Many traders are used to viewing volume as a histogram beneath a price chart. But the Order Flow approach shows the amount of volume traded during each price bar, and also it breaks this volume down into the Volume generated by the Buyers and the Volume generated by the sellers again at every row of price the market traded at.
An Order Flow trader can actually see exactly what is happening in the market as it happens. Once you are able to understand what is happening in the present, you are able to make far better decisions about what might happen in the future. Order Flow provides traders with vision into market activity.
Room Chat
08:44 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts –
08:45 Vtrender Live : 5 min charts –
08:48 Avinash : GM Jit
08:50 Jitender : Gm ji
08:54 Aman : gm all
08:56 AmitG : gm everybody
08:56 Santhosh null : gm all
08:58 Shashidhar : Good Morning All
09:00 Giridhar Gowravajhal : GM all
09:04 Shai : GM all
09:04 Manikandan : Gm all
09:04 Shai : 1st day of a new series and we begin with a P shaped profile in the NF and BNF also
09:05 Shai : As you know P’s are always old business and built on short covering
09:05 Shai : for this to go up more, we have to auction on new business abv P
09:05 Himanshu : GM all
09:05 Shai : for today the ref line at open is 9425F
09:05 Shai : Am expecting an open auction around here till the afternoon session , but be open to change
09:06 Shai : range identtified for day os 9320F on lower isde and 9526 on the higher side
09:06 Shai : will narrow it down, once we open
09:09 Tejpreet : GM All.
09:09 Aman : @shai,how do u define refrence line,wat are the inputs to decide that?
09:11 Nagaraj : Goodmorning all
09:11 Shai : @Aman it is one line for the day based on all of the Market Profile chart including previous sessions. WE spoke on it in the previous webinars
09:12 Shai : it’s the area where the market can auction or not providing clarity to trade
09:13 Shai : for today it is the POC of the P profile
09:13 Aman : oh ok thnks
09:16 Raunaq : I can’t see charts on my screen
09:16 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:17 Ankit Maheshwari : Charts getting stuck
09:18 Haresh : Am not getting any sound….
09:18 Boppanna : looks fine here
09:18 Shai : charts fine?
09:19 Prateeek : nope
09:19 Uttam : @Haresh sound comes only when Shai tyoes in a message
09:19 Shai : ?
09:19 Haresh : OK….Getting it now…
09:19 Prateeek : charts are getting stuck in pieces for me. they are continuous but get stuck for few seconds on a particular frame
09:19 Sourav : banknifty cot canot be seen
09:19 Haresh : So it is like, when the trade is spotted, we come to know…is that it?
09:19 Shai : clear your cookies or try another browser- (09:16) Raunaq : I can’t see charts on my screen
09:19 Haresh : I get the sound now when Shai types
09:20 Prateeek : sound check – yes
09:20 Uttam : @Haresh you need to go through the Training Library videos where we have the set ups explained we use for our trades
09:20 Shai : 9455 to watch
09:20 Haresh : OK. Haven’t got time…Will do it today
09:20 Sreeram : yes its stuck now
09:21 Uttam : charts are fine
09:22 Haresh : You do not allow multiple log ins?
09:23 Uttam : OAIR in both
09:23 Shai : for webinato issues please use this –
09:24 Uttam : yes webinato does not allow it – (09:22) Haresh : You do not allow multiple log ins?
09:26 Shai : disc taken out at open
09:26 Shai : BNF down from -150 to -37
09:26 Shai : NF from -60 to -32
09:28 Uttam : RS+IS forming in NF?
09:29 Chandu : uttam ter is no RS as of nw in NF?
09:30 Uttam : we have a pink band at to at 9433
09:30 Uttam : POC of that bar around the highs at 9426
09:30 Uttam : imp ref that is
09:30 Suhas : NF at yest val low
09:30 Boppanna : BNF yesterday’s singles test done
09:32 Uttam : 50k red at 9400 is that IS
09:35 Kushal : writing seems good considering new margin rules
09:35 Kushal : oh the rules kick in on 1st bad
09:36 Uttam : 9400pe from 284 to 292
09:37 Uttam : monthly
09:37 Uttam : IS per ek trade to banta hai that too after that rs at 9425
09:37 Avinash : +1 UG
09:38 Prateeek : +1 ug
09:39 Uttam : above 9385 NF can get back to 9400 & 9425
09:39 Uttam : some reds seem stuck at lows
09:44 Shai : A done
09:44 MJ : Good greens in bnf in this bar.
09:44 Uttam : 9400 done – (09:39) Uttam : above 9385 NF can get back to 9400 & 9425
09:44 Shai : Auction locked between 9343 and 9455 for now
09:44 Shai : 9343- 9455- (09:06) Shai : will narrow it down, once we open
09:45 Sagar : OAIR ?
09:45 Shai : yes
09:45 Shai : typical P in NF
09:45 Uttam : that IS of 9400 holding
09:46 Uttam : BNF seems to be rejecting from VWAP
09:47 KK : Shai, once we closed above 9410, Isn’t this new range opens up to 9800 till 9294 is not broken ?
09:47 KK : Or I am missing something on weekly basis
09:48 Uttam : week will get over today KK so lets see how we close
09:48 Uttam : and then last day of calender month
09:48 Uttam : so Monday open will be a better indicator of what the next move could be
09:48 KK : I always miss good entry on my weekly plans ..:) always FOMO
09:49 Govind : Uttam, you planed this in JUne futures yesterday itself right 🙂
09:49 Govind : planned*
09:49 Uttam : lol Gov nothing in my hands bro
09:50 Shai : yes it does – (09:47) KK : Shai, once we closed above 9410, Isn’t this new range opens up to 9800 till 9294 is not broken ?
09:50 Shai : use 9455 F as ref for longer trem plays
09:50 AmitG : is there selling in banknifty?
09:51 KK : I was thinking 9400 CE is at 114, Not bad if it goes to 400 ?
09:51 AmitG : what COT suggesting…i am not able to capture
09:51 KK : unless we break 9294 on downside
09:51 KK : Do we have any holidays this week ?
09:52 Shai : Intra – Buy NG near 9377 sl of 9341 tgt 9430/ 9455
09:52 Shai : NF**
09:53 Himanshu : Thought – We are trading in Natural Gas
09:53 Himanshu : haha
09:53 Shai : 🙂
09:56 Sagar : B inside A
09:56 Sagar : no sorry
09:58 Uttam : B has 15 more mins Sagar 🙂
09:59 Sagar : yes
10:00 Arjun : the VWAP at 9429 is weekly what period VWAP ?
10:00 AmitG : pls tell me banknift vwap and range
10:01 Chandu : shai ur buy calle geneaareted based on paaraaeters of VAL of tdy, or any other parameters on orderflow
10:01 KK : If at all goes above 9455, why would it stop from testing yesterday’s high ?
10:02 Ankit Maheshwari : Greens near VWAP 🙂
10:02 Uttam : @Arjun vwap is at 9400 both yesterday & today
10:02 Uttam : you can see it in the box on left too
10:02 Shai : Reduce 50% of NF at 9396 cmp
10:02 Shai : nring sl to 9375 on rest
10:03 Shai : @Chandu scroll up, thought process is explained
10:03 Uttam : AmitG – BNF vwap is at 18786 – given in that left side box plus marked on the charts as well
10:03 Shai : (09:44) Shai : Auction locked between 9343 and 9455 for now(09:45) Shai : typical P in NF
10:03 Uttam : for range & hypos please refer the daily report on the website or in tab2
10:03 Shai : we buy lows and sell highs
10:04 Uttam : 9425 coming?
10:04 KK : That call at 130 now
10:04 Uttam : IB forming at VWAP in NF
10:04 Suhas : +100 shai fr that long trade..
10:04 Prateeek : +1 shai
10:04 Suhas : 939 to 9410 hfl out
10:05 MJ : +1 shai
10:05 Suhas : 9390*
10:05 Uttam : NF has been in previous days range & Value\
10:05 Uttam : BNF needs to gget going
10:06 Prateeek : 0’s in BNF
10:06 Shai : Auction at 9425- book full- (09:52) Shai : Intra – Buy NG near 9377 sl of 9341 tgt 9430/ 9455
10:06 Uttam : 19k tag coming here looks like in it
10:06 KK : Ok, half booked at 138
10:06 Uttam : +1 Shai
10:06 Prateeek : with you chief
10:06 Suhas : +1 UG cd NF could nt break yest val
10:06 Govind : let’s get 19k and then do an 80% Uttam
10:07 Uttam : yes Gov IB forming in BNF too
10:07 SagarK : NF – 9384 TO 9420 thanks shai
10:07 Govind : +1
10:07 Uttam : 38k green at 18880
10:10 KK : BNF for ORR ?
10:10 Uttam : IB ke baad ORR doge KK 🙂
10:10 KK : yup 918 is close
10:13 Sagar : now B inside A in NF
10:14 KK : chalo C side hi sahi
10:15 Shai : Diif to get C side on a P
10:16 Chandu : for 80% v hav to enter into d val of yday n stay for 2 30min candles . am right?
10:16 Shai : if it comes it is a 97% prob trade
10:16 Shai : No Chandu- If you wait 30 mins the trade will be over :)- (10:16) Chandu : for 80% v hav to enter into d val of yday n stay for 2 30min candles . am right?
10:17 Shai : 🙂
10:17 Uttam : 🙂
10:17 Uttam : with OF confirmation we can trade that 80% more effectively and quick
10:17 Avinash : Shai 97% prob for a range ext ?
10:17 Shai : Don’t pllay blindly what the twitter trades talk. They never trade and don’t know how things work
10:17 Shai : Apply*
10:18 Chandu : k. in such case in BNF v can expect 80% rule if orderflow supports
10:18 Shai : To fade- (10:17) Avinash : Shai 97% prob for a range ext ?
10:18 Shashidhar : Twitter Traders – have their training profits much bigger than the trading profits
10:18 Avinash : Ok, Thanks
10:21 Aman : diff to get c side on p,what does this mean shai?
10:21 Shai : P does not break easily
10:21 Shai : It needs new business
10:21 Shai : And how do we know that new business enters?
10:22 Chetas : IB /IS
10:22 Amit Jain : IB
10:22 Avinash : IB
10:22 Aman : got it thanks
10:23 Uttam : both defending VWAP as of now
10:23 KK : If not breaking 9436, going to 9380 again would be nice to reenter..?
10:23 Uttam : so PLR seems up
10:23 Shai : Ans- drives in A
10:23 Chandu : plr means pull back rally
10:23 Uttam : Path of Least Resistance
10:23 Chandu : k
10:24 Shai : I’m here for the next 30 mins to answer any questions on #marketProfile or #Orderflow – Please use hashtag #AMA for ask me anything and will scroll and answer all
10:24 Uttam : 🙂
10:25 AmitG : #AMA pls suggest how to interpret IS and IB
10:25 AnilR : #AMA …What is PBH ?
10:25 Uttam : 18880 needs to be taken out in BNF
10:25 Shai : details given in the training Library with rules. Please go through #AMA
10:25 Ankit Maheshwari : #AMA : How to keep running the green trades, I have the tendancy to close them early
10:25 Sagar : #AMA can we get todays lowas
10:26 Avinash : #AMA Poor highs/lows trade bias is to fade them or look to break them
10:26 Shai : pull back high – (10:25) AnilR : #AMA …What is PBH ?
10:26 Ashwath : #AMA What are spike rules – I heard abt in chat room
10:26 Shai : Look for IS and IB to continue – (10:25) Ankit Maheshwari: #AMA : How to keep running the green trades, I have the tendancy to close them early
10:26 Chandu : #AMA some times RE cmng after i took trade price gng back , in such case hw to hold d trade in which kind of SL
10:26 Uttam : 19000ce from 820 to 850 50% out
10:27 Shai : close only when you see an IS if tracking IB’s or vice versa
10:27 Arjun : #AMA do we have a list of strategies with high probability and low probabilities. Like 3 IB / IS is a sure trade .
10:27 Ankit Maheshwari : Uttam Quick question, out 50% on what basis?
10:27 Ankit Maheshwari : I was also in this but didn’t get out
10:27 Shai : They break always – (10:26) Avinash : #AMA Poor highs/lows trade bias is to fade them or look to break them
10:27 Uttam : to make the trade safe AnkitM
10:27 Uttam : needs to stay above 850 for more upside that CE
10:27 Shai : can if we break vwap on an IS- (10:25) Sagar : #AMA can we get todays lowas
10:28 Avinash : Ok, thanks
10:28 Arjun : #AMA what is the significance of RO Point ?
10:28 Shai : do range extensions only with IS and IB confirmations. Don’t do it with RB and RS- (10:26) Chandu : #AMA some times RE cmng after i took trade price gng back , in such case hw to hold d trade in which kind of SL
10:28 Rajesh : #AMA Shai, can you explain 5 charts we have on left side of 5 minutes in
10:29 Shai : Ashwath : #AMA What are spike rules – I heard abt in chat room
10:29 Ankit Maheshwari : Is that a poor high in NF ?
10:29 Sagar : #AMA can we get 136 on 9400 PE i am stuck there
10:30 Chandu : #AMA shai hw to identify big buyer/seller i n orderflow to take them as reference in orderflow as lot of big orders seeing in OF charts
10:30 KK : Lets fade it now to VWAP
10:30 Shai : All strategies are good which we do here and we have ignored the lows ones, but they get better if you master the COT and use it as conf- (10:27) Arjun : #AMA do we have a list of strategies with high probability and low probabilities. Like 3 IB / IS is a sure trade .
10:30 AnilR : #AMA…Concept of Access in MP ?
10:30 Suresh : #AMA Hi Shai Today as per Market profile I assume its OAIR Why we shd expect range extension in IB? My Q may be completely wrong
10:30 Sumit Bajaj : #AMA It is observed that on Range bound days by the time we take trade on the basis of IS it reverses. Rs is working better on such days.
10:31 Shai : largest volume exchange zone of prev series , so we watch for new business above it- (10:28) Arjun : #AMA what is the significance of RO Point ?
10:31 Rajesh : #AMA usually we used to see volume of 15 lakhs in first 15 to 20 minutes for open drive in nifty…Has volume for refernce changed due to more volatile conditions of now adays?what is volume we should refer to?
10:32 Uttam : all out in that CE at 835
10:32 Shai : It is just spot and the premiums/ discount of spot v/s Fut. so the top 2 are NF, then we have vix in the middle and then BN- (10:28) Rajesh : #AMA Shai, can you explain 5 charts we have on left side of 5 minutes in
10:32 Avinash : #AMA How to identify excess in a trend
10:32 Uttam : unable to stay abvoe 850
10:32 Uttam : we need a D side ext now
10:32 MJ : #AMA Shai on the Strangle straddle charts, the same rules of profile apply? Anything specific to lookout for if seeing them via mplite?
10:32 Chetas : uttam, in BN?
10:32 KK : #AMA how to trade weekly, instrument and SL plans..can we have a weekly plan for weekly positions ?
10:33 Shai : use the POC weight given in 5 min charts – (10:30) Chandu : #AMA shai hw to identify big buyer/seller i n orderflow to take them as reference in orderflow as lot of big orders seeing in OF charts
10:33 Shai : you mean excess? . Excess is a zone of rejection or an area where the market does not want to trade, so for us it becomes a support or res- (10:30) AnilR : #AMA…Concept of Access in MP ?
10:34 Ankit Maheshwari : #AMA : IB plus 1 Lac COT if followed by a Red candle, should we enter?
10:34 Uttam : boom boom BNF
10:34 Ankit Maheshwari : 0s in BNF
10:34 Uttam : (10:06) Uttam : 19k tag coming here looks like in it
10:34 Shai : Range extension can come anytime, irrespective of profile – we watch for this – (10:30) Suresh : #AMA Hi Shai Today as per Market profile I assume its OAIR Why we shd expect range extension in IB? My Q may be completely wrong
10:34 Uttam : NF does a C side
10:35 Uttam : 18999.8
10:35 Chandu : uttam i think v can expect 80% rule to play in bnf
10:35 Shai : yes on range bound days use RB and RS and not IS and IB as market does not have OTF- (10:30) Sumit Bajaj : #AMA It is observed that on Range bound days by the time we take trade on the basis of IS it reverses. Rs is working better on such days.
10:35 Uttam : trifecta of greens
10:36 Govind : BNF MP chart not moving?
10:36 Uttam : it is Gov
10:36 Shai : Vol is dynamic so higher vix means more volatility which means more volume and bigger range, so we have to adjust- (10:31) Rajesh : #AMA usually we used to see volume of 15 lakhs in first 15 to 20 minutes for open drive in nifty…Has volume for refernce changed due to more volatile conditions of now adays?what is volume we should refer to?
10:36 Shai : single prints – (10:32) Avinash : #AMA How to identify excess in a trend
10:36 Uttam : boom boom part 2
10:37 Uttam : 2 IBs in BNF
10:37 Shai : yes same rules – (10:32) MJ : #AMA Shai on the Strangle straddle charts, the same rules of profile apply? Anything specific to lookout for if seeing them via mplite?
10:37 Chandu : uttam i think 80% rule v can wrk.., am right?
10:37 Uttam : when you get IB at VWAP we need to stay long
10:37 Uttam : (10:23) Uttam : both defending VWAP as of now(10:23) Uttam : so PLR seems up
10:37 Shai : will talk about how I write options in the next webinar @ MJ
10:37 KK : bnf for 19500 ?
10:38 Uttam : wow that would be a great session Shai 🙂
10:38 KK : sorry 19300
10:38 Shashidhar : super
10:38 KK : ?
10:38 Shai : Market Profile rules will remain the same – (10:32) KK : #AMA how to trade weekly, instrument and SL plans..can we have a weekly plan for weekly positions ?
10:38 MJ : +1 thank you shai. I have been observing profile via mplite and will really help. /\
10:38 Manoj2525 : Will look forward to option Writing Seminar….
10:39 Shai : we don’t go by color of candle- have mentioned this in the webinars – (10:34) Ankit Maheshwari: #AMA : IB plus 1 Lac COT if followed by a Red candle, should we enter?
10:39 Sagar : above yesteday
10:39 Uttam : whatta move
10:39 Boppanna : Perfect example of RB+IB on screen in NF and keeping the trade on
10:39 Shai : back to the markett now
10:39 KK : shai, i am still half in that 9400 CE here or stay ?
10:39 Shai : 9455 on screen
10:39 Ankit Maheshwari : Above 9455
10:39 Uttam : fresh vbolumes
10:39 KK : above 9455
10:39 Uttam : and greens
10:39 MJ : +1 bopps.
10:39 Uttam : that CE does 1000
10:40 Boppanna : congts Uttam
10:40 Uttam : booked out early Bops as got a call so didnt want to get stuck 🙂
10:41 Uttam : @Chandu yes 80% done in BNF
10:41 KK : booked at 165
10:41 MJ : 18740- 19140 part out – bnf. @0944 comment bnf greens 🙂
10:41 Uttam : 19186 is a HVN
10:41 Uttam : need to get above it for more upside
10:41 KK : bnf 19024 to 19135.
10:42 KK : thanks Shai and UG, great morning session..bfn
10:42 Ankit Maheshwari : UG Glad I didn’t book 50% on 19K CE 😀
10:42 Uttam : congrats Ankit
10:43 Uttam : I am glad I made profit 🙂
10:43 MJ : rest at tsl.
10:43 Govind : COngo to all!!!
10:43 MJ : Thanks for that #AMA. Cheif.
10:43 Ankit Maheshwari : Yes but I understand that focus should be on making it risk-free
10:43 Ankit Maheshwari : So will follow 🙂
10:45 Seshadri : +1 shai nifty hit target
10:45 Haresh : Missed out on my first trade….Had put in order at 115 for 9400CE….Didnt get exc.
10:45 Haresh : Congrats to all who took this
10:46 Uttam : @MJ post 9:44 and the first greens in BNF we got reejcted from VWAP & made new lows so how did you manage your stoploss?
10:47 Naresh Dubbudu : Now journey back to low?
10:47 Shai : That session on #AMA was good. will try to do it more often . Do login alternate thrursdays for the webianrs where we do this without the presssure of a moving market
10:48 Seshadri : bank nifty ideal COT is 30k ??
10:48 Ankit Maheshwari : 60K
10:48 Rajan : Thanks Shai
10:48 Shai : NF for 9405 sl of 9467 cmp 9440
10:48 Seshadri : ok thanks
10:48 Jitender : a round of applause for Shai for sharing & enriching our knowledge !!
10:48 Boppanna : +100 Shai
10:48 Jitender : +100
10:48 Prateeek : +1 jit. its so good to have found shai and vt. always grateful
10:49 Uttam : oh yes +1000 Shai
10:49 Amit Jain : + 100
10:49 Uttam : today’s chat would be even more precious
10:49 Shai : _/\_- (10:48) Jitender : a round of applause for Shai for sharing & enriching our knowledge !!
10:49 Arjun : +100 Shai
10:49 Suresh : +100 Shai
10:49 Uttam : it is alwasy musci to the ears when the master speaks 🙂
10:50 Tejpreet : +100 Shai.
10:50 Nagaraj : Thanks Shai
10:51 Suhas : +100 Shai
10:51 AnilR : + 100 Shai
10:51 Avinash : +1 Shai
10:51 Ashwath : +100 Shai
10:51 Uttam : pit stop at 19183 – a) BNF needs to sustain above 19030 for a rise to 19080 / 19152-186 / 19260-330 / 19450-480 / 19560-650* & 19750-812
10:53 Jitender : also wr the news i shared yday fr winning a 4000cr case againgst govt authority…have got coverage with name in few local dailies
10:53 Govind : Thanks Shai!!!
10:53 Uttam : arre wah Jit +100
10:53 Jitender : so OF turning favourable tere also 🙂
10:53 Shai : congrats buddy – (10:53) Jitender : also wr the news i shared yday fr winning a 4000cr case againgst govt authority…have got coverage with name in few local dailies
10:53 Avinash : Nice Jit
10:54 Shai : super
10:54 Saheer : superb Jit, Good Karma always gets appreciated, God bless
10:54 Avinash : Do share
10:54 Jitender : tx guys _/\_
10:54 Boppanna : Share a snapshot Jit in slack Jit for memory
10:54 Prateeek : do share j. i missed it yesterday
10:55 Fenil : @Uttam – Above 19030 when would the view get negated?
10:55 Jitender : its in hindi…in random channel
10:55 Kannan : Congrats Jitender. Any links to online articles we can check out?
10:56 Amit N : Congrats Jit again for the big win.
10:56 AnilR : i will read again all Q and Ans after market hours _/\_
10:56 MJ : @UG Greens if you go back I mentioned greens. Entry was after OF confirmation of 23k. Waited to come at a level that I was watching. SL was 60 pts from entry. I follow 1 min candle. Check 0948 candle, Apart from the room, my setup gave a buy trigger.
10:56 Jitender : tx everyone..God bless us all!!
10:56 Shai : At NF 9424 rediuce half – (10:48) Shai : NF for 9405 sl of 9467 cmp 9440
10:56 Shai : sl at 9441 on rest
10:57 Govind : MJ, 9:48 candle was a PB short man
11:01 MJ : Check OF 23k greens
11:01 Rajesh G : shai how can i get the snapshot of your chats
11:02 Shai : trailing out- flat again – (10:56) Shai : At NF 9424 rediuce half – (10:48) Shai : NF for 9405 sl of 9467 cmp 9440
11:02 Chandu : is ter any way to back to tdy mrng live chart nw..,
11:03 Shai : is posted to the blog every evening once session is over- (11:01) Rajesh G : shai how can i get the snapshot of your chats
11:04 Uttam : the joine me link has more 5min bars – (11:02) Chandu : is ter any way to back to tdy mrng live chart nw..,
11:04 Uttam : else watch the 30min OF charts on GoTOmEETING
11:06 Rajesh G : ok thanks shai
11:13 Chandu : wat is d pink n green values in 3omin charts.., hw to use them
11:13 Uttam : pink is the POC & green is the VWAP of that 30min bar
11:14 Uttam : important references to keep
11:15 Uttam : @MJ my simple question was where you kept your initial SL as you entered at 18720 after which we got a VWAP rejection & made new lows for the day which meant that the greens you mentioned at 9:44 failed and your comment was on the room OF chart so asking based on only what we can see in the room
11:17 Tejpreet : Hey Jit congrats for the media coverage !!
11:17 Uttam : abhi to start hai Tej, next article will feature Jit on his yatch once lockdown is over 😉
11:17 Chandu : as of knw green cluster in 10:35 IB in bnf holding uttam?
11:18 Jitender : tx Tej
11:18 Tejpreet : Rockstar hai Uttam
11:18 Uttam : yes Chandu BNF tied in between 18880 & 19186
11:18 Jitender : now i will be hounded bu the corrupt officio’s 🙁
11:18 Jitender : by
11:18 Uttam : VWAP holding so bias still postive though morning buyers seems to have booked at that HVN of 19186
11:19 Govind : Keep 10% ready Jit 🙂
11:19 Govind : Babu Cess
11:20 Jitender : lol
11:20 Jitender : yh
11:25 Uttam : humko kita % milega Jit ;-p
11:27 Chetas : Ji, any stimulas plan for Vtrender traders 🙂
11:28 Uttam : yes all get one beer free in Goa
11:28 Chetas : *jit 🙂
11:29 Jitender : its the scam cost guys..will benefit 21000 families…but somebody has to stand up n fight
11:29 Jitender : beer anytime
11:29 Arjun : that 70K in Nifty at 9455 is trapped? or SL .
11:30 Jitender : he real tycoon is Vishnu…hez planning to gv gold chains to all
11:30 Jitender : the
11:30 Jitender : with the money he mints here
11:30 Arjun : +1 for Jit and Vishnu
11:30 Uttam : NF unable to sustain above Shai’s range on upside
11:30 Uttam : (09:44) Shai : (09:44) Shai : Auction locked between 9343 and 9455 for now(09:44) Shai : 9343- 9455- (09:06) Shai : will narrow it down, once we open
11:31 Uttam : that 70k also right there
11:31 Uttam : lets make a RE
11:31 Uttam : BNBF looking good
11:31 Uttam : IB forming
11:31 Uttam : trifecta of greens too
11:31 Uttam : but still 2 mins for this bar to close
11:32 Uttam : right now resisting at yesterdays vwap of 19080
11:33 Uttam : boom boom time?
11:33 Govind : 11k green @ ywap is good
11:37 Uttam : profit booking in both looks like happening
11:38 Uttam : COT getting negative with probable RS at top in this 5min bar
11:40 Uttam : Shai said it yesterday and looks like the balance is here
11:40 Uttam : 2-day forming a good balance so far with Value overlapping
11:40 Boppanna : Yes Uttam 19000 magnet in BNF
11:40 Uttam : plus monthly close too today so lets see if we have anything left for FRYday afternoon
11:41 Uttam : reds continue in both
11:41 Uttam : if VWAP goes we can have a visit to IBL
11:41 Uttam : back to back 80k red COT in NF
11:42 Uttam : 9425 is that magnet in NF
11:44 Ashwath : Uttam – breaking yesterday close with IS says something?
11:44 Ashwath : in BNF
11:45 Uttam : close is more of a random number na Aswath?
11:45 Uttam : that too with that last 30min average adn all
11:45 Uttam : we have much better references to follow on a MP chart
11:45 Uttam : VAL is better
11:46 Uttam : IS at yesterdays VAL is good
11:46 Ashwath : got it.. Thanks
11:46 Uttam : +1
11:46 Shai : Intra – short NF 9422 s l of 9457 tgt 9380/ 9350
11:46 Shai : IB + RS and IS
11:46 Uttam : +100 Shai
11:46 Ashwath : +1
11:46 Uttam : was about to tye that
11:47 Uttam : hat-trick of big red COTS
11:47 Uttam : auction went above day high to check if new buyers are there and when it found none, sellers began to press the pedal
11:49 Chetas : yes, this time i was watching for it and the 9469 high candle closed below poc, that gave a signal for me test vwap
11:49 Shai : exit this short here at 9420 – (11:46) Shai : Intra – short NF 9422 s l of 9457 tgt 9380/ 9350
11:50 Shai : let’s stay out till it clears
11:50 Favas : shai qty criteria for is?
11:50 Favas : bnf
11:50 KK : Isn’t MP something..+1
11:50 Ashwath : 60K
11:50 Shai : 60 K COT in BNF is v good
11:51 Favas : nf?
11:51 Shai : NF is mixed for me
11:51 Ashwath : 1L
11:51 Shai : not decisive yet
11:51 Suhas : +1 chief
11:51 Shai : we may just plonk here at 9420- 30
11:52 Favas : so OF algo set for 60k?
11:52 Shai : if you want to hold then that 9455 is a good sl
11:52 Shai : we have not seen demand abv it
11:53 RiteshM null : hi wants to open in my laptop buy facing problem
11:58 KK : fryday in the making
11:58 Rajesh G : shai, timing of chatroom and my pc differ by 2 minutes
11:58 Rajesh G : i get the message on chatroom late by 2 minutes’
11:59 KK : abh to Zero bhi aa gaye below VWAP in NF to clear doubt
12:02 Sagar : IS iwth 1lak
12:03 KK : abh sab green ka number lagega ..
12:05 Arjun : didnt sellers came a bit late? or this is fine ?
12:08 Rajiv Ohri : Shai with this kind of negative COT what is the target for shorts
12:13 Uttam : NF Value same as yesterday
12:13 Uttam : overlapping to the dot
12:14 Uttam : (11:40) Uttam : Shai said it yesterday and looks like the balance is here(11:40) Uttam : 2-day forming a good balance so far with Value overlapping
12:16 Shai : +1
12:17 Shai : was 9380/ 9350- (12:08) Rajiv Ohri : Shai with this kind of negative COT what is the target for shorts
12:17 Shai : 9444 trailing sl of all these shorts
12:19 KK : 99k green
12:20 Uttam : back here – (11:42) Uttam : 9425 is that magnet in NF
12:20 Ankit Maheshwari : If this gets trapped
12:21 Prakash : 100k Green seems SC..??
12:21 Ankit Maheshwari : still no IB
12:21 Shai : no looks like a cover of the previous vwapo seller
12:21 Shai : he was 48K minus
12:21 Ketan : +1 uttam on that magnet
12:21 KK : now some 50K red in bnf
12:21 Ankit Maheshwari : time to close shorts?
12:22 Shai : this is a neutral zone
12:22 KK : no trade zone this become
12:22 Himanshu : BOPP – H for up
12:22 Shai : first day guys
12:22 Shai : they will add the OI dropped over last 3 days
12:24 Boppanna : Himanshu oscillating around 19K BNF so bias up or down for 100 around that for now
12:25 Ashwath : Uttam – BNF – 12.15 – 12.20 5 mins chart, I see consequtive greens and blue cot, but no IB nor follow up.. is it shorts SL?
12:26 Prakash : VA getting overlapped
12:27 Uttam : COT is too low in those bars Ashwath
12:27 Uttam : 6k & 10k?
12:27 Uttam : this 42k one looks good
12:27 Uttam : at VWAP
12:27 Uttam : again that 18880 level in focus
12:27 Uttam : but has a 18k green at top
12:28 Uttam : Jit’s fav set uo for a retracement
12:28 Uttam : and he would have already done 100 pointer
12:28 Ashwath : got it.. Thanks Uttam
12:32 Himanshu : Boom UG
12:32 Himanshu : Push it above 18980
12:33 Uttam : balance mein boom nahi H only small moves
12:33 Uttam : BNF also went till that 19k in the bounce
12:36 Boppanna : Uttam odd place for that 51K red in BNF ?
12:39 Uttam : yes Bops lets check Jul rolls 😉
12:40 Naresh Dubbudu : Price higging VWAP. Salient feature of Balance.
12:40 Uttam : +1 Naresh
12:40 Uttam : and vwap is flat
12:40 Uttam : BNF almost a straight line
12:42 AmitG : is 30min banknifty chart COT negative suggesting any indication?
12:43 Uttam : mornign longs booked out in BNF looks like Amit
12:43 Uttam : the morning plus COT mathcing the last few negative ones
12:44 Uttam : 19026 in the overlapping POC on 30mins & level BNF needs to take out for upside probe
12:44 Uttam : could give a 100-150 pointer if happens
12:44 Chetas : nets go down “G”
12:44 Chetas : lets go down “g”
12:45 Uttam : you mean G for Ground level?
12:45 Uttam : BNF not liking it 😉
12:46 Uttam : COT of prefv bar is -80 🙂
12:46 Uttam : in BNF
12:46 Uttam : lets see if we can get a lower COT than this
12:48 Himanshu : Ye lo
12:48 Uttam : BNF going for 19026?
12:49 Chandu : IB with lower COTIN BNF
12:51 Uttam : Bops standing at 19k with a bat 🙂
12:52 Uttam : boom boom coming?
12:52 Uttam : at least to VAH & IBH?
12:53 Uttam : NF saying nf is nf
12:53 Uttam : lets move
12:54 Ankit : but Bnf is saying TGIF
12:54 Ankit : 😛
12:54 KK : Lets go
12:56 Chetas : Icici ready to move
13:02 Chetas : lets steal bops bat and move up
13:04 Uttam : (12:48) Uttam : BNF going for 19026?
13:04 Uttam : 19022
13:04 Amit Jain : chetas its the hammer and only the worthy shall possess 😛
13:05 Chandu : UTTAM hwmch COT is better in bnf fr IS candle
13:05 Chandu : IB r IS
13:05 Uttam : 20-25k is good COT / 40-45 is better & 60k is the best
13:09 Uttam : that 22k green at 19022 gives vwap
13:10 Uttam : IS in both at vwap
13:10 Suresh : Today is day for Option Writers
13:10 Uttam : but this bar has some more time left
13:11 Tejpreet : 9444 Shai’s TSL previous bar high 9442.70….+100 Chief
13:17 Shai : yes but options don’t move on first day much- (13:10) Suresh : Today is day for Option Writers
13:18 Shai : _/\_- (13:11) Tejpreet : 9444 Shai’s TSL previous bar high 9442.70….+100 Chief
13:18 Shai : NF flat line- wants to have an earkly weekend
13:18 Shai : vwap and dpoc togther means the move out is also in lockdown mode
13:20 Tejpreet : Crumbs gathering today 😉
13:27 Uttam : @Shai that DOP in the BNF 5min charts need to be Day open Price?
13:28 Shai : yes
13:28 Uttam : but its showing the wrong level?
13:29 Shai : yes it is off- sometimes it takes data one min late
13:30 Shai : so can be off by a min
13:30 Uttam : oh ok
13:30 Shai : And in BNF that 1 min is 200 points sometimes 🙂
13:30 Uttam : lol
13:30 Shai : won’t change for IBH, vah etc
13:30 Uttam : was checking if it was showing yesterdays open by mistake 😉
13:30 Uttam : cool Shai, thanks for the update
13:31 Shai : POC forming at 9425 again today
13:31 Uttam : overlapping POC & overlapping Value
13:31 Shai : which make sit the ref zone for all of next week as we wait for another imbalance
13:31 Uttam : June seeme to be gearing up to give a strong start?
13:32 Shai : 9840- 9960 in the tape on the move out next week
13:32 Uttam : great
13:32 Shai : T+5 max so we will trade with weekly options
13:32 Uttam : will wait for a signal to enter long
13:35 Shai : if it move sup an expecting 9845 to challenge the immediate move in June spot prices
13:35 Shai : masive short unwind will happen if we break abv 9845 anytime next month
13:36 Tejpreet : Shai sl for the view in June series?
13:36 Shai : 9100
13:36 Tejpreet : tks
13:36 Shai : but we move it up if the upmove comes
13:37 Shai : longer dated play for me is still a retest of 11350 by dec or feb latest
13:38 Uttam : arre wah 🙂 Shai giving out his brithday return gifts today
13:38 Tejpreet : 🙂
13:38 Shai : Around that time, the market would have taken the baby coronawala bears out and ready to swing down again
13:38 Uttam : we do have consecutuve weekly FAs at lows in NF & spot
13:39 Ketan : +1 shai
13:40 Shai : still early days – we take it 1 step at a time
13:40 Boppanna : spot and fut disc back at 150 in BN
13:44 Uttam : such a nice bell forming in both
13:44 Tejpreet : dec 10k ce 505 11k ce 185…buy 10k sell double 11k and wait for 11350….mungerilal mode 🙂
13:53 Shai : Vix will carsh back to 12 Tej
13:53 Shai : crash*
13:54 Tejpreet : No chief US elections , one move to 50 again in Nov)
13:55 Shai : oh yes, that is the outlier
13:55 Tejpreet : here i am trading monthly 97k pe and 93k ce for 8- 10 points crumbs ….Dec trades can only dream 🙂
13:55 Shai : forgot about taht 1
13:55 Uttam : lol Tej
13:55 Tejpreet : 🙂
13:55 Ankit Maheshwari : haha
13:55 Chetas : this US election is going to be the most corrupt one 🙂
13:56 Shai : so trump has to swing spx abv 4000 so he can put the 5 year show on twitter 🙂
13:56 Chetas : no party is going to accept the other party victory
13:59 Ankit Maheshwari : But before that are we even heading anywhere today or just the bell-curve 😀
13:59 Uttam : I am definitely heading to get some beers for the weekend ;-p
13:59 Ankit Maheshwari : Lol.. Not my cup of tea 😀
14:00 Sagar : sold 9400 CE PE at 270
14:03 Uttam : BNF can go for a DH test looks like
14:03 Uttam : 19030 needs to be taken out
14:03 Uttam : 2:!5 also cometh, lets have some move in Friday last hour
14:03 Uttam : boom boom
14:04 Boppanna : timing
14:05 Sagar : covered CE trailingCE
14:05 Uttam : je baat
14:05 Uttam : big greens n both
14:05 Boppanna : claps Uttam
14:05 Tejpreet : super Uttam , clean 75 points
14:05 Uttam : _/\_
14:05 Chandu : BNF COT IS ALSO GOOD
14:05 Uttam : cheers Tej
14:06 Uttam : 19155 super quck test it was BNF
14:06 Uttam : (14:03) Uttam : BNF can go for a DH test looks like
14:07 Tejpreet : Now don’t go for beer wait for Fryday mode, Uttam.
14:07 Uttam : lol would have anyways gone post market Tej
14:07 Uttam : love watching the charts
14:07 Tejpreet : tks
14:08 Sagar : 2 IB with good got should give @ib:)
14:08 Uttam : Bops giving ext handle at 2:15 or back to bell?
14:08 Uttam : 19186 needs to be taken out in BNF for ext handle to happen
14:09 Boppanna : ur 19030 the key now
14:09 Uttam : yep can come nack to test that 18980
14:09 Uttam : RB there woud be a nice hint for a spike coming
14:09 Boppanna : 0’s there as well 19020-30
14:10 Uttam : @Chandu please do not use caps
14:10 Boppanna : @Chandu it denotes imbalance between sellers and buyers
14:10 Ankit Maheshwari : Lets go to VWAP?
14:10 Chandu : k
14:12 Uttam : BNF defending those 0s
14:12 Uttam : 2 more mins
14:14 Chandu : back to back Ib in bnf
14:21 Naresh Dubbudu : Day of balance. Will it back to VWAP.
14:21 Naresh Dubbudu : Stalling at the top.
14:22 Uttam : it could be absorption of supply
14:24 Naresh Dubbudu : May be Uttam. Not confident. Booked profit on my NF 9450 CE.
14:24 Uttam : congrats
14:25 Naresh Dubbudu : Thank you. Rode it from 120 to 142.5
14:25 Uttam : yes by looks of it can close at POV or vwap both
14:25 Uttam : POC*
14:25 Uttam : was just looking if we can get an extension handle on a Friday
14:26 Uttam : (14:09) Uttam : yep can come nack to test that 18980(14:09) Uttam : RB there woud be a nice hint for a spike coming
14:26 Uttam : 18982 low so far
14:26 Uttam : no RB but IS here
14:26 Uttam : liquidation happening
14:27 Uttam : 50k red COT
14:34 Tejpreet : Monthly close for nifty doji 9533 spot Uttam ?
14:35 Uttam : yes Tej 🙂
14:35 Tejpreet : tks
14:36 Uttam : it was an OH on 4th and if not for that stimulus news gap up of 9584 we could have an OHC at 9533 though we did make a new high of 9549 today
14:36 Uttam : 9555 nice fancy number in spot
14:37 Tejpreet : Perfect set up for next week 🙂
14:37 Uttam : this was the extended hypo for spot this week – C) If 9409 is taken out, Nifty can probe higher to 9458 / 9497-9507 / 9555-9605 / 9654-81 / 9703-52 & 9801
14:37 Tejpreet : +1
14:38 Shai : 77 point discount
14:38 Uttam : crazy this is Shai?
14:38 Shai : when did you last see it?
14:38 Uttam : 🙂
14:38 Uttam : me never
14:39 Uttam : spike time here
14:39 Tejpreet : But isn’t that a worry for bulls Shai.
14:39 Uttam : L period and the last 45 mins of the week coming up
14:39 Uttam : vwap & poc test over can we move higher now?
14:40 Himanshu : UG – almost 100 Poiny discount in F
14:40 Himanshu : Strange
14:41 Ankit Maheshwari : Uttam 75 COT you see that 😀
14:43 KK : so 9497-9507 ? closing
14:43 Tejpreet : If Uttam spikes upNF , discount could come down to 40-50 🙂
14:44 KK : chalo chalo re
14:44 KK : 20K in bnf
14:46 Tejpreet : Uttam 9555 printed
14:46 Uttam : 🙂
14:46 Uttam : you did it Tej
14:46 Uttam : 9605 will be nice
14:48 Tejpreet : 🙂
14:48 Chetas : dsicount in NF may be connected to reliance rights?
14:48 Uttam : 50 min mein 50 point to kar sakte ho na 😉
14:49 Tejpreet : Sir I am crumbwalah today 🙂
14:49 Chandu : still bnf has not done RE
14:49 Uttam : and NF is sick 😉
14:50 Uttam : has IL at top
14:50 Ankit Maheshwari : Ideal close will be VWAP?
14:50 Chandu : IL?
14:50 Uttam : tpos at top in NF profile
14:50 Vishnu : hi all
14:50 Uttam : letter I & L
14:50 Chandu : ss.k
14:50 Uttam : not all Vishnu IL ;-p
14:50 Uttam : welcoem bacl money minter
14:50 Uttam : back*
14:51 Vishnu : haaaaha
14:51 Ankit Maheshwari : Chart refresh needed
14:51 Vishnu : ug just to check any sellrs hre . as heavy rain in my area
14:51 Uttam : why AnkitM?
14:51 Shai : chart is fine
14:51 Uttam : yes charts are fine
14:52 Shai : option structure for starddle guys will break becuase of these discount moves
14:52 Shai : 82 now discount
14:52 Shai : won’t suggest you to carry any options over weekend
14:54 Shai : spot is on it’s way to 9570 /84 where the singles of 13/05 are
14:54 Vishnu : whn future ? expecting that
14:57 Vishnu : chief one doubt we need to brak 9904 which the high made in last april to move further ?
14:59 Shai : yes
14:59 Vishnu : +100
14:59 Shai : 8840 roughllt spot
14:59 Vishnu : thanks
14:59 Vishnu : 9840?
14:59 Shai : 9840 yes 🙂
15:00 Shai : disc dropped 10 points 72 now
15:00 Vishnu : great . room full of new players . welcome all new members
15:00 Uttam : Nifty lets fo 9605 not 9560
15:00 Shai : 9508 expected F
15:01 Chandu : bnf again cmng neaar day high.., shall v break time? any signs uttam
15:01 Uttam : 50k cot
15:02 Prateeek : nifty 9400 ce from 167 to 180. half booked. half trailing at cost
15:02 Uttam : are we havign a 3:05 move coming?
15:02 KK : yes
15:03 Shai : 9576- (14:54) Shai : spot is on it’s way to 9570 /84 where the singles of 13/05 are
15:03 Uttam : 20 done lets get 30 more Shai 🙂 – (14:46) Uttam : 9605 will be nice
15:03 Ketan : +1 shai / uttam
15:04 Uttam : close at highs on monthly
15:05 Uttam : 9585…20 more
15:05 Shai : 88 now
15:05 Shai : I think this is the margin effect
15:05 Shai : will make life difficult then
15:06 Shai : 92 disc
15:06 Tejpreet : Margin already implemented ?
15:07 Naresh Dubbudu : What does this huge discount indicate Shai?
15:08 Uttam : 9592.95 now last 12.05 more to go
15:09 Shai : Nothing we klnow yet Naresh
15:09 Shai : looks like an anomaly to me
15:10 Naresh Dubbudu : Ok Shai.
15:10 Chetas : shai, can it be due to relaince rights
15:10 Dileep : does iot have to do with the new margin positions
15:10 Shai : I think it is margin related caluclations
15:10 Dileep : from june 1 st
15:10 Naresh Dubbudu : Margins changing from 1st June?
15:10 Shai : It’s like spot and F are 2 different intruments now
15:11 Dileep : Also heard long term contracts moving out from sgx to our nifty
15:11 Naresh Dubbudu : NF gave 9508 as you said Shai.
15:11 Shai : (14:52) Shai : won’t suggest you to carry any options over weekend
15:11 Shai : let this clear
15:11 Uttam : +1 Shai
15:12 Ashwath : +1
15:14 Dileep : options having crazy premium
15:14 Shai : 9400 pe is at 93 with spot 200 points higher
15:14 Shai : craziness
15:14 Uttam : yes Shai
15:14 Dileep : was tracking 9500 pe monthly when nifty moved 150 points it gave 30 points move
15:15 Uttam : I am still watching the 9400 CE / PE charts on monhtly
15:15 Rajesh : Sttrangly put as lot higher premium..
15:15 Dileep : shai heard from sources SGX nifty contracts getting permanently stopped
15:15 Uttam : 9598.85 high in spot (14:46) Uttam : 9605 will be nice(14:48) Uttam : 50 min mein 50 point to kar sakte ho na 😉
15:15 Shai : what sources?
15:15 Ankit Maheshwari : If its true NSE may run until 11.30PM 🙂
15:15 Chetas : yesterady trade, i managed to bring the day down from 7x DT to 3x Dt by over trading. Today stopped at 4x DT, though missed the last 1 hour move as decided to saty out
15:16 Dileep : icici securities
15:16 Uttam : 13 mins for the last lap Nifty come on lets do it
15:16 Uttam : nice Chetas, it is always good to preserve the green MMT
15:16 Uttam : MTM
15:17 Ankit Maheshwari : 9400PE OI also decreasing
15:21 Fenil : @Shai – would carry monthly CE’s hurt?
15:21 Himanshu : Its good for us if SGX nifty contract is stopped
15:21 Himanshu : They robb us ,, let them open office in Gift City and trade here
15:22 Ankit Maheshwari : Yes if SGX closes, gap up and gap downs will get better
15:23 Himanshu : If they want to extend time here or not is different matter – but SGX nifty is clear disadvantage to Us trading in India
15:23 Shai : monthly would be fine – (15:21) Fenil : @Shai – would carry monthly CE’s hurt?
15:23 Shai : weekly not to do here till this settles
15:23 Fenil : Thanks!
15:26 Ashwath : Bye All, Happy weekend.
15:28 Amit Jain : bye all happy weekend .
15:28 Tejpreet : Bye All.
15:28 Shai : Hope everyone here had a good week of trade
15:28 Manikandan : Bye all
15:28 Shai : tc all
15:29 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a wonderful weekend
15:29 Shai : have a good weekend
15:29 Uttam : yes Shai 🙂
15:29 AnilR : have a nice weekend
15:29 Sreeram : Have a great weekend
15:29 AnilR : _/\_
15:29 Prateeek : bye all. thanks shai and ug
15:29 Naresh Dubbudu : Bye All.
15:29 Avinash : Thank you Shai and UG. Bye everyone
15:32 Giridhar Gowravajhal : Bye all
15:33 Himanshu : Bye all