Order Flow charts dated 11th Sep

Timing is the key to successfully trade the markets in the shorter time frame. Order Flow is one of the most effective methods to time your trades by seeing exactly what the other traders are trading in the market and positioning your bias accordingly.

Order Flow is the most transparent way to trade and takes away the guesswork from decision making.


30 Min Nf Fpx 5 Order Flow Charts Dated 11Th Sep Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistanc, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading


30 Min Bnf Fpx 5 Order Flow Charts Dated 11Th Sep Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistanc, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading

Room Chat

09:27 Shai : (09:26) Shai : Intra – Buy BNF 27660- 665 sl of 27540 tgt 27800

09:36 Shai : (09:36) Shai : BNF book out 27700 . Wikl buy later again

10:55 Shai : (10:55) Shai : Intra – Buy 27700 call at 172- 175 sl of 140 tgt 220

14:00 Shai : (14:00) Shai : Intra – Buy BNF 27870 sl of 27770 tgt 27990

14:15 Shai : (14:15) Shai : Make exits in the BNF longs at 27870 near cost here
(14:15) Shai : also exit the 27700 call at 185 cmp

08:59 Himanshu : GM all
09:02 Shai : Gm all
09:02 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:03 Shai : https://vtrender.com/market-profile-analysis-dated-9th-september/
09:04 Krishan : gm all
09:06 Shai : 11025 F ref line for the open
09:07 Shai : 10930 old buyer from MOnday will give support on any sharp drops
09:07 Uttam : USDINR seems to be giving an ORR down Shai?
09:07 Shai : 11070 and 11120 are higher supply zones
09:07 Uttam : though yet to get into prev day range
09:08 Nishchal : GM All
09:10 Naresh Chugani : gm all
09:11 Himanshu : UG – BNF spot at 27640 – will be Outside range -OPn
09:15 Uttam : boom boom BNF?
09:16 Himanshu : Exited 27K PE Overnight
09:17 Phani null : how is that possible
09:19 Shai : NF in range open and BNG just abv
09:19 Shai : 27550 F ref line BNF
09:21 Uttam : came a day late – had posted this on Friday 10:49 Uttam : anyone for 27600-700 in BNF by today or Monday?
09:21 Uttam : 27680 high so far
09:22 Shai : +1
09:22 Shai : watch 27600F
09:22 Shai : entry into the MB can ruffle bulls
09:22 Uttam : yep Shai
09:26 Uttam : NF for a test of 11068-079?
09:26 Shai : Intra – Buy BNF 27660- 665 sl of 27540 tgt 27800
09:34 Uttam : 53k red at 11065
09:35 Uttam : 10k in BNF at 27700
09:35 Uttam : looks like being taken out
09:36 Shai : BNF book out 27700 . Wikl buy later again
09:41 Uttam : Jit there?
09:43 Boppanna : You in 11k straddle Uttam?
09:44 Uttam : yes Bops
09:44 Uttam : 11124-131 expected in NF so will exit there today or tom
09:44 Boppanna : ok cool thx
09:44 Uttam : needs to get above 11079 though NF
09:45 Boppanna : IMO Spot needs to clear that 11050-60 then the next 50 could be quick
09:46 Uttam : 11064-78 res in spot
09:46 Uttam : staying above 11033 can test that zone
09:46 Boppanna : ok
09:50 Uttam : 0s at vwap & 17k red below it
09:51 Uttam : RS & now IS forming in NF on 5mins
09:51 Uttam : but needs to break 11040 and sustain for more downside
09:58 Jitender : hi Uttaam
09:58 Jitender : Uttam
10:02 Uttam : @Jit tht 27k combo almost tagged 700 today which was my first tgt though some fine tuning in the entry & re-entry was needed
10:03 Jitender : cool n congo
10:04 Uttam : plan was ok but execution part needs work
10:04 Jitender : theta is the devil
10:04 Uttam : yep
10:04 Jitender : see fr options…the view on underlyn is very imp
10:04 Jitender : n shld play out
10:04 Uttam : key was to make another low risk entry in that combo
10:05 Uttam : or accordingly short the out of money PEs
10:06 Shai : 27400 pe 88 sl for day – short
10:06 Jitender : i wud still prefer a lower risk combo or a debit spread…the call was 2 skewed…in case the mkt dipped…combo wud have been in loss
10:08 Uttam : yep got your point
10:08 Jitender : +1
10:08 Uttam : need to work on a more effective way to trade the view
10:08 Tina : shai fast chk oct
10:08 Uttam : boom boom
10:08 Tina : whats happening
10:08 Tina : 11093 big qty
10:08 Uttam : (09:15) Uttam : boom boom BNF?
10:09 Tina : octomber screen plz
10:09 Boppanna : Played that MB below dip and hypo targest looking clean this one part book at 735 a) BNF needs to get above 27576-608 & sustain for a rise to 27674-690 / 27735-780 & 27830
10:13 Uttam : lets do that last part of that hypo also Bops 🙂
10:13 Boppanna : 2 min more for 780 within IB no?
10:16 Shai : Thanks TIna= (10:08) Tina : whats happening
10:16 Shai : rollover in Oct
10:16 Shai : 11092
10:16 Shai : log side
10:17 Jitender : maruti 6318-6452…from Shai’s 6310 lvl 🙂
10:17 Jitender : tx Shai
10:17 Uttam : 42 point IB range in NF
10:17 Uttam : lets have a good RE today
10:19 Boppanna : Out.. gave it 5 more min 10:13 Boppanna : 2 min more for 780 within IB no?10:09 Boppanna : Played that MB below dip and hypo targest looking clean this one part book at 735 a) BNF needs to get above 27576-608 & sustain for a rise to 27674-690 / 27735-780 & 27830
10:20 Boppanna : Also 3 consecutive -ve COT but price staying up
10:20 Boppanna : 5min
10:21 Uttam : C side ext also Bops 🙂 well played +1
10:21 Boppanna : thx Uttam..Congrats Jit
10:22 Uttam : congo Jit, they will soon rename Maruti to Maru-Jit 😉
10:22 Boppanna : lol
10:22 Jitender : 🙂
10:22 Jitender : tx guys
10:22 Jitender : Congo BoPs
10:22 Jitender : its a good beat stock…price of nf but movement of bnf
10:23 Jitender : beta
10:24 Uttam : 27780 here Bops almost
10:26 Boppanna : +1 Uttam
10:31 Uttam : 11000ce needs to get above 78
10:37 Uttam : NF also has a C side ext now
10:43 Boppanna : Come on Uttam make it a Trend Day for the buyers 🙂 10:37 Uttam : NF also has a C side ext now
10:44 Uttam : lets make D also extend then Bops 🙂
10:45 Boppanna : Needs to push past that 830 in BNF though
10:45 Uttam : 27996 vpoc on radar in BNF
10:45 Uttam : NF needs to get moving
10:46 Uttam : looks like absorbing the supply
10:55 Shai : Intra – Buy 27700 call at 172- 175 sl of 140 tgt 220
10:57 Uttam : (09:26) Uttam : NF for a test of 11068-079?
10:57 Uttam : 11076 high so far
10:58 Uttam : 76.8 high so far (10:31) Uttam : 11000ce needs to get above 78
10:58 Shai : (10:06) Shai : 27400 pe 88 sl for day – short cmp 44 now. #freemoney
10:59 Shai : https://vtrender.slack.com/archives/C0F31QRN3/p1568179814000100
11:01 Boppanna : +1 Shai
11:18 Shai : 27700 supp for day
11:18 Shai : any pullback is a buy with tgt of 27940 for 3.15
11:33 Boppanna : Uttam at work looks like D & E doing HH 10:43 Boppanna : Come on Uttam make it a Trend Day for the buyers 🙂 10:37 Uttam : NF also has a C side ext now
11:37 Uttam : 27829.4 BNF high so far…(10:09) Boppanna : Played that MB below dip and hypo targest looking clean this one part book at 735 a) BNF needs to get above 27576-608 & sustain for a rise to 27674-690 / 27735-780 & 27830(10:13) Uttam : lets do that last part of that hypo also Bops 🙂
11:38 Uttam : NF,.,,
11:44 Rahul Desai : Shai this call is of which expiry? “Intra – Buy 27700 call at 172- 175 sl of 140 tgt 220” – 12th Sep?
11:44 Boppanna : 12Sep Rahul
11:44 Rahul Desai : Got it Thanks
11:56 Himanshu : UG – Day high is done
11:57 Himanshu : or Hypo has level above 840
11:57 Himanshu : Its question ?
12:03 Uttam : till we are above VWAP & OTF up, can have a trend day today Himanshu
12:04 Himanshu : OK
12:04 Himanshu : Dumped
12:04 Himanshu : or Slap
12:21 Boppanna : test
12:22 Shai : dog fight at IBH in BNF
12:23 Shai : shouo]ld sanp back to 27845
12:29 Prudhvi : shai any dip buyers seen?
12:29 Himanshu : BOOM
12:29 Prudhvi : this fall
12:30 Shai : nothing big
12:33 Shai : one time frame up stooped
12:33 Shai : stopped*
12:35 Uttam : loads if reds in NF here
12:35 Uttam : getting stuck?
12:35 Uttam : or longs exiting?
12:40 Boppanna : Big change in COT
12:50 Boppanna : BNF protected vwap in that dip
12:51 Shai : also IBH
12:51 Shai : one time frame stopped’
12:51 Shai : likely to stay 27740- 27860 now
12:58 Uttam : prominent POC so far in NF at 11060
13:08 Bhavani : Shai : likely to stay 27740- 27860 now… +1 shai.. moving towards shai’s prediction..!!
13:08 Uttam : 11092 coming in NF?
13:18 Shai : yes (13:08) Bhavani : Shai : likely to stay 27740- 27860 now… +1 shai.. moving towards shai’s prediction..!!
13:26 Boppanna : Uttam needs to push this fella 10:45 Boppanna : Needs to push past that 830 in BNF though
13:29 Uttam : we have the shorts to puke in both so lets keep going Bops 🙂
13:30 Boppanna : looks too calm for a day before expiry
13:31 Phani null : somuch overlap , do u see any good odds for liquidation #Nf shai, uttam?
13:36 Uttam : just 58 points in NF so far inspite of a small IB
13:43 Shai : loiquidation odds are less
13:43 Shai : even if there is a fast break , it will be bought and pss mean revert
13:44 Shai : NF – profile wise there was no break away expected
13:44 Shai : BNF could have execpt one time frame up stopped
13:52 Uttam : boom boom
13:55 Uttam : 85k short SL looks like
13:55 Uttam : COT also confirms
13:55 Uttam : (13:29) Uttam : we have the shorts to puke in both so lets keep going Bops 🙂
13:58 Shai : Bnf delibreating
13:59 Shai : 22- (10:58) Shai : (10:06) Shai : 27400 pe 88 sl for day – short cmp 44 now. #freemoney
13:59 Uttam : +1
14:00 Shai : Intra – Buy BNF 27870 sl of 27770 tgt 27990
14:00 Boppanna : above 185 jump Shai in that ce 27700ce?
14:01 Uttam : (10:45) Uttam : 27996 vpoc on radar in BNF
14:01 Shai : abv 192
14:02 Boppanna : thx
14:07 Uttam : 27700 OI crossover happening?
14:09 Shai : yes option math here
14:10 Shai : turning high risk
14:10 Shai : 100 points any way now
14:10 Himanshu : Chief 100K in this 30 mt bar at 11078 NF – is fresh long ?
14:12 Shai : yes fresh
14:14 Gururaj : Shai can i buy 27700 call now
14:15 Shai : no
14:15 Shai : Make exits in the BNF longs at 27870 near cost here
14:15 Shai : also exit the 27700 call at 185 cmp
14:16 Gururaj : ok thanks Shai
14:21 Shai : just become too risky here
14:21 Shai : still has 100 points either way
14:31 Uttam : spike coming Shai?
14:32 Himanshu : charts gone
14:33 Uttam : working fine
14:33 AmitJ : working himanshu
14:39 Gaurav : Shai 28000 Call monthly expiry September makes sense to buy here?
14:39 Shai : bulls getting it
14:40 Uttam : (14:31) Uttam : spike coming Shai?
14:40 Shai : is ehaded for 28160 expiry
14:41 Shai : 27720 will be new sl for that to play tom
14:41 Uttam : 11200 you giving in NF Shai?
14:42 Shai : yes 11175 nexr vpoc up
14:42 Uttam : super +100
14:42 Uttam : right now stuck here BNF – c) Above 27830, BNF can probe higher to 27896-915 & 27996-28000
14:43 Jitender : maruti 6491 gvng another leg up..beauty tis is
14:43 Uttam : 6800 Shai gave right for this month Jit?
14:43 Jitender : yup
14:44 Uttam : +1
14:44 Jitender : just missed 40 odd bps in 2day’s move
14:44 Uttam : super
14:44 Jitender : +1
14:44 Jitender : madness…it is
14:45 Jitender : n shradhh also in sept
14:45 Jitender : looks like gst cut being priced in
14:45 Shai : all autos up right?
14:45 Jitender : yh
14:59 Uttam : 3:05 move coming today?
15:00 Jitender : 6620 maruti booked
15:00 Jitender : 6602
15:03 Jitender : Shai…wat do u make of the -ve COT ?
15:06 Shai : 2 rollovers in that
15:07 Shai : 11092 oct F
15:07 Jitender : k
15:07 Shai : one guy is rolling every month now 10- 12 of the month
15:07 Shai : donlt know what his startegy is
15:08 Jitender : roll fut n get theta fr current month on hedge mayb
15:08 Jitender : delta wud b balanced
15:09 Shai : yes
15:09 Shai : last montbh he git a 8- point prem
15:09 Shai : 80**4
15:10 Jitender : k
15:10 Jitender : trump impeachment process 2 b laid out morrow
15:11 Jitender : US time
15:11 Jitender : dunno if it will impact
15:12 Shai : hmm
15:13 Shai : so trump tweets today
15:14 Jitender : wen does he stop 🙂
15:14 Shai : lol
15:15 Uttam : this stays (12:58) Uttam : prominent POC so far in NF at 11060
15:17 Uttam : explosive expiry expected Shai or could stay in this range itself?
15:18 Boppanna : Didn’t get past ..Just needs a gap above IMO 09:45 Boppanna : IMO Spot needs to clear that 11050-60 then the next 50 could be quick
15:21 Boppanna : BNF above 830 didn’t do a job Uttam?
15:21 Boppanna : *good
15:21 Shai : liquidation this is
15:22 Shai : some one is nervous
15:27 Uttam : big drop in 11050pe OI
15:27 Shai : 27700 put seeing buying
15:28 Uttam : huge vols in BNF as close
15:28 Uttam : NF also
15:29 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:29 Shai : -90 k cot was there
15:29 Shai : NF
15:29 Shai : Bye all
15:29 Shai : have a nice evening
15:30 Himanshu : Bye Chief – UG – Jit
15:30 Himanshu : Bye all
15:30 Nishchal : Bye All