:05 Rajeshwarrao null : yes i applied
14:05 Shai : icici?
14:05 Rajeshwarrao null : icici
14:06 Rajeshwarrao null : yes
14:06 Ankush Jain : is it open still?
14:06 Shai : it’s not there on mobile app?
14:06 Rajeshwarrao null : net banking
14:06 Shai : open till close – go for it
14:06 Shai : it’s good for portfolio guys
14:06 Shai : Thanks Rajesh
14:07 Ankush Jain : is it there in Kotak?
14:14 Shai : If you have a linked Kotak account it will go through
14:15 Shai : They are not registered for the IPO
14:15 Shai : contact your dealer and route it through him
14:16 Rajeshwarrao null : Shai in icici if u have broker account also we can apply from icici with DP details
14:16 Rajeshwarrao null : other broker account
14:16 Shai : Yes
14:16 Shai : Just finished
14:17 Shai : NF quitened down
14:17 Rajeshwarrao null : Ok
14:18 Tejaswini : Shai your views on Indusind? Big selling tail in A period today
14:18 Tejpreet : 2nd 5 min nf bar halting right at 960
14:23 MJ : K is on leave? TGIF mode?
14:23 Ankush Jain : real fat bellied profile in NF
14:24 Uttam : (13:24) Uttam : but for now context is a bell in NF
14:25 Uttam : BNF also playing out a perfect Normal Day
14:25 Tejaswini : yeah 1k points up and down
14:26 Uttam : 2k red at 36500 pulled it down & has been below VWPA ever since
14:26 Uttam : almost tested the day lows that drive failure
14:26 Tejaswini : +1
14:27 Tejaswini : Anyone for island in BNF tomorrow?
14:27 Amit : no
14:27 Uttam : no one cos tom is holiday ;-p
14:27 Tejpreet : 🙂
14:27 Tejaswini : lol
14:27 Uttam : we all need to get on an island
14:28 Tejaswini : true that
14:28 Uttam : and relax
14:29 Vishnu : shai ur nifty and banknift over all view till this feb end ?
14:32 Rajiv Ohri : Vishnu are you giving us 45 K on Gold soon?
14:34 Rusi : k is not performing today. just 10 min to go
14:38 Uttam : BNF day lows
14:39 Tejaswini : 3k red cot
14:39 Uttam : 968 red at lows
14:39 Uttam : 0s at 35650
14:39 Uttam : spike coming?
14:39 Uttam : L period is the spike time
14:40 Rajan Modi : 35555 brokem
14:40 Aman Singhania : shai d cash basket buying logic stands cancel now?
14:41 Favas : bnf gap fill done?
14:46 Ankush Jain : K vol 50% of 15d avg
14:50 Tejaswini : spike expected?
14:51 Ankush Jain : aaj frying 1st half mein ho gai
14:52 Surya ganti : lol yeah
14:53 Amit : PPOC formed at 940-50 levels
14:55 Shai : not really they are deeper timeframe- (14:40) Aman Singhania: shai d cash basket buying logic stands cancel now?
14:56 Shai : sbin and kotak
14:57 Himanshu : UG zero at 650 indicates spike up or down
14:58 Uttam : that zone got filled up in the next 5 min bar H
14:58 Uttam : 14:35 bar had them
14:58 Himanshu : k
14:58 Himanshu : seen
14:58 Himanshu : give dpoc close
15:05 Rusi : done for the day . happy weekend guys.
15:06 Sanjiv : shai: any view for monday? thanks
15:06 Uttam : such a beautiful bell in NF 🙂
15:07 Uttam : so from balance Monday could get imbalance
15:07 Balaji : what does bell mean
15:07 Uttam : bell is the base of Market Profile Balaji
15:08 Uttam : bell means balance 0 bell curve
15:08 Surya ganti : BNF heading to new low?
15:09 Uttam : auction attempts to form a bell on all time frames and we look to idetify them & trade the imbalances when we get them
15:11 Vidhyasagar Lingesan : 35555 has been defended twice…
15:12 Shai : 14800 a supp- (15:06) Sanjiv : shai: any view for monday? thanks
15:12 Shai : Anystromng test near 14800 shoukd bring buyers
15:13 Shai : Auction looks exhusted near 15000 hoiwever
15:15 Ashwath : Guys, one hack I figured out with webinto app. when Chart freezes just maxmize / restore button next X right top corner. which works. if not go for reload/refresh option. just observation.
15:15 Ashwath : I dont knw, how its working buts its works in my laptp 🙂
15:17 Shai : +1
15:17 Shai : 12 mins NF needs 40 points
15:21 Shai : ignore- not happening
15:23 Shai : dpoc came lower 🙂
15:23 Shai : Take care everyone
15:24 Shai : have a splendid weekend
15:24 Shai : catch up Mon
15:24 Surya ganti : bye shai
15:24 Milind : Bye Shai
15:24 Surya ganti : bye everyone.. gotta get back to the library this weekend 🙂
15:24 Ashwath : bye guys.
15:26 Arun : Bye Everyone, A good first day for me.Thanks for allowing me to be a mute spectator to this interesting analysis
15:27 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 and have a wonderful weekend
15:28 Tejpreet : Looks like all IS covering into the close.
15:28 Himanshu : UG – Giving DOPC on friday
15:28 Tejpreet : Bye All.
15:29 Himanshu : looks like music will play next week also
15:29 Uttam : Bell it was to dPOC close to banta hai