When we think about how to measure volume in the market one of the keys is Order Flow. It plays a role by telling us what the other traders have done in the market and are currently doing and this provides valuable clues and potential opportunities to trade.
An Order Flow trader can actually see exactly what is happening in the market as it happens. Once you are able to understand what is happening in the present, you are able to make far better decisions about what might happen in the future. Order Flow provides traders with vision into market activity.
NF (Sep)
BNF (Sep)
Room Chat
08:52 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/666027909
08:53 Vtrender Live : 5 min charts of NF- https://join.me/826-237-904
08:54 Vtrender Live : 5 min charts of BNF , password vtrender- https://zoom.us/j/8647754588?pwd=U0xCYytWSWc4cE9Fd3RYS2xwZzJ6UT09
08:55 Muralidhar : Good morning all
08:55 Shai : GM all
08:55 Ankush Jain : morning
08:55 Chandrashekhar : GM all
08:56 Shai : yesterday’s buy side imbalance at 11470 will continue to present upport for day today
08:56 Shai : on upsides we watch 11572 in today’s markets
08:56 Shai : An ability to stay abv 11572 will put 11550 CE and 11600 ce under pressure
08:57 Shai : BNF closed bullish at 23400 amd could be putting another leg higher
08:57 Shai : support at 23260 now for day
08:58 Shai : 23528 and 23630 to monitor intra day on upsides
09:03 Himanshu : GM all
09:06 Shashidhar : Good Morning All
09:06 Manikandan : GM all
09:06 Rajesh : Shai – Can we mute the volume in 5 minutes charts
09:08 Tejpreet : GM All.
09:09 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:09 Aditya09 : goodmorning
09:10 Ashwath : @Everyone – Please mute the Zoom meeting.
09:10 Ashwath : everyone can hear what’s happening in our house. 🙂
09:11 Ashwath : your house*
09:11 Amit Jain : GM all
09:12 Ashwath : GopiReaddy sir. please mute..
09:15 Chandrashekhar : Speedo @ 3 for NF 🙁
09:15 Ankush Jain : expiry day
09:15 Ankush Jain : so volumes might be in next series
09:15 Chandrashekhar : oops its gone up 300 now
09:15 Chandrashekhar : guess that wasnt working earlier
09:16 Shai : congrats to all who carried longs- I did say we wills ee 11600 at close based on that CE under pressure
09:16 Shai : we’ve done 11597
09:16 Uttam : booked at 110.4 part Shai
09:16 Uttam : thanks
09:17 Kaustubh : 91 -110 in that ce
09:17 Ankush Jain : 211-235 in 11600 ce Sep
09:17 Ankush Jain : 50% booked
09:18 Shai : +1
09:18 Ashwath : Carried next month nifty 11600 CE and booked now. 🙂
09:18 Ashwath : Thanks Shai. +1
09:18 Uttam : 23626 spot is a vpoc
09:18 Shai : BNF nearing 23630
09:18 Uttam : 23449 was a FA from MAr 13th which got revisted yesterday after 5 months
09:19 Shai : 4th day of imabalnce
09:19 Uttam : we are in the 13th MArch 4000 point candle
09:19 Shai : +1
09:19 Ankush Jain : 11500 CE shedding fast
09:19 Uttam : 24074 next ref for today
09:19 Uttam : spot
09:19 Uttam : September can be a big month in BNF Shai?
09:20 Uttam : tagged – (09:18) Uttam : 23626 spot is a vpoc
09:20 Uttam : BNF party is on and how
09:21 Uttam : 2 ATR from FA of 22825 comes to 23739
09:22 Ankush Jain : room chrts?
09:22 Chandrashekhar : charts stuck..
09:22 Rohan Wonder : can we touch 24k on bnf by eod?
09:23 Shai : NF 11612/ 11623 day supply
09:23 Uttam : give me a close above that EOD Rohan 😉
09:23 Shai : supp 11555
09:24 Uttam : drive like feeling in both
09:24 Uttam : on expiry day
09:24 Ashwath : @Uttam – howz vols for drive?
09:24 Ankush Jain : Shai 11600 + levels are from Feb?
09:24 Uttam : vols not very good Ashwath but that is the way it has been this series
09:25 Ashwath : got it. thanks
09:25 Uttam : 11711 spot is the next vpoc in Nifty
09:25 Rohan Wonder : @Uttam excellent will push above 24k 🙂
09:26 Uttam : if you do that tom will give 500 points in it 😉
09:27 Uttam : August seems to be closing in a spike after a balance for most of the month Shai?
09:36 Rajesh G : room chart stuck
09:36 Rahul : shai charts stuck ?
09:38 Shai : settlinmg to OAOR
09:39 Shai : BNF don’t get too ambitious
09:39 Uttam : looks like markets realised that it is a monthly expiry
09:39 Shai : whilst the trend remains up, you are a laggard with pooor risk reward if you enter longs here
09:39 Shai : And you know what happens to laggards in this market
09:40 Uttam : yes Shai and BNF can correct also deep
09:40 Shai : don’t get carried away
09:40 Shai : stay focussed on the info coming in
09:40 Uttam : thanks Shai
09:41 Shai : 11555 supp lower
09:41 K2dt : chief no big demand seen in first 5 candles in NF right?
09:41 Shai : highs are not secure\
09:41 Ashwath : +1 Shai and Uttam.
09:41 Shai : we may push up once abv day highs in NF
09:41 K2dt : +1 chief
09:49 Uttam : yesterday NF made a base at 11482 before taking off and now looks like doing it at 11582
09:50 Krantik Bordoloi : 11500 pe may turn out to jackpot today?
09:51 Uttam : too early to look for lotteries K
09:51 Krantik Bordoloi : yes
09:51 Uttam : 11600 pe is what is being written gere
09:51 Uttam : so focus on 11600ce and pe
09:53 Ankush Jain : looks like both are competing
09:58 Shai : 2 big players in 11600 ce at 24 and 25.75
09:59 Shai : their Sl will be around 36
09:59 Uttam : cool thanks Shai
09:59 Kaustubh : how it was identified shai?
10:01 Himanshu : UG – all numbers in OF are black – meaning old business right ? and those pink numbers on sell side is new seller – fresh business
10:01 Himanshu : Am right in reading /
10:02 Uttam : no H, the colors indicate imbalance
10:02 Himanshu : Ok
10:03 Himanshu : and one in box
10:03 Uttam : nothing to do with old or new business
10:03 Uttam : we read the OF diagonally
10:03 Swapnil : charts stuck?
10:03 Himanshu : Now we have green in BOX – is that new busienss
10:04 Uttam : green is cos compared to opp seller its a big number
10:04 Uttam : imbalance
10:05 Krantik Bordoloi : charts stuck?
10:05 Himanshu : Once in BOX –
10:06 Himanshu : does BOX signifies any thing here
10:06 Himanshu : or the size of Imbalance matters more
10:07 Rohan Wonder : @Uttam 11650ce at 6rs can test 25+ ??
10:07 Uttam : watching 11600ce Rohan
10:08 Uttam : max OI here
10:08 Uttam : so if there is a move this will be the better option
10:11 Rohan Wonder : looks like jackpot is in the making today
10:13 Sumeet : @Uttam, 11600 CE would look good above 38 ?
10:13 Tejpreet : 36 point IB on OAOR monthly expiry day 🙂
10:14 Rahul : 11550 PE from 18l in morning now at 25l +…
10:14 Rahul : sorry 35l+
10:15 Uttam : Tej warming up for the afternoon already 😉
10:15 Uttam : @Sumeet lets get some sign in OF and will then look at levels in that CE, for now 28 & 36 on watch
10:16 Tejpreet : Have to control till afternoon for the jackpot trade !!
10:16 Uttam : 11600 combo ko kitna giraoge?
10:16 Uttam : 58 now
10:16 Sumeet : _/\_ ; was marking the levels on the charts.
10:17 Bhavesh : hdfc moves rise to nifty
10:20 Tejpreet : Uttam if OAOR plays out should be below 40 by 1.30 pm
10:27 Uttam : +1 Tej lets see how it goes
10:29 Uttam : NF staying above the 1atr tgt of 11577 from yesterdays FA of 11456
10:41 Chandra G : @Uttam, do we have ATR value on charts? How many days ATR is taken here
10:43 Uttam : we have ATR values given on MPlite 5/14 days
10:43 Uttam : 11600ce making new lows
10:44 Uttam : writers eating both sides
10:45 Rahul : UG PE writers too confident or they gonna take it home
10:46 Muralidhar : @Uttam do we have any Webinar today?
10:46 Naresh Dubbudu : RBI Governor speaking.
10:48 Uttam : RB at that 11577
10:48 Uttam : @Rahul right now both being written
10:48 Uttam : @Murali bfreakout sessions are every secodn thursday
10:48 Rahul : thanks UG
10:49 Shashidhar : Charts struck wit h that move
10:49 Uttam : even BNF has stuck sellers at 23565
10:51 Muralidhar : Thanks
10:52 Shashidhar : Charts in room need refresh please – Shai / UG / VTrender Live
10:53 Uttam : yes Shashi you can view the zoom & joinme till then
10:53 Uttam : should get reset soon
10:53 Shashidhar : ok
10:57 Himanshu : UG – FA in D
10:59 Uttam : wah
11:00 Uttam : combo down to 49 now
11:01 Rajesh G : chart stuck
11:01 Tejpreet : 9 bucks gone in that Uttam less than an hour.
11:01 Uttam : yes Tej max happened in this spike to IBH
11:02 Uttam : PE premium crashed from 40-28
11:02 Uttam : 0s from 11585 in NF
11:04 Rajiv Ohri : Charts stuck?
11:10 Ankush Jain : 0s at top & 0s in mid
11:10 Uttam : yes D period did a C side today
11:10 Ankush Jain : we trade these 0s?
11:11 Kaustubh : 0’s in mid – auction incomplete?
11:11 Uttam : first tgt was vwap whcih is alsmot tagged
11:11 Uttam : narrow range so need to be very fast in taking these small points
11:11 Uttam : 11585 0s is the ref
11:12 Uttam : on downside
11:12 Kaustubh : thanks UG
11:14 Uttam : NF got a RB at 11575 and now a RS at this IBH break
11:19 Shai : 0’s holding at vwap
11:19 Shai : should test IBH again
11:19 Ankush Jain : Shai how do we interpret these double set of 0s?
11:19 Shai : Auction is still locked in this 11.00 candle though
11:19 Maxis : john charts freeze
11:19 Tejpreet : Placing order in system for both at 15 116k combo ….let’s see if i get both by 1.30 pm 🙂
11:20 Shai : were not secure at 09.40 a, at 11604 , now secure – (09:41) Shai : highs are not secure\
11:20 Uttam : +1
11:20 Ashwath : +1
11:20 Shai : That 51K is cute Sl of people who placed their stops abv day highs
11:20 Shai : they don;y know Orderflow tricks 🙂
11:21 Uttam : 🙂
11:22 Shai : vol expansion abv 11614 will push a new leg to 11649 with sl of dvah
11:22 Ankush Jain : 11600 ce or pe? kiski dukaan?
11:24 Uttam : CE is more OI and old one too
11:24 Muralidhar : My Bias is towards the Short Side after 1:30 PM
11:24 Ankush Jain : go with OF
11:24 Muralidhar : Yes will wait for OF to confirm it…
11:25 Maxis : Chief, that 51K, if it’s a 0 sum game, who we determine to mark it as sellers, other than logic of Sell order stops place above DH?
11:25 Ankush Jain : 11600 PE are more aggressive today
11:26 Maxis : even with that logic of stops places above DH, those sellers would now be buyers to exit the trade.
11:28 Uttam : when you get 0s and a big number, they are a mix of orders there
11:28 Uttam : Shai did explain this in the breakout session
11:28 Uttam : that he personally feels that NSE is not able to show those trades accurately
11:29 Maxis : ok. Thanks UG.
11:29 Uttam : and anyways we are more interested in seeing what concept OF shows is
11:30 Uttam : and that bar was a RS
11:31 Himanshu : UG – do we confirm FA in BNF in D perios
11:31 Himanshu : 23563
11:31 Uttam : did not break IB na H then how FA?
11:32 Himanshu : Ok that should break IBL u mean
11:32 Uttam : FA means break of IB obth sides
11:32 Himanshu : and then fail ok – Sirji Tussi jo
11:32 Himanshu : Ok
11:32 Uttam : one side rejection
11:33 Himanshu : So now we can have FA at high to watch for ,,
11:33 Krantik Bordoloi : boom boom today?
11:33 Uttam : in NF yes probable FA which gets confirmed if we break below IBL
11:38 Himanshu : This D – Rejection and RB is yday’s script – in BNF
11:48 Uttam : time for CE prmium to go down further
11:50 Uttam : 40k red in NF below vwap
11:51 Ashwath : Sharing my experiance – from few months, when I came to know about ACGHK. I’m only trading on these time frame. which gives me better trade results. and add zeros and IB/IS gives better edge.
11:54 Uttam : nice Ashwath +1
11:59 Ankush Jain : chrts are stuck
12:02 Shai : 11600 pe writers will feel safe bellow 26 only
12:02 Shai : cmp 31
12:03 Shai : supply at 41 and 57 for day
12:03 Shai : open auction ready to move now into the next phase
12:04 Shai : from 1st 3 mins it is at this VPOC – (09:18) Shai : BNF nearing 23630
12:04 Shai : not able to get over
12:04 Shai : that’s what the vpoc does
12:05 Shai : NF also within taneg given at 09.23 – (09:23) Shai : NF 11612/ 11623 day supply(09:23) Shai : supp 11555
12:06 Shai : *range
12:06 Shai : very stickly at vwap/dpco
12:06 Shai : there is no new trade here
12:07 Shai : we wait for it to ship away
12:07 Shai : And climn on it before it catches steam
12:07 Ankush Jain : waiting with a cup full of patience again
12:08 Ankush Jain : Shai joinme chrts are stuck
12:09 Ankush Jain : good now
12:09 Uttam : BNF making a RE higher
12:10 Sandeep B : multiple 0’s in previous BNF candle
12:10 Naresh Dubbudu : But IB printed.
12:11 Kaustubh : 66k SL orders?
12:11 Kaustubh : or fresh market orders
12:11 Krantik Bordoloi : charts stuck?
12:11 Uttam : charts are fine
12:11 Ankush Jain : try refreshing
12:11 Ankush Jain : it worked for me
12:12 Rohan Wonder : Experts can anyone tell me what will be the good level to enter 22800pe for today expiry …. and will it be worth ?
12:12 Uttam : you mean 23800pe?
12:13 Krantik Bordoloi : i have my eye on 23800 ce
12:13 Bhavesh : in bnf 0s with 275 on top is it signifies
12:14 Rohan Wonder : Yes Yes Uttam ji
12:14 Ankush Jain : joinme are stop & start today
12:26 Himanshu : 60K green in NF
12:28 Sandeep B : seems we will explode on the upside
12:28 Shai : vol expmasion coming
12:29 Shai : needs more to get past 11613
12:29 Ankush Jain : IBs in joinme but not here
12:29 Sandeep B : Should we buy above 11613?
12:30 Shai : on OF conf
12:30 Vishnu : shai bf for 24k?
12:31 Shai : current vol not good to get past 23800 \
12:31 Vishnu : thnks
12:34 Shai : if vwap breakl NF will give quick 15 to 11575
12:34 Uttam : that 11600combo down to 44
12:34 Shai : sl 11599.5 tgt 11575
12:35 Tejpreet : Uttam but 15 nahi aaya in that combo
12:35 Uttam : abhi bahut time hai
12:35 Tejpreet : 🙂
12:36 Himanshu : BholumePOC – NF is still at 11585 – Magnet
12:36 Shai : 🙂
12:37 Shashidhar : @H – was “Bholume” that a Tying error or a Bengali Slang?
12:37 Shashidhar : typing
12:37 Himanshu : Bengalo
12:38 Himanshu : Bholume has weight in saying
12:38 Shashidhar : yes
12:38 Shashidhar : Bhari hai
12:38 Himanshu : haha
12:38 Uttam : fresh wirting in that 11600ce
12:38 Uttam : 61L OI there
12:38 Uttam : and 51L in PE
12:39 Himanshu : One of 2 will be taken to Butchers
12:39 Himanshu : first and then second one also
12:39 Ankush Jain : sudden spike of 3 lkh
12:39 Uttam : we could end at 11600 also H 🙂
12:39 Himanshu : Yes but after taking blood
12:39 Uttam : so these guys using the spikes to write
12:40 Himanshu : I have seen that working – whereas
12:40 Himanshu : Retail goes for following spike –
12:40 Himanshu : and up writing at low premium –
12:41 Himanshu : Spike writers need only – 15 mt of side ways movement and they can get – in /out
12:41 Shashidhar : normally during the spike the vega also gets added due to sudden demand
12:41 Himanshu : yes
12:41 Shashidhar : and quickly fizzes off
12:41 Himanshu : Yes,, like soda water
12:42 Himanshu : I used to do that on 9.15 candle in BNF – specailly when VIX was – 40 and above
12:42 Himanshu : but at safe dist of 500 point in BNF –
12:42 Shai : in that last move to 11608 , the 11600 pe went from 28 to 17.7\
12:42 Shai : And all below21 were stops
12:44 Shai : 33 now res in 11600 pe down from 41
12:44 Shai : 28 res in 11600c e
12:45 Himanshu : currently – water sprinkling going on BHAJI
12:45 Shai : option math suggests 111600 pe may get hurt
12:46 Fenil : and 23500 Pe on bnf?
12:46 Himanshu : yes that BhPOC – 11585 is indication – One scracth below of 15 points and pants will be down
12:46 Sandeep B : Any chances of 11500 or 11700 today?
12:46 Shai : exit this for now 11592 cost- (12:34) Shai : sl 11599.5 tgt 11575
12:47 Shai : will wait for a proper move away
12:47 Shai : volume has to expand – (12:46) Sandeep B : Any chances of 11500 or 11700 today?
12:47 Shai : won’t happen on this volume
12:47 Sandeep B : k
12:48 Ankush Jain : out
12:48 Krantik Bordoloi : @Shai, what is VoS threshold to suggest a big move is round the corner?
12:48 Krantik Bordoloi : today i have seen it go as high as 170
12:50 Uttam : from 8.3L OI yesterday 11600pe OI is now 53L
12:51 Sandeep B : any inference from this @Uttam
12:51 Uttam : 500% increase
12:51 Tejpreet : Uttam whats the vpoc of that 116k pe today
12:51 Uttam : (12:45) Shai : option math suggests 111600 pe may get hurt
12:52 Uttam : 36
12:52 Krantik Bordoloi : UG, how do we copy the chat? i’m unable to select and copy the texts
12:52 Tejpreet : tks Uttam
12:52 Ankush Jain : take screenshot
12:53 Sandeep B : @Uttam are you suggesting 11600 PE writers may get hurt….means market may go down to shake them at least once
12:53 Himanshu : Ekjectly
12:53 Uttam : we watch the OF and then see if those writers can getting in a panic state
12:54 Ankush Jain : 11600 PE is not giving up a wee bit
12:55 Himanshu : they may be – banking on BNF –
12:55 Uttam : 11600ce also from 33L upto 62L
12:55 Ankush Jain : auction still within 11 AM bar
12:56 Ankush Jain : yeah but 11600 CE dipping, rising. But PE just going up
12:56 Sandeep B : BNF will not go down
12:56 Ankush Jain : lets see who gets cooked
12:57 Sandeep B : seemingly no one…like last Thrusday
12:57 Ankush Jain : Maybe both will be rewarded in an unlikely scenario
12:57 Himanshu : D rejection of 23564 – now compltes 100 Point here and if profit booking/liquidation
12:58 Himanshu : BNF and NF wil have to be in sync for that operation Kill
12:58 Ankush Jain : INR also strenghtning vs USD
12:59 Rajiv Ohri : Charts?
12:59 Swapnil : stuck
13:00 MJ : @Himanshu OMO can be the reason for banking sector being lush green?
13:00 Uttam : strange case in Nifty – Spot has a probable FA at lows & NF has it at highs 🙂
13:00 Uttam : by the way BNF sep made a freak high of 23699 yesterday
13:01 Ankush Jain : chrts are stuck
13:09 Uttam : last 5 mins for the hammer to fire
13:13 Himanshu : UG – 2 IB is 23900
13:13 Sandeep B : 0’s in NF
13:13 Himanshu : Gayi bhens
13:14 Uttam : FA confrimed at top in NF
13:15 Ankush Jain : why PE should dip?
13:15 Ankush Jain : now
13:16 Ankush Jain : sorry
13:16 Ankush Jain : it should
13:16 Krantik Bordoloi : 0s at nifty bottom candle is support now?
13:16 Uttam : rejection from PDH
13:16 Uttam : 11590 ref in NF
13:20 Sandeep B : BNF’s strength today is holding NF and probably will not let it fall
13:22 Sandeep B : 7 sets of 0’s in NF at lows…does this mean the polarity is high and it will act as a strong support now?
13:23 Krantik Bordoloi : @Sandeep, my query too
13:23 RiteshM : today expiry
13:23 Shai : yeds
13:23 Shai : NF 11555 supp holding
13:25 Shai : Intra – Buy NF abv 11582 sl of 11554 tgt 11612
13:25 Shai : buy abv
13:25 Shai : cmp 11577
13:27 Rahul : 11600 PE is now staying above 27
13:29 Shai : bounce from0’s stopped at the other 0’s
13:29 Shai : we are doing a buy abv dval for this
13:30 Shai : 11555 is a supp being prev profile edge
13:30 Prashant : sell on entering PD profile?
13:30 Rahul : seems will be taken bcz of 11600 PE qwriters and 11550 pE writers
13:31 Rahul : goneeeeee
13:32 Munish : Another set of zeros at 555
13:32 Prashant : another set of 0s?
13:32 Sandeep B : Strong support around 11555 – 11560 as Shai mentioned
13:33 Rahul : lets test 11550 PE writyers
13:33 Shai : Buy abv 11567 , 11550 sl from here tgt 11590
13:33 Shai : 45.5 res in 11600 pe
13:34 Sandeep B : NF in?
13:34 Munish : In
13:34 Sandeep B : In
13:34 Shai : yes
13:35 Shai : keep sl in systejm at 11550
13:36 Shai : if broken we may see 0’s to 11530
13:36 Sandeep B : 11549
13:36 Shai : keep 2 point margin
13:36 Shai : expecting 11600 pe to come back to 33
13:36 Shai : 46 sl
13:36 Shai : cmp 42
13:37 Arjun : how about 11600 CE?
13:37 Shai : day obj was 8
13:37 Shai : done
13:38 Shai : (09:58) Shai : 2 big players in 11600 ce at 24 and 25.75(09:59) Shai : their Sl will be around 36
13:38 Shai : 34.10 – (13:36) Shai : expecting 11600 pe to come back to 33
13:39 Shai : if 32 breals we confirm higher in NF also
13:41 Rahul : come on test those 11550 guys
13:46 Shai : Abv 572 we get 20 fast
13:46 Rahul : well defended
13:47 Shai : you are right Rahul
13:48 Shai : That 11550 pe is greedy
13:48 Rahul : true
13:48 Shai : just saw thewy added 43 L today
13:48 Shai : suckers messing up – what in other days is a clean trade for us
13:49 Sandeep B : will be hard to go below 11550 it means
13:49 Rahul : in my little exprience never saw such aggressive writing at ATM>
13:51 Naresh Dubbudu : Another expiry for option writers then.
13:51 Shai : Put orders to clsoe the NF at 11567 cost here
13:51 Shai : we will avoid this one
13:51 Shai : those wanting to hold 11548 sl
13:51 Shai : No- (13:49) Sandeep B : will be hard to go below 11550 it means
13:51 Sandeep B : k
13:52 Shai : that is old school thinking. These days it is opposite
13:52 Shai : never traust OI on expiry day
13:52 Shai : it is clowns and juniors
13:52 Rahul : As shai says its expiry maths
13:52 Sandeep B : exited…thanks
13:55 Prashant : Shai, if OI inreased at 11550 by so much, would not that mean they would try to keep the index up? What is the diff when you say old scholl. What does it mean as per you? Thanks
13:56 Uttam : @Prashant what Shai means to say is that the expiry day writers are amateurs looking at pennies while writing & are easy targets for bigger players
13:56 Uttam : if you write options for 10-20 rupees there is good chance that you will be hunted
13:57 Uttam : though the market structure will remain what it was, it just takes a swipe to clean them out and get back to normal
13:57 Rahul : +1 UG
13:57 Prashant : ok, got it. thanks
13:58 Devkant : hi Uttam, how about wiritng the next month expiry?
13:58 Devkant : *writing
13:59 Jitender : FM presscon at 3pm
13:59 Tejpreet : what timing 🙂
13:59 Sumeet : gst related
13:59 Shashidhar : REality 6.5% up today, probably related to that
14:00 Shashidhar : DLF 16
14:00 Rajiv Ohri : GST compensation related
14:00 Sumeet : Realty is because Mah slashed stamp duty
14:00 Shashidhar : ok
14:01 Naresh Dubbudu : Markets dont wait till press conference if there is something real coming. Markets will move ahead. Isnt it?
14:01 Sumeet : ALso recd this on whatsapp “India Fin Min Official : working on next package to boost demand, discretionary spending ; govt likely to offer temporary tax breaks under package to spur consumption
14:01 Sumeet : Probably unverified so pls take with pinch of salt
14:02 Prashant : And if it is anything like the last package, then what to say.
14:02 Swapnil : @Shai 11572 crossed
14:03 Jitender : m done fr the day…mkts will open morrow also # cap n DT made conservation
14:06 Tejpreet : +1 Jit
14:07 Jitender : cheers bro
14:12 Chetan N : @shai i m holding 11600ce
14:12 Chetan N : what to do?
14:13 Uttam : next week’s Chetan?
14:13 Chetan N : this week
14:14 Uttam : reason?
14:15 Chetan N : no reason
14:15 Chetan N : i m new in trading
14:15 Chetan N : i m join today
14:15 Uttam : then look for a reason to enter your trades
14:15 Uttam : you will automatically then know if you need to hold the trade or not
14:16 RiteshM : LOOKS like today writter day
14:16 Uttam : trading without a reason is as good as buying a lottery
14:17 Sandeep B : Nice quote Uttam – “trading without a reason is as good as buying a lottery”
14:17 Uttam : @Chetan we have some good trade set ups which we combine with the 4 concepts of OF to take our tradesw
14:17 Shai : never buy intoi front moth calls or puts on OAOR – (14:12) Chetan N : @shai i m holding 11600ce
14:17 Shai : clsoe it
14:17 Chetan N : okay
14:17 Shai : (13:37) Shai : day obj was 8
14:17 Shai : not good below 8
14:18 Chetan N : thanks
14:18 Uttam : please go through the training library videos & the welcome mail links so that you can form a base from where you build on your trading profile
14:18 Chetan N : ok
14:18 Uttam : NF getting rejected at VWAP
14:18 Uttam : giving a NeuX again today Tej ;-p
14:20 Shai : watch BNF abv 23680 into close, sl will be 23610
14:21 Shai : should boom higher to 23800/ 24045
14:21 Tejpreet : Do anything Uttam but don’t make that 116k combo zero
14:21 Uttam : lol Tej
14:24 Ankush Jain : SHAI some bars in joinme showing IB today but not in room charts
14:24 Ankush Jain : 2 pm bar is one
14:25 Ankush Jain : joinme showing IS now but not here
14:25 Ankush Jain : it appears now
14:26 Shai : you are very sharp Ankush
14:27 Uttam : +1
14:27 Shashidhar : Another set of Eagal Eyes ?
14:27 Shai : the code is the same- just some lill secs of delays cos the 5 min of room is a heavier chart
14:27 Shai : milli*
14:27 Ankush Jain : it happened in 3 bars today I think
14:28 Uttam : yes
14:28 Uttam : I did notice one in the morning Ankush
14:28 Uttam : and that OF numbers coming in front of the text box again Shai
14:28 Ankush Jain : In this case which one to follow?
14:30 Uttam : back below IBL now – (14:18) Uttam : NF getting rejected at VWAP
14:31 Sandeep B : Again defended 11555
14:32 Krantik Bordoloi : turning into a nothing day
14:33 Uttam : 60 mins on expiry is a longgg time K 🙂
14:34 Ankush Jain : yes
14:34 Uttam : a nice bell in NF
14:34 Uttam : with a FA at top
14:34 Uttam : BNF making a non-trend day being in just 220 points so far
14:35 Krantik Bordoloi : waiting for a fall
14:35 Sandeep B : Banking will not fall today…
14:35 Uttam : that is over I think 😉
14:35 Krantik Bordoloi : what is over, the fall?
14:35 Uttam : that is what we did since morning na?
14:36 Uttam : D did a C side
14:36 Uttam : gave us vwap & new lows
14:36 Uttam : aur kitna giraoge 😉
14:37 Tejpreet : Uttam bot asking 1 ATR tgt for NF FA .
14:37 Krantik Bordoloi : monthly expiry hain..little profit booking for a good month
14:37 Uttam : 11491 Tej
14:37 Tejpreet : tks
14:37 RiteshM : buy 300 11500 ce at 61 and 11600 pe at 40 each
14:37 RiteshM : lets see
14:37 RiteshM : whats happenn
14:38 RiteshM : kujli trade
14:38 Shashidhar : call writing shows 116k highly written today
14:38 Shashidhar : more than 50% added today
14:38 Ankush Jain : MOnthly expiry range just 55
14:38 RiteshM : square both at 2.5 profit
14:39 RiteshM : 750 profit
14:40 Sandeep B : Again defended 11555
14:40 Sandeep B : What a support level given by Shai
14:42 Uttam : can NF take out VWAP this time?
14:43 Tejpreet : BN aug/sep F at almost same price .
14:43 Uttam : spot also
14:43 SandeepP : ug bnf looking bullish or bearish ?
14:44 SandeepP : based on these F and spot being same
14:45 Fenil : ready for spike in bnf?
14:46 Uttam : loads of greens
14:46 Tejpreet : needs to croosover Shai’s 680
14:46 Muralidhar : bnf IN
14:46 Tejpreet : boom
14:47 Ankush Jain : with 55 point range can NF be a non trend day too?
14:48 Ankush Jain : OR IB breached and it does not qualify?
14:54 Sandeep B : I guess no more surprises today
14:54 Shai : exit the BNF is in- 0’s at highgs
14:54 Sandeep B : except that it may boom on the upsides
14:54 Shai : not happening yet
14:57 Naresh Dubbudu : That spike might happen at 3pm Shai?
14:57 Fenil : total waste day..chop chop
14:58 Shai : dukaan trade was yesterday
14:58 Uttam : yes 🙂
14:58 Uttam : 11500ce
14:58 Ankush Jain : today only 55 pointer
14:58 Ankush Jain : must be rare in monthly expiry
14:59 Shai : Nf 11554 sl for 11599
14:59 Ankush Jain : wow
14:59 Tejpreet : Shai you making that combo 0 then 🙂
15:00 Uttam : then BNF also take it to 23999 Shai 😉
15:04 Ankush Jain : Shai that 11600 CE pos still valid?
15:09 Shai : NF ecxit longs
15:11 Uttam : (14:18) Uttam : NF getting rejected at VWAP(14:18) Uttam : giving a NeuX again today Tej ;-p
15:11 Uttam : NF got once more rejected at VWAP\
15:13 Ankush Jain : again IS label missing in room chrt for prev bar
15:14 Ankush Jain : It appears now
15:15 Shai : will get that checked
15:15 Shai : They chose 11550
15:15 Shai : I though was settling at 11600
15:15 Shai : weird are the ways of settlement
15:16 Krantik Bordoloi : Nifty settling below 11550?
15:16 Himanshu : Settling is like under the table transcation
15:18 Uttam : @Shai can we have the Sep charts on 5mins & profile?
15:18 Tejpreet : +1 Uttam
15:21 Shai : All charts moved to Sept F
15:22 Uttam : thanks Shai
15:22 Rajiv Ohri : What time is the press con?
15:22 Uttam : no FA in Sep
15:22 Uttam : BNF saying HI at top
15:22 Sadees : HI +1
15:23 Ankush Jain : Sep suggesting Normal Day in NF
15:24 Tejpreet : 2 IB into close lot’s of green NF
15:24 Uttam : spot also does not have a FA at top
15:25 Uttam : yes
15:25 Uttam : 58k fresh
15:25 Uttam : 11600 is the dpoc
15:26 Shashidhar : Bye All
15:28 Uttam : big positive COT into the close
15:28 Ankush Jain : yes
15:28 Ankush Jain : maybe gap up
15:28 Ankush Jain : FM might say something
15:29 Muralidhar : Could it be a Roll OVer Vol?
15:29 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening and lets have a super September series
15:29 Manikandan : Bye all
15:29 Rajiv Ohri : what time in the presser
15:30 Shai : Bye all
15:30 Shai : Have a nice evening
15:30 Aditya09 : bye every one thanks
15:30 Himanshu : Bye Chief – UG – Jit – Tej and all hunters here
15:30 Uttam : dont worry about new – we have OF with us 😉 – (15:29) Rajiv Ohri : what time in the presser
15:30 Uttam : news*
15:30 Shai : 🙂
15:30 Shai : indeed
15:31 Shai : last 15 min uptick suggests some good news
15:31 Himanshu : Bholume was low – but let us open with high Bholume Tom
15:31 Uttam : yes Shai 2 +1L COT in NF
15:32 Tejpreet : Bye All