When we think about how to measure volume in the market one of the keys is Order Flow. It plays a role by telling us what the other traders have done in the market and are currently doing and this provides valuable clues and potential opportunities to trade.
An Order Flow trader can actually see exactly what is happening in the market as it happens. Once you are able to understand what is happening in the present, you are able to make far better decisions about what might happen in the future. Order Flow provides traders with vision into market activity.
Room Chat
08:50 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/594724837
08:51 Manikandan : Gm all
08:52 Vtrender Live : 5 min charts – https://join.me/389-727-064
08:54 Vtrender Live : 5 min BNF charts – https://zoom.us/j/8649947494?pwd=S2w4L1VpSGsxYXo3K1BkSzNxV21kdz09
08:58 Giridhar Gowravajhal : GM all
09:00 Gopi : good morning all
09:00 Shai : 10100 ref line for the open today
09:00 Shai : Abilty to stay abv it would be considerred bullish for 10160
09:01 Shai : supp lower is at 10053 and 9975
09:01 Shai : yesterday was a neutral extreme profile in both
09:03 Avinash : GM Everyone
09:03 AnilR : GM All
09:03 Shai : BNf ref line is 20970 at the open
09:03 Shai : watch is the auction sustains abv it
09:04 Shai : how many went long at the close yesterday here?
09:04 Ankit Maheshwari : Me
09:04 Narendra : me
09:04 Sanjeet : i didnt
09:04 Ashok null : myself at 10000ce monthly expiry
09:04 Narendra : 10100 ce next week exp
09:04 Chintan : GM all
09:05 Arunc235 null : gm
09:05 Fenil : Good morning All 🙂
09:06 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:07 RiteshM : me 9900
09:07 Uttam : yet another case of Neutral Extreme not getting a follow through?
09:08 Uttam : Shai did mention that we do not carry positions in the direction of NeutX at close
09:08 Shai : +1
09:09 Sachith : Good morning all… happy trading
09:09 Tejpreet : GM All
09:10 Shashidhar : Good Morning Shai and All
09:10 Naresh Dubbudu : Hello all. The opening is barely positive. It could be a range bound day ay best.
09:10 Seshadri : gm all
09:10 Chintan : yes UG remember that
09:10 Chintan : +1 to shai
09:11 Govind : Shai, zoom chart has that settings bar hiding the price column
09:12 Shashidhar : I went long
09:12 JayJ : me in call long
09:13 Himanshu : GM all
09:14 Uttam : gap up of 60 points in NF
09:14 Uttam : 10094 tagged
09:14 Uttam : composite POC
09:14 Shai : 145 to 172 in 10100 ce – booked full
09:14 Uttam : it will not let go of NF
09:15 Uttam : super trade Shai
09:15 Ankit Maheshwari : Same here
09:15 Shai : book overnights and wait
09:15 Uttam : yes
09:15 Uttam : Neux carries are only for booking at open
09:15 Boppanna : Awesome read Shai
09:15 Rajesh G : done
09:15 Boppanna : kudos
09:15 Ashok null : thanks chief
09:15 Avinash : +1 Shai
09:15 Uttam : 60 point gap up is a good one?
09:17 Shai : https://vtrender.slack.com/archives/C0F2VRTPW/p1591760913341100
09:17 Ankit Maheshwari : 0s in BNF good enough for going long?
09:18 Avinash : Shai Chime alerts aren’t working
09:18 JayJ : are the charts ok iam unable to get update
09:18 Uttam : they are Avinash
09:18 Uttam : check your audio settings
09:18 Avinash : Ok
09:19 Uttam : cos I just got them
09:20 Avinash : Thank you
09:20 Uttam : +1 🙂
09:20 Shai : 10050 supp for the open – (09:01) Shai : supp lower is at 10053 and 9975
09:21 Uttam : Shai when are you planning to let go of that 10100 😉
09:21 Uttam : please let us know as accordingly will go long in the straddle 😉
09:21 Shai : either falltens here at 10100 or we wait to see if we get a push abv 10135 where we add longs
09:22 Shai : flattens*
09:25 Shai : build longs abv this extension handle only- (09:03) Shai : BNf ref line is 20970 at the open
09:25 AnilR : sure
09:25 Shai : supp at 20545 in BNF
09:27 Narendra : shai for me charts lag by 3 mins
09:27 Uttam : 50k green at 10065
09:28 Uttam : similar red also there
09:28 Uttam : IS getting negated
09:28 Uttam : OAIR in both
09:29 Shai : 101035 coming
09:29 Uttam : +1
09:30 Shai : smart bounce off 10058- (09:20) Shai : 10050 supp for the open – (09:01) Shai : supp lower is at 10053 and 9975
09:31 KK : go for it
09:32 K2dt : boom boom UG 🙂
09:32 Shai : There is 0 lag on charts – (09:27) Narendra : shai for me charts lag by 3 mins
09:33 Uttam : some reds here at 10110
09:33 Ankit Maheshwari : Good volumes in this bar
09:36 KK : 10120 was where I broke down for lower side
09:36 Shai : see I will know when there is a lag, just showed
09:36 Uttam : yes no lag for me since open
09:37 K2dt : working fine
09:37 Shashidhar : Time for next candle on top (reducing) and my system time (difference for next 5 mins) is same – working fine for me
09:38 Tejpreet : The lag could be due to Anti virus/ fire wall add omnovia to safe list.
09:38 KK : that 15K trying to bring it to VWAP , bnf
09:39 K2dt : +1 KK
09:40 KK : Shai, if 10055 taken out ,we go short ? or here at 10070 ?
09:41 Shai : short below only 10050
09:42 Shai : check where the BNF came back from
09:42 Boppanna : +1
09:43 Shai : that is the reason we track extension handles
09:43 AnilR : +1
09:43 Shashidhar : +1
09:43 K2dt : +1 chief
09:44 Shai : these are all market generated levels, no mumbo jumbo derivative of open+close/ 2 and all that crap. we trade only on the information given by tape
09:44 AnilR : +1
09:46 Ankit : like this comment shai! it makes all the difference +100
09:48 Uttam : 10100pe from 256 to 268
09:48 Uttam : 50% out
09:48 Uttam : IS at VWAP
09:48 KK : Lets go now for 10008
09:48 Uttam : 10050 got buyers
09:50 KK : yup..NF is stronger, any chance of rotating here for the day ?
09:51 Ankit Maheshwari : Lets ride back to the magnet now
09:51 Ankit Maheshwari : followed by 10135
09:51 Uttam : VWAP needs to be taken out
09:51 Uttam : IS POC at 10080
09:53 K2dt : some greens at low NF
10:02 Shai : Intra – Buy NF 10056 sl of 10034 tgt 10106
10:02 KK : kotak leke jayega
10:03 Shai : can buy here 100060- just slipped up 3 points
10:03 Jitender : +1
10:03 Ankit : +1
10:08 Jitender : 710 ST pivot
10:09 Shai : is going to drift now
10:10 Sanjeet : which side
10:11 KK : Abki Baar
10:11 Shai : our money is in longs right? so?
10:11 Shai : drift is always to the zone the market likes
10:11 Shai : And you guys know which one that is
10:11 Uttam : 10100 🙂
10:11 Shai : 🙂
10:12 Sanjeet : okay shai
10:12 KK : they couldn’t take it down despite 5 tries.. so ek upar ka banta hai
10:12 K2dt : vwap here 🙂
10:13 KK : C side upar dedo prabhu
10:13 KK : bnf stalling
10:13 Jitender : u know u r nt tradn rite…if u need prabhu to help 🙂
10:14 KK : +1
10:14 Jitender : just kiddn
10:14 KK : 10106 should be enuf
10:14 Uttam : 10100ce had a HVN at 213 yesterday and looks like that is supporting
10:14 KK : 🙂
10:14 Uttam : boom boom?
10:14 Uttam : 229 to 239 in that CE
10:14 Uttam : 50% out
10:14 Jitender : +1
10:14 Shai : near tgt 1 book 3/4th- (10:02) Shai : Intra – Buy NF 10056 sl of 10034 tgt 10106
10:14 Jitender : 706-848
10:14 K2dt : Shai, Jit , UG rock
10:15 K2dt : 64-75 10,1k ce
10:15 Shai : ride 1/4 for tgt 10121
10:15 Shai : 10096
10:15 Ashok null : thanks Chief
10:15 Jitender : congo all
10:15 Shai : sl 10052 on rest
10:15 Chetas : Day trgt almost done. like to stay on sideline waiting to C what happens
10:16 Chetas : Shai/ Uttam ; i have increased my Day target by 3x , still able to achieve it in 11st hour
10:16 Uttam : had placed booking order at 239.1
10:16 K2dt : congrats all
10:16 Uttam : hgih so far 239.15 🙂
10:16 Uttam : in this bar
10:16 Chetas : for example earlier if i had 1lk trgt, now i have 3lk as trgt, still able to do it in one hour, all in opions
10:17 Avinash : +1 Shai
10:18 Uttam : 69k green shining 😉
10:18 Ankit Maheshwari : No IB yet
10:19 Shai : Congrats Chetas
10:19 Shai : manage risk also well, don’t lose more than a fixed amount on any 1 pos
10:21 Shai : imp zone 10121- 10134 for bulls for rest of this day
10:21 Rajesh G : shai can we sell straddle 10100 if it is filling the gaps
10:22 Shai : I’m strongly bullish if we cross 10130
10:22 Rajesh G : ohh
10:22 Rajesh G : thanks
10:22 Govind : 72k blue COT in BNF too Shai
10:23 Tejpreet : Shai amazing timing ….what trades today
10:23 Jitender : 230+ happened (10:08) Jitender : 710 ST pivot
10:23 Jitender : 910 nw
10:23 Uttam : Shai has been on another zone Tej 🙂
10:23 Uttam : in another zone*
10:23 Shai : _/\– (10:23) Tejpreet : Shai amazing timing ….what trades today
10:23 Jitender : +1 Shai
10:24 Shashidhar : +1
10:24 Jitender : tis was grt (10:03) Shai : can buy here 100060- just slipped up 3 points(10:03) Jitender : +1
10:24 Vishnu : 2 trades and dt done. thanks to vt .
10:24 Saheer : superb Shai, that too on an OAIR
10:24 Shai : when market is clear, you go all in and make money. Very rare the market opens up and reveals so much 🙂
10:25 Vishnu : +100 shai
10:25 Shashidhar : Super
10:25 K2dt : super chief
10:26 Vishnu : i was in short with A period 0s at top . shai said buy i reversed from thr and booked fully at 10105 range.75 points needed for me in dt making which i took from 2 trdes 10090-10060 and 10060-10105 . nil positions now
10:27 Shai : +1
10:27 K2dt : congrats Vishnu
10:27 Shai : congrats
10:27 Ankit Maheshwari : +1 Vishnu clear executions 🙂
10:27 Vishnu : thnks all
10:27 Shashidhar : good job Vishnu
10:27 Avinash : +1 Vishnu
10:27 Saheer : Congrats Vishnu, nice trades
10:27 Ankur : Congrats Vishnu
10:27 Shashidhar : I think thats the key for the newbees, just follow the room
10:29 Uttam : C isde coming up
10:29 Shai : This was easy trde- see when 10050 broke there were no reds and then those 2 greens came at 54k and 28 k and we were in- (10:02) Shai : Intra – Buy NF 10056 sl of 10034 tgt 10106
10:29 Shai : folloow the COT , it make life easy 🙂
10:29 Uttam : yes Shai in fact we gto greens at 10050 break
10:29 Uttam : then that 69k green made it evem more nice 🙂
10:30 Avinash : +1 Shai
10:30 Tejpreet : Uttam now just clear that 130 🙂
10:30 Uttam : (09:48) Uttam : 10050 got buyers(09:51) Ankit Maheshwari: followed by 10135(09:51) Uttam : VWAP needs to be taken out
10:30 Shai : 09.45 tape – still there on join me
10:30 Uttam : +100
10:31 Uttam : aa gaya C side
10:31 Uttam : BNF has a 72k plus COT
10:31 Uttam : 20855 is the POC of that IB bar
10:32 Ankit Maheshwari : Boom Boom BNF
10:32 Uttam : 21100 coming in it looks like?
10:32 Uttam : 23k red at top stalling the move for now
10:32 Uttam : 10123-133 imp zone in NF
10:32 Uttam : getting IB here so looking good for bulls
10:33 Uttam : a) NF needs sustain above 10032 for a rise to 10076-94 / 10123-133 / 10170-190 & 10220-256
10:33 Uttam : NF 10134 high so far
10:33 Shai : Book full- (10:15) Shai : ride 1/4 for tgt 10121
10:33 K2dt : 81-93 10.1k ce
10:33 Uttam : bookings
10:34 Uttam : je baat
10:34 Uttam : booking bring fresh buying?
10:34 Ankit Maheshwari : Chief why we booking when already above 10130?
10:35 Uttam : C side showed RS
10:35 Uttam : and we are booking profits AnkitM
10:35 Uttam : can re-enter again
10:35 Uttam : booking profits is good for healthy MTM
10:35 Ankit Maheshwari : Ok
10:35 Tejpreet : +1
10:36 Shai : BNF driving
10:36 Uttam : +1
10:36 Uttam : (10:31) Uttam : BNF has a 72k plus COT(10:31) Uttam : 20855 is the POC of that IB bar(10:32) Uttam : 21100 coming in it looks like?
10:36 Uttam : IB at vWAP is a strong sign guys
10:36 Uttam : both gave one today with very good COT also
10:36 Uttam : 95k & 72K
10:37 K2dt : chief we booking coz this came in C period?
10:37 Shai : cot
10:38 K2dt : +1
10:38 Uttam : if you see yesterday’s proile closely we are in the range of the low vol zone between 10150 where we have 5 TPOs stacked & the low was a rejection in the NeuX reference
10:38 Uttam : so for now both sides has given a rejection, if D makes hihger then 10208 coming
10:39 Uttam : 10170 yVWAP
10:39 Uttam : imp ref
10:39 K2dt : now where do we look to reenter Uttam at IBH/vwap?
10:40 Uttam : when we get a new IB
10:40 Uttam : right now RS forming
10:40 K2dt : yes.. +1
10:41 Chandu : uttam shal v look for 80% rule play in bnf.., as v entered into yday value area low..
10:42 Uttam : we are already in a 5-day composite Chandu
10:42 Uttam : 20400-21001-21230
10:42 Uttam : so POC tag is done and now if we stay abocve 21k can go for 21230
10:43 Uttam : D starts
10:44 Uttam : NF comp VAH at 10188 so this 10170-190 is the next zone to look out for
10:44 K2dt : NF in a hurry
10:44 Uttam : above 10123-133
10:49 Uttam : NF taking sup at IBH
10:50 Jitender : 21017-20910 half thru
10:51 K2dt : Jit ur just awesome at trading pullbacks
10:51 Avinash : +1 Jit
10:51 Jitender : OAIR…my fav day
10:51 Jitender : 21025 is a resis
10:51 Jitender : tx guys
10:51 Jitender : 710-910-20125 my day ref
10:52 K2dt : +1
10:52 Jitender : 21025*
10:54 Jitender : K2dt..one more thing happened at DH …canu tell ?
10:55 Uttam : 🙂 – (10:51) Jitender : OAIR…my fav day
10:57 Jitender : full book 870 (10:50) Jitender : 21017-20910 half thru
10:57 Shai : +1
10:57 Jitender : _/\_
10:57 Vishnu : 15k stuck buyer jit
10:58 K2dt : yes buyer stuck Jit?
10:59 Jitender : C exten guys
10:59 Jitender : in an OAIR
10:59 Vishnu : ++1 jit
10:59 K2dt : yes Jit..oops
11:03 Uttam : check how the dPOC in that 10100ce shifted lowet at close yesterday to 213 and how today it took support right there & made a high of 266 so far – https://mplite.vtrender.com/?symbol=O_NIFTY10100CE20200625&tf=daily&tpo=3&ll=&ul=&sp=1&startDate=08-06-2020&endDate=09-06-2020&nDays=2&idstr=&dstr=&rst=1&iam=
11:03 Uttam : MP works so well on all scrips
11:05 Ankit : +1 uttam…just checked the charts
11:05 K2dt : it works so well 🙂
11:07 Uttam : +1
11:10 Uttam : ready for RE?
11:11 Chandu : which option calls v hav to see onlatm or otm ,itm
11:12 Uttam : ATM or ITM would be better for this week’s options and a slightly OTM for next week’s or monthly
11:12 Uttam : in fact Shai mentioned going in for 10100ce at close yesterday
11:16 Ankit Maheshwari : 21K CE writer seem confident
11:19 Uttam : C side giving VWAP
11:19 Uttam : @ANkitM clear now why we booked out 🙂
11:19 Ankit Maheshwari : Yes
11:20 Uttam : dobara mat puchna ;-p
11:20 Ankit Maheshwari : Haha certainly 🙂
11:20 Uttam : just kidding bro
11:20 Ankit Maheshwari : 🙂
11:20 Uttam : it is always good to ask & keep that learning curve up
11:21 K2dt : bell in BNF.. NF not yet
11:24 Uttam : NF also tags VWAP
11:24 Tejpreet : C get’s vwap
11:24 Jitender : 10137-10096
11:24 Jitender : 🙂
11:25 Tejpreet : got 60 in bn 🙂
11:25 Jitender : +1
11:25 Avinash : +1 Jit
11:25 Tejpreet : same to you
11:25 Ankit Maheshwari : Now do we expect reversal aty VWAP as C got it?
11:25 Uttam : (10:39) K2dt : now where do we look to reenter Uttam at IBH/vwap?(10:40) Uttam : when we get a new IB(10:40) Uttam : right now RS forming
11:25 K2dt : congrats guys
11:25 K2dt : +1 UG
11:25 Uttam : IS at VWAP in both
11:25 Chandu : 3IS candles back to back in nf
11:25 VijayT : Congo Guys
11:25 Jitender : its OAIR Ankit..hence rotation
11:25 K2dt : yes 3 ISIS
11:26 Jitender : nf gave extn..but bnf wasnt interested
11:27 K2dt : 10100 ce and pe now same
11:27 K2dt : weekly
11:28 Ankit Maheshwari : Better volumes at VWAP
11:42 Tejpreet : lot of stops below 10060for id players
11:45 Shai : 10124 sl for these reds now
11:45 Shai : 10073 is a minor supp
11:45 Shai : below that can drop 25 points to 10050
11:58 Shai : Buy 10100 pe abv 95 sl of 81 tgt 110. cmp 91 buy abv*
11:58 Tejpreet : Uttam time ok for a DD ?
11:58 Shai : below 10070 we open auction for 10050/ 10030
11:58 Shai : sellers in control now
12:02 Shai : sl moves down to 10098- (11:45) Shai : 10124 sl for these reds now
12:07 Boppanna : +100 to Jits pivot 710
12:14 Shai : sl taken on the 10100 pe
12:15 Boppanna : BNF moving above SHai’s 970 could push
12:15 Jitender : cheers (12:07) Boppanna : +100 to Jits pivot 710
12:15 Jitender : 910 here (10:51) Jitender : 710-910-20125 my day ref
12:15 Shai : opemn auction – cant see a push any direction
12:16 Boppanna : ok Shai
12:17 Boppanna : Nice bell in BNF
12:17 K2dt : yes Bops now bell in formation
12:18 K2dt : in NF too
12:19 Shai : NF looked an easy down to test day lows on that failed C, D, E
12:20 Shai : yes BNF bell is beautiful
12:20 Shai : let it balance
12:20 Shai : we can wait
12:20 Tejpreet : 🙂
12:21 Boppanna : yep tomorrow or later today Uttam will make it ring 🙂
12:21 Tejpreet : Hope it rings above 1000 decibels !!
12:23 VijayT : 🙂
12:25 Ankit Maheshwari : Shai are we still on for 10160 and 10240 visit?
12:27 Uttam : lol – Corona ko bhagaane ke liye 😉 – (12:21) Tejpreet : Hope it rings above 1000 decibels !!
12:28 Uttam : _/\_ – (12:21) Boppanna : yep tomorrow or later today Uttam will make it ring 🙂
12:29 Govind : Uttam is making a 6 day comp Bops 🙂
12:30 KK : Lets go 10120
12:30 Uttam : It is Shai not me who got that 10100 cement level
12:33 KK : come ON BNF 20910
12:34 Uttam : lets have some boom boom
12:35 KK : BNF 825 to 925 booked
12:35 Uttam : nice KK 🙂 congo
12:35 KK : NF 80 to 118 Booked
12:35 Avinash : +1 KK
12:35 Ankit Maheshwari : C’mmon BNF
12:35 Ankit Maheshwari : Lets do it
12:36 KK : Mera SPX ..beta
12:36 KK : Abhi Baki hai waise to
12:36 KK : but Bell ka din hai to leave it
12:39 Uttam : IBH ressiting in NF
12:39 Uttam : but IB is there
12:39 Uttam : abki baar/….
12:40 KK : Abki Baar
12:40 KK : IBH ke paar
12:40 KK : Unka Gaya to hamara kaise rukega
12:40 Uttam : je baat
12:40 Ankit Maheshwari : Haha
12:41 Ankit Maheshwari : Wonder if Dow n SPX were not 24 hours traded fut, what would have happened to Indian indices 😛
12:42 Ankit Maheshwari : Break that 10130 and get away from magnetic zone 😉
12:43 KK : chalo ab 10130 ki baari hai..Ankit tu bola
12:44 Ankit Maheshwari : 🙂
12:44 KK : 4th candle is always a risk though..Jaldi lao
12:44 Uttam : one more dip to 10090 & then RE or NF giving a RE in Bops period?
12:45 Uttam : BNF again stalling at that 20960
12:45 Ankit Maheshwari : Lets ask the guy with the hammer
12:45 Ankit Maheshwari : 😉
12:46 KK : done..all tired .Shai’s magnet calling
12:47 SagarK : 10140 to 10145 lots of red are thr, its upper side zone to watch
12:47 Boppanna : Too many waitng for the move won’t happen
12:48 Chetas : we need new magnet 10200
12:48 Ankit Maheshwari : Bops ne bola nahi hoga to nahi hoga. Period!!
12:50 KK : Shai, on that SPX move on high volumes..day low out ?
12:50 Boppanna : Bell needs to complete as Shai said willl let us know will just wait for his call
12:51 Fenil : RE means?
12:51 Ankit Maheshwari : Range Extension
12:52 Himanshu : bopp Hammer time
12:54 Chetas : boon wanted in BN
12:54 KK : 960 ke paar come on
12:55 KK : bnf is slowing NF down
12:55 KK : je baat
12:59 Boppanna : Bell done Uttam?
13:01 Boppanna : Shai that red qty in BNF 5 min not visible?
13:01 Tejpreet : 95k ??
13:02 Ashok null : profit booking UG?
13:02 Ashok null : Those big reds?
13:06 Shai : yes that is profits taken
13:06 Shai : All was blue priorto that
13:06 KK : IBH support
13:07 Shai : shoukd drop to 10090 on the no demand
13:07 Ashok null : thanks Shai
13:07 Shai : sl at 10149
13:09 Shai : BNf short below 20935 again for 20750 sl of 21055
13:12 K2dt : looks like upside capped for today
13:13 Tejpreet : Uttam give a few IS below vwap and maybe we do another neutral profile.
13:15 Shai : yes
13:15 Shai : they have sold twice in thsi 10130 range now today
13:16 Shai : so that is a reversal from what we saw last earlier this week at 10020- 40
13:16 Shai : hope you guys are noting the nuances
13:16 VijayT : yes Chief
13:17 Shai : BNf is an extrenely good setups here
13:17 Shai : 10100- (13:07) Shai : shoukd drop to 10090 on the no demand
13:17 Shai : break vwap and should kill late longs of day
13:20 Uttam : one tag of 10090 would make a perfect bell
13:23 Uttam : but Shai’s 10100 not giving gate pass 🙂
13:29 Uttam : ok BNF upto something here looks like
13:29 Uttam : can it tag that 21230 & 21420?
13:29 Uttam : lets have a boom boom
13:29 K2dt : abki baar IB paar
13:32 Uttam : BNF has to make the move
13:32 Uttam : NF will follow
13:34 KK : Spx gayi bhains
13:34 Uttam : aa gaya – (13:20) Uttam : one tag of 10090 would make a perfect bell
13:35 Tejpreet : 1st IS below vwap Nf
13:36 Shai : 20870 book half here- (13:09) Shai : BNf short below 20935 again for 20750 sl of 21055
13:36 K2dt : tgt chief on NF?
13:36 Shai : justa bit of respect to vwap
13:36 Shai : can short again if vwap breaks
13:36 Tejpreet : +1
13:38 Shai : take BNF below vwao, we get easy 100
13:39 Shai : 10056 below 10088 sl of 10133- (13:36) K2dt : tgt chief on NF?
13:39 K2dt : +1 chief
13:44 Shai : 10147 was a big sller guys, amongst the biggest this series
13:44 Shai : he toppled all demand
13:44 Shai : would be the ref zone for settlement tom
13:45 Shai : seller*
13:46 Tejpreet : Shai your vwap respect gave a perfect exit +100
13:46 Shai : slow auction – vwap would be respected
13:47 Tejpreet : indeed
13:47 Shai : 10100 ce pe junta must be happy
13:47 Shai : price at 144
13:47 Uttam : 46k red at 10095
13:47 Uttam : below that 17600 red
13:47 Uttam : getting our here looks like
13:50 Tejpreet : Shai at 144 still expensive ??
13:50 Suresh : break vwap please
13:51 Ankit Maheshwari : Chief expiry range?
13:51 Shai : very good to sell- (13:50) Tejpreet : Shai at 144 still expensive ??
13:52 Shai : can do 90 at open tom if no big move seen
13:52 Shai : expiry 10030- 10240 with control at 10147 now
13:53 Shai : we stay with the big seller at 10147 and think longs only abv 10160 now
13:56 Tejpreet : tks chief
13:57 Shai : 21010 Sl for reds in BNF
13:58 Arjun : target for BNDF short ?
13:58 Shai : looking at a break below 20740 and 20680
14:06 Naresh Dubbudu : Option premimums not decaying even for such a narrow range. What can we read?
14:06 Shai : Announcement- we will have the webinar at 08.30 pm tomorrow, here in this room.
14:06 Ankit Maheshwari : Alright
14:06 Uttam : +1 Shai
14:06 Sreeram : ok
14:06 Sanjeet : good
14:06 Ankur : Alrright
14:07 Naresh Dubbudu : Sure Shai.
14:07 Ankit Maheshwari : Seductress playing the role UG 😉
14:07 RiteshM : as i am out of town
14:07 Avinash : Ok
14:07 Uttam : looks like BNF gonna give a move on the upside
14:07 Ankit Maheshwari : Looks ready to me
14:08 Ankit Maheshwari : Shai where is supply for 21K CE?
14:09 Abhishek : @uttam abv wich level upmove expected
14:09 Shai : webinars are not recorded. they are only for a live audience
14:09 Uttam : above 21030
14:09 Abhishek : ok thanks
14:09 Uttam : 21012 is the RS on 30mins
14:09 Shai : won;t change as IV is flat- (14:06) Naresh Dubbudu: Option premimums not decaying even for such a narrow range. What can we read?
14:10 Shai : expect only theta decay at 03.00 pm for 11th June options
14:10 Naresh Dubbudu : Thanks Shai.
14:11 Ankit Maheshwari : 21K CE writers moving away slowly
14:12 Ankit Maheshwari : Lets see if this continues
14:17 Rajesh G : any call shai, i was away from the room
14:19 Jitender : remained valid thru out (10:51) Jitender : 710-910-20125 my day ref(10:52) Jitender : 21025*
14:20 Jitender : perfect day
14:20 Jitender : OAIR over…
14:24 Ankit Maheshwari : RE time
14:28 Naresh Dubbudu : For a change, NF resisting BNF move.
14:29 Uttam : spiek coming lower?
14:29 Uttam : COT is supporting
14:29 Tejpreet : Neutral day was the plan .
14:30 Shai : finally BNF – (13:57) Shai : 21010 Sl for reds in BNF(13:58) Shai : looking at a break below 20740 and 20680
14:31 Tejpreet : +100
14:32 Shai : option decay now in
14:32 Shai : 10200 ce 36 to 20
14:34 Boppanna : SPX dipping
14:34 Shai : bal broken in NF
14:34 Shai : 10075 sl for reds
14:34 Shai : tgt 9995
14:35 Govind : SPX dropped 20 points in the last 10 mins
14:35 Shai : Any news?
14:35 Chetas : Fed coming today
14:36 Chetas : europe reversed from high and the spx fell
14:36 Govind : not that I am aware of, other than FOMC decision and other macro data release
14:37 Shai : looking at 118 in 10100 pe
14:38 Uttam : 2:45 spike time
14:39 Shai : see if iot break 10033 in 5 mins
14:39 Shai : else cover
14:39 Shai : 101 on that PE
14:40 Fenil : @Shai whats your view on Reliance?
14:41 Shai : have not looked at RIL today
14:41 Shai : don’t do stocks short term
14:42 Fenil : for positional trade @Shai
14:42 Jitender : 710 low so far
14:42 Shai : +1
14:42 Vishnu : index enough to make money fenil/ why mix vodka with whiskey man
14:43 Jitender : tx Shai
14:43 Ankit Maheshwari : SPX recovering
14:43 Sandesh : U turn now?
14:43 Shai : close NF shorts
14:45 Sanjib : 10000 CE 99 to 107; quick scalp
14:52 Seshadri : i sold 10050 call and put as preimum of 140 is very high.. now 134
14:56 Favas : shai 10050 straddle for overnight ?
14:58 Shai : no
14:58 Favas : tnx
14:58 Shai : we will break from here sometime in the day tom
14:58 Shai : one side writers will get hurt
15:01 Shai : BNF in place for a close at dpoc already
15:01 Shai : what will it do for 30 mins more?
15:01 Shai : 🙂
15:01 VijayT : 🙂
15:02 Chetas : 10111 calling shai?
15:03 Sandesh : @uttam… thank you
15:05 Tejpreet : fed greens ?
15:07 Uttam : _/\_ baba
15:08 Seshadri : pair premiums are very high
15:10 Suresh : looks like it will go 10150
15:10 Uttam : tomorrow could be an explosive expiry
15:11 Uttam : looks at BNF
15:11 Ankit Maheshwari : Till the time 10040 is protected, going for 10240 expiry
15:11 Uttam : 21100 here
15:11 Uttam : spike on up
15:11 Uttam : in minutes
15:11 Uttam : 67k COT again
15:11 Uttam : truning i in style
15:13 Ankit Maheshwari : Was in 21K CE, early exit again 🙁
15:13 Uttam : no one could anticipate this turn around AnkitM but this is big
15:13 Uttam : and will give a big move tom
15:13 Uttam : boom boom
15:13 Uttam : 21230
15:13 Uttam : aa raah hai
15:14 Uttam : aa gaya sorry
15:14 Ankit Maheshwari : I picked that at 160 🙂
15:14 Uttam : at comp VAH BNF
15:14 Tejpreet : fed greens …211 to 240 10 k ce
15:14 Uttam : big players were waiting to come at close
15:14 Uttam : shorts ki watt
15:15 Tejpreet : watt tomorrow if we gap up above 260
15:15 MJ : baba ji does it again
15:15 MJ : uturn.
15:15 MJ : 🙂
15:15 Ankit Maheshwari : All green cot!!
15:16 Uttam : lets make a new high NF
15:17 Tejpreet : bn 2 ib done
15:18 Ankit Maheshwari : Reversing from zone of big red?
15:18 Sanjib : halts exactly at the place where the Big Seller came earlier today at 10147
15:18 Ankit Maheshwari : 500 point move in BNF
15:20 Jitender : who gt spooked 🙂
15:20 Uttam : can BNF tag 21300 before close?
15:20 Vishnu : shai those sellers covred ?
15:21 RiteshM : bnf 300point in option
15:22 SagarK : 10100 put melting
15:23 Uttam : je baat – (15:20) Uttam : can BNF tag 21300 before close?
15:24 Uttam : to the dot 21300
15:24 Ankit Maheshwari : Shai you yesterday said expecting 10160 and 10240
15:24 Uttam : a) BNF needs to sustain above 20688 for a rise to 20796-856 / 20960-21030 / 21120-230 / 21300-420 & 21528
15:24 Himanshu : BNF at premium
15:24 Ketan : +1 uttam
15:24 Himanshu : first time after long time
15:25 Uttam : NF making new hgihs or not?
15:27 Shai : that old seller holding NF
15:27 Uttam : gap up will take care of him 😉
15:27 Vishnu : 10100 combo can hold ?
15:27 Shai : can
15:27 Vishnu : +1
15:27 Shai : we may open here at 10150
15:28 Shai : Bye all
15:28 Shai : Have a nice evening
15:29 Shai : catch up tom
15:29 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:29 Sanjeet : Thank you shai
15:29 Manikandan : Bye all
15:29 Tejpreet : Bye All.
15:29 Shashidhar : Thanks Shai
15:29 Shashidhar : Bye all
15:29 Ankit Maheshwari : Let see if it expires above 10300 tomorrow
15:29 Avinash : Bye everyone
15:31 Giridhar Gowravajhal : Thanks Shai. Bye all
15:41 Himanshu : bye a;
09:03 Shai : (09:00) Shai : 10100 ref line for the open today(09:00) Shai : Abilty to stay abv it would be considerred bullish for 10160(09:01) Shai : supp lower is at 10053 and 9975(09:01) Shai : yesterday was a neutral extreme profile in both(09:03) Shai : BNf ref line is 20970 at the open(09:03) Shai : watch is the auction sustains abv it
09:08 Uttam : a) NF needs sustain above 10032 for a rise to 10076-94 / 10123-133 / 10170-190 & 10220-256
09:08 Uttam : b) Staying below 10016, the auction could test 9980 / 9932 / 9883-68* & 9820
09:08 Uttam : a) BNF needs to sustain above 20688 for a rise to 20796-856 / 20960-21030 / 21120-230 / 21300-420 & 21528
09:09 Uttam : b) Staying below 20650, the auction could test 20585-555 / 20400-301* / 20180-088 / 20022-19960 & 19877-820