Order Flow charts dated 16th Mar 2020

Many traders are looking for information on how to use market conditions to find good trades. Order Flow is best understood as a way to see existing bias in the markets. Order Flow helps us understand who is in control of the market and who is ‘upside down’ and likely to make exits from that position in a loss.

Volume Profile and Order Flow are very good tools to assist you in trading. You can also use it along with your existing setup.


30 Min Nf Fpx 9 Order Flow Charts Dated 16Th Mar 2020 Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading


30 Min Bnf Fpx 9 Order Flow Charts Dated 16Th Mar 2020 Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading

Room Chat

08:51 Prateeek : gm all
08:52 Chandrashekhar : GM all
08:52 Kushal : gm all
08:52 Rajan : Good morning all
08:52 Gopi : GM all
08:53 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/811366485
08:53 Himanshu : GM ALL
08:53 Manikandan : GM All
08:54 Santhosh : gm all
08:54 Avinash : GM Everyone
08:56 Vtrender Live : 5 min charts enhanced – https://join.me/106-065-789
08:57 Shai : Gm all
09:00 Srinivas : GM all
09:00 Giri : GM all
09:01 Sanjib : GM all
09:02 Himanshu : GM all
09:02 Shai : Hope everyone had a good weekend and has come prepared for the open today and with a plan
09:02 Anil : Good Morning All
09:02 Shai : I mentioned we require you at 110% this week, fully focussed. This should be a big week also
09:03 Shai : Friday’s auction went higher once 9672 F was taken out
09:03 Shai : so our imm ref for the open is 9672F along with the zone of 9800 F from thursday’s selling
09:04 Shai : if it stsyas below expect 9158 F again
09:04 Bhupinder : GM all
09:04 Shai : Allow the market to come to you, trade to your strength and your levels
09:04 Govind : Thanks Shai, will do
09:04 Shai : There will be plenty of opportunities
09:05 Manoj : good morning guys
09:05 Shai : 9415 can give minor supp below 9672 but clean sell below it
09:07 Govind : Spot to open @ 9607.95
09:08 Govind : scratch that, even lower
09:08 Govind : 9587.8
09:12 Suhas null : gm all
09:13 Chandrashekhar : S&P mini has hot the lower circuit again..trade has been halted
09:13 Chandrashekhar : hit* the LC
09:15 Shai : 9403-9415 ref’
09:16 Chandrashekhar : @Shai NF MO charts need adjustments please
09:16 Chandrashekhar : MP charts*
09:17 Chandrashekhar : Thanks Shai
09:19 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:19 Saheer : first 5 min 15L volume
09:21 Vishnu : gm all
09:22 Shai : Intra – sell NF below 9370 sl of 9477 tgt 9150
09:22 Chandrashekhar : Vix @ 57??
09:22 Jitender : ys
09:27 Abhinav : COT changed for second bar? was seeing it as negative just now
09:30 Shai : Book the NF at 9345- 50
09:30 Ankit : Shai need ajustment for 5 mins NF chart (thirs screen)
09:31 Ankit : thanks
09:33 Himanshu : SEBI increased margin to 99% req in 12 Stocks in phased manner
09:33 Uttam : 9300pe from 355 to 375
09:33 Himanshu : Controlling panic/
09:33 Tejpreet : First 100 of moenung done . +100 Shai !!
09:34 Tejpreet : Shai in case of panic your views if SEBI bans short selling .
09:35 Govind : Congo Uttam and Tej
09:35 Tejpreet : tks
09:35 Kushal : sbicard listing will impact sentiment
09:35 Govind : Vix is relentless
09:35 Kushal : +1 UG, Tej
09:36 Tejpreet : Italy has really scared every one , fatality rate of almost 8 %
09:36 Sanjib : COT is +ve throughout today
09:36 Tejpreet : China figures seem total fraud.
09:36 Sanjib : Not much conviction downside?
09:37 Boppanna : +1 Tej & Uttam..thx uttam for Bnf hypos zipping thru with 2 lots
09:37 Tejpreet : tks guys
09:37 Avinash : Uttam & Tej +1
09:38 Govind : 2 DT done guys
09:38 Prateeek : great govind. congrats
09:38 Kushal : +1 Gov
09:38 Kushal : super
09:38 Govind : Thanks guys, Shai’s ref level was awesome as usual
09:38 Tejpreet : +1 gov
09:39 Jitender : congo guys
09:39 Shai : Intra – short NF again sl of 9399 tgt 9170
09:39 Shai : shoukd now go to that 9150\
09:41 Srinivas : congo Uttam/Gov/Tej
09:42 Govind : Vix crosses 58
09:43 Srinivas : captured 20 points in the inital down move 9.3 pe 480-500 .. doing onlyh 1/2 volumes today
09:43 Uttam : 50k green at 9292
09:43 Govind : Congo Sri
09:43 Srinivas : thx Gov
09:44 Uttam : vwap here
09:49 Uttam : RS@ 9380
09:50 Uttam : negotiations on at VWAP here in NF
09:50 Tejpreet : +1 good place to go short here with Shais 9415 +filter as SL.
09:51 Himanshu : Today NSE/SEBI/LIC will be prepared -I guess over weekend
09:51 Shai : Exit the short view
09:52 Uttam : this guy changes the game for now – (09:43) Uttam : 50k green at 9292
09:52 Uttam : 9380 ref now in NF
09:56 Sagar : good COT above VVAP long from Vwap
09:56 Shai : yes
09:56 Shai : longs came back
09:57 Yash null : shai, longs allowed?
09:57 Uttam : 1L COT
09:58 Shai : A littel unsettled now
09:58 Shai : we are waiting
09:58 Sagar : 9380 to 9430 done
09:58 Uttam : Friday’s VWAP imp ref on upside
09:58 Uttam : 9550
09:58 Uttam : if at all we get there
09:59 Uttam : 9531 is VAL of 2 day balance
10:00 Uttam : congrats Bops & thanks _/\_ – (09:37) Boppanna : +1 Tej & Uttam..thx uttam for Bnf hypos zipping thru with 2 lots
10:00 Shai : This is fast and 2 way
10:00 Shai : Allow the market to settle guys
10:03 Uttam : -75k COT in NF
10:03 Uttam : first big negative of the day
10:03 Ankit : DT
10:03 Ankit : 0.25% qty
10:04 Uttam : needs to stay below VWAP though
10:04 Ankit : was tricky at vwap
10:04 Uttam : congrats Ankit 🙂
10:04 Ankit : thx Uttam bhai 😀
10:04 Boppanna : 340 NF on watch 450 in BNF
10:04 Uttam : 9405 ref now in NF
10:05 Jitender : bansal gv a shrt call on PVR..it went up by 100 bucks
10:05 Uttam : shit
10:05 Govind : 🙂
10:06 Rajesh : i was out from PVR @1052.. bansal effect
10:06 Jitender : 1037
10:06 Jitender : my exit
10:07 Jitender : had put a trailn stop…the moment i heard
10:07 Boppanna : Congts Jit
10:07 Jitender : tx bro
10:07 Uttam : congrats Rajesh & Jit
10:07 Jitender : tx
10:07 Rajesh : wonderful trade. just do opposite to bansals
10:08 Rajesh : it is still a good sell at 1188..
10:08 Prateeek : rakesh bansal we talking about ?
10:08 Rajesh : JIT – can we take that now?
10:08 Sagar : 35 k at top
10:08 Jitender : i will wait
10:08 Jitender : see 1200
10:08 Jitender : cash buyn in it
10:12 Sagar : last 30 min trading near Vwap
10:14 Jitender : watever i have learnt…m happy ppl are benfitting from open sharing…from my risk management & DT stuff…happy to c Shai adapt it at open ….and even my BS filtering ..of going contra to TV guys….
10:14 Jitender : pls gv me yr blessings for my famil also..to get thru this corona shit
10:15 Jitender : yr prayers fr us will matter
10:15 Jitender : m just a litttle scared..honestly in a long time
10:15 Rajan : All our prayers with you and family JIt
10:15 Chandrashekhar : +1 Jit
10:15 Rajiv : JIT good things happen to good people
10:15 Rajan : and everyone here in the group…god will take care of all of us
10:15 Saheer : All the time Jit
10:15 Amit N : our prayers are always with you
10:16 Sagar : take care and isolate yourself and family would help
10:16 Kushal : God bless u nd ur family jit
10:16 Vishnu : you and full ur family will be safe man. u r good person nothing happen . stay blessed
10:17 Ankit : Karma is always watching,even when no one else is _/\_
10:17 Ankit : all the good vibes jit 🙂
10:17 Srinivas : +1 Jit… We all will be alright and will come out of this
10:18 Suren : Our prayers with you. This too shall pass Jit.
10:18 Avinash : Stay Strong Jit. Will keep you and your family in our prayers.
10:18 Jitender : _/\_ tx all
10:19 Govind : Jit, our prayers are with your family. Please stay brave and things will return to normalcy. My house is under partial lockdown already. and TN is one of the least affected thus far
10:19 Himanshu : JIt – You and your fly are in our prayers
10:19 Vijay : Dont worry Jit we are all with you, This is a difficult time for everyone and we will get through this all together
10:19 Vijay : Lets take maximum precautions
10:20 Jitender : _/\_ tx all
10:20 Manoj : Jitender don’t worry bro.. god always takes care of kind people like you..
10:21 Lakshay : god bless us all
10:22 Pritesh : messages got disappeared.. Can’t see anything between 9:10 to 10:20
10:22 Vijay : Lets take a pledge as VT team to help each other in whatever way possible.
10:23 Govind : boom coming?
10:24 R Goel : can someone please post tge link fr gotomeeting
10:25 Jitender : 08:53 Vtrender L: 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/811366485
10:25 Jitender : its in tab 2 also
10:25 R Goel : thanks actually i am on mobile
10:25 Jitender : +1
10:26 Govind : China production numbers @ record lows as expected; this is what the global markets have been pricing in I guess
10:26 Ankit : @shai.. hello..it would be great if you could help by zooming out the 5 mins chart a bit
10:28 Ankit : thanks again 🙂
10:29 Shai : NF started to go down from open, but is flat now at vwap
10:29 Shai : COt is not supporting a downmove yet
10:30 Shai : ref lines till europe are 9470- 9330\
10:30 Ankit : +1 shai
10:30 Favas : ref for bnf?
10:32 Bhavani : JIt, Dont worry ., we are all there to pray for you and your family.. Be brave .. All of us would come through this with god’s blessings
10:32 Kushal : +1 Shai
10:35 Boppanna : @Favas 450 & 680 for me BNF
10:36 Sagar : looks like market wating fro EU market to open
10:36 Sachin : take care jit, prayed for you and your family
10:37 Govind : selling intensifying
10:37 Jitender : tx guys
10:37 Favas : thnks bops
10:37 Sagar : 80k cot
10:37 Sagar : -ve
10:38 Favas : takecare jit
10:43 Vishnu : any rangebound week expecting anyone ?
10:44 Vishnu : c perod over
10:46 Kushal : Normal/Neutral day today?
10:51 Prateeek : australian market closes down 9.7%. biggest decline on record
10:52 Suresh : 1L plus COT in buy side
10:52 Sagar : boom
10:53 Kushal : some 0s
10:54 Sagar : netxt REF Uttam@
10:55 Jitender : 1235 on pvr Eajesh
10:55 Jitender : Rajesh
10:57 Rajesh : thokna hai?
10:59 Jitender : up 2 u 🙂
10:59 Jitender : i will wait
10:59 Rajesh : future discount is gone.
11:00 Rajesh : bit of buying in stock
11:00 Jitender : (10:08) Jitender : i will wait(10:08) Jitender : cash buyn in it
11:01 Lakshay : nf short here ?
11:02 Shai : yes can short
11:02 Shai : tgt 9375/ 9330
11:02 Lakshay : ok
11:03 Suresh : SL?
11:03 Shai : buy 9000 pe abv 222 sl of 195 tgt 270
11:03 Shai : sl is 9525
11:10 Himanshu : Slow grind today – One by One in Spot – all leading hand holding ones are sliding in Red
11:10 Himanshu : TCS – is in red now
11:10 Govind : 9000PE in
11:11 Jitender : 920-640 bnf 2/3rd book
11:11 Govind : COngo Jit
11:12 Jitender : tx
11:12 Kushal : bar were not convincing of 1L COT.. also D period ext..
11:12 Shai : book half 9420- (11:02) Shai : yes can short(11:02) Shai : tgt 9375/ 9330
11:13 Kushal : 0s at 1050 bar *
11:19 Shai : bring sl to 209- (11:03) Shai : buy 9000 pe abv 222 sl of 195 tgt 270
11:19 Shai : if it does not break vwap, we qui
11:19 Shai : quit*
11:19 Govind : +1
11:21 Uttam : nothign wil happen to your family & you Jit _/\_ – (10:15) Jitender : m just a litttle scared..honestly in a long time
11:21 Uttam : we will all sail over this corona issue
11:22 Uttam : was out for sometime as needed to visit a temple on Monday post Holi 🙂
11:22 Uttam : NF did 9521
11:22 Uttam : should have got a RS there
11:22 Shai : it did
11:22 Shai : time to break vwap now
11:23 Shai : critical candle
11:23 Uttam : yes thanks to the other 5min screen checked it now 🙂
11:23 Uttam : IS at 9470 holding?
11:23 Uttam : vwap here & COT going negative
11:23 Uttam : lets see how this closes
11:25 Shai : done- (11:22) Shai : time to break vwap now
11:25 Shai : COt told us it would
11:26 Chandrashekhar : +1 Shai
11:26 Vijay : thanks shai 9500pe 380-405 and 9000pe 225-243
11:26 Shai : 245 book half sl at cost on rest – (11:03) Shai : buy 9000 pe abv 222 sl of 195 tgt 270
11:26 Boppanna : +1 Shai
11:26 Prateeek : +1 shai
11:27 Srinivas : 9.3k pe 460-490
11:27 Kushal : 1st successful index futures done.. thnks Shai
11:27 Sagar : 2 DT
11:27 Suhas null : 2.5 DT done
11:28 Govind : Congo Sri, Sagar and Suhas
11:28 Govind : and Kushal
11:28 Srinivas : thx Gov
11:28 Uttam : congrats guys 🙂
11:28 Govind : and Vijay
11:29 Saheer : chief one suggestion, the CMP value on the axis can have a different color?
11:29 Srinivas : thx @UG
11:29 Abhishek Lalwani : 75 k cot
11:29 Abhishek Lalwani : minus
11:31 Bhupinder : My prayers with you and your family jitender
11:34 Swapnil : may be I missed it, hope you are fine Jitender. Just worried about the virus, right?
11:35 Jitender : parents are major worry Swapnil…..
11:35 Jitender : m k
11:36 Srividhya : Jitender – Just read the message – Dont worry sir ji – God will be with all of us – Just need to take all the precautions
11:36 Prateeek : spx – it is open now?
11:36 Jitender : tx all once again _/\_
11:36 Govind : SPX still in LC Jit
11:36 Jitender : yes..srry
11:37 Prateeek : spx opens at 7 pm today only
11:37 Jitender : browser was stuck
11:37 Prateeek : okkk jitender bro
11:37 Jitender : fut trade 24 hrs Prateek
11:37 Shai : 233 trailing now – (11:26) Shai : 245 book half sl at cost on rest – (11:03) Shai : buy 9000 pe abv 222 sl of 195 tgt 270
11:37 Uttam : 9300pe again from 321 to 333
11:38 Jitender : congrats
11:38 Uttam : oh that Jits msg of SPX up 10% made me exit 🙂
11:38 Uttam : but no worries
11:38 Jitender : oops
11:38 Uttam : its stalling anyways here Jit that PE
11:38 Uttam : 333 is a hvn in it
11:38 Srinivas : its wierd.. TDAmeritrade is showing 2778 as the LTP.. LC to UC
11:39 Jitender : rest booked 440 (11:11) Jitender : 920-640 bnf 2/3rd book
11:39 Jitender : in solidarity with UG
11:39 Uttam : congrats Jit 🙂
11:39 Chetas : spx is not up 10%, thats yesterday market. ES and futures down circuit -5%
11:39 Uttam : lol Jit
11:39 Uttam : you should have let it run & shared 50% of the profits ;-p
11:39 Jitender : 🙂
11:40 Jitender : done bro
11:40 Chetas : spx futures is down circuit
11:40 Jitender : all yrs
11:40 Sagar : still in in shorts ?
11:40 Uttam : _/\_
11:40 Jitender : ys Chetas
11:40 Jitender : lets get vwap so that UG can re enter
11:41 Uttam : no fresh selling coming here below VWAP
11:41 Uttam : 9380 dpoc in NF too
11:41 Boppanna : +1 Jit
11:42 Uttam : move down coming looks like?
11:43 Uttam : 9305?
11:44 Govind : I think I will need some rehab once the Vix comes back down to normal levels 🙂
11:44 Srinivas : hehe… we all will become sleepy once vix is back to 20s 😉
11:45 Kushal : lol Gov
11:45 Uttam : that stuck seller getting support looks like?
11:45 Uttam : IS forming
11:46 Shai : seeing the difference now in COT versus morning?
11:46 Govind : 9350 to 250, price stayed in this range for barely 15 min in the morning
11:47 Boppanna : 470 -340 NF part book at vwap
11:47 Kushal : yes Shai.. 🙂
11:48 Srinivas : +1 Bops
11:48 Govind : Congo Bops, sweet trade
11:48 Jitender : congo BoPs
11:48 Kushal : +1 Bops
11:49 Sagar : cover here or wait for 307
11:49 Boppanna : Shai handholding it as always and Uttam’s support added conviction
11:50 Uttam : super Bops 🙂 congrats so now you are mastering NF too
11:50 Boppanna : would cover Sagar next round below 330 don’t sit for ext targets
11:50 Sagar : ok
11:50 Shai : book full- (11:37) Shai : 233 trailing now – (11:26) Shai : 245 book half sl at cost on rest – (11:03) Shai : buy 9000 pe abv 222 sl of 195 tgt 270
11:51 Boppanna : Uttam NF behaving like BNF with this vix so more manageble for me now
11:52 Uttam : +1 Bops
11:59 Rajesh : this is too boring market… Sai any trades?
12:00 Uttam : this is a market to be extra alert Rajesh 🙂
12:00 Uttam : a new experience for most of us with Vix at 57
12:01 Chandrashekhar : +1 Uttam seeing this Vix levels for first time
12:01 Sagar : once Vix cool off we need to move to BNF i guess : )
12:01 Prateeek : true sagar +1
12:01 Srinivas : NF premiums are looking like BNF prem @ these vix levels
12:02 Himanshu : UG – Pl type link for 5 mt Join me here
12:02 Himanshu : had power break – lost link
12:02 Sagar : new shorts here ?
12:02 Himanshu : Hey Got it in TAB A
12:02 Jitender : (11:11) Jitender : 920-640 bnf 2/3rd book
12:03 Uttam : its always there Himanshu 🙂
12:03 Govind : 31k red needs support
12:03 Uttam : 9322 low in NF – (11:43) Uttam : 9305?
12:03 Uttam : morning singles there
12:04 Rajesh : Yes Uttam – I cannot imagine my size of about 5% of normal trades…
12:06 Swapnil : The webinar refreshes on it’s own, does a beep, and while the charts are refreshed, the chat doesnt get refreshed and shows messages from 1 hour back or so.
12:06 Swapnil : happens often and every time on different machines also
12:06 Swapnil : anyone else with this problem?
12:07 Swapnil : I have to manually refresh to get the latest chats after this
12:07 Srinivas : yes… I reload
12:07 Jitender : is auto refresh on in yr browser
12:07 Jitender : pls try IE or firefox
12:07 Jitender : chrome has sum issues
12:08 Uttam : @Swapnil firefox or chrome is stable but please check your flash player once if its updated
12:08 Swapnil : will do. thanks
12:08 Swapnil : Jit/Uttam!
12:08 Jitender : i run it in IE….its k tere
12:09 Uttam : +1 Jit and me in Chrome and all well here too
12:09 Jitender : grt
12:09 Jitender : mine chrome reloads:(
12:09 Sagar : next REF @uttam
12:10 Jitender : but join me & goto wrks well in chrome
12:10 Uttam : oh is it, guess you need to update the flash player in chrome
12:10 Srinivas : +1.. these are flash issues..its going EOL soon
12:10 Jitender : cool
12:10 Uttam : for what Sagar? – (12:09) Sagar : next REF @uttam
12:10 Amit N : i also face problem with crome on older win versions, but on win 10 it works fine on crome
12:12 Sagar : NF
12:12 Uttam : BNF to make an RE down?
12:12 Sagar : 320 was done
12:12 Sagar : so more short coming or we wait here
12:12 Uttam : 23300 level on watch in BNF
12:13 Ankit : going to the doctor guys.. will take a leave today. went upto 2.2 dt but closing at 1.5 dt. Good day. see you all tom and stay safe
12:13 Jitender : tc bro
12:13 Uttam : why doc Ankit?
12:14 Ankit : 🙂
12:14 Sagar : take care man
12:14 Ankit : slight feverish to be honest
12:14 Ankit : thx
12:14 Uttam : take care man, you bsack in Mumbai?
12:14 Amit N : Take care Ankit
12:16 Kushal : tc bhai
12:16 Uttam : G period starting, can it give an ext handle?
12:19 Abhishek Lalwani : wats g period?
12:20 Uttam : TPO of 12:15 to 12:45
12:20 Saheer : VIX is steady at 57
12:23 Uttam : done – (11:43) Uttam : 9305?
12:23 Uttam : getting there – (12:12) Uttam : BNF to make an RE down?(12:12) Uttam : 23300 level on watch in BNF
12:24 Uttam : 9304 low in NF
12:24 Kushal : voila UG 🙂
12:27 Shai : 9388 sl for all these shorts now
12:27 Shai : should break IB
12:27 Sagar : i am short at 339
12:27 Shai : IBL|}
12:27 Shai : This and hence COT always – (11:46) Shai : seeing the difference now in COT versus morning?
12:28 Jitender : 510-260….bnf half book
12:28 Abhishek Lalwani : @shai sir wats IB
12:28 Uttam : lets get it – (12:16) Uttam : G period starting, can it give an ext handle?
12:28 Jitender : +1
12:28 Uttam : IB – Initial Balance – (12:28) Abhishek Lalwani: @shai sir wats IB
12:28 Sagar : below 248?
12:30 Shai : New guys here are requested to go through the orientation videos in the training library
12:30 Shai : All tems and trade setups are explained there
12:30 Shai : Please go through
12:31 Shai : https://vtrender.com/traininglibrary/
12:31 Abhishek Lalwani : ok sir thanks
12:32 Uttam : boom boom coming lower?
12:33 Anil : yes, i am watching the videos again
12:34 Ashwath : I’ve alrady started. Thanks Shai. 🙂
12:34 Saheer : doing it atleast 1 hour everyday
12:34 Shai : Clean selle below 9415 on good neagtive COT – (09:05) Shai : 9415 can give minor supp below 9672 but clean sell below it
12:35 Shai : Cool Guys . Stay with the TL . That is non adjustable. you need that
12:35 Shai : Training should never stop !
12:35 Uttam : 20k red at 23162 stalled move down in BNf
12:35 Shai : Take it like your personal gym
12:36 Uttam : back into IB
12:36 Shai : BNF
12:36 Uttam : going to VWAP? C side plahying out in G
12:36 Saheer : agreed chief
12:36 Jitender : PC by rbi gov at 4pm4
12:36 Shai : 350 pointer
12:37 Shai : RBI don’t cut rates !!
12:37 Shai : 🙂
12:37 Uttam : lol Shai
12:37 Uttam : BNF wants FA?
12:37 Sagar : should we go long ?
12:37 Uttam : entry was above IBL Sagar
12:37 Uttam : first tgt doen at VWAP
12:37 Sagar : ok Thanks
12:38 Uttam : now going for 24030
12:38 Uttam : looks like
12:38 Uttam : if stays above VWAP
12:38 Uttam : 57k COT in BNF this 5min bar
12:39 Uttam : 0s at 23450
12:39 Jitender : all safe ? (12:36) Jitender : PC by rbi gov at 4pm4
12:39 Sagar : yes
12:39 Srinivas : +1 Jit
12:41 Shai : Buy 9300 pe abv 336 for 376 sl of 318 cmp 322 buy abv
12:41 Kushal : yes Jit
12:41 Shai : +1- (12:39) Jitender : all safe ? (12:36) Jitender : PC by rbi gov at 4pm4
12:42 Shai : market will whack these governors now
12:42 Shai : no mood to listen to their nonsense
12:42 Shai : the fed and boE saw it last week
12:43 Kushal : dax down 11%!
12:44 Kushal : jesus,mary,joseph
12:44 Shai : 9300 pe in
12:46 Srinivas : Hammer time.. DAX is 10% down
12:46 Sagar : cot reversing
12:47 Chandrashekhar : 50 bps rate cuts expected – news on Edelweiss feeds
12:48 Shai : exit from the pe
12:48 Shai : yes news based reversal
12:48 Shai : they are panicking
12:49 Saheer : But VIX slept at 57
12:50 Shai : has to break below 9322 F again now for a short on that COT reversal
12:51 Prakash : 100Pts difference betwn NF & Spot
12:51 Shai : yes
12:52 Sagar : -ve cot increasing
12:54 Shai : gpimng to 9260
12:55 MJ : Chief 9295 seller still in?
12:57 Shai : 9411 sl
13:06 Sagar : break 300 plz
13:10 Shai : 9355 TSL for any shorts
13:10 Shai : slowing down
13:10 Sagar : is it beacuse of that 29k at bottom
13:10 Shai : Like tro see conferences run by tghe best doctors of the country
13:11 Shai : don’t undertand why these governors are doingt these conferences
13:11 Shai : looks like we will have to reconcile to a rise into close now
13:12 Shai : shorts trail 9355
13:12 Shai : let the markket digest that conference non sense
13:12 Shai : I’m 90% convinced the market will sell off tom, from wherever it opens
13:13 Shai : if he cuts
13:13 Kushal : yes Chief
13:13 MJ : Has spain banned short selling too?
13:14 Ashwath : Thanks Shai.
13:14 Govind : Yes Shai, US markets have done it twice now, hitting LC after Fed announcements
13:16 Uttam : Hammer time starts so where is our man 🙂
13:17 Govind : THor should bring his Axe today Uttam
13:19 Tejpreet : Was in sleep mode and then saw Chief’s warning to The Guv 🙂 wake up mode now.
13:19 Uttam : poor guys would cancel the PC now 😉
13:19 Jitender : cut is build in yeilds fr 50bps
13:20 Tejpreet : 100bps is wht will be delivered
13:20 Tejpreet : skorea cuts by .5
13:21 Kushal : 100 bps, but inflation is too high for that.. will def short if 100bs
13:21 Shai : short is pulling out
13:21 Shai : back to 9415
13:21 Vishnu : all nations in cut only not int to make medicines\
13:22 Shai : ok- (13:19) Jitender : cut is build in yeilds fr 50bps(13:20) Tejpreet : 100bps is wht will be delivered
13:22 Shai : why wait till 4?-
13:22 Shai : do it now
13:22 Shai : 🙂
13:22 Jitender : exactly
13:23 Jitender : NS & theese guys have done it in mkt hrs always
13:23 Jitender : why change tack now ?
13:23 Shai : jokers
13:23 Shai : FED did that g20 thing and did not say anything
13:24 Shai : 2 hours later they cut
13:24 Jitender : FED is consistent with its shock theory fr max milage
13:24 Jitender : tey do it like tat
13:24 Jitender : data is tere
13:24 Tejpreet : 4 pm so that more sheep is gathered to be slaughtered.
13:26 Favas : so guys no more shorts tody?
13:26 Govind : Euro opens in 3 mins
13:26 Jitender : Favas..dont pre empt
13:26 Jitender : charts r here & wait fr Shai’s calls
13:27 Favas : ok
13:27 Jitender : algo’s will have a field day today
13:28 Tejpreet : +1 jit , just preserve what you got since morning
13:29 Favas : +1
13:30 Anil : Europe opens GREEN
13:30 Boppanna : Uttam u pushing the shorts out?
13:30 Govind : Anil?
13:30 Uttam : lol hammer man is here
13:30 Govind : Dax/FTSE down around 5%
13:31 Gopi : 55k greens at top
13:31 Uttam : 9380
13:31 Uttam : remember the level
13:32 Kushal : who’s hammer man UG?
13:32 Uttam : onle and only Bops
13:32 Kushal : lol
13:32 Uttam : Gov is Thor 🙂
13:33 Jitender : k
13:33 Govind : 🙂
13:33 Govind : Mr. Hulk Goel
13:33 Jitender : Mr. 69 Goel 🙂
13:33 Uttam : lol
13:33 Govind : haha
13:34 Vijay : lol
13:36 Uttam : RS at VWAP so lets get new lows?
13:36 Boppanna : +1
13:36 Boppanna : BNF needs a push below 450
13:37 Uttam : NF leaving a small PBH
13:37 Uttam : in I
13:39 Uttam : BNF coiling post that G period
13:39 Uttam : ‘b’ shape profile for now
13:41 Govind : let’s break 9300 first
13:43 Govind : need more reds here
13:43 Uttam : calling KA 😉
13:43 Uttam : Karan Arjun
13:43 Govind : 🙂
13:44 Govind : that would be Tej and Jit, UG?
13:45 Sagar : 300 break karo yar koi 🙂
13:46 Uttam : 9305 break is good enough
13:46 Govind : yes UG
13:46 Govind : here goes
13:47 Govind : f/u reds here
13:47 Boppanna : part book and trail rest at 380 BNF
13:49 Jitender : +1
13:49 Tejpreet : 150 is what we want in NF 🙂
13:50 Boppanna : all out NF not ready to break IBL second time
13:50 Govind : 9305 is like a magnet
13:51 Uttam : G period low of 9272 next
13:51 Lakshay : boppana how you concluded, intuition?
13:52 Lakshay : am out also
13:52 Boppanna : just taking booking out Lakshay earlier we had BNF break IBL but NF didn’t so just being catious here and it gave 500pts in BNF earlier
13:53 Lakshay : ok thanks
13:56 Uttam : spike close in both to the downside anyone?
13:57 Kushal : me
13:57 Uttam : lets go
13:57 Kushal : NF resisting some
13:58 Uttam : (13:36) Uttam : RS at VWAP so lets get new lows?
13:58 Uttam : boom boom
13:58 Uttam : new lows are here
13:59 Boppanna : bingo Uttam claps
13:59 Uttam : _/\_
13:59 Jitender : cheers
13:59 Uttam : 344 to 375 9300pe
13:59 Jitender : 565-290..half book
13:59 Kushal : woww
13:59 Sagar : 320 to 240 NF :
13:59 Uttam : had taken 15 point SL in it before so made up for it
13:59 Jitender : +1
14:00 Govind : UG, did the same one 342 to 381
14:00 Sagar : book or trail ?
14:00 Uttam : super Gov
14:00 Jitender : congo guys
14:00 Govind : COngo UG, Sagar
14:00 Avinash : UG +1
14:00 Sagar : Thanks Guys
14:00 Srinivas : congo all 😉
14:00 Sagar : and THanks to Uttam and JIt
14:00 Uttam : @Sagar trading min lots and just 1 account so booked all but if having multipl can trail to cost
14:00 Vijay : 9000pe 225-270
14:00 Govind : 9305 was a good number 🙂
14:00 Kushal : 282-240… it was faaaast
14:00 Yash null : 9300pe from 340 to 380 , half booked
14:00 Yash null : half trailing
14:01 Vijay : congrats all
14:01 Uttam : spike close is still on in both
14:01 Uttam : BNF yet to make new lows
14:01 Yash null : 9300pe above 371 can do wonders?
14:02 Yash null : european at new lows
14:02 Uttam : 9170 coming?
14:02 Uttam : BNF can tag 23k
14:03 Sagar : cot revese from -40k to -20k
14:03 Uttam : yes 24k green came
14:03 Sagar : looks like covering
14:04 Uttam : done – (14:01) Uttam : BNF yet to make new lows
14:04 Jitender : were is circuit …lvl ?
14:04 Govind : Tej getting his 91150
14:05 Tejpreet : Cicuit time over I guess
14:05 Jitender : k
14:05 Yash null : rest booked at 400
14:05 Uttam : 2:30 onards na?
14:05 Tejpreet : 2 pm
14:05 Tejpreet : can anyone confirm
14:06 Shai : 9271 sl for all new shorts
14:06 Swapnil : 2pm
14:06 Tejpreet : booking out , 150 may come but done for the day!!
14:06 Swapnil : sorry
14:07 Swapnil : https://www1.nseindia.com/products/content/equities/equities/circuit_breakers.htm
14:07 Kushal : UG, !!!
14:07 Jitender : bookd more 23154 …1/3rd left (13:59) Jitender : 565-290..half book
14:07 Tejpreet : 2.30 Uttam wins again 🙂
14:07 Jitender : +1 Tej
14:07 Uttam : 9191 low in NF – RB forming
14:08 Uttam : 9212
14:08 Uttam : 47k COT
14:08 Govind : 3 DT with low volumes done today
14:08 Jitender : tx Swapnil
14:08 Tejpreet : +1 Jit
14:08 Srinivas : congo Gov
14:08 Uttam : 9245 ref
14:08 Govind : Thanks Sri
14:08 Tejpreet : cong all green mtm
14:08 Uttam : reds coming
14:09 Shai : 252 sl in 9000 pe tgt 333
14:09 Shai : cmp 285
14:09 Chandrashekhar : +1 Shai
14:09 Chetas : for fresh entry?
14:10 Shai : yes
14:11 Sagar : what is next trg in NF
14:11 Shai : or 9271 in F – (14:06) Shai : 9271 sl for all new shorts
14:12 Santhosh : 150
14:12 Sameer : itna gira hai toh crcuit hi laga doh #justhope
14:13 Santhosh : grt8 sir
14:13 Govind : 9200PE from 341 to 391; half out
14:14 Shai : 315 book full
14:14 Vijay : ok
14:14 Suhas : 6 dt
14:14 Shai : book – (14:09) Shai : 252 sl in 9000 pe tgt 333
14:14 Swapnil : Congrats Suhas.wow!
14:14 Suhas : Thanx swapnil
14:15 Srinivas : congo all
14:16 Shai : 9182 Sl for new sell tgt 9806-
14:16 Shai : 9060
14:16 Shai : tgt 9060*
14:16 Sachin : post 2:45 there is no circuit breaker if i am not mistaken
14:16 Vijay : 2.30
14:16 Jitender : bookd 22960 (13:59) Jitender : 565-290..half book
14:17 Jitender : (14:07) Jitender : bookd more 23154 …1/3rd left (13:59) Jitender : 565-290..half book
14:17 Boppanna : well played Jit
14:17 Sameer : @sachin does that mean index can fall 25% also ?
14:18 Sachin : 20% max
14:18 Jitender : cheers BoPs
14:18 Shai : book shorts 9125
14:18 Jitender : had one positions hit trailn Sl wen tat rbi news came…
14:18 Jitender : else all pos went well
14:18 Shai : risky
14:18 Shai : +1 Jit
14:18 Jitender : tx Shai
14:19 Jitender : below 9000 …panic
14:19 Tejpreet : Jit need any asistance 🙂
14:19 Jitender : just prayers Tej
14:19 Shai : only because of the vwap band
14:19 Shai : else going to that ext handle
14:19 Jitender : ys Shai
14:19 Tejpreet : Always with you Jit , I meant to move te stash to te bank:)
14:20 Jitender : low vols bro
14:20 Sameer : 9 minutes left for 10% circuit #justhope
14:20 Jitender : Gov & Vishnu are the guys who are banking vols
14:20 Vishnu : 2 ib done
14:21 Yash null : 9300pe again entered at 475
14:21 Vishnu : sorry 1.5 ib
14:21 Yash null : profit at stake @ 370
14:21 Govind : Jit, my vols are low man
14:21 Govind : Vishnu is the only LLT here
14:21 Jitender : more power to u bro
14:21 Vishnu : jit i did nothing one distant relative passed aswy
14:22 Govind : I don’t do more than 5 lots in this Vix
14:22 Vishnu : govind u r llt
14:22 Sameer : CAC 40 down by 10%
14:22 Sameer : DAX 8%
14:22 Govind : 9100 pe from 355.5 to 385, all out
14:22 Sagar : where can NF take support ?
14:22 Suhas : 8555
14:22 Sagar : ok
14:23 Sameer : MSFT down 12% hhhmm pre-mkt
14:24 Govind : Shai, if more selling comes, can this test PD low?
14:24 Yash null : out from 9300pe!
14:24 Yash null : reversing COT
14:24 Sagar : short covring i guess
14:24 Yash null : BNF !!!!!
14:25 Bhavani : vix touched 58.5..!!!!
14:26 Jitender : srry..gt discnc
14:26 Shai : 9199 aggressive sl at cmp 9155 for 9050/ 8910
14:27 Jitender : my condelances Vishnu _/\_…
14:27 Shai : onlyt for agg traders
14:28 Govind : Vishnu, sorry for your loss buddy
14:28 Tejpreet : Condolences Vishnu.
14:29 Vishnu : its ok his age is 90+ my uncle
14:29 Shai : gate opening for 9005
14:29 Jitender : warren buffet n his daughter has corona
14:29 Jitender : news
14:30 Vishnu : so my mood doest concentrate on trading so i avoid trades today and only watch mode
14:30 Govind : Wow Jit
14:30 Jitender : tey hv self qquaratined
14:31 Govind : Vishnu, I lost my uncle (Dad’s bro @ 90) in October and it was a big loss as are a joint fam and he did not have kids. It took me a good couple of months to get my head straight. So, tkae your time
14:31 Sagar : JIt for avoidin the stress please stay away from news of virus and take care
14:32 Jitender : will try Sagar
14:32 Sagar : Media is gone pagal.. i unistalled the FB and all news app whats my wife put lock on it
14:33 Jitender : m nt on FB nyways
14:33 Sagar : grt avoid whats app for few days also
14:33 Jitender : 🙂
14:35 Anil : with rate cut, is market expected to go down ?
14:35 Govind : some DoT/Sup. Court news
14:35 Shai : damn
14:35 Govind : DoT wants to give 20 year EMI
14:35 Govind : for the telco companies
14:37 Himanshu : Indusind will recover
14:38 Sagar : cot reversed from 80k + to 12 K
14:40 Shai : cover – (14:26) Shai : 9199 aggressive sl at cmp 9155 for 9050/ 8910
14:41 Sagar : covered with 5 points porift
14:41 Kushal : same here Sagar
14:42 Sagar : 30 % on Investment #VTrocks
14:42 Jitender : congrats
14:42 Himanshu : Banks spot recovering – EMI to Telcso will make Idea NPA standard and proviion reduces liquidity for bank
14:42 Sagar : Thanks jit
14:43 Rajesh : dt done thanks
14:44 Srinivas : congo Sagar & Rajesh
14:44 Sagar : Thanks Sri
14:44 Sameer : Piramal down by 60% from ATH, Once Prof.Bakshi equated PEL with Berkshire Hathway of India 🙂
14:45 Rajesh : thnak u chief and sri
14:46 Avinash : Heartfelt condolences Visnu.
14:46 Govind : this DoT news stemmed the fall despite Vix at 58, let’s see how this closes
14:47 Uttam : om shanti Vishnu _/\_ and prayers for the departed soul
14:48 Uttam : NF has singles from 9252 to 9050 and se how cleanly it played that part
14:48 Uttam : had singles* on Friday
14:48 MJ : +1
14:49 MJ : Uttam.
14:49 Uttam : 9250 is IS on 30min too now
14:49 Sagar : another small trade for 20 points done
14:50 Govind : let’s have a trip to vwap
14:51 MJ : :$
14:51 Suhas : sad to know vishnu ..sincere condolences vishnu
14:51 MJ : Giv Gov.
14:51 Uttam : BNF has singles from 23k today
14:52 Sagar : sorry for your loss Vishnu
14:54 Kushal : they r keeping downside for tomorrow
14:54 MJ : Gov, 23464 vwap in your system?
14:55 Sagar : @uttam can we say there was agg selle in this candle
14:56 Govind : 23455 MJ
14:57 MJ : Thanks.
14:57 Sagar : 9050 coming @Shai?
14:57 Shai : yes
14:58 Sagar : shorted at 9180
14:58 Uttam : 9k?
14:58 Uttam : spike time?
14:58 Suhas : boom boom
14:59 Uttam : -1.4L COT
14:59 Vijay : 9000pe 300-330
14:59 Uttam : -25k in BNF
14:59 Sagar : 9180 t0 9090 yeey 🙂
14:59 Abhishek Lalwani : -1.4 lk cot thats huge
14:59 Suhas : beautiful trade..thanx Shai
15:00 Uttam : 22700 in BNF
15:00 Sameer : @shai downside intraday target ?
15:00 Sagar : net target Shai
15:00 Uttam : 9170 ref on upside
15:01 Uttam : 23k in BNF
15:02 Kushal : thanks Shai, UG… 1.5DT done
15:02 Uttam : congrats Kushal
15:02 Kushal : 🙂
15:03 Uttam : BNF getting buyers
15:03 Uttam : bac above 23k
15:03 Uttam : 15k green at 22896
15:03 Uttam : 9092 in NF got 67k green
15:04 Shai : yes
15:04 Shai : climbing again to 9190/ 9210
15:04 Sagar : fressh buying ?
15:04 Kushal : what is the 1L COT equivalent of BNF ?
15:05 Jitender : china to start clinivcal trial of vaccine in april
15:06 Uttam : cool Jit
15:06 Uttam : there was something being made in Israel also
15:06 Shai : 35000- (15:04) Kushal : what is the 1L COT equivalent of BNF ?
15:06 Uttam : 45k-60k is good – (15:04) Kushal : what is the 1L COT equivalent of BNF ?
15:06 MJ : Wow Jit.
15:06 MJ : Big news that/
15:06 MJ : ?
15:06 Shai : 9060 our ref line into close and open tom
15:06 Uttam : oh ok Shai answered that 🙂 Kushal
15:06 Jitender : ys MJ
15:07 Shai : if it holds at open we are back to 9550
15:07 Jitender : but china …?
15:07 Uttam : chance of DPOC shifting down in NF to 9140?
15:08 Kushal : thanks, Shai & UG 🙂
15:08 Uttam : but needs huge vols in last 20 mins
15:08 Tejpreet : Shai any news on meeting underway for imposotion of 144 in Pune…some WA fwds….coming on lokmat tv also.
15:10 Kushal : yes UG, needs big vols for that
15:11 Shai : I heard of 144 in Nashik on Sat
15:11 Shai : no conf yet of anything
15:11 Tejpreet : tks
15:11 Vijay : I am from Nashik
15:11 Yash null : can we carry some longs?
15:12 Shai : why?
15:12 Uttam : you are very brave person Yash 🙂
15:12 Yash null : am just trying to understand so I asked, am confused between cot and other things
15:13 Rajesh : how much is risk with shorts?
15:13 Uttam : when confused no trades
15:13 Shai : trend is down per market profile and COT confirms the same
15:13 Shai : have mentioned of the selling from 9400 post C period
15:14 Shai : no point doing counter trend in this market
15:14 Shai : if it gaps up use the opp to arrive at shorts
15:14 Vishnu : shai anyovernight o carry to use the volatility
15:14 Shai : play the trend
15:14 Yash null : Ok got it, I thought friday was reversal so thought to go long
15:14 Prateeek : gap down have given huge moves.
15:14 Shai : counter trend destroys trading accounts
15:14 Uttam : below VWAP post afternoon then rejection at VWAP and an exctension handle at 9250 aur kya chahiye
15:14 Uttam : close around the lows
15:14 Govind : Deepika
15:15 Govind : 🙂
15:15 Uttam : woh Jit ki hai
15:15 Govind : oh damn
15:15 Uttam : he is always first in class 😉
15:15 Yash null : aah bad day!
15:15 Govind : Why Yash? Did you take Shai’s trades at all?
15:16 Yash null : Was plust then went negative, then again plus and then again negative!
15:16 Yash null : SL kept triggering in secon half
15:16 Govind : have a daily target and then stop trading once you hit the target
15:16 Uttam : take those trades which you understand Yash
15:16 Sagar : @Uttam i am thinking to but one ITM put and 1 OTM call any suggestion
15:16 Govind : that is the whole point of having a target
15:16 Yash null : Yes Govind, I should have done it
15:16 Yash null : was twice at my daily tgt
15:16 Uttam : BNF gave a nice IBL rejection too in just before 3 for another short
15:16 Abhishek Lalwani : superb govind
15:17 Abhishek Lalwani : superb govind
15:17 Yash null : Greed vs fear
15:17 Yash null : that’s F*ing game!
15:17 Govind : believe me guys, I’ve learned this the hard way and want to make sure you guys follow this from the get go
15:17 Govind : forget all that greed v fear BS
15:18 Uttam : not carrying anything Sagar, this market is too exhaustiveso need to get back & come back fresh in the morning with hops that there are no gaps ;-p
15:18 Govind : just stay focussed on the charts here
15:18 Kushal : Thanks Gov
15:18 Sagar : hmm
15:18 Uttam : plus VIx is at 59
15:18 Uttam : monthly can still take a chance but weekly premiums too high for both I feel
15:18 Prateeek : ug – with all the urge – not taking any overnight positions. market intra day moves are enough. made 1 dt today also
15:19 Govind : 60 tomorrow in Vix?
15:19 Uttam : yes Prateek, we easily get good chances
15:19 Govind : Congo Prateek
15:19 Sagar : i carryied OTM call and PUT on firidya with 140 prem now covered at 202
15:19 Kushal : easy, Gov 🙂
15:19 Uttam : and ig gap goes against your position you have to first run around to make up your loss 😉
15:20 Govind : DPOC shifted Uttam?
15:20 Shai : no
15:20 Shai : still higher
15:20 Uttam : not yet Gov
15:20 Govind : Ok
15:20 Kushal : so today was N-Ex down day?
15:20 Uttam : we had only one side RE na Kushal
15:21 Uttam : Neutral means RE on both ends of IB
15:21 Sagar : last 5 trending session not seen RED in MTM 🙂 VTRocks more when VIX is high
15:21 Govind : RBL was supposed to be the next HDFCB, damn
15:21 Uttam : congrats Sagar 🙂
15:21 Kushal : okay UG.. 🙂 got it
15:22 Shai : +1- (15:21) Sagar : last 5 trending session not seen RED in MTM 🙂 VTRocks more when VIX is high
15:22 MJ : Cheers Sagar! 🙂
15:22 Shai : Congrats
15:22 Prateeek : congo sagar
15:22 Kushal : +1 Sagar.. congrats
15:22 Govind : Sagar, and those 5 days plenty of people lost money
15:22 Govind : Congo man
15:23 Jitender : pvr 1400nin cash
15:23 Kushal : dude vix crossed friday high
15:23 Jitender : 200 points discount
15:23 MJ : what’s happening there Jit?
15:23 MJ : A friend is 200 pt down there.
15:23 Govind : 59.6
15:23 MJ : sent a distress message.
15:24 Kushal : will be another crazy day tomorrow
15:24 Jitender : promoter buyn mayb MJ
15:24 MJ : Okay.
15:24 Govind : smart guys
15:24 Chandrashekhar : Thanks All, Bye now
15:25 MJ : Thanks jit.
15:26 Kushal : bye everyone.. tc
15:26 Uttam : NF tyring best to get dpoc to 9120
15:26 Swapnil : Huge negative COT coming in at closing. What does that indicate
15:26 Santhosh : thank u guys
15:26 Yash null : Same question as Swapnil,
15:26 Tejpreet : Bye All . Guys stay safe and send out positive vibes to the Universe.
15:26 Yash null : liquidating longs?
15:26 Uttam : +100 Tej
15:26 Santhosh : Gov. hope u enjoy t Glenlivet
15:27 Uttam : this is selling guys
15:27 Govind : Haha, thanks Santhosh
15:27 Amit : gap down tomorrow ?
15:27 Govind : that bottle is history
15:27 Amit : again
15:27 Uttam : some greens here as well
15:27 Uttam : yep 9120 it could be dPOC
15:28 Uttam : if not also is a HVN and first ref for tom
15:29 Ashwath : Thank you guys.. 🙂
15:29 Shai : Bye all
15:29 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:29 Govind : BYe all, stay safe
15:29 Swapnil : Bye everyone
15:29 Shai : Have a good evening
15:29 Prateeek : bye all. great going VT
15:29 Rajan : Bye all. Thanks
15:29 Shai : Look up charts posted tonight and come prepared tom
15:29 Anil : Great learning for me here, thank you all
15:29 Rajan : +100 Shai
15:30 Avinash : Bye All.
15:30 Amit : bye all

Market Profile and Orderflow Masterclass – Jan 11th

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