Order Flow charts dated 06th November 2020

The key to using Order Flow trading is to determine market depth. This describes the places where Market participants have taken positions or the zone they have transacted. The Order Flow is like a list of trades and helps to know how other traders are placed in the market.

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Vol Pic2 Nf 4 Order Flow Charts Dated 06Th November 2020 Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading


Vol Pic 2 Bnf 4 Order Flow Charts Dated 06Th November 2020 Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading

Room Chat

08:47 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/711742549
08:48 Vtrender Live : 5 min charts- https://join.me/318-542-117
08:51 Vtrender Live : 08:50 Vtrender L: 5 min BNF charts – Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/8647754688?pwd=Z3NYU0tja0J3SE4zVkIydGdQY2FEZz09Meeting ID: 864 775 4688Passcode: vtrender
08:56 Shubham Q : GM all
08:56 Shai : GM all
08:56 Devkant : Gm
08:57 Shai : expoect a continuation of yesterday’s auction to 12178 and 12212 today
08:57 Shai : 12090 is early morning supp now
08:58 Shai : 12070- 90 held all pullbacks yesterday and is the zone to watch into close
08:58 Shai : supp lower is 12010 and 11970
08:58 Rusi : Gm all
08:59 Arcchit Agarwal : GM All
09:08 Naren : Gm Shai, All.
09:09 Gopi : zoom chart no visible?
09:11 Tejpreet : GM All.
09:12 Kailash : GM All
09:15 Shai : zoom is fine?
09:15 Naren : zoom charts are not visible Shai
09:17 Vtrender Live : BNF charts- https://zoom.us/j/8647754688?pwd=Z3NYU0tja0J3SE4zVkIydGdQY2FEZz09
09:18 Shai : do check and let me know
09:18 KK : SHai, RIL for 2040 ?
09:18 Gopi : ok now
09:18 Rusi : BN took support from VAL
09:18 Naren : its fine now thanks Shai
09:20 Shai : RIL moving
09:21 Ankush Jain : yes
09:21 Ankush Jain : >2000
09:21 Shai : 2042 dobale
09:21 KK : 1995 to 2010 booked on that 2040 call above 1970.
09:22 KK : If RIL moving, then will bnf give inside day today ,,?
09:25 Ankush Jain : Volumes coming down
09:27 Ankush Jain : speedo at 60
09:27 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:35 K2dt : vix crush …sellers paradise
09:47 Rahul : yep
09:53 Shai : Another 20 points upside still there
09:53 Gopi : on every rise one pink box
09:53 Shai : before IB closes
09:54 Shai : yes that pink is justified
09:55 Shai : we are hitting the last 50 points of the imbalance off 11740
09:55 Shai : no new swing longs here
09:57 Shubham Q : theres selling at higher prices, right?
09:59 Shai : No it is no demnd bars
10:00 Shai : selling will be IS
10:01 Prashant : Shai, how is it no demand? Vol seems high those band. What is missing.
10:01 Uttam : positive COT
10:01 Tejaswini : is there a contrarian short here @ Shai?
10:01 Shubham Q : thanks chief
10:02 Shai : 5 min bars are sold at highs of range- (10:01) Prashant : Shai, how is it no demand? Vol seems high those band. What is missing.
10:04 Shai : shoukd get done at 12210- (09:53) Shai : Another 20 points upside still there
10:11 Rohit : Perfect reading Shai…spot tagged 12209..
10:12 Shai : was for F 🙂
10:12 Prashant : Highs don’t look secure, one move up ending in zeros would have been nice
10:13 Shai : Buy 12100 pe abv 86 sl of 78 tgt 102 cmp 81
10:13 Himanshu : Chief – is it time to go short
10:13 Himanshu : oh you shot the arrow
10:15 Shai : 12155-60 expetced
10:17 Ankush Jain : PE in
10:19 Shai : And RIL needs more than 10000 ce tro stay up these days 🙂
10:19 Shai : CR*
10:20 Shai : bugger got spoilt with all those big cheques
10:23 Rajesh G : Shai here we have rs followed by IS,
10:23 Rajesh G : how far u see it going now
10:25 Rusi : we have 2 IS in nifty. where is RS tagged ?
10:26 Uttam : fight on at vwap
10:26 Uttam : that 35k red stalling the move down for now
10:27 Uttam : BNF holding strong
10:27 Uttam : above PDH
10:31 Viswas : hdfc twins moving
10:32 Shai : exit the 12100 pe at 84 here cmp
10:35 Gopi : china border situation tense?
10:35 Gopi : flash from ventura securities
10:36 Rusi : talks sceduled today
10:41 KK : P in making ?
10:43 Tejaswini : need 0’s to clea PDH. 11k red couldnt do it
10:45 Gopi : probably second half tej
10:46 Tejaswini : this 21k wont do it too?
10:49 Gopi : profit booking started it seems
10:49 Uttam : IS forming at vwap
10:49 Uttam : BNF also at vwap now and back in prev day range
10:50 Sanjib : 12100 PE 84 to 98 50% done
10:51 Shai : Buy 12100 pe again 97 sl of 83 tgt 120
10:52 Shai : some new reds here
10:52 Shai : All longs closed at vwap
10:52 Jitender : Gen Rawat makes a statement tat situation at China border is tensse…at a webinar
10:52 Jitender : flash on tv
10:53 Anuj null : meanwhile…talks are on
10:53 Jitender : yup
10:53 Shai : It’s been tense
10:53 Jitender : tats why mentione “at a webinar”
10:55 Shai : :)\
10:55 Uttam : what timing of the news 🙂 just when NF comeplted the imbalance
10:55 Shai : 12140 to watch here
10:55 Shai : reduce sthe size of the PE at 100 here
10:55 Shai : sl at 90 on rest
10:56 Sumeet : chief of staff been reading steidlemeyer to figure out correct time of releasing statement
10:57 Himanshu : Shrude Chinese smell Trump will loose finally –
10:58 Himanshu : BJP could have invested time in campaingn in US for trump to woo Indian voters then wasting time in Bihar
10:59 Devkant : Shai this downmove play via 12100 PE was to test the VAH pf the previous day right. 44% probability of hitting VAH of previous day.
11:00 Shai : yesterday’s profile is imbalanced, so we won’t fix on VAH
11:00 Shai : look at vah- val when we have good balanced profiles
11:00 Devkant : ok thanks shai
11:01 Shai : : (08:57) Shai : expoect a continuation of yesterday’s auction to 12178 and 12212 today(08:57) Shai : 12090 is early morning supp now(
11:01 Shai : A is done
11:01 Shai : Auction raneg is the same
11:01 Shai : 12090- 12210
11:02 Shai : 91 to ewatch in that PE
11:02 Shai : there are no greens here from 09.50 am
11:04 Devkant : +1
11:05 Tejaswini : @Shai do these reds on 10:50 bar look like short in a hole?
11:06 Shai : liquidtion below vwap
11:08 Tejaswini : Can get caught?
11:09 Sadees : Shai, sellers are not doing good job below VWAP?
11:09 Prashant : If it is liquidation, i.e., not fresh short, then getting caught does not arise.
11:10 Tejaswini : Yes P. Realised that. But could be fresh shorts as well right?
11:10 Shai : That was news based specualtive volume guys
11:11 Prashant : IF
11:11 Shai : happened when that china news broke
11:11 Shai : so all longs of open shut down
11:11 Shai : exit the PE
11:11 Shai : As Jit said he was doing a webinar not a press con
11:12 Tejaswini : greens in BNF are those stuck reds exiting?
11:12 Prashant : Anything is possible with this chief of staff
11:13 Himanshu : Rumors are only triggers left now for liquidation at higher level –
11:14 Himanshu : With Limbo on US election outcome and China – Diwali Bekar kar denge BC
11:14 Shai : 🙂
11:14 Shai : Just one small point I wanted to make on the US indices moviing up
11:15 Himanshu : Sirji – Farmaiye
11:15 Shai : It was based on a clean house sweep and a stimulus not Biden or trump
11:15 Shai : now the market will weight next week that stimulus is not possible
11:15 Shai : so stay alert next week as US comes to terms with that situation
11:17 Himanshu : CNBC anchors are bubbling – Enthu – so 12400 Blow off – Liquidation indicator _ once the day they put on ATH T- shirts –
11:18 Himanshu : Frankly acting president is Powell
11:19 Himanshu : Y’day one friend told me – ” 2020 – is 2 wice effort for 0 Results – that twice is 2020
11:21 K2dt : chief is it possible to move speedo closer to price scale/ near 4-5 latest candles?
11:21 K2dt : it gets hidden in extreme left
11:21 Uttam : left bottom is ideal K as if you have OF or candles below vwap that will get hindered
11:22 Himanshu : K wants walking – Speedo with candle – Hain
11:22 Uttam : right now we do not have numbers on left so looks like that can be moved
11:23 Uttam : for exmaple when that IS bar moves bit more on the left and we have the speedo there both will appear smudged
11:23 Sanjib : RIL gathering steam
11:23 K2dt : lol H
11:23 K2dt : yes UG u r right
11:23 Tejaswini : IB RB IB now on NF
11:24 Uttam : IS at vwap failed so probe now towards VAH
11:24 Uttam : narrow range so far
11:31 Tejaswini : stalling dvah
11:38 Gopi : ril and kotak supporting
11:38 Uttam : 57k reds in BNF below vwap could give new highs
11:46 Tejaswini : developing HVN here and moving POC upwards. Bullish development?
11:56 Uttam : come on BNF lets see those new highs 😉
12:00 Viswas : hdfcbank stoppage? 2% in one way
12:07 Prashant : In ither news, Trump’s lead in Georgia is down to 1200 .
12:07 Shai : 🙂
12:07 Shai : that will be a recounbt for sure
12:07 Ankush Jain : so gaye ab wo saare
12:07 Prashant : Oh yes
12:07 Ankush Jain : they are too tired to continue
12:07 Shai : but all these recounts previously have changed it by +/- 300 only
12:08 Uttam : just delaying the inevitable?
12:08 Ankush Jain : Trump Tau koi na koi drama zaroor karega
12:08 Ankush Jain : Sour loser
12:08 Shai : some one tweeted a pic of a big movers truck outside the white house 🙂
12:08 Uttam : suddenly our EVMS look so good & advanced 😉
12:08 Bhuvan : trump is in such denial
12:08 Ankush Jain : 🙂
12:09 Prashant : But they have mail in ballots. Can’t imagine that in India. Post office loot jayega.
12:09 Shai : lol
12:10 Jitender : but people in PO mite become incredible rich…if u understand wat happens here 🙂
12:10 Uttam : finally – (11:56) Uttam : come on BNF lets see those new highs 😉
12:10 Shai : our MP’s are wondering why the people who won are not into 5 star resorts already 🙂
12:10 Uttam : lol Shai
12:10 Prashant : hahaha
12:10 Ankush Jain : some journalists, left leaning, were admiring the transparent US election process
12:10 MJ : Lol chief.
12:10 MJ : BNFFF!
12:10 Prashant : new high, auction over?
12:11 Uttam : (11:38) Uttam : 57k reds in BNF below vwap could give new highs
12:11 Ankush Jain : Amit Shah busy with Bihar. Otherwise he would have been outsourced
12:11 Prashant : Made in India nahi chalega Ankush..
12:12 Shai : NF back to vwap with 12225 sl cmp 12200
12:12 Ankush Jain : 93 k reds in NF. SLO?
12:13 Shai : yes end of auction
12:13 Gopi : bnf more reds
12:13 Sanjib : Possible FA at highs? #NF
12:14 Uttam : first get BNF to come back into IB S 😉
12:15 Uttam : BN spot can do 26689 today
12:16 Tejaswini : end of auction in both at Shai?
12:16 Shai : not in BNF
12:16 Shai : it’s has 0’s below
12:16 Uttam : yep
12:16 Tejaswini : Thanks
12:16 Uttam : IB at IBH
12:16 Uttam : intent
12:17 Sanjib : Surprisingly, 26800 PE 12 Nov is being written today. What do they know that we don’t know?
12:17 Tejaswini : That border tension news gave nice extension on upside.Caught a lot of napping traders i feel
12:23 Uttam : BNF in beast mode?
12:24 MJ : singles above 26820 on monthly profile bnf.
12:24 MJ : All the way to 28500
12:25 MJ : https://i2.wp.com/vtrender.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/BN_Monthly.png?ssl=1
12:25 Uttam : 26689 spot and 26744 first ref for now
12:25 Uttam : 26606 new highs
12:26 Uttam : 26528 was a vpoc which has been tagged
12:26 Uttam : BNF has had a Trend Week so good chance that it closes at highs
12:26 Uttam : 26600 ref in BNF for now
12:26 Uttam : can pause here
12:27 Tejaswini : 22k at top in BNF
12:29 Uttam : above 26600 next leg up towards 26750 & 26820
12:32 Shai : +1- (12:24) MJ : singles above 26820 on monthly profile bnf.
12:32 Shai : yes that is the big profile from Mar
12:32 Shai : 26820 ref
12:32 Vishnu : shai ur level to watch for bnf in upper side?
12:33 Shai : 26650 intra and 26820 swing
12:33 Shai : BNF has to take out 26820 for it to balance higher into end of the year
12:33 Uttam : selling tail in spot from 26800 to 27092
12:33 Vishnu : tnx shai
12:34 Uttam : and 6th mar of buying tail whihc got negated with a gap down was from 27162 to 27420
12:36 Rohit : Shai, NF 12209.80 tagged !
12:36 Uttam : BNF gave a multi week FA at 23895 and has comeplted 2 ATR on weekly at 26595
12:36 Uttam : sorry 25 points short as of now
12:40 Tejaswini : UG your 2ATR done
12:41 Viswas : ug high at dot
12:41 Uttam : to the dot – (12:36) Uttam : BNF gave a multi week FA at 23895 and has comeplted 2 ATR on weekly at 26595
12:41 Ankush Jain : Reds kicking in
12:42 Tejaswini : @Shai wanted to test a hypothesis that friday liquidation mostly happens in G or H. Could u help?
12:43 Tejaswini : 1 Lakh reds in NF
12:44 Shai : run it by Suyog
12:44 Shai : you can DM him on slack
12:44 Uttam : spot 26689 coming?
12:44 Tejaswini : ok
12:46 Uttam : this was yesterday – 09:18 Uttam : above 26336 BN spot has a 350 pointer move probable09:19 Uttam : BNF is the beast this week
12:46 Uttam : 26336 to 26636 done
12:46 Uttam : 50 more to go
12:53 Sanjib : boom boom
12:53 MJ : phata phati
12:53 MJ : 0’s below
12:54 Ankush Jain : boom
12:54 Uttam : 26750 in a flash
12:54 Sanjib : so the guys who were writing 26800 PE since morning knew what they were up to
12:55 Uttam : (12:23) Uttam : BNF in beast mode?
12:56 Uttam : (12:29) Uttam : above 26600 next leg up towards 26750 & 26820
12:56 MJ : hdfcbank ATH tagged.
12:57 MJ : 40% haath in bnf.
12:57 Himanshu : Yes
12:58 Ankush Jain : ATH is less than 200 points away
12:59 MJ : bank is done no? @Ankush.
12:59 MJ : Are you talking about hdfc ltd?
12:59 Jitender : longs be careful here
12:59 Jitender : better trail
12:59 Jitender : trend is up only
13:01 Jitender : MJ’s 820 is also nearby
13:01 Devkant : VIX 20.90
13:02 Shai : some anamoly in that lastr rise
13:02 Shai : trail tight
13:02 Shai : puts did not drop
13:02 Uttam : yes 26500 gave a frwak high of 690 in seconds
13:02 MJ : vwapub hit both index.
13:02 Jitender : 🙂
13:02 Uttam : and now settling around 580-600
13:03 Uttam : H wala hammer aaya aaj
13:03 Uttam : (12:33) Uttam : selling tail in spot from 26800 to 27092
13:04 Uttam : back above 26800 spot can give another spike
13:04 Uttam : but yes no fresh longs here
13:04 Uttam : and trail existing ones
13:06 MJ : .95 both in spot and F. Algos around.
13:06 Uttam : algod have always been around na Mj 😉
13:07 Uttam : algos*
13:07 Tejaswini : Didnt get u MJ
13:07 MJ : UG you know what I mean.
13:07 MJ : 🙂
13:07 Uttam : lol
13:08 MJ : Tejaswini, contextual but do watch for how supply built up. 3sd vwap and dhi and Futures high decimal was .95 (take all with OF and mp levels)
13:08 MJ : seen algo orders with decimals that end at .95 and .85
13:09 Shubham Q : so more upside?
13:09 Tejaswini : right got it. Thanks MJ. BNF high was 26799
13:10 MJ : @shubham: If you apply rules of IB IS RB RS. What do you see here?
13:11 Tejaswini : MJ when u say see how supply built up were u talking about red in BNF at 1 tick each sequentially on the 12:50 bar?
13:12 Jitender : 75 bps down from ten (12:59) Jitender : longs be careful here(12:59) Jitender : better trail(12:59) Jitender : trend is up only
13:12 MJ : +1
13:15 MJ : 1255 Bar in Nf @tejaswini and bnf 1300 bar.
13:16 MJ : Jit pointed be cautious, but overall trend up too.
13:20 Jitender : full 120 bps+ drop
13:20 Jitender : tat caution hypo over..go with lvls now
13:20 Jitender : tere is a possibility of weekend PB
13:21 Jitender : but trend is….
13:23 Tejaswini : Just noting my observations here. Need to understand how algo’s function. 1300 bar in NF and and 1305 bar in BNF had quite a lot of volumes trading without creating big imbalances and price steadily moving up
13:25 Tejaswini : My guess is systems created volumes above real traders levels artificially pushing it up finally to dump
13:25 Tejaswini : Hence the anomoly with option prices as well
13:26 Tejaswini : As these trades were not happening in options but only futs
13:27 Rajesh G : This anonomoly is becasue of put call parity…Call prices has increased in line with future so put prices will not fall otherwise it will create a put call parity issue…
13:29 Tejaswini : OK. Thanks MJ, Jit, Rajesh. This room is lit AF
13:30 Prashant : Should not put call parity say that put prices have to fallin line with rise in call prices, else put call parity will be broken?
13:31 Rajesh G : No.. Future price – put call prices should be equalivvant to stike price. so if call pricees are increase put will not fall till momentum is there..
13:33 Rajesh G : So if we take 12100 stike, future price – call prices – put prices should be zero…
13:34 Ankush Jain : NF micro balancing ?
13:35 Uttam : BN Spot had a weekly HVN at 26700 and acceptence above it is good
13:35 Shai : NF can take off again abv 12155 sl of 1225 tgt 12287
13:35 Uttam : +1 Shai
13:35 Shai : 12255*
13:37 Ankush Jain : Shai these references are from Feb charts?
13:39 Jitender : timing n mtm returns match 🙂 (13:20) Jitender : tat caution hypo over..go with lvls now
13:40 Shai : vol projections- (13:37) Ankush Jain: Shai these references are from Feb charts?
13:41 Shai : market very illiquid here
13:41 Jitender : sellers scarce
13:42 Jitender : retail wants also to buy now 🙂
13:42 Ankush Jain : FOMO kicking in
13:42 Shai : 🙂
13:42 Jitender : chalo guys…3x thru..have a grt weekend, n trade safe
13:43 Shai : they will be marketed diwali diwali rallly now by TV
13:43 Shai : Congrats
13:43 Jitender : _/\_
13:44 Shai : 12225 sl here
13:44 Shai : tgts open at 12286/ 12304
13:45 Ankush Jain : Red dots both in NF & BN
13:48 Devkant : COT 0
13:49 Devkant : tug of war
13:58 Shai : too illiquid
13:59 Uttam : 12295 Spot is a vpoc so looks like Nifty can tag that today?
14:02 Uttam : both have a 50k red at top for now
14:07 Viswas : 12200ce didn’t break high in last 2 upswing. because of illiqud?
14:09 Uttam : K period about to begin
14:11 Tejaswini : looks like waiting for K to make a move
14:12 Tejaswini : global markets are melting
14:16 Prashant : Trump leads Biden in Georgia by a margin of 463 votes only. Sorry, but too exciting that.
14:24 Shai : sl at 12242 now- (13:44) Shai : 12225 sl here
14:24 Shai : Avoid if 12242 goes
14:25 Rajiv Ohri : Today even SPX slide is not making a dent 🙂
14:26 Shai : kill longs
14:28 Shai : can do vwap
14:29 Shai : +1 for the alert- (14:12) Tejaswini : global markets are melting
14:35 Viswas : bnf level from here. sup?
14:36 Shai : short below 12220 sl of 12236
14:36 Shai : vwap tgtt
14:38 MJ : 26820 came handy
14:38 MJ : Out at vwap bnf.
14:39 Gopi : bnf leads 1st
14:40 Shai : done- (14:28) Shai : can do vwap
14:40 Ankush Jain : vwap salaam
14:41 MJ : Cheers bossman! 🙂
14:41 Himanshu : Chief + 1Mn
14:41 Shai : Book- (14:36) Shai : short below 12220 sl of 12236
14:41 Ankush Jain : +1
14:42 K2dt : fantastic chief _/\_
14:42 Tejaswini : perfect exit
14:43 Tejaswini : u r a wiz chief. magic is what it is
14:44 Uttam : yes MP+OF+Shai = VT = Magic
14:44 Tejaswini : +100
14:44 MJ : Cheers all.
14:44 MJ : Tejaswini +1 for global alert.
14:45 Tejaswini : Happy to contribute
14:47 Viswas : RIL 2040 chief perfect
14:48 MJ : That 15k below vwap in nf, can hear his crie.
14:53 Naren : +1 Uttam. Its the trust and drive for results from Shai makes the whole difference here.
14:58 Rusi : great calls and grat learning with even greater earnings shai. Thanks a lot
14:59 Tejaswini : UG good call on that BNF closing near extreme high due to trend week. Back to DPOC from vwap
14:59 Uttam : 26950 anyone in BNF?
14:59 Tejaswini : UG if u r taking it i am in
15:02 Uttam : time running out though
15:02 Uttam : 26580 ref on downside
15:03 Rusi : long bnf from vwap 26500
15:04 Uttam : book 50% & trail to cost Rusi
15:04 Rusi : ok
15:04 Uttam : 26750 needs to be taken out
15:04 Uttam : in fact 26580 is a good SL
15:06 Rusi : put sl at 26670 /72 .
15:07 MJ : vwap> ibh quant did well today.
15:16 Rusi : exited all pos. bye guys. have a nice weekend .
15:18 Uttam : je baat
15:18 Uttam : lets get a token new high at least BNF
15:19 Uttam : NF does it first
15:20 Uttam : BNF where is your new high?
15:20 Uttam : Spot makes new highs
15:20 Uttam : that is how a Trending week closes 🙂
15:20 Tejaswini : coming too
15:20 Uttam : around the hgihs
15:24 Uttam : so a
15:24 Shai : start of a balance for next week
15:24 Shai : 12015- 12350 range of trade
15:24 Uttam : yes was about to say that Shai 🙂
15:24 Vishnu : bnf?
15:24 Shai : I think now Trump’s tantrums also fully priced in
15:25 Shai : BNF day highs huge ref into next week
15:25 Shai : 26820 zone
15:25 Rohit : SPX slipping…
15:26 Uttam : hopefully it will be clear that Biden has won by Mondau
15:28 Uttam : been a nice week 🙂 thanks All & have a wonderful weekend
15:29 Shai : Have a nice weekend every one
15:29 Shai : Let’s catch up Mon
15:29 Uttam : +1
15:29 Himanshu : Chief – this 65H.44 Figure is it shwoing hrs of series
15:30 Naren : Thanks All. Have a great weekened!
15:32 Uttam : that is time left for next open H
15:33 Uttam : Monday open ke liye 65 hours left 🙂