08:48 Vtrender Live : (08:47) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/131533381
(08:48) Vtrender Live: Option charts – https://join.me/352-615-027
09:16 Shai : (09:16) Shai : Update – Book 50%25 in the 10200 PE now at 168. Hold some for ride to 10000 .
09:52 Shai : (09:52) Shai : Intra- sell BankNifty 24680 sl of 24770 tgt 24510
10:20 Shai : (10:20) Shai : Book the BNF at cost here 24680.
11:04 Shai : (11:03) Shai : Intra – Buy 24700 Pe at 150 here and at 130 in 2 parts . Maintain SL of 101 tgt 311.
11:25 Shai : (11:25) Shai : Announcement – Will be doing a Live webinar tom in Market hours on these Order Flow charts at 11.00 am. We talk Live on what the charts would be showing. 60 mins 11.00 am to 12.00 noon. It will be at the Go To Link. Also, It is an Open House and we ill have some outside visitors also.
11:50 Shai : (11:50) Shai : BNF 24700 pe stopped. Make exits. We will enter later
11:57 Shai : (11:56) Shai : Intra- Buy Nifty 10253 sl of 10220 tgt 10300/ 10330
12:13 Shai : (12:13) Shai : NF at 10296 > near tgt 1. Book half and rise the rest
12:21 Shai : (12:21) Shai : Book the NF fully 10292 now
12:30 Shai : (12:30) Shai : Intra – Buy 24700 pe again at 53 sl of 30 tgt 130
12:48 Shai : (12:48) Shai : Make exits in the 24700 pe
12:57 Shai : (12:57) Shai : Update – Book the 10200 PE fully
13:23 Shai : (13:23) Shai : Positional : Buy a fresh position in 10200 pe at 116 sl of 70 tgt 240.
14:09 Shai : (14:09) Shai : Positional – Keep an Order to sell BankNifty below 24795 sl of 25060 tgt 24000
14:22 Shai : (14:21) Shai : Positional – 10200 pe at 148. Book half and ride the rest with SL of 108
14:56 Shai : (14:56) Shai : Positional BNF – close in profit at 24730 here
08:47 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/131533381
08:48 Vtrender Live : Option charts – https://join.me/352-615-027
08:56 Shai : GM all
08:56 Shai : https://vtrender.com/market-profile-analysis-dated-10th-oct/
08:59 Shai : The big papa bears sold yesterday and the day before above 10420. Watch for them to cover or hold
08:59 Shai : There is a buyer at 10210 who should be watched for liquidation or addition
09:00 Shai : if he covers or the yesterday sellers hold on then we are at 10000 by close or tom
09:00 Shai : View- stay short
09:01 Uttam : +1 Shai
09:01 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:02 Uttam : so 10490 is the new swing high & level to watch now rest of the series
09:05 Uttam : LC is 5% is it?
09:05 Sandeep : @shai 30 min link is not yet up. or is it issue at my end?
09:10 TP : GM All.
09:10 Uttam : BN 780 points down, yesterdays entire move being retraced
09:10 Uttam : Nifty below 10198
09:10 TP : Looks like few Papa Bears in the room too 🙂
09:10 Shai : @Sandeep check again. should be fine
09:12 Abhishek : bear abhi zinda hai 🙂
09:12 Abhishek : gm all
09:15 Shai : 10180 below FA
09:15 Shai : Nice
09:15 Shai : 66 to 170 on the 10200 PE!!
09:16 Kathir : GM shai all
09:16 Shai : Update – Book 50% in the 10200 PE now at 168. Hold some for ride to 10000 .
09:18 Shai : BNF killed a lot of shorts yesterday by going abv 24860 …won’t be as weak
09:18 Shai : Still holding it’s FA
09:22 RK : GM Shai and all..what a morning it is
09:23 TP : Yes RK.
09:23 TP : Blood on the street war in the markets but we guys are in the safest room !! Thanks to Shai.
09:24 Shai : IN NF you don’t want to see it sustain more than 10220 on this gap lower with volume or more than 10 mins
09:24 Shai : that can potentailly drive it back up to 10350
09:26 RK : 10350-380 pullback not ruled today or tmw and that could be the place to initiate shorts for the move to 10K and below
09:26 TP : vix 16% up.
09:26 TP : be very careful with options especially bn weekly.
09:27 Shai : Most big bears would scale out on such a drop but babies likely to get into a hole by shorting new here
09:27 Shai : stay careful
09:27 Azmath : Thank you shai
09:27 Shai : Cheers
09:29 Upendra : @Shai, on 5 min OF chrts of BNF, Taht orange vwap line is missing
09:30 Upendra : is it possible to add that
09:32 Himanshu : thanks shai..
09:33 Uttam : for now NF OAOR Shai
09:33 Himanshu : first time i m on not wrong side of gap down 🙂
09:33 Shai : Thanks Upendra .Added
09:33 Uttam : nice HImanshu, congrats & hope this is the first of many times to come
09:33 Himanshu : shai that 198 buyer is short cover of yesterday?
09:33 TP : That 220 is IBH on NF .
09:33 Himanshu : yeah uttam..hope so
09:35 Upendra : waht was the FA on downside in BNF??
09:35 Upendra : is it near 24350??
09:35 Uttam : 24285
09:35 Upendra : thanks uttam
09:36 Uttam : we had another at 24842 which got negated yesterday
09:36 Upendra : for NF, it is 10212 I guess
09:36 Uttam : yep
09:48 Sumit : red in nf
09:48 Himanshu : is it 70k?
09:48 Sumit : yes
09:49 Shai : greens are more from open
09:50 Shai : cover order near 10190 is key
09:51 Uttam : some supply in both as expected near 10235 & 24750 levels
09:52 Shai : Intra- sell BankNifty 24680 sl of 24770 tgt 24510
09:53 Shai : 24444 can be done today
09:53 Shai : with sl above that 24860 zone
09:53 Mihir : Lets get it chief.
09:54 Shai : 24444- 24860 is my zone to trade
09:54 Upendra : yeah, lets go
09:54 Shai : looking to sell everything if it comes up near 24800
09:54 Shai : for now intra 24750 is supply
09:56 Uttam : BNF needs to break vwap & that imp level of 24650
10:02 Mihir : RK you there? 🙂
10:03 Mihir : You drove bnf bus very fast 😛 I wanted to add shorts at 25240 🙂
10:06 Shai : 10240 is a quick rejection with 140L there
10:07 Shai : 10190 is the holder
10:07 Shai : pink bank in BNF is aggressive sellling near 24740
10:07 Upendra : understood Sir
10:07 Shai : if he breaks vwap it will be a quick flush down
10:08 RK : Mihir 🙂
10:08 RK : I wanted VWAP test hence carried 25100 PE but mkt shown its love greater than expectation..64 to 505 trade it was 🙂
10:09 Praneeth : Awesome RK
10:09 Praneeth : Congrats
10:10 Uttam : super RK 🙂
10:10 Upendra : Tha one is solid
10:10 Upendra : @RK
10:11 Uttam : for now both staying above vwap
10:11 Mihir : Congratulations RK.
10:12 RK : thanks guys
10:17 Shai : coiling OAOR
10:20 Shai : Book the BNF at cost here 24680.
10:24 Sumit : NF Can be buy above 10240?
10:28 Mihir : bnf wilder of the two.
10:28 Mihir : As always.
10:29 Praneeth : shai, sellers not coming here?
10:30 Uttam : BNF is an ORR today Shai?
10:30 Uttam : staying above pday low
10:30 Uttam : that pink band must be the morning buyers booking out?
10:31 Praneeth : uttam , do u see one move to 840 in bnf?
10:32 Mihir : Praneeth just bring it on 🙂
10:32 Uttam : above 24750 sustaining can tag 25840-865
10:33 Upendra : Uttam, is that 25840-865 or 24840-865
10:33 Uttam : yes sorry 24840-865
10:33 Uttam : 🙂
10:34 HK : GM Shai and friends
10:35 Shai : @praneeth little risky to keep new shorts on gap down when vwap does not break
10:35 Shai : just broader context
10:35 Praneeth : thanks shai
10:35 Shai : would have loved this market to not gap down and go through below 25200
10:35 Shai : would have been so much easier
10:35 Mihir : Shai 🙂 same expectation I was having.
10:36 HK : blessed to be in the room when the teacher keep reminding you of old lessons 10:35 Shai : @praneeth little risky to keep new shorts on gap down when vwap does not break
10:36 Shai : +1 HK
10:36 Mihir : I was eyeing that 240 seller in bnf.
10:36 HK : I am done 330-620 in BNf, mentioned yday that BNF is struggling at 330
10:37 HK : and of course Puts were damn cheap
10:37 TP : Shai incase of gap down after a trend day , the anamolies in profile are considered repaired by the gap or they still exist.
10:37 Mihir : HK the beauty is that he can trade any kind of terrian and also guides the ship.
10:38 HK : BNF support 24600 zone, it has to go else you know what to do….
10:38 Uttam : @Tej no more anamalies Tej we have a selling tail where the gap is
10:38 Uttam : for now 25305-24743
10:38 Pradeep : Shai, when will conviction to go long on BNF come?
10:38 TP : tks Uttam was on the same boat but just needed confirmation.
10:39 Uttam : but we can have references of 24840-860 / 25095-115 & 25300 as hvns
10:40 Uttam : that EOD dPOC shift to hgihs at close was indicating that sellers were taking control
10:41 Uttam : now fresh selling in BNF looks like?
10:41 Uttam : pink band forming but gone on 5mins
10:42 Upendra : Uttam, that dPOC shifiting how to identify
10:42 Upendra : is that on 30 min chart
10:42 Uttam : Tej mentioned that at close yesterday
10:42 Uttam : on 5mins chart you have the dpoc in the left hand boz
10:42 Uttam : box
10:42 Upendra : gotcha
10:45 Mihir : Uttam you have a message.
10:45 Himanshu : every 30min bar has red band now
10:46 Uttam : reds building up in BNF here
10:46 Uttam : last 2 5mins bars has 20k+ red delta
10:46 Uttam : 24650 needs to be taken out
10:46 Boppanna : Shai can we have 24700ce/pe on screen pls
10:47 Uttam : else this is supply getting absorbed
10:47 Praneeth : world market still tanking?
10:48 Uttam : we had started taking long back Praneeth so they have a lot of catching up to do 😉
10:48 Uttam : tanking*
10:49 RD Arora : sorry i m not able to see bn option , how to go about
10:49 RD Arora : please help
10:49 Uttam : (08:48) Vtrender Live: Option charts – https://join.me/352-615-027
10:49 Uttam : @RD A
10:49 RD Arora : ok thanks
10:49 Uttam : welcome, these 2 links are always there in tabA
10:50 Praneeth : True uttam – Uttam : we had started taking long back Praneeth so they have a lot of catching up to do 😉
10:50 Praneeth : whats bnf pain now?
10:51 Abhishek : 24700
10:51 Praneeth : vix increasing
10:51 Praneeth : thanks abhi
10:58 Uttam : now looks like BNF sellers getting some momentum
10:59 Abhishek : yeah both below volume cluster
10:59 Praneeth : yes uttam, are u planning to break 650 now?
10:59 Uttam : I am planning to buy a PE once that breaks 😉
11:00 Praneeth : 🙂
11:00 Uttam : ‘p’ profile in both so far
11:02 Praneeth : vwap tagged
11:02 Uttam : 24658 low so far
11:03 Praneeth : if there’s good buying then straight to 840?
11:03 Shai : Intra – Buy 24700 Pe at 150 here and at 130 in 2 parts . Maintain SL of 101 tgt 311.
11:04 Shai : we will also scale in if we go back to 24720/ 40
11:04 Shai : but enter one part here
11:05 Mihir : Shai spx levels please whenever you can. Thanks.
11:05 Uttam : 24651
11:08 HK : @TP, does Vix impact stock options also?
11:09 TP : I think stocks have own IV’s , not sure of any impact of vix on them.
11:10 HK : Thanks TP
11:10 Mihir : 11k throws his hand.
11:10 Shai : 24700 ce pe on screen
11:10 Uttam : 11k buyer in BNF
11:10 Praneeth : good buying?
11:10 Shai : (08:47) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/131533381(08:48) Vtrender Live: Option charts – https://join.me/352-615-027
11:15 HK : bears got test the lows pretty fast
11:22 Uttam : RK you there?
11:25 Shai : Announcement – Will be doing a Live webinar tom in Market hours on these Order Flow charts at 11.00 am. We talk Live on what the charts would be showing. 60 mins 11.00 am to 12.00 noon. It will be at the Go To Link. Also, It is an Open House and we ill have some outside visitors also.
11:25 Uttam : wow Shai that is great 🙂
11:26 TP : +1 Chief.
11:26 Praneeth : +1 shai
11:26 Praneeth : shai, today also G will be decider?
11:26 Shai : No
11:26 Praneeth : ok
11:27 Sumit : below vwap net support of BNF ?
11:27 Uttam : 24590-585
11:27 Uttam : we have the green band of morning there
11:27 Shai : the webinar is at the GO TO link where we have the 30 MIn charts so that our room is not distubed
11:29 Himanshu : great boss
11:31 Uttam : 57k red
11:31 Uttam : in this spike
11:31 Praneeth : ufff
11:31 Shai : Hiold the 24700 PE
11:31 Uttam : FA will be nice
11:33 Abhishek : shall swe add second part?(11:31) Shai : Hiold the 24700 PE
11:34 Shai : yes add
11:34 Abhishek : ok
11:34 Shai : 52K seller at highs
11:34 Shai : shoukd break vwap on next test
11:37 Sumit : now price is 105 of that pe . What should be sl?
11:40 Praneeth : is tcs results out?
11:41 Shai : 100 is a good Sl just the voltility of the day may trigger it here and there. I’m keeping a 7 point filter
11:41 Sumit : thanks sir
11:42 Shai : Maintain the 24700 pe with a 7 point filter . Exit if 93 breaks
11:42 TP : Shai BNF sl would be.
11:42 Shai : 24775- 299
11:43 Shai : 799*
11:43 TP : done 820 was on my mind.
11:43 Uttam : lets break that hvn near 24695
11:46 Praneeth : i think now only trigger is european market ..
11:48 Mihir : Nicely done nf.
11:48 HK : 660-770 10:38 HK : BNF support 24600 zone, it has to go else you know what to do….
11:48 Mihir : Taking one stop at a time.
11:49 Mihir : seller again. selling every highs.
11:49 Abhishek : of chart is similar to yday..big seller at every new high
11:50 Shai : BNF 24700 pe stopped. Make exits. We will enter later
11:50 Uttam : more reds but price movign hgher
11:50 Upendra : 35k selll in BNF
11:50 HK : jai ho 24600 guys
11:50 Uttam : has been a barrage of reds
11:50 Uttam : 75k in this new hgihs
11:51 Uttam : 24840-860 coming
11:52 Mihir : 870 poc 5 day comp.
11:53 Mihir : but OF very similar to yest.
11:53 Uttam : (10:46) Uttam : 24650 needs to be taken out…BNF made low of 24651
11:53 Mihir : These guys know what europe is going to do.
11:55 Uttam : (10:32) Uttam : above 24750 sustaining can tag 25840-865…high so far 24825 but more can come
11:55 HK : Mihir planning for 25 k once again?
11:55 Mihir : 😉
11:56 Mihir : I wanted 24900 in the morning.
11:56 Mihir : I will be happy with 850.
11:56 Mihir : sellers might puke.
11:56 Shai : Intra- Buy Nifty 10253 sl of 10220 tgt 10300/ 10330
11:57 Uttam : 24837 BNF new high
11:57 Boppanna : Shai can you realign the 24700pe a little pls
11:57 Uttam : 24840 exact high
11:58 Mihir : Uttam german precision!!
11:58 Uttam : 860 also here
11:58 Uttam : 🙂
11:58 Mihir : now 300 and 900
11:58 Mihir : chalo!
11:59 Uttam : pink band coming here in BNF
11:59 Uttam : important zone this is
11:59 Uttam : can reverse from here BNF
12:00 Uttam : BNF does 1.5 IB exact
12:01 Uttam : 24866
12:01 Mihir : 870 and above going for the killl!
12:02 Uttam : shorts running for cover in BNF
12:03 Uttam : 24940-975 coming?
12:05 Mihir : Suyog does his range too 😛
12:10 Himanshu : are charts lagging?
12:10 Narendra : is it good to short now ??
12:12 Uttam : NF boom
12:13 Shai : NF at 10296 > near tgt 1. Book half and rise the rest
12:13 TP : good recovery in global F.
12:16 Mihir : Uttam 23rd march profile had same vibes. Global fell we opened big gap down. SPX made bottom after few days. 24th High somewhere we touched today and back up and running.
12:17 Uttam : 24780 & 10248 extension handles in both NF & BNF
12:18 Uttam : BNF ORR open & has not broken vwap today though those big reds at imp levels invited early shorts but guess it was only to take everyone’s SL
12:18 Uttam : from a ‘p’ now has extended higher
12:19 Uttam : DD looks like
12:20 Uttam : (12:03) Uttam : 24940-975 coming? 24937 high so far
12:21 Shai : Book the NF fully 10292 now
12:21 Upendra : 34k red at top in BNF
12:21 HK : Uttam, BNF and NF a DD?
12:22 Uttam : could be HK as made a lower balance & noe have singles
12:22 Uttam : broke out at DD time also both
12:23 Shai : 10283 supp
12:23 Shai : if that goes we will drop hard to 10230
12:24 Uttam : NF looking to close the gap
12:25 Mihir : Both going for that Uttam.
12:26 Uttam : BNF no gap Mihir
12:26 HK : BNF looks much better
12:27 Gaurav : Shai 10500 ce looks a buy for 100-120?
12:27 Himanshu : shai 1 lakh seller failed?
12:28 Mihir : Himanshu. Biggies have 50pt sl easily.
12:30 Shai : Intra – Buy 24700 pe again at 53 sl of 30 tgt 130
12:31 Shai : Not yet
12:31 Shai : he is at 10282
12:31 Shai : could be the 10190 cover guy
12:32 Shai : (09:50) Shai : cover order near 10190 is key
12:32 Shai : didn’t break 10190 again
12:33 Shai : 10230 can come
12:34 Mihir : below 815
12:34 Mihir : bnf slides nicely.
12:35 Himanshu : ok mihir
12:36 Uttam : 11k red stuck in BNF at lows of this dip
12:36 Uttam : 24820
12:38 HK : Uttam, can DD inside compo can be ignored?
12:39 Uttam : yes HK DD inside composite is another weak structure & good chances of it getting negated
12:40 Shai : we exited on the pink in the 24700 pe and back in on those 2 greens
12:40 Shai : Vtrender Live: Option charts – https://join.me/352-615-027
12:44 Shai : NF
12:45 Mihir : 41k sl hit bnf?
12:45 TP : operators watching Dow f and going nuts 😉
12:45 Mihir : bnf has confused her vols for nf.
12:45 Mihir : TP i am going nuts seeing the tape of bnf.
12:45 Shai : 10338- 10350 decider
12:47 Mihir : Shai coffin getting ready for babu writers?
12:47 Shai : 91K seller in NF
12:48 Uttam : NF closes the gap
12:48 Uttam : (12:24) Uttam : NF looking to close the gap
12:48 Shai : pink bank in 24700 pe 🙁
12:48 Uttam : BNF headed higher
12:48 Shai : Make exits in the 24700 pe
12:49 Praneeth : shai, 25300?
12:50 Praneeth : usdinr at DL
12:51 Mihir : NF filled the gap is going to be tomorrows headlines. Someone is already writing copy!
12:52 Uttam : (12:20) Uttam : (12:03) Uttam : 24940-975 coming? 24975 done
12:52 Mihir : Utttaam :))
12:53 Shai : usdint headed lower to 74.31/ 74.25
12:53 Shai : these shorts will keep apreaing till 10410 now
12:53 Shai : 10350 -10410
12:54 Praneeth : dont stop mihir..
12:54 HK : mere mihir mahan thanks boss 11:55 HK : Mihir planning for 25 k once again?
12:54 Uttam : 2IB doen in BNF
12:55 Mihir : Haha 🙂
12:55 Mihir : HK.
12:55 HK : what are you planning abv 25k, 25700?
12:56 Praneeth : Today HK?
12:56 HK : no
12:56 Boppanna : Shai can we have 25000ce pls
12:56 Praneeth : anything is possible in bnf
12:56 Mihir : Way below the fa amd now way above it 🙂
12:57 Praneeth : 16.5L OI in 25k CE
12:57 Shai : Update – Book the 10200 PE fully
12:58 Mihir : Chief todays vwap good ref for future days?
13:02 Narendra : mihir is there a 1lk seller in nifty??43
13:03 TP : NF dpoc still at 200 ..we got some good vol above 290
13:03 Mihir : Yes Narendra. Can be a buyer at low covering too.
13:03 Mihir : From the price action looks like covering.
13:04 Narendra : got it. thank
13:04 HK : abv 10350 danger signs for bears
13:04 Mihir : HK
13:04 Mihir : 10404
13:04 HK : 10660 opens
13:04 Mihir : aaj lelo 3ib.
13:05 HK : posnl mihir
13:05 Praneeth : anyone bnf pain pls
13:05 HK : bears need to act fast
13:05 Mihir : Yes that is doable. 589 660 positional.
13:05 Mihir : Bears need to get below pdl.
13:06 HK : bnf suppresed probably becos of weekly
13:06 Mihir : Hk coffin time soon there.
13:06 Praneeth : yes, good OI n 25k CEs
13:08 TP : Cartoon tv says China ready to restart rade talks with Usa.
13:09 Praneeth : thnk god 🙂 some news
13:17 HK : 10350 supply doing well
13:17 Praneeth : usdinr at 74.18
13:20 Shai : yeah- (12:53) Shai : usdinr headed lower to 74.31/ 74.25
13:21 Shai : sellers should book in USDINR
13:21 HK : 10200 again?
13:23 Shai : Positional : Buy a fresh position in 10200 pe at 116 sl of 70 tgt 240.
13:23 HK : nice +1
13:25 HK : good timing to buy puts, as Porinju is bullish
13:25 Mihir : He is around still?
13:26 Praneeth : in bnf dpoc still at 24697?
13:26 Himanshu : in nf dpoc at 10200
13:29 HK : BNf can break 24600 now
13:29 Praneeth : fizz over?
13:33 Shai : That delts is back to red today
13:33 Shai : now**
13:34 Shai : went from +913 to -34 in that rise
13:35 TP : 299 and 780 in tact in both.
13:37 Praneeth : shai, above 25200 , 25500 possible today?
13:42 Shai : It’s a DD
13:42 Shai : BNF
13:42 Shai : 800- 820 again being defended
13:48 Uttam : reds in NF?
13:54 Pradeep : Shai, H period high is exactly at 25000. When it comes to such exactness, what should be infer?
13:56 Shai : it’s 24997.20
13:56 Shai : 10280 is supp
13:57 Shai : last time went to 10274 and boucned
13:57 Pradeep : ok
13:57 Shai : BNF aso holding 24820
13:57 Shai : 24836 is this last low
14:00 TP : Shai bn lottery to keep on screen 🙂
14:06 Shai : 25000 ce sold
14:06 Shai : aggressively
14:06 Shai : 1000K
14:07 TP : tks
14:07 Shai : 24800 pe lottery with 20 as sl
14:08 Shai : 83 res from here but once crossed will be bumper
14:09 Shai : Positional – Keep an Order to sell BankNifty below 24795 sl of 25060 tgt 24000
14:10 Shai : bugger did 795 as I finished my sentence
14:10 Shai : have to work on my typing speed
14:10 Shai : Take the BNF selll
14:11 TP : lottery booked chief 😉
14:11 Shai : 82 high in the PE
14:11 Shai : 82 – (14:08) Shai : 83 res from here but once crossed will be bumper
14:11 Shai : BNF has stopped just under the vwap of yesterday’s drive up on this pullback
14:12 Shai : and saw reds 4
14:12 Shai : makes me bery bearish when I see that
14:13 Shai : quick drop to 24700 coming
14:13 Shai : watch the PE
14:16 Shai : 91
14:16 Pradeep : bumper!
14:17 Shai : 704- (14:13) Shai : quick drop to 24700 coming
14:17 TP : +1 chief
14:18 Boppanna : that 24700pe can shoot if jumps above 63
14:21 Shai : Positional – 10200 pe at 148. Book half and ride the rest with SL of 108
14:27 Shai : we should see 200 in the PE tom maybe more
14:28 Shai : Part booked cos if we get a rise into close wanna have option to add
14:32 Shai : 24600 next if we break this dpoc at 24700
14:32 Himanshu : shai 30 min NF need reset
14:34 Uttam : morning tail to be tested?
14:35 Shai : 25000 ce 0.8
14:35 Himanshu : 10190 to watch shai ?
14:35 Shai : 127 on the 24800 pe
14:36 HK : 350-200 done NF13:17 HK : 10350 supply doing well 13:21 HK : 10200 again?
14:36 Uttam : 141
14:36 Shai : Cheers HK
14:36 HK : Shai pls do this also 13:29 HK : BNf can break 24600 now
14:36 Shai : going there now
14:36 RK : BNF max pain pls
14:37 Shai : No Himanshu 10190 was a cover short and he added higher on those reds
14:37 Abhishek : 24700 and 24800 are eqqual RK
14:37 Shai : No significant now
14:37 RK : tahnks Abhi
14:37 Himanshu : okkk so easy ride down now?
14:37 RK : thanks
14:37 RK : worked to the dot (09:26) RK : 10350-380 pullback not ruled today or tmw and that could be the place to initiate shorts for the move to 10K and below
14:37 Uttam : +100 RK
14:38 Shai : 10000 calling if we close below 10220
14:38 Abhishek : respect +100(14:37) RK : worked to the dot (09:26) RK : 10350-380 pullback not ruled today or tmw and that could be the place to initiate shorts for the move to 10K and below
14:38 RK : Shai loaded 10200 PE at 104 for that 10K move 🙂
14:38 Shai : +1 RK
14:38 Uttam : nice RK 🙂
14:38 TP : +1 rk
14:39 Shai : Saw BNF at that trend day vwap of yesterdaty RK?
14:39 Shai : looked jittery but was calling for it to go lower
14:39 RK : it was rejected way below it Shai
14:39 RK : 25080 is what my chart says as yday VWAP
14:40 Uttam : yep burnt my fingers in BNF PEs thrice so left it after that
14:40 RK : ok just checked room..its exact at day high OMG
14:40 Shai : yes
14:40 RK : Sorry room also got 25077 only
14:42 Praneeth : not enough force to break 650 ?
14:42 Shai : yes
14:43 Shai : dpoc holding it
14:43 Praneeth : ok
14:43 Uttam : the BNF rise to 24997 started with that dip to 24651
14:44 Uttam : and now low 24649
14:44 HK : seems NF has some different plans
14:45 Uttam : planning new lows in it HK?
14:46 HK : there is minor chance it can spike up,
14:46 Uttam : dpoc also here
14:47 HK : I am not happy with bears
14:47 Uttam : poor guys got 175 points & you still not happy 😉
14:48 HK : no extension Uttam, disappointed 🙂
14:48 Uttam : thats because we gapped down 300 points HK so this retracement had to come to go lower
14:49 Uttam : US futures another 1% down
14:50 Uttam : good vol build up here at 10215-220 levels so if we close below sellers in control else buyers defending
14:52 Sumit : if BNF Close below 24650 .then tom may gap down
14:52 Azmath : 13:06 Mihir : Hk coffin time soon there.
14:53 Azmath : nice mihir
14:53 HK : BNF is frustrating, not breaking 24600
14:53 Mihir null : HK 🙂 (13:06) Mihir : Hk coffin time soon there.
14:53 Mihir null : Thanks Azmath
14:54 HK : super spike in NF
14:54 Himanshu : superb HK
14:54 Himanshu : cos of ur spike comment i book nifty shorts… thanks
14:54 HK : 200-250 done 50 pts 14:46 HK : there is minor chance it can spike up,
14:55 Uttam : nice HK
14:55 Uttam : congrats
14:55 HK : thx guys
14:55 Uttam : rejected from vwap
14:56 Uttam : vwap tag was needed I guess?
14:56 HK : NF and BNF both have a tail
14:56 Shai : Positional BNF – close in profit at 24730 here
14:59 HK : now this is beyond me 🙂
14:59 TP : spot moves to option pai n at 248k
15:00 TP : expiry move
15:00 Himanshu : stops hitting shai in NF?
15:00 Mihir null : This is crazy level next
15:02 HK : idea is to suck BTST
15:02 HK : then gap down to 10k #wishlist
15:09 Himanshu : VIX 15% UP
15:10 Shai : sold into again
15:11 Shai : Just a little cautious as we are not auctioning well below that FA
15:11 Uttam : close at poc 10220 Shai?
15:11 Shai : 10204 he was
15:11 Uttam : fa was 10212 Shai
15:11 Shai : would have loved a close below 10190 to go fully in
15:11 Shai : but regardless all rises we get we short
15:12 HK : we can ignore the tail Shai?
15:12 Shai : Van’t HK
15:12 Shai : that one also keeps us in the 10200- 10430 bracket
15:12 Uttam : the tail was defended in both
15:19 Prudhvi : greens near close, intent wide
15:19 Prudhvi : repeat of y’day?
15:21 Uttam : NF wants to test 10305 once looks like
15:21 Uttam : tom open
15:23 Uttam : BNF a ‘p’
15:24 Uttam : NF also
15:24 Shai : No sellling was higher today and they covered parts near 10220
15:24 Shai : won’t gap down like yesterday
15:24 Shai : That’s why chose to exit the BNF also
15:24 Uttam : NF actually 3-1-3
15:25 Uttam : super timing of the exit Shai done 150 points from there
15:25 Praneeth : shai, any breakdown possible in usdinr?
15:27 Praneeth : $ yields, crude all going down.. usdinr is reselient
15:28 Upendra : Uttam, anything from dpoc to take
15:28 Uttam : looks like buyers have acuumalated there
15:29 Shai : open drive of tues was near 74.16. watch that lows in usdinr
15:29 Shai : Bye all
15:29 Praneeth : F right?
15:29 Pradeep : bye
15:29 Manish : bye everyone
15:29 Upendra : thanks uttam
15:29 Shai : Have a nice evening
15:29 Pradeep : thnks for the nice trade
15:29 TP : Bye All.
15:29 Upendra : See you all
15:29 Uttam : volumewise quite a wide hvn we have at 10200
15:29 Shai : Yes F – (15:29) Praneeth : F right?
15:29 Praneeth : thanks shai
15:29 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:30 RD Arora : bye see u back
15:30 Kathir : Thanks and bye all
4:59 Gaurav : Shai can short RBL for 480?
15:21 Shai : RBL strong res at 559 now
15:21 Shai : part here and part when 507 breaks
15:21 Gaurav : Thanks Shai
15:21 Shai : 466 obj if 507 goes
15:22 Uttam : Shai view on Tamo positional please, that day it had huge volumes when fell from 205 10 175
15:22 Uttam : 205 to 175
15:25 Shai : 160 a good short term supp
15:26 Shai : 203 is res
15:26 Uttam : thanks Shai
15:26 Shai : was taken to the cleaners when that 255 zone broke
15:26 Uttam : yep
15:26 Shai : any bounce higher would meet more sellers
15:26 Uttam : multi month lows
15:26 Uttam : hmmm