Order Flow charts dated 10th July 2020

Many traders are looking for information on how to use market conditions to find good trades. Order Flow is best understood as a way to see existing bias in the markets. Order Flow helps us understand who is in control of the market and who is ‘upside down’ and likely to make exits from that position in a loss.

Volume Profile and Order Flow are very good tools to assist you in trading. You can also use it along with your existing setup.


Vol pic2 NF 7 Order Flow charts dated 10th July 2020 BankNifty Futures, day trading, intraday trading, intraday trading strategies, Nifty Futures, order flow analysis, support and resistance, Trading strategies, volume profile trading


vol pic 2 BNF 7 Order Flow charts dated 10th July 2020 BankNifty Futures, day trading, intraday trading, intraday trading strategies, Nifty Futures, order flow analysis, support and resistance, Trading strategies, volume profile trading

Room Chat

08:47 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/120545565
08:48 Vtrender Live : 5 min charts – https://join.me/676-450-586
08:49 Vtrender Live : 5 min BNF charts , password vtrender- https://zoom.us/j/8647757494?pwd=UVNpR3ZvcnVyUmhEZDhJUVlYNVlkdz09
08:53 Chandrashekhar : GM all
08:55 Giridhar Gowravajhal : GM all !!!
08:57 Shai : GM all
08:57 Manikandan : GM all
08:58 Avinash : GM everyove
09:00 Shai : 10800 ref line for the open today along with 10750 lower a supp
09:01 Shai : larger balance to continue with afternoon hour beyond K to watch for any big imbalance if coming into close
09:01 Shai : Auction is in a larger balance with POC of 10750
09:03 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:03 Aditya : gm
09:07 Himanshu : gm ALL
09:10 Sachith : good morning everyone… happy trading…
09:12 Rahul : Screen ?
09:15 Tejpreet : GM All
09:16 Rahul : Morning everyone
09:20 Narendra : charts stuck??
09:20 Rahul : Shai can u please increase the font sixe in romm charts . Thanks
09:22 Sylvester : Can anyone elaborate what vwupb and vwlow stands for?
09:23 Uttam : vwap bands
09:23 Uttam : up & down
09:23 Uttam : 2 standadrd deviation
09:23 Sylvester : the 2 Std Dev
09:23 Sylvester : okay thanks Uttam
09:24 Ankush Jain : Values in capitals in box are of yesterday’s?
09:24 Uttam : yes
09:24 Ankush Jain : thanks
09:24 Rahul : Thanks Shai
09:25 Bommareddy : Wonderfull good Trading morning today to all
09:25 Ankush Jain : & what is solid white line?
09:26 Shai : what kind of open do we have?
09:26 Chandrashekhar : OAIR
09:26 Avinash : OAIR
09:26 Saheer : OAIR
09:26 Sylvester : OAIR
09:26 Rajesh : OAIR
09:26 Manikandan : OAIR
09:26 Ankush Jain : OAIR
09:26 Shai : +1
09:26 Uttam : low vols
09:27 Ankush Jain : so no big guys at open
09:27 Rajesh : 15 MIN volume only 10 laks
09:28 Sylvester : @Ankush J white solid line is POC. @Uttam ji can confirm
09:28 Himanshu : YWAP
09:28 Himanshu : yesterday VWAP
09:28 Himanshu : Check – left Quant Table on top Left
09:29 Uttam : BNF taking support above that FA
09:29 Himanshu : IS also DOPC for now – but it can shift as ist early in the day
09:29 Uttam : lets have a boom boom then
09:29 Uttam : 22800 test first
09:30 Uttam : weekly baalnce in NF so looks like will be here only
09:30 Uttam : 10800-10710 is the Value so far
09:30 Uttam : if we get RS at 10800 can play for 80% Rule
09:31 Uttam : 10755 & 10710 probable tgts
09:31 Uttam : IB in both 🙂
09:31 Rajesh : range trades
09:32 Ankush Jain : RS appears
09:32 Uttam : bar not over yet
09:32 Ankush Jain : ok
09:32 Uttam : but yes
09:33 Uttam : IB turning to RS showing that buyers not strong enough
09:33 Uttam : COT also very low
09:33 Ankush Jain : vols look decent
09:34 Ankush Jain : we got RS. Can initiate shorts below this bar?
09:34 Uttam : in OAIR try to fade the extremes
09:34 Uttam : avoid trading at VWAP
09:34 Uttam : exit needs to be at VWAP
09:35 Uttam : let the auction develop
09:35 Uttam : gives you a good range
09:35 Uttam : rightn ow only 30points
09:35 Uttam : IS here at 10780 can ne a good signal for trade to 10755
09:36 Ankush Jain : thanks
09:38 Uttam : volumes formed at 10780 since open
09:38 Rahul : +1
09:38 Aditya : is with positive cot right?
09:38 Aditya : sorry negetive cot
09:38 Uttam : COT is total buying minus selling of the bar Aditya
09:39 Uttam : so if you want to buy COT needs to be good positive & vice versa
09:39 Aditya : ne specific number on that
09:39 Uttam : 30k is decent COT / 60K is good & above 1L is a blind signal
09:39 Rahul : 1L
09:39 Uttam : for NF
09:39 Aditya : nd bn also same
09:40 Uttam : no Aditya we get different vols in both
09:41 Uttam : 25-30k & 60K are good numbers in BNF
09:41 Uttam : 5min COT
09:41 Aditya : ok got it thanks uttam
09:43 Boppanna : A staying within Shai’s morning ref
09:43 Boppanna : NF
09:43 Saheer : time to save emotional capital
09:44 Nirmal : OAIR type today sorry for late
09:48 Vishnu : yesterday selloff in spx die to trump tax . as shai said on yes ita a fast move profile. it will paint by slowly in this upmove. also fryday today save funds for aftternoon trades.
09:48 Vishnu : look IS or IB and take trade.
09:49 Vishnu : i will wait till IB to close and will llok C or D time .
09:49 Ankush Jain : for buys?
09:49 Ankush Jain : u buy above that IB bar?
09:49 Boppanna : BNF within Uttam’s Gaussian profile boundaries mentioned in report
09:52 Vishnu : ankush for any buy or sell need good confirmation. as today OAIR save capital
09:53 Aditya : thanks vishnu
09:54 Seshadri : uttam, bank nifty looking weak?
09:55 Vishnu : no seshadri how
09:55 Ankush Jain : tx Vishnu. Doing nothing as yet
09:55 Seshadri : 2 IS and an idnciator that i track outside PCR which shows weakness developing
09:55 Vishnu : look yes FA point 22650 . we have 0s at low today near to FA point. Still PLR is up above yest high
09:56 Vishnu : look the cot man IS with cot -3925 is it powerful?
09:56 Jitender : fryn starts early 🙂
09:56 Jitender : bheja fry
09:57 Govind : hi’way to hell 🙂
09:57 Jitender : 🙂
09:57 Boppanna : Too peaceful for Friday opeining
09:57 Seshadri : NIFTY still not decisive
09:58 Govind : peaceful because we’ve not traded the index Bops 🙂
09:58 Aditya : hahah
09:59 Sreedhar : Today’s chat is great material for learning market ..UG and Vishnu _/\_
09:59 Seshadri : vishnu your view
09:59 Govind : Vishnu, good read man…boom boom
10:00 Uttam : (09:29) Uttam : BNF taking support above that FA(09:29) Uttam : lets have a boom boom then(09:29) Uttam : 22800 test first
10:00 Govind : +1 UG
10:00 Tejpreet : +1 Uttam
10:02 Boppanna : 1 guy wakes up in BNF
10:02 Uttam : both need to sustain abv 800
10:03 Seshadri : 10800 CE OI 20.9, PE OI 19.2L
10:03 Shai : ++ Vishnu.
10:03 Uttam : NF getting a RS in that 10800 break
10:03 Shai : very good reads
10:04 Shai : OAIR , writers love it
10:04 Shai : https://mplite.vtrender.com/?symbol=O_NIFTY10800PE20200716_NIFTY10800CE20200716&tf=daily&tpo=1&ll=&ul=&sp=1&startDate=&endDate=&nDays=8&idstr=&dstr=_8&rst=0&iam=
10:05 Uttam : BNF to give anither boom boom?
10:05 Uttam : 28820 is the POC of the 2day composite
10:05 Shai : can drop below or near 200 by close that 10800 ce pe
10:07 Rajesh G : shai what should be sl
10:08 Shai : 269
10:08 Rajesh G : ok
10:08 Santosh : fade?
10:09 Aditya : nifty 10:00 is rs right but its displaying ib
10:10 Shai : IB became an RS, the RS is underneath
10:10 Uttam : yes
10:10 Uttam : (10:03) Uttam : NF getting a RS in that 10800 break
10:10 Jitender : 23k-23.3k ce hv o=h
10:10 Aditya : okk thanks
10:10 Uttam : 41k red in BNF
10:10 Uttam : 53k in NF
10:11 Uttam : lets see what the C side has in store
10:14 Uttam : NF beating its own record
10:14 Uttam : 40 point IB
10:14 Seshadri : shai whats nifty range?
10:17 Tejpreet : Uttam set up for Fryday ready with that 40 ib
10:18 Uttam : jo kal nahi hua woh aaj karte hain 😉
10:18 Rajesh G : ug any ref of PLR in charts
10:19 Vishnu : thanks shai.thanks gov
10:21 Milind : Dow Futures -100
10:23 Rajan : Milind – Shai ne kal bhi bataya tha ki Dow-mow-cow nahi, jo yaha trade hota hai usko dekho 🙂
10:24 Uttam : 23k pe from 535 to 555 – 50% out
10:24 Avinash : +1 Ug
10:25 Uttam : needs to stay above that 550 that 23kpe
10:25 Boppanna : +1 Uttam 820 perfect touch point
10:25 Uttam : (09:30) Uttam : if we get RS at 10800 can play for 80% Rule(09:31) Uttam : 10755 & 10710 probable tgts
10:25 Uttam : RS in NF gives 30+
10:28 Santosh : if one wants to trade this fade what shall be ideal entry and SL
10:28 Santosh : asking for learning purpose as i’m new here
10:29 Uttam : RE coming down in BNF?
10:29 Uttam : doom doom
10:29 Uttam : C side
10:29 Boppanna : Nice day setting up in BNF
10:29 Uttam : booked all at 580 that 23k pe
10:29 Boppanna : COngts Uttam
10:29 Uttam : 78k green
10:29 Uttam : so got out
10:30 Uttam : C side
10:31 Vishnu : excatly buyer came at 22652 range near to tht Fa
10:31 Santosh : @shai pls help me with the entry levels for this move from top in nifty, i wanted to trade this RS but what should be the entry and SL as per OF
10:33 Shai : ref line was give.\
10:33 Uttam : BNF not done looks like on downside
10:33 Shai : 10750 supp now
10:33 Jitender : 805-680 half thru
10:33 Shai : For RS and RB sl should be 18 points abv that level in NF
10:33 Shai : (09:00) Shai : 10800 ref line for the open today along with 10750 lower a supp
10:33 Santosh : ok shai thanks
10:33 Jitender : +1
10:34 Shai : trade to the plan given always with conf fgrom the OF
10:34 Uttam : fresn doom
10:34 Rahul : those 1l buyrs?
10:34 Jitender : all out 649 (10:33) Jitender : 805-680 half thru
10:34 Rahul : c side ?
10:35 Seshadri : we are still in yesterday Value area
10:35 Shai : 10760 RB is arresting the sell from 10780/ 800
10:35 Shai : still an IS
10:36 Uttam : (09:30) Uttam : 10800-10710 is the Value so far(09:30) Uttam : if we get RS at 10800 can play for 80% Rule(09:31) Uttam : 10755 & 10710 probable tgts
10:36 Uttam : NF does 10753 low
10:36 Uttam : keep it simple
10:36 Jitender : (10:10) Jitender : 23k-23.3k ce hv o=h
10:36 Shai : +1
10:36 Uttam : break of 10800 showed RS + big red of 40k
10:37 Uttam : and now a C side with 2 1L greens in NF
10:39 Boppanna : BNF looks like moving away from Uttam’s Gaussian
10:40 Uttam : (10:33) Uttam : BNF not done looks like on downside
10:40 Seshadri : vishnu we fell in BN from 22810 to 22640
10:41 Vishnu : YES
10:41 Seshadri : need to track put call OI at various price points
10:41 Vishnu : cside played. still am not convinced with the fall we have big now shais 22560 .
10:42 Boppanna : For the new joinees nice example today of what value Uttam’s report brings check the high in BNF and see what the auction did around those points in the OF
10:42 Boppanna : BNF
10:42 Vishnu : +1 ug
10:43 Vishnu : well said bops
10:43 Seshadri : short bounce of 15-20 points in nifty and 50-80 points in BN expected
10:43 Uttam : 590 to 618 another round in that 23kpe
10:44 Boppanna : @Seshadri PLR down now as we are moving away
10:44 Suresh : Done DT after bad day yesterday
10:44 Boppanna : Congts Suresh
10:44 Suresh : just 1 trade 🙂
10:44 Boppanna : D can set it up nicely now
10:45 Boppanna : let see what it does
10:47 Shai : hard to call this D
10:47 Shai : can drop to 10710 but now 10780 is new supply
10:48 Arjun : why but ?
10:48 Shai : stay with the IS- 3 of them now – (10:35) Shai : still an IS
10:49 Shai : 22560 a supp in BNF
10:51 Shai : volume expnaded – (10:48) Arjun : why but ?
10:52 Arjun : ok. thanks
10:53 Shai : 116% now
10:56 Santosh : is this 83k in BNF has any impact?
10:57 Shai : only abv 22695
10:57 Santosh : ok
10:57 Shai : he could get 22800/ 22893
10:58 Shai : soime buyers in NF alsi
10:58 Seshadri : yes shai
10:59 Shai : not safe though till below 10768
11:02 Uttam : doom doom
11:02 Uttam : part 3 in that 23kpe from 603-627
11:02 Vishnu : congo ug
11:04 Tejpreet : Uttam filling the bag with his chota packs +1
11:04 Uttam : day high so far that 627 😉
11:04 Uttam : kya kare Tej we are LLT – lowest lot traders
11:05 Sanjib : room chart stuck
11:07 Boppanna : yes
11:07 Sanjib : Zoom also gone
11:07 Shai : 710 got decided
11:08 Uttam : 80% Rule 🙂
11:08 Aditya : 710 support ? to look for buyers?
11:09 Uttam : (09:30) Uttam : if we get RS at 10800 can play for 80% Rule(09:31) Uttam : 10755 & 10710 probable tgts
11:09 Uttam : look for RB+IB at 10710 Aditya
11:09 Aditya : ok sir got it
11:09 Uttam : BNF did look weak insite of the C side
11:10 Manish : no screen here
11:10 Uttam : (10:33) Uttam : BNF not done looks like on downside
11:11 Rahul : Room charts
11:13 Seshadri : BN trying to reverse..
11:14 Uttam : E making lower low?
11:14 Uttam : 22565 here
11:15 Shai : 22565- (10:49) Shai : 22560 a supp in BNF
11:15 Uttam : +100
11:16 Govind : guys using Zoom, please mute yourselves…
11:18 Shai : Intra – short NF 10741 sl of 10770 tgt 10705/ 10695
11:19 Govind : Aditya, please mute your Zoom
11:20 Uttam : uy playing song from Saajan
11:20 Govind : nice song but
11:20 Uttam : lol
11:20 Govind : he is in love
11:20 K2dt : 😀
11:20 Uttam : I am too with BNF ;-p
11:20 Govind : hehe
11:20 Uttam : finally
11:21 Aditya : Bhai log, one queschen – how to change display name?
11:21 Shai : Anyone else using audio would be put in waiting room for the day
11:21 Uttam : it gets auto muted na Shai?
11:22 Shai : spend one day there and you will understand how to not do auto mute
11:22 Uttam : 🙂
11:22 Govind : detention 🙂
11:22 Aditya : i think it was me new joiny concession pls
11:24 Seshadri : is there a zoom too
11:25 Aditya : thanks inn
11:29 Shai : Book at 10730- (11:18) Shai : Intra – short NF 10741 sl of 10770 tgt 10705/ 10695
11:30 Shai : we short the upcoming bounce
11:37 Santosh : where should we short?
11:37 Santosh : 10750?
11:37 Shai : 10770
11:37 Shai : on OF conf
11:37 Santosh : ok
11:47 Manish : am feeling drowzy
11:47 Uttam : coffee helps in OAIR but today is still better as we have got a RE down alreayd in both
11:47 Sachith : bnf doom doom?
11:48 Uttam : looks like new lows coming in both
11:48 Manish : Kaha doom hai bhai. 560 pending
11:53 Manish : why does the chart delete?
11:54 Uttam : what did it delete Manish?
11:54 Manish : 10:54 onwards, all is gone
11:55 Uttam : what is gone Manish, not getting you
11:55 Manish : it had kind of a flicker and the chat was gone
11:55 Uttam : chat oh ok
11:55 Manish : ya
11:55 Uttam : your conncetion would have been reset
11:56 Manish : ah ha. from the server end?
11:56 Uttam : who will make new lows first?
11:56 Manish : come on 560
11:56 Manish : hahaha
11:56 Arjun : manish if scroll to top on chat – you will get those. I too have misses calls manytimes because if it
11:57 Manish : No Arjun, 10:02 to 10:53 and then 11:53 till now.
11:58 Sylvester : RB + good COT in BNF shall be a buy here?
11:58 Sylvester : or we wait for RB + IB
11:58 Himanshu : UG – Hope 22560 is secured now
11:59 Himanshu : or you want trend day dowm
11:59 Manish : Best is RB+IB, yet expereance counts
11:59 Himanshu : Oh Yes
11:59 Manish : experiance, … that correct
11:59 Himanshu : Am asking master trader
11:59 Himanshu : He has Eagles’s double eye
12:00 Manish : me too asking the same person Him
12:01 Manish : And who are the contenders for the Eagle’s double eyes?
12:02 Seshadri : dpoc nifty is same.. bank nifty had moved down
12:02 Manish : Can we collectivly make a LLT (Large, not Little)
12:03 Ankush Jain : 97k green in NF
12:05 Saheer : NF done 2 IB
12:06 Manish : RB + 51K+ve COT + Buyers Imbalance with +ve COts.
12:08 Shai : yes in NF there are 3 IS before that
12:08 Shai : who is in control here guys per our rules of Bias?
12:08 Ankush Jain : sellers
12:08 Suresh : seller
12:08 Manish : Sellers
12:08 JayJ : sellers
12:08 Rohan : sellers
12:08 Shai : ++
12:08 Ankush Jain : holding to shorts
12:09 Shai : we are looking to sell into this market now, only thing is sellers not doing a very good job yet
12:09 Shai : Any rises to short as they will give better RR
12:09 Manish : Done Deal Sire
12:10 Manish : So these +ve COT and Buyers, how to read them
12:10 Manish : in BNF
12:10 Shai : 10710 and 22560 have shown buyers in past 2 days
12:10 Shai : hence I am a bit cautious of shorting here agggressively
12:11 Shai : but seller is there at 10570 levels
12:11 Boppanna : 10770
12:11 Manish : **
12:11 Shai : 10770*
12:12 Shai : NF is a typical auction in singles of prev session
12:12 Himanshu : Bopp – Hammer Up or Hammer Down
12:13 Aditya : 10700 PE OI near stagnant for last 1 hour.
12:14 Boppanna : 1 TF down since C Himanshu a bounce to 680 and failure there is a short for me else slow drift down trend day
12:15 Aditya : Shai, today 10764 did not put up any fight, is that another signal?
12:15 Sreedhar : Bop are on 23000 pe ?
12:15 Uttam : 10710 not yet tagged in NF?
12:15 MJ : Shai can you please hide the symbol widget from bnf?
12:15 Sreedhar : you*
12:15 Uttam : aa gaya
12:16 Sachith : ho gaya doom doom bnffffff
12:16 Uttam : neat 80% Rule – (09:30) Uttam : 10800-10710 is the Value so far(09:30) Uttam : if we get RS at 10800 can play for 80% Rule(09:31) Uttam : 10755 & 10710 probable tgts
12:16 Uttam : guy who did not know baout 80% hope this live example clears it
12:17 Uttam : BNF into that irregular profile
12:17 Jitender : boom 🙂
12:17 MJ : blocking that price view.
12:17 Manish : from 2 IB to 3IB in single candle
12:17 MJ : Thanks chief.
12:18 Boppanna : Sreedhar have no positions open
12:18 Uttam : b) The auction accepting below 22862 could test 22800-734 / 22675-580 / 22468-423 / 22351 & 22290-240
12:18 Govind : UG, 2 IB to 3IB in less than a minute in BNF
12:18 Vishnu : 10685 3 ib in nf
12:18 Vishnu : banknifty did 3 ib
12:18 Uttam : BNF making up for that 330 point range yesterday
12:18 Ankush Jain : another IS
12:18 Uttam : has to give 660 remember
12:19 Uttam : 22240 will be nice
12:19 Himanshu : is prominent POC
12:19 Uttam : BNF also a weekly balance
12:19 Himanshu : Last week
12:19 Tejpreet : 3ib in G only +100 Uttam
12:19 Uttam : in which last 2 days was a higher 2-day balance
12:19 Uttam : but the week as such is a balanced profile
12:20 Shai : NF drop to extend to 10670-74 sl abv 10728
12:20 Tejpreet : Shai refresh neede bn
12:20 Uttam : some more needed Tej – (12:19) Tejpreet : 3ib in G only +100 Uttam
12:20 Jitender : Tej…thru with day labour 🙂
12:20 Tejpreet : plenty of tim 1k day possible
12:20 Aditya : 10700 PE OI starting to come off!!
12:20 Uttam : 660 to aane do pehle 😉
12:21 Uttam : 22080 max I feel it it goes till there
12:21 Tejpreet : Jit +1 …my day labour would have been over with no trade if held to over night shorts but almost hitting it now.
12:21 Jitender : +1
12:21 Tejpreet : tks chief …1l stays in bn
12:21 Jitender : i called from liquidation in morn itself
12:22 Jitender : for
12:22 Manish : How would u have decided on the overnight Shorts, ?
12:22 Ankush Jain : 1.1 lakh buyer negated in NF
12:22 Ankush Jain : ?
12:22 Rahul : those 1.14lk greens any significance ?
12:22 Rahul : Thanks UG for the 80 % rules ex
12:23 Shai : that 1L in BNF is all stops
12:23 Shai : Avoid it
12:23 Uttam : rows of 0s above it
12:23 Ankush Jain : in NF?
12:23 Rahul : Shai in NF as well ?
12:23 Shai : triggered all orders in 70 point BN range
12:23 Shai : NF is 60K buyer rest half is slo
12:23 Shai : 60 K RB
12:24 Ankush Jain : how do we know that?
12:25 Tejpreet : tks chief …bn clears all in one go 🙂
12:25 Shai : I have a per tick chart open
12:25 Jitender : wow
12:25 Jitender : +100 Shai…u system is amazing
12:25 Manish : Can i sit with u Chief?
12:25 Ankush Jain : profile not suggesting any large imbalane yet I suppose?
12:26 Tejpreet : +100 Jit we got the best tools ..tks to Shai.
12:26 Aditya : if fresh shorts which level need to moniter
12:26 Ketan : +1 shai
12:27 Vishnu : shai +100
12:27 Sreedhar : UG 660 aane do ?
12:27 Manish : Haan beta, ab to 660 hi gaana hai.
12:28 Uttam : BNF forming a DD?
12:29 Uttam : needs to stay below 22450
12:29 Sreedhar : Manish i didnt understood that statement of UG thats all
12:30 Manish : Tej was gunning for a 1000 points day, UG said let 660 come first.
12:30 Manish : something like that
12:30 Sreedhar : thanks Manish
12:32 Manish : BN has 9 cot values displaed while NF has only 7. Can’t we aligh them to show same munber of COT’s, 9 each.?
12:32 Shai : one more NF buyer
12:32 Shai : now they are trying to defend this
12:33 Ankush Jain : 10700 being defended
12:33 Shai : looks like a swinger of an afternoon showing up
12:33 Vishnu : as we are in ewtween tha buy imbalnce 10660-10700 shai
12:33 Manish : like u say, caught upside down
12:34 Arjun : should we close NF shorts? or srill go with 730 SL?
12:34 Shai : close shorts
12:35 Shai : stay alert for the next few minutes
12:35 Shai : big boys have joined the party
12:35 Shai : let them start dancing, we take sides
12:35 Boppanna : +1 Shai
12:35 Manish : +100 chief.
12:35 Ankush Jain : we do not go long?
12:35 Shai : ref line 10740
12:35 Govind : wait for an IB ANkush
12:36 Shai : can for 10740 , sl 10692
12:36 Manish : Now u doing Participant Profiling.
12:36 Ankush Jain : can
12:36 Uttam : yes 10740 has nigh vols today
12:36 Uttam : just like 10780 did in the morning
12:36 Manish : can ? or Call?
12:37 Ankush Jain : Shai qualified his statement with can
12:37 Shai : I’m waiting for H
12:37 Shai : 6 mins
12:37 Manish : acg H k
12:37 Ankush Jain : Shai had a first good trade with tis system.
12:38 Shai : +1
12:38 Shai : there is a buy here wil this LLT, but I am conservative
12:38 Uttam : stayong above 10710 NF can do the reverse 80%
12:38 Uttam : at least till that 10755
12:39 Sreedhar : bnf UG?
12:41 Uttam : (12:29) Uttam : needs to stay below 22450
12:41 Sreedhar : +1
12:41 Shai : Nf long abv 10722 for 10760 sl of 10697
12:46 Rajesh G : in
12:58 Uttam : 10740 here
12:58 Uttam : above it 10755 will be quick
12:58 Sanjib : 10703 to 10740 all out
12:58 Uttam : another IB
12:58 Uttam : (12:38) Uttam : stayong above 10710 NF can do the reverse 80%(12:38) Uttam : at least till that 10755
12:59 Vishnu : afternoon will be superb
12:59 Manish : 1230 NF calls for a good chapter to study.
12:59 Manish : 12:30 pm *
12:59 Shai : NF 10746 book half here- (12:41) Shai : Nf long abv 10722 for 10760 sl of 10697
13:00 Uttam : vwap here
13:00 Boppanna : Nice trade Shai
13:00 Shai : Thgat guy at 10700 got 45
13:00 Manish : that was a nice call , +10
13:01 Shai : 10720 TSL onm rest\
13:01 Rajesh G : clean call shai
13:01 Shai : shift im momentum visisble
13:01 Shai : +1
13:01 Shai : Saw how Orderflow changed the bias of the day?
13:01 Vishnu : yes
13:01 Rajiv Ohri : +1
13:02 Shai : That’s why Volume precedes price
13:02 Uttam : _/\_ Shai10700ce from 130-139.2
13:02 Vishnu : +1
13:02 Manish : Yes, OF it is.
13:02 Tejpreet : Good one chief …clean OF trade +100
13:02 Sanjiv : +1
13:02 Ketan : +1 shai
13:03 Rahul : UG same here 10700 CE ., Shai 1+
13:04 Manish : There’s another person at the SHF forum called Captain Jack (CJ), he does Fx. Have heard people willing to give one arm of their to learn his methods. I think the same sentiment echoes for Shai here. Kudos Chief.
13:07 Shai : _/\_
13:08 Favas : +1
13:09 Uttam : (12:38) Uttam : stayong above 10710 NF can do the reverse 80%(12:38) Uttam : at least till that 10755
13:09 Uttam : 10755
13:09 Tejpreet : Uttam new script for afternoon 3 ib down done …NE and 3ib up ho jaye
13:09 Shai : H done – (12:37) Shai : I’m waiting for H(12:37) Shai : 6 mins
13:09 Uttam : 🙂 Tej
13:09 Uttam : Fryday
13:10 Uttam : reverse 80% rule in play
13:10 Uttam : 85k green at wrong place?
13:10 Manish : Now wait for K
13:10 Ankush Jain : we test VAH now?
13:10 Uttam : short ka SL
13:10 Shai : C, G, H were the big guys today
13:11 Uttam : staying above VWAP then we can go for 10780-800 again
13:11 Uttam : motning ext handle of 10765
13:11 Uttam : NF high so far 10755 to the dot
13:12 Rahul : Ug 1+
13:12 Tejpreet : that 84k guy could have placed a better SL if extn handle so close 🙂
13:12 Uttam : BNF also once got back above 22450, PLR changed to up
13:12 Uttam : lol Tej
13:12 Uttam : VWAP also there na
13:12 Uttam : so cute SL just above VWAP
13:13 Tejpreet : conservative tha then
13:13 Uttam : conservative to Shai’s long was above 10722
13:13 Boppanna : H could be a PBH
13:13 Uttam : else he asked to go long on that 3rd !L green itself
13:13 Uttam : 1L*
13:14 Uttam : (12:36) Shai : can for 10740 , sl 10692
13:14 Shai : 10714 is a betrter sl for those holding
13:14 Shai : I can test 10715- 720 again
13:14 Shai : can book out
13:15 Ankush Jain : Shai as a day trader, if 1 good trade happens, avoid further for the day?
13:15 Shai : yes
13:16 Ankush Jain : +1
13:16 Shai : keep the green MTM always
13:16 Ankush Jain : so I amjust watching the action & taking notes
13:16 Shai : helps to build confidence end of month
13:16 Saheer : Ankush – read about DT system by Jit, Govind explained in slack
13:16 Ankush Jain : sure
13:17 Shai : over a period of time, can keep adding to the qunatum of daily output as you get more proficient in the system’
13:17 Ankush Jain : yes
13:17 Shai : I knoiw Jit here has a fantastic 1 % system and he stops when he gets the 1%
13:18 Ankush Jain : i just watched everything for maybe 10 days
13:18 Shai : other days when he is clear he will shoot for 4 to 6%
13:18 Aditya : nf 13.1 is rs right if so y its not showing
13:18 Manish : Same here Ankush. Same boat as u
13:19 Shai : not a pure RS- (13:18) Aditya : nf 13.1 is rs right if so y its not showing
13:19 Shai : RS is always lowe bar volume
13:20 Ankush Jain : Shai can be shift IS & RS on top of bars?
13:20 Ankush Jain : just a thought
13:20 Aditya : ohk
13:29 K2dt : zoom zoom
13:29 Vishnu : 3 ib iin a raw
13:29 Vishnu : bnf
13:29 Rahul : Ib with positive COT
13:29 Rahul : We can take longs just asking
13:29 Shai : NF can do 20 more abv 10765
13:29 Shai : Abv 10765 now sl vwap
13:30 Rahul : Thanks Shai
13:32 Shai : tgt 10792 sl of 10744
13:32 Shai : 12 mjins count down
13:32 Uttam : check how 80% Rule played out in 4-day composite of Nifty Spot – first to the downside where it left a buying tail and now on the upside – https://mplite.vtrender.com/?symbol=NIFTY_SPT&tf=daily&tpo=6&ll=&ul=&sp=1&startDate=12-06-2020&endDate=&nDays=0&idstr=&dstr=5._4.
13:32 Uttam : Spot got rejected exactly at composite VAH
13:33 Abhishek : 3 ibs in a row
13:34 Manish : my chat keeps getting refreshed. Why so?
13:35 Manish : happened again.
13:35 Manish : what am i missing for doing wrong?
13:36 Manish : what am i missing or doing wrong?
13:36 Shai : use the x at top right corner
13:36 Uttam : which browser are you using Manish?
13:37 Boppanna : could be ur broadband issue Manish
13:38 Uttam : yes
13:38 Manish : Opera. Broadband is Airtel Fiber
13:38 Ankush Jain : why we have to do 4 day composite?
13:39 Shai : 🙂
13:39 Ankush Jain : for the week?
13:39 Boppanna : claps Shai
13:39 Shai : 4 kins still left for my countdown
13:39 Uttam : 🙂 awesome Shai
13:39 Shai : (13:32) Shai : tgt 10792 sl of 10744(13:32) Shai : 12 mjins count down
13:40 Shai : gave you a target and a time to traget today
13:40 Ketan : +1 shai
13:40 Shai : That’s how Volume and Time works
13:40 Avinash : +1 Shai
13:40 Shai : Book out
13:40 Tejpreet : +1
13:40 Ankush Jain : great
13:40 Uttam : 87k green at 10785 just like we had one at 10755
13:40 Uttam : another SL
13:41 Shai : 5 IB
13:41 Uttam : 3 down 2 up 🙂
13:41 Shai : they are aggressive now, no?
13:41 Jitender : I period Uttam 🙂
13:42 Ankush Jain : now we have RS right at top
13:42 Uttam : ab RS nahi aayega to profit kaun khayega
13:42 Tejpreet : lol
13:42 Uttam : longs will keep booking na Ankush
13:42 Ankush Jain : ok
13:43 Uttam : you did it again Jit 🙂 – (13:41) Jitender : I period Uttam 🙂
13:44 Jitender : was just referrn to yday even webinar chat 🙂
13:44 Uttam : BNF gone into weekend mode
13:44 Uttam : ?
13:44 Shai : 10730 SL now for close
13:44 Sylvester : More roast day than fryday
13:44 Shai : we can run this babay to 10840
13:44 Uttam : not even tagged vwap
13:44 Jitender : rest Shai did it
13:46 Shai : Cheers\
13:47 Shai : Did nothing, the dancing just picked up 🙂
13:47 Ankush Jain : 🙂
13:47 Shai : 12:32) Shai : one more NF buyer(12:32) Shai : now they are trying to defend this(12:33) Shai : looks like a swinger of an afternoon showing up(12:34) Shai : close shorts(12:35) Shai : stay alert for the next few minutes(12:35) Shai : big boys have joined the party(12:35) Shai : let them start dancing, we take sides
13:47 Gopi : india gov to consider extendng moratorium?
13:47 Jitender : +1
13:47 Ankush Jain : +100
13:48 Ankush Jain : joinme chrts stalled?
13:50 Nirmal : +1
13:50 Nirmal : or let them sing we will join as chrous
13:53 Uttam : K for Killer move coming Shai on Friday 😉
13:53 Ankush Jain : Fryday keeping up with its name
13:54 Sreedhar : i think today was easy compared to yesterday Ankush
13:55 Ankush Jain : yesterday big boys fried out the locals
13:55 Ankush Jain : maybe it all started on Wednesday afternoon
14:00 Himanshu : Extending Moratorium – Hell for Banks
14:02 Nirmal : we will become Band baja like in DE DE PYAR DE ..anf FII(Amitabh)
14:02 Nirmal : and
14:03 Uttam : BNF weak
14:03 Uttam : IS also
14:03 Uttam : looks like headed for new lows
14:05 Uttam : new lows are here
14:05 Uttam : 22350.1 – b) The auction accepting below 22862 could test 22800-734 / 22675-580 / 22468-423 / 22351 & 22290-240
14:06 Uttam : NF also longs exited looks like
14:06 Uttam : 3 rows of red COT
14:06 Uttam : 3 columns sorry
14:06 Uttam : 10730
14:06 Ankush Jain : we r looking at new low
14:06 Boppanna : J high 560zone BNF prevous support
14:06 Himanshu : Though Its bad for Banks – Good for Economy
14:07 Himanshu : so Auto will price in as good move
14:07 Abhishek : @himanshu any link or channels for extension
14:07 Himanshu : Liquidty to improve – as they are mulling to offer advances against MF folio –
14:08 Swapnil : wasnt it exteded a while back?
14:08 Himanshu : yes it was till July – Aug – Sep
14:08 Aditya : wait till banks say we cant pay interest on deposits. then all hell will break loose
14:08 Himanshu : but as SIP remmitance has reduced , is early indications that EMIs also are
14:09 Himanshu : Yday – CNBC said First month in US mortagae installment was missed by 92%
14:09 Himanshu : Households – Imagine India,,
14:09 Gopi : Reliance trying hard to rescue
14:10 Jitender : lovely day (10:10) Jitender : 23k-23.3k ce hv o=h
14:10 Swapnil : mar-apr-may; jun-jul-aug. thats what i recollect. moratprium extn.
14:10 Uttam : 22450 is IS in BNF
14:10 Swapnil : but this is old news only.right
14:11 Jitender : ys
14:12 Nirmal : mkt might not fall it seems
14:12 K2dt : Jit what strikes u look for the O=H ? i mean ATMs or ITMs?
14:12 Swapnil : further extn if any, why will they worry now ? may be next month
14:13 Gopi : further extension till december it seems
14:14 KK : bnf going down ?
14:16 Manish : Chian has a banking crisis brewing.
14:16 Nirmal : good news manisha
14:16 Manish : Fake collaterals
14:16 Nirmal : all bad news is good news..money cpritining
14:16 Nirmal : will happen
14:16 Manish : China *
14:16 Uttam : K period begins
14:16 Himanshu : Kush – 23K CE – 23.1 to 23.3 all CEs had O=H
14:16 Manish : Yes, Good news for US
14:17 Manish : for us
14:17 Himanshu : As Open was Below 22900 and slided down all the way
14:17 Manish : Thanks Nirmala.
14:17 Nirmal : mkt shud print 11k for any big correction till then chop chop
14:17 Tejpreet : guys news is immaterial …follow Shai’s level
14:17 K2dt : thnx H
14:17 Himanshu : Jit – has gone to Bank ,,
14:17 Himanshu : Oh yes
14:17 K2dt : oh 🙂
14:17 Manish : hahaha
14:19 Himanshu : also – Check at 9.35 – Highest OI strike was 23K CE
14:19 Himanshu : Double of 22.5 PE
14:19 Himanshu : so clue was there as Per OPEN and HYPO also accepting Below 22862 –
14:20 Uttam : BNF going for 22240 looks like
14:20 Govind : overlapping POC at 22390ish
14:20 Uttam : yes Gov big vols
14:20 Uttam : days POC also shifted here
14:20 Govind : yes sir
14:21 K2dt : +100 H
14:21 Uttam : aar ya paar type monrnt for BNF
14:21 K2dt : want to start doing bnf options now
14:21 K2dt : so asking 🙂
14:21 Jitender : 22080
14:21 Gopi : +1 jit
14:21 Tejpreet : even nf Uttam 730 needs to go
14:22 Uttam : BNF dragging it along Tej
14:22 Uttam : your 660 pointer on way looks like 😉
14:22 Tejpreet : 🙂
14:23 Tejpreet : i wanted 31b plus 3 ib
14:23 Uttam : yeh lo
14:23 Himanshu : icicib is dumped beyond – Weekly balance
14:23 Govind : Congo Uttam
14:23 Jitender : brk 320 Tej
14:23 Govind : K for killer
14:23 K2dt : doom doom
14:24 Tejpreet : Jit sir i am a kid bn breaking not allowed for mr.
14:24 Uttam : some greens in BNF finally
14:24 Jitender : if u r a kid…m just born sire 🙂
14:25 K2dt : if u guys talk like that then we r not even born 😀
14:25 Tejpreet : This what happens when day job is done Jit 🙂
14:25 Himanshu : We are in thought yet !!
14:25 Jitender : wait fr yr turn K 🙂
14:25 K2dt : loool H
14:25 Jitender : just kiddn
14:25 K2dt : thnx Jit
14:25 Himanshu : Not Borne – In dreams of our parents ..
14:25 K2dt : :p
14:26 Jitender : bck to mkts
14:26 Jitender : tis is key (14:23) Jitender : brk 320 Tej
14:26 Tejpreet : +1
14:26 Uttam : low donw for the day day in BNF?
14:27 K2dt : so FA now negated UG?
14:27 K2dt : in bnf
14:27 Uttam : that got negated in mornign only na K
14:27 Uttam : when we broke 22650
14:27 K2dt : yes UG 🙂
14:27 Uttam : needs to get above 22450
14:27 Uttam : for confrimation that low done
14:28 Uttam : else can still drift lower
14:30 Uttam : NF can do one more trip to 10780 if BNF cooperates
14:31 K2dt : 40 points coming just from RIL..
14:32 K2dt : 12 minutes still left
14:33 Himanshu : Kush – Spot if stablizes at 10750 – weekly Spot – is safe for next week to look above – Chief said rightly – 10750
14:33 Himanshu : is Even-stevan
14:33 K2dt : +1 H
14:34 K2dt : was not in front of the screen full day..:(
14:35 Shai : K in
14:35 Shai : looks like a draw called then
14:35 Uttam : 22447 so far – (14:27) Uttam : needs to get above 22450
14:35 Shai : close at 10750
14:35 Uttam : weekly balance Shai
14:35 Uttam : POC at 10750
14:35 Shai : yes
14:35 Uttam : next week trend?
14:35 Shai : +1
14:36 Himanshu : Je Baat
14:36 K2dt : 🙂
14:36 Uttam : 10780 coming?
14:38 Uttam : 22449 BNF
14:39 Uttam : (14:27) Uttam : needs to get above 22450(14:27) Uttam : for confrimation that low done
14:41 Govind : Yeah Uttam, +1
14:41 Shai : BN 22250 a supp zone in spot
14:42 Shai : if it breaks into clsoe or early mon can drop to 21900 quick
14:51 Rajesh G : sha can we carry some puts
14:51 Santosh : looks like a boom boom?
14:51 Tejpreet : Looks like 320 and 450 is laxman rekha for bn marked by the two big LLT from the room 🙂
14:53 Shai : balance it is , so neutral on daily and weekly now- (14:51) Rajesh G : sha can we carry some puts
14:53 Shai : No open bias
14:53 Rajesh G : thanks shai
14:54 K2dt : nf stalling here
14:54 Shai : next week should move and we take directional bets above weekly vah or belwo val
14:54 Shai : Uttam’s report will guide
14:54 K2dt : +1 chief
14:54 Uttam : _/\_
14:54 Rajesh G : ok
14:54 Boppanna : how straight is that vwap line in NF
14:54 Shai : 🙂
14:54 Uttam : one tag of 10780 please Shai before close
14:55 Shai : It’s been commanded to stand straight
14:55 Uttam : 🙂
14:55 Shai : or lie straight 🙂
14:55 Rajesh G : shai yesterday stragnle of 10950 and 10600 gave 40 pts
14:55 Shai : +1
14:55 Rajesh G : as u suggested
14:55 Shai : close and take profits
14:56 Rajesh G : ok
14:59 Uttam : boom boom?
14:59 Shai : NF weekly- https://mplite.vtrender.com/?symbol=NIFTY&tf=weekly&tpo=2&ll=&ul=&sp=1&startDate=&endDate=&nDays=8&idstr=&dstr=&rst=1&iam=
15:00 Uttam : thanks Shai 🙂 – (14:54) Uttam : one tag of 10780 please Shai before close
15:01 Rajesh G : shai 10800 straddle?
15:01 Boppanna : awesome Uttam
15:01 Himanshu : BTW – Read Reliance recevied FB – Stake Funds in their Kittly Last week
15:02 Himanshu : And most others will be realised with-in July.
15:02 Shai : 10800 can carry but don’t go overboard in qty
15:02 Rajesh G : ok
15:03 Shai : Any large gap up may not come back
15:03 Shai : nest results are if we open flat
15:03 RiteshM : CALL OR PUT
15:03 Ankush Jain : should be call
15:03 Shai : straddle
15:03 Ankush Jain : ok
15:05 Jitender : 180 up frm tere (14:26) Jitender : tis is key (14:23) Jitender : brk 320 Tej
15:05 VijayT : +100 JIT
15:05 Uttam : 10779 high in NF
15:06 Tejpreet : Jit perfect levels again +1
15:06 Favas : =
15:06 Favas : +1
15:07 Jitender : cheers guys
15:07 Favas : wat is 320?
15:07 Ankush Jain : very narrow range of 190 for this week
15:09 Jitender : vwap lvl of 8th July favas marked on my charts
15:09 Favas : tnx
15:09 Jitender : 7th *
15:11 Uttam : 10800ce+10700pe a better combo to carry Shai?
15:11 Ketan : +1 jit on the vwap of trend day bnf
15:11 Uttam : both around 86
15:11 Shai : +1
15:11 Govind : trend day vwaps are a must follow for all, +1 Jit and Uttam
15:11 Ankush Jain : how about 10750 cepe
15:13 Uttam : 10800 is the VAH & 10700 is the VAL so move will come if we move away from one of them
15:13 Uttam : it we continue to reamain inside this premium will keep going down
15:13 Aditya : strangle seems better bet
15:13 Aditya : if one wants to sell
15:14 Uttam : we are mostly done with the balance Aditya
15:14 Uttam : so next week could trend
15:14 Uttam : so better not to sell any options here
15:14 Aditya : +1
15:15 Uttam : best is to take it frsh on Monday open & rude the trend
15:15 Aditya : +1
15:17 Uttam : strangely OI of 10700pe also coming down
15:17 Uttam : writers do not want to carry seems like
15:17 Aditya : BNF maybe spooking writers
15:18 Uttam : the weekly balance is 🙂
15:18 Sachith : bye everyone… have a great weekend
15:19 Santosh : how to plt these straddles and strangles on MPLite?
15:19 Uttam : go to the option table & click on the strike price of the straddle you want to see in the middle of the table, it will open the straddle MP chart
15:20 Rahul : Thanks UG
15:21 Santosh : Thanks UG
15:21 Uttam : for strangle you will have to select the pair by clicking on the radio button next to the CE & PE and you get a link at the top of the page
15:21 Shai : youtube.com/vtrender
15:21 Shai : has all the details
15:21 Uttam : +1
15:22 Uttam : have out the stragle chart of 10800ce+10700pe on slack
15:22 Aditya : even the 10800CE has shed OI
15:22 Uttam : yes wrtiers not carrying
15:22 Aditya : @uttam UG your thesis is correct
15:23 Aditya : the Balance in NF
15:23 Shai : Have a good weekend everyone
15:24 Shai : hope the week and the day today was profitable
15:24 Rahul : y
15:24 Ankush Jain : yes
15:24 Sanjiv : yup
15:24 Shai : next week, brush up on all the concepts as am expecting a wild one
15:24 Rajesh G : shai any weekend homework?
15:24 Uttam : thanks Shai _/\_
15:24 Shai : take care all
15:24 Aditya : Yes. Good weekend all
15:24 Manikandan : Bye . take care
15:24 Shai : catch up Mon
15:25 Aditya : _/\_
15:26 Aditya : bye happy weekend everyone
15:26 Santosh : Bye all
15:26 Santosh : happy weekend
15:27 Ashok82 : _/\_
15:27 Tejpreet : Bye All
15:28 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely weekend
15:28 Rohan : bye all
15:30 Rahul : bye thanks
15:36 Himanshu : Bye all

09:04 Shai : (09:00) Shai : 10800 ref line for the open today along with 10750 lower a supp(09:01) Shai : larger balance to continue with afternoon hour beyond K to watch for any big imbalance if coming into close(09:01) Shai : Auction is in a larger balance with POC of 10750
09:06 Uttam : a) NF needs to stay above 10829 for a rise to 10847-868 / 10909-914 / 10940*-965 & 10995
09:06 Uttam : b) The auction accepting below 10825 can test lower levels of 10800 / 10776-735 / 10710 & 10695-657
09:06 Uttam : a) BNF needs to sustain above 22922 for a rise to 22980 / 23100-160* / 23230-313 / 23370-440 & 23510-580
09:06 Uttam : b) The auction accepting below 22862 could test 22800-734 / 22675-580 / 22468-423 / 22351 & 22290-240
09:27 Shai : (09:00) Shai : 10800 ref line for the open today along with 10750 lower a supp(09:01) Shai : larger balance to continue with afternoon hour beyond K to watch for any big imbalance if coming into close(09:01) Shai : Auction is in a larger balance with POC of 10750

Market Profile and Orderflow Masterclass – Jan 11th

📅 Date: Jan 11, 2025
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