Order Flow charts dated 15th Nov

The key to using order flow trading is to determine market depth. This describes the places where Market participants have taken positions or the zone they have transacted. The order flow is like a list of trades and helps to know how other traders are placed in the market.

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30 Min Fp Nf 8 Order Flow Charts Dated 15Th Nov Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading









30 Min Bnf Bid 8 Order Flow Charts Dated 15Th Nov Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading








09:52   Shai : (09:52) Shai : Update – Move out of the 25800 ce at 141 and 25700 ce at 226. net profit +20 on pair

09:55   Shai : (09:55) Shai : Intra – Buy BankNifty 25950 sl of 25865 tgt 26070

10:22   Shai : (10:22) Shai : Intra – Banknifty book profits here 25995

11:28   Shai : (11:28) Shai : Intra – Buy 26000 call at 63 sl of 39 tgt 92.

11:34   Shai : (11:34) Shai : Book the 26000 ce at 72

11:57   Shai : (11:56) Shai : Intra – Buy 26000 pe at 68 sl of 45 tgt 130

12:57   Shai : (12:57) Shai : 26000 pe stopped. <Make an exit

13:30   Shai : (13:29) Shai : Intra – Buy bankNifty 26175 sl of 26090 tgt 26278

13:39   Shai : (13:39) Shai : Book the BNF at 26213

15:19   Shai : (15:19) Shai : Update – Add 50%25 more to 10500 PE at 76 here . Maintain same sl of 10680F

08:54   Vtrender Live : option charts – https://join.me/729-088-645
08:55   Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/157358813
09:00   Shai : GM all
09:01   Abhishek null : GM all
09:01   Shai : https://vtrender.in/market-profile-analysis-dated-14th-nov/
09:01   Ravi : GM to all
09:02   Shai : Thick VA between 10644 and 10687 holds the ref lines for the bias early at the opm
09:02   Shai : BNF neutral day is the other indicator with pivot at 25950 for the settlement bias
09:03   Shai : weak below 25920 with a confirmation of the weak bias when 25840 breaks
09:07   Jitender : Gm Folks 🙂
09:09   Manish : gm everyone
09:11   Shubro : GM team
09:11   Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:20   Uttam : both NF & BNF finding sup at yPOC
09:21   Uttam : OAIR & low vols to start the day with
09:21   Uttam : freak high in BNF
09:22   Shai : yes
09:22   Shai : open auction in range and value
09:22   Uttam : BNF abv 26045 will give a multiday FA at 25811
09:26   RK : GM Shai and all
09:26   RK : BNF freak tick deteroriating chart ref
09:26   RK : like VWAP and all
09:28   Shubro : I like the whole “Freak Tick” concept. Shall use in vocab.
09:30   Uttam : yes Shubro & thanks to OF we know why it is called so as no vols above 26010-15 today & just one number there at high of 26095
09:30   Shubro : damn sexy this stuff man Uttam
09:30   Uttam : that freah tick being scrubbed by Shai 🙂
09:30   Shai : new reds in NF
09:35   Shubro : Uttam/Shai any significance that Yvwap and vwap are at same place? Price accepted is and forming base for example?
09:35   Shubro : or better reading from the bands in 30 min?
09:46   Shai : coincidence
09:46   Shai : signifies a balanced market
09:47   Shubro : right thanks Shai.
09:47   Ravi : @shai with this low volumes and OAIR can we think markets are range bound atlest till european open
09:48   Prudhvi : we are at poc of composite i think.
09:50   Shai : yes Ravi
09:51   Shai : in OAIR we don’t look for directionals
09:51   Ravi : Tq @shai
09:52   Shai : Update – Move out of the 25800 ce at 141 and 25700 ce at 226. net profit +20 on pair
09:55   Shai : Intra – Buy BankNifty 25950 sl of 25865 tgt 26070
09:55   Uttam : (09:48) Prudhvi : we are at poc of composite i think. NF taking sup at the weekly POC of 10587
09:57   Ravi : @shai my charts disappeared shoulld i restart
09:57   Shubro : Uttam what is weekly POC for BNF?
09:57   Uttam : 25728
09:58   Shubro : thanks a lot
10:01   Shai : val did not show active sellers in BNF
10:02   Ravi : @shai what about buyers
10:02   Uttam : welcome Shubro 🙂
10:03   Jitender : Ag goes shrt
10:04   Shubro : SShort or shirtless?
10:04   Shubro : TGIF is approaching
10:04   Jitender : wats the ibh we r takn in bnf..26020 ?
10:06   Uttam : 26015 Jit
10:06   Jitender : tx
10:06   Uttam : 🙂
10:07   Jitender : n VAs + POC of composite of nf & bnf pls
10:08   Uttam : BNF before yesterday we had a nice composite with Value at 25648-25755*-25851
10:08   Uttam : yesterday we made value higher & today overlapping with yesterday value
10:09   Uttam : NF you can take last week’s vaue as reference 10545-10587-10629
10:09   Jitender : k..tx
10:09   Uttam : 4th day this week wehre NF looks liek doing a 80% on weekly value
10:09   Uttam : rejected above 10629 & did wPOC
10:09   Shai : option writers are going to get in now and make this slower
10:10   Shai : 25900 pe and 2600 ce
10:10   Uttam : the open trype is inviting them with open arms Shai 😉
10:16   Shubro : Uttam why are there 3 reference points for describing the weekly value area?
10:16   Shubro : High low and middle is ,,,,?
10:16   Uttam : middle one is the POC
10:16   Uttam : VAH & VAL
10:16   Shubro : ok good thanks
10:17   Shubro : makes sense since its a distribution
10:17   Uttam : https://vtrender.slack.com/archives/C0F2X2TFW/p1542257310017100
10:18   Uttam : link to the BNF composite chart
10:22   Shai : Intra – Banknifty book profits here 25995
10:25   Uttam : 53k green stuck at 10613
10:25   Uttam : 10k green in BNF
10:25   Uttam : at 25990
10:30   MJ : Greens trying to find a friend uttam.
10:30   MJ : Don’t give him an exit 😛
10:30   MJ : Same with that 10k
10:30   MJ : in bnf
10:31   Sandesh : Joshiji.. lock kiya jaye?
10:31   MJ : Locked hai.
10:31   Sandesh : 🙂
10:35   RK : Mihir this 50K wants VAH
10:35   RK : Nf could outperform today
10:36   MJ : Lets then.
10:36   RK : outperform in the sense of size of rotations and stretches
10:37   Shubro : RK you mean the extensions like 1.5 IB?
10:37   MJ : 2 rotation trades done since morning RK 🙂
10:38   MJ : 3rd one going. Give me 594 and I am out.
10:38   RK : Shubro I meant Nf could do 20 points move whereas BNF also doing same 20
10:38   Shubro : ah ok thanks
10:39   MJ : reward better in nf Shubro if you are rotating.
10:39   Shubro : right thanks MJ
10:39   Uttam : NF getting resisted at yVWAP
10:41   Uttam : yPOC offering support
10:41   MJ : RK some observation from your tape reading skills? will help us all.
10:42   Shai : don’t forget this till 1 pm- (09:22) Shai : open auction in range and value
10:42   MJ : Shai thank you for OAIRiv
10:42   Himanshu : whats iv mihir
10:42   MJ : 100% size small scalps. Lovely mtm.
10:43   MJ : in value.
10:43   Shai : (09:51) Shai : in OAIR we don’t look for directionals
10:43   MJ : +1 chief.
10:43   Ravi : @shai i am an option writer OAIR helps me today i thin
10:45   Himanshu : yeah ok mihir
10:46   RK : MJ for the day my 2cents would be dont sleep in the rotation and dont feel euphoric in momentum..just do vice versa 🙂
10:46   Shai : yes Ravi for a bit it may
10:46   MJ : Golden words.
10:46   MJ : Rk.
10:46   Ravi : @Tq shai
10:46   Shai : but remmber writers are bigger time frame not intra day
10:47   Ravi : ok but today is expiry…bit idea of opening and volumes will help me a lot
10:47   Shai : BNF stays more quiet like this till 1 pm we will have a massive move into close
10:48   Shai : let it stay here at 960 for now
10:48   Ravi : @shai ok
10:48   RK : they do entire day range may be in last two tpos 🙂
10:48   Shubro : NF trying to cross vwap?
10:48   Shai : RK 🙂
10:49   MJ : Shai that 48825 on the delta slack spoke is?
10:49   Ravi : (10:48) Shubro : NF trying to cross vwap? already VWAP i gess
10:51   Shubro : Yes Ravi i meant edging up now?
10:51   Shai : where?- (10:49) MJ : Shai that 48825 on the delta slack spoke is?
10:51   MJ : That black colour horizontal V on Delta stack at around 10613.
10:51   Shubro : highest volumes??
10:52   MJ : Is it highest vol?
10:52   MJ : Oh thanks.
10:52   MJ : Looks like it.
10:52   Shubro : woah NF 45K
10:54   MJ : Someone has touched bnf.
10:54   MJ : Ameen!
10:54   Uttam : NF going to test yesterdays singles?
10:54   MJ : 644
10:54   Uttam : good greens in BNF also here
10:54   Uttam : IBH scale in BNF
10:54   Uttam : if we ignore the freak high
10:55   MJ : Sandesh babu!
10:55   Uttam : BNF does 80%
10:56   Uttam : 25920-26035
11:01   MJ : When is the rbi governor and Govt meeting?
11:02   Jitender : 19
11:02   MJ : Thanks J.
11:03   Jitender : wc
11:04   Shubro : will they kiss and make up?
11:06   Jitender : tey kissed last friday
11:06   MJ : Now makeout jit?
11:06   Jitender : y do u thinkbnf is up 🙂
11:06   MJ : OF has info.
11:06   MJ : 😛
11:06   MJ : all of it shubro.
11:07   Shubro : messy !!!!! 🙂
11:07   MJ : We saw the power of info in OF at RBI governor drama day.
11:07   Shubro : hmm yep
11:07   MJ : 9300 9600 10k break. And comes a heavyweight with FA at 10111
11:08   MJ : I mean social media had all possible bearish scenes. but OF keeps clutter so damm clean.
11:08   Ravi : 42k in NF
11:10   Shubro : season of uncertainty more negative news than positive in media
11:10   Shubro : one trump tweet oil market tumbles
11:11   Ravi : @uttam 46k in NF stuck upside??? since no range extension
11:11   Himanshu : mihir 46k wrong place?
11:13   MJ : Will watch him.
11:13   MJ : Looks a confident fella.
11:13   MJ : Someone who knows will get 30 in RE.
11:14   MJ : I may be wrong.
11:14   Uttam : narrow IB in NF
11:14   Uttam : even BNF
11:14   Vivek : i think till 2 pm, premium eating game
11:15   Ravi : @Uttam R u expecting any breakout since narrow IB and high volatility
11:16   Himanshu : shai r these 50k, 54k , 46k are sellers of 10637-10640 covering
11:16   MJ : Confident scalper (11:13) MJ : Will watch him.(11:13) MJ : Looks a confident fella.
11:17   Uttam : BNF confimring a multiday FA at 25811
11:17   Himanshu : yeah
11:17   Uttam : 26080 needs to be take out now
11:17   Himanshu : uttam abv 26080 yesterday FA will stand negated?
11:18   MJ : 39k is stuck.
11:18   Uttam : yep
11:18   MJ : top
11:18   MJ : Short sl that looks like.
11:18   Uttam : NF also does 80% to the T
11:18   Uttam : 10584-10643
11:18   Himanshu : yeah mihir
11:18   Ravi : @shai is that responsive sellers at the top
11:18   Ravi : almost 1lakh
11:18   MJ : Missed by .85 (10:54) MJ : 644
11:18   Boppanna : +1 10:35 RK : Mihir this 50K wants VAH
11:18   Uttam : yes pink band in NF & 99k at top
11:19   MJ : Yeah Bop 🙂
11:19   Uttam : but still early days for this bar
11:21   RK : Bop 🙂
11:21   MJ : RK /\
11:22   RK : 3-1-3 tag values and fade them..KISS
11:22   Uttam : super as always RK 🙂
11:22   Uttam : +1
11:23   MJ : Super se upar.
11:25   MJ : RK dval to dvah works so good on these days.
11:28   Shai : Intra – Buy 26000 call at 63 sl of 39 tgt 92.
11:29   MJ : Above 645 we go 680?
11:30   Ravi : @Shai is the same guy with 55k roaming on the top in NF all the candles
11:31   Shai : 55?
11:32   Ravi : 60k buyer at the top of NF 5 min candle
11:32   Shai : no they are countering the selleing for now
11:32   Ravi : ok
11:33   MJ : Let’s get the freak high.
11:33   Shai : last 2 hours are demand bars
11:33   Shai : only greens
11:33   MJ : +1
11:33   Ravi : ok @ shia
11:33   Uttam : RM’s marker that is
11:33   Ravi : @SHAI
11:33   MJ : Up in north Uttam 🙂
11:34   Shai : Book the 26000 ce at 72
11:34   Shai : don’t want to go against a pink band
11:35   Shai : option charts – https://join.me/729-088-645
11:35   Shai : Has 26000 ce and pe
11:36   Ravi : @shai Tq
11:36   Shai : massive buyers in that CE at 33 and below
11:38   Uttam : (11:17) Uttam : BNF confimring a multiday FA at 25811(11:17) Uttam : 26080 needs to be take out now
11:38   MJ : pink band gone in that ce
11:39   Uttam : 26071 so far
11:39   Uttam : BNF does 1.5 IB
11:40   Shai : yes buyers are roaoting and absorbing supply- (11:38) MJ : pink band gone in that ce
11:40   Uttam : NF 1.5 IB at 10655
11:40   Shai : rotating*
11:40   MJ : +1 shai
11:41   MJ : Rewarding day today shai.
11:41   Shai : nothing big in PE also to take contra
11:41   Shai : +1
11:41   MJ : OAIR staying value is like a very old scotch.
11:42   MJ : Smooth and nice to have.
11:45   Ravi : @shai does all demand absorbed ??
11:47   Shai : @Ravi we are in value so when you look at OF you don;t see a big mismatch . Just the odd 20 points in NF
11:47   Shai : see from vwap it was all green nit at VAH some reds also
11:48   Shai : try to see context when watching the OF
11:48   Shai : by itself the numbers will not help you
11:48   Boppanna : SHai can you put 26100ce on options screen pls
11:48   Ravi : @Shai Tq for ur explanation…will improve my redaing the charts slowly
11:49   Ravi : reading
11:49   Shai : let’s stay with 26000 ce for now Bopp. That 72 is an intersting auction
11:49   Sreedhara : What is pink band?
11:50   Shai : can do 20 if crossed
11:50   Shai : +20
11:50   Boppanna : sure no problem
11:50   Shai : trying to absord the early supply there– waiting to see if they pusg through
11:51   Uttam : Shai that daily POC on options chart is today’s POC or yesterdays?
11:51   Shai : else 45 and 50 will come
11:52   Shai : yesterday POC
11:52   RK : BNF max pain anyone?
11:52   Uttam : thought so 🙂 thanks
11:52   MJ : Shai W in the option alert of indexmover is ce right?
11:52   Shai : 25900 RK
11:53   RK : Thanks Shai
11:53   Shai : supply begiiing to rule at 26000 ce
11:53   Shai : 26000 pe is a buy with sl of day lows- 5
11:54   Shai : yes- w call and K is put for NOV- (11:52) MJ : Shai W in the option alert of indexmover is ce right?
11:54   MJ : Thanks.
11:56   Jitender : W wud b Nov fut…no symbol shwn for options ?
11:56   Jitender : ie ce or pe
11:56   Shai : Intra – Buy 26000 pe at 68 sl of 45 tgt 130
11:57   Shai : O:BANKNIFTY 18W26000.0+ Signal Action Alarm! 70.80 at 11:55 Option : Positive Delta Divergence
11:58   Shai : This W after 18
11:58   MJ : This was put alert right?
11:58   Shai : 18 is year W is PUT and 26000 is the strike
11:58   MJ : Thanks.
11:58   Jitender : k
11:58   MJ : Slacked the esignal chart. Via jit.
11:58   MJ : Thanks J
11:59   Jitender : wc ji
12:00   Shai : fairly well bought that put between 63 and 70
12:00   Shai : let’s see if it does a good job
12:03   MJ : nice fight between two ce/pe
12:04   Uttam : OI i PE rising so looks like being written?
12:04   Pradeep : Shai, can you please explain when that alert (Positive Delta Divergence). I see that in all of the 15 mins bars today, that put had delta divergence.
12:04   Pradeep : when the alert gets generated
12:05   Uttam : E making an inside bar so far in both
12:05   MJ : Uttam mera woh kaam kardo please.
12:11   Uttam : BNF new highs
12:12   Shai : alert generates when falling prices meet aggressive buying- (12:04) Pradeep : Shai, can you please explain when that alert (Positive Delta Divergence). I see that in all of the 15 mins bars today, that put had delta divergence.
12:12   Shai : would show as green on charts
12:13   Pradeep : tx Shai
12:13   Uttam : (11:38) Uttam : (11:17) Uttam : BNF confimring a multiday FA at 25811(11:17) Uttam : 26080 needs to be take out now…26077 high in BNF so far
12:14   Uttam : but staying above that 26045
12:14   Shai : if 26015 goes that put is a multi bagger today
12:15   Shai : expecting 25930 quickly below 26015
12:16   Pradeep : +1.
12:16   Shai : for now rotations here
12:16   Uttam : NF has been coiling, F making an inside bar
12:16   Shai : which is not good for the put considering expiry in 3 hours
12:16   Uttam : looks like waitign for BNF for next move
12:17   Uttam : would like to 26k CE writers get a scare 😉
12:17   MJ : Uttam. I like you.
12:17   MJ : Option writers ko darao thoda.
12:17   Pradeep : Shai, more pinks on 26000 CE and grens on PE, is that conviction for our trade of 26KPE
12:23   Shai : yes
12:24   Ravi : (12:17) Uttam : would like to 26k CE writers get a scare 😉 which side @Uttam
12:26   MJ : RK pwh holding up so much.
12:28   Dr Prajwal : heading for trend day??
12:30   Jitender : Ag goes long
12:30   Himanshu : thanks jit 🙂
12:30   Jitender : 🙂
12:31   Shubro : hahaha :_)
12:31   Pradeep : RK, ledge box in both BNF & NF
12:33   Pradeep : Shai, the greens in the 26000 PE are unable to gift a lift, what should we infer… lower lows and greens come at every dip
12:36   MJ : Shai big sellers yest at 26080ish?
12:38   Shubro : aare BNF ko hilao yar
12:38   RK : no Pradeep
12:38   MJ : RK open of yest also holding too strong?
12:39   Himanshu : very low volumes now in NF
12:40   RK : I dont track those pivots Mihir
12:40   MJ : Oh thanks Rk.
12:40   Sandesh : 26K Pe, SL saved by 0.05.. 🙂
12:42   Pradeep : thnks RK
12:42   RK : problem with BNF is higher the ref you keep more obstruction in decisions :)..
12:42   RK : higher = more
12:44   RK : BNF into smthing here
12:45   RK : keeps expanding dev value with grind higher
12:45   RK : coiling around PDH
12:47   RK : dip to 26020 means safe for shorts to make exit and wait on sidelines to decide
12:53   RK : 100 points move beyond 26020-26080 range
12:53   RK : expecting
12:57   Eric null : Bnf one time farming? But bar is counted valid?
12:57   Eric null : B bar*
12:57   Shai : 26000 pe stopped. <Make an exit
12:57   MJ : 81k seller in bnf
12:57   MJ : woah.
12:58   Gaurav : 81 K
12:58   Gaurav : 😛
12:58   MJ : 26+81+5
12:58   Gaurav : both sides now
12:58   Gaurav : 81 -81
12:58   Pradeep : bad luck… RK indicator was hinting upmove
12:58   MJ : yeah garurav.
12:59   MJ : Gaurav*
12:59   Gaurav : greens gone on refresh
12:59   MJ : (11:33) MJ : Let’s get the freak high.(12:05) MJ : Uttam mera woh kaam kardo please.
12:59   MJ : Thanks Uttam 🙂
13:00   Shai : that 26000 pe went bad for a lot of traders
13:00   Shai : 26000 ce jumped 20 points
13:00   Shai : expiry musings
13:01   Jitender : spx +12
13:01   Gaurav : we are holding 10500 PE till next week right,? ignore the stop for now
13:01   Jitender : 2.5 hrs still left
13:02   Himanshu : 1 lakh is back
13:02   MJ : Jit 🙂
13:02   Boppanna : COme on RK just needed 5 min 12:53 RK : 100 points move beyond 26020-26080 range
13:02   MJ : 66 entry 26k ce 113 exit.
13:03   MJ : holding 50%
13:03   MJ : give me 155
13:03   MJ : now.
13:04   RK : done
13:04   RK : time to take posnl PEs NF
13:04   RK : below 640
13:05   MJ : Shai 85k bnf looks like green booking out? or fresh fella?
13:07   RK : this was context..nothing is magic..just need to see what is auction doing..above FA grind and Value inching up means range extn probability higher..//(12:45) RK : keeps expanding dev value with grind higher//
13:09   MJ : Suyog does his 280
13:09   Jitender : yup
13:10   MJ : Kudos Suyog.
13:10   MJ : If you read this and are smiling.. say aye in the room.
13:10   Himanshu : NF dpoc shifted to 10665 at top
13:11   Himanshu : @RK any context for that?
13:11   MJ : 672 so far (11:29) MJ : Above 645 we go 680?
13:11   Uttam : (12:13) Uttam : (11:38) Uttam : (11:17) Uttam : BNF confimring a multiday FA at 25811(11:17) Uttam : 26080 needs to be take out now…26077 high in BNF so far(12:14) Uttam : but staying above that 26045(12:17) Uttam : would like to 26k CE writers get a scare 😉
13:11   Jitender : +1
13:11   MJ : Uttam you are the man.
13:11   Uttam : BNF going for that 2ATR of 26230
13:13   Jitender : 2 is expiry
13:13   Jitender : 2day
13:13   RK : yes
13:13   RK : too early this move with dPOC down
13:14   Uttam : 26199…31 more to go
13:14   Jitender : yup or gets mad from here
13:14   Jitender : 26ce jumps 10 points in a tick
13:14   Uttam : those wrtiers getting sloshed Jit
13:14   Himanshu : means first dpoc needs to move up and then the price?
13:14   RK : 15lacs OI was there Jit
13:15   Uttam : it is down by half
13:15   Himanshu : @rk
13:15   RK : so unwinding make it beast
13:15   Jitender : ys
13:15   Jitender : groovy day so far..lowestqty traded so far & max results
13:15   Uttam : 26208…22 more
13:15   MJ : Jit 10 more here please 145 so far. (13:03) MJ : give me 155
13:16   RK : Himanshu means dont chase price
13:16   Jitender : ys
13:16   Jitender : if long book
13:16   Himanshu : okk thanks
13:16   RK : will get stuck in grind or mean reversion
13:16   Jitender : n watch before entern again
13:16   MJ : Have a tsl.
13:16   Uttam : kept last one at 150 in that 26k ce
13:16   Uttam : booked half at 132
13:16   MJ : +1 uttam aamazing.
13:17   Jitender : congrats Uttam
13:17   Uttam : 26210…20 more
13:17   Jitender : keep rockn
13:17   Uttam : had that PE also as hedge so some loss in that also needs to be counted though
13:17   MJ : High so far 680… (11:29) MJ : Above 645 we go 680?
13:17   Uttam : thanks Jit & Mihir
13:18   MJ : Out nf trade.
13:19   MJ : All out ce.
13:19   MJ : NDD there.
13:20   MJ : Thanks J.
13:20   MJ : for your alert.
13:21   Dr Prajwal : reds in nf??
13:22   Uttam : 15L addition in OI of 26k PE today
13:23   Uttam : did mention yesterday that BNF has made higher value than the composite yesterday & when it tried to get in got reejcted whcih is not a FA at 25811
13:23   Uttam : now*
13:23   Uttam : 1atr from 25811 is 26208 🙂
13:24   Boppanna : +1
13:24   RK : so next settlement at 2 atr down from that? 🙂
13:24   MJ : Get ext handle Uttam.
13:24   MJ : Will exit SAR.
13:24   Uttam : we still have 2atr of 26230 from fa of 25429 RK 🙂
13:24   Uttam : ext handle alrwady there at 26100 today Mihir
13:25   MJ : NF.
13:25   Uttam : 26077 actually that ext handle is at
13:25   Eric : bids outpacing ask in that upmove
13:25   Uttam : right at the negated FA of 26080
13:25   Jitender : interceptor & Jawa both get launched
13:25   Jitender : school day rides 🙂
13:26   RK : price range?
13:26   Jitender : jawa 1.55 lac +
13:26   RK : my Dad had them when I was kid
13:26   Jitender : had ridden a lot on it
13:26   MJ : Men from different era you both are.
13:27   Jitender : “Men” 🙂
13:28   Uttam : just proves that old is gold
13:28   Jitender : m k with being gold 😉
13:28   Uttam : you are Gold man
13:28   MJ : Done taken extn handle.
13:29   MJ : yay.
13:29   Himanshu : y did RE line on MP chart disappeared?
13:29   MJ : cos we touched it back Himanshu
13:29   Jitender : u r sweet Uttam n gold 🙂
13:29   RK : 300cc
13:29   Himanshu : ohhhh so its no longer valid now?
13:29   Shai : Intra – Buy bankNifty 26175 sl of 26090 tgt 26278
13:30   Uttam : 2 IB doen in NF & BNF 3ib also at that 26234 level
13:30   Uttam : +1 s
13:30   Uttam : +1 Shai BNF is in beast mode
13:33   Rajiv : Huge Suppy in the last hour. Does it auger well for the bulls
13:33   Shai : option players got dismanted
13:33   Shai : looking at this as a fresh auction above yesterday’s FA
13:34   Himanshu : shai ny update on 10500pe ?
13:34   Shai : 26100 ext handle
13:34   Shai : 10680 F exit
13:34   Shai : But we will keep a time review for 3 pm on that PE
13:34   Himanshu : ok
13:36   Boppanna : Shai Any stats on probability of a trend day on weekly expiry in BN spot?
13:37   MJ : 150 on that 26k ce done
13:39   Shai : Book the BNF at 26213
13:39   Shai : can come – (13:36) Boppanna : Shai Any stats on probability of a trend day on weekly expiry in BN spot?
13:40   Shai : but always better to be careful near 2 pm
13:40   Jitender : 26.1ce has no prem
13:40   Shubro : so expiry around there Jit?
13:40   Ravi : TQ @[email protected] giving good support crossed 50k today MTM
13:41   MJ : Ravi
13:41   MJ : More power to you. Congratulations.
13:41   Jitender : congrats Ravi
13:41   Jitender : conserve it
13:42   Boppanna : Reds in that 26100ce
13:42   Shai : yes
13:42   Ravi : TQ @MJ and Jitender
13:43   Shai : looks like 26000 pe guys sailed in 26100 ce also
13:44   Boppanna : Yep that 72 on the 2600ce was the laxman rekha jumped on to 26100ce
13:44   Shai : keep a BNF buy order near 26140. is a good spot to buy
13:45   Boppanna : *26000ce
13:45   RK : bravehearts can fade this upper disbn in BNF
13:46   MJ : Give me 160 RK.
13:48   Shubro : guys expiry today at 2 or 3:30?
13:49   Ravi : 3:30
13:50   Uttam : congrats Ravi 🙂 and wish you more of such days
13:50   Ravi : Tq@Uttam
13:51   Jitender : did u guys notice tat sgx didnt fall yday+ tere wee geens at close yday
13:51   MJ : Yes jit.
13:51   MJ : Intent was going no where.
13:52   Jitender : i had even remarked tat they seem 2 b not afraid of spx
13:52   MJ : yes
13:52   Shubro : USDINR the reason./
13:52   Shubro : ??
13:52   Uttam : yes Jit even today morning it was never negative inspite of US closing weak
13:52   Uttam : (13:11) Uttam : BNF going for that 2ATR of 26230…BNF 26220 new high still 10 points away
13:52   Jitender : had bought sum 25700 ce at 190 today…just booked sum at 421
13:52   Eric : http://www.beathft.com/?p=164
13:53   Eric : awesome article
13:53   Uttam : wow Jit 🙂 told you you are gold
13:53   Eric : @shai do we have as such data??
13:53   Jitender : tx bro,,,
13:53   Jitender : just was extra focussed today
13:54   Uttam : alwasy knew you would come back in raoring form 🙂
13:55   MJ : OAIRing form.
13:55   Uttam : (13:16) Uttam : kept last one at 150 in that 26k ce….Mihir high in that CE exact 150
13:56   MJ : Yes uttam 🙂 (13:37) MJ : 150 on that 26k ce done
13:59   RK : 26050 expiry would be nice today
13:59   RK : that would leave all in awe
13:59   RK : looks like 26100 CE in high fade zone at 70
14:00   MJ : Rk sitting in the fade since DHI.
14:00   MJ : Either take it or take sl.
14:00   MJ : 😛
14:00   RK : one more push Mihir in this disbn
14:00   RK : to decide
14:00   RK : is that push meets with supply then mean reversion
14:01   Ravi : @RK is it possible to tell expiry price
14:01   RK : *in that
14:01   Ravi : at this point
14:01   Ravi : any indicators
14:01   RK : Ravi just wild guess based on auction and profile
14:01   Ravi : ok
14:01   RK : and OI and other internals
14:01   Ravi : since i have to adjust my positions accordingly
14:02   RK : If its possible to call any move with certainity RK will not be available in room here 🙂
14:02   Boppanna : 🙂
14:02   MJ : Rk does it .
14:03   Uttam : BNf into the singles
14:03   MJ : part booking happend.
14:03   MJ : wooohoooo!
14:03   Uttam : 26163-26077
14:03   MJ : Thanks rk.
14:03   RK : first test of singles should be rejected Uttam
14:03   Uttam : yes RK
14:03   Uttam : +1
14:04   MJ : RK 197 to 157 🙂
14:04   RK : 26100 CE now with writers I think
14:04   MJ : changed house.
14:06   RK : since all are busy with BNF lets see NF
14:06   RK : acceptance 650 down means 620 there
14:13   Shai : 26100 ce is a the lottery at 40 sl 19 tgt 81/
14:14   Shubro : Shai is that a buy now?
14:16   Shubro : Uttam is this a DD now?
14:23   Uttam : yes Shubro BNF looks like a DD for now
14:25   Shai : 32 SL- (14:13) Shai : 26100 ce is a the lottery at 40 sl 19 tgt 81/
14:25   Shai : is not able to mange 26200
14:25   Jitender : spx +8 from +17
14:26   Uttam : 10611 calling in NF RK?
14:27   RK : Uttam (14:06) RK : acceptance 650 down means 620 there
14:27   Uttam : NF at IBH +vwap combo
14:27   Pradeep : RK: Great observation. Trade worked for me and I am out. (14:06) RK : acceptance 650 down means 620 there
14:27   Uttam : this goes here then NF gone for the day
14:28   Uttam : weekly VAH also there
14:28   RK : this 5min bar I think highest vol down bar
14:28   RK : for the day
14:28   RK : NF
14:29   RK : 190K
14:29   Uttam : 13:04 had more but third highest
14:29   RK : that is up bar Uttam
14:29   RK : this is down one
14:29   Uttam : oh sorry missed the down bar part
14:29   Uttam : so means sellers coming?
14:30   RK : so you are planning 80% in super over? 🙂
14:30   Miyajan : 540 first port of call RK?
14:30   Uttam : NF was giving one 80% on weekly per day, today it can give 2 😉
14:30   RK : all BNF profit they are parking in NF shorts 🙂
14:30   Jitender : Ag wanted SC n mkts r cumng dwn…surprise surprise
14:31   Shai : icici move from 340 looks done at 373
14:31   Uttam : lol Jit
14:31   MJ : Yes shai. 370ish exited.
14:31   MJ : Had asked you earlier in this series.
14:32   Shai : yes +1
14:33   MJ : From observation. That one stock is always in your eyes 🙂
14:33   Pradeep : Chanda Kocchar gave loan to Shai!
14:34   Uttam : other was round Pradeep 😉
14:34   Uttam : other way*
14:34   MJ : Yeah uttam.
14:34   MJ : Shai in talks to get her on board.
14:34   MJ : 😛
14:34   Pradeep : oh yeah. Sorry Shai
14:34   Uttam : Shai had a hand in bailing her ut 😉
14:34   Uttam : NF getting support at that vwap+IBH level
14:34   Uttam : BNF back to tag new highs look like
14:35   MJ : new high in that ce
14:35   MJ : bas uttam you know what to do 😛
14:35   Uttam : that 1 pm 5min bar in BNF had huge vols
14:35   Boppanna : 140 low in that Pull back in BNF
14:35   Uttam : 26228
14:35   Uttam : finally 26230
14:36   Jitender : yday n today same algo rise in bnf at 2.30
14:36   MJ : Doneeeeeee uttam
14:36   Jitender : was ready todaay
14:36   Uttam : if BNF keeps rising then next level to wach is 26475
14:36   MJ : 83 to 155 done right now (13:03) MJ : give me 155
14:36   Jitender : +1
14:38   RK : another 50mins to kill
14:38   RK : for firefighters 🙂
14:39   MJ : wild estimate
14:39   MJ : 333 close?
14:39   RK : if that happens its a problem for NF bulls
14:39   RK : they need to get that 720 today then
14:40   MJ : 50 mins
14:40   MJ : RK
14:40   MJ : hope hai.
14:40   Jitender : brexit negotiator resigns
14:40   MJ : Aila
14:40   Jitender : usd index up
14:40   MJ : Googly on Uk.
14:41   RK : MIhir if bulls dont make spike in NF they have nice setup here for a nice trend day up tmw..spike here might ruin that tmw move
14:41   MJ : Okay lets just be happy with 680 then.
14:41   RK : trend day if they close above 640 roughly
14:42   MJ : 644 670 close anywhere we have a nice day tomorrow.
14:42   Jitender : out of all positions
14:42   Jitender : will scalp now
14:42   MJ : 5 min early jit
14:42   Jitender : 12 mins
14:42   MJ : Oh yes 2.55
14:43   RK : above 666 NF shorts can feel pain alongwith BNF
14:44   Jitender : sumhow just remembered trump’s winter is coming poster
14:44   Jitender : brexit news is not goog
14:44   Jitender : good
14:44   Jitender : but is majorly priced in
14:48   Uttam : (14:43) RK : above 666 NF shorts can feel pain alongwith BNF +1 RK
14:49   Uttam : today’s pillback low of 10633 imp level to watch going forward?
14:49   RK : yes tmw below that we get today low
14:49   Uttam : +1
14:49   RK : 630-580 quick surfing zones now
14:50   Uttam : yesterday NF did give the hint as close that it is puching the bracket higher
14:50   MJ : Which will become yvwap too.
14:50   MJ : Nice reference to watch.
14:50   Uttam : but now looks like wants to run away?
14:50   MJ : Sky is the limit for bnf.
14:51   Uttam : in beast mode BNF is under no control 😉
14:51   Uttam : NF testing that 10666 level
14:51   Uttam : shorts moving out?
14:52   Uttam : 12k & 9k greens at top
14:52   MJ : Trailer.
14:52   MJ : ?
14:52   MJ : Wait uttam.
14:52   RK : that 190K red bar players should start puking now
14:52   Uttam : BNF getting ready
14:53   Uttam : RK these greens are of those 190 fellow?
14:54   RK : I can see one 20K
14:54   RK : red there and green here
14:54   RK : sustaining 665 another 5mins means it could spike
14:54   Uttam : BNF does 3IB again
14:55   RK : but lowest vol in recent time NF
14:55   RK : even BNf less vol for expiry
14:57   Uttam : Shai had told to buy BNF at 26140 & that is exactly wehre BNF gave a pull back low today 🙂 super Shai
14:57   MJ : 167 high in that 26k
14:58   RK : 70-40/30 3 times now //(13:59) RK : looks like 26100 CE in high fade zone at 70//
14:58   Pradeep : Is the high done in BNF?
14:58   RK : now post 3.05 if this scales 70 then 2x potential there..
15:01   Jitender : 54-33 done on it 🙂
15:02   RK : nice
15:02   MJ : 0 karo
15:02   Uttam : nice Jit
15:02   MJ : usko
15:02   Jitender : 🙂
15:03   Jitender : wudnt mind a gap dwn morrow
15:04   Shubro : aise mat bol Jit
15:04   Shubro : haha
15:04   Jitender : 🙂
15:05   Jitender : nf n bnf divergn
15:05   Jitender : 2mrw wil tell whether tis bnf spring was expiry related or a swing buy by fii’s
15:06   Jitender : AG sayn go long here in bnf
15:06   Uttam : that 26100ce back to 50
15:08   Jitender : scalped 54-44 on it
15:08   MJ : Faster than bolt.
15:08   MJ : congo
15:08   MJ : done for the day jit.
15:08   Jitender : cool
15:08   MJ : now sitting at sides.
15:08   MJ : 🙂
15:09   Shai : for tom also this 26140 crucial – (13:44) Shai : keep a BNF buy order near 26140. is a good spot to buy
15:09   Shai : BNF has gone to buy on dips
15:09   Shai : is headed for 26425
15:09   MJ : +1
15:10   Rajiv : So do we hold 10500 PE now?
15:10   Rajiv : I mean carry
15:11   RK : NF good selling last 30mins
15:11   Shai : yes
15:11   RK : infact last 2hrs
15:12   Jitender : brexit also helped
15:12   Shai : NF intent on red side so safe to carry
15:12   Boppanna : SPX baack in neg
15:12   Jitender : yup
15:14   Shai : update – will be carrying the 10500 PE for tom
15:15   Ravi : closing my shop with 1.1Lakhs
15:15   Shai : Congrats
15:16   Ravi : Tq @Shai
15:16   Jitender : awesum Ravi
15:16   MJ : Ravi beautiful.
15:16   Ravi : Tq guys for constant support in the trading room
15:16   MJ : More days like these to you.
15:16   Uttam : super Ravi 🙂 congrats
15:16   Shai : These reds are getting bigger in NF
15:16   MJ : 666 short + pes
15:16   MJ : on
15:17   MJ : Strech that intent more wide.
15:17   Ravi : Tq @uttam ..Jitender and MJ
15:17   RK : enough 650 nonsense Shai..lets do 250 quick 🙂
15:17   Jitender : go fr it Rk
15:18   MJ : RK
15:18   MJ : they are listening to you
15:18   RK : JIt get us 70 points gap down at 550
15:18   Prudhvi : +1 RK
15:18   RK : rest will happen on its own weight
15:19   Shai : Update – Add 50% more to 10500 PE at 76 here . Maintain same sl of 10680F
15:19   MJ : Outttt NF
15:19   MJ : Now holding all pes.
15:19   MJ : For tomorrow.
15:19   MJ : massive day.
15:19   Ravi : Bye guys..happy evening to all
15:20   MJ : bnf in own world.
15:20   MJ : not bothered to drop.
15:22   Shai : BNG expiry
15:23   Shai : if 26130 vreaks tom will be only expiry drame
15:23   Shai : what does NF know here is the Q?
15:23   MJ : +1 shai
15:23   Shai : looks like an ope beloe 10590
15:24   Himanshu : OAIR played well?
15:24   Jitender : nf yday & 2day hi same
15:24   RK : Shai 10550 and drive pls
15:24   MJ : Shai 550 and reverse please.
15:25   RK : or 10570 and open drive
15:25   MJ : 😛
15:25   Shai : yes except for that stunt in H period which caught PE’s and shorts off guard
15:25   Himanshu : shai yesteday’s A singles protected thier poistion well?
15:25   Shai : yes Himanshu
15:25   Himanshu : and bulls did bad job today?
15:25   RK : Mihir if we open below 580/570 kind this time no bounce just my 2cents
15:25   Shai : 134, 99, 105 at the top today
15:27   MJ : Yes. 570 is my marker too.
15:27   Rushabh : vix spiked
15:27   MJ : Price around 550 can be the decider.
15:27   MJ : I am in puts and profits will continue my intent trade with it.
15:27   MJ : When you want 250?
15:28   MJ : I would love to hear your context.
15:28   RK : before Wed
15:28   MJ : Done. Slacking you later.
15:29   MJ : have a wonderful day everyone.
15:29   MJ : Bye.
15:29   Jitender : bye all
15:29   Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:29   Shai : Bye all
15:29   Shai : Have a nice evening
15:29   Himanshu : thanks and bye all

10:23   Rajiv : Hi! when ever you have time your views on ITC
10:24   Shai : ITC is in the early stages of a move to 287 and 296. Still needs more buying here at 276/77 but is poised to go higher
10:24   Rajiv : Thanks
10:41   Smita : Shai support/ resitance for sunpharma ? i can plot 480/500 next support
10:43   Shai : what is your time frame ?
10:44   Smita : next 3-4 session
10:45   Shai : yes thin zone it is trading in. Can dive to 482 vpoc next
10:45   Shai : 506 intra supp today but one time frame lower
11:41   Rushabh : shai DLF on way for 168/170?
12:26   Shai : yes small pulback should meet supply again
12:26   Shai : 167
12:26   Rushabh : good short now?
12:27   Shai : aggressive for intra
12:27   Shai : 173 sl if postnl
12:27   Rushabh : okay thanks shai
12:45   MJ : Chief ICICI hits 370. Thank you.
15:17   Rushabh : shai dlf at highs, any change?
15:22   MJ : Shai cash script. Nocil. Can you check if any zones to be watched?
15:22   MJ : Can ping at ease.