08:26 Vtrender Live : (08:25) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/453497061
(08:26) Vtrender Live: option charts – https://join.me/496-645-798
08:32 Shai : (08:31) Shai : https://vtrender.com/market-profile-analysis-dated-11th-oct/
09:11 Shai : (09:10) Shai : Quick announcement – We are doing the webinar at 11.00 am at the GO TO Link ( our regular 30 min chart window) . The presentation audio would be in this webinato room and you can hear it with these same charts streaming without interruption.Option 2 would be at the Join me Link which will have the audio as well as the screen for the webinar.
(09:11) Shai : Request trading room members to choose either 1 of the above for 1100 am to 12-noon slot today and leave the GO TO link for the visitors.
09:31 Shai : (09:31) Shai : INtra – Buy BankNifty 25266 sl of 25140 tgt 25400
09:45 Shai : (09:44) Shai : Book profits in BankNifty at 25332.
10:08 Shai : (10:08) Shai : Buy BankNifty 25455 sl of 25320 tgt 25660 .
10:09 Shai : (10:08) Shai : Trade smaler size
10:15 Shai : (10:15) Shai : Booj fully BNF 25500
10:36 Vtrender Live : (10:35) Vtrender Live: webinar link here – https://join.me/511-657-474
12:14 Vtrender Live : (12:12) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/551309117
(12:14) Vtrender Live: option charts – https://join.me/570-307-391
13:04 Shai : (13:04) Shai : Intra- short BankNift y below 25320 sl of 25416 tgt 25200. cmp 25350 short below
13:27 Shai : (13:27) Shai : Close out the balance qty in the 10200 PE
13:29 Shai : (13:29) Shai : Keep an NF buy above 10501 sl of 10481 tgt 10560
13:47 Shai : (13:47) Shai : avoid the NF buy above trade for now.
14:40 Shai : (14:40) Shai : Positional : Buy 10400 PE at 108 sl of 70 tgt 196/ 264.
08:25 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/453497061
08:26 Vtrender Live : option charts – https://join.me/496-645-798
08:31 Shai : https://vtrender.com/market-profile-analysis-dated-11th-oct/
08:35 r m : Good Morning Shai!
08:36 Shai : Morning RM
08:55 RD Arora : good morning everyone
08:58 HK : GM Shai, RM, 5IB day confirmed today as RM is here 🙂
08:58 HK : RM great to see you here, hope you have recovered completely and all is good
09:01 Shai : RM wil be back shortly. He had to run out for an errand
09:01 Shai : GM all
09:01 Shai : That lack of selling below 10200 F yesterday would mean that the seller is looking at higher levels to short into again
09:02 Shai : for now that FA 10200 is near term supp
09:02 Kathir : GM shai RM all
09:07 Kathir : @ shai bnf positional exit was perfect.
09:09 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:10 Shai : Quick announcement – We are doing the webinar at 11.00 am at the GO TO Link ( our regular 30 min chart window) . The presentation audio would be in this webinato room and you can hear it with these same charts streaming without interruption.Option 2 would be at the Join me Link which will have the audio as well as the screen for the webinar.
09:11 Shai : Request trading room members to choose either 1 of the above for 1100 am to 12-noon slot today and leave the GO TO link for the visitors.
09:12 Kathir : Thank you shai
09:12 TP : GM all.
09:14 Uttam : US markets down but we gap higher
09:14 Uttam : new highs in NF
09:15 Uttam : another drive down looks like in PRsPEs
09:15 Uttam : PEs
09:15 Uttam : Praneeth your 25300 is a little late
09:16 HK : wow tail did its job
09:16 HK : happy that BNF want to do 25700
09:16 Shai : es had recovered to our 3.30 levesls
09:17 Uttam : stuck reds at 10360-370
09:18 Shai : 10405/ 10435 imm res
09:18 Shai : supp at 10346
09:18 Uttam : that 2L volumes is very often seen now in NF 1L plus on both sides
09:18 Uttam : today at 10374
09:18 Uttam : 1.1L red & 1L green
09:19 Uttam : both having a drive up
09:19 Sandeep : shai, could you adjust nifty 30 min chart at goto
09:24 HK : towards close Shai told not to ignore the tail, simple but superb
09:25 Uttam : yes HK and we even got proof of that as morning singles were defended on the test at close in both
09:25 Uttam : NF & BNF
09:26 Favi : shai banknift buy?
09:27 Shai : No
09:27 Shai : indecisive here
09:27 Favi : ok
09:27 HK : yeah, took his word and went home with small qty CEs
09:27 Favi : intra levels?
09:28 Shai : Congrats HK
09:29 Shai : 25180 supp in BNF
09:29 Shai : 25392 next res
09:29 Favi : thks
09:29 HK : and u claim you are not God Shai huh?
09:30 Shai : 10415-10425 top of the bracket of this week
09:30 Uttam : spot high so fat 10398 same as weekly IBH
09:30 Shai : 10427 was the best pullback before the gap down yesterdat
09:30 RK : GM SHai and all
09:30 Himanshu : gm rk
09:31 Uttam : 10415 in NF
09:31 Himanshu : gm shai
09:31 RK : looks like it wants value in the gap retraced part of yday
09:31 Shai : @HK 🙂
09:31 Uttam : so abve 10415 can tag that vpoc of 10463 NF
09:31 Shai : INtra – Buy BankNifty 25266 sl of 25140 tgt 25400
09:31 Uttam : yes RK last few days that has been the action plan in both NF & BNF
09:32 Uttam : makes a spike or a gap & next day fills up that zone
09:32 Gaurav : do we keep holding other half of 10200 PEs
09:36 Uttam : BNF boom
09:39 Uttam : (09:15) Uttam : another drive down looks like in PEs….lost more than 50% of their premium
09:40 Upendra : Uttam, waht are th avalues of 1 ATR and 2 ATR for NF and BNF
09:41 Uttam : 206 & 577 for NF & BNF 1atr
09:42 Uttam : 25200 sup now in BNF Shai?
09:42 Uttam : got a geen band there plus weekly VAH too
09:43 Uttam : green band
09:43 Upendra : 24577 in BNF right, thanks uttam
09:44 Uttam : sorry Upendra did not get you?
09:44 Uttam : 1atr in bnf is 577
09:44 Shai : Book profits in BankNifty at 25332.
09:46 Uttam : that 11k green at top reason for booking longs Shai?
09:47 Shai : @gaurav will update that.
09:48 Upendra : that 11k green are SL orders for Shorts, is that right
09:49 Upendra : on top of BNF in 5 min charts
09:54 Shai : BNF
09:54 Shai : 25500 coming
09:54 Manish : uttam, why would you book longs if 11k green is there ? should you not ride it more ?
09:55 Uttam : amazinf strength in it from last 3 days BNF
09:56 Uttam : @Manish greens at top can be an initiative buyer or a stuck one so if price does not sustain above it can take it to be a stuck player
09:56 Uttam : but in todays case it looks like a short SL
09:56 Manish : ok thanks
09:56 Uttam : refresh in BNF Shai please
09:56 Shai : teh first NF seller cobered at 10402
09:57 Uttam : NF not making new highs here
09:57 Shai : refresh done
09:57 Uttam : oh ok thanks Shai
10:00 RK : Shai wants to finish everything in the mkt by 11 and go to webinar peaceful seems 🙂
10:00 Uttam : lol RK
10:00 RK : 250+ IB there
10:00 RK : BNF
10:01 Shai : No RK
10:01 Uttam : so rest of day here only?
10:01 Shai : BNF is alomst at month highs
10:01 Shai : suprising strength
10:01 RK : only two things possible here – 5% upper circuit or fade back in BNF
10:01 Uttam : but A singles & drive here in both so we can still get a good RE
10:01 Uttam : yes Shai +1
10:01 Uttam : (09:55) Uttam : amazinf strength in it from last 3 days BNF
10:01 Shai : NF month highs are 600 points above !!
10:02 Uttam : but BN had fallen also that much na Shai?
10:02 RK : BNF above 25500 we have free zone of 1000 Points
10:02 Shai : vwap is the key to this drive of today
10:02 Uttam : yep
10:03 Abhishek : shai bnf seller at top was profit bokking or fresh sell?
10:03 Shai : sl triggers
10:03 Uttam : RK FIIs shorts can be made to cover today in NF?
10:03 RK : lets see Uttam..sofar nothing from OF such kind
10:04 Uttam : yes not so far but if we keep probing higher
10:04 Shai : Nothing peaceful RK- (10:00) RK : Shai wants to finish everything in the mkt by 11 and go to webinar peaceful seems 🙂
10:04 RK : peaceful in the sense not to watch mkt for sm time Shai 🙂
10:04 Shai : Regretting now I announced it 🙂
10:04 RK : lol
10:05 RK : its good thing Shai..people are overwhelmed after your announcement
10:05 RK : show them that there is one whole different world is there apart from MAs and Fibos
10:05 Uttam : 10446 here
10:05 Uttam : above it 10465
10:06 Shai : +1 RK
10:06 Uttam : drive down in USD-INR also Shai?
10:06 Shai : Nice tweet btw. Didn’t open twitter but saw TP post it
10:06 Shai : people brag as if they made 100 CR in one FY and the outside world makes no money!!
10:07 Shai : bragging rights start at 100 CR !! 🙂
10:07 Abhishek : shai even old good people inmarket knows nothing abt of/mp..2 days back a broker friend of mine came to my office..and after seeing my screen ..he said..” ye kya hai bhaiya”
10:07 RK : lol true Shai
10:07 RK : immatured is what all I can say
10:07 Favi : shai bnf re entry?
10:08 Shai : Buy BankNifty 25455 sl of 25320 tgt 25660 .
10:08 RK : Abhi my broker Aliceblue MD was here in my desk and he was enquiring what is this chart I never seen this 🙂
10:08 Shai : Trade smaler size
10:08 RK : he is TA veteran for 20+ yrs
10:09 Favi : tnks
10:10 Manish : RK, what is the reason MP is not used widely ?
10:10 Abhishek : yes rk..the broker i am taking abt is also runs prop desk of 150+ traders in mumbai 🙂
10:11 HK : @mihir u there
10:11 HK : been telling for 2 weeks that BNF is showing huge strength, if you guys noticed it
10:12 Jayesh : @HK, Mihir will be on and off ..not fully active today
10:12 RK : MAnish lack of charting platform widely available may be one reason..and for most of people subject seems complicated to learn in first attempt..I tried about 10 people not in social media but here local to enlight about MP but none of them keen to take it up further
10:12 HK : EW says INR MT top and that could one reason for BNF strength
10:13 Manish : thanks RK.
10:13 Abhishek : some old sellers are waiting near tgt(10:08) Shai : Buy BankNifty 25455 sl of 25320 tgt 25660 .
10:13 HK : Thx Jayesh
10:13 HK : Me and Mihir has some nice convo on INR
10:14 HK : per my EW study, dont beat me for it
10:15 Uttam : USD-INR seems to have a drive down today HK so trend day coming in that
10:15 Uttam : and hopefully an uptrend day in BNF 🙂
10:15 RK : phew IB is done..what now
10:15 Shai : Booj fully BNF 25500
10:16 Boppanna : that 17k loocks stuck
10:16 Boppanna : in BNF
10:16 Shai : IB is too big
10:16 Shai : we will review
10:18 Uttam : (09:31) Uttam : so abve 10415 can tag that vpoc of 10463 NF…NF high so far 10459
10:18 HK : 200+ more in BNf and its obj must be done at 25700
10:23 Boppanna : .
10:23 Boppanna : Quick contra ..10:16 Boppanna : that 17k loocks stuck in BNF
10:24 Uttam : nice Bops
10:28 Upendra : @Bopanna, that 17k SL orders and not fresh buy to stuck I guess
10:29 Abhishek : rk ..D period is very imp today?
10:30 RK : expectation is P now Abhi..so IBH+10 is fine..else more to come
10:32 Boppanna : @Upendra IMO it was a fresh buy above the 25500 bracket and price drop from there makes him a stuck buyer/late buyer
10:33 Uttam : Shai BNF 30mins charts adjust please
10:34 Upendra : @then how to identify the SL orders for Shorts
10:35 HK : Shai, IBH/IBL number color can be changed to black of some other color? current one visibiity is low #trivia
10:35 Uttam : we had 0s there so could be a SL order Bops, either ways Upendra green at top is a signal that price may retrace a bit
10:35 Uttam : similar when you get reds at bottom
10:35 Vtrender Live : webinar link here – https://join.me/511-657-474
10:36 Upendra : Yeah Uttam, I got the point
10:36 Upendra : the price will retrace but there is good chance of crossing it again unless you see many reds are coming in
10:37 Abhishek : nice vol created in bnf around 25425
10:37 Uttam : yes and also the timing of that green was just at close of IB which means BNF can consolidate here
10:38 Upendra : yeah and Uttam I was calculating +1 ATR value for BNF and would be 256027 right??
10:40 Upendra : sorry 25627 right??
10:41 Abhishek : charts not updating
10:41 Uttam : working fine Abhi
10:42 Abhishek : 30 mins uttam
10:42 Uttam : @Upendra from where are you calculating 1atr? we normally use to calculate once we get an FA
10:42 HK : me thinks ST shorts sl in NF at 490-520
10:43 Uttam : @Abhi login to the joinme link for 30mins
10:45 Abhishek : ok..thanks
10:49 Upendra : @Uttam, understood that FA 24842 got neagtaed right and one FA at 24287 is still pending and is now T+3, right?
10:51 Uttam : FA at 24842 got negated & the FA of 24285 mets its objective of 2atr which was at 25383
10:51 r m : Good Morning folks! 🙂
10:52 Uttam : that 24285 is also weekly FA so now 2atr on weekly comes to 25789 which is what HK is gunning for
10:52 Kathir : GM RM JI
10:52 r m : Hi Kathir Jee 🙂
10:52 Uttam : oh ho now we know where the amazing strength in the market is coming from 🙂 look who is in the room today
10:52 r m : lol
10:52 Uttam : so good to have you RM 🙂 how have you been
10:52 Kathir : 🙂
10:52 r m : i followed the strength, it is the other way round 🙂
10:53 r m : I am fine Uttam, thanks
10:53 Uttam : RM gets tired of all asking for 3IB so he logged in gave a 3IB at open itself & noe back 😉
10:53 HK : Hi RM, you seems to have done 5IB within IB itself 🙂
10:53 r m : lol
10:53 Uttam : your presence in the room is enough RM
10:53 HK : 08:58 HK : GM Shai, RM, 5IB day confirmed today as RM is here 🙂
10:53 HK : 08:58 HK : RM great to see you here, hope you have recovered completely and all is good
10:53 Uttam : you have always had that power
10:53 Manish : when the webinar starts, will the charts go off and the OF screen will come ?
10:54 r m : Hi HK, guess you got sniff of my morning short trip to the room 🙂
10:54 Uttam : no Manish you will get the audio here along with all the charts is what i assume
10:54 Uttam : not just HK, the entire market got that sniff RM 🙂
10:54 Manish : ok
10:54 Uttam : which is why we got a drive
10:54 r m : ha ha
10:59 Manish : has the webinar started ?
11:00 HK : RM mostly visits when markets turns bullish or instructions from DD to trend change can happen
11:00 r m : 🙂
11:00 Narendra : meeting started??
11:01 r m : yes
11:02 r m : yes
11:02 Boppanna : yes
11:02 Kathir : yes
11:02 Prudhvi : double voice
11:02 Manish : echo
11:03 Narendra : how to chose one??
11:03 Manish : should i log off from here ? i have joined through join.me link.
11:04 r m : perfect
11:04 Narendra : yes no its perfect
11:04 r m : yes, webinato is perfect
11:05 Narendra : echo
11:28 Abhishek : 1 lac seller or sl??
11:29 Uttam : 72k on 5mins
11:29 Uttam : 10465 vpoc tagged in Nf
11:31 Boppanna : yes
11:31 Uttam : (10:05) Uttam : 10446 here(10:05) Uttam : above it 10465
11:32 Himanshu : uttam some selling back?
11:32 Uttam : this is supply zone Himanshu
11:32 Himanshu : okk
11:33 Himanshu : can retrace till vwap?
11:33 Uttam : BNF not mae any extension in D & NF obeying RK buy not making more than a 10 point ent
11:33 Uttam : ext
11:33 Uttam : by not*
11:35 Uttam : 22k stuck seller in BNF at 25380
11:37 Abhishek : otf stopeed in bnf
11:38 Uttam : stopped in D itself Abhi, making a ‘p’ for now
11:38 Abhishek : no D has higher low i think uttam
11:39 Uttam : did not make higher high
11:39 Abhishek : ok
11:39 Uttam : inside bar
11:39 Uttam : imp for D to extend after a drive open
11:41 RK : 445 should go for VWAP test
11:41 RK : else extn upside coming
11:42 RK : below 445 we do 425/415
11:43 Uttam : yes RK right now stuck between green box of 10440 & pink band of 10465
11:47 Uttam : NF headed higher
12:04 Kathir : TY shai
12:04 r m : Thanks Shai!
12:05 Uttam : super Webinar Shai 🙂 its always good to refresh listening to you on OF
12:05 r m : Bye folks, have a great day and make tonnes of money. 🙂
12:05 Uttam : cya RM & keep coming
12:05 r m : sure
12:05 HK : take care RM
12:05 r m : Thanks HK
12:12 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/551309117
12:14 Vtrender Live : option charts – https://join.me/570-307-391
12:17 Uttam : @Abhi I guess inside bar we can take it to be part of OTF so actually speaking OTF still on, RK would be best to confirm
12:18 Praneeth : uttam, above 450 DH can be hit in bnf?
12:19 Uttam : now if we get above 450 BNF can again get into wild beast mode Praneet
12:19 Uttam : Praneeth
12:19 Uttam : I am expecting 25800+ today if that happens
12:19 Praneeth : oh ook..
12:20 Uttam : as Abhi mentioned good vol build up in BNF at 24425 levels
12:20 Uttam : but sellers are not able to move it below vwap
12:20 Praneeth : ok.. so those r sellers
12:20 Abhishek : stopped in bnf with low of 25371(12:17) Uttam : @Abhi I guess inside bar we can take it to be part of OTF so actually speaking OTF still on, RK would be best to confirm
12:20 Uttam : so once it gets above can force them to exit
12:21 Uttam : yes Abhi in NF it is still on
12:21 Abhishek : yes uttam
12:21 Uttam : you have the pink band plus red boc with overlapping POC on 30mins in BNF Praneeth
12:21 Uttam : which shows sellers have come in
12:21 Abhishek : europe open will be trigger..i think
12:22 Praneeth : usdinr at 73.95
12:22 Praneeth : thanks uttam – Uttam : you have the pink band plus red boc with overlapping POC on 30mins in BNF Praneeth
12:23 Uttam : some buying happening here at 25400 in BNF
12:23 Uttam : plus that stcuk 20k red at 24380 still there
12:23 HK : INr rising,
12:25 Uttam : we have a probable Fa in both at top today though in BNF btter to take 25515 as IBH as it was part of the IB move itself
12:25 Uttam : NF has made multiple attempts now above IBH
12:26 RK : 20 points shake coming on downside
12:26 RK : 435/420
12:26 RK : NF
12:26 RK : 472 invalidation..can G do that
12:26 Uttam : to tag that anomaly on profile RK? ABCD?
12:27 RK : I dont have any anomaly in my profile
12:28 Uttam : 4 tpos there at 10434
12:28 Abhishek : we also have 1 lac seller at top(12:26) RK : 20 points shake coming on downside
12:28 RK : he is the turmpcard for bulls for upside extn for sm 40-50 poiints
12:29 RK : he is trying his best to push below IBH
12:29 Uttam : F low break will be trigger for that 435-420 RK?
12:29 Uttam : by 4 points at least 🙂
12:29 RK : its actually activated when IBH seeing exhaustion Uttam..lets see
12:30 Uttam : hmmm yes poor highs also in place showing exhaustion
12:30 Uttam : plpus probable FA also
12:30 Uttam : but still vwap defended so bulls in the game
12:34 HK : RK MO ps
12:34 RK : +14
12:38 Uttam : looks like that stuck seller in BNF got out at cost
12:38 RK : alright sellers missing it
12:38 RK : above IBH now back to buyers
12:38 RK : to make sure that seller at top pukes
12:38 Uttam : +1 RK
12:38 Uttam : ledge at 10460?
12:39 RK : p profile so cant name it ledge
12:39 Uttam : was abt to ask that 🙂 poor highs also is ok as a ‘p’ so far?
12:40 Uttam : BNF zoomed thru that trend day vwap of 25067 with a drive RK so this is initiative buying & good chance of closing at highs?
12:42 Uttam : NF manages to add one more TPO at top
12:42 Uttam : that seller being put under pressure here
12:42 Uttam : BNF back at that high vol zone
12:43 Uttam : selling here again as POC on 5mins moves up
12:44 Uttam : H also coming now at the top 🙂
12:44 Uttam : 4 TPOs poor high
12:45 Uttam : and boom
12:46 Narendra : is there a 57k seller in nifty??
12:46 Upendra : yeah, 57k reds at 0475 in NF
12:46 Uttam : yes
12:47 Narendra : is good to sell??
12:48 Upendra : will get stuck if 480 crosses
12:48 Abhishek : okay so today we have two big sellers on day high..in otf market
12:48 Uttam : this is supply zone so sellers are expected to come in but they need to get follow through soon else can be forced to exit
12:49 Uttam : BNF getting ready
12:49 Upendra : yeah, seems
12:50 Uttam : sellers again throwing everything here
12:50 Uttam : like Shai said couple of days back
12:51 Upendra : but not yet in BNF
12:52 Uttam : all supply getting absorbed in NF
12:52 Uttam : pink band negated on 5mins
12:52 Upendra : Seems 56k reds stuck
12:53 Abhishek : meeting ended in PMO
12:53 Shai : Hi Guys
12:53 Uttam : whats the inside news Abhi 😉
12:53 Uttam : welcome back Shai
12:53 Shai : Looking more and more like wed
12:53 Upendra : Hi Shai
12:53 Uttam : yep Shai sellers giving their best
12:53 Abhishek : i dont know but 57 k seller may knw:)(12:53) Uttam : whats the inside news Abhi 😉
12:54 Shai : yes
12:54 Uttam : 125 red & 102 green again back at top in NF
12:54 Shai : 10486 old seller
12:54 Upendra : that old was 198k reds @ 10489.7
12:55 Uttam : today also we have similar reds at 10460
12:55 Uttam : 1.1L & 88k red on 30mins in 2 consecutive bars
12:56 Abhishek : bnf vol zone 25400..3 30 min poc
12:57 Abhishek : i am itching to short..
13:00 Shai : IBH not managed well in BNF
13:01 Abhishek : charts stuck chief
13:01 Shai : 25335 big seller
13:02 Shai : charts working?
13:02 Boppanna : yes
13:02 Boppanna : working fine here
13:02 Kathir : Ok here
13:02 Himanshu : yeah
13:02 Praneeth : shai, is he stuck now ?
13:02 Kathir : but i restarted after conference
13:03 Cyrus : (13:00) Shai : IBH not managed well in BNF>>>
13:03 Abhishek : not me chief (12:57) Abhishek : i am itching to short..(13:01) Shai : 25335 big seller
13:03 Cyrus : (13:00) Shai : IBH not managed well in BNF, do you mean 73k at 25335??
13:04 Shai : Intra- short BankNift y below 25320 sl of 25416 tgt 25200. cmp 25350 short below
13:05 Shai : NO at 25500 now new highs from 10.15- (13:03) Cyrus : (13:00) Shai : IBH not managed well in BNF, do you mean 73k at 25335??
13:05 Shai : Lookimg to short BNF below dval only as still a drive up
13:05 Cyrus : ok thanks
13:07 Shai : looks like that seller in BNF will getv stuck
13:09 Abhishek : may be..but i am betting that thry r insider chief
13:09 Shai : yes vwap he came back
13:09 Shai : has to break 330 quickly
13:10 Abhishek : yes
13:10 Himanshu : its OD in bank nifty shai?
13:12 Shai : yes
13:12 Shai : vwap critcial
13:12 Himanshu : yeah
13:16 Shai : BNF is a buy for 510 now
13:16 Himanshu : 77k seller in nf
13:24 HK : all done hands empty 10:42 HK : me thinks ST shorts sl in NF at 490-520
13:24 HK : BNF a bit wierd today
13:24 Uttam : so that 103 & 44 red was you HK 🙂
13:24 Shai : +1 HK
13:25 RK : it is Hari when you do 250 IB 🙂
13:25 Uttam : BNF currently busy doing its ‘p’ as an artist
13:25 Shai : close if in 435- (13:16) Shai : BNF is a buy for 510 now
13:25 HK : dont beat me guys – market turning bullish
13:25 Shai : shoukd come down to 25335
13:25 Shai : Yes HK
13:26 RK : bullish or bearish but do that in rotation so that me,Tej and all can survive..dont do like how IB is done in BNF 🙂
13:26 Shai : Looks like Buyers want to ride this one up now
13:26 HK : I will post some charts later and some comparison why I feel so
13:27 HK : not MP
13:27 Shai : 10560 may come by close
13:27 Himanshu : shai all that reds are being absorbed?
13:27 Shai : yes
13:27 HK : Shai, give a dip to 458 and zoom to 578
13:27 Shai : Close out the balance qty in the 10200 PE
13:27 Uttam : BNF above 25460 can be a fresh long Shai?
13:28 Uttam : twice it got resisted there
13:29 Shai : Keep an NF buy above 10501 sl of 10481 tgt 10560
13:29 Cyrus : in bank nifty is that a buyer with 30k qnty at 25440 ?? Sorry if a dumb question, just joined you guys couple of days back.. trying to understand.
13:31 Praneeth : shai, that stuck seller still not covered?
13:34 Uttam : ek dhakka aur maar
13:36 Uttam : (13:27) Uttam : BNF above 25460 can be a fresh long Shai? high in this bounce 25456.6
13:37 Abhishek : dax new lows
13:38 Uttam : (13:25) Shai : shoukd come down to 25335
13:47 Shai : avoid the NF buy above trade for now.
13:47 Sandesh : shai, sell order in bnf intact? below 320?
13:48 Shai : yes he was- (13:29) Cyrus : in bank nifty is that a buyer with 30k qnty at 25440 ?? Sorry if a dumb question, just joined you guys couple of days back.. trying to understand.
13:48 Shai : Please feel free to ask and discuss
13:48 Shai : yes- (13:47) Sandesh : shai, sell order in bnf intact? below 320?
13:49 Mihir : Bots. vwap lelo ek baari!
13:50 HK : lol RK 🙂 small rotation days are nightmare for me
13:50 Gaurav : Hi Shai. Just joined a few minutes back. order flow Charts appear more confusing than what i thought. Where do i start from
13:52 Mihir : Abhi will you break vwap for me?
13:52 Abhishek : i am already short..wishing same
13:52 Mihir : Touch is also good for now.
13:54 Abhishek : bnf 🙂
13:54 Shai : BNF
13:55 Shai : @Gaurav start with the welcome kit. Please go through the videos
13:56 Gaurav : ok..thanks
13:59 Abhishek : that 76 k needs to be in profit..
13:59 Abhishek : *bnf
14:01 Uttam : morning singles defending in BNF like yesterday
14:01 Uttam : there was too much time so BNF inviting shorts & guess then close will be at hgihs
14:01 Uttam : but for now below vwap it is
14:01 Uttam : needs to get back above it
14:01 Shai : BNF is the key here
14:01 Uttam : back to 25410 here BNF
14:03 Uttam : @Gaurav to start with observe only the 30min OF charts
14:03 Uttam : it will be easy to understand the concept then you cna shift to watching both 5mins & 30mins
14:05 Mihir : abhi where was that big seller bnf?
14:05 Mihir : Saw..
14:05 Abhishek : 25334
14:06 Praneeth : vix dropped to 18.67
14:06 Uttam : that 76k seller got an exit looks like in BNF
14:07 Mihir : Uttam no big prints in 30 min matching 76k
14:07 Gaurav : Thanks Uttam
14:07 Uttam : its right there on 30min low
14:07 Uttam : blue dpoc also there
14:07 Uttam : matching it will not be
14:08 Mihir : No i mean for exits I can’t see. even split orders don’t add up to 76
14:08 Mihir : maybe booked half.
14:08 Uttam : in parts
14:08 Uttam : Shai 30mins refresh plese
14:08 Uttam : (14:01) Uttam : back to 25410 here BNF
14:08 Uttam : 25390 now 20 more to go
14:09 Uttam : 25410 done & suted
14:09 Uttam : dusted
14:09 Uttam : 22k green
14:10 Uttam : is this that morning stuck red of 22k?
14:11 Uttam : now lets get abv that 25460 & move on
14:11 Abhishek : i think he is 25312.30 seller covered
14:11 Mihir : Abhi 76 wala?
14:11 Uttam : BNF a ‘p’ so prominent POC now there at 25410
14:11 Abhishek : nahi dusre wala..uske baad ka
14:12 Mihir : Okay.
14:12 Uttam : lets see where we get the friday last hour move
14:12 Mihir : Uttam get me that 100 point thud.
14:12 Mihir : Either side I am okay.
14:12 Mihir : Waiting with the bat.
14:12 Mihir : Very few trades for the day thus far.
14:12 Uttam : thud is only one side na Mihir 😉
14:13 Mihir : haha! you are right my friend.
14:14 Uttam : I am biased for the upside though lets see
14:15 Uttam : (14:01) Uttam : morning singles defending in BNF like yesterday(14:01) Uttam : there was too much time so BNF inviting shorts & guess then close will be at hgihs
14:15 Uttam : 1.6L red in NF
14:15 Uttam : mix of orders looks like SL
14:15 Upendra : 1.06L not 1.6
14:15 Uttam : oh yes Upendra
14:16 RK : I period rarely makes day high/low 🙂
14:16 RK : J does break I
14:16 Uttam : so now K higher so L & M also higher RK 😉
14:16 RK : yes thats the expectation
14:17 Uttam : thanks RK 🙂 expectation matching
14:17 Mihir : RK now where? (14:16) RK : I period rarely makes day high/low 🙂
14:18 RK : trend day so bookish is close at highs
14:18 RK : and boss wants 560
14:18 RK : lets see
14:18 Uttam : Friday also
14:18 Mihir : Okay and #Metoo 😛
14:18 Mihir : Dip to add again will be appreciated.
14:19 RK : you got the chance with 466 dip
14:19 Uttam : & prints a K there then that will be a ledge & level to watch for next week RK?
14:19 RK : no more dips pls
14:19 Mihir : RK imbalance is massive at top of that 5 min.
14:19 Uttam : as it is 390 looking like a ledge?
14:19 Mihir : I will take 15 30 and go RK.
14:20 Uttam : dip after 2:30 would be dangerous for bulls
14:22 Abhishek : shai..r u here?
14:23 Narendra : uttam is that a new seller in nifty??
14:24 Uttam : that 1L at top is a new guy Narendra
14:24 Uttam : you have a pink band also there indicating seller imbalance
14:24 Uttam : 10504
14:25 Narendra : correct me if im wrong. i feel like selling now??
14:25 Uttam : RK when a ‘p’ is forming vwap break is not that critical but the stem of ‘p’ is?
14:27 HK : BNf acting wierd in second half
14:27 Kathir : sbi breaks doy low
14:28 HK : need to sustain 330, else in deep trouble
14:28 Mihir : Booked half thus far. (14:19) Mihir : I will take 15 30 and go RK.
14:28 Uttam : Narendra depends on what your , your timeframe is, for scalping you can short at these pink bands & cover them quickly but day’s context is also important
14:29 Uttam : reds in BNF now
14:29 Uttam : 25280 if does not hold can fall more
14:29 Mihir : break of 465 is imp now
14:29 Mihir : Or hold
14:29 Uttam : for now looks like filling up lower part of p
14:30 Mihir : Uttam 503 short
14:30 Mihir : going strong.
14:30 Uttam : you always do Mihir 🙂 keep rocking
14:30 HK : best is not to spike and keep both the parties guessing
14:30 Mihir : HK 🙂
14:30 Mihir : you read my mind.
14:31 Uttam : RK NF also just filling up that upper part of ‘p’?
14:31 HK : will take time to grind in seller zone anyway
14:32 Uttam : BNF is still making a good bullish case for the week
14:33 Mihir : RK this is the only dip i needed 🙂 all yours now.
14:33 Uttam : Initiative business above today hgih can mean a new IPM in it
14:34 RK : nice Mihir..dont let K to fall below J man
14:34 Mihir : trying.
14:36 Uttam : 25425 was POC of old composite in BNF which is why it is spending so much time there today
14:36 Mihir : RK uttam – Can that seller be in the game for monday?
14:37 Uttam : you are the seller there Mihir so you need to answer us 😉
14:38 Mihir : Uttam took my 30 🙂 my tf is only different.
14:38 Mihir : hehe.
14:38 Uttam : but could not see you coveirng on 30mins 😉 not adding to that 116
14:39 HK : trouble for bulls
14:39 Shai : picking up buying uin puts across 5 closest strikes in last 30 mins
14:40 Shai : Positional : Buy 10400 PE at 108 sl of 70 tgt 196/ 264.
14:40 HK : fresh buying or shorts covering shai?
14:40 Shai : looks fresh
14:41 Shai : but pink bands were there at open also
14:42 HK : no wonder BNF acting funny
14:43 Mihir : K in khatra.
14:44 Shai : that 10400 pe is a performer above 122
14:44 Uttam : +1 Shai that is a hvn in that
14:45 Shai : yes’
14:45 Uttam : vwap also there about?
14:46 Porus : 50lac pe added today and 17lac ce educed. Much better options movement today than on last few days
14:47 Mihir : Nice info porus.
14:47 Mihir : You track Option inventory closely?
14:47 Uttam : NF approaching IBH+vwap
14:48 Porus : Mihir, I have devised an xls file to track changes, but not enough context
14:48 Uttam : nice Porus 🙂 +1
14:49 Mihir : Oh nice. I am a lost soul in options world.
14:49 Porus : Major pe addition between 10k to 10.4k. So assuming that these are sellers, attempts are being made to secure 10.4
14:50 Upendra : @Porus can you throw some light on where to check and how to find that option inventory
14:51 Porus : Basic data is on nseindia.com. I will share an xls file on slack later
14:51 Upendra : oho, thank you
14:52 Mihir : Thanks Porus.
14:53 Mihir : Abhi thanks for vwap.
14:54 Praneeth : nf 27k stuck seller
14:56 Uttam : no vwap break in NF, are we going to see that seller exit?
14:58 Uttam : in BNF K did not go down below J
14:58 Praneeth : uttam, expecting P+ spike close?
14:59 Uttam : time up for that looks like Praneeth, move should have started by now if there was one
14:59 Praneeth : ok
15:00 Uttam : yes looks like sellers exiting?
15:03 Uttam : 1k green in BNF at that 25430….reds exiting?
15:04 Uttam : BNF boom coming?
15:04 Mihir : Take it Uttam.
15:04 Uttam : time over though but still bullish close
15:04 Mihir : take it everything.
15:04 Uttam : NF on for new gay highs
15:04 Uttam : L to make an outside bar
15:05 Mihir : dpoc kiss and seller stuck there and reverse.
15:05 Mihir : Oh dear OF you are just brilliant.
15:06 Uttam : that big seller will add or exit
15:07 HK : let us take him out
15:07 Himanshu : what if all these big seller r forced to exist?
15:07 Himanshu : exit*
15:07 Mihir : Then if you have ce himanshu, you will have dark green mtm.
15:07 Mihir : 😛
15:07 Uttam : means market path of least res turns to up
15:07 Shai : still a P Himanshu
15:07 Himanshu : 🙂
15:07 Uttam : cos shorts are being forced out
15:08 Shai : will have to leave it for MOn
15:08 HK : at least do 525 pls
15:08 Shai : bullish abv this profile
15:08 Uttam : exoecting a new good move next week Shai on both?
15:08 Mihir : Shai that 1L is playing for monday
15:08 Shai : P is short covering
15:08 Uttam : this week was in the bracket
15:08 Shai : New buying abv P is bullish
15:08 Uttam : +1
15:08 Mihir : +!
15:08 Uttam : drive open on Monday will be super bullish
15:09 Shai : yes Jetlee will get an exit
15:09 Uttam : 6 more minutes for L to make a new high
15:09 Shai : at 10700 🙂
15:09 Uttam : L)
15:09 Uttam : 🙂
15:09 Mihir : Boss my friends were in webinar. They loved it 🙂
15:10 Uttam : next Thursday is a holiday so expiry again on Wednesday
15:10 Uttam : BNF weeklies
15:10 Shai : Thanks for the feedback Mihir
15:11 Gaurav : loved in Shai, the couple of hours i have spent here. Still to start understanding but the very sight of volumes detailed as much gives confidence
15:11 Gaurav : loved it
15:11 HK : Shai, seeing it live with your explanation was awesome
15:12 Shai : +1
15:12 HK : Happy to hear your thought process and how you see it in live
15:12 HK : or rather visualize
15:12 Shai : We will do one for our room only. can go deeper
15:12 HK : request for one more when we have OAIR with 60 pt range
15:12 Uttam : that will be great Shai 🙂 always love to hear you speak on AMT/Of
15:13 Shai : +1. Anytime
15:13 Mihir : I guess Markets stalled when he was giving the webinar. Were in a range 😛
15:13 Favi null : +1 shai
15:13 Himanshu : even markets know shai is busy somewhere
15:13 Shai : lol
15:13 Shai : I had eyes on the screen all the time
15:14 Shai : thankfully it was not a trend up
15:14 Mihir : Is it me, or the last three candles on daily TF are saying something in NF? 😉
15:15 Himanshu : all three closed above open mihir..
15:16 Mihir : P also at top of 5 day composite.
15:16 Uttam : lets see what Suyog’s report says
15:17 Himanshu : can anyone share this week composite profile of NF on slack later?
15:18 Mihir : @himanshu shared.
15:18 Himanshu : yeah thanks bro
15:19 Upendra : @Uttam, whose this Suyog,
15:20 Mihir : He hibernates here and is active on slack. 🙂
15:20 Upendra : oho, okay I am opossite thats why I did’t meet him
15:20 Himanshu : mihir this week poc at 10320 ?
15:21 Himanshu : sorry 10340?
15:21 Uttam : he’s very active on Slack Upendra, he gives a in detail report about NF & BNF with FII positions
15:21 Upendra : gotcha and then I am up
15:22 Mihir : Uttam you can verify mp charts please.
15:22 Uttam : hes a data monster & our Mohandad Menon 🙂
15:22 Uttam : will do Mihir post close
15:22 Himanshu : some sellers exiting?
15:22 Mihir : If we shout out for him, he might just say a hi.
15:22 Mihir : Yes at ease Uttam 🙂 Thanks.
15:22 Uttam : all have got confused so all exiting positions 😉
15:23 Himanshu : 🙂
15:23 HK : both the parties confused 🙂
15:24 Uttam : you did it HK
15:24 Suyog : lol, guys.. humbled by the messages.. am still in hibernation mode wrt to trading keeping it low, hence.. 🙂
15:24 Mihir : Hahaha here he is :))
15:24 Upendra : Hello Suyog, nice to meet u
15:24 Mihir : Hello data monster!
15:24 Shai : 🙂
15:24 Suyog : 🙂
15:25 Shai : Mihir’s ad copies bring out everyone – even Suyog here ! 🙂
15:25 Mihir : Chief 🙂
15:26 Mihir : RK is busy fading I am guessing.
15:26 Mihir : 460 – 500 and 502 to 477
15:27 Mihir : Trade comes to you. If you wait. One of my most imp observation.
15:27 Sandesh : +1 Mihir
15:27 Upendra : +1 Mihir, I should belive more this one
15:29 Upendra : see you all, have nice evening and weekend
15:29 Shai : Have a nice weekend everyone
15:29 TP : Bye All.
15:29 Shai : See you all Monday
15:29 Shai : Bye
15:29 Himanshu : bye all
15:29 Gaurav : bye
15:29 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely weekend
15:29 Himanshu : and thanks shai for lovely webinar
15:30 Shai : pleasure