Order Flow trading is thinking about what order market participants do and when you think along this, you can anticipate what kind of action they will be taking in the market. This is a very important concept in Order Flow.
Market participants always look for the weaker side of the market, so both buy and sell stops will be targeted. Just one of the many concepts of Order Flow trading.
Room Chat
09:01 Shai : https://vtrender.com/market-profile-analysis-dated-17th-october/
09:52 Shai : (09:51) Shai : Intra – Keep a NF short open below 11605 sl of 11635 tgt 11576
10:24 Shai : Intra – Buy BNF 29090 sl of 29880 tgt 29240
11:25 Shai : (11:24) Shai : Make exits in the BNF trade at 29020 cmp
14:14 Shai : Intra – Buy NF 11676 sl of 11654 tgt 11701/ 11744
14:23 Shai : (14:23) Shai : NF stopped
08:57 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/269172549
09:00 Shai : Gm all
09:01 Shai : https://vtrender.com/market-profile-analysis-dated-17th-october/
09:01 Uttam : Good Morning All:)
09:01 Hariprasad : gm
09:02 Hariprasad : shai i have asked you a doubt in slack, please check when u fnd time
09:14 Uttam : Neutral Extreme profile once again not getting a follow up in NF
09:17 Nishchal : GM All
09:28 Uttam : lower support in both tested
09:28 Uttam : now looks like headed towards new highs
09:29 Uttam : boom boom BNF
09:33 Uttam : BNF one for 29350-380-440 today looks like
09:33 Uttam : NF can do 11660-670 in IB
09:36 Uttam : 29222 needs to be taken out & sustained in BNF for next leg up
09:37 Shai : nf STRUGGLING AT 11620- 630
09:37 Uttam : 11634 is the HVN and 11628 the weekly vpoc
09:39 Shai : prem is gone
09:49 Shai : 11606 supp
09:49 Shai : below that may drop again to 11580
09:50 Shai : auction about to complete the trip in the upper DD of last montrh
09:50 Shai : new longs have to be careful
09:51 Shai : Intra – Keep a NF short open below 11605 sl of 11635 tgt 11576
09:54 Shai : can you post here ?- avoid DM’s in market hours(09:02) Hariprasad : shai i have asked you a doubt in slack, please check when u fnd time
09:55 Hariprasad : Suppose I see a huge volume on sell side which is last tick traded. It is like this 20000 | 0The above order can be SL – M after that the market is reversing to the top. And obviously that point is the POC and above POC I am seeing Initiative buying.Now the point is can i consider that 20000 | 0 as responsive buying since it stopped the down move ?It has happened yesterday in BnF at 11:25 AM
09:57 Jitender : @suyogm here ?
09:57 Shai : yes it is RB’s
09:58 Hariprasad : but it is in the sell side, how to untrepet, still it is RB ?
09:58 Shai : not sure about the 11.25 one , will have to check, but the description fits an RB
09:58 Uttam : NF looking to break ut
09:59 Uttam : come on BNF get above 29222 & you will get a quick move to 29350-382
09:59 Uttam : NF waiting for BNF looks like
10:00 Suyog : hey Jit.. here now..
10:02 Jitender : hey
10:02 Jitender : r u planning to enable diff combo of straddle chartn poss in mplite
10:03 Jitender : fr eg if i want 30000ce & 28000pe combo chart
10:03 Suyog : share an example pls.. straddle/strangle already there
10:03 Uttam : its there Jit
10:03 Uttam : and very easy
10:03 Jitender : how ?
10:03 Suyog : you need to check the option table
10:03 Shai : vol was only 10000 in that bar and was a stuck seller- (09:58) Hariprasad : but it is in the sell side, how to untrepet, still it is RB ?
10:03 Uttam : check the 2 options you want the combo for
10:04 Shai : sl M orders
10:04 Jitender : its tere fr same strike ce/pe …rite ?
10:04 Suyog : see, for far strikes, data may not be available.. but otherwise it is possible
10:04 Uttam : no you can select different strikes too
10:04 Jitender : k..
10:04 Suyog : https://mplite.vtrender.com/opchart/
10:04 Suyog : there is a circular radio button
10:05 Suyog : you click 1 for pe, 1 for ce and then the link for strangle will show up
10:05 Uttam : @suyog Jit wants out of money strikes
10:05 Uttam : so he will need to do it manually?
10:05 Suyog : https://vtrender.slack.com/archives/C0F31QRN3/p1569895171013400
10:05 Uttam : no tick box for out of money options na?
10:05 Suyog : yes, for far out of money strikes.. live data may not be there..
10:06 Jitender : aah…got it…
10:06 Jitender : tx Suyog / Uttam
10:06 Suyog : but you can still check data till prev day if available
10:06 Jitender : cool
10:06 Suyog : also, Jit, if you see the URL pattern, you can type the options name too..
10:06 Hariprasad : ok shai, then what created a huge reversal from that point.
10:07 Jitender : k..tx again Suyog
10:07 Suyog : sure +1
10:08 Uttam : the fact that a seller got stuck there means demand was strong I guess (10:06) Hariprasad : ok shai, then what created a huge reversal from that point.
10:08 Uttam : it was kind of a FA for me there in BNF yesterday as morning we had a OL at 28530 but post 1min BNF was always above 28570
10:08 Uttam : so this 28541 dip was kind of a FA
10:09 Hariprasad : failed auction okay.
10:11 Uttam : good selling at vwap in BNF
10:11 Uttam : -25k COT
10:11 Uttam : 0s at 29100
10:12 Uttam : reds not able to push it below 29025
10:12 Uttam : can get stuck here
10:13 Uttam : needs to get back above 29100
10:15 Manish : whats the diff betwn DAY COT and COT ?
10:16 Uttam : COT of 5min bar & 30min bar
10:16 Hariprasad : what is COT ?
10:16 Uttam : Commitment of Traders which is total buying minus total selling
10:16 Manish : is it cumulative uttam ?
10:17 Uttam : yes day COT is total COT
10:18 Hariprasad : SO you summed up all the sell near the VWAP ? to calculate COT at that point approx ?
10:18 Uttam : that is the COT of 5min bar
10:19 Hariprasad : can we say commitment as delta ?
10:20 Hariprasad : because s ee delta s -28K at that bar
10:20 Uttam : no
10:20 Uttam : what you have in white number is the delta
10:20 Uttam : on top of each bar
10:21 Hariprasad : how to calculate COT
10:21 Shai : COt is our prop tool- you wonl;t get it anywhere
10:21 Uttam : its a propreitory code done by Shai
10:22 Shai : NF still holding 11606
10:22 Hariprasad : okay. cool
10:22 Shai : but slipping into an open auction
10:23 Manish : any significance for delta and net delta ? how to read it?
10:23 Mudita : Shai what you do mean by open auction? (10:22) Shai : but slipping into an open auction
10:24 Shai : Intra – Buy BNF 29090 sl of 29880 tgt 29240
10:24 Uttam : its a kind of open type in MP (10:23) Mudita : Shai what you do mean by open auction? (10:22) Shai : but slipping into an open auction
10:25 Hariprasad : Can i see COT on this live chart ?
10:26 Uttam : its there on all OF charts
10:26 Uttam : blue color
10:26 Uttam : on top
10:27 Nidhi : Shai what is the sl of bnf trade, some typo there
10:27 Uttam : 28980
10:27 Shai : SL 28880**
10:27 Uttam : but let Shai confirm
10:27 Shai : typo
10:27 Uttam : +1
10:27 Nidhi : 210pts sl?
10:29 Shai : 28980**
10:29 Shai : second typo* 🙂
10:29 Uttam : 🙂 weekend mode Shai 😉
10:30 Nidhi : Long weekend
10:30 Shai : 🙂
10:30 Uttam : Monday is a holiday for markets right?
10:30 Shai : yes
10:30 Uttam : remember Shai posting on slack
10:30 Uttam : but they have not updated the holiday list on the NSE website
10:30 Uttam : just a circular
10:31 Nidhi : Is the NF sell below 605 open?
10:33 Uttam : dont think that will get triggered today 😉
10:34 Nidhi : Removing it, shall wait for Shai to review again if we reach there
10:35 Uttam : looks like both wanting the C period to get over
10:40 Uttam : NF boom boom first
10:40 Jitender : RIL hits 9 lac cr in mkt cap
10:41 Jitender : 1st ever fr an indian co
10:42 Uttam : pretty late C side ext in NF so D will need to immediately make hgiher high
10:43 Uttam : 2 more mins for D to start
10:43 Uttam : that supply of 40k being absrobed in NF?
10:44 Manish : seller 38.5k @11643 u mentioning uttam ?
10:44 Uttam : yes
10:46 Manish : is there any threshold for COT values to interpret? like day COT on nifty is -2.9L
10:48 Mudita : What is the relevance of doing it immediately & taking a dip and then making it higher? (10:42) Uttam : pretty late C side ext in NF so D will need to immediately make hgiher high
10:49 Mudita : i mean imm vs dip n then high
10:58 Uttam : NF has left a probable FA at top now
10:59 Uttam : D extending would have meant buyers are in control
10:59 Uttam : but still looking good for upside both
11:06 Boppanna : BNF 12kgreen at 120 right at the end of C seems to have puked here in BNF
11:06 Uttam : yep
11:06 Uttam : +1 Bops
11:21 Manish : SL on BNF ?
11:21 Uttam : (10:29) Shai : 28980**
11:24 Shai : Make exits in the BNF trade at 29020 cmp
11:35 Shai : something tells me this would wind down big in afternoon
11:35 Shai : just not confident of longs in this tape
11:38 Shai : all these shorts are trading with a sl of 11666
11:38 Shai : around 11666
11:39 Shai : they start making big money if 11605 breaks
11:55 Jitender : 29010-29112
11:55 Jitender : dne
12:09 Uttam : came slowly but finally getting here (09:33) Uttam : NF can do 11660-670 in IB
12:09 Uttam : BNF needs to move
12:20 Uttam : ‘p’ profile in both so far
12:20 Uttam : are we getting a spike higher?
12:20 Uttam : BNF almost a nice bell than ‘p’ as atem too short
12:20 Uttam : stem*
12:21 Shai : +1
12:26 Jitender : sumone shuttling bnf at 29150 back
12:28 Uttam : boom boom coming?
12:28 Vijay : in bnf?
12:30 Uttam : 29000 OI in BNF still not changing, both CE & PE running parallel since morning
12:30 Manish : isn’t it weak uttam ? BNF
12:30 Uttam : NF though 11600pe OI got above CE OI long back & staying above
12:31 Uttam : BNF is still in the A period range
12:31 Uttam : made a nice balance
12:32 Uttam : as Jit said someone selling at mechanival ref of PDH
12:32 Uttam : 29150 and above it 29222 needs to go
12:34 Boppanna : 29100ce.. 396 ref
12:34 Manish : Bops, 396 is HVN ?
12:39 Jitender : weekend has RIL n HDFC results, n monday holiday
12:39 Uttam : so Tuesday will be a big range day?
12:39 Boppanna : Just an intra ref..I use P&F for options Manish with this last rise has to sustain above that for more upside
12:39 Rajiv : Jit we all know what happens after RIL results
12:39 Jitender : just think thru before carryn
12:40 Jitender : ys Rajiv…but HDFC is a diff ball game
12:41 Uttam : looks like BNF wants to make a perfect bell
12:41 Jitender : first trade wud be shrt straddle itm (12:39) Uttam : so Tuesday will be a big range day?
12:41 Uttam : doing for that 28980 test again?
12:41 Shai : One of those days when the system is not aligned to what is happening around + BNF is not helping
12:41 Shai : I’m making a conscious effort to stay away till things sync up for me
12:41 Jitender : +1
12:42 Uttam : +100 Shai
12:42 Jitender : disclipline is part of being successful
12:42 Manish : even I use PnF bops. what parameter do u set ?
12:42 Jitender : 29141-29090..scalped
12:42 Jitender : (12:26) Jitender : sumone shuttling bnf at 29150 back
12:43 Shai : yes
12:43 Shai : NF also
12:43 Shai : but no major success
12:43 Boppanna : Lets do this discussion on slack Manish
12:43 Manish : sure
12:43 Shai : (11:38) Shai : all these shorts are trading with a sl of 11666
12:46 Santhosh Kumar : sock is great Idea
12:46 Santhosh Kumar : slack
12:50 Uttam : looks like test of NF singles coming?
12:50 Uttam : Bops are you planning something for ‘I’ period
12:54 Boppanna : Uttam u hold the lamp always..Oscilattinng +/-80 around yPOC may be 2:30 looks like scalp mode going on
13:00 Shai : BNF already worrying about HDFC axis results
13:01 Shai : RIL is today
13:01 Shai : Tuesday open is anyonne’s guess
13:01 Manish : wild open on tuesday
13:02 Shai : Monday should have been kept open
13:02 Uttam : Shai if we do not close at hgihs today then we could get back to 11480 / 11380 & 11252 next week?
13:02 Manish : Even axis result on Monday
13:02 Shai : yes that FA will keep ca;lliing the NF
13:03 Uttam : thanks Shai
13:04 Uttam : volumes all this week have been on the lower side i this move higher
13:06 Manish : can we go short with 11666SL intra ?
13:07 Manish : views anyone ?
13:08 Uttam : its a good R;R Manish
13:08 Uttam : as one test of 11615-605 can come
13:08 Manish : same feeling here
13:08 Uttam : making a ‘p’ smoother before NF decides what to do in the last hour
13:08 Manish : taking a chance lets see. In for the trade
13:09 Uttam : do it after 1:30 as can give aspike before it
13:14 Boppanna : Uttam’s I here
13:45 Uttam : ‘I’ made a narrow inside bar so now all responsibility on J
13:46 Uttam : 11600pe above 78 can give a quick 15-20 point move
13:49 Uttam : spike coming looks like
13:49 Uttam : Value higher in NF & the reds are not able to break below vwap
13:49 Uttam : J should see some action
13:50 Uttam : boom
13:53 Shai : 11666 supp for 11701
13:54 Nidhi : so 66 shld be sl?
13:54 Shai : yes
13:54 Rajiv : Shai what is this 1.71
13:54 Uttam : BNF on for 29350-382
13:54 Shai : sl orders all
13:58 Shai : modify to 11660 – (13:53) Shai : 11666 supp for 11701
13:58 Nidhi : ok
13:58 Uttam : 0s start in NF from 11660
14:05 Rajiv : Swing high taken out on the NF. Where is the premium in NF with 8 sessions to go
14:05 Shai : Good Q
14:05 Shai : went away at the open today
14:06 Jitender : 11694 prev high was spot ?
14:06 Rajiv : and spot has not taken out the swing! high
14:07 Rajiv : Shai how can 1.71 sell be an SL?
14:08 Uttam : you have 0s below it
14:08 Uttam : so its a mix of orders
14:09 Uttam : K period ext coming?
14:10 Shai : last big fill was 11654- (14:07) Rajiv : Shai how can 1.71 sell be an SL?
14:10 Shai : 10 points volumes got mixed up
14:11 Uttam : 17k green right at top in BNF
14:12 Jitender : algo sell in bnf at highs
14:13 Shai : Intra – Buy NF 11676 sl of 11654 tgt 11701/ 11744
14:17 Jitender : dpoc ?
14:18 Shai : setting up in a squeeze trade
14:18 Shai : hence the longs
14:18 Jitender : k
14:18 Shai : base is those 0’s
14:19 Shai : BNF 29347 next vpoc
14:22 Manish : crazy man
14:22 Jitender : touched 28120 bnf 🙂 (14:17) Jitender : dpoc ?
14:23 Jitender : PB
14:23 Shai : NF stopped
14:23 Shai : Exit longs
14:23 Jitender : (14:12) Jitender : algo sell in bnf at highs
14:24 Jitender : satisfied end to the day
14:24 Jitender : ciao guys….have grt holidays…
14:25 Psandeep : nicely done Jit…take care
14:26 Shai : +1
14:26 Manish : Jit bhai which algo is this?
14:28 Jitender : u 2 Psandeep
14:28 Jitender : Manish, chck the rejection of price at DH in bnf….long weekend so PB happened
14:28 Jitender : it went upto 299 with )’s
14:28 Jitender : 0’s
14:29 Jitender : n quickly came down
14:29 Jitender : chalo…bye
14:59 Uttam : nice balanced profile in both 3-1-3
15:00 Manish : what moves on BNF man
15:01 Uttam : bullish close in both though
15:02 Uttam : weekly timeframe
15:17 Shai : any gap up would bring 11800 quick on tues
15:18 Shai : one time frame up looks done now
15:18 Rajiv : Should we carry small PE’s
15:19 Shai : can
15:19 Shai : small qty or a hedge
15:19 Shai : no one can say where it will open for sure
15:19 Rajiv : Understand
15:22 Boppanna : Shai BN spot above 29100 close bullish for next week?
15:22 Shai : BN weekly needs a cool down
15:22 Shai : 29350F big ref zone for next week
15:22 Boppanna : ok thx
15:23 Shai : market is expecting good results from all 3
15:28 Shai : Bye all
15:28 Shai : enjoy the long weekend
15:29 Shai : catch up Tues
15:29 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely weekend