When we think about how to measure volume in the market one of the keys is Order Flow. It plays a role by telling us what the other traders have done in the market and are currently doing and this provides valuable clues and potential opportunities to trade.
An Order Flow trader can actually see exactly what is happening in the market as it happens. Once you are able to understand what is happening in the present, you are able to make far better decisions about what might happen in the future. Order Flow provides traders with vision into market activity.
NF (June)
NF (July)
BNF (June)
BNF (July)
Room Chat
08:53 Vtrender Live : 5 min NF charts – https://join.me/814-500-011
08:54 Vtrender Live : 30 min BNF charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/709636317
08:55 Vtrender Live : 5 min BNF charts – https://zoom.us/j/8647757494?pwd=UVNpR3ZvcnVyUmhEZDhJUVlYNVlkdz09
08:56 Manikandan : Gm all
08:57 Giridhar Gowravajhal : GM all !!!
08:59 Rahul null : Morning Everyone
08:59 Shai : GM all
08:59 Dhananjay : GM
08:59 Avinash : GM everyone
09:02 Rajesh G : gm
09:04 Shai : The markets worked out a balance yesterday not at the expected 10240 but higher at 10300
09:05 Shai : we saw an iceberg orders at 10352 show up which will continue to offer supply into today
09:05 Shai : ref level for the day is 10352
09:05 Shai : we go bullish if we stay abv 10352+ filter on good Orderflow
09:06 Shai : this is an important balance forming and can form a base to a climn to 11400 later in July with Sl below 10100
09:08 Chandrashekhar : GM all
09:10 Sachith : Good morning everyone… happy trading…
09:11 Sylvester : Good Morning to all
09:11 Neeraj : GM everyone
09:12 Saurabh : gm everyone
09:12 Naresh Dubbudu : Good morning team.
09:12 Vishnu : gm all. great day wishing for all.
09:13 Nagaraj : Goodmorning all
09:16 Himanshu : GM all
09:17 Tejpreet : GM All
09:18 Himanshu : What a logical system – Open and Supply at YDAy VAH
09:18 Shai : OPen in the old balanaceas was suggested at the close yesterday
09:19 Himanshu : yes Chief- kept opened MP lite
09:19 Shai : Those in the short 103000 ce pe are already seeing a gain of 10 points
09:19 Himanshu : to observe –
09:19 Shai : keep sl at cost, and don’t give profit back to the market
09:19 MJ : Yes bossman. Right in that balance.
09:20 Shai : https://mplite.vtrender.com/?symbol=O_NIFTY10300PE20200625_NIFTY10300CE20200625&tf=daily&tpo=2&isComposite=0&ivp=0&sp=1&startDate=&endDate=&nDays=8
09:20 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:22 Rajesh : open is OAIR uttam?
09:23 Shai : +1
09:25 Chandrashekhar : Uttam/Shai vol still on lower side for NF?
09:25 KK : 10306 ke liye ?
09:25 KK : since we couldn’t cross 10352 ?
09:26 Uttam : BNF has starred well
09:26 Uttam : started*
09:27 Uttam : but looks like wants to fill up that incomplete profile of yesterday
09:27 Uttam : 21960 upside ref in it for now
09:27 Uttam : yes Chandra vols have dropped since last week & this week cos of rolls could be even more lesser
09:28 Chandrashekhar : thanks uttam
09:29 Uttam : NF only 7.8L in first 15mins
09:29 Uttam : lowest I guess
09:29 Uttam : be ready for a chop chop session guys 🙂
09:31 Rajesh : 80% rule for yesteday bell profile uttam?
09:32 Uttam : we are in yesterday’s Value only Rajesh
09:34 Boppanna : +1 Uttam choppy session
09:38 Shai : For a live reading of Pace of tape , have added a new indicator called Vol./ sec to the 5 min charts of NF and BNF . This will tell you the speed of the orders flowing in the market.
09:39 Uttam : wow super Shai 🙂
09:39 Govind : 500 Vo/sec seems optimal for me Shai 🙂
09:39 Uttam : any value fro the averange in it?
09:40 Uttam : can we have then in the room charts as well Shai?
09:40 Shai : current speed in NF is 1 contract a sec and 2 contracts in BNF which is painfully slow, can go to 20 contraxts per second
09:42 Uttam : thanks Shai 🙂
09:42 Shai : done- (09:40) Uttam : can we have then in the room charts as well Shai?
09:43 Sachith : superb addition Shai … looks very promising
09:43 Shai : It is
09:44 Uttam : +100
09:44 Chandu : guys wer v r getting pace of tpe
09:44 Nagaraj : Where is this pace-of-charts Shai
09:44 Shai : stay with the trend if it is rising ( vol/ sec) . If it starts dropping then will reverse from highs or lows
09:44 MJ : Shai vol/per second are the number of trades per sec in 5 mins?
09:44 Uttam : it is there on the 5min charts Chandu & Nagaraj
09:44 MJ : sorry* vol
09:44 Sanjib : 10300 PE OI rising
09:45 Chandu : room charts r go to meeting uttam
09:45 Swapnil : Room charts – under COT
09:45 Uttam : 5min charts everywhere has the vol//sec box
09:45 Uttam : which we can use to check the pace of the charts
09:46 Shai : 5 min charts at the base in the bottom tab
09:46 Chandu : got it thak u
09:46 Uttam : +1
09:46 Nagaraj : Thanks Shai
09:46 Prateeek : Thanks Shai … great addition. 🙂
09:47 Nishant : So basically its 1282.9 contracts traded between 9:15 and 9:20 AM?
09:47 Nishant : and 739.3 in the next 5 minutes?
09:48 Swapnil : will be average per second
09:48 Rajesh G : shai how do we read the pace of tape
09:48 Shai : @everyone, since the market is quiet, we will do an open AMA session from 10.15 am to 10.45 am today. Ask me anything you want on MarketProfile, OrderFlow and the charts. LIve from 10.15 to 10.45, bring along your questions
09:48 Chandrashekhar : charts stuck?
09:48 Shai : working fine
09:49 Chandrashekhar : yes back now…
09:49 Rajesh G : shai how do we read
09:49 Naresh Dubbudu : I have carried my BNF 22k PE overnight.
09:50 Naresh Dubbudu : I am just back in positive on that. Expecting it to got to 600.
09:50 Shai : Rajesh, it shows you how fast the market is getting new orders. Higher number means the market is moving fast
09:51 KK : 10400 PE from 135 to 155 booked
09:51 KK : SL 127
09:51 KK : on not able to go above 352
09:51 Avinash : Markets have been rising on hugely negetive cot, Big sellers at every high.. How should this be interpreted in terms of trend and what should be expected?
09:52 Shai : Big money into shorts, retail into short covering. Happens periodically
09:52 Shai : This last move is through stuck retail exiting call shorts
09:54 Avinash : What should be our expectation going forward?
09:54 Shai : Potentailly that iceberg of 10352 can break 10240 easily
09:55 Avinash : Ok, Thanks Shai
09:56 Shai : 10285/ 21640 supp for intra
09:56 Boppanna : Uttam ur report says profile filling so 650- 950 BNF
09:56 Shai : lets’s see if sellers push below it
09:57 Uttam : till 21565 it can fill Bops
09:57 Uttam : but yes 21640 is that prominent POC
09:58 Boppanna : thx
10:03 MJ : Shai: Like COT has range nos. Anything specific for Vo/sec?
10:03 MJ : to observe?
10:12 KK : this 50K confusing. otherwise VWAP to IBL was clear with BNF below VWAP
10:14 Avinash : @350
10:14 Govind : #AMA – Shai, you mentioned that you saw some LT players at the top in BNF y’day and also that that zone was important from a 3 month comp perspective. Where you referring to the selling tail from March 18th and/or something more there?
10:14 KK : C side
10:15 Boppanna : @KK 285 and 640 were ref Shai mentioned OAIR was the open so no confusion I think
10:15 Chandu : #AMA shai hw to do positional trading using mp, wat ref levels v hav to observe , some times even value is higher stock is flling wen i enter trades fr swing ., hw to rectify those ?
10:16 KK : its okay, went in 10330, once went above open back
10:16 KK : I was not sure
10:16 Shai : Into the #AMA please use this hashtag #AMA so we can scroll through the questions quickly
10:17 Shai : A quick review as we move into C, the context is still a balannce with a Responsive seller operating the 10350 zone who is in fact an iceberg
10:17 Nagaraj : #AMA Shai, hod do you prepare for a trading day and what is your advise to us to keep ready before the start of the day
10:17 Nagaraj : *how
10:17 Nishant : Where is the session happening?. Can the llink be shared?
10:17 Rajesh : #AMA some times in trend days COT values mislead entries…in such situation how to get confirmation for entry without cot?
10:18 Sanjeet : #hi shai any view on c period…ifor last 10 days C timeperiod always gives opposite trend/trade
10:19 Nishant : highest no of trades so far 1617 in the last five minutes.
10:20 KK : booked 10360..Iceberg stays
10:20 Shai : Its’ avg 666 contracts per minute , the number of the beast – (10:03) MJ : Shai: Like COT has range nos. Anything specific for Vo/sec?
10:21 Shai : A 3 month balance – (10:14) Govind : #AMA – Shai, you mentioned that you saw some LT players at the top in BNF y’day and also that that zone was important from a 3 month comp perspective. Where you referring to the selling tail from March 18th and/or something more there?
10:21 MJ : Woah! thanks cheif.
10:21 Shai : if you zoom out from april , it is visisble. Alos for me 21900- 22000 is the vwap of the March selling in BNF. a more important longer term ref ( not intra ofc)
10:22 Ashok82 : #AMA Shai, On June 3rd, you said “my #MarketProfile says we stay at 10110F and form a base into tom”. Is it based on unbalance to balance?
10:22 Shai : nothing changes in #MP- follo0w the same rules of bias, look for acceptance and rejection as we discussed in last webinar- (10:15) Chandu : #AMA shai hw to do positional trading using mp, wat ref levels v hav to observe , some times even value is higher stock is flling wen i enter trades fr swing ., hw to rectify those ?
10:22 Parul : #AMA Shai, which strategy do you suggest from the marketprofile setup for a beginner to trade ? Also, what to see in OF as a trigger for that strategy. Looking for something which although does not throw up more trades but is more consistent.
10:23 Rajesh : #AMA#how does day report comes with buy ,sell levels…..does it based on only HVN.LNV,SINGLE PRINTS,POC,SPIKE….OR ANY OTHER specific metho for exact buy sell leveld
10:23 Shai : Go through prev day notes and the OF charts with a MP chart open- (10:17) Nagaraj : #AMA Shai, hod do you prepare for a trading day and what is your advise to us to keep ready before the start of the day
10:24 Shai : COT is just a confirmation tool. You won’t get misled if you are watching IB and IS- (10:17) Rajesh : #AMA some times in trend days COT values mislead entries…in such situation how to get confirmation for entry without cot?
10:24 Shai : Avoid trades with show IB and negative COT or IS with positive COT
10:24 Shai : C is meant to do exactly this :)- (10:18) Sanjeet : #hi shai any view on c period…ifor last 10 days C timeperiod always gives opposite trend/trade
10:24 Praveen : what that mean when we get this combination
10:25 MJ : #AMA shai how do you manage to stay so calm always?
10:25 Sylvester : #AMA Shai i have heard the terms “Extension Handle” and 80% rule. I am not able to find refernces to them in training library. What do they refer in OF ?
10:25 Sanjeet : #AMA..any input on risk management
10:25 Shai : Yes one of the higher teachings of MarketProfile will give you that certainty- (10:22) Ashok82 : #AMA Shai, On June 3rd, you said “my #MarketProfile says we stay at 10110F and form a base into tom”. Is it based on unbalance to balance?
10:26 Shai : The rules of Bias in Market Pofile with confirmation from IB / IS – (10:22) Parul : #AMA Shai, which strategy do you suggest from the marketprofile setup for a beginner to trade ? Also, what to see in OF as a trigger for that strategy. Looking for something which although does not throw up more trades but is more consistent.
10:26 Shai : 3 rules of Bias- a) Know the open, b) watch the vwap c) respond at the range extension
10:27 Shai : All of it put together to form 1 neat template – (10:23) Rajesh : #AMA#how does day report comes with buy ,sell levels…..does it based on only HVN.LNV,SINGLE PRINTS,POC,SPIKE….OR ANY OTHER specific metho for exact buy sell leveld
10:27 KK : the days with open drive, just trade those, if less trade, more consistent, unless it goes back through those,.
10:28 Shai : 🙂 – (10:25) MJ : #AMA shai how do you manage to stay so calm always?
10:28 K2dt : #AMA chief how to not get swayed by emotions when u make a lot in a day?
10:28 Shai : You can control yourself , but you cannot control the outside. Manage what you can manage
10:29 Uttam : today’s chat is gold 🙂
10:29 Chandu : #AMA in somedays v see IB, IS with 1L cot 2 ,3 times insuch case do v need to consider big buyer/seller in all which one v hav to consider, do v have comnsider all r ?
10:29 Shai : extension handle is a move away from IB which is 1st 60 mins of trade. Has to be confirmed with huge volumes- (10:25) Sylvester : #AMA Shai i have heard the terms “Extension Handle” and 80% rule. I am not able to find refernces to them in training library. What do they refer in OF ?
10:31 KK : #AMA Shai, in a positive bias day, how do we know, the day low has come post VWAP break, like today, I was waiting to go all in at 11230/11240 for long, but it didn’t come and there were not heavy greens too at the lows..some reds stuck, but not that much
10:31 Ashok82 : #AMA Shai, What does P or b profile indicate?
10:31 Shai : 80% rule is a movement which comes back into a previous VA and goes from one end to the other end and has a probability of doing so 80% of the time and referrred to as such- (10:25) Sylvester : #AMA Shai i have heard the terms “Extension Handle” and 80% rule. I am not able to find refernces to them in training library. What do they refer in OF ?
10:32 Shai : we have a note in the welcome kit sent. A must read- (10:25) Sanjeet : #AMA..any input on risk management
10:32 Sylvester : Thanks Shai
10:32 Shai : https://vtrender.com/risk-management-on-calls/
10:32 Sanjeet : Thank you shai
10:33 Neeraj : #AMA- what is minimum capital required to trade in trading room Shai..?
10:33 Shai : have a plan, follow a process. It’s not diff when process and markets are clear. Avoid trading if there is a gap in either or both – (10:28) K2dt : #AMA chief how to not get swayed by emotions when u make a lot in a day?
10:33 Bommareddy : #AMA COT Range numbers plz
10:34 Shai : Avoid trades which show IB and neg COT or IS with postive COT- let it slide. The market will give other opportunities next few minutes – (10:29) Chandu : #AMA in somedays v see IB, IS with 1L cot 2 ,3 times insuch case do v need to consider big buyer/seller in all which one v hav to consider, do v have comnsider all r ?
10:35 Shai : P is short covering profile and b is long liquidation. These are end of day patterns – (10:31) Ashok82 : #AMA Shai, What does P or b profile indicate?
10:36 Chandu : #ama hw do v find which day is forming any further studies v hav to do
10:36 Rajesh : #AMA#DOES 30 MIN POC is very important to take decision?
10:36 Neeraj : #AMA- how you identify a LLT…what amoumt of volume generally we consider that this a LLT…?
10:37 Shai : Minimum is decided by your broker, not us. But to trade, make sure you have capital which is yours and not borrowed from friends, banks etc and the size you trade should be comfortable for you not get shaken if the market goes against your position for a few minutes – (10:33) Neeraj : #AMA- what is minimum capital required to trade in trading room Shai..?
10:37 Rajesh : #AMA3DOES 30 MINUTE cot is also important…to analyse trend?
10:37 Shai : COt is a dynamic number , but for the current scenario anything neat 1L COT is a game changer- (10:33) Bommareddy : #AMA COT Range numbers plz
10:38 Shai : yes watch D and E periods for extensions and trend days- (10:36) Chandu : #ama hw do v find which day is forming any further studies v hav to do
10:38 Shai : depends on your time frame of trade – (10:36) Rajesh : #AMA#DOES 30 MIN POC is very important to take decision?
10:39 Vishnu : shai we are in the iceberg zone . pingpong play going on . if we stay quiet some time here wiith positive cots means iceberg players out with his positions . am i right?
10:39 Chandu : # AMA what is iceburg significance shai?
10:40 Shai : LLT again is a dynamic number. It is the weight of one entity against the market. So in a thin low volume market even 1L qty is an LLT, but in a highly liquid market a 5L qty may not be 1
10:40 Parul : #AMA Shai from one your answers to a previous question, if the 5 minute chart shows IB and positive COT, we can take a buy trade and vice versa ? Any threshold of COT numbers we are looking at ?
10:40 Shai : No, restrict COT to 5 mins – (10:37) Rajesh : #AMA3DOES 30 MINUTE cot is also important…to analyse trend?
10:40 Naresh Dubbudu : ASOIAF. Iceberg of from 10400 vs Fire of postionals from low of the day. Lets see.
10:41 Shai : Iceberg is an Orderflow concept of a big player who has indetified a zone to distribute – (10:39) Chandu : # AMA what is iceburg significance shai?
10:41 Shai : yes- (10:40) Parul : #AMA Shai from one your answers to a previous question, if the 5 minute chart shows IB and positive COT, we can take a buy trade and vice versa ? Any threshold of COT numbers we are looking at ?
10:41 Shai : Anything abv 40K is a good COT
10:42 Shai : I’ll take 2 more questions, before we round off
10:42 Shai : Good questions everyone
10:43 Shai : we will also have a webinar this Thursday at 08.30 pm, on the inner workings of an Orderflow chart. Don’t miss it
10:43 Rajesh G : #ama are we into second phase of the market as per stedlemaer
10:43 Neeraj : Thank you Sirr….Gratitude ….
10:43 Himanshu : Chief – Pranam
10:43 Ketan : +1 shai ., thanks for the q&a
10:43 Dhananjayan : Shai #AMA, we had one LLT at 10000 in Jun futures, so what do we read abiout it?
10:43 Uttam : awesome +100 – (10:43) Shai : we will also have a webinar this Thursday at 08.30 pm, on the inner workings of an Orderflow chart. Don’t miss it
10:43 Himanshu : I did not have to ask question – but lot got furtehr clarified
10:43 Chandu : #AMA shai wer v hav observe these imbalance lines significance..,
10:43 Himanshu : Kudos buddies – Good questions really
10:43 Shai : I think we go to 11400 – (10:43) Rajesh G : #ama are we into second phase of the market as per stedlemaer
10:43 MJ : Shai options writing using MP. please in one of your webinars.
10:44 Swapnil : @Shai – timeframe for 11400?
10:44 Rajesh G : thanks shai
10:44 Vishnu : +100 shaiii
10:44 Shai : imbalances abv or below values areas only , better if outside composites- (10:43) Chandu : #AMA shai wer v hav observe these imbalance lines significance..,
10:45 K2dt : +100 chief thanks
10:45 Shai : 10100 SL for now , not confirmed yet, read morning notes. TF- july/ early aug- (10:44) Swapnil : @Shai – timeframe for 11400?
10:45 MJ : Thank you for this Shai. lovely session.
10:45 Rajesh : thank you cheif
10:45 Swapnil : yes, thanks Shai
10:46 Shai : Awesome Guys- with that we close and go back to the markets. If I missed any questions, please repost
10:46 Ashok82 : #AMA Shai,Where can i learn about COT?
10:46 Shai : right here , as no one else does COT AFAIK – (10:46) Ashok82 : #AMA Shai,Where can i learn about COT?
10:46 Nagaraj : Thnq Shai
10:47 Shai : or for that matter any of these OF concepts like IB/ IS you would not get elsewhere
10:47 Uttam : 21940 high so far – (09:26) Uttam : BNF has starred well(09:27) Uttam : but looks like wants to fill up that incomplete profile of yesterday(09:27) Uttam : 21960 upside ref in it for now
10:47 KK : typical OAIR day ..BNF leads in downmove, NF in upmove
10:47 Uttam : 10366 so far – a) NF needs to stay above 10302 for a rise to 10330-341 / 10366-375 / 10411-431 & 10455-500
10:47 Shai : They work with a 100 year old model or interpretation of volume. We have moved away
10:48 Shai : back to markets….
10:50 Shai : iceberg is still alive. See the POC weight. He is stilla ctive
10:53 Chandu : shai wat is tat POCwt in join me..,
10:53 Chandu : hw to read tat
10:54 Shai : 10317 test again sl abv 10366
10:54 Uttam : it is the difference of buy and sell of that bar’s POC
10:54 Ashok82 : #AMA Shai,Is COT equal of Open interest?
10:55 Uttam : COT is simple total buy minus total sell of the bar
10:56 Ashok82 : OK Uttam 🙂
10:56 Ashok82 : Nifty FA?
10:57 K2dt : no Ashok, D also went out of IB
10:57 Uttam : FA is based on time stayed out of IB and not TPOs
10:59 Uttam : you could have 3 tpos out and still get a FA
10:59 Ashok82 : Uttam, time? How much time?
10:59 Uttam : 30 mins
10:59 Nagaraj : thanx UG, didnt know that. Was looking t TPOs only
11:00 Ashok82 : Ok Uttam
11:00 Uttam : Open Type helps so much _/\_ – (09:29) Uttam : NF only 7.8L in first 15mins(09:29) Uttam : lowest I guess(09:29) Uttam : be ready for a chop chop session guys 🙂
11:01 Nagaraj : FA can be any of these: price rejection and type rejection. Right uttam?
11:01 Nagaraj : and or
11:01 Uttam : what is the difference?
11:01 Nagaraj : Time*
11:02 Uttam : it is basically rejection of price but validated by a certain time period
11:02 Nagaraj : Got it
11:03 Uttam : BNF can move higher?
11:04 Shai : scratch it. market not doing anything here. we wait- (10:54) Shai : 10317 test again sl abv 10366
11:10 Varun : @uttam on which date did we auction around 10350-400 in nifty
11:11 Uttam : spot?
11:12 Uttam : Mar 9 to 12th we have a nice baalnce
11:12 Uttam : from 10395 to 10541
11:12 Varun : Future
11:12 Uttam : yesterday & today spot resisting right below it
11:12 Uttam : 11th March
11:13 Uttam : 10335-10513
11:13 Uttam : 12th was a gap down of 500 points
11:14 Uttam : 11th we closed at 10451 & 12th open was 9941
11:16 Rahul : Shai 🙂
11:16 Himanshu : UG – In and Out – In and Out Day
11:17 Himanshu : 22500 CE – giving 30 points – 3 rd time – thogh could do twice only
11:17 K2dt : u r right H
11:17 Himanshu : but can’t remain in trade for longer then 30 mts
11:18 Himanshu : As – if balanced today and COT comes above VWAP – Beast is brutal
11:18 Giridhar Gowravajhal : Thanks Shai
11:18 Varun : Thanks uttam
11:19 Uttam : BNF profile so nicely looking like a puzzle piece which is matching with the missing part of yesterday’s profile
11:19 Vishnu : very less vol day. dont get carried away. save emotional capital
11:19 Uttam : merge them & you get the balance we look for in MP
11:20 Himanshu : Kush – COmposite low of 225K CE is 114 – action below it thats if we breach – 21640 POC with volume ..
11:20 K2dt : moti se bell banne dete hai .. kya bolte ho UG? thursday ko dhamaka hone do
11:21 MJ : UG: bnf ka kuch program aaj?
11:21 Himanshu : UG – if ICEBERG is distributing then later in the day – they would want to have inventory in hand or mostly lower
11:22 Uttam : yes Himanshu if the demand gets weak we could probe lower
11:22 Himanshu : MJ – Keep Spring Under your PC or Seat – which jumps exit order at touch or POC on one side / and ICEBERG on other side..
11:24 Himanshu : AAgaya MOrning low kiss
11:24 MJ : Yes that’s the day so far.
11:24 Uttam : day of stuck players
11:25 Himanshu : Today MAmbani is relaxing ..
11:25 Himanshu : Bopp is polishing his Hammer – beware.
11:26 Himanshu : In dubai Airport – There is Snoozecube
11:26 Himanshu : where you can sleep for 40 DHms/Hrly in contained cold cube – which has star in the celing …
11:28 Himanshu : for long lay over flight
11:31 Boppanna : 640-950 still for me Himanshu
11:36 Arjun : sellers doing bad job ?
11:36 Sachith : ohh… now I know where the greens are coming from 🙂 Bops
11:37 MJ : bopps quick bnf scalp on that text.
11:37 MJ : Thanks.
11:38 Uttam : lets have some move BNF
11:42 Uttam : BNF needs to stay above 21855
11:43 Himanshu : Bopp – please let us kiss VWAP in BNF once
11:48 Uttam : 30Jul 22k CE from 1190 to 1203
11:48 Uttam : 21850 getting overlapping POC
11:48 Uttam : holding part for 1230-1239
11:49 Uttam : bopom boom?
11:50 Boppanna : NF trying to push above C
11:50 Uttam : yes 68k green zt top
11:51 KK : this time going
11:52 KK : 10400 PE 116 broken
11:52 KK : so we are going up
11:52 Uttam : rest out at 1212 in that 22k ce
11:53 KK : 10403 please
11:53 Boppanna : Uttam BNF needs to be shown the path could u type 960 again
11:53 Uttam : lol
11:53 Uttam : its getting there Bops
11:53 Shai : NF good here with the 3 IB’s
11:53 Shai : should do 10410/ 417
11:53 Chandu : RE also came in nf
11:55 KK : 78K green apne saath hai
11:55 Neeraj : What will be the SL …Sir
11:55 Shai : sl is 10344 for this extension trade
11:56 Uttam : hat-trick of IBs in NF
11:56 Uttam : though on low vols & COT
11:57 MJ : 1081.9
11:57 Uttam : good enough for today
11:57 MJ : that’s one of the biggest in the day?
11:57 MJ : vo/sec
11:57 KK : BNF , kindly play along
12:01 Himanshu : MJ but COT was negative – so Above 10383 SC can come
12:01 MJ : -13k negative COT.
12:02 Himanshu : then -27 next bar
12:02 Chandu : shai wat is signicance of op+range, op-range
12:02 MJ : yes.
12:02 Himanshu : at 734 Vol/Sec
12:02 MJ : .95 also you did.
12:02 Himanshu : Sec highest
12:02 MJ : dhi.
12:02 Himanshu : Haha
12:02 MJ : kem aavu karo cho 😛
12:02 Himanshu : .95 is Algo tye order,
12:02 Naresh Dubbudu : 3 consecutive IBs couldn’t push NF by even 50 points?
12:03 Himanshu : See if you want good extension – alwasy rest of one sesion is good after marathon run
12:03 MJ : BNFFFF!
12:03 KK : Aaya re
12:03 Shai : push abv 10390 now will get more SC
12:03 MJ : +1 chief.
12:03 KK : BNF 18K
12:04 Avinash : SC
12:05 Himanshu : Not yet Avi
12:05 Himanshu : those machine orders are hanging at 10384.95
12:05 Avinash : k
12:06 Himanshu : Some discertionary orders above 10385-390 will require as per Chief to run past 10415,,
12:06 Himanshu : And Badass Beast – is under BOPP control –
12:10 Himanshu : BNF spot slapped – 90 Points
12:14 MJ : 107 116 10400 pe. H.
12:15 KK : SPX will lead
12:23 KK : BNF reversal ?
12:23 MJ : 18k guy…
12:28 KK : Any news ?
12:28 Shai : Hold NF at 11339
12:28 Shai : test of IBH
12:28 Himanshu : OAIR – Chief said – Boundries and POC
12:29 Shai : shoukd move back to day high as ;long as vwap is held
12:31 Chandrashekhar : India – China army meeting ends on a positive note
12:31 Chandrashekhar : agrees ro disengage
12:32 Chandrashekhar : to*
12:33 MJ : nide rb that 60k guy. At IBH.
12:33 MJ : nice*
12:36 KK : lets go then
12:37 Himanshu : Chief
12:37 MJ : mera reload hogaya KK. abhi aap karo paar 10385.
12:37 Himanshu : -WHATTA call
12:37 Himanshu : Chief –
12:38 Himanshu : And Mah Govt Scrapped 3 Major orders to Chinese ..
12:38 Amit Jain : +shai
12:38 Himanshu : Come what may – this movement shall gather momentum
12:39 KK : this time..dont say anything..
12:39 KK : chupke se jaane do
12:40 Uttam : 10400ce from 333 to 341
12:40 Shai : 59K RB guys cam ein 2 secs back here- (12:29) Shai : shoukd move back to day high as ;long as vwap is held
12:40 Uttam : +1 Shai
12:40 Uttam : vol/sec also highest there
12:40 Uttam : 1137
12:41 Boppanna : +1
12:41 KK : SShhhhh
12:41 Himanshu : This time – thise BC are gone
12:41 Himanshu : You need Chinese news then Algo will go,,
12:42 Himanshu : See this 33k on both side –
12:42 Himanshu : Saale abhi bhi lage huein hain
12:43 KK : 10400 CE bhi Jaag gayi
12:44 Uttam : lets have the BNF RE now
12:44 MJ : ssssshhhh 😀
12:44 MJ : Shai what badass this vol/sec is
12:45 MJ : CKMKC!
12:46 Nishant : 10400
12:46 Avinash : Shai Can this ddo 10470
12:46 Shai : 10400 book half – (11:53) Shai : should do 10410/ 417
12:46 Shai : sl at 10371 on rest
12:46 Himanshu : Out in 10200 PE – 20Pts –
12:46 Uttam : 10408 is 2 IB in NF
12:47 Shai : 10455 – (12:46) Avinash : Shai Can this ddo 10470
12:47 Avinash : Thanks
12:47 Boppanna : Nice trade Shai
12:47 Himanshu : Bopp has locked BNF – zeros at 21960
12:47 Uttam : 45k red in BNF right at 21960
12:47 Uttam : 0s above it
12:48 Uttam : (09:27) Uttam : 21960 upside ref in it for now
12:48 Shai : 10340 is now a base of support into clsoe and tom
12:48 Himanshu : Chief – now rotation here in BNF
12:48 Parul : Uttam, whats the significance of 0s above that 45K
12:48 Himanshu : or can it extend,,
12:49 Shai : stay bulklish abv 10340
12:49 Himanshu : End OF Auction,, Buyers and Sellers are interested to trade above that level
12:49 Shai : extension is good
12:49 Himanshu : Ok
12:49 Himanshu : Chief – so Buy on Sudden Dips
12:49 Uttam : BNF needs to change gears
12:50 MJ : 45k on bnf.
12:50 MJ : though in black.
12:50 Himanshu : today NF has Audi Gear Box
12:50 Himanshu : and BNF is on Mahindra Tractor gear box
12:50 MJ : lol
12:50 MJ : Himanshu.
12:51 Himanshu : Bopp has to hammer the lever
12:51 Himanshu : with some proper abuse then it will work
12:51 MJ : bopp and ug. bnf needs your attention.
12:51 K2dt : lol Himanshu.. u r right.. may be Sonalika tractor 😀
12:51 Himanshu : Only Sunny Deol can ride it ..
12:52 K2dt : hahahah
12:52 Himanshu : After 45 K boggies lining
12:53 K2dt : on OAIRs Himanshu u rock with the puns 🙂
12:53 Himanshu : Haah
12:53 Himanshu : Cause on trend day – am on rocker
12:53 MJ : Himanshu is our in house open mic champ 🙂
12:53 Himanshu : cant figure out whats happening ,,
12:53 Himanshu : haha
12:54 K2dt : +100 MJ
12:54 K2dt : keep em coming H
12:56 Himanshu : HDFC bank spot is tied down
12:56 Himanshu : in Yday lower range –
12:57 Himanshu : below 1033 ( Yday IB range was uptp 1033)
12:58 KK : time has come
12:58 Rahul : Shai 🙂 awesome
13:00 Naresh Dubbudu : Our trading room rocks particularly in the 2nd half trades.
13:01 MJ : kal wala target aaj bhi intact ug? in 22k ce?
13:02 Uttam : almost done – (12:46) Uttam : 10408 is 2 IB in NF
13:02 K2dt : 10400ce writers haar ni maan rhe..dunno why
13:02 Uttam : abki baar 10500?
13:02 Uttam : spot at least
13:03 Vishnu : 2 ib did ug
13:03 KK : ghi shakkar
13:03 K2dt : le ao UG
13:05 Uttam : a) BNF needs to get above 21755 for a rise to 21854 / 21930-990 / 22085-125 / 22200-315 & 22451-560
13:06 Uttam : 21990 to the dot
13:08 Nagaraj : pace dropping
13:08 K2dt : PB time UG?
13:08 Uttam : supply getting absorbed looks like
13:08 K2dt : +1
13:12 Uttam : lets go
13:12 K2dt : impressive writing in 10400pe tho
13:12 Himanshu : HDFC bank Spot has woken up ..
13:12 Uttam : BNF on for 22060 at least looks like
13:13 Himanshu : Once HDFCBnk clears 1030 – then can enter yday IB range –
13:22 Rajesh G : test
13:24 Boppanna : BNF ready Uttam?
13:24 Uttam : yep
13:26 Uttam : need to take that 21990 out
13:27 Uttam : BNF has HI as today’s high so far
13:27 Boppanna : word play
13:28 Naresh Dubbudu : HI uttam?
13:28 Boppanna : H&I tpo
13:28 Naresh Dubbudu : Ok
13:31 Shai : NF a HH mode
13:31 Shai : move into a next week 10500 call when we cross 10417F
13:31 Nagaraj : ok
13:32 Shai : expiry could be near 10500 with sl below 10340 F now
13:32 Uttam : super Shai 🙂
13:32 Himanshu : HDFC b cleared 1030
13:33 Uttam : (13:02) Uttam : abki baar 10500?
13:33 Himanshu : Ab ki bar VT ki sarkar
13:34 Himanshu : OM Uttamaya Hypo namah:
13:34 K2dt : hahahaa
13:35 Shai : 🙂
13:35 Uttam : lol
13:35 Sanjeet : 10500 call for next week bought@135
13:35 Himanshu : Kya baat hai
13:36 Uttam : 10446 is a weekly VPOC in spot
13:36 Uttam : 10432 so far high there
13:37 Uttam : 10400ce 2nd round from 351 to 357 mini trade
13:38 Himanshu : Chief – Yday Closing time – 20500 PE July melted 120 Rs
13:38 Himanshu : If you recollect – you gave gate pass
13:40 Himanshu : Covered now , will see at 3.27 again
13:40 Shai : +1
13:40 Shai : Need that pop up abv 10417
13:41 Shai : That is the next round
13:41 Shai : should do 10454/ 10484 before close
13:42 K2dt : vix today’s low is 30.04
13:42 Shai : watch LT- (13:32) Himanshu : HDFC b cleared 1030
13:43 Shai : perfect trend day, shoulld rip abv 966
13:44 Himanshu : OK
13:44 Naresh Dubbudu : BNF at VWAP. Is it a good entry for long?
13:44 Himanshu : LT – 908 to 966
13:45 Himanshu : WOW
13:45 Himanshu : NF ki Tandurasti ka Raaaj
13:45 Himanshu : China contract coming to LT
13:45 Himanshu : News is also good for them
13:47 Shai : yes highest at nifty
13:47 Shai : Adds 17 points to the gains
13:50 MJ : Chief any expiry week fireworks?
13:51 MJ : Flash sale kinds? 😛
13:53 K2dt : DIIs selling highs
13:53 K2dt : they sold yest too
13:57 Uttam : BNF getting ready for launch?
13:58 Swapnil : future spot difference decreasing
13:58 Parul : Uttam, can you specify the criteria on which you will take a fresh BNF entry now ?
13:59 Swapnil : hope futures go and stay above the spot like normal times
13:59 Sachith : UG 21854 support? and IB now
13:59 Uttam : IB at vwap so RE now can give a good move to 2IB – (13:58) Parul : Uttam, can you specify the criteria on which you will take a fresh BNF entry now ?
13:59 Uttam : je baat
13:59 Uttam : boom boom
14:00 K2dt : boom bbom UG 🙂
14:00 Uttam : 22800 red at 22030
14:00 Sreedhar : next stop UG?
14:00 Uttam : hisaab barabbar
14:00 K2dt : mukeshbhai ko last k liye bacha k rakha hai kya :p
14:02 Himanshu : Mukesh bhai will come on expiry day to take up to 10500
14:02 Himanshu : He needs some rest ..
14:02 K2dt : agreed
14:03 Himanshu : Today LT gave 16 Points Leading pack
14:04 Parul : What does orderflow reading of RIL say today guys, any IS or just profit booking ?
14:04 Himanshu : Infy Gave – today was every one contribute for Navaratri ,,
14:05 Himanshu : Seems profit booking BO was from 1685
14:05 Himanshu : Exietd 10350 PE on 10426 Spike
14:05 Himanshu : Seems todays – Shop closed ..Zeros above
14:06 K2dt : pink band too
14:06 K2dt : with big imbalance
14:06 Vishnu : this week expiry week majority will be rolls. dont get carried away
14:07 K2dt : +1 Vishnu
14:08 K2dt : hva eto take out 420 🙂
14:08 Uttam : 2:15
14:10 RiteshM : charts
14:10 Uttam : charts are fine
14:10 Swapnil : Glenmark is almost 100 down from yesterday’s high
14:13 Shai : yes was up too much
14:14 Shai : there is competition for those drugs coming , it is not exclusive
14:14 K2dt : +1 chief
14:14 Uttam : almost 40% it was yesterday?
14:14 MJ : PR agency did its stuff.
14:14 MJ : nicely.
14:14 Swapnil : What with our desi Coronil from Patanjali also coming 😉
14:14 Sanjeet : Today Patanjali launched aayurveda medicine for corona
14:15 K2dt : it “prevents” virus
14:15 Uttam : arre wah
14:16 Nagaraj : unfortunately they are not listed
14:16 Shai : yes
14:16 Shai : but there are plenty listed no?
14:16 Uttam : but his involment in another company Ruchi Soya is making news
14:17 Nagaraj : oh is it
14:17 Uttam : was at 16-17 last Nov I think
14:17 Shai : major moves have happneed in mid cap in this leg up from 9750
14:17 MJ : UG ruchi soya move from 5 bucks. to 1k levels. insanity
14:17 Uttam : and from last few days has been up 5% circuit
14:17 Uttam : 1312 today all day & no sellers in it
14:18 Uttam : spike coming?
14:18 Vishnu : 98% promo holds only 2% play happens
14:18 K2dt : look like UG
14:18 Vishnu : sachin told this
14:18 Uttam : in Ruchi is it Vishnu?
14:19 Shai : 10375 supp for thsi period
14:19 Vishnu : yes
14:19 Shai : pullback done
14:19 Uttam : now lets go for the skies 🙂
14:19 Shai : HH neeeded in K
14:20 Uttam : yes K for killer move
14:20 Uttam : muhc needed today
14:22 Uttam : BNF shifted HI to JK
14:22 Uttam : JK papers needs to be taken ot now
14:22 MJ : haha
14:23 MJ : UG reminding me old days of small and midcap.
14:23 MJ : 😀
14:23 MJ : buy anything and sell next week for 10% in 2016/17
14:23 MJ : JK was one of those stocks.
14:23 Uttam : JK Paper did have a good last 2-3 session I guess up 5-6%
14:24 Uttam : it was last Friday
14:24 MJ : everyone and their panwallah’s reccos on the street.
14:24 Uttam : 98
14:24 MJ : 22k par kya hai bhai .
14:24 MJ : jao na aagey.
14:25 Uttam : long jump karna hai to 22200 so taking a pause
14:25 MJ : haha!
14:26 MJ : oh 1 more hour.
14:26 MJ : 😛
14:26 Uttam : 1 hour mein bahut kaam baaki hai if it does 22200
14:26 MJ : merko toh kal wala 600 chalega 🙂
14:26 Uttam : 22315 & 22600
14:26 MJ : 22k ce mein
14:27 Himanshu : Chief has some other plan
14:27 Govind : take out PDH Uttam please
14:27 Himanshu : Arey Govind Bhai
14:27 Himanshu : Kahan ho
14:27 Himanshu : Peacefully printing,,
14:27 Uttam : 22069 😉
14:28 MJ : lol
14:29 Nagaraj : more or less a P profile today right?
14:29 Govind : whassup HImanshu, just watching your running commentary man
14:29 Tejpreet : Uttam I think you should take out NF extended hypos for tab 2 🙂
14:31 Uttam : last wala to khatm karo Tej – a) NF needs to stay above 10302 for a rise to 10330-341 / 10366-375 / 10411-431 & 10455-500
14:31 Uttam : 10429.35 high so far
14:31 Uttam : BNF 22069 – a) BNF needs to get above 21755 for a rise to 21854 / 21930-990 / 22085-125 / 22200-315 & 22451-560
14:32 Shai : HH done – (14:19) Shai : HH neeeded in K. add mometum now
14:33 Shai : 10400 ce writers need to go
14:34 Shai : 10400 striike of calls look like more buyers in
14:34 Shai : All good then
14:34 Uttam : (13:36) Uttam : 10446 is a weekly VPOC in spot
14:35 Shai : +1
14:35 Shai : 2IB of spot there
14:36 Uttam : 10446 spot done
14:36 Uttam : BNF long jump to 22200 starts
14:36 MJ : YAAY
14:36 MJ : ug my man!
14:37 Govind : dyamn
14:37 Shai : 10406 now- (14:19) Shai : 10375 supp for thsi period
14:37 Sachith : 22085-22125 done … UG great great
14:37 Uttam : congo guys
14:38 Uttam : boom boom
14:38 Uttam : 22200 on screen
14:38 Sachith : BNF hitting 1000 vol/sec for first time today
14:38 Uttam : 22315 next
14:38 Tejpreet : looks like bot was waiting for the extended hypos !!
14:38 Uttam : lol Tej
14:38 Himanshu : Tej
14:38 Himanshu : Om Uttamaya Extended Hyo namah
14:39 Himanshu : Hypo
14:39 Tejpreet : 22k ve gives 100 since that hypo msg
14:39 MJ : yesss tp
14:39 Uttam : BNF long jump remember
14:39 MJ : my ce is outside screen. 😀
14:39 MJ : Vertical move
14:39 Jitender : finally DT done 🙂
14:39 Shai : 10448- (13:41) Shai : should do 10454/ 10484 before close
14:39 Jitender : whattaday slow day
14:39 Shai : 10405 trailing
14:40 Boppanna : Bingo Uttam
14:40 Uttam : 22315?
14:41 Jitender : if in bnf..trail
14:41 Tejpreet : 500 done on that ce another 100 needed …22k
14:41 Shai : 22386- (14:40) Uttam : 22315?
14:41 Uttam : (13:02) Uttam : abki baar 10500?(13:02) Uttam : spot at least
14:41 Uttam : super Shai
14:41 Tejpreet : yes jit …tsl in
14:41 Jitender : in system
14:41 Jitender : reqd
14:41 Tejpreet : yes sir
14:41 Jitender : +1 tej
14:41 Shai : congo- (14:41) Tejpreet : 500 done on that ce another 100 needed …22k
14:41 Shai : very nice to hold
14:42 Uttam : wonderful Tej 🙂 you have become a master trader in BNF now 🙂 +100
14:42 Nagaraj : Amazing Tej
14:43 Tejpreet : tks chief had to make up for morning buy of 215k ce at 480 ….low was 475 ….exited for 40 points !!
14:43 Uttam : Tej’s style of revenge teade 🙂
14:43 Uttam : trade*
14:43 Tejpreet : BN can’t play without adult supervision 🙂
14:44 Jitender : 🙂
14:44 Avinash : +1 Tej
14:44 MJ : Cheers TP!
14:44 Tejpreet : tks guys
14:44 Himanshu : Tej _ cheers
14:44 Himanshu : Slient Killer
14:45 Abhishek : lots of greens in bnf killing bears
14:45 Uttam : 22294
14:45 Uttam : 20 more please
14:45 Swapnil : Shai – any direct SL on 10400 Jun CE – bought at 88
14:45 Abhishek : 22350 coming in bnf uttam
14:46 Uttam : our set ups are simple but effective – (13:59) Uttam : IB at vwap so RE now can give a good move to 2IB – (13:58) Parul : Uttam, can you specify the criteria on which you will take a fresh BNF entry now ?
14:46 Uttam : just that we need to wait for them to show & OF to confrim to take the trades
14:46 Shai : book part 110-(14:45) Swapnil : Shai – any direct SL on 10400 Jun CE – bought at 88
14:46 Shai : trail at 100 into clsoe
14:47 Shai : can do 128
14:47 Swapnil : Thanks
14:49 Shai : 50 points more is there in this NF move, but I’m not sure whether we get it before 3.30 or tom at open
14:50 Tejpreet : Jit TSL gone at 460 in that 22k ce
14:50 Shai : 10512
14:50 MJ : Same tp. 450 tsl hit.
14:51 Tejpreet : +1
14:51 Jitender : i came out at 260 Tej
14:51 Tejpreet : nice exit
14:51 Jitender : tx
15:01 Uttam : BNF for another long jump?
15:03 Govind : let’s do 22460 Uttam 🙂
15:03 Uttam : wah wah 🙂
15:03 Shai : Take NF also along boys to your party 🙂
15:03 Tejpreet : 🙂
15:03 Uttam : 22315 & Shai’s 22386 good ebough
15:03 Govind : 🙂
15:04 Uttam : Nifty spot tag of 10500 will be nice
15:04 Uttam : 30 points
15:04 Govind : BNF spot at its highest since March 18th
15:04 Uttam : in 25 mins
15:04 Boppanna : 315 is too close uttam just needs to step out of his chair he’ll get it
15:04 Boppanna : *22315
15:04 Govind : boom
15:05 Boppanna : so now Uttam u can relax
15:05 Uttam : 22313
15:05 Govind : too many reds coming here
15:05 Uttam : objective mil gaya aur kuch bhi aane do ;-p
15:06 Govind : yeah UG, 3SD also there
15:06 Boppanna : Shai rocking trade on NF clean
15:06 Nishant : Shai/Uttam – Took a 10500 CE @ 55
15:06 Vishnu : shai above 10512 next level u expect?
15:06 Uttam : 🙂 but weekly FA gave this tgt last week itself Gov
15:06 Govind : it sure did Uttam, bravo!!
15:07 Ketan : +1 uttam
15:07 Uttam : and that 22600 was there on charts much before ;-p
15:07 Shai : Intra longs book out
15:07 Shai : 126- (14:47) Shai : can do 128
15:07 MJ : +1 chief
15:07 Swapnil : ok to carry some 10400 CE overnight?
15:08 Shai : book near 3.20
15:08 Tejpreet : 84k reds , every one booking out in the room !!
15:08 Shai : 40 poinmts more is there but pullback can be 70
15:08 Shai : so btter take
15:08 Swapnil : ok thanks
15:09 Govind : that was Vishnu Tej
15:09 Boppanna : Congts Tej big BNF trade
15:09 Shai : 10405 trailing still- (14:37) Shai : 10406 now- (14:19) Shai : 10375 supp for thsi period
15:10 Tejpreet : yes Gov ..loks like Vishnu
15:10 Tejpreet : tks Bops
15:11 Vishnu : seems so gov
15:11 Govind : Maharaj 🙂
15:12 Vishnu : nf did 3 ib
15:13 Shai : +1
15:13 Rajesh G : shai shai probable range for tomorrow
15:14 Shai : check against today ‘s charts , how a correct bias gives green MTM easy- (10:26) Shai : 3 rules of Bias- a) Know the open, b) watch the vwap c) respond at the range extension
15:15 Govind : _/\_ Shai
15:15 Shai : 10340- 10530- (15:13) Rajesh G : shai shai probable range for tomorrow
15:15 Rajesh G : thanks
15:16 Boppanna : +1 Shai..and today Q&A could go in slack as well would be my humble suggestion
15:16 Tejpreet : nice idea Bops +1
15:18 MJ : +100
15:19 Rahul : Thats a great suggestion from Boppanna
15:19 Tejpreet : @suyog so easy to check out older profiles tks to the Upper/ Lower lvl
15:19 Rahul : Please consider and share it for reference. Thanks
15:20 Suyog : +1 Tej, even I use it a lot these days.. 🙂
15:21 MJ : Another day of twins hitting 4s and 6s.
15:21 MJ : bajaj twins.
15:21 Sreedhar : Thank you Shai and Uttam.. You both made a fantastic day for me.. Bahut bahut Dhanyavad..
15:21 Shai : Sure Bopps- will post
15:21 Uttam : congo Sreedhar & lets keep doing this process again & again
15:21 Uttam : 10484.7 spot hgih 🙁
15:22 Uttam : 10500 not tagged
15:22 Tejpreet : time hai
15:22 MJ : 22k ce onwards to your 600 @UG.
15:22 Shai : relatively easy day to trade today, hope everyone made money
15:22 Uttam : yes sir +100
15:22 Tejpreet : yes sir
15:22 MJ : Yes Shai.
15:22 Avinash : +1 Shai
15:22 Shai : now go back and check the charts- It is always easier to trade the imbalance
15:22 MJ : thanks for that morning sesh!
15:23 Uttam : 22600 could come in BNF tom
15:23 Sreedhar : YES Shai.._/\..
15:23 Tejpreet : https://mplite.vtrender.com/?symbol=NIFTY&tf=daily&tpo=2&ll=10450&ul=10800&sp=1&startDate=&endDate=&nDays=8&idstr=&dstr=_8&rst=0&iam=
15:23 Tejpreet : this is what i was checking
15:23 Sylvester : Thanks Shai UG and friends. Getting warmed up to this experience.
15:24 Himanshu : Yes Sir
15:24 Boppanna : Uttam 2 ATR of the weekly FA is at?
15:24 Govind : UG, u leaving a flat top in NF
15:25 Shai : +1- (15:23) Sylvester : Thanks Shai UG and friends. Getting warmed up to this experience.
15:25 Abhishek : any chance of gap up chief
15:25 Govind : Closing with a flourish here, both indices
15:25 Giridhar Gowravajhal : Yes Shai Thanks a lot
15:26 Uttam : Nifty does that 1 atr target of 10480 from monthly FA of 9544
15:26 Vishnu : great FA man
15:26 Uttam : monthly ATR in 7 sessions – thats the power of FA
15:26 Himanshu : Chief – so we are iclosing in Imbalance today
15:26 MJ : +1
15:27 Sachith : Thanks Shai , UG … Bye Everyone
15:27 MJ : Bye chief and everyone.
15:27 Shai : is good for a gap but bulk of the move was done
15:27 Himanshu : Ok So chief can we place contra 02 Jul 24K
15:28 Naresh Dubbudu : Bye everyone.
15:28 Shai : 22359
15:28 Shai : Bye all
15:28 Uttam : super Shai +1
15:28 Sanjeet : Thank you shai for your guidance
15:28 Shai : Have a nice evening
15:28 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:28 Rahul : Shai awesome
15:28 Giridhar Gowravajhal : Thanks again Shai & UG. Bye all
15:28 Himanshu : Bye all
15:28 Tejpreet : Bye All
15:29 Manikandan : Bye all
15:29 Avinash : Bye all
15:29 Sreeram : bye all
15:30 Vishnu : bye all
09:06 Shai : (09:04) Shai : The markets worked out a balance yesterday not at the expected 10240 but higher at 10300(09:05) Shai : we saw an iceberg orders at 10352 show up which will continue to offer supply into today(09:05) Shai : ref level for the day is 10352(09:05) Shai : we go bullish if we stay abv 10352+ filter on good Orderflow(09:06) Shai : this is an important balance forming and can form a base to a climn to 11400 later in July with Sl below 10100
09:21 Uttam : a) NF needs to stay above 10302 for a rise to 10330-341 / 10366-375 / 10411-431 & 10455-500
09:21 Uttam : b) The auction staying below 10279 can test lower levels of 10248-230 / 10194-175* / 10156-112 & 10090-070
09:21 Uttam : a) BNF needs to get above 21755 for a rise to 21854 / 21930-990 / 22085-125 / 22200-315 & 22451-560
09:22 Uttam : b) Staying below 21648, the auction could test 21564-465 / 21351-300* / 21160 / 21093-021 & 20972 & 20890-825