The key to using Order Flow trading is to determine market depth. This describes the places where Market participants have taken positions or the zone they have transacted. The Order Flow is like a list of trades and helps to know how other traders are placed in the market.
Vtrender helps you to stay on top of the Market by understanding Order Flow. This increases your flexibility, your data analysis capability and your winning trade signals. And you make your existing systems better.
Room Chat
08:33 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts –
08:33 Vtrender Live : 5 min NF charts additional –
08:35 Vtrender Live : 5 min BNF charts –
08:53 Chandrashekhar : GM all
08:57 Abhishek : GM everyone
08:57 Amit : gm
08:59 Aditya09 : gm everyone
09:00 Daxesh Dani : GM everyone
09:02 Shai : Gm all
09:02 Rahul : morning everyone
09:03 Shai : We had one of the strongest POC’s for this run up from budget day at 15120 yesterday
09:03 Himanshu : Gm all
09:03 Shai : 15120 ref line now for today and the rest of this settlement
09:03 Rahul : +1
09:03 Shai : watch if we can sustain abv it on 30 min basis
09:03 Shai : 15210 to watch on upsides
09:03 Shai : 15030 a lower supp
09:04 Viswas : gm all
09:04 Viswas : GM all
09:04 Shai : 36500 still the rf line in BNF
09:04 Shai : BNF was norml yesterdy and inside
09:04 Shai : watch for OTF abv or below 36000 at open
09:05 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:05 Raveendra Narayanswamy : gm all
09:05 Uttam :
09:05 Viswas : gm all
09:08 Rusi : Gm all
09:08 Surya ganti : good morning 🙂
09:09 K2dt : chief 15120 for this weekly series or feb?
09:10 Shai : weekly
09:10 Tejaswini : chief can we fade any move at open away from 15120?
09:10 K2dt : tx chief
09:10 Tejpreet : GM All.
09:10 Shai : let’s check the volumes first at open
09:11 Tejaswini : thanks
09:11 Milind : Good Morning All
09:14 Uttam : aaj aaya 15170 😉
09:15 Surya ganti : lol yeah
09:16 Prashant : bnf already an outisde day
09:16 Uttam : but still inside Friday
09:16 Uttam : Friday profile needs to be broken
09:17 Ankush Jain : Speedo is tepid at opening
09:17 Uttam : freak ticks at both ends looks like BNF
09:18 Shai : scrubbing BNF data…
09:18 Uttam : yes please Shai 🙂
09:20 Shai : done
09:20 Ashwath : Thanks
09:20 Uttam : thanks Shai
09:20 Ankush Jain : slow opening today chief
09:21 Tejpreet : Uttam Bn still with sellers
09:21 Uttam : BNF staying below the POC of 36041
09:21 Uttam : yes Tej 🙂
09:21 Shai : NF going back to 15120
09:21 Uttam : 35533 which is also around Friday low is 1atr
09:22 Uttam : 35700 is a hvn in it
09:23 Shai : short NF 15146 sl of 15171 tgt 15117
09:24 KK : infy not giving up yesterday buyers
09:25 Shai : NF raise sl to 15183 and wait on it
09:25 Prashant : yes, infy smooth
09:28 KK : RIl trying to cross that 1980 again
09:29 Chandrashekhar : NF & BNF not in sync…going opp direction
09:29 Uttam : below average vols in both
09:30 Tejaswini : stopped
09:30 Shai : NF stopped
09:30 Shai : make exits
09:30 KK : ril 1990
09:32 Uttam : above 35920 BNF can go for 36041
09:32 Uttam : 35880 immd ref in it
09:33 K2dt : yes UG pathetic vols
09:35 Uttam : getting there looks like – (09:22) Uttam : 35700 is a hvn in it
09:35 Shai : yes- (09:29) Chandrashekhar : NF & BNF not in sync…going opp direction
09:37 Chandrashekhar : 15100 OI almost same..CE writers not giving up yet
09:37 Uttam : BNF nice auction – (09:21) Uttam : BNF staying below the POC of 36041(09:22) Uttam : 35700 is a hvn in it
09:37 K2dt : nf 50% of avg.. bnf 68% of avg vols
09:37 Shai : BNF a smoooth down
09:38 Uttam : yes Shai
09:38 Surya ganti : shorted BNF in my head.. shud have done it on paper 😀
09:38 Amit : !!!!
09:38 K2dt : lol S
09:38 Uttam : 35700 breaks can give that 35533
09:38 Chandrashekhar : +1..(09:37) Shai : BNF a smoooth down
09:38 Uttam : first IS in BNF came right at VAL of the 2-day comp
09:38 Uttam : POC right at PDL
09:38 Uttam : 35700 is here
09:39 Chandrashekhar : 487 reds @ lows for BNF
09:39 K2dt : looks like a holiday for nf traders :))
09:39 Uttam : could be SL of that 420 green at 35860
09:40 Uttam : 9:30 bar
09:41 Uttam : RB forming at 35700 in BNF
09:41 Shai : Add RIL, infy, itc, tcs to BNF and fall will stop 🙂
09:41 Uttam : 🙂
09:41 Surya ganti : lol
09:41 Ashwath : 🙂
09:41 Sanjib : RIL is into the singles of 25 Jan
09:41 Shai : +1
09:42 K2dt : :))
09:42 Uttam : BNF still weak
09:42 Chandrashekhar : below Vwap guess NF will also join BNF??
09:42 Uttam : we have a probable weekly FA set up in NF but too early
09:43 Uttam : another 605 red in BNF below 35700
09:43 Uttam : 35533 coming kya?
09:45 Uttam : unable to sustain below 35700
09:45 K2dt : bnf ibr 940!!
09:45 Shai : Buy 15200 pe at 130 sl of 110 tgt 160/ 172
09:45 Uttam : 35760 ref on upside
09:46 Shai : we giove it one more shot for that 15120 visist
09:46 Uttam : +1
09:46 Uttam : already in it Shai 🙂
09:46 Chandrashekhar : +1
09:46 Uttam : 130.2
09:46 Amit : +1
09:46 Tejpreet : Uttam monthly at 193 🙂
09:46 Tejpreet : 15k
09:46 Uttam : super Tej 🙂
09:47 Tejpreet : with you +1
09:47 Uttam : keep NF below 15145 & 80% is on
09:48 Uttam : BNF doing its job
09:48 Rahul : yepppp
09:48 Uttam : going for the morning freak low
09:48 Uttam : 35639
09:48 Shai : reduce 50% at 140 here
09:49 Shai : sl at 130 now- (09:45) Shai : Buy 15200 pe at 130 sl of 110 tgt 160/ 172
09:50 Uttam : booked 50% at 139.2
09:50 Uttam : above 145 next leg can come in that PE
09:52 Favas : jit ur ref?
09:53 Uttam : overlapping POC at 15145 in NF
09:54 Chandrashekhar : 120 break possible this time??or vol still on lower side?
09:55 Chandrashekhar : looks both are on imp levels
09:55 Chandrashekhar : 700 &120
09:56 Shai : exit the bal qty in that PE
09:56 Uttam : 144.75 high – (09:50) Uttam : above 145 next leg can come in that PE
09:57 KK : bnf TO where ?
09:57 Uttam : at vwap here
09:58 Uttam : above it can get back to 35880-920
10:00 Uttam : 35880 aaya kya?
10:01 Tejpreet : yes:)
10:01 Uttam : late shorts getting squeezed
10:01 Uttam : 35920?
10:03 Shai : moves are sharp guys – stay tuned
10:03 Shai : minor storms within the tea cup 🙂
10:03 Uttam : +1 🙂
10:03 K2dt : perfect analogy chief :))
10:04 Ashwath : 🙂
10:04 Shai : enough pinks from the open
10:04 Shai : I’m not keen to take longs till this NF convinces me with greens abv 15185
10:05 Shai : that 291 at 09.55 is cover and 346 is also cover
10:05 Tejpreet : Level for these pinks to break for a runaway move Shai.
10:05 Shai : 187 is slo of shorts in 10.00
10:06 Shai : BNF also covering in greens
10:06 Shai : wait for your levels- don’t trade 2 sides
10:06 Ashwath : Thanks for live commentary Shai.. very useful!
10:10 Amit : C side 15210-15
10:11 Uttam : 15200pe being written since open
10:11 Uttam : though CE OI much more for now at 27L
10:12 Chandrashekhar : +1, that 15100 C OI also not giving up
10:13 Uttam : overlapping POC in NF now at 15175
10:13 Uttam : from 15145 gave that jumpp to 15180
10:13 Uttam : lets see what it does from here
10:13 K2dt : indvseng more interesting than mkt for now :p
10:13 Shai : volume does not suggest a largish move in NF coming
10:13 Uttam : C side here
10:13 Uttam : C period here *
10:13 Shai : could range
10:13 K2dt : +1 chief
10:19 Uttam : 54 point range in NF
10:20 K2dt : gill 🙁
10:25 K2dt : rahane gone too man 🙁
10:25 Rajesh G : test
10:25 K2dt : anderson _/\_
10:25 Ravi : Mr Anderson
10:26 Uttam : BNF boom boom?
10:26 Uttam : above 35920
10:26 Chandrashekhar : both going for C side?
10:26 Uttam : 36041 cometh?
10:26 Prashant : k2 mat batao yaar
10:27 K2dt : :p
10:27 Uttam : 36041 aaya kya?
10:27 Chandrashekhar : c side in NF
10:27 Chandrashekhar : pink band/RS here
10:27 Uttam : BNF also
10:28 Uttam : 36027 was the scrubbed IBH
10:28 Uttam : (10:26) Uttam : BNF boom boom?
10:28 Uttam : 36170 next ref
10:29 Chandrashekhar : short squeeze here?
10:29 Uttam : 36041 needs to hold now
10:29 Uttam : 36000 is the POC of that IB bar
10:29 Uttam : and one set of 0 right at 35920
10:31 Uttam : this set up was always there – (09:32) Uttam : above 35920 BNF can go for 36041
10:31 Uttam : played out perfectly
10:32 Rahul : BNF a good shoeting opportunity
10:32 Uttam : if gets back below 36000 & sustains
10:33 Uttam : for now 36170 test on
10:33 Uttam : and it is here
10:34 Uttam : (10:28) Uttam : (10:26) Uttam : BNF boom boom?(10:28) Uttam : 36170 next ref(10:29) Uttam : 36041 needs to hold now
10:34 Uttam : above 36170 can go for 36436
10:34 Viswas : any news?
10:34 Uttam : 80% rule happening in the 2-day comp
10:34 Uttam : (10:26) Uttam : BNF boom boom?
10:35 Uttam : 300 pointer in 15 mins
10:35 Prashant : are the tpo sizes of NF ok in room chart? The profile looks a bit off.
10:35 Amit : news ug is giving to BNF for every legup
10:35 Uttam : @P range is very small today so it seems that way
10:37 Tejaswini : NF getting some greens too
10:37 Uttam : thanks for expanding that NF profile Shai
10:37 Prashant : thanks
10:39 Chandrashekhar : these green good for a long in NF Shai?
10:39 Chandrashekhar : v=feel vol is still not that great
10:39 Amit : 885 greens are SC or new? nf
10:44 Tejaswini : C not a dhoka today?
10:45 Uttam : 36250 minor hurlde
10:45 Uttam : above that 36436
10:45 Shai : Buy 15200 ce at 96 sl of 81 tgt 114
10:45 Uttam : boom boom bola to no dhoka T 😉
10:47 Uttam : 36100 ref in BNF now on downside
10:47 Uttam : held 36041 well once it crossed
10:47 Uttam : same with 35920
10:47 Shai : vol > 2000 in that that green band- (10:44) Tejaswini : C not a dhoka today?
10:47 Uttam : so now looks good for more
10:47 Tejaswini : thanks Shai
10:49 Uttam : they knew this – (10:11) Uttam : 15200pe being written since open
10:55 Rajesh G : test
10:57 Tejaswini : small IB today in Nf. Can we expect large extensions?
10:58 Tejaswini : So Shai 15120 has become a naked POC which will important ref on the downside right
10:58 Uttam : overlapping POC now at 15210 in NF
11:00 Uttam : negotiations on here – (10:45) Uttam : 36250 minor hurlde(10:45) Uttam : above that 36436
11:00 Amit : 694 sl in bnf ?
11:02 Uttam : 15225 done in NF
11:02 Uttam : now lets go for 15265
11:03 Sanjib : 614 green flag
11:04 K2dt : lol yes
11:06 Shai : gree bands in NF are rock solid on good vols
11:06 Shai : yes – a visit there would have been better actually – (10:58) Tejaswini : So Shai 15120 has become a naked POC which will important ref on the downside right
11:06 Shai : 15133 it stopped
11:07 Tejaswini : thanks chief. some for another day
11:11 Uttam : BNF getting ready for next leg
11:11 Chandrashekhar : E for Extn Uttam?
11:11 Uttam : 36436 de do bas
11:13 Anand : is that pink in NF an SL
11:13 Anand : ?
11:14 Tejaswini : 0’s on top?
11:14 Prashant : 2 sets of 0s
11:14 Uttam : 114 here in that 15200ce
11:15 K2dt : to the dot :)))
11:15 Tejaswini : book here?
11:15 Uttam : 15265 kidhar?
11:15 Shai : tgt done – (10:45) Shai : Buy 15200 ce at 96 sl of 81 tgt 114
11:15 Uttam : +100
11:15 Uttam : 1000 green in BNF at new highs
11:16 Uttam : 36350
11:16 Sagar : crazy move captured 🙂
11:16 Chandrashekhar : +1
11:16 Sagar : Thanks Shai 🙂
11:16 K2dt : that was one of the slowest moves in VT :))
11:16 K2dt : for me
11:16 Surya ganti : cud be a SL order?
11:17 Ravi : 15270 is 2ATR uttam?
11:17 Uttam : 15265
11:17 Ravi : Thanks Uttam
11:17 Uttam : +1
11:17 Uttam : (11:11) Uttam : BNF getting ready for next leg
11:17 Uttam : 36436 kithe
11:18 Uttam : (11:02) Uttam : 15225 done in NF(11:02) Uttam : now lets go for 15265
11:18 K2dt : UG bnf bhi DH dilwado
11:21 Uttam : 36365 is new day high only in it
11:22 K2dt : my odin shows 580
11:23 Uttam : that is RMs marker
11:23 Uttam : no vols there
11:23 K2dt : 😀
11:23 Sanjib : NF does 2 IB
11:23 K2dt : tx UG
11:23 Uttam : just like there was none at 35639
11:23 K2dt : +100
11:26 Rajan Modi : Shai – destination trade for NF 15250 done?
11:27 Shai : 2 destinations off 15120 auction 1) at 15250 and second at 15304
11:28 Rajan Modi : okay, thanks .. so we can have another round today
11:28 Abhishek : can anyone help me, the chat window keeps refresehing , I loose chats
11:29 Sumeet : Ive noticed that happens when my net is patchy and intermittently gets logged off even if momentarily…
11:30 Sumeet : moved out of jio and problem solved
11:30 Shai : it’s very sensitive to ISP changes. If you can go wired it is better esp if you are close to modem
11:30 Shai : yes- (11:29) Sumeet : Ive noticed that happens when my net is patchy and intermittently gets logged off even if momentarily…
11:30 K2dt : scrolling up and down too merges some of the chats..and makes some of them disappear
11:30 Uttam : yes when I use mobile data it happens but no issues with broadband
11:30 Shai : that happens when you don’t give it horizontal space
11:31 Sumeet : merging is the funniest.. though if you click on it , it reveals the intended chat
11:31 Shai : just widen the chat window when scrolling up/ down and it should be fine
11:31 K2dt : will try it chief… thanks
11:31 Sumeet : clicking on the merged chat works too, K2
11:31 Muralidhar : NF may fall to 15160?
11:31 Abhishek : thanks
11:32 K2dt : +1 Sumeet
11:32 Uttam : BNF come on get that 36436
11:32 Anand : NF facing minor resistence near 2 IB ?
11:32 Uttam : 15200pe OI now at 22.2 L
11:33 Uttam : CE OI started to come down & now at 25.5L
11:34 Chandrashekhar : Shai next leg up above 250 for 310?
11:35 Uttam : 36397 so far
11:36 Uttam : 36000ce hits its objective of 660
11:37 Uttam : almost
11:37 Milind : Are 258 and 535 Green Band still active @ Uttam?
11:37 Uttam : 655.9 high
11:53 Rajesh G : TEST
11:56 Shai : can buy any dips nopw near 15185 also- (11:34) Chandrashekhar : Shai next leg up above 250 for 310?
11:56 Chandrashekhar : thanks Shai
11:57 Shai : 15110 sl here for 15255 cmp 15230
11:57 Ankush Jain : 15210?
11:58 Shai : 15210* yes
11:58 Chandrashekhar : +1, extn hamdle there
12:02 Rahul : seems yesterday longs exited btwn 15250 and 15220
12:04 Rahul : bnf time ?
12:06 Shai : exit that long at 15218 here
12:06 Shai : pinks adding
12:06 Shai : we can buy lower again
12:10 Arjun : there is lag in ?
12:11 Rahul : bnf was not able to break 36270
12:14 Ankush Jain : IB & bands
12:14 Chandrashekhar : G starts
12:18 Favas : bnf down side ref?
12:18 Chandrashekhar : sync missing again in both
12:20 Rahul : come on break that 36270
12:20 Rahul : we get 36200 in flash ?
12:22 Uttam : 36213 is the ext handle in BNF
12:22 Uttam : D period
12:23 Rahul : yepppppp
12:24 Uttam : now take it abv 36300
12:25 Uttam : je baat
12:28 Rahul : dpoc
12:29 Uttam : can we get new highs now BNF?
12:30 Rahul : UG ne pucha aur nai aaye ?
12:30 Rahul : take that dpoc out n all urs
12:31 Rajesh G : bnf listens to UG
12:31 Rahul : indeed Rajesh
12:31 Uttam : I try to listen to BNF _/\_
12:39 Uttam : 36375 once again stalling there
12:39 Uttam : Friday’s POC
12:39 Uttam : and yesterdays level which resisted
12:39 Uttam : post C side
12:39 Chandrashekhar : 5 min for H…waiting for HH in H?
12:45 Chandrashekhar : NEWS : Govt to work with RBI for bank privatization
12:45 Uttam : C you trying to push BNF 🙂
12:45 Himanshu : Govt has positions in PSU banks
12:45 Himanshu : so they will have to work with RBI
12:46 Himanshu : Is it news or explanation of budget ..
12:46 Rahul : yepppppp (12:28) Rahul : dpoc
12:46 Chandrashekhar : news fedd in edelweiss
12:46 Chandrashekhar : feed*
12:54 Chandrashekhar : Guess mkt is too much into test match
12:54 Chandrashekhar : 🙂
12:55 Uttam : you managing to do this C 🙂 – (12:45) Uttam : C you trying to push BNF 🙂
12:55 Surya ganti : give us one nice push to freak high 😛
12:55 Chandrashekhar : i wish i could Uttam:)
12:56 Chandrashekhar : i cant even trade BNF..still managing with NF trades
12:58 Uttam : good chance of BNF filling up below 36213 to the C side ext handle of H does not make new highs
13:00 Uttam : H has 14 more mins
13:00 Uttam : PLR still up
13:00 Chandrashekhar : too slow auction
13:00 Uttam : BNF in 3-day balance now
13:03 Uttam : can revisit the FA of yesterday if gets some greens at 36375
13:03 Uttam : or 0s also will do
13:09 Uttam : je baat
13:09 Chandrashekhar : boom boom Utam
13:09 Uttam : new highs in H are here
13:09 Rahul : yeppppppp
13:09 Uttam : 36436 finally
13:10 Uttam : 36375 has a 0?
13:10 Chandrashekhar : +1
13:10 Uttam : lets revisit that FA now
13:10 Chandrashekhar : and 265 in NF please
13:10 Uttam : 331-375 36500ce
13:11 Uttam : above 380 can give fresh upside that CE
13:11 Tejpreet : +1
13:11 Tejpreet : Uttam can you check BO level for 153k ce
13:11 Uttam : weekly Tej?
13:11 Tejpreet : yes
13:12 Uttam : lemme check
13:12 Tejpreet : ce weekly / pe monthly as puts are contra so small SL needs breathing space 🙂
13:12 Uttam : BNF completes 80% in 2-day value – once again MP rocks
13:12 Uttam : oh ok Tej 🙂
13:13 Tejaswini : H makes new highs. SPike can come by close today?
13:17 Uttam : above 69 that 15300ce can give more upside Tej 😉
13:18 Uttam : 53-50 zone needs to hold
13:18 Uttam : forming a HVN here at 62
13:19 Favas : ug bnf still dip buy?
13:19 Favas : ref?
13:20 Favas : not able to clear 380 zone
13:20 Uttam : 80% done F now above 36436 can tag that FA
13:21 Uttam : 3-day balance it is in
13:21 Favas : okey
13:22 Uttam : main objective was till 36436 so that seems done
13:22 Uttam : once it got above 35920
13:22 Uttam : 35700 HVN held
13:22 Uttam : RS at 36400 has 762 red also
13:22 Uttam : confirming longs booking
13:22 Favas : yeah
13:22 K2dt : veterans and guys who do cash trading… what tf to monitor after entry … 30 minutes/1 hour or simple daily charts EOD?? suggestions pl
13:23 Uttam : 36503 FA & 36552 Friday’s IS ref on upside
13:23 Favas : noted
13:24 Favas : now breaking of 36250 pbl ,then selloff?
13:24 Uttam : 36330 ref on downside now
13:24 Favas : +1
13:24 Uttam : NF also seems ready for the 15265 tag?
13:25 Shai : Both NF and BNF are at 2IB and in sync for a change
13:25 Uttam : dPOC shifting higher in NF
13:25 Uttam : 15230
13:25 Shai : 2IB was done early today in NF , profit booking happened and now wait mode
13:26 Uttam : 36400 holding in BNF
13:26 K2dt : chief can u suggest pl…my 13:22 msg
13:31 Shai : BNF at that big RS point of past 2 days
13:31 Shai : 36450- 500
13:31 Shai : was a very big seller there Fri
13:32 Shai : what’s your time frame?- (13:22) K2dt : veterans and guys who do cash trading… what tf to monitor after entry … 30 minutes/1 hour or simple daily charts EOD?? suggestions pl
13:32 Shai : if hold is in several months, then track weekly and daily
13:32 Shai : several weeks then daily and 60 mins
13:32 Shai : And if daiily then 30 and 5 mins like us here 🙂
13:32 K2dt : +100 chief… several weeks if my tf
13:33 K2dt : +10000(13:32) Shai : And if daiily then 30 and 5 mins like us here 🙂
13:33 Shai : daily and 60 mins
13:33 K2dt : tx chief 🙂
13:34 Shai : wc
13:35 Shai : can we have a move in K today?
13:35 Shai : micro balance is there for it
13:35 Uttam : K for kite
13:35 K2dt : yes pllllease
13:35 Uttam : so lets fly 😉
13:35 Chandrashekhar : +1 Shai…
13:35 Shai : okay – then add volumes 🙂
13:35 Shai : pump shoukld be greater > 2000
13:35 Uttam : pinging Baba
13:36 K2dt : heavy sweating :p
13:36 Shai : At 25- 400 contracts it is a dead market
13:36 Shai : 250- 400**
13:36 Shai : that C and D moved on > 2000 contracts
13:38 Tejaswini : for BNF that 36450-36500 zone needs taken out? we need to see 0’s there?
13:38 Tejaswini : or big greens?
13:39 Uttam : NF 15265 bola tha not 256
13:39 Shai : slo
13:40 Ankush Jain : 0s at top
13:40 Tejaswini : Shai do we go with 0’s? or we dont since SLO?
13:42 Chandrashekhar : charts stuck?
13:42 Rajeshwarrao : s
13:43 Rajeshwarrao : charts stuck
13:45 Vishal : @shai…at 1.35 zeros on top and 1014 sell..Please explain
13:46 Himanshu : Slowest day in last 10 session
13:46 Tejaswini : +1 H
13:47 Tejaswini : Missing those 0’s in middle of the bars
13:47 Rajeshwarrao : sir charts r stuck
13:48 Himanshu : order flow is well oiled now – mostlly zeros will be less
13:48 Rajesh G : yes
13:48 Himanshu : As all TF traders have pos – in this run up
13:48 Ankush Jain : yes
13:48 Himanshu : so Pump up and deflate .
13:49 K2dt : exactly H…kachua chaap moves
13:49 K2dt : 🙁
13:49 Himanshu : Seems NS has signaled something for Bitcoin also
13:49 Rahul : bnf 602 flag hosting ?
13:49 Anand : charts still stuck
13:50 Rajeshwarrao : s
13:50 Himanshu : We have to work lilke BSF –
13:50 Himanshu : boarder security force
13:52 Tejaswini : No red bar in BNF since 9:45. Final assault of the shorts in K possible?
13:58 Chandrashekhar : NF trying to negate those 0’s
13:59 Rahul : yepppppp (13:49) Rahul : bnf 602 flag hosting ?
14:01 Rahul : ug those 67 guys exited ?
14:01 Rahul : *607
14:02 Viswas : can go long here?
14:07 Uttam : BNF made new highs but this CE did not – (13:10) Uttam : 331-375 36500ce(13:11) Uttam : above 380 can give fresh upside that CE
14:09 Shai : charts ok?
14:09 K2dt : yes
14:09 Tejaswini : yes
14:09 Chandrashekhar : charts fine Shai
14:09 Shai : ok
14:09 Rajeshwarrao : k
14:11 Chandrashekhar : all set for K?
14:16 Shai : Buy NF abv 15262 sl of 15240 tgt 15303. Buy abv*
14:17 Uttam : 15265 aaya?
14:17 Sumeet : 11 reds
14:17 Sumeet : 1100..
14:17 Rahul : yeppppppp in bnf
14:17 Uttam : (11:02) Uttam : 15225 done in NF(11:02) Uttam : now lets go for 15265
14:17 Uttam : BNF mein FA aaya?
14:19 Rajesh G : nifty in/
14:19 Chandrashekhar : PDH needs to be taken in BNF
14:20 Shai : exit NF 15255 here
14:20 Shai : reds in there
14:21 Rajesh G : ok
14:25 Chandrashekhar : 220 test would decide the move?
14:26 Shai : 15200 pe for 88 plus
14:26 Uttam : could not cross 69 though NF made new hgihs – (13:17) Uttam : above 69 that 15300ce can give more upside Tej 😉
14:26 Rahul : in at 36300 pe
14:26 Ankush Jain : SL?
14:27 Shai : sl 72
14:29 Chandrashekhar : Dpoc @ 230?
14:29 Tejpreet : +1 Uttam
14:30 Shai : 87.7
14:30 K2dt : amazing !!
14:30 Shai : sl at 80 now
14:31 Chandrashekhar : sl gone
14:32 Ankush Jain : SL lekar neeche
14:33 Rajan Modi : can we enter again?
14:33 Chandrashekhar : 🙁
14:33 KK : SL 79
14:34 Shai : enyer
14:34 Shai : 15180 doable
14:34 Chandrashekhar : 98 coming on that looks like
14:34 Shai : yes that red came late
14:35 Shai : 15245 sl for 15180
14:35 Sri 81 : target on tht put shai for those holding?
14:35 Rusi : the LLTs are the best indicator market can show
14:36 Shai : 105/ 110 tgt on that PE
14:38 Shai : entered 15200 pe again sl of 85
14:38 Sanjiv : tgt?
14:39 Shai : 15215 reduce BNF sl at 15232 now
14:40 Shai : (14:34) Shai : 15180 doable
14:40 Amit : +1
14:41 Shai : 93 trailing in PE
14:41 Shai : jumpy at vwap
14:43 Tejpreet : Needs to break 15201 for a flash to 180
14:43 Amit : coming
14:44 Rahul : yeppppppppp\
14:44 Tejpreet : done 🙂
14:44 Tejpreet : 182
14:44 Shai : ++
14:44 Shai : 15180]
14:44 Sagar : +++++
14:44 Shai : Book NF
14:44 K2dt : wowwww
14:44 Shai : ye sthat PE was wild
14:44 Chandrashekhar : +100 Shai
14:44 Shai : hence suggeste dF
14:44 Rahul : yepppp
14:44 Chandrashekhar : days grind compromised by the PE:)
14:44 Tejpreet : now with 203 SL let’s see if we get 163.
14:45 Shai : Add a short below 15176 for 15150 / 15120 sl of 15195
14:45 Tejpreet : +1 Chief
14:45 Shai : Orderflow rules
14:45 Shai : K done
14:46 Shai : book
14:46 Rahul : +1 to shai
14:46 K2dt : going to chief’s 120
14:47 Rahul : bnf vwap
14:47 Himanshu : Kya system hai
14:47 Shai : 2 mins late
14:47 Shai : 🙂
14:47 Viswas : bawal….
14:47 Himanshu : Chief – is like learning alphabet
14:47 Amit : was in it….trailing
14:48 Rahul : goneeeee yepppppppp
14:48 Himanshu : Bhaii log Maal bech diya morning long ne
14:48 Himanshu : so now have to fill up
14:48 Shai : BNF started it
14:48 Shai : (09:04) Shai : 36500 still the rf line in BNF
14:48 Shai : same place 3rd time
14:48 Tejpreet : Shai this OF is F……amazing …..maaza aa gaya.
14:48 Himanshu : Means
14:48 Himanshu : Chief – this down move can test balls
14:49 K2dt : lool H
14:49 Himanshu : of weak longs,, Buying deep
14:49 K2dt : u r right
14:49 Amit : trailing……hit
14:49 Amit : wow…..move
14:49 Chandrashekhar : 126 Previous days POC
14:49 K2dt : yes C..done and dusted
14:50 Rahul : Yes C
14:50 Chandrashekhar : below that more fall possible shai?
14:50 Rahul : if that breaks ?
14:50 Shai : _/\_- (14:48) Tejpreet : Shai this OF is F……amazing …..maaza aa gaya.
14:50 Shai : Nothing but the best for you guys always !!
14:50 Tejaswini : thanks Shai
14:50 Shai : 15200 pe is stuck
14:50 Rahul : +1 to Tej
14:50 Rahul : Yepppp
14:50 Tejpreet : NE in NF for climax straight to 120 POC !!
14:51 Shai : 15100 pe sl of 64 into close
14:51 Shai : will pay well below 15120 F
14:51 Shai : Add below 15120 only
14:51 Himanshu : Chief 35K PE are snoring for last 3 days – writers
14:51 Himanshu : will they be pinched ?
14:52 Nisha : Thanks.. First trade here in trading room. Tried following volumes, COT in nifty 5 min chart and shai levels 🙂
14:52 Ravi : congrats Nisha
14:52 K2dt : +1 Nisha
14:53 K2dt : pmvby
14:53 Nisha : rode 15200 pe from 92 to 140.. my tsl was 89 when shai trailed to 93 so lucky survive
14:53 Rahul : congrats
14:53 Shai : +1
14:53 Tejpreet : congrats N
14:54 Shai : Congarts – (14:52) Nisha : Thanks.. First trade here in trading room. Tried following volumes, COT in nifty 5 min chart and shai levels 🙂
14:54 Shai : I get aggressive with my second and third trades so this makes sense to keep distance
14:54 Nisha : ty 🙂
14:55 Shai : I laos managed 15300 ce from 58 to 37 inb that round 🙂
14:55 Shai : Only boss is #Orderflow
14:55 K2dt : chief u r that big truck.. if dukaan ppl don’t keep safe distance they r gone :))))
14:55 K2dt : “keep safe distance”
14:55 K2dt : 🙂
14:55 Viswas : +2000 k2
14:56 Shai : 15200 pe last round abv 137 cmp 130
14:56 Shai : sl of 110
14:58 Tejaswini : in
14:58 Shai : get in
14:58 Tejaswini : targets?
14:58 Shai : we put a fire unde rthem
14:59 Ankush Jain : PE in
15:00 Ravi : sample size is small but i have observed when K does such a thing..the next day we get a FA in the Ks direction
15:00 Ravi : something to watch tomorrow
15:00 Shai : 158 book half
15:00 Shai : 184 tgt 2
15:01 Chandrashekhar : this was Awesome SHai
15:01 Chandrashekhar : worth the wait
15:01 Ankush Jain : TSL at cost?
15:02 Chandrashekhar : 15066 coming in FUT?
15:02 Chandrashekhar : A period single below it
15:02 Shai : who started the fre ??
15:02 Shai : 🙂
15:02 K2dt : uuuu
15:02 Ankush Jain : Ha ha
15:02 K2dt : :)))
15:02 Rajan Modi : hahah
15:02 Tejpreet : 3 DT in less than 45 minutes , only possible in VT room .
15:02 Amit : 2FA k period
15:02 Amit : awesome
15:02 Rahul : order flow
15:02 Sumeet : coz its always burnin since the sellers been sellin
15:03 Shai : done?- (15:00) Shai : 184 tgt 2
15:03 K2dt : aya bears jhumke S 🙂
15:03 Sumeet : writers writin’ actually
15:03 Shai : chalo book out
15:03 Shai : over and out
15:03 Chandrashekhar : +100
15:03 Tejaswini : missed by 0.15
15:03 Rajan Modi : thanks Shai _/\_
15:03 Shai : (14:56) Shai : 15200 pe last round abv 137 cmp 130(14:58) Shai : get in(14:58) Shai : we put a fire unde rthem
15:03 Ankush Jain : wow
15:03 Aditya09 : -1 dt to +3 dt thanks shai
15:03 Sumeet : i loewe bear markets
15:03 Tejaswini : +100 great day Shai hats off
15:03 Tejpreet : Holding just monthly 15k pe with sl 207 ….looking for 15k.
15:04 Sri 81 : went to 183.60
15:04 Amit : done 184 bhi
15:05 Chandrashekhar : here it is..(15:02) Chandrashekhar : 15066 coming in FUT?
15:05 Shai : This was the message at 2.50 #dukaan – (14:50) Shai : 15200 pe is stuck
15:05 Uttam : yes todays writers in it got thrashed
15:05 Shai : +1- (15:05) Chandrashekhar : here it is..(15:02) Chandrashekhar : 15066 coming in FUT?
15:05 K2dt : the last 25 minutes were worth the day’s slowness :))
15:05 Ravi : +100 K2Dt
15:05 KK : +1 shai..did both rounds..and later 30 to 23 that 15300 CE ..+1
15:06 K2dt : tx for that chief _/\_
15:06 Tejaswini : Chief anything to carry?
15:06 Tejaswini : Neux i suppose in NF
15:06 Tejpreet : Why risk T tomorrow we find another Dukaan 😉
15:07 Chandrashekhar : done for the day..closing the shop…Thanks all, Bye now
15:08 Tejaswini : +1 Tej. That naked POC of 15120 got a tag today itself
15:08 Tejaswini : it kinda got missed in the morning trade
15:08 Santosh Dhir Samant : yesterday was a loss day, today recovered 5x of yesterday’s loss, thanks Shai
15:09 Shai : congarts – (15:05) KK : +1 shai..did both rounds..and later 30 to 23 that 15300 CE ..+1
15:09 Shai : cheers- (15:06) K2dt : tx for that chief _/\_
15:09 Viswas : shai next level to watch?
15:09 Sagar : Thanks Shai.. It was a wonderful session
15:10 Uttam : 15100pe wrtiers also reducing
15:11 Shai : cheers- (15:09) Sagar : Thanks Shai.. It was a wonderful session
15:11 Shai : 15030 supp into tom(15:09) Sagar : Thanks Shai.. It was a wonderful session
15:12 Shai : second round created off 15200 pe novice writers
15:12 Shai : don;t read too much into it
15:13 Shai : they has it open from 130 and lower , hence I said buy abv 137
15:13 Vishnu : still 15300/15666 is ur destination shai?
15:13 Shai : yes we get there
15:14 Viswas : sl for 15300/566 is 1500
15:14 Viswas : 15030 right ?
15:15 Vishnu : tnx shai
15:16 Amit : tnx shai for wonderful session ..
15:18 Tejaswini : thanks Shai. Amazing how u warned the room in K when the sellers arrived. And then u started the fire and got them writers again. You make it sound so easy
15:19 Uttam : NF back to yPOC of 15128
15:19 Tejaswini : +1 UG
15:19 Shai : _/\_- (15:18) Tejaswini : thanks Shai. Amazing how u warned the room in K when the sellers arrived. And then u started the fire and got them writers again. You make it sound so easy
15:19 Shai : cheers all
15:19 Shai : have a good evening
15:20 Shai : cstch up tom
15:20 Rohit : Thanks Shai, UG
15:20 Anand : Shai… how can it be identified that second wave was of pe novice sellers ?
15:21 Shai : vwap breaking right
15:21 Shai : created pressure on ATM strike
15:21 Anand : ok.. so typically beyond VWAP will be novice writers ?
15:21 Rahul : yreppp
15:21 Himanshu : Chief – still we are closinng with positive bias in NF as long as 15120 +/-30
15:22 Anand : ok.. thank you _/\_
15:25 Surya ganti : what did I miss. lol
15:28 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:28 Tejpreet : Bye All.
15:29 Surya ganti : bye
15:30 Himanshu : Bye all