A good trader is a one who can make money consistently over a longer period of time. But how to become one such trader, who can make money in any type of market condition? A good trader keeps a close watch on the current information of the market and assesses it for change against previous information. You see current information through an Order Flow chart.
Order Flow can show how a collection of market participates has acted in the past and this helps to create profit by knowing if these traders are profitable or caught upside down.
Room Chat
09:17 Shai : (09:17) Shai : Update – make exits in the 10900 pe at 36 cmp
10:02 Shai : (10:02) Shai : Intra – Buy BNF 27210- 220 sl of 27015 tgt 27380
10:04 Shai : (10:03) Shai : SL is 27105**
10:28 Shai : (10:28) Shai : BNF exit in profit at 27240- 46
11:02 Shai : (11:02) Shai : Intra – short NF 10938- 10940 sl of 10965 tgt 10910
11:12 Shai : (11:12) Shai : NF 10921 . Book half here and ride a few
11:15 Shai : (11:15) Shai : Book out the NF fullly 10925
12:51 Shai : Intra – Buy NF abv 10880 sl of 10855 tgt 10907/ 10925 cmp 10870 buy abv
13:13 Shai : (13:12) Shai : NF longs in
14:08 Shai : (14:07) Shai : NF at 10880 cost price. Close the position here
08:58 Himanshu null : Gm all
09:02 Krishan : gm all
09:06 Shai : GM all
09:07 Shai : https://vtrender.com/market-profile-analysis-dated-4th-september/
09:09 Karventhan null : Good morning all… Happy Teachers day
09:13 Phani : good morning
09:15 Nishchal : Good Morning
09:15 Himanshu null : hi Uttam
09:15 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂 and a very Happy Teachers Day to all and especially Shai _/\_
09:16 Himanshu null : Happy Teachers day -!Chief
09:16 Raghavendra : Happy Teachers Day!!!
09:17 Nishchal : Happy Teachers day
09:17 Shai : Update – make exits in the 10900 pe at 36 cmp
09:18 AmitN : Happy teachers day to all, we learn from each other everyday.
09:19 Uttam : NF going for that 1atr target of 10958 looks like
09:20 Uttam : 10925 sup in NF now
09:26 Uttam : RS at 10940 with 86k vol stalling this probe higher
09:26 Uttam : but has driven away from yPOC so PLR still up
09:26 Uttam : at least till stays above 10925
09:27 Shai : yes went thru that upper MB and now down
09:29 Uttam : big OI increase in 10900pe
09:29 Uttam : so those late writers could get into trouble if 10925 in NF not sustained?
09:30 Jitender : 27.3ce 94-63 n 27.2ce 155-98
09:30 Uttam : BNF for 27060
09:30 Jitender : repo rate link news
09:31 Uttam : if stays below 27210
09:32 Jitender : 27140-50 line
09:33 Uttam : IS in BNF on 5mins forming
09:34 Uttam : below 27060 can fll to 26922
09:36 Uttam : that 27096 still playing its part
09:37 Uttam : but will mostly go today
09:39 Uttam : here it goes
09:40 Uttam : 27085 low so far (09:30) Uttam : BNF for 27060
09:40 Uttam : taking mechanical sup at that ext handle
09:41 Jitender : tv guys set such a trap fr retail….only Laythat was cautius (09:30) Jitender : repo rate link news
09:41 Jitender : Latha
09:44 Uttam : (09:30) Uttam : BNF for 27060
09:44 Uttam : low dekho
09:44 Jitender : +1
09:45 Jitender : appna DT be dekho 🙂
09:45 Uttam : 🙂
09:46 Uttam : more comign I feel
09:47 Thanika : Gm all.. and Happy Teachers Day for all the mentors!
09:50 Jitender : STT effect starts frm today
09:50 Boppanna : Bot 27300 yesterday’s 26080-60 support first test of band
09:50 Boppanna : *27060-80
09:53 Boppanna : Will add/exit based on if can sustain 27160-17180
09:53 Boppanna : *27160-27180
09:54 Psandeep : One with no penalty one for squaring ?(09:50) Jitender : STT effect starts frm today
09:55 Uttam : RS at vwap in NF but 27140 needs to be taken out
09:56 Uttam : BNF sorry
09:58 Jitender : m gonna drop my vols to 1/4th after 12-1pm or avoid tradn….its gonna be volatile
09:58 Amit : gm all
09:58 Jitender : sumthn is fishy
10:00 Boppanna : adding some more 09:53 Boppanna : Will add/exit based on if can sustain 27160-17180
10:00 Uttam : charts stuck?
10:00 Jitender : ys
10:00 Uttam : working
10:00 Uttam : refreshed
10:01 Jitender : 90 pt prem in bnf..expiry as per spot
10:02 Jitender : -ve cot reduced
10:02 Jitender : BoP did it
10:02 Shai : Intra – Buy BNF 27210- 220 sl of 27015 tgt 27380
10:03 Boppanna : Just needs that 220 push for 280 and above blue skies
10:03 Shai : SL is 27105**
10:05 Amit : bot 10900 pe at 28….putting order to sell at 45
10:06 Amit : stop is 20
10:09 Uttam : 27200ce OI needs to start comng down
10:18 Amit : looking for test of PDH..
10:19 Boppanna : Buggers Stalled it at 220 for now 10:03 Boppanna : Just needs that 220 push for 280 and above blue skies
10:25 Uttam : 27200ce needs a push above 123
10:25 Himanshu : GO baby,,
10:25 Uttam : 114 sorry
10:26 Boppanna : Needs aJit push here 🙂
10:26 Uttam : coming
10:28 Himanshu : NF – stalled
10:28 Uttam : (09:19) Uttam : NF going for that 1atr target of 10958 looks like
10:28 Shai : BNF exit in profit at 27240- 46
10:28 Uttam : gets tagged after a mini circus
10:30 Boppanna : Out next move above 280 10:00 Boppanna : adding some more 09:53 Boppanna : Will add/exit based on if can sustain 27160-17180
10:30 Uttam : super Bops +1
10:32 Boppanna : Thx..Just got lucky with 40-80 on expiry morning Uttam
10:32 Jitender : congo BoPs
10:35 Boppanna : exit based on no new demand?10:28 Shai : BNF exit in profit at 27240- 46
10:35 Uttam : some greens stuck in fact in that bar whih tagged 27260
10:35 Uttam : 11700 at 27246
10:36 Uttam : 6920@ 27235
10:36 Uttam : could be a case of shorts being forced out
10:36 Boppanna : +1 10:36 Uttam : could be a case of shorts being forced out
10:36 Uttam : but 27200pe OI rising now
10:37 Himanshu : NF following HOnkONG
10:38 Boppanna : If only trades were so simple 🙂 10:37 Himanshu : NF following HOnkONG
10:40 Uttam : NF has 2.6L red at 10955
10:40 Uttam : on GoToMeeting
10:40 Uttam : another level where big vol being built
10:41 Amit : khatarnaak selling aani chaiye if i am not wong
10:41 Amit : wrong
10:42 Uttam : problem is everyone is expecting that to happen
10:44 Shai : NF safe abv 10925
10:46 Shai : RS at 10955
10:46 Shai : 10900 pe is a lottery tradev here cmop 21 sl 11
10:47 Jitender : tv etc is all long
10:48 Shai : 32 expected in the 10900 pe
10:48 Shai : abv that boig boom or 10925F breaking
10:48 Amit : shd brk morning lows
10:49 Shai : 10958 was the upper of the 2 easimates given yesterday where this RS came
10:49 Shai : net 166K on that RS- sell side
10:50 Mani : shai can we buy at cmp 10900pe?
10:50 Shai : can
10:50 Mani : thanks shi
10:53 Shai : Uttam – how is the writing at 10900 ce?
10:53 Shai : looks to be in 25-46 mode
10:54 Boppanna : High around 280..The point is not above exact levels but how did it get there..all these are mostly based on Shai’s/Uttam’s references from prevvious day ..Shai had mentioned 27060-80 as support yesteday morning session and also about 26220 & 280 as two rings of support we just touched all of them after the morning dip10:30 Boppanna : Out next move above 280 10:00 Boppanna : adding some more 09:53 Boppanna : Will add/exit based on if can sustain 27160-17180
10:55 Shai : +1
10:55 Uttam : yes Shai OI increased most after it broke 40 that PE
10:56 Boppanna : Expecting more news Jit ? 09:58 Jitender : m gonna drop my vols to 1/4th after 12-1pm or avoid tradn….its gonna be volatile
10:56 Uttam : both CE/PE OI getting ready for a crossover
10:58 Uttam : greens galore in NF in this 5min bar though all small numbers
11:01 Himanshu : So PE is getting croos over Ce you mean
11:01 Uttam : not yet crossed but getting closer
11:02 Himanshu : asking – PE is getting over CE or vice versa
11:02 Shai : Intra – short NF 10938- 10940 sl of 10965 tgt 10910
11:03 Uttam : yes PE OI 31.5 L & CE 32.3 L as of now
11:04 Shai : 47-50 is a sharp supply band in 10900 ce
11:04 Shai : but writers will write for 0 only when 24 breaks
11:10 Uttam : NF wants to give a FA at 10960 today?
11:11 Mani : 60k boom…..
11:12 Shai : NF 10921 . Book half here and ride a few
11:12 Uttam : super Shai
11:12 Mani : 10900 pe?
11:12 Shai : 32 book half
11:12 Mani : okay shai
11:13 Shai : 31.45- (10:48) Shai : 32 expected in the 10900 pe
11:13 Shai : reduce Mani some here
11:13 Boppanna : +1 Shai
11:13 Uttam : 70k red at 10923
11:13 Mani : okay shai
11:13 MJ : Great one Shai.
11:13 MJ : Cheers!
11:13 Shai : RS is RS 🙂 – (10:49) Shai : net 166K on that RS- sell side
11:13 MJ : Feels good to be back in the room.
11:14 Uttam : (10:40) Uttam : NF has 2.6L red at 10955
11:14 Uttam : that 10900pe OI still not in panic mode though
11:15 Uttam : can easily double from here if that happens
11:15 Shai : Book out the NF fullly 10925
11:16 Mani : done shai
11:16 Shai : 10900 ce hit 26 on that
11:21 Shai : have to do bits and pieces now till 2
11:21 Shai : 10900 spot is holding the auction
11:21 Shai : and 10900 ce pe guys just content
11:24 Boppanna : 16k at the lows in BNF
11:31 Jitender : nope (10:56) Boppanna : Expecting more news Jit ? 09:58 Jitender : m gonna drop my vols to 1/4th after 12-1pm or avoid tradn….its gonna be volatile
11:32 Boppanna : ok thx
11:34 Amit : theres some news in todays paper abt unpaid shares..let me share
11:35 Amit : https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/markets/stock-markets/how-a-sebi-circular-on-unpaid-shares-could-lead-to-heavy-market-selling/article29331272.ece
11:35 Boppanna : somebody shared that in slack yesterday Amit
11:36 Amit : oh..ok
11:36 Amit : srry
11:36 Boppanna : No problem friend
11:37 Jitender : its a week old news….most of the selln wrt tat news is already done
11:37 Karventhan : thanks shai .. 10900 PE from 25 to 34
11:38 Shai : that news was out some 3 months back
11:38 Jitender : yes…n extension of date came a week back
11:39 Uttam : FA coming?
11:39 MJ : 23-46 Booked half thanks chief. (10:46) Shai : 10900 pe is a lottery tradev here cmop 21 sl 11
11:39 Boppanna : Nice MJ
11:39 Uttam : (11:14) Uttam : that 10900pe OI still not in panic mode though(11:15) Uttam : can easily double from here if that happens
11:39 Amit : my order executed..bot 10900 pe at 29 ..exited part at 45
11:40 Uttam : 48.55 high on that PE
11:40 Amit : (10:18) Amit : looking for test of PDH..
11:41 Amit : (10:48) Amit : shd brk morning lows
11:41 Boppanna : pefect Amit
11:41 Amit : letting the market do its thing
11:42 Jitender : while everyone was bulish in morn (09:30) Jitender : repo rate link news(09:41) Jitender : tv guys set such a trap fr retail….only Laythat was cautius (09:30) Jitender : repo rate link news
11:42 Jitender : second trip done 210-070
11:42 Amit : ty Bops..can i call you BOPS
11:42 Boppanna : sure
11:42 Amit : ty
11:42 Jitender : crossed 2x thru and the clock abt to strike 12
11:42 MJ : Thanks Bopp. Clean trade with that RS.
11:44 Uttam : 10900pe from 31L now to 24.5L
11:44 Uttam : more than doubled that PE
11:44 Uttam : 29-63
11:44 Amit : exited 10850 pe bot at 11..at 30
11:46 Uttam : NF another FA this series – 3 in four days
11:48 Boppanna : Shai BNF next support ?
11:50 Uttam : 26922
11:51 Boppanna : thx Uttam
11:54 MJ : uttam any references for 10900pe?
11:55 Uttam : 96
11:55 Uttam : above that 123
11:55 MJ : Thanks running tsl.
11:55 Shai : 10845 supp
11:55 Uttam : NF back to test that 10785 looks like?
11:56 Shai : (10:48) Shai : 32 expected in the 10900 pe(10:48) Shai : abv that boig boom or 10925F breaking
11:56 Shai : boom
11:56 MJ : +++
11:58 Gaurav : Suyog’s range almost done
11:58 MJ : Stops before 10845.
11:59 Shai : yes good supp
11:59 MJ : All out 72 (11:39) MJ : 23-46 Booked half thanks chief. (10:46) Shai : 10900 pe is a lottery tradev here cmop 21 sl 11
11:59 Shai : +1
11:59 MJ : Thanks Shai. Happy teacher’s day indeed :))
11:59 Amit : ty Shai for guifance
11:59 Amit : guidance
12:00 Gaurav : +1 Shai, everyone else for sharing their inputs
12:03 Uttam : 4L vols it was at 10955 and now at 10869 3L so looks like morning RS booking out
12:03 Uttam : 10896 ref on upside above IB
12:03 Uttam : IBL
12:04 Uttam : that also has 2.6L vols
12:04 Shai : 27200 ce a lottery cmp 30 sl of 15
12:04 Shai : looking for 27180
12:07 Amit : yes it can go to 10870
12:11 MJ : Shai can zoom 30 min OF?
12:11 MJ : for nf in the room?
12:11 Uttam : (09:34) Uttam : below 27060 can fll to 26922
12:11 Uttam : 26932 so far BNF
12:14 Amit : +1..my bn trades suck btw
12:17 Uttam : 90.25 high so far (11:54) MJ : uttam any references for 10900pe?(11:55) Uttam : 96(11:55) Uttam : above that 123
12:17 Himanshu null : amit was bang on
12:18 Uttam : BNF 26915
12:19 Uttam : morning failure of drive away from yPOC was a signal that PLR would be down today
12:19 Uttam : making lower highs & lower lows after that BNF
12:20 Uttam : A period singles at top we have
12:20 Uttam : 92.5 on that 10900pe Mihir 🙂
12:21 MJ : Yes uttam 🙂
12:21 MJ : But decent run for that pe in one trade.
12:21 MJ : 23-46-72.
12:21 Uttam : 123 on in it for today still
12:21 MJ : was cutting off some risk.
12:23 Rajiv : Shai is the BN CE call still active
12:24 MJ : Razor sharp numbers as usual by you Uttam 🙂 /\
12:39 Shai : Rajiv avooid it for now
12:51 Shai : Intra – Buy NF abv 10880 sl of 10855 tgt 10907/ 10925 cmp 10870 buy abv
12:52 Shai : kind of a DD in the making if auction continues here
12:52 Shai : but looking for a burst up abv 10880
12:53 Shai : else 10875- 10845 for now
12:53 Shai : 27036 ref ine in BNF
12:53 Shai : calls are good if that is crossed
12:53 Shai : else may deacy
12:54 Uttam : yes Shai unless dPOC shifts lower in both chance of a bounce there
12:59 Phani : (11:02) Shai : Intra – short NF 10938- 10940 sl of 10965 tgt 10910 , wonderful sir
13:00 Uttam : @Phani you got the 1atr tgt today & NF reversed exactly from there
13:11 MJ : 0s
13:11 Himanshu null : screen gone
13:11 Shai : ?
13:11 Shai : bounce
13:11 Shai : 10846 still safe
13:12 Shai : watch the NF
13:12 MJ : +1 shai
13:12 Shai : NF lomgs in
13:12 MJ : 10850 ce 15.5 25
13:13 Boppanna : 27100ce showing life above 40 can jump
13:13 Shai : expecting 27180
13:15 Shai : the trigger- (13:11) MJ : 0s
13:15 MJ : 🙂
13:15 MJ : Also that dip to 846.5 was on low vols.
13:25 Shai : 0’s defended
13:25 Shai : time for vwap
13:26 Shai : sl still 10855
13:26 Phani : (13:00) Uttam : @Phani you got the 1atr tgt today & NF reversed exactly from there ,
13:26 Phani : i missed the upmove and downmove both today , having trouble with my dat feed
13:27 Shai : BNF is the odd guy here
13:27 Phani : but shai gave short call on spot … superb uttam
13:27 Shai : looking like it would do the 27180 F any time
13:28 Shai : I’d like to trade that as conservative now abv 27060 F level only
13:28 Shai : else option writers
13:28 Amit : bot 10800 pe at 11..very small qty..putting order to sell at 30..looking for test of 10790 spot
13:29 Boppanna : +1 13:28 Shai : I’d like to trade that as conservative now abv 27060 F level only
13:30 Shai : broken supp
13:30 Shai : since then has stopped upmove twice
13:31 Uttam : PLR still down I feel
13:31 Uttam : NF taking sup exatly at those 0s
13:31 Uttam : but if broken can give more downside
13:33 Uttam : dPOC shifting lower in both
13:41 Phani : nifty failed at yday settle
13:43 Shai : @Phani those are just arbitary mechanical levels
13:44 Shai : profilers domt look at mechanical refs
13:44 MJ : Shai vwap plijj.
13:44 Shai : what you are noticing in the profile of today is a retest of ypoc which has shown responsive buying
13:45 Shai : hence we moved to a buy from a sell earlier
13:45 Shai : RS at 10955 and the IS at 10922 are the other imp references from the profile
13:46 Shai : everyuthing else is noise
13:46 Shai : if we get an IB here we float right uo to that IS
13:49 Shai : someone selling BNF near tgat 27040 mark
13:50 Phani : (13:43) Shai : @Phani those are just arbitary mechanical levels, yes jim uses these in his videos as monitoring reference
13:51 Phani : so i also started using them as a reference for watchin acceptance or rejection’
13:52 Shai : I know and I respect Jim a lot
13:52 Shai : but the Jim of today is different from the Jim of 2002-2007 who taught us so much of the market profile
13:52 Himanshu null : Chief view on BNF pls
13:52 Shai : I follow the 2002 Jim
13:53 Himanshu null : am on and off on mobile plaform hence
13:54 Phani : yes shai, now a days he uses so many small references
13:54 Shai : Himanshu long abv 27060 F only
13:55 Shai : My 2 bits donlt follow anyone blindly
13:56 Phani : ok shai,
13:56 Shai : a lot of us seniors in the market profile community went again Jim when he said 80% does not work or that there is nothing vcalled a FA
13:56 Phani : thanks shai
13:56 Shai : some people still follow him blindly
13:56 Shai : but to each his own
13:57 Uttam : +1 Shai and it all depends on the markets you are trading
13:57 Uttam : we have seen how good 80% & FA work here
13:57 Phani : yes shai and uttam, liquid markets are good seems for MP
13:57 Uttam : in fact today’s BNF move from 27210 to 27060 to 26922 was a 80% trade in last 2 days balance
13:58 Uttam : see the 2 day composite & live example you get of how good the 80% rule is
13:59 Uttam : and now BNF resisting at the comp POC of 27060 after making a reverse 80% from VAL to POC
13:59 Phani : yes wonderful it follwed nicely today
13:59 Phani : thanks uttamm
13:59 Uttam : NF making a 3-day balance & has FA at both ends 🙂
14:00 Uttam : filling up the composite now
14:02 Phani : WHICH side RE has more odds
14:02 Uttam : we are already below IBL Phani
14:02 Uttam : Neutral Day in NF so far
14:02 Uttam : need to see if we close as Neu Extreme
14:03 Phani : yes thats ok, we have formed a nice balance na here , so which it could break
14:04 Uttam : where has the value of this balance formed compared to prev value?
14:04 Uttam : 10960 was comp VAL of prev month & today we have a FA there
14:07 Phani : compared to yday value overlapping higher
14:07 Shai : NF at 10880 cost price. Close the position here
14:15 Prudhvi : nice rr to short here
14:39 MJ : Some reds at dpoc. Will they be pressed?
14:40 Boppanna : That 24k green at vwap needs support in BNF
14:41 Boppanna : *IBL
14:42 Boppanna : Uttam what’s ur take on BNF?
14:45 Shai : BNF short for 26890 sl of 27075 cmp 27020
14:46 MJ : Shai test of IS in nf on? Or time running?
14:46 Shai : there were 2
14:46 Shai : 10897 was tested
14:46 MJ : 898 done
14:47 MJ : 922 waitng
14:47 Shai : yes vwap was there
14:50 Uttam : BNF has a 36k green stuck at 27060
14:50 Uttam : expiry day Bops so could get a move to 27150 if 27060 taken out
14:51 Uttam : else expecting a close at lows
14:52 Shai : some weird math here in OF
14:52 Shai : close 26980 – (14:45) Shai : BNF short for 26890 sl of 27075 cmp 27020
14:53 Shai : stay careful of a 3 pm bounce
15:05 MJ : Dot bounce started at 1500 hrs 🙂 great alert chief.
15:07 Shai : no big one but selling was taken off
15:07 Boppanna : BNF didn’t behave today
15:08 Shai : It didnt?
15:09 MJ : Shai bnf/nf COT divergence is a big one no?
15:09 Shai : yes
15:10 MJ : Long short hedge on index on?
15:11 Boppanna : I meant the expiry spike Shai 15:08 Shai : It didnt?
15:15 Amit : FM to hold Press Conf. tomorrow at 1930hrs
15:15 Amit : kitna Press Conference karengi mataji
15:15 Gaurav : 3
15:16 Gaurav : mentioned in 1st one for 2 more
15:18 Amit : they hv to withdraw qrtrly GST..and make it annual..personally i feel and raise IT slabs
15:20 Shai : okay
15:20 Shai : news conf?
15:21 Shai : calls shoukd get bought then at 9.16 and puts at 3.28 pm 🙂
15:22 MJ : Controlled expiry. Like how they do blasting in mines.
15:22 Amit : :)..news conf tomorrow from kolkata at 7:30pm
15:23 MJ : Bye chief and everyone, Glad to be between so many teachers, to everyone who added edge to my learning journey /\ thanks for being around, esp Shai and Uttam.
15:23 Amit : tv flashed it
15:23 Shai : ok
15:23 Shai : Thanks
15:23 Shai : Bye all
15:24 Shai : Have a good evening out
15:24 Shai : catch up tom
15:24 Amit : bye shai sir..
15:25 Mani : bye all
15:27 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:27 Amit : it shd fill pdl..lets see
15:30 Amit : bye everyone..hv a nice evening