Order Flow charts dated 17th Mar 2020

A good trader is a one who can make money consistently over a longer period of time. But how to become one such trader, who can make money in any type of market condition? A good trader keeps a close watch on the current information of the market and assesses it for change against previous information. You see current information through an Order Flow chart.

Order Flow can show how a collection of market participates has acted in the past and this helps to create profit by knowing if these traders are profitable or caught upside down.


30 Min Nf Fpx 10 Order Flow Charts Dated 17Th Mar 2020 Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading


30 Min Bnf Fpx 10 Order Flow Charts Dated 17Th Mar 2020 Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading

Room Chat

08:58 Kushal : gm all
08:58 Rajan : Good morning all
08:58 Chandrashekhar : GM all
08:58 Anil : Good Morning All
08:58 Prateeek : Good morning all
08:58 Sanjib : GM All
08:59 Santhosh : gm all
08:59 Gopi : Good Morning
08:59 Chetas : Gm all
09:00 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/498562149
09:00 Avinash : GM Everyone
09:02 Ravi : gm all
09:03 Vtrender Live : 5 min charts – https://join.me/696-000-044
09:05 Giri : GM all
09:05 Himanshu : GM all
09:05 Amit N : GM all
09:06 Neeraj : GM all
09:06 Shai : Gm all
09:06 Rajesh : Gm everyone
09:06 Manoj : good morning guys
09:07 Srinivas : GM all
09:08 Manikandan null : GM All
09:10 Bhupinder : GM all
09:11 Tejpreet : GMAll
09:11 Mandar : gm
09:12 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:12 Piyush : GM
09:12 Shai : 9060 ref line for the open
09:13 Shai : 9380 was wehere the selling began yesterday and is the supply for day
09:15 Jitender : 23270-22740 done
09:16 Kushal : 9167-9080 NF done
09:16 Tejpreet : congo guy
09:16 Jitender : +1 Kushal
09:16 Sanjib : 9060 holds
09:17 Prateeek : congrats brothers
09:17 Sanjib : Did 9070 to 9112
09:17 Uttam : RB at 9076
09:17 Shai : +1 guys
09:17 Uttam : COT turning to positive
09:17 Shai : congrats
09:17 Uttam : 9170 needs to be taken out
09:17 Shai : NF not safe till below 9165
09:18 Shai : yes
09:18 Kushal : thanks Jit and cograts to u too 🙂
09:18 Kushal : thnks Shai
09:18 Srinivas : congo guys.. that was blazing fast
09:18 Uttam : COT turning negative again
09:18 Uttam : big fight on here
09:18 Uttam : gets weak if stays below 9050
09:19 Kushal : it def was Sri
09:19 Jitender : tx
09:19 Govind : Yes Uttam, big fight
09:21 Tejpreet : 63 on vix
09:21 Govind : Jit/Kushal/Sanjib congrats
09:21 Sanjib : tx gov
09:22 Chandrashekhar : Vix @ 62.5
09:23 Tejpreet : 9140 to 9000 NF done
09:23 Uttam : super guys 🙂 congrats to all gren MTM
09:23 Uttam : 8950 coming?
09:23 Kushal : 9072-8983 done
09:23 Uttam : 9080 new ref in NF
09:23 Ankit : DT done
09:23 Uttam : was RB yesterday becoming IS on 30mins today
09:23 Kushal : tx Gov
09:23 Ankit : yes, thanks uttam
09:24 Boppanna : congts guys
09:24 Govind : UG, 8888 coming?
09:24 Uttam : dont think so Gov
09:24 Uttam : lets see
09:25 Govind : ok
09:25 Kushal : tnks Bops, UG… DT done
09:26 Jitender : tx all
09:26 Boppanna : Would be careful with the shorts if sustains above 22600
09:27 Vishnu : 9000 monthly pe 450-540
09:27 Jitender : +1 BoP
09:27 Srinivas : congo Tej & Vishnu
09:28 Nagaraj Hegde : First res 9138 held. Shorted.First supp 9045 broke. Squred off @ 9012.
09:29 Uttam : COT for the day turns positive
09:30 Jitender : 22.4pe 1005-890
09:30 Jitender : nw peace pipe
09:31 Uttam : 9000ce from 393 to 420
09:31 Jitender : congo
09:31 Uttam : 🙂 _/\_
09:31 Uttam : 1.5L COT
09:31 Uttam : 9170 coming?
09:32 Srinivas : congo Uttam and Jit
09:32 Jitender : +1 Tej
09:32 Uttam : came sorry
09:32 Srinivas : 9.5k ce monthly 320-360
09:32 Tejpreet : tks guys, congrats to all green mtm in the room
09:32 Boppanna : long at 625 BNF holding 1 lot 🙂
09:32 Jitender : guys…see chart of last tuesday…one probab is tey eat prem
09:32 Chandrashekhar : 2.4 lac cot
09:32 Uttam : boom boom
09:32 Kushal : entered long at 9057
09:32 Uttam : Gov- (09:24) Uttam : dont think so Gov
09:33 Srinivas : dt done
09:33 Tejpreet : D
09:33 Tejpreet : ay range
09:33 Uttam : 8963 low – (09:23) Uttam : 8950 coming?
09:33 Govind : Yeah Uttam, spot on
09:33 Uttam : Vix cooling off a bit?
09:33 Boppanna : out next only above 23K BNF
09:34 Uttam : 9215 needs to be taken out in NF
09:34 Uttam : above it ext handle of 9255 then 9300 & 9375-85 could come
09:35 Himanshu : Contra 8100PE 105- 77 out on rise
09:35 Rajesh : dt done on long side with cot
09:35 Uttam : needs to stay above VWAP now NF
09:35 Uttam : could be a late ORR up
09:36 Srinivas : congo H and Rajesh
09:36 Kushal : 9057-9172 done
09:36 Srinivas : congo Kushal… today VT room is roaring
09:36 Kushal : 😀
09:36 Kushal : tx Sri
09:37 Himanshu : Soem issue with chart not moving
09:37 Himanshu : or only at my end
09:38 Chetas : yes , not working
09:38 Srinivas : +1
09:38 Chandrashekhar : yes charts are not clear, looks cluttered
09:38 Shai : A minor issue in getting tick data
09:41 Shai : jumpy market from open
09:41 Shai : tick not stable
09:41 Uttam : 9200ce from 358 to 375
09:41 Uttam : 9255 aa gaya
09:41 Boppanna : hope all safe BNF above 22600 has done 600
09:42 Uttam : (09:34) Uttam : 9215 needs to be taken out in NF(09:34) Uttam : above it ext handle of 9255 then 9300 & 9375-85 could come
09:42 Kushal : this is vry fast
09:42 Uttam : above 9255 again yVWAP coming
09:42 Jitender : +1 (09:41) Boppanna : hope all safe BNF above 22600 has done 600
09:43 Uttam : BNF on for 23385?
09:43 Uttam : 23000 ref on downside
09:43 Shai : back live now
09:43 Uttam : great Shai
09:43 Shai : system stable
09:44 Srinivas : +1
09:44 Vishnu : good shai
09:44 Boppanna : +1 Uttam should test morning A high
09:44 Shai : rates are jumpy guys
09:44 Shai : take care
09:44 Uttam : boom boom coming?
09:45 Yash null : 9200ce @ 319, half booked at 349
09:45 Uttam : congrats Yash
09:45 Srinivas : congo Yash
09:45 MJ : Gm chief and all.
09:45 Uttam : pink band & 37k green at top in NF
09:45 Swapnil : None of the trades working today. Will wait I guess. just too fast both ways
09:45 MJ : Did 2008 have indiavix?
09:45 Jitender : congrats all…happy fr team VT
09:46 Jitender : ys MJ
09:46 MJ : Jit, any clue what was the peak then?
09:46 Jitender : 90 ish
09:46 Kushal : NF resistance at yest singleprints
09:46 Uttam : BNF to test 23k?
09:46 MJ : Jeez. Okay.
09:46 Sanjib : yestarday seeing -1L Cot bought 93k at 460 today book at 495
09:47 MJ : 63.xx today phew.
09:47 Yash null : booked full
09:47 Yash null : 0.5 dt
09:48 Uttam : NF holding 9180-70 is good
09:50 Uttam : this held – (09:43) Uttam : 23000 ref on downside
09:50 Uttam : now lets get to 9300 & 23385
09:51 Jitender : wich one firstt bro ? (09:46) Uttam : BNF to test 23k?(09:50) Uttam : now lets get to 9300 & 23385
09:51 Uttam : 23k test ho gaya Jit 23044 in that dip
09:51 Uttam : now PLR up
09:51 Jitender : k
09:51 Uttam : boom boom
09:52 Sagar : 1 lak cot
09:52 Sagar : can we go long
09:53 Shai : going to 9380
09:53 Uttam : done – (09:50) Uttam : now lets get to 9300 & 23385
09:53 Shai : sl below 9190
09:54 Uttam : 9240 could be support Shai?
09:54 Jitender : Uttam delievers +1
09:54 Uttam : –
09:54 Uttam : VT delivers 🙂 Jit
09:54 Boppanna : Morning A high test
09:54 Boppanna : BNF
09:54 Boppanna : would be out of longs and wait now
09:54 Jitender : yes
09:55 Jitender : 180 bps dwn bnf
09:55 Uttam : reaction from yVWAP was expected Jit
09:56 Govind : +1
09:56 Sagar : first trade clean point from 9240 to 9300
09:56 Uttam : and more so today’s longs also could be booking out
09:56 Govind : 9300ce from 308 to 340; exited around ywap Uttam
09:56 Uttam : super Gov 🙂 congrats
09:56 Jitender : ys Uttam…gt a fill at 23422
09:56 Govind : Thanks bro
09:56 Uttam : super Jit 🙂
09:57 Jitender : grt Gov & tx UG
09:57 Himanshu : Jit – What a trade – on frst tick
09:57 Uttam : NF taking sup for now at that 50k green on 5mins
09:57 Govind : Thanks Jit, first trade. Was a bit sluggish this morning
09:57 Uttam : 9247 low in this dip so far – (09:54) Uttam : 9240 could be support Shai?
09:57 Himanshu : Man – hats off – for most of us looongway to go
09:57 Jitender : H…no brainer…first rise after sell in trend will always be…..
09:57 Jitender : Did open tick after sum days
09:57 Jitender : Gov is the new champ tere
09:58 Himanshu : yes but you saw rejection before us..
09:58 Himanshu : eys
09:58 Jitender : no i just punched
09:58 Himanshu : Govinda – go – go govinda
09:58 Himanshu : Gov- Jit- Uttam – npw
09:58 Himanshu : we see some profit booking – waitng for C
09:58 Govind : Jit _/\_
09:59 Jitender : tis was rejection (09:30) Jitender : 22.4pe 1005-890
09:59 Jitender : rej trade
09:59 Jitender : 3rd trade Uttam gave….
10:00 Govind : Uttam, remember 9305 yesterday?
10:00 Govind : fatigue there again
10:00 Uttam : 9302-9340 imp ref in NF Gov
10:00 Govind : +1
10:01 Uttam : ORR guys so on for that yPOC of 9380
10:01 Uttam : but entires need to be very safe
10:01 Govind : will need some force to take it out here
10:01 Rajan : +1 Uttam
10:01 Uttam : mere Karan Arjun aayenge 😉
10:02 Govind : boom
10:02 Govind : bring 380 man
10:02 Uttam : BNF not cooperating
10:03 Uttam : Jit needs to book his shorts in it 😉
10:03 Jitender : no pos UG
10:03 Srinivas : hehe
10:03 Govind : ES ping pong between 2450 and 2499
10:03 Uttam : check Jit ek-do lot reh gaya hoga 😉
10:03 Sagar : what is happening
10:03 Jitender : hehe
10:03 Uttam : Vix at 62 is happening Sagar
10:04 Jitender : abhi twitter analyst nahi hain Uttam
10:04 Govind : Yeah
10:04 Jitender : vo hoga…to hamesha lots rahenge
10:04 Uttam : lol Jit
10:04 Boppanna : Just an obsvn when Uttam does both bullish and bearish hypos within IB the day range is usually done in IB 10 more min left lets see what he has planned 🙂
10:04 Vishnu : shai spot closing in this weekly expiry possible around 9300-9400?
10:05 Kushal : Jit u book ur shorts so we can go long again 🙂
10:05 Jitender : 🙂
10:05 Uttam : 23025 BNF
10:05 Jitender : (09:32) Jitender : guys…see chart of last tuesday…one probab is tey eat prem
10:05 Jitender : theta mostly
10:06 Uttam : 200 points in a jiffy BNF
10:06 Uttam : that 23k is imp
10:06 Jitender : len den chalta rahega
10:06 Govind : China reports only 1 new case yesterday, other new cases “imported”
10:09 Uttam : now both in sync
10:11 Himanshu : JIt’s one lot could be 20K
10:11 Jitender : tats Vishnu
10:12 Jitender : i do the famous 69 model now 😉
10:12 Himanshu : I pray – we all could play that size before EOY
10:12 Uttam : always Jit ;-p
10:12 Govind : size does not matter H
10:12 Himanshu : in that case we will have to play in one direction
10:12 Jitender : follow the leader
10:12 Govind : execution
10:12 Himanshu : Jus Kidding
10:12 Himanshu : yes
10:12 Lakshay : eoy?
10:12 Jitender : it does sumtimes Gov 🙂
10:13 Govind : 🙂
10:13 Jitender : esp the size…wen pants r ripped by mkt
10:13 Uttam : BNF range for the day 1068
10:13 Himanshu : Guys – I am trying to visualize once dust settles and grounds are erased – the bounce back or recovery will be animal spirited – Chinese Dragon would go aggressive
10:14 Sagar : 71k _ve at 9293
10:14 Himanshu : and with low oil will try and get more market share of exports
10:14 Uttam : +1 Sagar
10:14 Jitender : H…wen retail has wet dreams..do u think mkt will oblige
10:14 Jitender : not sayn tat it cant happen
10:14 Uttam : biggest red of today I suppose so far
10:14 Govind : that’s very true Jit; am still at 25 to 50% my usual size
10:15 Jitender : same here
10:15 Himanshu : Yes –
10:15 Jitender : n 16% cash deployed
10:15 Govind : only way I can handle Vix
10:15 Himanshu : this dream is not for now
10:15 Govind : and I am already double my capital in March and did so in Feb as well
10:16 Jitender : awesum…congrats
10:16 Prateeek : great govind. kudos
10:16 Govind : Thanks Jit
10:16 Govind : and Prateek
10:16 Suresh : Is it good time to short
10:16 Sagar : congrats Gov
10:16 Suresh : since no positive voloume and COT
10:16 Srinivas : these extreme markets provide lots of opportunites +1
10:16 MJ : Great stuff Gov.
10:16 Boppanna : Now that IB is done would just review what plans made before open and reset the bias accordingly seeing what we have done in IB
10:17 MJ : Gold 4.5k down since I was adviced to book. 🙂
10:17 Govind : thanks MJ
10:17 MJ : Jit. 🙂
10:18 Jitender : credit yr MJ..to do it
10:19 Sanjib : @Uttam is confirmed FA in B?
10:19 Himanshu : Days COT is still positive by 205 K
10:20 Boppanna : @Sanjib slack has FA expln pls review
10:20 Sanjib : ok
10:20 Vishnu : fa post ib sanjib
10:20 Vishnu : read fa
10:20 Sanjib : Thanks Vishnu,Bops
10:21 Boppanna : @Suresh not sure if u are reading COT the right way for ur trades
10:21 Sagar : no screen ?
10:22 Kushal : charts gone
10:22 Himanshu : Suresh – check 30 Mt – Join me chart – on bottom you see days COT – open is checked twice
10:22 Suresh : ok..thank you
10:22 Himanshu : UG also mentioned OF present – though it can change quickly beolow Wwap
10:23 Himanshu : so dont try to short on 5 mt cot – till we see bigger qunats also indicating – my 2 cent
10:24 MJ : bnf nf moving differently.
10:24 MJ : come on bnf.
10:24 MJ : time to buckle up.
10:25 Govind : let’s get 9380
10:25 Shai : Book 9325- (09:53) Shai : going to 9380(09:53) Shai : sl below 9190
10:29 Sagar : 87k green
10:29 Shai : C ext\
10:29 Shai : Don’t chase here
10:30 Sanjib : Can we short now with high of C as SL?
10:30 Shai : wait for COT
10:30 Sanjib : OK Thanks
10:30 Jitender : +1 chief
10:30 Kushal : +1 Shai
10:30 Jitender : 87 greenn 9350
10:31 Jitender : 9352
10:31 Sagar : is this stalling the move
10:31 Uttam : awesome Gov & super congrats – keep growing man – (10:15) Govind : and I am already double my capital in March and did so in Feb as well
10:31 Jitender : his lanka gone
10:31 Jitender : (10:30) Jitender : 87 greenn 9350(10:31) Jitender : 9352
10:32 Govind : Thanks Uttam! _/\_
10:32 Himanshu : C is making ‘C’ Out as usual
10:33 Himanshu : Gov – bless us also with you execution and Congrates man – this team will move up the ladder
10:33 Sanjib : Great Govind! Huge respect !
10:33 Govind : Thanks H and Sanjib
10:33 Kushal : supee Gov.. cheers 🙂
10:33 Avinash : Congo Govind
10:33 Rajan : Awsome Govind +100
10:33 Srinivas : +1 Gov.. wish you many more multiples this year
10:33 Manoj : Goving Super
10:34 Manoj : *Govind
10:34 Govind : H, I practised with low volumes (1 or 2 lots) and only traded the indices and not options. This was to get a better execution mechanics and I came out of it much better at it.
10:35 Govind : I did this for 2 months
10:35 Jitender : (10:29) Shai : C ext\(10:29) Shai : Don’t chase here(10:31) Jitender : his lanka gone(10:31) Jitender : (10:30) Jitender : 87 greenn 9350(10:31) Jitender : 9352
10:35 Shai : Intra – Buy 9000 pe at 210 sl of 190 tgt 255
10:36 MJ : 87k under paani
10:37 Shai : yes
10:37 Uttam : C side ext alreayd gives almost 60 points
10:38 Shai : expecting 9230
10:38 MJ : Yes Uttam. C quant stats are amazing.
10:43 Himanshu : Govind- am doing it now
10:43 Himanshu : as F is still linear movement we can manage with some slippage though
10:43 Govind : +1 H
10:44 Himanshu : Option with now such VIx is killer – it has blown my account 2 times –
10:44 Sanjib : Agree Himanshu and Gov, but STT takes all away 🙁
10:44 Vishnu : i need spot to be in the range of 9300-9450.
10:44 Govind : True, but there is also the issue of paying higher taxes. I did it to mainly understand index movement/behaviour and cut out all other noise
10:44 Himanshu : My broker – Dealmoney Securities gave me unliited brokerage now
10:44 Sanjib : + 1 Gov
10:45 Sanjib : Long Live C Side Extension,
10:45 Srinivas : does that include Futures also H?
10:45 Himanshu : with 11k Subscriptions GUys are trustworthy is PE form which bought – PNB securites Arm with 21 Offices all overindia with HQ in New Mumbai
10:45 Himanshu : eys
10:45 Himanshu : all products – MCX – Currency
10:45 Srinivas : ok
10:45 Himanshu : every thing and no min margin or turover condition
10:46 Himanshu : so it makes sense to now trade in F – it came at perfect time
10:46 Srinivas : +!
10:46 Kushal : +1 H.. gave up options 2 days back
10:47 Himanshu : more imp – scalping is possibel with 5 -10 Lots
10:47 Himanshu : in F with Chief – UG – Jit all guiding here –
10:47 Kushal : charges on futures are 1/10 of options… plus no fear of IV fall
10:47 Himanshu : ok
10:48 Himanshu : we new day traders can manage – linear movements better so F or Option Buy – ATM behave mostly like F for scalping
10:50 Kushal : but the premiums are very very high
10:51 Shai : Exit from the 9000 pe near cost here
10:51 Shai : looks like the market has other ideas today
10:51 Govind : this still looks like it wants go up, NF
10:52 Kushal : yes Gov
10:52 Shai : Yes
10:59 MJ : bnf vwap test?
11:00 Jitender : 9337-9233…first nf trade (10:35) Jitender : (10:29) Shai : C ext\(10:29) Shai : Don’t chase here(10:31) Jitender : his lanka gone(10:31) Jitender : (10:30) Jitender : 87 greenn 9350(10:31) Jitender : 9352
11:00 MJ : 23017 on my system.
11:00 Jitender : tx to Shai
11:00 Shai : Congarts
11:00 MJ : +1 jit
11:00 Shai : I exited early
11:00 Kushal : wow Jit
11:01 Jitender : tx Chief & gents
11:01 Shai : 9295 supply now along with 9330
11:01 MJ : All out 23048
11:01 Avinash : Jit +1
11:01 Jitender : tx
11:03 Shai : 9150 coming
11:05 Shai : 9295 Sl for this new mobne now
11:05 Govind : what a flip
11:06 Uttam : C side plus big stucj green gives VWAP in NF
11:06 Uttam : 23k gone in BNF
11:06 Jitender : aint OF a beaut
11:06 Rajan : +100 Jit
11:06 Jitender : i love the 5min view
11:06 Uttam : +1000
11:07 Chandrashekhar : +100
11:07 Prateeek : a true edge – i would say
11:07 Jitender : yup
11:07 Sagar : bit -ve cots
11:07 Uttam : yep reds piling
11:07 Sagar : *big
11:07 Uttam : below VWAP can expect more liquidation
11:08 Shai : 9170- (11:03) Shai : 9150 coming
11:08 MJ : +++
11:08 MJ : chief
11:08 Shai : people wait at vwap for confirmation
11:08 Jitender : +1
11:08 Shai : COT told us it will break
11:08 Uttam : +1 Shai
11:08 Kushal : super Shai
11:09 Rajiv : Shai Vwap getting Green
11:10 Shai : COT was -59- (11:09) Rajiv : Shai Vwap getting Green
11:10 Sagar : 54k
11:10 Govind : 50k new rde
11:10 Govind : red
11:11 Uttam : SL of longs that 5k red looks like
11:11 Govind : and bounce from there?
11:11 Kushal : defended?
11:11 MJ : held that gov.
11:11 Uttam : 50k*
11:12 Uttam : 9170 holding
11:13 Kushal : 54k seller trapped?
11:13 Himanshu : DAy cot now turnd -VEthough
11:15 Govind : Himanshu, where do you see Day Cot?
11:16 Himanshu : in 30 Minute Join me chart
11:16 Himanshu : at bottom –
11:17 Sanjib : VWAP of 30 min is different than 5 min
11:17 Bhavani : Him, That cant be day cot.. its for 30 min only
11:17 Govind : Join me is 5 min, I think you mean GoTo. I am not sure if that is Day Cot bro. Uttam can clarify. They look like 30 min COT
11:18 Sagar : no short from here ?
11:19 Suhas : why not
11:19 Sagar : just asking 9150 was ref
11:21 Sagar : buyer at 9184 70k
11:22 Sagar : 90k now
11:23 Seshadri : hey friends i am new here .. so i would need your support and hand holding
11:23 Seshadri : my name is seshadri
11:24 Bhavani : Welcome, Sheshadri
11:24 Suhas : big greens
11:24 Seshadri : thanks
11:25 Govind : Welcome Seshadri
11:25 Kushal : welcome, Seshadri
11:25 Sagar : looks like there is some news and these guys are entering early @Uttam cna this be tru
11:26 Seshadri : thanks govind, kaushal, bhavani
11:26 Suhas : bog volumes near vwap
11:26 Manoj : Welcoe Seshadri
11:26 Kushal : today SC will summon directors of telcos
11:26 Himanshu : WC sheshadri
11:26 Seshadri : thanks manoj
11:26 Avinash : Welcome Seshadri
11:27 Seshadri : thanks avinash
11:27 Suhas : first death in mumbai…68 yr man
11:27 Seshadri : thanks himanshu
11:27 Uttam : thats the 30min COT Himanshi – (11:16) Himanshu : in 30 Minute Join me chart
11:28 Uttam : no day COT as COT is more effective on 5mins & 30mins whcih Shai has explained couple of times
11:28 Uttam : welcome Sedhadri
11:28 Uttam : Seshadri*
11:28 Govind : thanks for confirming Uttam
11:28 Himanshu : ok
11:28 Seshadri : thanks uttam
11:28 Uttam : Himanshu* – sorry for the typoe guys
11:28 Himanshu : ok so we shall count on 5 mt
11:28 Himanshu : thax UG
11:29 Anil : N 9150…amazing
11:29 Uttam : BNF at PDL
11:30 Uttam : day low can come in both
11:30 Seshadri : yup 9150 ..
11:30 Suhas : swift 55 points booked in nifty f
11:30 Uttam : 9120 last sup in NF
11:30 Uttam : PDL sup in BNF for now
11:31 MJ : mech low pdl in bnf breached.
11:31 Kushal : scalp 9138-9099 done
11:35 MJ : Charts lagging for anyone?
11:35 Govind : nope
11:36 MJ : need to check. 15 odd second delay at my end. Gotta check.
11:36 MJ : Looks like something at my end.
11:37 Vijay : @shai are we seeing the same kind of distribution that we discussedi in the break out session?
11:38 Shai : I see the market as a 8200- 10700 range
11:38 Shai : we have to consolidate now
11:38 Shai : pick spots and trade
11:39 Vijay : the 5 min candles COT that we observed, Last 10 candles have been negative except one
11:39 MJ : bnf equivalent of it? Chief?
11:40 Shai : BNF is a mad mouse
11:40 Shai : 🙂
11:40 Uttam : 🙂
11:40 MJ : 🙂
11:41 Kushal : it iss like Jerry”s cousin .. ; )
11:41 Anil : 🙂
11:42 MJ : no easy 22900 passage.
11:42 Prakash : Prem Erosion,..
11:43 MJ : come one pleej.
11:44 Himanshu : UG ‘s hype – 9150 active now
11:44 Himanshu : Hypo*
11:45 Sagar : chart lagging
11:45 Bhavani : Yes.. at times it lags and catches up later
11:45 Vishnu : vwap test almost did
11:46 Lakshay : yes lagging
11:50 Shai : okay
11:50 Shai : will have to restart
11:50 Shai : 5 point bid- ask is getting to charts
11:54 MJ : 22990 big order sell side. playing with bid ask.
11:55 Shai : vwap coil in NF
11:55 Suhas : yes
11:58 Vishnu : mj how gold u booked i alerted u?
11:58 MJ : Jit
11:58 MJ : and you too
11:58 MJ : 🙂
11:58 MJ : TP as well.
11:59 Govind : ES still has not been able to cross 2899
12:00 Govind : 2499*
12:00 Himanshu : 8100 PE is glued to 79 – from last 2 hours
12:00 MJ : I rubbed my eyes, Gov.
12:01 Govind : 🙂
12:01 Govind : next big move @ Euro open?
12:03 Himanshu : no moved down 79-65 8100 PE wkly
12:05 Jitender : orderbook very thin tere
12:06 Jitender : 64 nw
12:08 Himanshu : yea’
12:08 Himanshu : gaya 54K green pani mein
12:13 Kushal : @Shai is it possible to add a price line on OF charts?
12:14 Sagar : i am long from 9170 should exist here @uttam
12:14 Shai : still coiling – (11:55) Shai : vwap coil in NF
12:14 Anil : Premium Erosion time
12:14 Govind : bigger move coming perhaps?
12:15 Uttam : yes vols building in NF at 9200
12:15 Uttam : can tail to cost or book Sagar
12:15 Uttam : trail*
12:17 Shai : Added- (12:13) Kushal : @Shai is it possible to add a price line on OF charts?
12:17 Anil : this is good – price line
12:17 Prateeek : the price line really helps
12:17 Shai : yes- (12:14) Anil : Premium Erosion time
12:17 Kushal : +100 Shai _/\_
12:17 Prateeek : shai bias is bearish?
12:18 Uttam : 9240 coming?
12:20 Shai : flat at vwap- (12:17) Prateeek : shai bias is bearish?
12:20 Sameer : dax 3.5 to 4.5 in few minutes
12:20 Sameer : futures
12:20 Govind : Vaccine sameer 🙂
12:20 Sameer : i guess that effect seen in nifty
12:20 Govind : ?
12:26 Gopi : france banned short selling?
12:27 Govind : 9220 needs to go
12:27 Jitender : Remember tis (09:32) Jitender : guys…see chart of last tuesday…one probab is tey eat prem
12:28 MJ : ces have been white washed – jit 🙂
12:28 Jitender : 487 bps eaten https://vtrender.slack.com/archives/C0F2VRTPW/p1584428301408400
12:28 MJ : premium wise.
12:28 Jitender : no tension trade in positional
12:28 Jitender : (12:28) Jitender : 487 bps eaten https://vtrender.slack.com/archives/C0F2VRTPW/p1584428301408400
12:28 MJ : Super.
12:29 Jitender : at 61 vix 😉
12:29 MJ : Jit. do you take ATR or any other parameters to pick those strikes?
12:30 Govind : COngo Jit
12:30 Uttam : congrats Jit
12:30 Boppanna : +1
12:30 Jitender : common sense and simple view of charts MJ
12:30 Jitender : m nt good with complicated stuff
12:31 MJ : Thanks.
12:31 Avinash : Jit +1
12:31 Shai : 9140 sl . hIGH RISK LONG TO 9290
12:31 Uttam : you dont need any complicate stuff Jit 🙂
12:31 Jitender : 🙂
12:31 Govind : I think ES is @ UC guys
12:31 Jitender : being a sardar…cant handle it 🙂
12:32 Shai : +1- (12:28) Jitender : (12:28) Jitender : 487 bps eaten https://vtrender.slack.com/archives/C0F2VRTPW/p1584428301408400
12:32 Govind : no wonder it has not crossed 2498
12:32 Uttam : apna UC kidhar hai 😉
12:32 Shai : yes Gov
12:32 Shai : market closed
12:32 Jitender : tx chief & friends
12:32 Uttam : done – (12:18) Uttam : 9240 coming?
12:32 Govind : let’s get it UG
12:33 Sagar : boom boom coming ?
12:33 Govind : 9220 gone and 9240 here
12:33 Uttam : (12:15) Uttam : yes vols building in NF at 9200
12:34 Govind : stay above 9240, will ya NF
12:34 Sagar : 60 points still trailing
12:34 Govind : 9240 an RS
12:38 Govind : no strength above it
12:38 Govind : for now
12:38 Uttam : @SAgar book and take fresh entry above 9250 for tat 9290
12:38 Sagar : ok
12:39 Sagar : 9170 to 9230 done
12:39 Uttam : congrats
12:39 Sagar : Thanks Uttam
12:39 Govind : Nice trade Sagar
12:40 Govind : good exit too
12:40 Kushal : +1 Sagar
12:40 Sagar : THanks Guys
12:40 Avinash : +1 Sagar
12:40 Govind : mood changed?
12:40 Uttam : Sagar booked out na 🙂
12:41 Sanjib : 9240 is the extn handle?
12:41 Sagar : yes @Utaam
12:41 Sagar : was trailing with 9230
12:42 Uttam : what ext handle Sanjib? – (12:41) Sanjib : 9240 is the extn handle?
12:42 Sagar : i say VIX needs to stay 50 VT rocks with this VIx
12:42 Chetas : nased on cot we can say vwap will be broken?
12:43 Sanjib : single print ?
12:43 Uttam : 9200 test happening
12:43 Sanjib : day before yestarday
12:43 Uttam : no single print at 9240 Sanjib
12:43 Sanjib : ohh
12:46 Shai : exit if in this – it’s cost – (12:31) Shai : 9140 sl . hIGH RISK LONG TO 9290
12:47 Shai : normal day panning out
12:47 Shai : Auction floats at vwap
12:47 Uttam : crazy expiry then tim Shai 😉 not that these days anyday is easy
12:47 Shai : writers day todaay after 2 weeks
12:47 Sagar : any CE PE strike to Sold
12:48 Vishnu : goood premiuem eating going on made full dt from selling 9000 & 9800 weekly call.
12:48 Vishnu : and got 50 points from each
12:48 Kushal : thats juicy, Vishnu
12:50 Sameer : nse1 india showing IVs of 110 to 130 … thats insane …. It used to be 12 to 15 few weeks before, even before loksabha election it was from 35 to 40
12:50 Rajesh : it was good in morning but slowed down now for option premium eating.
12:51 Boppanna : Uttam Expiry day trading has lost its charm or seems relatively easier now that all have been given so much match practices with these price swings
12:52 Jitender : 2day expiry trading done 🙂
12:52 Rajesh : rare occision in last 2 weeks where Nifty is at 50 point range for last 120 minutes.
12:53 Shai : yes
12:54 Uttam : 9140 coming?
12:55 Uttam : 9210-15 ref on upside
12:55 Rajesh : uttam your ? is very dangeous..
12:55 Uttam : 9190 has some stuck reds
12:55 Rajesh : are you suggesting or asking?
12:55 Uttam : suggesting
12:55 Uttam : for s probable move
12:55 Uttam : so will never use ‘will’ 🙂
12:56 Uttam : ? is to show its a possibility not a certainty
12:57 Himanshu : haha
12:58 Jitender : Rajnikanth puts a tgt & leaves ‘?’ fr mkt to figure out a way to reach tere
12:58 Uttam : lol
12:58 Vijay : lol
12:58 Gopi : hahaha
12:58 Himanshu : Infact – All OTF – and NS also gets UG’s Hype
12:59 Himanshu : Hypo and they act accordingly
12:59 Kushal : lool
12:59 Uttam : looks like those stuck reds got out at 9215 in NF?
12:59 Uttam : 37k green there
12:59 Himanshu : Last time – UG sent his file to RBI and NS bith
12:59 Himanshu : SO they decided to not cut rates –
13:00 Himanshu : UG – R u working with Google Eyes
13:01 Sagar : optin selling diabled on Upstox ?
13:02 Himanshu : UG – if we cout COT on 5 mt from 9240 is _ve by 100K nearly
13:02 Sagar : axis direct also
13:02 Himanshu : is it slow kinfe then
13:02 Shai : full margins requires @Sagar
13:02 Vishnu : yes
13:03 Uttam : but negative COT needs to keep auction below VWAP Himanshu
13:03 Shai : I don’t think any broker is allowing leverage
13:03 Uttam : right now unable to do so
13:03 Vishnu : no broker allows shai
13:03 Sagar : ohh OK THanks Cheif
13:03 Shai : of course. Thank God
13:04 Uttam : yes it is actually very good that they not allowing leverage so helps at least soem fo them not to bust their accounts
13:04 Sagar : @uttam buy aboe 9250 on ?
13:04 Boppanna : BNF engine restart IB
13:05 Uttam : yes Sagar but lets confri it from OF too
13:05 Sagar : ok
13:05 MJ : 0’s small above vwap in bnf.
13:05 MJ : be good okay?
13:05 Vishnu : nice buy
13:06 Vishnu : 0s here
13:06 Sagar : good COT
13:07 Yash null : 9200ce 306 to 337,booked full
13:07 Bhavani : sagar, Axisdirect is allowing option sellling
13:08 Sagar : ok
13:08 Yash null : 1dt done
13:08 Boppanna : RB IB combination in 5 min in Both
13:09 Boppanna : can trail if long
13:09 Uttam : boom boom
13:09 Uttam : 9290 here
13:09 Uttam : 9300ce from 265 to 285
13:09 Jitender : +1
13:09 Jitender : as i said (12:58) Jitender : Rajnikanth puts a tgt & leaves ‘?’ fr mkt to figure out a way to reach tere
13:09 Sagar : next target ?
13:09 Jitender : 🙂
13:09 Uttam : _/\_ – (13:09) Jitender : as i said (12:58) Jitender : Rajnikanth puts a tgt & leaves ‘?’ fr mkt to figure out a way to reach tere
13:09 Boppanna : +1 BNF 900-150 trailing some
13:10 Jitender : congo BoPs
13:10 Uttam : (12:38) Uttam : @SAgar book and take fresh entry above 9250 for tat 9290
13:10 Sagar : Yeah good trade setup Uttam
13:10 Sagar : congo all
13:10 Jitender : even i did 9210-9283
13:10 Uttam : super Jit
13:10 Kushal : super..congrats all
13:10 Jitender : tx guys
13:10 Boppanna : prabhu _/\_
13:10 Boppanna : Jit
13:10 KK : 9235 to 9288
13:11 Jitender : _/\_
13:11 Uttam : congrats Bops & KK
13:11 Jitender : congrats all
13:11 Vishnu : congrats vtians
13:11 Uttam : 3 trades today and all in CEs 🙂
13:11 Jitender : saaar
13:12 Boppanna : trailing at Uttam’s fav last set of 0’s 23020 😉
13:12 Uttam : +1 Bops VWAP also there
13:12 MJ : Same same
13:12 MJ : uttam
13:14 Sagar : again trip to Vvap?
13:16 Shai : yes
13:16 Boppanna : Sagar COT not good for going short havea plan but use the charts to confrim ur bias
13:16 Manoj : Uttam/Shai the vwap shown in the blue box refers to what vwap ?
13:16 Manoj : currently its showing 9207.35..
13:17 Shai : that is 1 min data
13:17 Shai : woulkd be off by few points
13:17 Shai : 9295 tested
13:17 Shai : bullisheness abv 9295 only
13:17 Jitender : Pune …all sops..expect essentials n daily needs to b shut ?
13:17 Jitender : shops
13:18 Vijay : its already been announced
13:18 Jitender : k
13:18 Vijay : people are not following it
13:18 Shai : below 9246 easy 50 to vwap
13:18 Manoj : Shai, cmp is 9255 so when you say 1 min what do you mean by that
13:19 Uttam : boom boom time?
13:19 Uttam : Bops getting the hammer?
13:20 Boppanna : Shai has to open the door
13:20 MJ : shai bnf door keys?
13:20 Shai : wait for COT
13:20 Uttam : yes Shai
13:20 Govind : Euro open in 8 mins
13:20 Shai : These on screen are pure tick data charts
13:20 Shai : (13:18) Manoj : Shai, cmp is 9255 so when you say 1 min what do you mean by that
13:21 Shai : values differ on non tick
13:22 Govind : VW shutting production in Europe from Mar 20
13:23 Manoj : thanks Shai.
13:23 Kushal : daxF blast
13:24 Govind : Ray Dalio makes a 14B USD short bet on European stocks
13:24 Tejpreet : Jjit Pune nothing is shut , all going on as if nothing has happened.
13:25 Tejpreet : Suyog any approx expiry range with 62 vix.
13:25 Kushal : @Gov he already had large S&P march 2020 puts.. this is new position?
13:25 Govind : this is just in Europe
13:25 Govind : SAP and other companies
13:26 Kushal : oops
13:26 Jitender : k Tej
13:26 Jitender : tats the prob…ppl dont listen
13:26 Suyog : +1 Tej.. puneri junta are bindaas 🙁
13:27 Suyog : reason i raised concern on slack too.. just dont understand the risk
13:27 Vishnu : my cousin under quarentine he is the PA of Central minister V muraleedharan. bothe attended a fn at trivandrum Sree chithra hospital and the in the meeting one doctora tested postitive for corona
13:27 Govind : My cousin called me and said he is haveing b’day party for this g’daughter on Wednesday. I told him straight up that he is an idiot. wants to invite 100 people
13:27 Suyog : the real vix based range is somewhere around 800 for NF and 2000 for BNF, but it is an approx and theoretical concept on normal days like today
13:27 Tejpreet : I went out wearing a mask yesterday and felt like an alien.
13:28 Tejpreet : tks Suyog.
13:28 Sachin : you will be the only surviving alien then
13:28 Tejpreet : lol
13:28 Sachin : 😉 – it’s only prudent we all be careful
13:28 Uttam : yes Tej even the message you sent yesterday said same 🙂
13:28 Tejpreet : 🙂
13:29 Govind : Dax opens up 4%’
13:29 Uttam : yes we need to all contribute in it not spreading, only way to beat the virus is to let it remain controlled
13:29 Suyog : city side markets are closed though, from what i heard, urban areas are a bit relaxed
13:29 Kushal : banknifty snoozed
13:29 Uttam : 23200 was objective in BNF and thats done
13:31 Kushal : ok UG(y)
13:32 Suhas : tradingview
13:32 Sachin : below 22900, we get a free ride UG on BNF?
13:32 Shai : Intra – short NF 9230 sl of 9299 tgt 9135
13:38 Seshadri : whats view on nifty
13:38 Suhas : target ?
13:39 KK : just see Shai’s intra call..already in
13:39 Suhas : target?
13:39 Uttam : (13:32) Shai : Intra – short NF 9230 sl of 9299 tgt 9135
13:40 Suhas : sorry here chat was lagging kk
13:40 Shai : yes based on that old seller at 9295
13:40 Shai : mentioned him at 11- (11:01) Shai : 9295 supply now along with 9330
13:41 Yash : 9200ce @ 268 , will try to get 297, half size position
13:41 Yash : 9200pe*
13:42 Uttam : NF needs to break below 9200
13:42 Vishnu : yes ug
13:42 Seshadri : thanks shai
13:43 Kushal : yes UG
13:44 Shai : Exit the short 9217-220
13:45 KK : still booked 30..entered 945..
13:45 Shai : vwap is killing moves today
13:46 Rajesh : Vwap Broken
13:46 Kushal : broken chief
13:47 Kushal : IS,-92k COT
13:47 Shai : new selling
13:47 Govind : 471 to 490 monthly 9200pe
13:48 Shai : 9245 sl for shorts here
13:48 Govind : 1L Cot
13:48 Uttam : 9200pe from 265 to 285
13:48 Govind : Congo UG
13:48 Suhas : 9135 coming
13:48 Uttam : first PE trade for the day 🙂
13:48 Kushal : cheers UG
13:48 Uttam : -1.5L COT
13:48 Sanjib : 3 DT done
13:48 Uttam : (13:42) Uttam : NF needs to break below 9200
13:49 Uttam : kya mast thoda hai 9200 ko 🙂
13:49 Suhas : gr8 UG..CONGO
13:49 Uttam : thanks guys
13:49 Uttam : Noirmal Day still in both 🙂
13:49 Suhas : Me too done 2.5 DT
13:50 KK : reentry 9193
13:50 Kushal : daxF falling now from highs
13:51 Kushal : dowF circuit open
13:51 Vishnu : did 9 k monthly pe 395-420
13:51 KK : Dax is falling 1 % every 5 min candle
13:51 Govind : yeah, spot dwon to 1.7% from 5%
13:52 Shai : 9117 tgt- (13:47) Shai : new selling(13:48) Shai : 9245 sl for shorts here
13:52 Uttam : +1 Shai
13:52 Uttam : that COT desevers that much 🙂
13:52 Govind : Ray Dalio
13:53 Himanshu : He has ‘ Daliyo’ in EUro stocks
13:53 Sameer : US futures below circuit lebel
13:53 Uttam : BNF for mirning buying tail test?
13:53 Yash : covered 9200pe at 303!
13:53 Uttam : 22686
13:53 Uttam : nice Yash thats VWAP so nice exit
13:54 Uttam : above that can do 335 that PE
13:54 Yash : small profit as half sized trade!
13:54 Yash : thanks UT, am trying to have some grip as of now!
13:54 Shai : congrats
13:55 Yash : 1.25 DT done!
13:55 Govind : FTSE almost flat from 5%
13:55 Vijay : 9500pe 415-455
13:56 Sagar : should we short here ?
13:57 Yash : -1.5L COT at 3.8L Volume , is kinda aggressive ? isnt it ?
13:57 Vishnu : no normal day sagar wait for shai confirmation
13:57 Sagar : ok
13:57 Shai : 9205 now TSL
13:57 Shai : down from 9245- (13:48) Shai : 9245 sl for shorts here
13:58 Vishnu : noral is quite easy day na shai
13:58 Sachin : since morning reliance and auto’s holding up the market
14:01 Suhas : kite
14:02 Yash : reentered at 290, 9200pe
14:02 KK : now we go
14:03 Sameer : mumbai locals maybe closed #in news channel
14:03 Yash : full size!
14:04 Sameer : that will bring whole mumbai down if news is correct
14:05 Shai : book full 9143- (13:52) Shai : 9117 tgt- (13:47) Shai : new selling(13:48) Shai : 9245 sl for shorts here
14:05 KK : +1 Shai
14:05 KK : 51K red at lows
14:06 Kushal : +1 Shai
14:06 Shai : That IS was a clean sell at vwap
14:06 Shai : wish it would have come 5 mkisn early
14:06 Uttam : +100 Shai
14:07 Yash : booked 9200pe at 300, but this COT will take it further down, isnt it?
14:08 Uttam : (13:53) Uttam : nice Yash thats VWAP so nice exit(13:54) Uttam : above that can do 335 that PE
14:08 KK : Europe falling
14:08 Uttam : 9120 here
14:08 Yash : Ok I guess I was right, but early exit with Shai’s call, but that”s all ok
14:08 Uttam : done – (13:53) Uttam : BNF for mirning buying tail test?(13:53) Uttam : 22686
14:08 Sagar : cot suporting
14:09 Yash : This seller looks aggressive !
14:09 Uttam : 9140 new ref in NF
14:09 Uttam : 320 on that 9200pe
14:10 Swapnil : VIshnu Sir – since you are in the business, how does silve price look short term?
14:10 Uttam : 325\
14:10 Uttam : 335 done on that 9200pe
14:10 Uttam : 334.2
14:10 Sameer : @Uttam whats downside ref for BNF intra ?
14:10 Shai : Biuy 9000 pe at 250 sl of 217 tgtr 310
14:10 Shai : sliding down
14:10 Yash : sharp cut comming, may be!
14:11 Shai : one mroe red cot
14:11 Govind : 9100 pe from 201 to 293; 75% out
14:11 Uttam : yes big reds
14:11 Shai : 9160 SL if in F
14:11 Uttam : super Gov
14:11 Shai : on this COT
14:11 Uttam : 9080
14:11 Govind : Thanks UG, in COT we believe
14:11 Uttam : ref
14:11 Uttam : if goes then 9050
14:12 Sachin : done sirs, from 22900 to 22550, one trade only thanks for all help
14:12 Himanshu : Carnage – SPX below 2450 – tday also LC in US
14:12 Govind : ES broke that 2450 but dancing around it
14:13 Himanshu : think Market will Suck FED fully
14:13 Uttam : congrats Sachin
14:14 Vishnu : we wont do silver swapnil infact my dad bough some good qty in physical mkt and he sold it for a loss of 6 lakhs some months back. silver is not our cup of tea
14:14 Sachin : i still remember days where i would do contra again and again and lose… i just don’t trade against trend. only it COT is confirmed and intraday levels… it makes me very irritated as it means i have to stay so long without a trade but it’s better then blowing out
14:14 Seshadri : good call shai
14:14 Vishnu : chart not moving
14:14 Vishnu : or some lag there
14:15 Rajan : +100 Sachin
14:15 Himanshu : Sachin – Same pinch-
14:16 Himanshu : My brain still work on contra – even now my brain is telling me to short – 21000 PE weekly
14:16 Himanshu : So what I do now is take that trade as paper trade in my daily note book
14:16 Himanshu : and observe it –
14:17 Sachin : like bops said, see the chart – i stopped using brains after that
14:17 KK : mujhe to yeh 9160 bhi cross karega doubt hai
14:17 Shai : 9043 tgt- (14:11) Shai : 9160 SL if in F
14:17 Rajan : 9160-9180 good selling zone
14:18 Govind : 9110 showing some support
14:19 Govind : gone
14:19 Himanshu : Gov Spx gone dance over
14:20 Shai : 9094 book half sl still same
14:20 Himanshu : for bear cartel – Corona new indicator
14:21 Sagar : 9087 nees to taken bouced from there twice
14:21 Govind : H, ES still up 2%, needs to unravel more
14:22 Uttam : 9080 needs to be taken out
14:22 Govind : Yes, and then 9040
14:22 Himanshu : yea is up – 2938 Scratched – below can enter in Yday profile
14:22 Govind : if that happens, IBL is a possibility
14:23 Uttam : 9000pe from 249 to 258
14:23 Uttam : 9080 low
14:23 Rajan : Cong Uttam
14:23 Uttam : 9080 gone
14:23 Ravi : same trade Uttam but still holding
14:23 Uttam : 268 coming in that 9000pe
14:23 Himanshu : Comg UG – vijayi bhav
14:23 Vishnu : 9060 still ref shai?
14:24 Uttam : 22581 new ref in BNF IS
14:24 Shai : 9067 book fiull- (14:17) Shai : 9043 tgt- (14:11) Shai : 9160 SL if in F
14:24 Uttam : 9102 in NF
14:24 Uttam : thanks Shai
14:24 Tejpreet : +1 Shai.
14:24 Kushal : COT _/\_.. Shai _/\_
14:24 Uttam : good chance for a move back to 9195?
14:24 Anil : 🙂
14:24 Shai : If you can’t sell on this COT, then you should not be trading. Simple
14:25 Uttam : 🙂
14:25 Sachin : feels very small seeing nifty down .25% after all these gaps 😉
14:25 Govind : exited rest of that 9100 PE around 300
14:25 Tejpreet : Remebering 2008 and had no such things/tools available and how i was ambushed.
14:25 Uttam : 9055 now on watch in NF
14:25 Tejpreet : And here now at VT we are winning daily.
14:25 Anil : COT / Order Flow is amazing
14:26 Uttam : done – (14:23) Uttam : 268 coming in that 9000pe
14:26 Govind : Tej, still a vast majority of retailers are losing money daily
14:26 Shai : 9092 ref line
14:26 Govind : a lot of positional system traders have blown accounts and stopped trading
14:26 Shai : still reds adding
14:26 Tejpreet : Yyes Govind.
14:27 Govind : We aer in good hands bro
14:27 Kushal : yes Shai
14:27 Govind : It is Thanksgiving every day here 🙂
14:27 Seshadri : super shai
14:28 Govind : I mean, I just did 2.5DT in the downmove with half risk
14:28 Shai : 9042 was the COT tgt of system , check lows- (14:17) Shai : 9043 tgt- (14:11) Shai : 9160 SL if in F
14:28 KK : bnf entry at 430 , booked a 520
14:28 Govind : +1 Shai, this is where NF sprung up this morning.
14:29 Avinash : +1 Shai
14:29 Shai : 9097 TSL of all shorts
14:30 Shai : will zip to 9160 if crossed
14:30 Govind : Below 9040, DL possible Shai?
14:31 Shai : yes
14:31 Shai : Uttam will get his FA
14:31 Govind : Oh Yes 🙂
14:31 Seshadri : i think we will head to 9160
14:32 Seshadri : its pure premium eating game on
14:33 Uttam : back to VWAP & dPOC Nf?
14:33 Sachin : fantastic shail booked
14:33 Uttam : (14:24) Uttam : good chance for a move back to 9195?
14:33 KK : why not more
14:33 Uttam : boom boom
14:33 Swapnil : Shai it zipped in no time like you said!
14:34 Uttam : +100 Shai
14:34 Seshadri : anyone who thinsk we will close 9300
14:34 Avinash : Mid Pt it is.
14:38 Ankit : amazing day.. reminds of imagica roller coaster 😉
14:38 Shai : 🙂
14:38 KK : 8960 possible /
14:38 KK : ?
14:38 Shai : ,ay do 9014
14:39 Sachin : how did you estimate all stops of 9097 shai?
14:40 Shai : big topic leave it for some other day
14:40 Shai : hope all safe here
14:40 Uttam : 🙂
14:40 Anil : 🙂
14:40 Uttam : yes
14:40 Sachin : ok sir 😉
14:40 Govind : ES does 80 points from UC
14:40 Shai : 9160 still has the second round of sellers below 9295
14:41 Rajiv : safe yes but I havebehaved like a squirrel today. Indecisive.
14:41 MJ : late burst?
14:41 MJ : bnf?
14:41 Shai : This is settlemnt ref 11:01) Shai : 9295 supply now along with 9330
14:42 Seshadri : ok shai
14:42 Shai : look below 9080 only for new shorts
14:43 Shai : COT is plus there
14:43 Vishnu : shai ususaly normal day we close near v wap na
14:44 Uttam : there is nothing normal when VIX is at 61 Vishnu 😉
14:44 Shai : yes
14:44 Vishnu : ok ug
14:46 Anil : Can we say when VIX is above 50, it breaks down hard ?
14:48 Govind : FYI, 2260 is the limit down ES overnights. Not that it is going to go there 🙂
14:49 Uttam : sike coming?
14:49 Uttam : spike*
14:50 Uttam : needs to stay below 9080 & break 9040
14:51 Govind : Give us an FA Uttam
14:52 Govind : Karan-Arjun
14:52 Govind : HDFCB @ 900
14:53 Govind : when it goes up ad makes ATH, it is irrational buying and now it is irrational selling…tv people are never happy
14:55 Abhijith : boom boom
14:55 Seshadri : excellent view Uttam
14:55 Shai : reds
14:56 Uttam : 9000pe from 260 to 275 all out
14:56 Govind : +1 UG
14:56 Sanjib : Great UG
14:56 Uttam : now 3 CE trades & 3 PE trades 🙂 so all balance
14:57 Sanjib : 🙂
14:57 Uttam : more coming but done for the day
14:57 Govind : my internet is acting funny
14:57 Sanjib : I am just watching ; made 3 DT today
14:57 Uttam : -1.5L COT
14:57 Rajan : Cong Sanjib
14:57 Sanjib : Thnx Rajan
14:58 Uttam : 8985 is 1atr from today’s probavle FA
14:58 Ravi : Huge Cot here uttam, should expect a possibility of gap down tomorrow
14:58 Ravi : ?
14:58 Ravi : ?
14:58 Uttam : still have 30mins today Ravi
14:58 Ravi : /\
14:58 Uttam : 8985 here
14:59 Abhishek Lalwani : cot of -2.4 lk omg
14:59 Kushal : icicibank..ufff
14:59 Uttam : 9040 ref in NF now
14:59 Govind : wow, i am done trading
14:59 Vijay : congo UG
14:59 Uttam : FA about to get confirmed
15:00 Uttam : below 8950 can go to 8910
15:00 Govind : Uttam brings his FA
15:00 Govind : Congo Uttam
15:00 Uttam : rare instance when 1atr done before FA got confirmed 😉
15:00 Govind : 60 Vix
15:00 Vishnu : yes
15:01 Govind : 🙂
15:01 Uttam : 2atr is at 8613
15:01 Uttam : 8951
15:01 Govind : 9100PE monthly from 515 to 573, last trade
15:01 Uttam : super Gov
15:01 Uttam : 8910 on?
15:01 Govind : carrying 25% for tomorrow open
15:01 Uttam : (14:49) Uttam : sike coming?(14:49) Uttam : spike*
15:01 Govind : Thanks Bro
15:02 Prateeek : 1.6 dt done. tough day. but managed with help. thanks guys
15:02 Govind : we caucht this at the peak
15:02 Shai : neu x
15:02 Seshadri : yes
15:02 Uttam : yes Shai
15:02 Shai : 9038 guys- (14:55) Shai : reds
15:02 Shai : thirs ref for tom
15:03 Uttam : +1 Shai
15:03 Anil : 🙂
15:03 Uttam : (14:59) Uttam : 9040 ref in NF now
15:03 Yash : Happy because I found it , sad because I didnt trade this move!
15:03 Govind : ES does a clean 100 points down since EURO open
15:04 Shai : Sl 9045 from here
15:04 Shai : traede for a clse at lows
15:04 Shai : which is 8810
15:04 Kushal : super Shai…i feel how many opportunities lost by looking at wrong OF charts 🙁
15:05 Uttam : Vix back above 63
15:05 Uttam : getting there – (15:01) Uttam : 8910 on?
15:06 Uttam : 8910 done
15:06 Shai : up 70- (15:04) Shai : Sl 9045 from here
15:06 Shai : 8910
15:06 Shai : looking at 100 more
15:07 Sameer : @shai should we exit sell at 8810 or can carry some for BTST ?
15:07 Tejpreet : whattay F……. day !!
15:08 Shai : neu X we don’t carry
15:08 Shai : 8895 aaane do
15:08 Tejpreet : aa gaya
15:09 Kushal : haanji
15:09 Uttam : 9200ce from 150 to 140 scratch trade 😉
15:10 Uttam : 8888 is a nice number in NF 🙂
15:10 Shai : 8928 TSL
15:11 Shai : entreing 8817 to close
15:12 Govind : great finish Shai!
15:12 Govind : Congrats
15:12 Seshadri : great shai
15:12 Govind : you need to double your annual fee man 🙂
15:13 Shai : 8907 trailing
15:13 Shai : lol
15:14 Shai : some one taught me market profile and I am repaying here 🙂
15:14 Jitender : only for Govind…rest we r still learning
15:14 Jitender : hez doubling his capital
15:14 Ankit : @govind bro… -1000
15:14 Kushal : lol yes Jit
15:14 Ankit : 😛
15:14 Govind : Ok Jit, 🙂
15:14 Nagaraj Hegde : Best wishes Shai. Much appreciated.
15:14 Shai : neutral extreme works like this – (15:04) Shai : Sl 9045 from here(15:04) Shai : traede for a clse at lows(15:04) Shai : which is 8810
15:14 Prakash : Shai, don’t take it seriously .. 🙂 _/\_
15:14 Govind : Teaching and sharing, so noble of you
15:14 Ankit : +100 govind
15:14 Jitender : 🙂 (15:14) Prakash : Shai, don’t take it seriously .. 🙂 _/\_
15:14 Kushal : you can always give us a party Gov.. :p u minting bro
15:15 Jitender : +1000 Shai (15:14) Shai : some one taught me market profile and I am repaying here 🙂
15:15 Rajesh : let us leave some points for other traders outside our room.. done for the day. Have a nice day
15:15 Anil : _/\_
15:15 Shai : 3 mins left for tgt
15:15 Govind : Kushal, when we meet yes. But remeber, I’ve blown my account a few times too
15:16 Anil : i am not trading just seeing chat and learning from you all…..my 3rd Day with you all
15:16 Shai : Close
15:16 Anil : Tommorrow i start trading along with you
15:16 Shai : got enough
15:16 Kushal : i know Gov, this is hard work.. have blown twice too lol.. i know the pain and the effort that this profession requires
15:16 Govind : Anil, I suggest you trade Shai’s calls only with minimum lots
15:16 Seshadri : same anil here.. its my 3 rd day in the group
15:17 Anil : yes from tomorrow i will start with Shai call
15:17 Kushal : dowF again bouncig from 20000
15:18 Kushal : 4th day of green MTM.. would be a dream if i hadn’t joined the room
15:20 Kushal : blessed to have u all 🙂
15:20 Govind : Pack trading Kushal
15:20 Govind : will do wonders
15:20 Anil : indeed its trading with Pack
15:20 Kushal : +100 Gov.. used to feel alone but not anymore 🙂
15:21 Ravi : +100
15:21 Neeraj : same here,i am just learning from all of you. have never traded based on order flow but was pleasantly surprised seeing the order flow charts. it really provided an edge. would start trade from tomorrow based on order flow charts.
15:22 Anil : Plus expertise of Shai and Uttam
15:22 Kushal : chalo guys.. had a great day.. tc of yourselves and your family in these times.. 🙂
15:22 Ankit : Dont trade normal size neeraj… 25% f what yu would usually do or smaller. moves are wild…difficult to handle for me if goes against 🙂
15:23 Ankit : see you all tom 🙂
15:23 Neeraj : Yes Ankit, i would keep my lot size small
15:23 Ankit : i got whipped big time today but then recovered later
15:23 Ankit : so just shared 🙂
15:24 Ankit : see you
15:24 Shai : Before you start trading go through the Trading Library and the welcome kit videos of the Orderflow
15:24 Shai : Remember as a trader, if you do not help your self to learn, no one else can
15:24 Ankit : US vix opened at 84
15:24 Ankit : wtf
15:24 Neeraj : Yes Shai, i am going through it … would finish the videos by tomorrow
15:24 Shai : Ignore US Vix today
15:25 Shai : It is expiration related today and tom
15:25 Ankit : aye captain!
15:25 Ankit : ohkay
15:25 Anil : i will finish all today evening….2nd time watching
15:25 Shai : short cllosure will spike it there
15:25 Shai : they trade vix actively
15:25 Ankit : ahan
15:25 Ankit : makes sense
15:25 Ankit : thanks
15:25 Tejpreet : EU closes borders fr 30 days.
15:26 Uttam : _/\_ – (15:14) Shai : some one taught me market profile and I am repaying here 🙂
15:27 Uttam : you slready have made a community of guys who can trade using MP & OF effectively Shai
15:27 Shai : stilla neutral extreme profile
15:27 Shai : +1- (15:27) Uttam : you slready have made a community of guys who can trade using MP & OF effectively Shai
15:28 Shai : And if you trade this market, the next decade is yours to reap guys- (15:27) Uttam : you slready have made a community of guys who can trade using MP & OF effectively Shai
15:28 Shai : this market won’t come for 10 more years
15:28 Rajan : Thanks to you shai for giving us this opportunity
15:28 Shai : And if you make money now, next 10 is easy
15:28 Uttam : awesome Shai
15:28 Rajan : where we are learning and making money..thanks a ton man
15:28 Uttam : lets have a rocking decade together at VT 🙂
15:29 Shai : +1
15:29 Shai : Bye all
15:29 Shai : Have a nice evening
15:29 Neeraj : thanks you all
15:29 Uttam : thanks All 🙂
15:29 Neeraj : bye and have a nice evening
15:29 Uttam : have a lovely evening
15:29 Rajan : Thanks all…have a great evening
15:29 Rajesh : With 400 points movement, we can use just 15% of normal trading size. Done 3 DT with 15% size today,
15:29 Himanshu : Bye all
15:29 Anil : Bye all and have a nice evening
15:30 Anil : _/\_
15:30 Sanjib : Bye all have lovely evening

Market Profile and Orderflow Masterclass – Jan 11th

📅 Date: Jan 11, 2024
📍 Location: Ritz Carlton, Bangalore
💰 Cost: ₹14,999 (inclusive of 18% GST, lunch, and coffee)
Time: 09:30 AM – 06:30 PM
🎁 Bonus: Lifetime access to our e-course worth ₹5,899!

What You’ll Get

✅ 5 Power-Packed Sessions (90-120 minutes each)
✅ Learn Market Profile and Orderflow techniques.
✅ Live examples from MarketProfile and Orderflow charts
✅ Networking opportunities with fellow traders.

✅ BONUS: Lifetime access to our e-course worth ₹5,899!