Trading order flow allows a trader to see the specific price where a trade has hit the market, along with the volume of that trade. This information is extremely valuable and allows a trader to generate substantial revenue by using this information to trade.
OrderFlow analysis is an extension of Volume Profile Trading and offers bigger clarity for Intraday trading in terms of accurate levels of support and resistance for entries, exits, carrying positions, exiting positions or for a hold.
Market participants often look for the weaker side of the market, so both buy and sell stops will be targeted. Just one of the many concepts of OrderFlow trading
Vtrender helps you to stay on top of the Market by understanding Order flow… This increases your flexibility, your data analysis capability, and your winning trade signals. And you make your existing systems better
Order Flow charts dated 24th Sept
09:04 Vtrender Live : (09:02) Vtrender Live: option charts –
(09:03) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts -
09:08 Shai : (09:08) Shai :
(09:08) Shai :
09:22 Shai : (09:21) Shai : INtra- Keep an NF short open below 11120 tgt 11050 sl of 11159
09:24 Shai : (09:23) Shai : Exit the BTST at 47 -48 here
09:42 Shai : (09:42) Shai : NF shorts in
09:51 Shai : (09:51) Shai : NF 11097 book 50%25 shorts and hold with a TSL of 11125 the res
10:14 Shai : (10:14) Shai : NF intra day book fully 11073
10:32 Shai : (10:31) Shai : Buy 11200 ce at 47 again sl of 32 tgt 80
11:05 Shai : (11:05) Shai : Have added Oct Futures to the options screen . It won\’t be possible to have them on the go to screen till this volatility subsides
11:05 Shai : (09:02) Vtrender Live: option charts –
(09:03) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts -
11:17 Shai : (11:17) Shai : Intra – short Banknifty 25280 sl 25360 tgt 25133
11:21 Shai : (11:21) Shai : BNF 25218. Part book here
11:23 Shai : (11:23) Shai : Book out BNF 25250
11:52 Shai : (11:52) Shai : 11200 ce stopped. exit positions
12:04 Shai : (12:04) Shai : Intra – short BankNifty 25175 sl of 25269 tgt 25000
12:12 Shai : (12:12) Shai : exir the BankNifty shorts at cost here 25180
12:43 Shai : (12:42) Shai : Intra – keep an NF buy abv 11053 sl of 11028 tgt 11110
13:18 Shai : (13:18) Shai : avoid the NF buy now
13:33 Shai : (13:33) Shai : Intra – sell BankNifty 24130 sl of 24245 tgt 24910
14:23 Shai : (14:23) Shai : BNF 25080 book the shorts
09:02 Vtrender Live : option charts –
09:03 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts -
09:08 Shai : GM all
09:08 Shai :
09:08 Uttam null : Good Morning All 🙂
09:08 Shai :
09:09 Praneeth : GM All
09:09 Jitender : Gm Folks 🙂
09:12 TP : GM All.
09:16 Shai : 11125 early morning supp
09:16 Shai : 11180 res
09:16 Shai : 11222 the bigger one
09:16 Shai : 25400 supp in BNF
09:17 Shai : ticks are jumping again
09:17 Shai : cateful with linit orders
09:21 Shai : INtra- Keep an NF short open below 11120 tgt 11050 sl of 11159
09:22 HK : GM all. BTST CE hold Shai?
09:23 Shai : we will exit that
09:23 Shai : Exit the BTST at 47 -48 here
09:25 Shai : OPen test drive lower
09:25 Shai : may want to check 11050
09:27 RD Arora : first signs of stabalisation apeared , is it rt shai
09:28 RD Arora : option writers have arrived
09:30 Shai : yes 200 point range for now
09:30 Shai : 11200 ce writers would sell more
09:36 Shai : some stability in ticks now
09:37 Gaurav : Short below 11120 is open Shai?
09:37 Shai : yes keep it open
09:37 Shai : 11125 supp is there for iindex
09:37 Shai : below that opens up 11050
09:37 Gaurav : ok, thanks
09:37 Shai : else 11125- 11180
09:39 Jitender : breadth of mkt worsening
09:42 Shai : NF shorts in
09:45 Uttam : stuck greens at 11140 Shai so any move there could get those longs to exit?
09:50 Uttam : NF getting buyers at that 11095 levels?
09:51 Shai : NF 11097 book 50% shorts and hold with a TSL of 11125 the res
09:52 Jitender : +1
09:55 Praneeth : +`
09:55 Praneeth : +1
09:56 Praneeth : shai, your view on usdinr pls
09:56 Sumit : sir any view for bnf
09:57 Jitender : phew DT done & tat 2 with half of usual vols
10:00 Uttam : pink band at 11120 levels
10:01 Uttam : but needs to stay till end of the 10:15 bar
10:01 Jitender : 25246-25340-25420 the range fr now
10:01 Uttam : BNF had buyers in the 25300-320 band & today again getting a green band there
10:04 Jitender : look at prem in 25800+ ce strikes
10:04 Jitender : yum
10:04 Jitender : tey r expectn a 500-700 pt bounce in bnf
10:05 Shai : BNF weak beow 25400 now for 26180/130- (09:56) Sumit : sir any view for bnf
10:05 Uttam : 25180-130
10:05 Shai : yes thanks 🙂
10:05 Uttam : 🙂
10:08 Shai : NF that pink came at 11120 and is liquidation of some fri longs
10:08 Uttam : +1 Shai
10:08 Uttam : (10:00) Uttam : pink band at 11120 levels
10:08 Shai : best way to ride this is buy 11100 pe and sell 111000 pe
10:08 Jitender : 21k greens in bnf at 25267 ?
10:09 Shai : sell 11000 pe**
10:09 Shai : yes that was green band
10:10 Jitender : tx
10:12 Jitender : 340-260 done 🙂 (10:01) Jitender : 25246-25340-25420 the range fr now
10:12 Jitender : tat 21k green had me in doubt
10:12 Jitender : as usual booked early 🙂
10:13 Jitender : brokn friday’s lows
10:13 Shai : 25191- (10:05) Shai : BNF weak beow 25400 now for 26180/130- (09:56) Sumit : sir any view for bnf
10:13 Uttam : green band in NF at 11070
10:13 Jitender : +1 Shai
10:14 Shai : NF intra day book fully 11073
10:14 Jitender : ib done
10:15 Shai : yes C is the weird guy
10:15 Shai : C and G to watch today
10:15 Uttam : ext handle in NF at 11107
10:17 Jitender : 3IB setup..lets c whether it plays out or not
10:18 Praneeth : +1 Jit
10:18 Praneeth : to vwap?
10:18 Pradeep : Shai: BC weak low in NF? Will see revisit?
10:18 Shai : greens back to vwap yes
10:18 Uttam : poor lows & ext handle gone in NF
10:19 Uttam : 11131 imp ref now in NF for shorts
10:19 Shai : NF that 11050 is the second buyer of friday below 11170
10:19 Uttam : morning selling tail at 11132-11175
10:19 Shai : below 11120**
10:20 Shai : see this as a 11050- 11125- 11180 today
10:20 Shai : abv 11125 back to 11180
10:20 Uttam : +1 Shai
10:20 Shai : broader view for settlement is 11000- 11220 for now. we review if there is change
10:21 Jitender : 25340 first (10:18) Praneeth : to vwap?
10:21 Praneeth : +1
10:22 Jitender : 25.4ce 187-241 done (10:12) Jitender : 340-260 done 🙂 (10:01) Jitender : 25246-25340-25420 the range fr now
10:22 Jitender : jo de uska bhi bhala 🙂
10:22 Shai : short near 380 sl of 440
10:23 Jitender : usdinr in contrl till now
10:23 Shai : avoid short
10:24 Shai : let’s watc at 435
10:24 Uttam : BNF IBH can be taken as 25540 Shai?
10:24 Uttam : or 25580?
10:24 Uttam : 25560
10:24 Shai : 380- 435 zone in BNF crucial
10:27 Uttam : both forming a ‘b’?
10:29 Uttam : (10:19) Uttam : 11131 imp ref now in NF for shorts…high so far in this bounce 11130
10:29 Jitender : milked both theese kind of days
10:29 Uttam : nice Jit 🙂 congrats
10:30 Uttam : hope you feeling better now 😉
10:30 Sandesh : +1 Jit Baba!
10:30 Jitender : tx guys
10:31 Jitender : Uttam…was just missing the excitement post mkt on fryday..had done 5xDT on fri…but was a little disappointed as cud have done 4 times tat…
10:31 Jitender : but ten with risk management rules kickn in & the ferocity of move …cudnt do anythn
10:31 Shai : Buy 11200 ce at 47 again sl of 32 tgt 80
10:32 Shai : one test of 11180 pending now maybe by noon
10:32 Shai : possible 11220 also
10:32 Jitender : +1
10:32 Jitender : nf has not even visited fri’s lows
10:32 Uttam : stuck seller at 11100
10:33 Uttam : above 11131 can move to say high
10:34 Jitender : played to the dot 10:01) Jitender : 25246-25340-25420 the range fr now
10:34 Uttam : nice Jit 🙂
10:35 Jitender : kabhi kabhi tukka lag jata hai..& tx 2 yr lvls 🙂
10:35 Uttam : Nf above vwap for first time since Fridat afternoon
10:35 Uttam : 11132
10:36 Jitender : Congrats P (10:18) Praneeth : to vwap?
10:36 Uttam : still quite a difference between bid & ask prices?
10:36 Uttam : (10:19) Uttam : morning selling tail at 11132-11175 into the morning tail now
10:37 Jitender : bnf prem dwn
10:37 Uttam : C makes higher high than B
10:37 Mihir : Good morning everyone.
10:38 Mihir : Also, Jit 🙂 You inspire me and how 🙂 Congrats.
10:38 Uttam : (10:35) Jitender : kabhi kabhi tukka lag jata hai..& tx 2 yr lvls :) thats being too modest
10:38 Jitender : tx buddy..but Shai is the real one..i just get lucky sumtimes
10:39 Mihir : Kind and modest as always.
10:39 Uttam : Mihir 11150pe made opening low of 62.25 then made a hgih of 131
10:39 Uttam : now the dip has made a low of 89.3
10:40 Mihir : Pullback also magic.
10:40 Mihir : Nice.
10:40 Abhishek : Gm all
10:40 Shai : usdinr 72.33 now a supp for day . 72.60 near term intra res . abv that quick move to 72.98 F again
10:41 Shai : 72.01 also if 72.33 breaks
10:41 Uttam : (10:27) Uttam : both forming a ‘b’?
10:41 Mihir : Shai 30 min is printing only vital numbers?
10:42 Mihir : Others are being hidden?
10:42 Shai : yes using a filter as too much info is there cos of the volatility
10:42 Mihir : Superb. Filter is defined as?
10:43 Shai : filter is 100 lots at a price. anything less we will overlook till the volatilityu subsides
10:43 Gaurav : kindly add oct futures on gotomeeting screen when you get time
10:44 Shai : sure
10:44 Mihir : Thanks Shai. Helps a lot.
10:48 Himanshu : its open drive down today shai ?
10:48 Mihir : Just noticed at the footer of 30 min filter is specified.
10:49 Shai : open test drive- (10:48) Himanshu : its open drive down today shai ?
10:49 Himanshu : ok shai
10:50 Mihir : Short at vwap. Covered half at dval.
10:50 Praneeth : +1 Mihir
10:52 Jayesh : +1 Mihir
10:52 Mihir : Dollah! Day high.
10:53 Mihir : Thanks guys.
10:54 HK : Shai, any particular reason for buying 11200 CE
10:55 Praneeth : bnf to dvah jit?
10:55 HK : Just from learning perspective
10:56 Shai : stayed abv vwap in C for open drive high touch
10:56 Jitender : Parneeth has 2 scale 420
10:56 Shai : c lows is sl
10:56 Jitender : below 340 its a shrt
10:57 Jitender : but lets wait out D
10:57 Praneeth : ok, thank jit
10:57 Abhishek : short in maruti via oct puts for 6630
10:58 Jitender : if it scales vwap….long is in…so tats y wait D & let E gv a clue
10:58 Gaurav : need to update 11200 trade on slack
10:58 Jitender : Abhi…6600 ?
10:58 Abhishek : yes(10:58) Jitender : Abhi…6600 ?
10:59 Jitender : cool…& SL ?
10:59 Abhishek : having long puts instead of short future
11:00 Jitender : k..
11:00 Uttam : C has made an inside bar in BNF so D could give next signal but looking like a ‘b’ both for now
11:01 Jitender : 26k ce is at 45… 🙂
11:01 Jitender : spot is 700 points belwo
11:02 Praneeth : oh.. so good sc expected?
11:04 Praneeth : or is it IV ki kamal
11:05 Shai : Have added Oct Futures to the options screen . It won’t be possible to have them on the go to screen till this volatility subsides
11:05 Jitender : Parneeth 26k shld end at 0
11:05 Praneeth : ok
11:05 Jitender : but theese r wild days
11:06 Shai : first of the big guys is here at 11110
11:06 Uttam : 1.
11:06 Uttam : 1.4L
11:06 Jitender : ys
11:06 Jitender : LIC sponsored 😉
11:07 Praneeth : Jit, can u take bnf to 25750 just for fun 🙂
11:08 Jitender : done
11:09 Praneeth : cool
11:09 Praneeth : 🙂
11:09 Jitender : 🙂
11:13 Gaurav : thanks (11:05) Shai : Have added Oct Futures to the options screen . It won’t be possible to have them on the go to screen till this volatility subsides
11:14 Gaurav : please update this to slack as well(10:31) Shai : Buy 11200 ce at 47 again sl of 32 tgt 80
11:17 Shai : Intra – short Banknifty 25280 sl 25360 tgt 25133
11:18 Uttam : Shai below 25223 BNF has all singles so can do 25035-20?
11:18 Shai : oops that missed being updated- (11:14) Gaurav : please update this to slack as well(10:31) Shai : Buy 11200 ce at 47 again sl of 32 tgt 80
11:18 Shai : some sell side volume comi ng back
11:21 Shai : BNF 25218. Part book here
11:21 Jitender : 310-210 doen (10:56) Jitender : below 340 its a shrt
11:22 Shai : +1
11:22 Shai : 25440 was also a short but NF started making waves
11:22 Jitender : tx
11:23 Jitender : tat 1.4 at 11110 wud b sweatn
11:23 Uttam : 22k seller stuck in BNF?
11:23 Shai : Book out BNF 25250
11:23 Uttam : looks initiative for now but needs to make new day lows
11:25 Jitender : 72.64 on usdnr
11:25 Pradeep : Is there big buyer in BNF 1.4L at 25228?
11:26 HK : exit NF CE shai?
11:27 Shai : wait
11:27 Shai : should bouce to 11110
11:35 Praneeth : usdinr 72.7
11:41 Shai : some one biuying all 11200 ce around 32
11:43 HK : thanks Shai, on days like this, I just stick your calls, no self trades 🙂
11:49 Jitender : ibl brk in nf..3ib setup violated
11:51 Jitender : bnf at ibl
11:51 Mihir : Booked 3 trades today but meaty ones. (10:50) Mihir : Short at vwap. Covered half at dval.
11:51 Jitender : +1
11:52 Mihir : Had logged out after first trade. But best way to kill time at the airport 😛
11:52 Shai : 11200 ce stopped. exit positions
11:52 Mihir : 1.5L is -60 right now unless he is a rollover fella.
11:53 Jitender : yup
11:53 Jitender : 2.4 Dt now
11:53 Mihir : Aye aye 🙂
11:53 Mihir : Congrats.
11:54 Jitender : 2 u also
11:54 Mihir : /\
11:54 Mihir : 11070 decider. Or we test the tail.
12:00 Prudhvi : crude 80 handle
12:03 Shai : going for 11000
12:04 Shai : Intra – short BankNifty 25175 sl of 25269 tgt 25000
12:08 Mihir : 82k here
12:08 Mihir : Stalling the 11k move
12:08 Jayesh : rollover Mihir
12:09 Mihir : Thanks J
12:10 Jitender : tat idiot of the Uncle shld have been wiped out by now
12:12 Shai : exir the BankNifty shorts at cost here 25180
12:12 HK : PPT can step in here
12:12 Shai : looking unsteady
12:12 Shai : 25260 sl if you want in
12:13 Shai : short is still right but risk is rising
12:16 Mihir : Which Uncle Jit?
12:17 Jitender : Sunder
12:17 Uttam : (10:39) Uttam : now the dip has made a low of 89.3…from 89.3 to 170
12:17 Jitender : +1
12:20 Mihir : Oh okay.
12:20 Mihir : Atti Uttam 🙂
12:20 Jitender : usdinr retreatn
12:21 Jitender : bnf can bounce
12:21 Mihir : 415 to 381 DHFL.
12:22 Uttam : 1.5 IB done
12:24 Mihir : Pullback time in both?
12:25 Mihir : vwap calling.
12:25 Mihir : in NF?
12:29 Jitender : whole mkt is in bajaj fin (inst+Mf+Hni)
12:29 Jitender : n all will avg
12:30 Jitender : its 23& dwn in sept..i think
12:30 Jitender : 23%
12:30 Mihir : Tail eaten up yayyy
12:31 Sumit : 1.9 l buyers in nf
12:32 Jitender : 11k writers under water rite now
12:32 Abhishek : just loving the mkts these days 🙂
12:32 Mihir : Jit Loads of fund houses exited at 2850 2900 levels.
12:34 Mihir : Abhi bhai 🙂
12:34 Mihir : Another 1000 pointer anywhere?
12:35 Jitender : 52wk low in Maruti
12:35 Prudhvi : wow maruti
12:36 Jitender : AG shrt here
12:36 Jitender : Shai..trend day in bth ?
12:36 Mihir : quick 30 and out.
12:38 Mihir : 1.1L buyer you beauty!
12:39 Jitender : 12.32 trade 15 in till now
12:40 Jitender : 130 point bounce in bnf…warned u guys 🙂 (12:36) Jitender : AG shrt here
12:40 Mihir : 🙂
12:40 Porus : 🙂 Jit
12:40 Shai : 🙂
12:40 Shai : G
12:41 HK : Shai, if G period gets into IB, then bears in trouble?
12:42 Mihir : Porus Good afternoon. Good to see you.
12:42 Porus : Likewise Mihir
12:42 Shai : G has to get abv 11050
12:42 Jitender : Hi Porus…hw r u
12:42 Praneeth : lets tag 25407
12:42 Shai : Intra – keep an NF buy abv 11053 sl of 11028 tgt 11110
12:43 Shai : 11100 ce was bought
12:43 Porus : Good Jit. Hope to see more of everyone. (12:42) Jitender : Hi Porus…hw r u
12:44 Jitender : +1
12:47 Praneeth : usdinr dropping
12:48 HK : NF got a tail outside compo right
12:48 Shai : Hi Porus good to see you
12:49 Porus : Very happy to be here again, Shai.
12:49 Shai : Open tail is still bigger HK and that failure at 11125
12:51 Uttam : (11:18) Uttam : Shai below 25223 BNF has all singles so can do 25035-20? BNF low 25042
12:51 Shai : BNF for 325 here
12:51 Shai : sl is 140
12:51 Shai : aggressive
12:51 Shai : Nice uttam
12:51 Uttam : Hey Porus 🙂 long time so good to have you back here
12:52 Mihir : 970 it was extremly oversold NF. Also nice divergence there.
12:52 Porus : _/\_ Uttam
12:52 Uttam : @Jit check NF low & levels I gave you this morning
12:52 Uttam : thanks Shai 🙂
12:54 Jitender : ys Uttam..astounding
12:54 Jitender : u r the champ
12:54 Uttam : all via AMT learnt here thanks to Shai & others 🙂
12:54 Jitender : Shai…is the hulk+iron man into one 🙂
12:54 TP : Guys check out Uttam’s sheet on slack , he has surgical precision on levels …hats off to his dedication for numbers +100.
12:55 HK : NF in?
12:55 Kathir : +100
12:55 Gaurav : which sheet, link please
12:55 Uttam : hey Tej 🙂 thanks so much you have those NF levels too
12:56 TP : Uttam i do not have so much patience like you …am very impulsive and trigger happy guy 🙂
12:57 Porus : Uttam was always razor sharp with an elephant’s memory
12:57 Jitender : yup
12:57 Uttam : @Tej but you & Jit rock with your DT trades so regularly so that is something I need to catch up with
12:58 Uttam : thanks Porus I owe it all to this room
12:59 Jitender : Uttam..ignore us..go by yr own strategy wich suits yr nature….
12:59 Jitender : tat wud wrk very well
13:00 Jitender : & btw Tej 2.0 is going to be awesum
13:00 Uttam : yes Jit I can never trade like you both but need to get consistent as you guys 🙂
13:01 Uttam : yes Tej is adding more weapons in his armoury 🙂
13:03 Uttam : (12:17) Uttam : (10:39) Uttam : now the dip has made a low of 89.3…from 89.3 to 170…that 11150pe made a high of 202.6 (2IB) though NF just missed hitting the 2IB mark
13:03 TP : Tej 2.0 Jit 🙂
13:06 Mihir : Question to the seasoned investor. Is this a right time to start doing some shopping? Some stocks are at very lucrative levels. Would love to hear your views.
13:09 TP : Elections 2019 will cause lot of volatility …..if you have longer 10 yr horizon can get into SIP mode …but still too early as just abt 10% correction.
13:09 Jitender : we r at 6.5$ approx dwn from anther 4% more hopefully
13:09 Jitender : 6.5%
13:10 Mihir : Thanks Jit and Tej. I did create a shopping list and will be looking at small investment in SIP mode. Yes horizon is 9+ years
13:11 Jitender : +1
13:11 Uttam : looks like Mihir planning to get married & have kids 😉
13:11 Mihir : Uttam. Intraday guy doesn’t think that far 😛
13:12 Uttam : but nice Mihir 🙂
13:12 TP : lol
13:12 HK : Is RK there in the room? Do we know what is the MO now
13:12 RK : -85
13:12 Uttam : oh RK in silent mode 😉
13:12 RK : 🙂
13:12 Uttam : H making a higher high finally RK
13:12 Uttam : after the selling tail in morning rejected
13:13 HK : Thank you RK
13:13 Shai : G is the turnaround lows for all swing longs now
13:13 Uttam : planning for a 3-1-3 today RK?
13:13 Shai : just that intra needs to confirm abv 11053
13:13 Mihir : 2L
13:14 Uttam : we can have a 3-1-3 profile today Shai
13:14 Mihir : rollovers looks like.
13:14 RK : Uttam still a trend day as long I stay below H
13:14 RK : lets see
13:15 Uttam : yes rollovers that 2L is
13:15 Uttam : yes RK H can be the new pullback high?
13:15 Sumit : is 2 l rolover in NF ?
13:15 RK : looks like Uttam
13:15 Gaurav : sell side on oct as well?
13:15 RK : 1-1.30 pullback of trend day could be
13:15 Uttam : that ext handle of 11061 right abovei t
13:15 Uttam : yse Sumit looks like as similar vol in Oct fut
13:16 Uttam : +1 RK
13:17 Jitender : tx bud…11.2pe 185-205 done 🙂
13:17 Jitender : (13:13) Mihir : 2L
13:18 Uttam : into the buying tail NF
13:18 Uttam : not looking good
13:18 Shai : avoid the NF buy now
13:18 Mihir : Congrats Jit.
13:18 Jitender : all u bro
13:20 Mihir : 13:18 trade lets see if it gets 10.
13:22 Shai : BNF all long momo gone
13:22 Shai : is dropping to 24900
13:24 Uttam : NF headed to 10950 Shai?
13:24 Uttam : 10935 vpoc below it
13:26 Mihir : 11180 10900 10850 are social Media SL for now
13:26 Mihir : Just references that I’ve seen.
13:30 Uttam : that 1.1L green getting sup?
13:30 TP : Shai down side seems open for expiry your upper range for bn expiry.
13:31 Uttam : POC on 30mins moving to lows of the bar
13:32 Mihir : Yes Jit.
13:32 Mihir : Uttam**
13:33 Shai : Intra – sell BankNifty 24130 sl of 24245 tgt 24910
13:34 Abhishek : :))(10:58) Jitender : Abhi…6600 ?
13:34 Abhishek : ignore
13:34 Shai : yes- (13:15) Sumit : is 2 l rolover in NF ?
13:35 Shai : 1.14 guy a rollover
13:35 Shai : we have him in both sept and oct
13:36 Uttam : that 1.14L is a rollover Shai? strange did not show on GDFL charts for Oct, Sep has 2L plus vol for that 1min bar but Oct has just 67k
13:37 Shai : yes there in both go to and joi n me charts
13:38 Uttam : ok Shai, thanks 🙂
13:38 Shai : all that 11100 ce green unwinding
13:38 Jitender : linear proggession..4x now
13:39 Jitender : lets beat fri
13:39 Mihir : Lets do it Jit 😀
13:39 Jitender : m all out fr the moment
13:39 Jitender : will jump in later
13:39 Mihir : Okay
13:40 Jitender : 26k at 20 now Parneeth from 45
13:40 Jitender : 25.5-26k ce r all shrt
13:40 Praneeth : +1 jit
13:42 Jitender : 11k writers pulling in good ammo
13:42 Jitender : pe ones
13:42 Mihir : 10985 to 11005 half out.
13:43 Jitender : timing 😉 (13:39) Jitender : m all out fr the moment
13:43 Mihir : Bots if you want to know dpoc is 11045
13:43 Jitender : haha
13:43 Mihir : Jit thats when I planted my trade 🙂
13:44 Jitender : 🙂
13:44 Mihir : Passing the baton
13:44 Sandesh : superb Mihir!
13:44 Mihir : Sandesh you are to rocking only.
13:44 Mihir : :))
13:44 Uttam : are we closing today also as a DD?
13:45 Uttam : K will tell that I guess RK?
13:45 Mihir : Uttam *dreamy eyes*
13:45 Mihir : Please do DD.
13:45 Mihir : I mean keep DD*
13:45 Uttam : J could be an inside bar if that buyer holds on 10985
13:46 Mihir : This has given 3 short trades so far (11:54) Mihir : 11070 decider. Or we test the tail.
13:57 Shai : taht 25200 seller is good
13:58 Prudhvi : shai bnf trending down from mrng?
13:58 Jitender : lets zip thru now
13:58 Shai : yes
13:58 Mihir : 1k point today too 😀
13:58 Shai : exp day low close
13:58 Mihir : range.
14:04 Jitender : out again
14:05 Jitender : bounce can cum ?
14:05 Mihir : Possibly Jit. 2.30 coming close.
14:07 Jitender : nf pcr at 0.8 ?
14:11 Jitender : poor lows Uttam ?
14:15 Jitender : shukran (14:05) Jitender : bounce can cum ?
14:15 Shai : 25060 is not breaking well
14:15 Praneeth : sellers exhasuted or not done?
14:15 Mihir : Longed 070 out at 131
14:15 Mihir : First bnf trade for the day 😀
14:16 Shai : range actually
14:17 Mihir : Exiting early today. See you tomorrow guys.
14:17 Jitender : tc Mihir
14:18 Abhishek : i traded bnf 8 times today mihir 😉
14:19 Prudhvi : vix dh
14:19 Uttam : yes Jit poor lows in NF so far
14:19 Uttam : but RK’s trend day intact
14:19 Shai : 10944 expected once in NF now
14:23 RK : dd profile poor low and ledge here 980..sellers should do it now else LIC orders would come it
14:23 Jitender : tx Uttam
14:23 Shai : BNF 25080 book the shorts
14:24 Abhishek : expecting some recover chief?(14:23) Shai : BNF 25080 book the shorts
14:25 Shai : yes some accumulation at 25065-85
14:25 Uttam : BNf not breaking earlier lows
14:25 Uttam : making a ‘b’
14:25 Abhishek : okay
14:25 Shai : will short of 25050 breaks for that 14910
14:25 Shai : 24910
14:33 Uttam : DD coming RK? K makes higher hihg
14:33 Shai : RK invited LIC to the house :)- (14:23) RK : dd profile poor low and ledge here 980..sellers should do it now else LIC orders would come it
14:33 Uttam : 11061 is ext handle
14:33 Uttam : tes he called them on hotline 😉
14:34 Uttam : yes*
14:34 Uttam : pink band here at
14:35 Uttam : vwap also there now
14:35 Uttam : 11060 coming?
14:35 Shai : that 25200 seller
14:35 Shai : he has sold aeverything 25200- 25244
14:35 Jitender : +1
14:36 Shai : his opp number is stiing below 25080
14:36 RK : Shai we have hot line to PPT guys 🙂
14:36 RK : bears should not grind and context as explained above called for a bounce
14:37 Shai : +1
14:37 Uttam : +1 RK but what is PPT?
14:37 Shai : vwap at 11055
14:37 Uttam : dpoc here Shai? 11045?
14:37 Shai : plunge protection team
14:38 Uttam : oh ok Shai 🙂 thanks for PPT full form
14:38 Shai : dpoc 11045
14:38 RK : this bounce imo can be used to take posnl shorts for settlement
14:39 Uttam : RK after J made a lower low ‘K had to break the J lows soon enough?
14:39 RK : yes Uttam K and L should follow
14:40 Uttam : so now close mostly at dpoc or vwap?
14:40 Praneeth : today jap holiday?
14:41 Shai : G held – (13:13) Shai : G is the turnaround lows for all swing longs now
14:41 Shai : but became indfferent as not crossed 11050
14:41 Shai : still in limbo for settlement
14:42 Uttam : +1 Shai but elongated profile lower and no secure lows so still PLR down?
14:42 Shai : trigger here- (12:42) Shai : G has to get abv 11050
14:42 Shai : yes job not done well enough
14:43 RK : this view based on unsecured low and seeing this bounce as inventory adjustment for bigger 11K guys..once they do it they would allow the trend (14:38) RK : this bounce imo can be used to take posnl shorts for settlement
14:43 Jitender : 25.3pe 290-335 done (14:35) Shai : that 25200 seller
14:43 Praneeth : +1 Jit
14:44 Jitender : tx
14:44 Praneeth : if we fall now below DL, then it will be hard fall?
14:44 Jitender : below 11020 & 25.1 ..more liquidation may happen
14:45 Shai : NF geting shortys again
14:45 Jitender : but only 35mins of real tradn left
14:45 Shai : sl of 11055 for 10970
14:47 Jitender : GOI has finalised list for import tariffs
14:47 Jitender : gold nt in it
14:48 Praneeth : +ve jit?
14:49 Jitender : -ve fr usdinr
14:49 Jitender : but nt much reaction
14:49 Praneeth : ok
14:51 Shai : vix a res 17- 17.3
14:51 Shai : doubt whethre it can cross 17.3
14:52 Uttam : so next 2 days relatively smaller range Shai getting ready for expiry 😉
14:52 Shai : yes
14:52 Jitender : analyst on Tv sayn tis is a bear trap…he wants ATHs
14:52 Uttam : Jit what did that PR do, why you said he getting wiped out?
14:53 Jitender : the way he writes & the 1hr fall on fri…100points
14:53 Jitender : it wud have been 60% over fr him
14:53 Jitender : n ten today also
14:53 Jitender : he writes in bulk across clients
14:54 Jitender : n strikes
14:54 Uttam : hmmm he was being too aggressive on twitter that most days in profit no one asks & one day loss all are asking
14:54 Jitender : fri before the fall he was poised for a bounce
14:54 Uttam : (14:40) Uttam : so now close mostly at dpoc or vwap?….getting there NF 11045 or 11058
14:56 Uttam : 11042.5 high so far
14:56 Uttam : but as RK says L following K
14:56 Uttam : makes higher high
14:57 Uttam : 11045 here (11044.4 high)
15:02 RK : Shai quiet expiry you are expecting?
15:03 Uttam : by any chance dpoc has moved lower to 11030 levels Shai?
15:03 Praneeth : bnf DL close?
15:04 HK : Shai, there are so much LLT in NF in the last 2 hrs, can they be ignored?
15:06 Jitender : 25.6ce from 85-55 🙂 5x
15:06 Shai : yes HK
15:06 Shai : some of them are rolls
15:07 TP : Jit on roll 5X 🙂
15:07 Abhishek : spike in bnf?
15:07 Shai : BNF
15:08 Shai : 24910 coming
15:08 RK : swwet (14:43) RK : this view based on unsecured low and seeing this bounce as inventory adjustment for bigger 11K guys..once they do it they would allow the trend (14:38) RK : this bounce imo can be used to take posnl shorts for settlement
15:08 Shai : sl 25085
15:08 RK : sweet
15:08 Shai : nice 1 RK
15:09 Jitender : +1 Tej
15:09 Abhishek : bring it shai(15:08) Shai : 24910 coming
15:09 RK : 90 points in less than 30 mins
15:10 Shai : 100 pooints is clean in spot also below 24900
15:10 Shai : 10995 book- (14:45) Shai : sl of 11055 for 10970
15:11 RK : Shai your view pls (15:02) RK : Shai quiet expiry you are expecting?
15:12 RK : what obj you have in mind?
15:12 Shai : not sure …have to review today’s auction
15:12 RK : 10855 looks easy Shai from here
15:12 RK : if that also goes then could be very bad expiry
15:12 RK : imo
15:12 Shai : yes that is the vpoc
15:13 RK : that bracket should hold else we are looking for another 200-300 down
15:13 RK : may be on first week of Oct
15:13 Uttam : that was start of new IPM also RK/Shai?
15:13 Uttam : 10866-857
15:14 RK : have to check Uttam..but 10875 underneath we have good auctioned bracet if that doesnt hold then knife on cheese kind of move possible
15:14 Uttam : ok RK
15:15 Abhishek : only bad thing is that puts are too expensive RK
15:15 RK : ok
15:15 Uttam : vix is at highs Abhi
15:15 RK : Tue and Wed if calm means they can come down
15:16 Uttam : best is to ride atm pe intra and exit at close?
15:16 RK : yes
15:16 Uttam : today 11150pe was a bumper
15:17 Jitender : bingo (14:44) Jitender : below 11020 & 25.1 ..more liquidation may happen
15:18 Jitender : not a single wrong trade today….
15:18 Uttam : touchwood Jit 🙂
15:18 RK : Just read it and Shai broke the heart here for bears 🙂 (14:51) Shai : doubt whethre it can cross 17.3
15:19 Uttam : lol RK
15:19 Kathir : vix 17.7
15:19 Uttam : dpoc moving lower in NF here?
15:20 RK : we have buldgy profile at bottom..extn here via spike means more trouble ahead
15:20 Uttam : 10990
15:20 Uttam : dpoc
15:21 Abhishek : :)(15:07) Abhishek : spike in bnf?
15:22 Jitender : done 🙂 (13:39) Jitender : lets beat fri
15:23 Jitender : peace
15:23 Shai : 24945
15:23 Shai : closed shorts and taken an aggressive BTST in BNF for 25200
15:23 Uttam : Jit BNF does that level lower below 25020 almost on dot
15:24 Shai : sl of 24880 at open
15:24 Jitender : +1 Utta,
15:24 Jitender : Uttam
15:24 Uttam : 24950 was a daily hvn so can give a bounce
15:24 Jitender : Hope aall at VT today made money….was a gd day
15:24 Shai : +1
15:24 HK : no jit
15:25 Abhishek : we still have ex down at 25030 ..and spike chief??
15:25 Jitender : why Hk…was a c;r day will all rises sold
15:25 Shai : spike rules at open tom
15:25 Jitender : clr
15:26 Jitender : bnf 2k points dwn from 17th
15:27 Shai : BNf is atpping april profiles
15:27 Shai : NF is still in july
15:27 Shai : tapping*
15:27 Uttam : yes Shai
15:28 RK : dPOC moved down and threating shorts to carry overnight
15:28 RK : one bounce tmw possible
15:28 Uttam : +1 RK
15:28 Jitender : Trump will gain try 2 talk dwn crude 😉
15:28 Uttam : dead cat bounce due before expiry anyways
15:29 Uttam : can do 11111 NF tom?
15:29 Jitender : bye all….
15:29 TP : Bye All.
15:29 Shai : bye all
15:29 Shai : have a nice evening
15:29 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:29 Abhishek : bye all
15:29 Praneeth : bye all
15:30 Kathir : thanks and bye all
14:44 Gaurav : Shai BPCL getting good longs in positional 2-3 months timeframe
14:49 Shai : tentative here for that time frame bpcl
14:49 Shai : short trem buyer is there at 364 if he holds it may boucne else is scheduled to drop below 344 where a review is needed
14:49 Shai : short below 364 looks better for a quick 20
14:49 Gaurav : Thanks Shai