Many traders are used to viewing volume as a histogram beneath a price chart. This approach shows the amount of volume traded below the price Bar. The Order Flow approach is to see the Volume traded inside or within the price bar, an important distinction.
Order Flow trading is thinking about what order market participants do and when you think along this, you can anticipate what kind of action they will be taking in the market. This is a very important concept in Order Flow.
Room Chat
8:49 Vtrender Live : (08:48) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts –
08:51 Shai : (08:50) Shai :
08:51 Shai : (08:48) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts –
09:24 Shai :
09:24 Shai : (09:24) Shai : Intra – short BNF 30365 sl of 30477 tgt 30260/ 30144
09:27 Shai : (09:27) Shai : BNF 30305. Book half here and ride at cost some
09:29 Shai : (09:29) Shai : Book BNF
09:42 Shai : (09:42) Shai : Intra – Buy BNF 30400 sl of 30280 tgt 30575
09:49 Shai : (09:49) Shai : BNF at 30460. Bring sl to cost 30400
09:54 Shai : (09:53) Shai : Book the BNF
10:27 Shai : (10:27) Shai : Intra- Buy BNf again 30475 sl of 20375 tgt 30590/ 30675
11:08 Shai : Please login at the Webinato link every morning before 9.00 am
11:08 Shai : (11:07) Shai : Exit the BNF longs at 30455 cmp
11:47 Shai : (11:46) Shai : Buy 30400 call at 213- 215 sl of 170 tgt 276
12:44 Shai : (12:44) Shai : 30400 call stopped
(12:44) Shai : make exits
13:35 Shai : (13:35) Shai : Intra – Buy BNF 30230 sl of 30125 tgt 30390
14:18 Shai : (14:18) Shai : Book fully BNF 30275- 85
08:48 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts –
08:50 Shai : GM all
08:50 Shai :
08:53 Chandrashekhar : GM all
09:00 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:05 Shai : 11980- 11985 is again ref line for the open
09:05 Shai : 30477- 30277 the zone of trade late yesterday
09:06 Shai : break either shpoukld give a trending move again
09:06 Shai : 11920 support lower but any higher greens abv 11985 can push this to 12030/ 12050 again
09:07 Shai : BNF 30675 doable again abv 30477
09:14 Shai : 30477 first ticks
09:18 Boppanna : Gm all
09:18 Manish : sir what was the ref @30477? i can see yest VWAP @30468. what was @30477?
09:19 Shai : old seller
09:24 Shai : Intra – short BNF 30365 sl of 30477 tgt 30260/ 30144
09:24 Shai : 11945 expected as per plan of yesterday
09:26 Shai : remember 11380 ref levels yesterday
09:26 Boppanna : Lets get to that Uttam’s FA tgt in BNF
09:27 Shai : BNF 30305. Book half here and ride at cost some
09:28 Boppanna : 280 still a hurdle looks like ?09:26 Boppanna : Lets get to that Uttam’s FA tgt in BNF
09:29 Shai : Book BNF
09:33 Shai : old buyer at 20280 making a stand
09:33 Shai : may bounce to 30415
09:33 Uttam : could be taken out here looks like
09:34 Uttam : 16k green right there at 30290
09:35 Shai : 30381- (09:33) Shai : may bounce to 30415
09:35 Boppanna : +1 Shai ..09:28 Boppanna : 280 still a hurdle looks like ?09:26 Boppanna : Lets get to that Uttam’s FA tgt in BNF
09:36 Shai : felt the early sellers would break it but the OF wasnot showing intent clean
09:36 Shai : hence exited
09:37 Shai : -1200/ 3500/ 14680 COT is not what you want to see to break a major supp
09:37 Boppanna : 477 again looks like above 410?
09:38 Uttam : big move can come today in BNF
09:38 Shai : yes bracket remains
09:39 Shai : Orderflow rules – (09:33) Shai : may bounce to 30415
09:40 Boppanna : +100
09:40 Chandrashekhar : 36 K green above vwap for Nifty…
09:42 Shai : Intra – Buy BNF 30400 sl of 30280 tgt 30575
09:42 Uttam : 30300ce needs to get abv 321
09:42 Shai : There is no supply
09:42 Shai : they may push this higher
09:45 Uttam : 319 so far (09:42) Uttam : 30300ce needs to get abv 321
09:45 Prakash : issue with 5min chart
09:46 Shai : still no supply
09:46 Shai : rtake out 30475 amd partyy on
09:47 Uttam : +1 Shai
09:47 Boppanna : All dependent on Bugger B will u push past 09:05 Shai : 30477- 30277 the zone of trade late yesterday 09:37 Boppanna : 477 again looks like above 410?
09:48 Uttam : 320.35 new high in that ce
09:48 MJ : Hi chief, and the room.
09:49 MJ : Super morning trade that one.
09:49 Shai : BNF at 30460. Bring sl to cost 30400
09:53 Shai : Book the BNF
09:54 Shai : RB it is
09:54 Shai : Range bound
09:55 Shai : stop will have to be maintianbed at 30330 to get ahead of that breakout
09:55 Shai : prefer to trade in between than do that
09:59 KK : its 2 way..bnf 935- 985
10:00 KK : Better to take trades near those with small SL
10:00 MJ : +1
10:02 Azmath : coffee day
10:03 Boppanna : +1 ..On watclist if we break on upside 09:42 Uttam : 30300ce needs to get abv 321
10:13 Uttam : 28k red in BNF
10:13 Uttam : at 30485
10:14 Uttam : can he be taken out?
10:18 Boppanna : Push came 10:03 Boppanna : +1 ..On watclist if we break on upside 09:42 Uttam : 30300ce needs to get abv 321
10:18 Boppanna : Shai refresh needed BNF 5 min?
10:19 Jitender : trump gvs invitation to chinese leader to come to usa fr signing of trade ph 1 deal
10:20 Jitender : C extn
10:21 Boppanna : 33K green BNF at the top the decider
10:22 Uttam : that 28k seller seems to have changed his mind?
10:22 Uttam : we have a 36k red in that bar Bops
10:22 Uttam : refresh please Shai
10:23 KK : NF not breaking range
10:23 Boppanna : Yes Uttam
10:25 Uttam : 30540 coming?
10:25 Jitender : no..33k is a diff retail…(10:22) Uttam : that 28k seller seems to have changed his mind?
10:26 Uttam : +1 Jit
10:26 Jitender : 28k n reds is dip PB
10:26 Uttam : had missed that 36k red also
10:26 Jitender : interatn action
10:26 Jitender : interestn
10:27 Shai : Intra- Buy BNf again 30475 sl of 20375 tgt 30590/ 30675
10:28 Boppanna : Can we fast forward to D 🙂
10:29 Shai : no
10:29 Shai : imp zone this 30475
10:29 Shai : has lot of prev volume
10:30 Shai : let it auction
10:32 Uttam : NF has same IB as yesterday
10:33 Uttam : 46 point range
10:33 Uttam : 11996-11950
10:33 Boppanna : that guy is not there after refresh 10:21 Boppanna : 33K green BNF at the top the decider
10:41 Jitender : 30.3ce 325-285, sum left…tx 2 UG
10:42 Uttam : congo Jit 🙂
10:42 Jitender : tx
10:43 Uttam : while the world waits for a break out, you already take your chunk & get out 🙂
10:43 Boppanna : Nice one Jit ..nice exit too that 285 looks like a decider on that too
10:43 Boppanna : D here
10:44 Jitender : tx BoPs
10:44 Jitender : wait till 11.30
10:45 Jitender : 460-380-330 supp
10:45 Jitender : low vols
10:45 Rajiv : JIT is ur bais for the downside
10:45 Jitender : nope
10:46 Jitender : rangebound so far
10:46 Rajiv : tipping point?
10:46 Uttam : spot getting ready for 12k?
10:46 Jitender : 285-510 range
10:47 Jitender : so far
10:47 Uttam : needs to get above 11960 spot
10:53 Rajiv : Thanks
10:53 Manish : are we heading 30280 again?
10:55 Boppanna : If we get below 390 yes IMO Manish
10:56 Manish : I feel it could be fast going ahead
10:57 Boppanna : I too have that feeling and thats the position speaking most of the times 🙂
10:57 Manish : hahaha
10:58 Uttam : lol now we know who all are short in the room 😉
10:58 Manish : thats new learning for me today. thanks bops
11:01 Boppanna : Thats a big learning if you can manage to give time to ur trades without wanting the trade to move at a break neck speed in ur desired direction then than would help in eliminating some bad exits.
11:02 Manish : +1
11:03 Boppanna : And most of the time its due to position sizing not being manged well
11:04 Manish : absolutely
11:04 Jitender : n SL point n thought gvn to it
11:04 Manish : already in system Jit
11:05 Jitender : +1
11:07 Shai : Exit the BNF longs at 30455 cmp
11:08 Manish : what is vwupb?
11:08 Uttam : upper vwap band
11:08 Shai : could be headed to retest 30380
11:16 Azmath : 0:02 Azmath : coffee day.. till now same,
11:21 Boppanna : +1
11:22 Jitender : irish coffee Azmath 🙂
11:23 Nikhil Chawale : hello
11:25 Harsha : Hi all
11:25 MJ : AZ: LR?
11:26 Azmath : 930 spot
11:26 Azmath : yes Jit
11:26 MJ : Thanks.
11:28 Shai : I think with a good stop at 30320 this has legs for 30675 still
11:28 Shai : later noon
11:29 Shai : 30280 bugger is solid and showed up at the open today also
11:29 Shai : hope you guys remember the 30280 from yesterday
11:29 Prajwal null : shai these kind of low vol days will trend later no??
11:30 Shai : very late
11:30 Shai : or a spike
11:30 Prajwal null : thanks
11:30 Shai : NF is badly coiled- opp still in BNF
11:32 Prajwal null : double distribution day later if trendind spike means normal variation
11:34 MJ : 10k reds at 30400.
11:36 Uttam : 18k red stuck at 30380?
11:36 MJ : 18360 reds vs and 10120 green too at 380 400 zone.
11:36 Uttam : DD coming?
11:36 Uttam : another FA at top it would confirm in BNF
11:43 MJ : Entered small at 380 (11:28) Shai : I think with a good stop at 30320 this has legs for 30675 still
11:44 Boppanna : Again bingo 10:44 Jitender : wait till 11.30
11:44 Jitender : +1
11:45 Manish : 30.5ce from 160 to 129 closed
11:46 Jitender : congrats
11:46 Manish : 30.6*
11:46 Shai : Buy 30400 call at 213- 215 sl of 170 tgt 276
11:55 KK null : buuy at 940 ?
11:55 Shai : 11962 you get sl of 11939
11:59 MJ : 11939.xx
11:59 MJ : Wow 🙂
11:59 Uttam : 19k buyer there
12:00 Uttam : BNF has a 15k red stuck at los
12:00 MJ : Someone from the room. 😉
12:00 Shai : imp zone 11939
12:00 Jitender : n 368 bnf
12:00 Shai : would see 0’s to 11920 if brokem
12:01 Uttam : +1
12:01 Uttam : DD then
12:01 Uttam : 😉
12:01 Uttam : 15 more mins
12:05 Jitender : (10:45) Jitender : 460-380-330 supp
12:06 Jitender : vols pickn
12:06 Shai : ythis 15k seller in bnf may get stuck
12:07 Boppanna : Out ..Clean 40 on that once that 285 broke on that 30300ce 10:43 Boppanna : Nice one Jit ..nice exit too that 285 looks like a decider on that too
12:07 Jitender : congo bro
12:07 MJ : 49k reds at pdl in nf too.
12:08 Jitender : had cvrd bal at 245 (10:41) Jitender : 30.3ce 325-285, sum left…tx 2 UG
12:08 Uttam : congrats Bops & Jit 🙂
12:09 Jitender : tx
12:09 Jitender : (12:00) Jitender : n 368 bnf
12:10 Uttam : (11:36) Uttam : DD coming?(11:36) Uttam : another FA at top it would confirm in BNF
12:10 Uttam : BNf has 50 more points to do
12:12 Boppanna : Range played fell 10:55 Boppanna : If we get below 390 yes IMO Manish10:53 Manish : are we heading 30280 again?
12:12 Boppanna : *well
12:12 Uttam : 12 more BNF needs to break below IBL
12:16 MJ : back to back reds on 5 min? Or refresh needed.
12:17 Shai : 11920 slo for a boucne to 11952/ 11960
12:17 MJ : One is gone. post refresh.
12:23 Shai : repeated test now of the old buyers in BNF
12:24 Shai : 30400 –
12:24 Shai : hope everyone here has these MP charts?
12:28 Chetas : it says username password dont match
12:28 Chetas : the baove link
12:28 Harsha : yes same issue
12:29 Shai : finally over again after much struggle- (12:00) Shai : imp zone 11939
12:29 Shai : 30380- 400 now upper supply BNF
12:29 Shai : use the password
12:30 Shai : but first regsiter
12:30 Harsha : ok
12:31 Uttam : simple email registration one needs to do to access MP Lite
12:34 Shai : scratch longs in NF cost here
12:37 Uttam : 11895 coming?
12:40 Shai : poissible
12:40 Uttam : 1 atr from yesterdays FA
12:41 KK null : 30400 call 170 not breaking
12:41 Shai : it’s a nPOC
12:42 Shai : 11910- 11925 zone is also filled with buyers
12:42 Uttam : 31st Oct
12:43 Rajiv : Shai the 30400 CE long is active still right?
12:43 Uttam : spot 11884-881 imp zone
12:44 Uttam : if that goes can test 11820
12:44 Shai : 30400 call stopped
12:44 Shai : make exits
12:44 Uttam : 90k in BNF
12:45 Boppanna : Hello 90K
12:46 Shai : it’s not
12:46 Shai : sl orders
12:50 Uttam : BNF going for 30175-160?
12:51 Jitender : touched n down 🙂 (12:09) Jitender : (12:00) Jitender : n 368 bnf
12:51 Jitender : 30260-270 pivot now
12:53 Boppanna : +1 12:50 Uttam : BNF going for 30175-160?
12:54 MJ : End of auction in nf @Shai? 0’s below that 94k.
12:54 MJ : bnf**
12:54 Shai : boucne environ is there
12:54 MJ : Okay.
12:54 Shai : but boucne is not coming yet through
12:54 Shai : will wait
12:55 Shai : tat 94cot is some cash basket buyer
12:55 Shai : or a hedge
12:56 Shai : to 11975-80- (12:54) Shai : boucne environ is there
12:56 Shai : waiting for triggers
13:10 MJ : Nice one AZ ++ (11:25) MJ : AZ: LR?(11:26) Azmath : 930 spot
13:12 Jitender : all =ve cot gone
13:12 Jitender : -ve
13:12 Jitender : bnf
13:13 Jitender : shrts cvrd
13:15 Boppanna : 12:53 Boppanna : +1 12:50 Uttam : BNF going for 30175-160?
13:16 Uttam : (12:37) Uttam : 11895 coming?
13:16 Jitender : +1
13:16 Uttam : 11901 weeklt poc
13:17 Uttam : 2 IB done in NF
13:17 KK null : went long at 30160..lets see, if vwap comes
13:17 Uttam : 30099-70 next in BNF if sustais below 30150
13:18 Jitender : +1 (13:17) KK null: went long at 30160..lets see, if vwap comes
13:19 Boppanna : IF 160 holds a bounce coming else Uttam;s FA tgt next
13:19 Jitender : dpoc needs to be conquered
13:19 Uttam : let it give abounce till 30280 rejection there would mean more downside coming
13:20 Nikhil Chawale : no one is talking about nifty 50
13:20 Nikhil Chawale : first day in market profile
13:20 Jitender : bounced frm here (13:16) Uttam : 11901 weeklt poc
13:21 Jitender : 920 needs to be conquered
13:21 KK null : ok, so 30258 exit for longs, if at all
13:21 Uttam : welcome Nikhil 🙂
13:21 Uttam : we discuss more on NF & BNF here as that is what is tradable
13:21 Uttam : along with the options
13:22 Jitender : keep trailn KK
13:22 Nikhil Chawale : but today only discussing about BNF not NF
13:22 Uttam : both view have been given
13:22 Uttam : please go through the chat but oculd be more on BNF as moves happening there
13:25 Jitender : 30.3ce halved from Uttam’s 321 lvl
13:26 Jitender : grt pick
13:26 Uttam : _/\_ Jit
13:33 Jitender : tere (13:19) Jitender : dpoc needs to be conquered
13:34 MJ : Does decent for a scalp (13:19) Boppanna : IF 160 holds a bounce coming else Uttam;s FA tgt next
13:34 Uttam : NF 11936 rejection will be nice
13:35 MJ : bnf get ibl. will be out. pdl ibl.
13:35 Shai : Intra – Buy BNF 30230 sl of 30125 tgt 30390
13:35 MJ : Okay waiting.
13:35 MJ : 🙂
13:45 MJ : 30256 house of 94k greens.
13:45 Jitender : (13:18) Jitender : +1 (13:17) KK null: went long at 30160..lets see, if vwap comes
13:46 Jitender : congrats
13:46 MJ : Great trade kk.
13:46 MJ : Cheers doctor!
13:46 Uttam : (13:19) Uttam : let it give abounce till 30280 rejection there would mean more downside coming(13:34) Uttam : NF 11936 rejection will be nice
13:46 KK null : thanks .exit or wait
13:46 Uttam : 11934 IN nf & 30268 IN bnf
13:46 Jitender : exit 2/3
13:46 Uttam : sorry for caps, now lets go down 😉
13:47 Shai : Fantastic pick- (13:17) KK : went long at 30160..lets see, if vwap comes
13:47 MJ : Out under pdl (13:35) MJ : bnf get ibl. will be out. pdl ibl.
13:47 Shai : welcome to th team – (13:20) Nikhil Chawale: first day in market profile
13:47 Jitender : (13:12) Jitender : all =ve cot gone(13:12) Jitender : -ve
13:48 Jitender : gv a setup
13:48 Shai : Please go through the videos and the library
13:53 Boppanna : BNF 1TF since C
13:54 Jitender : yup..nice day (10:20) Jitender : C extn
13:54 Uttam : +100
13:55 Jitender : _/\_
13:58 Uttam : 11936 taken out NF can rise to 11978
13:59 Uttam : for now resisiting
14:01 KK null : 900 CE OI not going down
14:01 Uttam : it has crossed PE OI
14:04 KK null : PE OI increasing
14:07 Nikhil Chawale : pe shorts coverred shorts in monthly expiry
14:11 Uttam : looks like both 11900ce&pe being written for this week’s expiry
14:11 Uttam : both around 60
14:12 MJ : back to ro point nf?
14:13 Jitender : book rest (13:46) Jitender : exit 2/3
14:13 Uttam : 45k green stuck at vwap in NF?
14:14 Mudita : cant that be SL orders of shorts?(14:13) Uttam : 45k green stuck at vwap in NF?
14:15 Uttam : yes SL of shorts typically above VWAP
14:15 Uttam : K period starts
14:16 Mudita : someone is selling there at limit price…(14:15) Uttam : yes SL of shorts typically above VWAP
14:18 Shai : Book fully BNF 30275- 85
14:23 Shai : 30300 zone now turning to a supply
14:28 Mudita : yea.. yesterdays vpoc, last weeks vpoc, todays IBL, everything merging here in this zone.. (14:23) Shai : 30300 zone now turning to a supply
14:29 Mudita : *nov1 vpoc and not yesterdays
14:29 Shai : +1 on the obs
14:33 Shai : 30300
14:35 Jitender : Mudita max pain also tere 🙂
14:37 Rajiv : JIT 30500 possible?
14:37 MJ : He makes his presence felt (13:45) MJ : 30256 house of 94k greens.
14:39 MJ : Booked (14:12) MJ : back to ro point nf?
14:39 Jitender : no Rajiv
14:41 Shai : little late but here – (12:56) Shai : to 11975-80- (12:54) Shai : boucne environ is there
14:41 MJ : ++
14:45 Uttam : NF high exact weekly VAH
14:45 Uttam : in this bounce
14:46 Boppanna : Close at the lows Uttam BNF?
14:46 Uttam : if you would allow 🙂
14:49 Uttam : dPOC shifts down to 11950 in NF
14:49 Uttam : so close here?
14:49 Boppanna : looks like happy with 300 BNF
15:09 Bhavani : seems like 11.95k is a very powerful magnet for NF
15:11 Uttam : nice 4-day balance with FA at both ends so setting up for a good expiry looks like?
15:12 Uttam : BNF also nice 4-day bell coming up looks like
15:17 MJ : Uttam Vals for nf 4 day composite is? if that is handy.
15:25 Shai : NF long carry for 12022 tom
15:25 Shai : shoukd expand to 12048
15:25 MJ : Sl 11920ish?
15:25 Shai : 11908
15:26 MJ : Okay chie.
15:26 MJ : chief*
15:29 MJ : No major greens in bn12 just sbin chipping in with 5 pts.
15:29 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:29 MJ : Bye everyone have a nice evening.
15:29 Shai : Bye all
15:29 Shai : Have a nice evening