Many traders are used to viewing volume as a histogram beneath a price chart. This approach shows the amount of volume traded below the price Bar. The Order Flow approach is to see the Volume traded inside or within the price bar, an important distinction.
Order Flow trading is thinking about what order market participants do and when you think along this, you can anticipate what kind of action they will be taking in the market. This is a very important concept in Order Flow.
Room Chat
08:57 Avinash : GM Everyone
08:58 Vasant : thank you
08:58 Lokesh : GM all
08:59 Santhosh : gm all
08:59 Abhijith null : Gm all
08:59 Gopi : GM all
08:59 Rajan : Good morning all
09:00 Kannan : Good morning all
09:00 Lokesh : GM all
09:00 Vasant : thank you shai,uttam and everyone from trading room for symphathy and prayers for my motherv who passed away yesterday , i m grateful to you all
09:01 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts –
09:01 Chandrashekhar : GM all
09:02 Manoj : good morning guys
09:02 Vishnu : vasat be strong
09:02 Kannan : Very sorry for your loss, Vasant.
09:02 Himanshu : GM all
09:02 Vtrender Live : 5 min charts –
09:03 Ankit : All our wishes with you and your family vasant. So sorry for your loss 🙁
09:03 Jitender : My deepest condolences Vasant..may she RIP & strength to u & yr family _/\_
09:04 Shai : Condolences again @Vasant. May the almighty be with you and your near ones and you be strenghtened in this time of grief
09:05 Yash null : condolence, Vasant!
09:05 Rajan : May god give you & family strength in this time of grief
09:06 Uttam : Om Shanti Vasant _/\_
09:06 Rajesh : gm all
09:07 Suhas : sincere condolences Vsant
09:08 Himanshu : Vasant – May god bless u with courage
09:08 Rajesh : _/|_
09:08 Vijay : Condolences Vasant, Please take care.
09:08 Avinash : Heartfelt condolences Vasant. May auntie’s sould rest in peace.
09:08 Shai : GM all
09:08 Tejpreet : Condolences Vasant .
09:08 Tejpreet : GM All.
09:08 Shai : 8377 ref linbe for the open today
09:08 Vasant : thank you once again
09:08 Ketan : heartfelt condolences Vasant !
09:08 Shai : 8242 second ref line
09:09 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:09 Neeraj : Good morning all
09:09 Shai : Ability to stay above 8377 can create an intra day bounce to 8643 again
09:09 Amit N : Good morning all
09:09 Vasant : please focus on your trades thanks
09:09 Shai : sellers in control below 8377 again
09:09 Rajesh : Sorry to hear about your loss Vasant. May her soul rest in peace.
09:10 Chintan : gm all
09:10 Manoj : My condolences Vasant.
09:10 Krishan : god give courage to vasant hsi family
09:10 Vasant : i m grateful to you all
09:11 Chintan : condolences to vasant and family
09:11 Chintan : may she RIP
09:11 Chintan : om shanti
09:11 Kushal : heartfelt condolence, Vasant. Om shanti
09:11 Favas : RIP
09:12 Amit N : Take care vasant
09:12 Suyog : Heartfelt condolences Vasant.. may her soul rest in peace _/\_
09:12 Ashwath : Good morning guys
09:12 Prateeek : gm guys
09:12 Gopi : May her soul RIP
09:13 Rajesh : heartfelt condolences Vasant
09:13 Amit : soory for your loss vasant. OM shanti
09:13 Seshadri : heart felt condolences vasant
09:13 Vasant : _/\_
09:15 Shai : now you know why the COt wa snot dropping in the last move lower
09:16 Kushal : yes Shai +100
09:17 Rajan : +100 Shai
09:17 Uttam : yet another instance of Neutral Extreme not giving a follow through
09:18 Kushal : lots of 0s at open
09:18 Uttam : NF weak below 8451
09:19 Uttam : taking sup at ypoc
09:19 Suresh : Good morning all
09:21 Srividhya : good morning all… sorry vasant to hear the sad news. May her soul RIP
09:23 Yash null : buy above day high?
09:24 Shai : massive drop in premiums again
09:25 Yash null : yes
09:25 Suhas : tomorrow exoiry
09:25 Rajesh : yes shai , balanced mkt gives premium
09:26 Rajesh : loses
09:27 Shai : 8372- 77 supp
09:28 Yash null : my mistake yest, Trading ot. weekly
09:28 Vishnu : shai cot doesnt support for shorts here na
09:28 Yash null : weeklyitm weekly is better
09:29 Uttam : NF taking sup at that 8377
09:29 Uttam : some greens there
09:31 Yash null : blue cot since yesterday drop
09:31 Uttam : 8420 ref on upside
09:31 Uttam : downside Shai’s 8377 needs to go
09:32 Uttam : 8357 is the Neutral EXtreme ref high
09:33 Uttam : below that 8332 level to watch
09:34 Suhas : its might pullback sharply here to 410-420 to fall further
09:35 Gopi : eating option premium
09:36 Shai : vix is due for 65-67 and possible 60
09:36 Shai : 69 now
09:37 Tejpreet : avoid weeklies . F or monthly options better ID.
09:37 Uttam : yesterday NF was going up on Red COT & today coming down on plus COT
09:38 Shai : yes let the funds stop playing with the spot and we shoukd be fine from tom
09:38 Shai : All nav cash transactions in the prem fluctuations
09:38 Sanjib : OAIR?
09:38 Ankit : +1 tej and shai
09:38 Suhas : Yest dji GAP DOWN AND CLOSE IN PLUS…WE gaped up n falling
09:39 Uttam : 8377 forming HVN
09:41 Govind : spread is three rupees @ times this morning
09:42 Uttam : NF needs to get above 8451 for more upside
09:44 Chintan : IB with 80k cot
09:45 Shai : back to day highs
09:45 Shai : And COT stays positive
09:45 Govind : Indus down 20%
09:46 Abhishek Lalwani : lots of green ballons on 30 min
09:46 Shai : 8456 second round of selling yesterday
09:46 Shai : 8456-65
09:47 Shai : Anything abv this confirms 8634
09:47 Shai : sl would be 8370
09:48 Shai : nevere seen an OF so blue in March as the last hour yesterday and this hour today
09:49 Shai : still early
09:49 Shai : 8465 is the test
09:49 Jitender : ppl also close derv positions to prevent margin carry over in ledger fr next FY
09:50 Suhas : whta market wants to do today is completely will wait
09:52 Jitender : OAIR
09:52 Uttam : NF headed higher
09:53 Shai : yes
09:53 Uttam : 8510 above 8470
09:53 Uttam : boom boom
09:54 Shai : Buy 8300 ce at 245- 249 sl of 210 tgt 300. 340
09:55 Himanshu : open seller tryinh once more
09:55 Ravi : screen not visible
09:55 Sagar : no screen
09:55 Ravi : now visible
09:56 Shai : Move sl to 196 on the 8300 ce
09:57 Uttam : 8451 needs to hold
10:00 Shai : 8425 supp herev
10:00 Himanshu : bnf – broken vwap
10:04 Uttam : 8460 res in NF
10:04 Uttam : but needs to stay below VWAP
10:05 Chandrashekhar : PLR downside Uttam?
10:05 Uttam : not yet Chandra
10:06 Uttam : 8420 needs to be takne out
10:07 Uttam : earlier IB at VWAP
10:08 Shai : Make an exit in the 8300 ce at 214- 216 cmp
10:08 Shai : early momentum is gone
10:08 Shai : now only IBH is the trigger
10:09 Suhas : market giving full respect to shais level 8425…+1 Shai
10:09 Uttam : boom boom coming for C side up?
10:09 Shai : went early in that ce abv 8465 and cot flipped
10:10 Uttam : yes Shai 8460 got overlapping POC
10:10 Uttam : stuck between 8420 & 8460 for now MF
10:11 Sachin : since last 5 days we are in a divergence with S&P?, something cooking? this rarely happens right? Shai, comments pls
10:13 Vishnu : typical oair play
10:13 Vishnu : ibr 148
10:13 Shai : FY end Sachin
10:13 Himanshu : ug – A7 B Cot on 30 mt ia positive by 270K
10:14 Shai : stocks get more focus thyan index
10:14 Sachin : closure of positions? tax booking etc?
10:14 Vishnu : after couple of days IBR in round figure
10:15 Uttam : come on lets go – (10:09) Uttam : boom boom coming for C side up?
10:17 Vishnu : yest morn shorted 8600 ce and pe at 609 . booked half at 335. balance holding to eat more
10:18 Tejpreet : +1
10:19 Kushal : UG boom
10:20 Uttam : 8490 stalling once again
10:20 Sagar : +1
10:20 Uttam : a) NF needs to get above 8322-32 & sustain for a move to 8357-95 / 8408-22 / 8451-70 / 8490-8510 & 8540-60
10:22 Ankit : 8400 ce 165 to 184
10:22 Rajan : +1 Ankit
10:22 Uttam : boom boom
10:22 Ankit : but quite tricky day
10:22 Suhas : +1
10:23 Uttam : (10:09) Uttam : boom boom coming for C side up?
10:23 Ankit : thx gys
10:23 Uttam : 171-198 8400ce
10:23 Vishnu : good vol in c ug
10:23 Chetas : so in c side extension, i should book longs?
10:23 Chintan : 83600ce 230 to 250
10:23 Kushal : +1 Ankit
10:23 Chetas : 8700 ce i did from 48 to 58
10:23 Ankit : expecting 8550
10:24 Ankit : but market is quick
10:24 Kushal : no significant red COTs since morning
10:24 Uttam : twin COT of 75k+
10:24 Uttam : shorts being taken out
10:24 Vishnu : hdfc twins
10:24 Govind : let’s take it to 9k Uttam 🙂
10:25 Yash : Gov??? :O
10:25 Govind : Yash, it is just a joke and not a trade
10:25 Yash : I got it!
10:25 Uttam : 8540-60 zone to watch higher
10:25 Uttam : but we are in a C side
10:25 Uttam : so be careful with longs
10:25 Yash : I remeber yest FA
10:25 Uttam : 60k green at top
10:26 Uttam : no positions now
10:28 Ankit : yes uttam
10:28 Ankit : +1 for timely warning
10:31 Uttam : 8540 here
10:31 Kushal : UG
10:31 Kushal : 🙂
10:31 Kushal : 8600CE 76-106
10:32 Tejpreet : For bulls today – daar ke aagey jeet hai 🙂
10:32 Uttam : smallest IB range since 9th MArch so giving 3 IB today Tej ;-p
10:32 Ankit : wow +1 kushal
10:32 Kushal : yes TP lol
10:32 Kushal : thanks Ankit
10:34 Uttam : above 8560 new leg up could start
10:34 Tejpreet : yes Uttam 3ib possible .
10:34 Uttam : (09:10) Uttam : c) Above 8560, NF can probe higher to 8590-8616 / 8640-50 / 8673*-84 / 8720-51 & 8780-99
10:34 Uttam : 8799 is last target of that hypo & 8801 is 3 IB
10:34 Tejpreet : 🙂
10:34 Govind : +1
10:35 Vishnu : c has vol greater than b
10:35 Jitender : congrats guys
10:36 Ankit : that test of 8420 made everyone nervous
10:37 Uttam : NF took support right at the NeuX high of 8357
10:37 Uttam : that meant PLR as up
10:37 Suhas : +1 UG
10:37 Ankit : +1 UG
10:38 Uttam : (09:32) Uttam : 8357 is the Neutral EXtreme ref high(09:39) Uttam : 8377 forming HVN
10:39 Uttam : spot needs to sustai above 8520
10:39 Uttam : looks like waiting C to get over
10:39 Shai : 8477 is now the supp for this move up
10:39 Uttam : D mein dhamaka
10:40 Chetas : open tyoe is oair? OR otd
10:40 Uttam : OAIR
10:40 Shai : C is 45 plus today
10:40 Shai : so be careful of fading it
10:41 Chetas : OAIR? or open test drive?
10:41 Shai : it has acceptance
10:41 Uttam : yes Shai has been above IBH
10:41 Suhas : OAIR chetas
10:41 Boppanna : If D doesn’t get past 540-560 band to sustain for more upside else gets below 502 then that irregular shaped profile filling possible Uttam?
10:42 Uttam : BNF has been coiling Bops can expect a move away
10:42 Uttam : 19345 needs to be taken out
10:42 Uttam : easy move to 19550 there
10:43 Boppanna : ok thx
10:43 Kushal : UG as long as IBH is defended we look for longs with good COT right?
10:43 Uttam : a dip to vwap and defend there would be a better long Kushal
10:43 Uttam : or a dip to IBH
10:44 Kushal : +1 UG thnks
10:44 Suhas : 8520 spot protected…lets wait what d does
10:44 Uttam : C is done
10:44 Rajesh : c is 45 plus,,,,,,,,,,could not understand logic cheif?can u expl
10:44 Uttam : @Bops BNF needs to sustain above 19185
10:45 Uttam : 45 points Rajesh
10:45 Govind : entered 8700CE @ 41.5 and exited half at 86; holding rest
10:45 Uttam : C side ext we expect a small move
10:45 Rajesh : ok ok thnx
10:45 Kushal : +1 Gov..
10:46 Seshadri : even tough nifty futre went up from 8490 to 8540, 8300 put price didnt increase..
10:47 Uttam : biggest red COT of the day forming in NF
10:48 Uttam : VWAp coming?
10:48 Kushal : yes 70k
10:49 Uttam : -69k 😉
10:49 Vijay : lol
10:49 Seshadri : uttam 8453?
10:49 Vijay : Is Jit trading NF today?
10:49 Uttam : yes staying below 8505
10:50 Uttam : then vwap coming
10:50 Kushal : yes laziness crept in so ignored – 😀
10:50 Seshadri : ok
10:50 Suhas : shd get follow thru
10:50 Uttam : 25k green at 8505
10:50 Sachin : 8480 got diffended was the big volume candle at 10:23
10:51 Uttam : yes that was the IB also Sachin
10:51 Uttam : of that cadle
10:51 Uttam : candle
10:52 Sachin : right, wait for it break ibh
10:52 Uttam : already above IBH
10:52 Sachin : waiting for some vols
10:53 Sachin : coiling around 8500, also bnf is below vwap so waiting
10:53 Uttam : get spot above 8520 and vols could follow 🙂
10:55 Kushal : DIIs want a good upday on the last day of FY it seems
10:56 Uttam : Tej has already ordered for 3 IB Kushal
10:56 Kushal : then NF has to adhere to his wishes… 😀
10:56 Sachin : aaj? vix down to 66, premium kha raha he, aur range is lower
10:57 Uttam : you have good chance of getting 3 I when range is lower Sachin
10:57 Uttam : (10:32) Uttam : smallest IB range since 9th MArch so giving 3 IB today Tej ;-p
10:57 Vijay : what would be 3Ib level UG?
10:57 Uttam : 8801
10:57 Vijay : +1
10:57 Sachin : yes that is undersood
10:58 Uttam : (10:34) Uttam : 8799 is last target of that hypo & 8801 is 3 IB
10:58 Sachin : uttam, calculations pls
11:00 Sagar : Vvap coming looks like
11:07 Uttam : BNF weak
11:07 Ankit : 8600 pe 236 to 250
11:07 Uttam : going for a test of 18780 looks like
11:08 Kushal : +1 Ankit
11:08 Uttam : vwap test done in NF
11:08 Kushal : may be DowF in the green strongly can bring some vols
11:09 Uttam : -76k COT
11:09 Uttam : biggest of the day now
11:09 Uttam : 52500red at 8480
11:09 Uttam : 18870 sup in BNF below that 18780 coming
11:10 Ankit : even making DT is struggle
11:10 Pavan : Wht is DT?
11:10 Ankit : ek to 25% qty and options not moving clean
11:11 Chintan : exactly ankit
11:11 Ankit : daily target (mine is 1% of total capital in my trading account )
11:11 Suhas : tom is expiry 8300 and 8400 has good premiums to short
11:11 Uttam : 18820 so far – (11:07) Uttam : BNF weak(11:07) Uttam : going for a test of 18780 looks like
11:11 Pavan : ohh ok Thnx ankit
11:11 Ankit : welcome
11:14 Uttam : BNF leaving a FA?
11:17 Sagar : scalpers runnig the game looks like
11:18 Sagar : 2 dt done
11:18 Kushal : congo Sagar
11:19 Rajan : Congo Sagar
11:19 Chintan : +1 sagar
11:19 Ankit : +2 sagar
11:19 Ankit : for 2 DT
11:19 Sagar : Thanks guys
11:19 KK : So BNF Normal and NF 2 IB ?
11:19 Uttam : could give a DD uo both
11:20 Himanshu : c- hd – ve cot
11:20 Vishnu : 1.5 ib 8579 2 ib 8653 3 ib 8801
11:21 Boppanna : Uttam inside day and small range pls need to log off early lets have nice expiry move tomorrw 😉
11:21 KK : 8666 is the limit till we dont touch 7900 , right ?
11:22 KK : So 8653 ?
11:24 Himanshu : UG – DD means one dis here and second up or down?
11:27 Kushal : come on close one 5 minute candle above 8500 spot
11:30 Vishnu : will see some RE
11:34 Boppanna : Himanshu Uttam meant DD on the upside
11:34 Himanshu : ok thx bopp
11:34 Boppanna : we have morning A singles
11:35 Boppanna : still standing at the lows
11:36 Sachin : nifty 8500 straddle from 479 to 310 now, range pretty narrow, lots of premium being eaten
11:36 Jitender : +1
11:37 Jitender : made this obs on fryday (14:21) Shai : yes- (14:18) Jitender : mkt going into stage 2 of IPM Shai ?
11:38 Jitender : have squeezed max prem since mon open….has been fantastic
11:38 Sachin : ipm – initial pull back mode?
11:38 Sachin : after yesterday lesson, just sold straddles 1 lot for 8300,8400,8500,8600
11:38 Boppanna : nice Jit
11:39 Boppanna : congts
11:39 Uttam : DD time in 5 mins 😉
11:39 Jitender : Initial price movement Sachin…bal from imbal
11:39 Jitender : tx BoPs
11:39 Uttam : DD national also & Double Distribution also
11:39 Sachin : ah ok got it
11:39 Jitender : and this month ahd 11 off…so Sachin exp paid off 🙂
11:40 Sagar : 540 needs to go
11:40 Govind : RIL showing giddyup this period, up 1.5% this period alone
11:41 Uttam : BNF could lead from now
11:41 Uttam : needs to get above VWAP
11:42 Uttam : boom boom coming
11:42 Uttam : je baat
11:42 Uttam : 97k red in NF
11:42 Upendra : +1 UM
11:42 Vijay : +1 UG
11:42 Govind : 1L red
11:42 Uttam : aane do
11:43 Uttam : BNFffff
11:43 Uttam : Nifty spot above 8520
11:43 Yash null : UG we buy here , or we dont?
11:44 Uttam : (11:14) Uttam : BNF leaving a FA?(11:19) Uttam : could give a DD uo both
11:44 Kushal : going up on red COT..
11:44 Shai : proit booking
11:45 Shai : 8506 ref line still
11:45 Kushal : +1 Shai
11:45 Vishnu : ug pbl at 8455 happened in d ?
11:46 Uttam : lets get the RE in BNF now
11:46 Suresh : red cot + price Up = profit booking?
11:48 Uttam : 19185 needs to be taken out in BNF
11:48 Swapnil : Thank Uttam. recovered to 1 DT. done.
11:48 Swapnil : being ultra conservative with booking profits after not a good yesterday.
11:49 Uttam : congrats Swapnil
11:50 Uttam : (10:44) Uttam : @Bops BNF needs to sustain above 19185
11:50 Uttam : monir turbulence here for BNF but can take it out soon
11:51 Uttam : minor*
11:51 Uttam : VWAP is sup now
11:51 Uttam : 0s at 19040
11:52 Shai : (11:44) Shai : proit booking(11:46) Suresh : red cot + price Up = profit booking?
11:52 Shai : mometum lost again off that move from vwap
11:53 Shai : roughly 130K + cot came off the vwap rebound
11:53 Suresh : thanks shai
11:53 Uttam : (11:41) Uttam : BNF could lead from now
11:53 Shai : vwap+ IBH holding
11:53 Shai : stay biased up
11:53 Shai : no shorts
11:54 Shai : pre morning view and bias- 9:10 Shai : (09:08) Shai : 8377 ref linbe for the open today(09:08) Shai : 8242 second ref line(09:09) Shai : Ability to stay above 8377 can create an intra day bounce to 8643 again(09:09) Shai : sellers in control below 8377 again
11:54 Uttam : +1 Shai in the fall NF made a overlapping POC at 8377 before starting a new leg up
11:54 Jitender : +1 Shai
11:55 Ashwath : +1 Shai.
11:55 Tejpreet : +100 Shai
11:56 Vishnu : mean while shia 8465-8565 nf did and trailing
11:56 Suresh : @all ..+1 means.. you concur with the view?
11:57 Uttam : yes Suresh, totally agree & a sign of appreciation
11:57 Suresh : great. thanks
11:57 Uttam : 🙂 +1
11:57 Uttam : BNF ready?
11:58 Kushal : +1 Shai
11:59 Uttam : boom boom
12:00 Rajesh : uttam bnf sl
12:00 Suhas : 1dt done
12:00 Uttam : (11:51) Uttam : VWAP is sup now(11:51) Uttam : 0s at 19040
12:01 Shai : staying sidelines for now
12:01 Shai : early longs are booking
12:01 Uttam : BNF no red COT Shai?
12:02 Shai : the next 60 points are crucial not just for today but the next 300 to 600 points
12:02 Shai : 8600- 8670 mountain of supply
12:02 Vijay : BN 19500-275-315 and 8500 150-177
12:02 Uttam : congrats Vijay
12:03 Vijay : thanks a lot UG for the BNF ready indication
12:03 Shai : Yes Uttam
12:03 Rajan : Congo Vijay
12:03 Shai : icici, hdfc, kotak, sbi all up
12:03 Shai : RIl and hdfc for BN
12:03 Uttam : oh ok Shai, thanks
12:03 Shai : can make out it is the MF players in action
12:04 Vijay : thank you UG and Rajan
12:05 Uttam : 9 more mins hai BNF ke paas
12:06 Sagar : what is Vix now
12:06 Sagar : market is slow
12:06 Uttam : got above 19185 but got stalled at yVWAP – BNF
12:08 Uttam : 19225 showing RS in BNF
12:08 Uttam : can it be taken out
12:13 Himanshu : 66
12:13 Himanshu : Vix is dropping
12:13 Suhas : consistand minus COTT
12:13 Himanshu : today also call put buyers will losse money
12:14 Boppanna : Ok Uttam 550 go for it BNF please do the needful
12:14 Uttam : right in time – (12:05) Uttam : 9 more mins hai BNF ke paas
12:14 Uttam : 19345 first
12:15 Uttam : needs to stay above 19280
12:15 Sagar : 35 red at top
12:15 Uttam : boom boom
12:15 Boppanna : 19500CE 280-320 half out
12:15 Suresh : could be spike here?
12:16 Uttam : spike comes end of day Suresh
12:16 Suresh : okay
12:16 Sagar : can this move cross yestedays high
12:16 Uttam : FA confriemd in BNF at 18817
12:17 Sagar : 2 IB at 658 right ?
12:18 Suhas : BIG reds
12:18 Uttam : NF high so far 8617 – (09:10) Uttam : c) Above 8560, NF can probe higher to 8590-8616 / 8640-50 / 8673*-84 / 8720-51 & 8780-99
12:19 Uttam : BNF 19333
12:19 Uttam : 19335
12:19 Kushal : me to vix : aur kitna giroge
12:20 Sagar : @uttam 2ib possible ?
12:20 Uttam : 3 IB is our tgt Sagar 🙂
12:20 Sagar : Ohh 🙂
12:20 Yash : UG, what sud be next entry
12:21 Uttam : afternoon pull back if any
12:21 Rajesh : thanks for BNF UG
12:22 Uttam : _/\_ Rajesh
12:22 Yash : today am strugglig with entry and exit :s
12:23 Himanshu : again Yash follow 30 mt fro entry exit
12:24 Himanshu : and today option play was better
12:24 Himanshu : then F
12:24 Uttam : then all the more apt that you dont go for break out trades
12:24 Himanshu : as VIX dropping is dropping premium fast
12:24 Himanshu : 8300 PE
12:24 Himanshu : melting
12:24 Yash : option moves are good compared to yest
12:25 Suhas : any update from EU open?
12:25 Uttam : OF here is good enough for all updates Suhas 🙂
12:27 Uttam : 19200-185 sup in BNF now
12:27 Sagar : NF?
12:27 Suhas : +1 UG
12:27 Uttam : 8560
12:27 Sagar : ok
12:28 Uttam : 19000ce from 411 to 508 – TSL hit
12:29 Kushal : +1 UG
12:29 Boppanna : congts Uttam
12:29 Rajan : +100 Ug
12:29 Uttam : thanks guys 🙂 _/\_
12:29 Ashwath : @Uttam – Congrats
12:29 Suhas : CONGO
12:29 Sagar : Congo
12:30 KK : BNF VWAP tag ?
12:30 Jitender : grt Uttam +1
12:30 Uttam : thanks guys 🙂 _/\_
12:31 Uttam : making up a bit for lack of ofcus yesterday in the first half 🙁
12:32 Sachin : don’t kid us UG, eagles do not lose focus 😉
12:33 Uttam : no Sachin yesterday did not read the OF well in the first half
12:33 Uttam : in the evening could make it out so well
12:33 Sachin : ok sir
12:33 Uttam : 🙂 _/\_
12:34 Sachin : as you said today dd
12:34 MJ : nibbling 18k pe 🙂
12:34 MJ : 180 to 100
12:35 Uttam : BNF did not give a DD though FA is confirmed
12:35 Rajesh : DD? UG
12:35 Uttam : Double Distrubition
12:35 Rajesh : OK
12:36 Vijay : Bops hammer will do that UG
12:36 Uttam : 19680 in BNF if our hammer man comes to the party today
12:39 Ashwath : @ Uttam – if that happens aap ke muh mein ghee shakkar..
12:39 Rajan : nahi bhi hoga toh bhi UG
12:40 Uttam : lol ghar per baithe baither waise hi weigth badh hi raha hai, aur mat badhao please 😉
12:40 Ashwath : 😉
12:41 Abhishek Lalwani : @shai as u mentioned 8660is supply zone and its also the last week close in march till now nifty has not closed above the prev week close so 8660 is very imp
12:42 Uttam : yes Abhishek & we have a FA at 8640 yesterday
12:43 Uttam : so we would need a close above it on daily to imply that the supply is being absrobed
12:44 Uttam : Hammer man ready?
12:44 Sagar : 605 needs totaken out
12:44 Yash : UG, upside coming?
12:47 Rajesh : UG bnf has very low volume in this 30mnts
12:47 Uttam : just started now Rajesh
12:47 Abhishek Lalwani : yes uttam
12:47 Uttam : 3mins
12:47 Rajesh : ok
12:52 KK : BNf 11K red
12:52 Yash : UG, 0d at DHI?
12:52 Yash : 0s*
12:53 Boppanna : H failing to get past G so far
12:53 Boppanna : BNF
12:53 Uttam : hammer man did not bring his weapon today?
12:53 Uttam : @Yash you need to have 2-3 rows of 0s on both sides
12:53 Uttam : not just a single one
12:54 Shai : A few more reds brings this down to 8558 again
12:54 Shai : below 8550 shorts break the door open for vwap
12:54 Boppanna : got stopped in that 19500ce on rentry Uttam 🙁
12:54 KK : BNF will do that work
12:55 Uttam : same here Bops 19200 hit SL of 40 odd points
12:59 Himanshu : last 2 cot -ve by 180K asnd this one so far -ve
12:59 Himanshu : sorry po- ve by 5K only
12:59 Sagar : @SHai 640 possible
13:00 KK : BNF says to NF..tumse ho na paaya aur ab yeh aalam hai ..
13:00 Jitender : wah wah
13:01 Vijay : good one kk
13:04 Shai : 8558 coming – (12:54) Shai : A few more reds brings this down to 8558 again
13:05 Ankit : fingers crossed
13:08 Suhas : CHILL…its coming
13:08 Tejpreet : Timely alert Chef +1
13:08 Ankit : ofcourse!
13:08 Tejpreet : chief
13:08 Suhas : below 558 what to look shai
13:09 Ankit : 8600 PE 165 to 181
13:09 Ashwath : @Shai – +1
13:09 Shai : vwap below that number
13:09 Shai : 8625 TSL from here
13:09 Shai : can short below 8555
13:11 Seshadri : sold
13:11 Ankit : 8600 pe 177 tp 189 again
13:11 Vijay : Congo Ankit
13:11 Tejpreet : 606 to 558 …quick ones.
13:12 Ankit : thx vijay
13:12 Vijay : Congo Tej
13:12 Ankit : +1 tej
13:12 Shai : part book porders keep at 8531 bal at 8505 if short
13:13 Uttam : 8600pe from 175 to 185
13:13 Ankit : +1 uttam
13:15 Seshadri : bank nifty vwap 19099
13:15 Seshadri : we go below bank nifty vwap
13:16 Uttam : 8500 test coming in NF?
13:16 Sagar : cot _ve
13:16 Sagar : +ve
13:17 Uttam : that 50k red exiting looks like?
13:17 Suhas : yes UG
13:18 Suhas : 540 spot is important
13:18 Tejpreet : tks guys.
13:19 Uttam : BNF forming such a nice bell so far
13:19 Uttam : colying to Bops demand of an inside day & narrow range 😉
13:19 Uttam : complying*
13:20 Sagar : 500 comig ?
13:20 Suhas : +1 ug
13:21 Ashwath : @Uttam – hope that bell rings tomorrow louder. 🙂
13:21 Uttam : you need to get in touch with Bops Aswath- it is his demand 🙂
13:22 Jitender : (09:52) Jitender : OAIR
13:23 Ashwath : 🙂
13:23 Ankit : +1 jit
13:24 Boppanna : Uttam u got me excited with the D FA that I didnt log off and rooted for 550 🙂
13:24 Boppanna : BNF
13:26 Shai : looking for the break below 8555
13:26 Uttam : 🙂 yes Bops but that 19345 did not give gate pass
13:26 Suhas : UG want a red hammer noww
13:29 Sagar : 640 cming ?
13:31 Yash : someone pls push the padle :s
13:34 Ankit : bias is down
13:34 Shai : sellrs another opp here
13:35 Shai : have to do it in 5 mins
13:35 Shai : sl still 8625
13:38 Seshadri : bank nifty cot in 5min is red
13:38 Shai : NF is not 🙁
13:38 KK : Ab yeh 8K stuck ?
13:38 Seshadri : 🙁
13:39 Seshadri : stuck in range
13:40 Chetas : can nifty breakout on higher side?
13:40 Chetas : or the odds to downside more?
13:41 Shai : we are working with this supply guys – (12:02) Shai : 8600- 8670 mountain of supply
13:42 Sandesh : +1
13:42 Suhas : dressed up for fall… needs a push frm the cliff
13:42 Shai : (12:01) Shai : early longs are booking
13:42 Shai : up auction moved to the supply and is done- (11:53) Shai : vwap+ IBH holding(11:53) Shai : stay biased up
13:42 Shai : we aere biased up till suplly – (11:53) Shai : stay biased up(11:53) Shai : no shorts
13:43 Shai : why is there so much confusion?
13:43 Suhas : ok chief
13:44 MJ : Shai lots of algos on 30 min today?
13:45 Yash : is that so that bears are letting DII play for NAV ? so tomo DII is exhausted and they can resume?
13:45 Shai : fund play
13:46 Kushal : all the heavyweights are above 2% in Banknifty still the index is not up by 2%!!
13:46 Rajiv : Shai should we be out of shorts
13:46 Vijay : Indusind playing spoil sport
13:47 Abhishek Lalwani : yes
13:47 Shai : sl is 8625 for aggressive shorts
13:47 Shai : everyone else comes below 8555
13:47 Kushal : yes Vijay.. down 15%
13:49 Yash : UG, today nifty profie is DD?
13:50 Sanjib : sl hit
13:50 KK : Bnf ud chala
13:50 Shai : shorst outr
13:51 Vijay : 8500 160-200
13:51 Shai : that bkilled shorts
13:51 Govind : above PDH too
13:51 Govind : the FA from y’day
13:51 KK : whats the target in BNF ?
13:51 Sachin : super trade boss, 110 to 140 on 8600 ce, thanks shai
13:51 Vishnu : fa point revisted
13:52 Vishnu : fa negated
13:52 Shai : not yet
13:52 Shai : 8640
13:53 Vishnu : 8649 high shai
13:53 Vishnu : or else need to close ?
13:53 Shai : 70 k seller there
13:53 Vishnu : ok sharp eye
13:54 Tejpreet : NAV prop up time till 2.30 pm ?
13:59 Shai : buyers prevailing
14:00 Rajan : Yes every level
14:01 Shai : FA taken out
14:02 Tejpreet : 2IB done NF …Now foe Uttam’s 3ib.
14:02 Yash : more upside above 8640?
14:03 Kushal : vix is taken to the cleaners
14:07 KK : Ab NF BNF se bolega..tumse ho na paaya..:)
14:08 Rajan : the bias for next few days is up??
14:08 Shai : neutral here
14:09 Jitender : ys
14:09 Shai : 8686 to watch for signs of big big buyers
14:09 Kiran : need some blue fuel to take off … but looks like short circuit happening looking at those reds
14:09 Vishnu : vix killed the option move shai
14:09 Vishnu : 65 below
14:10 Rajan : Thanks Shai
14:10 Ankit : this zone is so crucial
14:10 Ankit : scratched 8400 ce
14:11 Ankit : but being wary of long trades
14:11 Shai : short failed at 8555 on intra
14:11 Shai : from positional point of view we are neutral now
14:12 Shai : FA is cancelled
14:12 Ankit : okay chief
14:18 Chintan : bnf below vwap day low likely shai ?
14:19 Shai : No
14:19 Shai : BNF is welel balanced
14:19 Vishnu : bnf nice bell foming shai
14:19 Shai : could finish here
14:19 Chintan : ok
14:20 Chintan : 🙂
14:20 Vishnu : thanks shai for vix targetting . selling options given good money shai
14:21 Vishnu : 8600 combo weekly almost 350+ given
14:21 Sachin : short vishnu?
14:22 Vishnu : yes from yesterday
14:23 Vishnu : 609 275 in call and 332 in pe done yesterday morning around 11 to day still holds half
14:29 Sachin : congo brother
14:30 Seshadri : nifty is unstoppable
14:30 Sachin : big red COT, is this booking?
14:32 Shai : yes it’s an RS
14:32 Rajiv : Is there a cut of time for NAV calculation on 31/3
14:32 Yash : can tomo be the big day?
14:32 Swapnil : no Rajiv, end of day prices
14:32 Shai : prem back to 34
14:33 Shai : was 0 at 8370 at open
14:33 Shai : long abv 8695 for 8750
14:34 Govind : APR 8600CE from 620 to 660
14:34 Shai : sl of 8660
14:35 Ankit : congo govind
14:36 Suhas : congo guys
14:36 Suhas : +1 Shai
14:37 Govind : thanks guys
14:37 Suhas : 70k red
14:37 Tejpreet : Uttam your numbers till 780-99 , do we need additional hypos 🙂 I am done for the day .
14:38 Boppanna : Congts Tej
14:38 Boppanna : +1 Goc
14:38 Boppanna : *Govind
14:39 Govind : thanks Bops
14:39 Tejpreet : bops almost 90 trades and had held on to morning monthly 8500 ce around 590 would have made the same without doing anything.
14:39 Jitender : 90 Tej
14:39 Jitender : congo fr the green
14:39 Jitender : just 8 here
14:40 Govind : Wow, Congo Tej
14:40 Sachin : 90 in a day, i can get to 5
14:40 Shai : Awesome Tej 90
14:40 Sachin : congrats 😉
14:40 Tejpreet : tks Jit but was not needed today … imean not worth the dt made …just around 2.
14:41 Tejpreet : tks Shai and VT team.
14:41 Ankit : omg
14:41 Ankit : 90
14:41 Ankit : i did 25 yesterday
14:41 Chintan : OMG 1 trade per 4 min. …. Algo
14:41 Ankit : and was crsing myself
14:41 Chintan : lol
14:41 Suhas : haighest roller coster day it seems….
14:41 Tejpreet : Ankit under normal vix 100 plus is the norm.
14:41 Jitender : 🙂
14:41 Ankit : how to you manage brokerage and STT?
14:42 Jitender : bhai log hez Tej aka flash
14:42 Tejpreet : don’t consider it , brokerage is fixed so no worries
14:42 Suhas : this market is rare …isnt it Shai?
14:42 Shai : vix 63
14:42 Ankit : but still STT would kill nahi?
14:42 Tejpreet : i think options break even is around 1.8 points
14:43 Govind : Better to use options if you are trading a lot of trades
14:43 Jitender : Ankit…its suits his way of trading…as i should be personality based
14:43 Sachin : are you a full time trade Tej?
14:43 Tejpreet : so even if you make above 5points in nifty options is worth it.
14:43 Govind : Yes Tej, around that…futures will need around 8 points
14:43 Ankit : i agree jit
14:43 Tejpreet : Yes Sachin
14:43 Ankit : but i am trying to wrap my head around it out of curiosity
14:44 Ankit : 1.8* 90 = 162 points for break even in NF
14:44 Jitender : u shld see his blue book Ankit…2 vols of just gf names….speed u c 🙂
14:44 Sachin : oh super… congrats then, keep the fight on
14:44 Govind : haha, blue book…Luv book
14:44 Ankit : hehe ok
14:45 Jitender : is red…tis is deeper
14:45 Ankit : even with Fit i cant be profitable with 162 option prem points to break even
14:45 Govind : alright, I stand corrected 🙂
14:45 Ankit : 🙂
14:45 Vishnu : only 3 trades from me intra
14:45 Tejpreet : Ankit the drawback is when you realize that you booked for 12 points 5-6 times and the trade without doing anyting would have given you 150 🙂
14:45 Ankit : i agree tej
14:45 Sachin : uttam boss, spike expectations? nifty rotation between 8680 and 8705
14:45 Ankit : i am more or less of same category
14:46 Ankit : booking small profits to DT that doing DT in a trade or two
14:46 Sachin : COT is not showing major +ve
14:46 Tejpreet : chalo let’s do that 750 and then Uttam’s 3ib.
14:46 Ankit : FOMO ko dil se nikal diya hai maine hehe
14:46 Tejpreet : then you have nothing to loose Ankit +1
14:46 MJ : 3ib TP Uttam. Please.
14:46 Ankit : 🙂
14:47 Govind : You need that one big winner, this style of traders look for ratio of avg win/loss rather than % of profitable trades Ankit
14:47 Tejpreet : MJ Uttam needs to alert the bot .
14:48 Ankit : yes govind.
14:48 Suhas : reds jumping guys
14:51 Tejpreet : Govind if you folllow price as well as time SL , ie if the trade doesn’t move in your favour in say 5 min you exit ….you can have 50 % win rate 25% beven and 25% SL …so even 1;1 RR is worth it . Just a theory .
14:51 Uttam : wassup guys 🙂
14:51 Tejpreet : 3IB man is back
14:51 Himanshu : Tej =1
14:52 Himanshu : tej +100
14:52 Himanshu : 5 minute rule
14:52 Yash : 8796 is 3ib?
14:52 Uttam : 8801
14:52 Govind : Yes Tej, I put on a lot of trades as well.
14:53 Tejpreet : Guys just test what suits your personality ….if you getting green mtm just keep on doing it.
14:53 Uttam : Bops why did you stop BNF at 19500?
14:53 MJ : 27th march vwap will also do if not 3ib
14:53 Govind : Following SL is paramount, to state the obvious
14:53 Uttam : taking sup at 8673 is imp in NF
14:53 Uttam : comp POC
14:53 Jitender : tv started on 10-2 timing fr mkts now
14:53 Uttam : boom boom could come here into the close
14:53 Govind : Cool UG
14:54 Tejpreet : See MJ , Uttam doing it.
14:54 MJ : 🙂
14:54 Govind : he’s got a hotline to the floor
14:54 Uttam : yes VT floor
14:54 Uttam : it all happens here 🙂
14:54 Govind : 🙂
14:55 Sachin : my wife will se acha he, 2 pm khatam hua, wash the vessels
14:55 Yash : bulls tired?
14:55 Uttam : lol Sachin
14:56 Suhas : 🙂
14:56 Ashwath : @Sachin – ghar ghar ki kahani
14:56 Uttam : 8670 sup in NF
14:56 Uttam : 19345 in BNF
14:56 Uttam : lets see if Jit has any 3:05 move today
14:57 Sachin : i am waiting for my maids to come back now, i will stand with aarti ke thali 😉
14:57 Uttam : intersting Sachin you have so many maids ;-p
14:57 Ashwath : 🙂
14:57 Govind : 🙂
14:57 Sachin : all of us work na, so koi to kaam karega, otherwise i will have to become home maker + trader
14:58 Uttam : +1 was kidding
14:58 Sachin : 🙂
14:58 Uttam : overlapping POC in BNF at 19120
14:59 Uttam : if not spiking into the close, can end around that
15:00 Uttam : monthly profile close too today in spot so closing around the montly POC in Nifty looks like’
15:00 Uttam : 8624
15:00 Sachin : below 8662, we go straight there?
15:01 Uttam : spot we are at 8636 Sachin
15:01 Sachin : gotcha
15:01 Tejpreet : What’s the vwap for march month ?
15:01 Uttam : 9238 i think
15:01 Tejpreet : ok itght 8900 odd
15:02 Uttam : nope 9238
15:02 Tejpreet : tks
15:02 Swapnil : Shai – SL hit at 8660
15:02 Uttam : these monthly levels mentioned in the daily report guys
15:02 Uttam : booking
15:02 Uttam : reds galore
15:03 Uttam : BNF still forming that inside bar & nice bell
15:03 Uttam : Bops what is for tom
15:05 Rajan : @Shai – series of big reds…are long booking completly and does it give any view
15:05 Rajan : that too at the end of session
15:06 Govind : NF 8688 to 8620, done for the day
15:06 Govind : was targeting PDH but got below it
15:06 Rajesh : +100 ug
15:06 Sachin : congrats gov, did not trade but i realized open = high on 255 candle at 8708 should have traded… missed
15:07 Boppanna : Open Drive Uttam
15:07 Shai : Yes late longs all taken out
15:07 Shai : suggestion is to go into some ITM or ATM puts for tom
15:07 Govind : thanks Sachin
15:07 Rajan : Should we carry some puts??
15:08 Yash : if we close below, 8640, FA on or over?
15:08 Shai : I’ve picked up 8800 puts at 255
15:08 Yash : +1 shai, was observing that one!
15:09 Sachin : shai, call for this week, tomorrow as thursday holiday sir?
15:09 Govind : I’ve taken monthly puts
15:09 Suhas : brokers are part of game guys keep nrml orders…..MIS getting sq off 3pm …major moves happening later 3pm
15:09 Uttam : 19125 BNF – (14:58) Uttam : overlapping POC in BNF at 19120(14:59) Uttam : if not spiking into the close, can end around that
15:10 Shai : 01st april
15:10 Shai : can go monthly also
15:10 Boppanna : +1 Uttam rode that 19200pe below that IBH
15:10 Uttam : super Bops +1
15:11 Govind : Nice one Bops
15:11 Jitender : +1 BoPs
15:11 Shai : Apr 2 is a holiday
15:11 Uttam : yes
15:11 Shai : And april 6also a holiday
15:11 Uttam : Monday also off
15:11 Shai : so in monthly you are expecting a mkove either tom or friday
15:11 Tejpreet : 2,6,10,14 I guess
15:12 Shai : hence suggestion is deep ITM
15:13 Shai : that red which was wanted at 8555 finally came at 8700
15:14 Uttam : -1 L red COT on 5mins there too Shai?
15:14 Shai : yes
15:16 Uttam : cool
15:16 Shai : 8550 close?
15:19 Sagar : shoud we buy some puts ?
15:21 Shai : yes have suggested
15:21 Shai : scroll up
15:21 Sagar : ok
15:21 Shai : (15:07) Shai : suggestion is to go into some ITM or ATM puts for tom
15:21 Tejpreet : tmrws 8k put at 24 with spot 8569 .
15:22 Suhas : +1 Shai
15:22 Suhas : expecting gap dowm tom
15:23 Suhas : +1 Tej..acarrying small qnty
15:23 Tejpreet : 8k is not worth carrying …if you bought atm/itm can sell that 8k o reduce cost.
15:23 Shai : yes
15:24 Suhas : +1
15:24 Suhas : hedged pos
15:25 Tejpreet : yes like buy 2 lots 85k at 106 and sell 3 lots 8k at 23 .
15:25 Suhas : mine is lill diff bt agree with u …:)
15:26 Suhas : Thanx Tej
15:26 Tejpreet : wc
15:27 Tejpreet : Looks like not one blue cot from yesterday left all booked out .
15:27 Vishnu : shai monthly 8500 pe is good na
15:28 Shai : short by 33 – (15:16) Shai : 8550 close?
15:28 Shai : but they cam eback from the brink
15:28 Ashwath : @Uttam – If I want to access chat history , will it be avilable somewhere?
15:29 Shai : Bye all
15:29 Tejpreet : what a change Shai from 750 to almost your 555 +1
15:29 Shai : Have a nice eveniing
15:29 Tejpreet : Bye All.
15:29 Amit : bye all thanks
15:29 Rajan : Bye all
15:29 Suresh : bye everyone. thanks
15:29 Santhosh : tnx bye
15:29 Suhas : have good time Shai:)
15:29 Uttam : 30mon OF post everyday has the Room Chat – (15:28) Ashwath : @Uttam – If I want to access chat history , will it be avilable somewhere?
15:29 Govind : bye guys
15:29 Sagar : puts are already in good prioftis hope for gap down tomr
15:29 Suhas : bye all
15:29 Rajan : Ashwath – chat history is there in 30 mins charts page
15:29 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:29 Avinash : Bye Everyone
15:29 Himanshu : bye all
15:29 Ravi : Thanks all, bue for day
15:29 Ravi : bye
15:30 Ashwath : @Uttam – Thanks.
15:30 Uttam : 🙂 +1
15:30 Ashwath : Thank you guys.. ba bye