Many traders are used to viewing volume as a histogram beneath a price chart. This approach shows the amount of volume traded below the price Bar. The Order Flow approach is to see the Volume traded inside or within the price bar, an important distinction.
Order Flow trading is thinking about what order market participants do and when you think along this, you can anticipate what kind of action they will be taking in the market. This is a very important concept in Order Flow.
Room Chat
08:58 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts –
09:26 Shai : (09:26) Shai : Intra – Buy 12150 pe at 85-86 sl of 64 tgt 107
09:29 Shai : (09:29) Shai : ASt 109 now hold for 128- (09:26) Shai : Intra – Buy 12150 pe at 85-86 sl of 64 tgt 107
09:30 Shai : (09:30) Shai : Book full- (09:29) Shai : ASt 109 now hold for 128- (09:26) Shai : Intra – Buy 12150 pe at 85-86 sl of 64 tgt 107
09:33 Shai : (09:33) Shai : Buy 12150 pe again 107 sl of 87 tgt 129/ 152
09:43 Shai : (09:43) Shai : exit 111 here – (09:33) Shai : Buy 12150 pe again 107 sl of 87 tgt 129/ 152
11:34 Shai : (11:34) Shai : Aggressive new put- Buy 12100 pe again at 96 sl of 82 tgt 134/ 154
12:12 Shai : (12:11) Shai : reduce half at 111. Hold at 94 the rest
12:22 Shai : (12:22) Shai : Close puts at 107.
13:18 Shai : (13:18) Shai : Buy 12100 pe again at 111 sl of 96 tgt 140
14:04 Shai : (14:04) Shai : Reduce size at 122 cmp. Traiol some at 105- (13:18) Shai : Buy 12100 pe again at 111 sl of 96 tgt 140
14:24 Shai : (14:24) Shai : Book full at 133- (13:18) Shai : Buy 12100 pe again at 111 sl of 96 tgt 140
08:58 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts –
08:58 Govind : GM, happy trading all!
09:00 Pritesh null : GM to all
09:00 Shai : GM all
09:01 Shai : 12250 ref line for the open
09:02 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:04 Shai :
09:04 Shai :
09:05 Shai :
09:05 Shai : Bias stays weak at the open below 12250 for 12205 and 12182F
09:06 Ketan : good morn room !
09:11 Krishan : gm
09:11 Tejpreet : GM All.
09:11 GS : GM all
09:12 AmitN : Good Morning all…
09:12 Shai : Expected gap up not ahppening at open
09:12 Shai : some late longs will; be under water
09:12 Shai : watch 12204
09:14 Mohammed null : hi good morning
09:15 GS : big gap down
09:15 Uttam : 12200pe from 81.4 to 95.15
09:15 Uttam : 50% out
09:16 Tejpreet : good one Uttam.
09:16 GS : UG rolling right from start
09:16 Uttam : thanks Tej
09:16 Tejpreet : small qty 125k pe 289 to 356.
09:16 GS : +1
09:17 Uttam : 12190 ref in NF
09:17 Tejpreet : looks like longs holding cot doesn’t show too much liquidation.
09:18 Uttam : 31900 start of 0s in BNF immediate ref for now
09:18 Uttam : waiting for 1st 5min low to break Tej?
09:19 Tejpreet : gone
09:19 Uttam : goneeee
09:19 Uttam : 🙂
09:20 Tejpreet : lot of finwit was saying 12150 spot rock solid support , gone in a second 🙂
09:21 Jitender : dt done ++ gt a fill in 31.8pe at 242
09:21 Shai : drive down volumes
09:21 Uttam : +1 Shai
09:21 Tejpreet : super jit
09:21 Jitender : bookd 341
09:21 Uttam : holding that 12200pe 50% still now trailing to cost so no risk trade
09:21 Shai : watch 114 in 12200 pe
09:21 Jitender : tx Tej
09:21 Uttam : 12126 in NF was a weeklt FA
09:21 Uttam : next sup zone
09:21 Uttam : if 12144 goes
09:24 Uttam : 13L in 10mins
09:24 Uttam : BNF 4.7L
09:26 Shai : Intra – Buy 12150 pe at 85-86 sl of 64 tgt 107
09:27 Shai : No messsing around with drive down volumes
09:27 Shai : (09:21) Shai : drive down volumes
09:28 Uttam : all out in that 12200pe at 132
09:28 Jitender : 31.8pe 353-395 wakao
09:29 Uttam : congo Jit
09:29 Jitender : cheers
09:29 Uttam : Nifty spot could test 12004
09:29 Jitender : maal laava
09:29 Shai : ASt 109 now hold for 128- (09:26) Shai : Intra – Buy 12150 pe at 85-86 sl of 64 tgt 107
09:29 Uttam : today or tom
09:29 GS : +1 shai
09:29 Uttam : 1 atr from weekly FA of 12290
09:29 Ankit : damn all out
09:29 Jitender : +1 Shai
09:29 Shai : 120
09:29 Uttam : super Shai +1
09:30 Shai : 132
09:30 Jitender : positional a/c weekly tgt done 🙂
09:30 Jitender : all out
09:30 Ankit : hating myself 😛
09:30 Ankit : for exiting hehe
09:30 Shai : Book fully for now
09:30 Uttam : 12078-67 zone now next sup
09:30 Uttam : else 12042 vpoc coming in NF
09:30 Shai : Book full- (09:29) Shai : ASt 109 now hold for 128- (09:26) Shai : Intra – Buy 12150 pe at 85-86 sl of 64 tgt 107
09:30 Jitender : +1
09:30 Tejpreet : 63 to 70 on 121k ce
09:30 Shai : 136 it went
09:31 Ankit : +1000
09:31 GS : cool
09:31 GS : OD
09:31 Jitender : +1 Tej
09:31 Shai : yes
09:31 Shai : Congrats Room
09:31 GS : fastest greens so far
09:31 GS : for me
09:31 Ankit : thank you so much shai
09:31 Ankit : great call
09:31 Govind : 12100PE from 62 to 86; 31700PE from 292 to 365. DONE
09:31 Uttam : congrats to you too Shai 🙂
09:31 Jitender : viva le trump
09:31 Govind : Congrats all!
09:31 GS : viva la Shai
09:32 Shai : This is a start of a large imbalance on the weekly
09:32 Uttam : +1
09:32 Shai : posted a chart yesterday
09:32 Shai : stay alert
09:32 Uttam : auction moving away from 3 week composite with a drive
09:32 Shai : still im imbalance below vwap this is
09:32 GS : vwap touch?
09:33 Shai : Buy 12150 pe again 107 sl of 87 tgt 129/ 152
09:33 GS : IB will be Big
09:33 Jitender : Guys Congrats & esp Shai….pls reduce vols to 1/4th in yr next trade….n preserbe the profits n joy of early returns
09:33 Jitender : preserve
09:33 Tejpreet : +1 jit
09:34 Shai : +1 Jit
09:35 Uttam : 12120-125 ref in NF now
09:35 Uttam : weak below it
09:35 Uttam : 31640 has an IS in BNF on 5mins
09:35 Uttam : but still there
09:35 Uttam : 31720 first level on upside
09:36 Uttam : start of 0s & a stuck 13k green there
09:37 GS : @jit +1
09:39 Shai : BNF 31746 SL for shorts
09:39 Shai : can do 51526
09:39 Shai : 31526*
09:42 Vishnu : any pull back to enter shorts again shai?
09:43 Shai : exit 111 here – (09:33) Shai : Buy 12150 pe again 107 sl of 87 tgt 129/ 152
09:44 Shai : Let’s see what B does
09:44 Shai : we can sell near vwap again
09:44 Boppanna : BNspot 31540 40dema needs to sustain below that next round of downside IMO
09:48 Tejpreet : Shai have the friday buyers quit ?
09:49 Shai : They quit at open
09:49 Tejpreet : tks
09:50 Govind : NF spot extends lows
09:50 KK : PE premium faaling
09:51 KK : *falling
09:51 Shai : The leveraged trade is open for all today? ?
09:51 Shai : brokers giving margins?
09:51 Uttam : Friday close as a nice time to load on stradle longs, was not in the room else would have mentioned it
09:51 Jitender : pls dont pre empt nythn….and follow SLs strictly….n enjoy
09:52 Ankit : +1 jit
09:52 Uttam : balance _ falling vix now leading to this
09:52 Jitender : heard till 8x mite still work (09:51) Shai : brokers giving margins?
09:52 Jitender : havent tried it today…all were buys 🙂 (09:51) Shai : brokers giving margins?
09:53 Pritesh : zerodha started playing their game..
09:54 GS : yep exited pe in zerodha before it went nuts
09:54 Shai : Thanks – (09:52) Jitender : heard till 8x mite still work
09:54 Pritesh : orders are getting delayed.. & being executed at placed price despite prices are moving higher & lower..
09:55 GS : not loading chart and margin properly
09:55 Pritesh : My Kotak one is on way..
09:56 Pritesh : Waiting for 12100 PE to come down at 73 ~ 72 to reenter..
09:56 Pritesh : So far done for the day..
09:57 Shai : can push for vwap now
09:57 Tejpreet : 🙂
09:57 GS : 10 points from vwap
09:57 Tejpreet : 2 pe and 4 ce and 2 dt done .
09:57 Shai : wow
09:57 Shai : 🙂
09:57 GS : +1 tej
09:58 Jitender : +1 Tej
09:58 Vijay : 12100 Ce 62-70 done
09:58 Jitender : upstox..usual leverage tere
09:58 Tejpreet : tks Shai
09:58 Uttam : _/\_ Tej for the CE trades
09:58 Tejpreet : tks guys
09:59 Tejpreet : yes jit upstox regular , tradeplus and 5 paisa also giving the same.
09:59 Jitender : spx recved from -14 tom-6
10:00 Jitender : to
10:01 Ankit : @shai… do guide us when to enter 12150PE again
10:01 GS : vwap touch already done
10:01 Shai : come into 12100 pe
10:01 Shai : sl of 66
10:02 Shai : tgt 91
10:03 Pritesh : Got it & Got out in 12100 PE with 0.15X
10:03 Ankit : okay
10:03 Tejpreet : Any one does commodities in the room , views for gold. I mean right place to offload some or is in new uptrend ?
10:04 Tejpreet : can post on slack , random channel.
10:04 Boppanna : 31540 zone holding so far in BN needs to push past 620 else could drop quick day low+ test below 540
10:05 Tejpreet : maybe c will give you that bops…..a new low bn.
10:07 Jitender : trump in 2013 had tweeted tat obama will start war with iran to be re elected 🙂
10:08 Tejpreet : yes saw that video also.
10:09 Tejpreet : the drone which killed the general took of from us base in Qatar and their FM was the 1st one to travel to Iran for condolences , ironical 🙂
10:10 Jitender : 🙂
10:17 Govind : Latha says the shorts have covered 🙂 she watching OF?
10:21 Vishnu : shai 12050-12090 strong support zone in spot nifty
10:21 KK : where will NF C stop, 12083 or 12102 ?
10:22 Jitender : question is Gov …why r u watchn her 🙂
10:24 Tejpreet : c below b , let’s see if get’s new bn low .
10:26 Vishnu : shai cot still in positive \no fresh shorts comng ? or bokking shorts goin on ?
10:27 Govind : JIt, in the background Jit
10:28 Jitender : k 🙂
10:28 Govind : 🙂
10:32 Govind : RIL makes new highs
10:44 Boppanna : D here
10:52 Milind null : Is there any issue not able to any comments
10:53 Milind null : *see
10:56 Boppanna : looks fine here Milind
10:57 Govind : He probably opted to see only presenter’s messages, needs to change his settings
10:58 Milind null : now ok
10:58 Govind : D extends in BNF
10:59 Shai : tto early to know COT- (10:26) Vishnu : shai cot still in positive \no fresh shorts comng ? or bokking shorts goin on ?
10:59 Vishnu : ok shai
10:59 Shai : will go by drive volumes condition as open drive
10:59 Vishnu : so still 12100 pe is worth taking
11:01 Shai : 31555- (09:39) Shai : BNF 31746 SL for shorts(09:39) Shai : can do 51526(09:39) Shai : 31526*
11:01 Shai : (10:01) Shai : come into 12100 pe(10:01) Shai : sl of 66(10:02) Shai : tgt 91
11:02 Shai : should do 12083 F
11:02 Ankit : +1
11:09 Uttam : BNF hypo update – g) Below 31615, BNF could fall further to 31563-548 / 31470-465 / 31400 & 31336-319*
11:11 Uttam : 31548 was a vpoc in BNF so low around there as of now
11:21 Jitender : yh…if 570 is crossed…bnf shrts will start takn off
11:22 Govind : 12100pe, exited half at Shai’s target of 91
11:22 GS : 11:15 OF shows collective 1 L reds
11:22 Govind : keeping rest at cost
11:22 Uttam : congrats Gov
11:23 Govind : Thanks Uttam
11:23 Govind : I want 107 🙂
11:24 Uttam : RE in NF too
11:24 Govind : Yes
11:25 Govind : 0s in that 12100pe from 94 to 97
11:25 Chandrashekhar : GM all
11:25 Chandrashekhar : Sorry got late today
11:30 Shai : Hold shorts with new SL of 12096
11:30 Ankit : copy
11:30 Shai : 92 tsl in 12100 pe
11:31 Jitender : cvrd at 498 🙂 (11:21) Jitender : yh…if 570 is crossed…bnf shrts will start takn off
11:32 Boppanna : 540 BNspot D took care 140 down part out trail rest at IBL
11:33 Jitender : +1
11:34 Shai : Aggressive new put- Buy 12100 pe again at 96 sl of 82 tgt 134/ 154
11:38 Shai : Minor supp is near this 12045 spot zone equivalent to this vpoc of 12083
11:38 Shai : if this breaks down we get a swift move to 11975 spot
11:38 Shai : hence the out
11:38 Shai : put*
11:38 Ankit : okay
11:38 Shai : just vacuum below this and 11974 spot
11:40 Boppanna : out of all ..BNF 31200pe needs to sustain above 166 for next round
11:42 Jitender : congrats
11:42 Boppanna : thx Jit
11:42 Boppanna : Congrts to u too
11:43 Jitender : +1
11:44 Govind : 107 🙂
11:45 Shai : 12027 F expected
11:45 Shai : hold
11:45 Prakash : 30min chart needs adjustment
11:45 Ankit : holding
11:45 Govind : Yes Shai, holding
11:47 Uttam : 12004 in spot please
11:47 Jitender : bnf gettn greens
11:49 Govind : People using Zerodha please be careful, their servers are slow today and resulting in slippages
11:51 Shai : 31327 is a supp in BN
11:53 Shai : that is spot
11:53 Shai : 31540 F sl for new shorts in BNF tgt 31400 cmp 31493
11:57 GS : anyone has fyers account?
12:10 Shai : 114 now – (11:34) Shai : Aggressive new put- Buy 12100 pe again at 96 sl of 82 tgt 134/ 154
12:10 Ankit : aye aye captain
12:11 Shai : reduce half at 111. Hold at 94 the rest
12:22 Shai : Close puts at 107.
12:22 Shai : We may be due for a pullback
12:23 Shai : close BN shorts also- (11:53) Shai : 31540 F sl for new shorts in BNF tgt 31400 cmp 31493
12:31 Jitender : 460 n 510 algo’s fighting
12:31 Jitender : either side 100 bps+
12:31 Jitender : (11:47) Jitender : bnf gettn greens
12:35 Boppanna : +1
12:41 Uttam : spot going for 12004 & 31300 looks like
12:43 Jitender : nt shrtn bnf…will wait
12:47 Rajiv : Jit the consistent green in BNF! Are they coming with a surprise?
12:50 Jitender : dii
12:50 Jitender : most probably
12:50 Tejpreet : Spot approaching BRN 12k.
12:51 MJ : Tp, you got the move you wanted after range compression 🙂
12:52 Tejpreet : yes MJ but still holding on to morning 2dt ….not adding to short play now.
12:53 Jitender : yh…even m blank
12:53 Rajiv : so a 200 point pull back possible towards the end
12:53 Jitender : just 5 trades
12:53 Jitender : ys Rajiv
12:53 Jitender : 125-150 easily
12:53 Govind : +1
12:54 Rajiv : Thanks
12:54 Jitender : but wait fr 510 to cross
12:56 KK : it may go up till 1 28 pm for europe open ?
12:57 Govind : SPX has gained marginally but still in red, down .35%
12:57 Shai : Context for today’s auction in the NF-
12:57 Boppanna : 1TF still not stopped
12:59 Govind : Super Shai, next time please pump up the volume 🙂
12:59 Shai : +1- will do
13:00 Uttam : 12007 & 31319
13:00 Uttam : (12:41) Uttam : spot going for 12004 & 31300 looks like
13:00 Jitender : 70 up frm tere (12:43) Jitender : nt shrtn bnf…will wait
13:00 Uttam : super Shai +1 (12:57) Shai : Context for today’s auction in the NF-
13:00 Govind : Awesome Jit
13:00 Jitender : hope all safe (13:00) Jitender : 70 up frm tere (12:43) Jitender : nt shrtn bnf…will wait
13:00 Govind : All safe
13:00 Govind : holding on to morning profits
13:00 Jitender : tats wat i say…live understandn and Shai’s conteaxt r awesum
13:01 Ankit : undoubtedly
13:01 Jitender : see tat 500 algo guy still tere
13:01 Jitender : one more thrus with vols n he can go
13:01 Jitender : thrust
13:01 Govind : Yes
13:01 Jitender : Grt Chief (12:57) Shai : Context for today’s auction in the NF-
13:02 Govind : My dream is for Shai to have an open mike in our room
13:02 Govind : would make a huge difference, I feel
13:03 Tejpreet : good one Shai ….can make this youtube channel a regular feautre.
13:03 Jitender : yh
13:06 Shai : If the day is easy and the MTM is good then can always 🙂
13:07 Shai : pull back time this is
13:07 Jitender : wish tat fr u everyday
13:07 Shai : Thank you my friend- same wishes to you and everyone else here too
13:07 Jitender : _/\_
13:07 Ankit : 🙂
13:08 Shai : 115 has some 47K long closure in 12100 oe\
13:08 Shai : pe*
13:08 Shai : Anything near vwap would be good to sell again
13:09 Vishnu : shai at what rate that pe can try again as i booked fully out at 113
13:09 Jitender : exact 510 (12:54) Jitender : but wait fr 510 to cross
13:10 Chandrashekhar : Good Idea..but this notes/text message can be used as ref anytime of the day
13:10 KK : didnt cross 510
13:11 Jitender : yup
13:11 KK : even NF has 18K at the 12082 and 510 SL and sell ?
13:11 Shai : 84 shoulkd get defenmded in that PE today
13:12 Shai : 12092 ref zone stays as extension handle
13:12 Shai : tgt is next vpoc 12042
13:12 Ankit : okay
13:15 GS : started for 12042
13:16 GS : 20 more points to go
13:17 GS : short pullback time
13:18 Shai : Buy 12100 pe again at 111 sl of 96 tgt 140
13:18 Jitender : +1
13:18 Ankit : +1
13:25 GS : exited with a few points will enter again later
13:29 Govind : FTSE drops .5% at open
13:30 Tejpreet : Charts gone ?
13:30 Uttam : yep
13:31 Tejpreet : tks
13:31 Uttam : back
13:31 Tejpreet : +1
13:33 Uttam : @Bops giving your workd famour J period ext handle?
13:33 Uttam : workd famous*
13:34 Boppanna : lol Uttam rare that u didn’t hit that 300 in BNspot still
13:40 Boppanna : 31500ce waking up?
13:41 Boppanna : 4k greeen
13:41 Jitender : 4 attempts at 500-510 nw
13:41 MJ : Yes tp, happy and content after the morning run.
13:42 Boppanna : stuck fellow now
13:42 Jitender : cmon bnf …exhale
13:42 Jitender : gv one more trade
13:48 Vasant : ist it ok to short BN?
13:54 Boppanna : @Vasant we have a MB in BNF 450-510 better RR at the boundary
13:57 Tejpreet : jit +1 for that rock at 510 in bn .
13:57 Shai : 12070 new supply band into clsoe
13:58 Jitender : tx Tej
13:59 Jitender : commodity guys are thankn trump
13:59 Jitender : esp crude n gold ones
14:02 Boppanna : Uttam got his 300 in BN spot
14:02 Shai : ding dong – (13:12) Shai : tgt is next vpoc 12042
14:02 Boppanna : +1 Shai
14:02 Jitender : 487-411 half book (13:41) Jitender : 4 attempts at 500-510 nw(13:42) Jitender : cmon bnf …exhale
14:02 Govind : +1 Shai
14:02 Tejpreet : 12k spot gone.
14:02 Shai : +1
14:02 Jitender : +1 Shai
14:02 Ankit : +1
14:03 Govind : Done for the day I am, 4DT day
14:03 Tejpreet : +1 for tht 12042
14:03 Govind : this is enough
14:04 Boppanna : Congrats guys
14:04 Shai : Reduce size at 122 cmp. Traiol some at 105- (13:18) Shai : Buy 12100 pe again at 111 sl of 96 tgt 140
14:05 Govind : Thanks Bops
14:05 Govind : Congo Jit
14:05 Jitender : Gov..shut dwn yr terminal
14:05 Jitender : n enjoy yr day
14:06 Boppanna : +1
14:06 Govind : Yes Jit, am really tired too; went to the temple at 5am this morning
14:07 Govind : See you boys tomorrow
14:07 Jitender : tc
14:10 Shai : 12070 SL for all shorts now- (13:57) Shai : 12070 new supply band into clsoe
14:11 Shai : can drop to 12026/ 12001
14:11 Ankit : okay
14:13 Boppanna : BN Spot push close to Shai’s 234 zone
14:14 Jitender : booked more at 374…1/3rd left (14:02) Jitender : 487-411 half book (13:41) Jitender : 4 attempts at 500-510 nw(13:42) Jitender : cmon bnf …exhale
14:14 Jitender : mkc
14:17 Shai : can crack quick here
14:17 Shai : 12001
14:17 Uttam : 12000pe tgts Shai? can do 80-87?
14:18 Shai : 78
14:18 Tejpreet : uttam bn 1.5 ib ?
14:19 Uttam : cool that was my 1st tgt too 🙂
14:19 Uttam : 11965
14:19 Ankit : i am out
14:19 Jitender : all out 346 (14:14) Jitender : booked more at 374…1/3rd left (14:02) Jitender : 487-411 half book (13:41) Jitender : 4 attempts at 500-510 nw(13:42) Jitender : cmon bnf …exhale
14:19 Uttam : 31138
14:19 Jitender : 150 bps trade
14:19 Ankit : 12100 PE 84 to 130
14:19 Uttam : super Ankit
14:19 Uttam : congo Jit
14:19 Jitender : 4.8x thru Tej
14:19 Ankit : thanks UG
14:20 Ankit : best mtm day today 🙂
14:20 Jitender : tx Uttam
14:20 Jitender : congo Ankit
14:20 Tejpreet : +1 jit still at 2.8
14:20 Ankit : Actually, thank you so much shai!!
14:20 Amit : congo jit
14:20 Ankit : Thank JIt paaji!
14:20 Shai : 11979- (11:38) Shai : Minor supp is near this 12045 spot zone equivalent to this vpoc of 12083(11:38) Shai : if this breaks down we get a swift move to 11975 spot
14:20 Tejpreet : +100
14:21 Ankit : okay shai! trailing small quantity
14:21 Uttam : +100 Shai
14:21 Vasant : had 31400 pe at 243 took at 268
14:21 Shai : 12057 tsl- (14:10) Shai : 12070 SL for all shorts now- (13:57) Shai : 12070 new supply band into clsoe
14:21 Vasant : now 307
14:21 Uttam : 11949 & 30998 spot coming looks like tom open
14:21 Jitender : took it in pos acc (13:18) Shai : Buy 12100 pe again at 111 sl of 96 tgt 140(13:18) Jitender : +1
14:21 Jitender : tx Shai
14:21 Jitender : first nf trade of the day
14:21 Shai : ++
14:22 Uttam : and Bops always delivers 🙂 – (13:33) Uttam : @Bops giving your workd famour J period ext handle?
14:23 Jitender : BoP rock n rolls
14:23 Uttam : 12000pe wrtiers getting out
14:24 Uttam : though long way to go for a crossover
14:24 Vasant : uttam what was that 31416?
14:24 Shai : Book full at 133- (13:18) Shai : Buy 12100 pe again at 111 sl of 96 tgt 140
14:24 Boppanna : out 2:30 time
14:25 Rajiv : Gap filled in NF now reversal?
14:25 Rajiv : or still weak
14:26 Uttam : @Rajiv we have started a new imbalance today
14:26 Amit : out at 6x )
14:26 Uttam : so soon reversal 😉
14:26 Jitender : ye baat hui Amit….congo
14:27 Amit : thanks jit , shai and uttam
14:27 Uttam : look for levels & OF confirmation to go short either on responsive selling or on initiative ones
14:27 Uttam : super Amit 🙂 congrats
14:28 Uttam : time there for this to happen today also 😉 – (14:21) Uttam : 11949 & 30998 spot coming looks like tom open
14:28 Tejpreet : +1 Amit
14:28 Uttam : 11962 spot is a vopc
14:28 Uttam : vPOC
14:28 Ankit : +1 UG
14:28 Tejpreet : looks like Jan/Shai/pe would be deadly combo 😉
14:29 Boppanna : SPX sliding
14:29 Uttam : Shai is always lethal after his yearly break Tej 🙂
14:29 Amit : thanks tp ..
14:29 Vishnu : shai covered all puts
14:29 Vishnu : +1 shai
14:29 Jitender : Trump has lot of votes from India…both sides
14:29 Vishnu : need advice for anything to carry for tom?
14:32 Uttam : IS in BNF on 30mins – (14:24) Vasant : uttam what was that 31416?
14:33 Vishnu : shai cots now 4.6l plus is the selleres covering?
14:34 Shai : could be a boucne tom
14:35 Uttam : OI in both NF & BNF has been going up since open so no effect of that margin thing Shai or is it that big players making good positions in futures after their positions in options last week?
14:35 Vishnu : thanks shai so nil to caary
14:35 Uttam : today’s EOD data would be interesting
14:36 Uttam : new lows coming?
14:39 Shai : new shorts below 12024 F onky now
14:40 Uttam : BNF stuck?
14:41 Uttam : charts stuck actually 🙂
14:41 Tejpreet : yes
14:43 Jitender : Remember 510 in bnf now
14:44 Boppanna : +1 Jit u reading my mind 🙂
14:45 Uttam : K leaving a tail at lows like Friday?
14:46 Uttam : 12039 & 12051 could come if does
14:46 Uttam : BNF above 31340 could tag 31400-416
14:46 Suyog : biggies are playing with NF/BNF premium a lot these days.. no wonder vix jumped so much today..
14:47 Uttam : +1 Suyog aiting for your EOD report
14:47 Uttam : waiting*
14:48 Suyog : smart money was not prepared for this move via futures.. it is mainly coming via options.. check Friday data..
14:48 Uttam : that vpoc of 12042 holding in NF
14:49 Shai : last leg if any below this only – (14:39) Shai : new shorts below 12024 F onky now
14:49 Uttam : yes Suyog – did check that one -(14:48) Suyog : smart money was not prepared for this move via futures.. it is mainly coming via options.. check Friday data..
14:51 Uttam : Done – (14:45) Uttam : K leaving a tail at lows like Friday?(14:46) Uttam : 12039 & 12051 could come if does
14:51 Uttam : happening – (14:46) Uttam : BNF above 31340 could tag 31400-416
14:52 Uttam : BNF also tags 31411
14:52 Shai : +1
14:52 Sachin : +1 uttam, 340 to 400
14:52 Uttam : congrats Sachin
14:52 Uttam : more coming looks like
14:52 Uttam : 12080?
14:53 Uttam : 31550?
14:53 Shai : check day lows in Nifty spot – bounce is on
14:53 Uttam : +100 Shai
14:53 Ankit : accurate
14:53 Tejpreet : super alert uttam , finally 3 4 dt done.
14:53 Uttam : congo Tej 🙂
14:54 Tejpreet : tks
14:54 Shai : short if 12050 breaks now sl of 12070 for 12025
14:55 Vishnu : any to carry??
14:55 Shai : 12061 SL cmp 12050
14:55 Shai : have exits at 12031
14:55 Uttam : 28k green at top in NF
14:55 Uttam : 12061
14:55 Sachin : FII’s will have no choice but India now… can’t run too china, ME is closed, so doors open here
14:59 Shai : Sl 12054 now- (14:55) Shai : 12061 SL cmp 12050
15:00 Shai : ticked out
15:00 Shai : 12028 shoulkd still come
15:00 Ankit : yep
15:01 Tejpreet : hanging on chief 12k pe 144 pe odd last trade.
15:01 Shai : +1
15:01 Tejpreet : looking for that 12001 F.
15:01 Shai : Fantastic day
15:01 Uttam : cheers Shai 🙂
15:02 Shai : was easy right from the open
15:02 Tejpreet : yes every one nailed it today.
15:02 Ankit : Abolutely 🙂 thanks shai
15:02 Shai : Hope all the new guys cashed in
15:02 Ankit : yep
15:02 Vijay : Yes
15:02 Vishnu : nice day shai
15:02 Utsab : yes sir
15:02 Utsab : thanks
15:02 Shai : eas one way traffic actually and you have an accident on such days only when in the opposite lane
15:03 Shai : but on the right bias you made money today
15:03 Shai : qunatum does not matter
15:03 Sachin : yes shai, many thanks, so happy that i am learning all the tactics, lows etc…
15:03 Shai : +1
15:03 Amit : +1 shai
15:04 Shai : Go through the Training Library, there is plenty of material there on this open type and this NV day type
15:04 Ketan : Excellent commentary ., as always., helped stay in the puts which i had carried from friday., which otherwise would’ve cashed out in the morning. Thanks shai., uttam., jit, and everyone !
15:04 Uttam : congrats Ketan 🙂
15:04 Sachin : uttam, pls explain how did you estimate the bn tagging, from 340 to 400 odd, did not quite follow. thank you
15:05 Ketan : Thanks uttam ! appreciate it !
15:05 Shai : Congrats
15:05 Ketan : thanks Shai !
15:05 Uttam : tail at lows meant that stuck 31k green in BNF could get a exit
15:06 Jitender : very happy to c everyone in green today
15:06 Uttam : there was also one 26k at 31400
15:06 Sachin : understood thanks
15:06 Tejpreet : 153 part booking 145 sl on rest.
15:06 Jitender : tats wat VT is all about…collectv hunting…Shai’s vision
15:06 Uttam : super Tej you would wish market does not close at all today ;-p
15:06 Ankit : +1000
15:06 Ketan : well said Jit
15:06 Tejpreet : jit tell your 3.05 bot to press the pedal.
15:07 Uttam : time up for that, Jit has had enough so resting his bots
15:07 Jitender : 🙂
15:07 Jitender : Teh 404-354 done
15:07 Tejpreet : actually Uttam want to touch jit’s 4.8 dt ….eventhough mine is dt and his DT 😉
15:07 Jitender : all yrs now
15:07 Uttam : lol Tej
15:08 Vishnu : uttam any to carry for tom
15:08 Uttam : not carrying anything Vishnu – Trend Day today so could give a pull back tom
15:08 Vishnu : good
15:08 Shai : +1- (15:06) Jitender : tats wat VT is all about…collectv hunting…Shai’s vision
15:09 Uttam : by the way we have got a late pull bk high on both at 12060 & 31452 for now which would be immd ref for tom open if not aken out now
15:09 Jitender : Tej…u r the one who showed me the way to tradn fast…._/\_
15:10 Vishnu : who all coming to mumbai on shai workshop?
15:10 Tejpreet : am i that old Jit …anyways tks !!
15:10 Uttam : I am in for that Vishnu 🙂
15:11 Vishnu : me also
15:11 Jitender : u r the youngest one & glad to be running this marathon with u
15:11 Tejpreet : hey uttam if coming to Mumbai , why not spend a day here in Pune.
15:12 Tejpreet : jit _/\_
15:12 Uttam : flying visit Tej as landing there on 18th morning & leaving back on sunday evening – why dont oyu come to mumbai 🙂
15:12 Jitender : which topic u r speakn on Uttam ?
15:12 Tejpreet : ok let me give it a tght uttam.
15:13 Uttam : kya bhai, market close to mera lena shuru ;-p – (15:12) Jitender : which topic u r speakn on Uttam ?
15:13 Jitender : 🙂
15:13 Uttam : great Tej +1
15:13 Jitender : i spoke yday at a traders luncheon
15:13 Uttam : wow Jit then you also come to Mumbai na
15:14 Jitender : and watever i said …happened
15:14 Uttam : would be great to meet all in person
15:14 Jitender : couple of ppl here are witness to tat
15:14 Shai : Awesome
15:14 Shai : where?
15:14 Uttam : arre I will vouch for that even if there is no witness 🙂
15:14 Tejpreet : +1 jit
15:14 Tejpreet : uttam we all can vouch 🙂
15:14 Jitender : aerocity Shai..lucncheon
15:14 Uttam : +100 Tej
15:15 Jitender : pschylogy of tradn n vix
15:15 Shai : nice
15:15 Ankit : +100 Jit
15:15 Vishnu : good
15:15 Ankit : hope you would join us in mumbai too
15:15 Jitender : my forte is tat only
15:16 Ankit : thats very imp to learn
15:16 Uttam : after buying that yatch & the island you mean ;-p
15:16 Ankit : lol 😛
15:16 Jitender : it i can help sum ppl save money…my karma is done
15:16 Ankit : yathc in monte carlo you mean
15:16 Jitender : one day i wish
15:17 Uttam : amen it surely will happen Jit
15:17 Ankit : amen!
15:17 Ankit : i you happen to actually go to monte carlo…do let me know
15:17 Jitender : as long as Shai is tere…i have hope one day my dream mite just happen
15:17 Uttam : bas humko bhool mat jaana tab ;-p
15:17 Jitender : kabhi nahi
15:17 Ankit : yeah UG… you will landf directly on the yatch in your chopper 😛
15:18 Shai : on the same path Sire- (15:16) Jitender : it i can help sum ppl save money…my karma is done
15:18 MJ : Wah uttam, you’d be in BOM. must meet this time 🙂
15:18 Uttam : no wonder these 2 are whom I always look upto not just in trading but in life also 🙂 – (15:18) Shai : on the same path Sire- (15:16) Jitender : it i can help sum ppl save money…my karma is done
15:19 Vishnu : so good to see u all in mumbai
15:19 Uttam : I will have to borrow the tpy chopper from my son Ankit ;-p – (15:17) Ankit : yeah UG… you will landf directly on the yatch in your chopper 😛
15:19 Uttam : sure MJ – in your sity this time 🙂 – (15:18) MJ : Wah uttam, you’d be in BOM. must meet this time 🙂
15:20 Uttam : city*
15:20 MJ : TP swing by
15:20 Jitender : biggest compliment is wen amongst other speakers…ppl at the end walk up to u n say…”u said the most genuine things”
15:20 Jitender : always lloked upto VT n u guys (15:18) Uttam : no wonder these 2 are whom I always look upto not just in trading but in life also 🙂 – (15:18) Shai : on the same path Sire- (15:16) Jitender : it i can help sum ppl save money…my karma is done
15:21 Uttam : that is because you are a genuine person Jit who cares for fellow traders
15:21 Ankit : True +100
15:21 Jitender : _/\_
15:21 Jitender : Shai has taught that
15:21 Jitender : share….
15:21 Uttam : yes no 2 ways on that 🙂
15:22 Uttam : OI dropping in BNF but stagnant in NF
15:22 Uttam : overall both has seen good OI addition today
15:23 Vishnu : uttam 12k monthly oi in Pe still adding only . it s
15:23 Vishnu : 40.56 lakhs
15:23 Uttam : will check that EOD Vishnu as right now watching only the weekly ones
15:24 Shai : +1- (15:20) Jitender : biggest compliment is wen amongst other speakers…ppl at the end walk up to u n say…”u said the most genuine things”
15:24 Vishnu : ok bro
15:24 Shai : small boucne tom
15:24 Uttam : dPOC shifting lower in NF
15:24 Vishnu : shai same like today one lakh baove sell and buy comes in 3.15 candle
15:24 Shai : week is shredded though
15:24 Vishnu : last day also many days smae
15:24 Shai : And sellers will come back
15:25 Uttam : 12040 looks like
15:26 Uttam : vols buldinng in BNF also at 1360
15:27 Uttam : 3136~0
15:27 Uttam : dPOC shifts lower in both
15:28 Ankit : iran offers 576 cr bounty on trump’s head
15:28 Ankit : lol
15:28 Shai : 🙂
15:28 Tejpreet : 🙂
15:29 Shai : Bye all
15:29 Amit : bye all have a nice evening ..
15:29 Shai : Have a good evening
15:29 Chandrashekhar : Thanks all..Bye now
15:29 Tejpreet : Bye All.
15:29 Ankit : see you all
15:29 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening