Order Flow charts dated 08th Oct

When we think about how to measure volume in the market one of the keys is Order flow . It plays a role by telling us what the other traders have done in the market and are currently doing and this provides valuable clues and potential opportunities to trade.

30 Min Fp Nf 4 Order Flow Charts Dated 08Th Oct 30 Min Bnf Bid 4 Order Flow Charts Dated 08Th Oct


08:53   Vtrender Live : (08:51) Vtrender Live: option charts – https://join.me/589-247-139
(08:52) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/831157101

08:59   Shai : (08:59) Shai : https://vtrender.com/market-profile-analysis-dated-05th-oct/

09:28   Shai : (09:27) Shai : Intra – Short Nifty 10264 sl of 10310 tgt 10190

09:37   Shai : (09:37) Shai : NF at 10235 . Book half and ride the rest at cost

10:01   Shai : (10:01) Shai : Exits made in the NF shorts

10:08   Shai : (10:08) Shai : Positional update : Close the remainder in the BNF shorts at 24640 here

10:34   Shai : (10:34) Shai : Intra – short BankNifty below 25520 sl of 25633 tgt 25350. cmp 25550 short lower

10:48   Shai : (10:47) Shai : Make exits in the BNF shorts at 24580 here

11:11   Shai : (11:11) Shai : Intra – Buy 10400 ce at 176 sl of 149 tgt 233. Trade smaller size

12:39   Shai : (12:39) Shai : 10400 ce stops. Make an exit

13:15   Shai : (13:15) Shai : Intra – Buy 10200 pe at 137 sl of 105 tgt 200.

13:24   Shai : (13:24) Shai : Cover hald 10200 pe at 150. ride at 136 TSL till close

14:04   Shai : (14:04) Shai : Update – Book the 10200 pe fully at 159

14:10   Shai : (14:09) Shai : Positional- Buy 10100 pe at 132 sl of 90 tgt 207.

14:25   Shai : (14:24) Shai : Rebuy 10200 pe at 180 sl of 155 tgt 230

14:31   Shai : (14:31) Shai : Cover 10200 pe intra at 187

14:37   Shai : (14:37) Shai : Update – will close the 10100 pe positional at 141 here just abv cost. review tom again.

15:19   Shai : (15:18) Shai : Positional : short BankNifty at 24800 sl of 25090 tgt 24000.

15:22   Shai : (15:22) Shai : Positional : buy 10200 pe at 113 sl o 77 tgt 260.



08:51   Vtrender Live : option charts – https://join.me/589-247-139
08:52   Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/831157101
08:56   Shai : GM all
08:59   Shai : https://vtrender.com/market-profile-analysis-dated-05th-oct/
09:14   TP : GM All.
09:19   RD Arora : good morning
09:20   Praneeth : Gm All
09:22   Shai : 24620 inmm supply in BNF
09:23   Shai : we have evidence of dip buyers testing the waters first 10 mins
09:25   Uttam null : Good Morning All 🙂
09:27   Shai : Intra – Short Nifty 10264 sl of 10310 tgt 10190
09:29   Shai : BNF for 24360
09:33   RK : GM SHai and all
09:33   Kathir : GM Shai all
09:33   RK : NF testing 100 point gap singles here at 10240
09:35   Uttam null : spot already tested that singles fully RK, vpoc in spot at 10191
09:36   RK : ok
09:36   RK : lets see if 3IB helps bulls today
09:36   RK : we had both F and spot 3IB
09:37   Shai : NF at 10235 . Book half and ride the rest at cost
09:42   Boppanna : that 72k green at the lows
09:50   Prudhvi : another 60k greens here
09:54   Sumit : not working
09:55   TP : Charts stuck ??
09:56   Jayesh : Charts stuck
10:00   AV : GOT IT
10:01   Shai : Exits made in the NF shorts
10:06   TP : vix 8% up 21.2
10:06   Himanshu : shai NF MP charts .. Letters not showing
10:06   Himanshu : also 30 min needed zoom out..please
10:07   Shai : dip buyers showing more resolve today
10:07   Shai : won’t be a cake walk for sellers like last week
10:08   Shai : Positional update : Close the remainder in the BNF shorts at 24640 here
10:15   Porus : Shai, can you pls show more in the 30 min screen?
10:16   Shai : on screen now
10:16   Shai : For a bigger view of the 30 mins – 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/831157101
10:17   Porus : Oh thanks
10:25   Shai : It’s updated every day in announcements
10:26   Shai : Let;s C if this C can hit 10395
10:34   Shai : Intra – short BankNifty below 25520 sl of 25633 tgt 25350. cmp 25550 short lower
10:35   Shai : in
10:38   Shai : C is not extending
10:39   Shai : if that case with sl of 10364 NF should test 10285 again
10:39   Shai : signs of a balance here
10:39   Shai : and more of a 2 way mode
10:47   Shai : Make exits in the BNF shorts at 24580 here
10:54   Shai : these greens are determined today
10:54   Sumit : seller in NF
10:54   Shai : not letting go
10:55   Sumit : 1 l
10:55   RK : bots on track 🙂 (09:36) RK : lets see if 3IB helps bulls today
10:56   Shai : yes 83K
10:56   Shai : we may also have a tail RK
10:56   RK : yes Shai
10:57   RK : if rejects around 385-395 one possibilty for 285 later in the day..else 450 kind
10:57   Abhishek : today bulls are in modd of giving a good fight
10:58   Shai : I’m baised for 480 above 11395
10:58   RK : SOC around 500
10:59   HK : 30 mins NF OF out of screen
11:09   Himanshu : shai trend day developing?
11:09   Shai : yes for now
11:10   Shai : 10350 supp and 10395 res
11:10   Shai : 40- 50 ealy points either side
11:10   TP : Shai BN intra resistance.
11:11   Shai : 24740 next
11:11   TP : tks.
11:11   Shai : Intra – Buy 10400 ce at 176 sl of 149 tgt 233. Trade smaller size
11:15   Uttam : going for that 10446 ledge is NF?/
11:15   Uttam : spot above ext handle of 10376
11:16   Shai : yes
11:17   Ashish : charts stuck?
11:17   Shai : charts up?
11:17   Ashish : stuck for me
11:17   Uttam : nope stuck for me
11:18   HK : stuck
11:23   Uttam null : nf going to tag todays ext hanlde of 10365?
11:29   Shai : 10342/ 10372 last 2 LL’s
11:29   Shai : E is also HH
11:30   Uttam null : yes OTF up since morning in Nf
11:31   Uttam null : BNF forming a P
11:44   Shai : There are 2 big buyers right ear 10365
11:44   Shai : 10350 is also mixed but slighlt more buying than sellers there
11:44   Shai : eary ref lines for the buyers to defend today and tom
11:45   Shai : 10350- 10365
11:46   Abhishek : +1
11:46   HK : Shai, NF got a tail outside compo?
11:48   Uttam null : 1.1L green with green band there at 10370 Shai? low of this dip so far
11:51   HK : IVs still too high
11:51   Shai : yes at lows – (11:46) HK : Shai, NF got a tail outside compo?
11:56   HK : It is BNF which can run away
12:05   Shai : BNF still in IB
12:08   Abhishek : shai OTF stopeed in nf?
12:09   Uttam null : yes it did Abhi
12:09   Uttam null : but still abv vwap and ibh
12:11   Abhishek : ok
12:12   Abhishek : bulls no intent showed at 365 retest
12:13   Abhishek : new lows in nf?
12:13   Abhishek : dval(12:13) Abhishek : new lows in nf?
12:16   Shai : yes- (12:08) Abhishek : shai OTF stopeed in nf?
12:18   Shai : BNF creating a big volume zone at 24650
12:19   Boppanna : +1
12:20   Prudhvi : so if vwap goes new lows?
12:29   Abhishek : bnf.
12:30   Shai : yes vwap can be tested again
12:30   Shai : for BNF
12:33   Abhishek : shai break of vwap will show bulls did bad job or it already happened bewlo 365??
12:33   Abhishek : *nf
12:33   Shai : vwap test BNF
12:34   Shai : yes break of vwap is not good in NF
12:34   Abhishek : ok
12:39   Shai : 10400 ce stops. Make an exit
12:41   HK : NF vols already 11mn
12:41   Jayesh : x`
12:42   Boppanna : Shai bounce to vwap can be shorted in BNF?
12:42   Boppanna : ignore question
12:42   Abhishek : 627 to 550 booked full(12:29) Abhishek : bnf.
12:43   Boppanna : +1
12:46   Uttam : reds getting stcuk below vwap
12:47   Uttam : 10340
12:47   Uttam : needs to stay above 10365 now NF
12:47   Uttam : next level 10385 & then day highs can be tagged
12:51   Shai : back to 650 BNF
12:51   Uttam : (12:47) Uttam : next level 10385 & then day highs can be tagged…10385 done
12:51   Uttam : 10383.8 actually so far
12:52   HK : G period tricks 🙂
12:52   Abhishek : g period is generally inventory adjus ?
12:54   Uttam : now 10385 done & headed towards day hihg
12:54   HK : got into longs at vwap for DH+
12:54   Uttam : 17400 green at top in this 5min bar
12:54   Uttam : SL looks like
12:55   HK : NF looks better now
12:55   Uttam : yep ext handle tagged & 10360 needs to hold now all day
13:05   Boppanna : Shai can short BNF below 530?
13:06   Abhishek : reliance is batting for bulls
13:07   HK : yeah, if IVs dont go down, DLs can be easily taken
13:14   Abhishek : rel longs exiting
13:14   Uttam : fresh reds in both
13:15   HK : bring on LDs
13:15   HK : *DLs
13:15   Shai : Intra – Buy 10200 pe at 137 sl of 105 tgt 200.
13:18   Shai : bulls failed at vwap
13:18   Shai : 10305 small supp
13:18   Uttam : day low coming Shai?
13:18   Shai : lots of reds again
13:19   Uttam : yep lots of reds i nboth
13:19   Abhishek : riding short from 391 nf :)(12:13) Abhishek : dval(12:13) Abhishek : new lows in nf?
13:22   Shai : 10302
13:22   Shai : reds still there
13:23   Shai : 10268 next
13:23   Abhishek : +1
13:24   Shai : Cover hald 10200 pe at 150. ride at 136 TSL till close
13:30   Abhishek : shai I period move generalyy set mood for reaming day?
13:30   Abhishek : *remaining
13:31   Shai : not always
13:31   Abhishek : ok
13:31   Shai : today OTF buyer from ope
13:31   Shai : has failed at vwap
13:31   Shai : generally does not happen
13:32   Shai : 10302 was expetced tpo bring mopre greens
13:32   Shai : but none visible
13:32   Uttam : morning singles last hope for today bulls?
13:33   Abhishek : ok..but shai 410 level sellers are waiting…didnt they?
13:34   Abhishek : *were
13:35   Shai : yes
13:35   Shai : 430- 480 ful of selelrs
13:36   Shai : 265 coming
13:36   Uttam : that is also where we have the first VAL of triple dist of prev week
13:36   Uttam : USD-INR hitting new highs
13:36   Uttam : 74.28
13:37   HK : @Uttam, POC of 2017 at 9600?
13:39   Uttam : yes I think so HK, will check once & confirm
13:45   Boppanna : +1 RK ..the G period high was 392 .. 10:57 RK : if rejects around 385-395 one possibilty for 285 later in the day..else 450 kind
13:48   Uttam : Nf has taken sup at morning singles of 10278
13:48   Uttam : 10280 low in this so far
13:49   Uttam : I showing the direction of close RK?
13:50   RK : 270 should support else day low..if holds then VWAP
13:51   RK : stuck between context of VWAP fail and P profile
13:52   TP : Shai these balup/baldn numbers need a refresh or are OK in context to bigger ranges due to vix , panel 4.
13:52   Uttam : J making lower lows in spot but just by decimal points
13:53   Uttam : now they make proper lower lows
13:55   Shai : TP perefctly fine they are
13:56   TP : tks chief .
13:57   TP : RK Mo now 100 or what .
13:57   RK : -87
13:58   TP : tks
13:58   Sumit : any support in BNF Around 24400?
14:00   Shai : 24375
14:01   Sumit : ok Thanks
14:01   Abhishek : 61 k at lows #nf
14:02   Shai : no greens atr all from vwap
14:02   Shai : all the morning buyers where they went?
14:02   Abhishek : yes shai ..and see the delta…all reds..even in rising bars
14:03   Shai : ignore the delta
14:03   RK : this 60K red in trouble
14:03   Abhishek : ?(14:03) Shai : ignore the delta
14:04   RK : he has to quickly pull dVAL down else we will 315/335
14:04   Shai : Update – Book the 10200 pe fully at 159
14:05   Shai : delta is not as reliable in heavy imbalanced markets – (14:03) Abhishek : ?(14:03) Shai : ignore the delta
14:06   Abhishek : ok..thanks
14:06   Abhishek : 60 k guy is in profit now
14:06   TP : 60 k gets exit.
14:06   RK : kill then
14:09   Shai : Positional- Buy 10100 pe at 132 sl pof 90 tgt 207.
14:10   Shai : 10200 coming bu close on thes erds
14:20   RK : shorts gonna puke here
14:20   RK : 10320 coming
14:20   RK : 10245 invalidation
14:21   Boppanna : both still hanging on to IBL
14:21   Kathir : vix 21.5
14:22   Shai : 10277 res
14:22   Shai : 10193 imbalance obj of the failure below vwap today
14:23   Boppanna : globe red data all over
14:23   RK : gone
14:24   Shai : Rebuy 10200 pe at 180 sl of 155 tgt 230
14:26   Shai : first greens at 10220- (14:02) Shai : no greens atr all from vwap
14:26   Shai : one row neutralised already
14:27   Shai : second one gone now
14:27   Shai : last one left
14:27   HK : done 13:07 HK : yeah, if IVs dont go down, DLs can be easily taken
14:28   RK : much deeper cut can come..we have gap singles down all the way till 10140
14:28   Shai : 9982 RK
14:29   RK : Shai intra
14:29   Shai : we are goinh for March lows
14:29   Shai : okay
14:29   RK : for ST 9700-800 opened up below 290 balance
14:30   RK : need to manage the balance and pullbacks now
14:31   Shai : Cover 10200 pe intra at 187
14:31   Shai : green below IBL
14:31   Shai : 10277 again res
14:33   HK : @rk large IB days close at mid? #NF
14:34   RK : HK now a days range also >200 so IB is fair considering that
14:37   Shai : Update – will close the 10100 pe positional at 141 here just abv cost. review tom again.
14:40   Shai : these greens are hinting at 10288 again possible 10350
14:40   Shai : 10277 supply in the middle
14:45   Sumit : res in bnf ?
14:45   Sumit : intra
14:47   Abhishek : covered at 244.80(13:19) Abhishek : riding short from 391 nf :)(12:13) Abhishek : dval(12:13) Abhishek : new lows in nf?
14:47   Shai : 24390 niw
14:47   Shai : 10277
14:48   Shai : seller cobvered here
14:48   Shai : 10321
14:48   Uttam null : boom
14:48   Shai : for close
14:48   Shai : (14:40) Shai : these greens are hinting at 10288 again possible 10350
14:48   Uttam null : yep Shai super timing of exiting that PEs
14:49   Shai : too much green at 10220 . they tried to neutralise it but some peristed
14:49   Uttam null : +1
14:50   Uttam null : no reds below ibl
14:55   Mihir : 3.11 ke pehle vwap lelia toh dvah close.
14:56   Shai : possible
14:56   Shai : green is still good
14:57   Mihir : Shai I remember you saying dual auction today.
14:57   Mihir : Wonderful day.
14:57   Uttam null : probale Fa at lows in nifty and NF
14:57   Shai : 10345/ 10303/ 10277 were 3 points from where the sellers pushed
14:58   Shai : 10345 hit posisble now before close
14:58   Mihir : Aye chief!
14:58   Mihir : 6x on vacay! 😀
14:58   Shai : 10277 sl
14:58   Mihir : not bad so far.
14:58   Shai : congrats Mihir
14:58   Mihir : Thanks chief :))
14:59   Praneeth : Awesome Mihir
15:00   Uttam null : 10400ce low 99.6
15:00   Mihir : 🙂
15:01   Uttam null : and now 135
15:01   Mihir : How you know what ce i had? 😛
15:01   Shai : still good – (14:56) Shai : green is still good
15:01   Mihir : Let it go boys. Let the baby bears feel little heat.
15:01   Uttam null : you are a rockstar man, you have all winners 🙂 congrats
15:01   Mihir : 345 shai 🙂 here.
15:02   Shai : yes
15:02   Shai : 300 point run in BNF
15:03   Shai : carziness
15:03   Mihir : Uttam 🙂 All learning from the wizards of VT.
15:03   Uttam null : pes making new lows in bnf
15:03   Mihir : bnf can screech!
15:03   Mihir : Wardrobe profile in NF.
15:03   Gaurav : FA at lows confirmed
15:04   Gaurav : NF
15:04   Uttam null : wow what a closing move
15:04   Himanshu : shai good bottom in place?
15:04   Mihir : +1 Gaurav.
15:04   Shai : +1
15:04   RK : late but worth 🙂 (14:20) RK : shorts gonna puke here
15:04   Shai : Not a good bottom but tradeable for the week
15:04   RK : above 270 all the way up
15:04   Mihir : reached 381. All before 3.11 (14:55) Mihir : 3.11 ke pehle vwap lelia toh dvah close.
15:05   Himanshu : ok shai
15:05   Uttam null : yep RK that also reversed the 30min lower move since I period
15:06   Bharat : Target on upside RK?
15:06   Himanshu : uttam atrs please?
15:07   RK : 10404
15:07   RK : 10435
15:07   RK : 360 invalidation
15:07   Himanshu : close at DH?
15:07   Uttam null : 10400 1 atr from 10212
15:08   Uttam null : 10588 2atr 😉
15:08   Himanshu : reached uttam..
15:08   Uttam null : bnf also given fa at lows
15:08   Mihir : +1 uttam.
15:09   Mihir : Brilliant day! whaddey move.
15:09   RK : let the bracket begin
15:09   Mihir : RK kudos to your conviction.
15:09   Mihir : Ready for the bracket 🙂
15:09   RK : dPOC kissing dVAL MIhir
15:09   Uttam null : 24834 1atr in bnf
15:09   RK : *was kissing
15:10   RK : and needless to say 3IB winner below IBL swipe # damn
15:10   Mihir : I was playing for that since morning.
15:10   Mihir : Just very less screen time. But happy with self.
15:11   Mihir : Shai possiblity of dpoc shifting up?
15:13   Mihir : 10427 close?
15:13   Mihir : 1.5 ib?
15:13   Shai : neut ext other side
15:14   Uttam null : can BnF tag 24834 by close?
15:15   Uttam null : that 24830 is also wide tpo region in bnf
15:15   TP : Reliance leads the pack.
15:16   Mihir : +1 tp 🙂
15:16   Himanshu : shai BNF also NE?
15:16   TP : Some news was there about CAG audit and motbhai loves bad news 😉
15:16   Uttam null : new buyer in bnf
15:17   Mihir : Where are Jit?
15:17   RK : 415 is spike low of RBI
15:17   Uttam null : yes RK and roughly val of lowest bal in NF of prev week which was a triple dist down with spike close?
15:18   Uttam null : 10405 in spot needs to be take out
15:18   Mihir : Chief you use 2 day vwap for any references?
15:18   TP : Shai BN can go for test of that RBI seller .
15:18   Mihir : Lets do 25150 TP 🙂 seller at 24999 and 25150.
15:18   Shai : Positional : short BankNifty at 24800 sl of 25090 tgt 24000.
15:19   Mihir : Woop! 🙂
15:19   TP : That is why asked Mihir 🙂
15:20   Sumit : stbt in nf ?
15:20   Sumit : and BNF?
15:21   Shai : yes can do stbt
15:21   Mihir : +1 tp safe and sound
15:22   Shai : Positional : buy 10200 pe at 113 sl o 77 tgt 260.
15:24   Shai : 200 point ranges in NF have become 1 day affairs
15:25   Shai : used to be one week of trade with vix of 12
15:25   TP : But vix above 18 is nutritious for MTM 😉
15:25   Mihir : It is like whey protein 😛
15:26   HK : Shai, are we in bears market now, in your opinion
15:27   Praneeth : shai, i think atleast till dec 1st week vix wouldn’t come down?
15:27   Praneeth : *election results
15:28   Praneeth : shai, whats ur view on usdinr
15:29   Mihir : Bye every one. See you soon. Have a great evening.
15:29   Abhishek : bye all
15:29   Uttam null : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:30   TP : Bye All.
15:30   Shai : @HK 2018 buyers are in pain but 2017 guys would still be in profit above 9600
15:30   Shai : below 9600 all bear
15:30   HK : Wht would be the similar level for BNF
15:30   Narendra : shai r u expecting 9600?/
15:30   Shai : BN much beow already
15:31   Himanshu : shai do u see test of 10800 once ?
15:31   Shai : 22800/ 18000 BNF
15:31   Shai : yes- (15:30) Narendra : shai r u expecting 9600?/
15:31   Shai : maybe 10600 – (15:31) Himanshu : shai do u see test of 10800 once ?
15:32   Himanshu : hmm thanks shai
15:32   Shai : 10710 max
15:32   Shai : that is the first SoC
15:32   Himanshu : abv 10710 all good again?
15:32   Shai : yes
15:32   Himanshu : ok
15:33   Himanshu : bye all
15:34   Narendra : which one might be first 9600 or 10710??
15:35   Shai : neither for this week
15:35   Shai : Bye all
15:35   Shai : Have a nice evening
15:35   Praneeth : bye all, shai if possible pls post usdinr levels



10:48   HK : Shai, please review Sun pharma and SBI for the week
11:28   Shai : 614 res for week in sunpharma
11:28   Shai : 590 imm supp4
11:28   Shai : clearer move abv 614 which can go to 644
11:31   Shai : 265 is the sellers and roughly the bottom of that mini bracket 263- 280. easy 17 if cossed into else can also be used for liquidation
11:31   Shai : for sbi
11:38   HK : Thank you so much Shai
13:12   TP : Shai views on HINDPETRO , id.
13:22   Gaurav : Shai Indian Bank views please, was looking to buy October at these levels
13:27   Shai : 170- 177 range in hindpetro
13:29   Shai : indian bank meeting selling on rises. . That 240 broke so am not very bullish below it. watch 212 in it later this week
13:30   TP : tks chief.
13:33   Gaurav : Thanks Shai