A good trader is a one who can make money consistently over a longer period of time. But how to become one such trader, who can make money in any type of market condition? A good trader keeps a close watch on the current information of the market and assesses it for change against previous information. You see current information through an OrderFlow chart.
Order Flow can show how a collection of market participates has acted in the past and this helps to create profit by knowing if these traders are profitable or caught upside down.
Room Chat
08:57 Vtrender Live : (08:55) Vtrender Live: options screen – https://join.me/677-169-060
(08:56) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/211389853
09:23 Shai : (09:23) Shai : TRade update – Book the 11300 pe fully. high is 257 against our tgt of 264. Book out
09:31 Shai : (09:31) Shai : Intra- Sell NF 11487 sl of 11523 tgt 11448. Trade small size
10:17 Shai : (10:16) Shai : Update – Book the NF at 11473 here
12:18 Shai : (12:18) Shai : Intra – Sell BNF 29300 sl of 29390 tgt 29130
12:34 Shai : (12:34) Shai : Put exit orders for the BNF shorts at 29300 cost. Let\’s wait this eriod out.
13:52 Shai : (13:52) Shai : short BNF below 29310 sl of 29401 tgt 29180 c,mp 29325
14:04 Shai : (14:03) Shai : BNf at 29235. Book half and ride the rest at cost
14:21 Shai : (14:21) Shai : Book the balance short in BNF 29270
14:36 Shai : (14:36) Shai : BTST- Buy 29200 PE at 158-160 sl of 117 tgt 250.
(14:36) Shai : 08th May
14:58 Shai : (14:58) Shai : Book fully the BTST 29200 PE at 232- 235 here cmp. 242 is highs against tgt of 250.
08:55 Vtrender Live : options screen – https://join.me/677-169-060
08:56 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/211389853
09:02 Shai : GM all’
09:02 Sumesh null : cant go to these links, tapps
09:02 Sumesh null : 100 times
09:07 Shai : https://vtrender.in/market-profile-analysis-dated-7th-may/
09:07 Jitender : Gm Folks 🙂
09:07 Shubro : GM everyone!
09:07 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:08 Shai : Neu extreme profile yesterday with FA at 11692 F reconfirming the prev one at 11695 F
09:08 Shai : stays weak below 11543 F all day
09:08 Uttam : @Sumesh you will need to install the GoToMeeting & JoinMe apps if you are logging in from your phone
09:09 AN : GM all.
09:09 Shai : 11406/ 11445 obj of the move is sustains below Neu X
09:09 Shai : BNF clean break below 29800 finally yesterday
09:10 Shai : 29254 supp below 29800
09:10 Uttam : BNF confirmed a weekly Fa at 29945 yesterday Shai
09:10 Uttam : 1atr comes to 29136
09:10 Deepak : gm
09:11 Anubhav null : helo
09:11 Uttam : chances of NF having no premium or getting into minus?
09:11 Uttam : compared to spot?
09:12 Sumesh null : i.plications?
09:13 Madhu : gm frnds
09:14 Deepak : Nf next support ?
09:16 Deepak : 11427 ?
09:17 TP : GM All.
09:17 Shai : (09:09) Shai : 11406/ 11445 obj of the move is sustains below Neu X
09:18 Deepak : ok thanks
09:18 Govind : Uttam, BNF FA was at 29545 or 29945?
09:19 Deepak : Shai Short since 11650 in Nf and BNf 30090
09:19 Shai : +1
09:19 Uttam : Fa on the weekly timeframe Govind, it was at 29945
09:19 Govind : Alright
09:21 Deepak : few days looks like fall – Economic slow down coupled with poor earnings now gaining belief
09:22 Shubro : led by Mr. Drumpf
09:22 Deepak : Today have a news in Economic Times of USA planning China type trade tariffs on India due to unfair duty structure on US goods in India
09:23 Anubhav null : if its true zhort it and pharma
09:23 Shai : TRade update – Book the 11300 pe fully. high is 257 against our tgt of 264. Book out
09:24 Deepak : Economic slowdown is for sure – dont what transpired in Modi meeting with US commerce secretary yesterday
09:24 Anubhav null : 11530 coming?
09:28 Shai : OAOR more likely
09:29 Anubhav null : ok
09:29 Anubhav null : greens r shorts covering
09:31 Shai : Intra- Sell NF 11487 sl of 11523 tgt 11448. Trade small size
09:33 Boppanna : Shai how is the 15 min vol in BNF above avg?
09:34 Shai : under
09:34 Boppanna : thx
09:34 Uttam : BNF relative less but NF has good vols today
09:34 Uttam : 13L in first 15mins
09:37 Deepak : Shai – i think if 29211 breaches in BNF we are looking at big fall upto 26650 ?
09:37 Boppanna : 320 on watch BNF
09:37 Anubhav null : bnf holdin vwap
09:38 Shai : yes Deepak
09:38 Deepak : Thanks Shai
09:38 Shai : OAOR playing out
09:38 Shai : patience needed on new entries
09:44 Deepak : I saw the hourly TF play out into Daily TF sell too – so looking at long range
09:50 Uttam : Shai we again have a difference in the 30min POC of NF today
09:50 Anubhav null : vix falling?
09:51 Subhodeep null : whatwaszl for short on nifty?using mobile hence can’t accesspast msgs
09:52 Uttam : 11523
09:52 Uttam : you not there on slack Subho?
09:55 Anubhav null : pdl resis
09:55 Subhodeep null : yes Uttam
09:56 Shubro : looks like gayee bhais pani mein ….part II
09:57 Jitender : 🙂
09:58 Anubhav null : weekly put writers wont defend?!
10:02 Shai : watch that 263- 273 in the 11300 pe may
10:02 Shai : am expecting 1000 in it is we go past
10:03 Uttam : _/\_
10:03 Shubro : when do we reenter Shai?
10:04 Anubhav null : wow
10:06 Uttam : 225 sup in that PE for now Shai?
10:09 Shubro : the question Shai if the US china spat resolves tomorrow and we are back up again
10:09 Shubro : tomorrow/10th
10:11 Anubhav null : yes trump is a fickle bitch
10:11 Shubro : yes so staying light is probably a good idea as Jit says after a nice day yest
10:12 Uttam : guys we have been leaving extension handles here on monthly & weekly charts so PLR is firmly to the downside hrre irrespective of what happens in US
10:12 Shubro : SUbho + 100 to our chat as well
10:13 Uttam : Nifty spot 11613 & BN Spot 29700 imp ref now on the upside
10:16 Shai : Update – Book the NF at 11473 here
10:16 Anubhav null : reds
10:16 Uttam : C side ext in both
10:17 Uttam : and some late reds looks like in NF
10:17 Shai : never trust the job to the C guys 🙂
10:17 Shai : they mess it
10:17 Uttam : 🙂
10:17 Uttam : nice teade nonetheless Shai +1
10:17 Uttam : trade*
10:17 Shai : +1
10:18 Shubro : yes +1 Shai
10:18 Anubhav null : long here?
10:18 Anubhav null : vwap tgt?
10:22 Thanika : +1 (10:17) Uttam : nice teade nonetheless Shai +1
10:23 Boppanna : Pivot short term IMO 09:37 Boppanna : 320 on watch BNF
10:24 Anubhav null : bot booked
10:24 Jitender : 3ib day yday fr bth
10:26 Anubhav null : if day low holds canwe try longs?
10:26 Shai : small contra for vwap
10:26 Shai : neu x is a sell on rises
10:27 Anubhav null : ok 🙂
10:27 Shai : (09:08) Shai : Neu extreme profile yesterday with FA at 11692 F reconfirming the prev one at 11695 F(09:08) Shai : stays weak below 11543 F all day
10:27 Shai : (09:09) Shai : 11406/ 11445 obj of the move is sustains below Neu X
10:28 Shai : will look to short near 11500 again
10:28 Shai : 29350 in BNF
10:29 Hari : can NF do 11534?
10:30 Shai : let’s see vwap and dvah first
10:31 Shai : see the losuy retail seling 37k in C at 11471 🙂
10:32 Anubhav null : stuck
10:33 Hari : Shai, that was the call from seminar sellers to sell below level 🙂
10:34 Anubhav null : morning range breakout
10:34 Anubhav null : lol
10:34 Hari : Shai profile charts got compressed again today, pls expans
10:37 Thanika : LOL 🙂 (10:33) Hari : Shai, that was the call from seminar sellers to sell below level 🙂
10:39 Shai : lol
10:40 Shai : vwap and back was quick
10:40 Thanika : an we adjust that 30mins OFA chart (top right – NF) in this room and expand it slightly.. i am not able to read that clearly
10:40 Shai : very intersesting vwap todaty for an OAOR- not allwoing price to pass up
10:41 Hari : but not convinced of this gap in NF, can test 530 once
10:43 Jitender : ys Hari…hghly oversold
10:43 Jitender : but need momentum
10:44 Hari : Vols in NF is very high in this gap down FYI
10:44 Thanika : Thanks!, it is clear now.
10:44 Jitender : i know
10:50 Hari : exited my NF longs at 482, so that it can move up 🙂
10:50 Hari : from below IBL
10:52 Anubhav null : puts falling
11:02 Hari : failure here can signify a trend day
11:03 Uttam : 11360 anyone today?
11:03 Hari : IT can fire Uttam
11:04 Uttam : big range day attracts big range day
11:04 Uttam : we had a 160 point range yesterday
11:04 Uttam : expecting a similar range today
11:06 Ashok null : sir what is the bank nifty open type
11:07 Uttam : OAOR
11:07 Uttam : Open Auction Out of Range
11:11 Hari : NF a potential b
11:13 Shai : It is (09:28) Shai : OAOR more likely
11:13 Shai : patience needed
11:14 Shai : value your emotional capital for first half
11:14 Shai : chill a bir. don’t overanalyse
11:18 Boppanna : C high 320 10:23 Boppanna : Pivot short term IMO 09:37 Boppanna : 320 on watch BNF
11:23 Boppanna : Why 320? OF watch in A period Thx to Uttam’s bingo hypos now can trail with 280 d) Below 29321, BNF could tag lower levels of 29220-211 & 29135
11:24 Jitender : +1
11:24 Jitender : new lows post tis (10:43) Jitender : but need momentum
11:29 Madhu : is thier ony open postion…
11:31 Boppanna : No Madhu
11:34 Shai : technical sell in BNF here 29250 for 29130 sl abv 29330
11:41 Anubhav null : rb in nf?
11:41 Madhu : ‘…
11:47 Madhu : no comment
11:47 Rajiv : Shai is this 49 K RS
11:47 Rajiv : RB i mean
11:47 Shai : RN ues
11:48 Shai : first major one since the sell off below 11600 yesterday
11:48 Jitender : yup
11:48 Rajiv : Coun no tunderstand this Shai : RN ues
11:49 Himanshu : DIIs defended yesterday – v/s FII sells in terms of value
11:49 Govind : I think he meant RB Yes, Rajiv
11:49 Shai : 11500 puts sold too
11:49 Shai : RB**- (11:47) Shai : R
11:50 Shai : major supp zone this 11350- 11399 spot zone
11:50 Shai : puts are not extensding since open
11:50 Shai : be alert on shorts but no case for a long yet unless scalping
11:51 Deepak : 29210 bnf good support ?
11:51 Shubro : Shai long case only if we cross NeuX correct?
11:53 Uttam : both NF & BNF do 1.5 IB down
11:55 Jitender : nw good chance for Hari’s bounce
11:55 Govind : 11432/426 coming Uttam?
11:55 Govind : That RB level is holding though, for now
11:55 Shubro : volumes low
11:55 Jitender : ys
11:56 Jitender : n bnf also held
11:56 Jitender : but dont hesitate fo SAR
11:56 Govind : SAR?
11:56 Jitender : stop n reverse
11:56 Shubro : stop and boing
11:56 Hari : both vwap of curving down
11:57 Hari : more downsides left
11:57 Hari : * both the vwaps are curving down
11:57 Hari : so far a nice trend day 11:02 Hari : failure here can signify a trend day
12:00 Anubhav null : will it be a fa above 11476 nf?
12:00 Anubhav null : n tag ibh
12:01 Jitender : 11.4ce 62-7
12:01 Jitender : 67
12:01 Jitender : half book
12:01 Hari : nice
12:02 Jitender : 29.2ce 138=152 half bk
12:02 Uttam : time for a bounce? too oversold both
12:03 Jitender : (11:55) Jitender : nw good chance for Hari’s bounce
12:03 Uttam : +1 Jit 🙂
12:03 Jitender : +1
12:04 Uttam : d) Below 29321, BNF could tag lower levels of 29220-211 & 29135…BNF low so far 29212
12:04 Jitender : all out 73
12:04 Uttam : d) Below 11496, PLR remains down for lower levels of 11477-460 & 11432-426…NF low 11455
12:05 Jitender : 12:04) Jitender : all out 73(12:01) Jitender : 11.4ce 62-7(12:01) Jitender : 67(12:01) Jitender : half book
12:05 Uttam : 29384 tag will be nice in BNF
12:05 Uttam : 11526 in NF
12:06 Jitender : 165 all out (12:02) Jitender : 29.2ce 138=152 half bk
12:06 Uttam : OTF down stopping in both
12:06 Uttam : both getting positive COT at vwap
12:08 Jitender : timing 🙂 (12:03) Jitender : (11:55) Jitender : nw good chance for Hari’s bounce
12:08 Jitender : bnf bounced 100
12:08 Uttam : you made it bounce rather 😉
12:09 Jitender : had told a friend on DM at 11.40 tat “rite time” wen askd for bounce….RB came…ten extn lower to OP-Ra…bought..bnf was steady..bought…..
12:09 Jitender : n now booked
12:09 Jitender : KISS
12:09 Jitender : n all with comments here
12:10 Jitender : so expectation+ OF confirmation+ quant lvl
12:10 Jitender : aur kya chahiye
12:10 Hari : It is a honor having you here Jit
12:10 Jitender : _/\_
12:10 Uttam : nice Jit we also had a IS on 30min at 29248 so those sellers were under pressure & the greens you see in this vwap scaleup is those shorts exiting I guess
12:11 Jitender : pls Hari…honor is mine to be here in the august company of friends like u
12:11 Jitender : my glory is scalp…wile u do 100pointer hunting
12:12 Uttam : It is a honor to have both of you heavyweights in your own way here in the room 🙂 _/\_ keep rocking guys
12:13 Shubro : We should get Jit to design a channel for scalping on slack
12:13 Shubro : i guess it takes time to become a master scalper
12:13 Jitender : & U Eagle eyes…w/out u tradn is not the same
12:13 Shubro : Shai the sculptor
12:14 Jitender : Shubro..i share all tat i know n how i trade openly here
12:14 Shubro : yes of course
12:14 Jitender : Shai has championed and practised open sharing…m merely following
12:15 Shai : Cheers
12:15 Uttam : +100 Jit _/\_
12:15 Jitender : happy tradn…hv turned out seminar & handling money requests many times
12:15 Shai : It’s an open secret of the markets- those who share more will profit more
12:15 Shubro : yes agree
12:16 Jitender : +100
12:16 Uttam : yes Shai have learnt so much from you & continue to do so but this is the biggest lesson of them all 🙂 _/\_
12:16 Jitender : if i can help one person …all i want is u to have good wishes fr me n pass the sharing around
12:16 Jitender : as Shai does
12:17 Shai : +1
12:17 Uttam : yes Jit he rubs it on others around him also 🙂 so you always have those positive good vibes here
12:17 Ashutosh : Just now joined the trading room- looks like I have missed a lot
12:18 Shai : Welcome aboard Ashutosh
12:18 Shai : There is always time to catch up
12:18 Ashutosh : Thanks Shai
12:18 Shubro : homework after hours helps the most Ashutosh
12:18 Ashutosh : would love to learn and interact with you guys
12:18 Shai : Intra – Sell BNF 29300 sl of 29390 tgt 29130
12:18 Govind : Welcome to the room, Ashutosh.
12:19 Ashutosh : Thanks Shubro would practice it
12:19 Uttam : welcome to VT Ashutosh 🙂
12:20 Ashutosh : Thanks for the warm welcome 🙂
12:24 Madhu : wlcom
12:26 Hari : Second day of poor liquidity in cash scrips
12:27 Hari : Some of friends who trade big has scaled down posn size to 20%
12:32 Subhodeep null : Auburn WA tadekho
12:33 Subhodeep null : subhro WA
12:34 Shai : Put exit orders for the BNF shorts at 29300 cost. Let’s wait this eriod out.
12:34 Shai : exit
12:34 Ravikiran : ok
12:34 Hari : both are back in IB
12:34 Madhu : kkk
12:35 Uttam : (12:05) Uttam : 29384 tag will be nice in BNF
12:36 Uttam : 26k green in bnf
12:37 Shai : bears gave up at vwap
12:38 Uttam : 29364 hihg so far BNF
12:40 Himanshu : Uttam – 29445 possible – as per hypo
12:41 Ashok : bank nifty there is big green bar what hao
12:41 Uttam : above 29321 level was 29370 whcih is almost tagged Himanshu
12:42 Uttam : sustaining above 29385 can being 29445
12:42 Uttam : @Ashok green box is cause we have a big buyer there
12:42 Uttam : 28000
12:42 Jitender : n hez in trouble
12:43 Uttam : yes Jit but more confrimation of downside if 29280 goes
12:43 Jitender : k
12:43 Shai : very interstung tghese 40 points here 29300- 340
12:44 Shai : could decide settlemnt tom
12:44 Uttam : pull back high here will be nice for a trending afternoon lower 😉
12:44 Jitender : yup
12:44 Shai : volume does not suggest a big breakout move yet
12:44 Uttam : yes Jit vols have been low
12:45 Uttam : NF started with good vols but then faded away
12:45 Uttam : BNF right from open below average vols today
12:45 Shubro : Shai should we exit that trade or hold then?
12:46 Shubro : BNF 29300
12:47 Uttam : reds in both as vwap goes
12:48 Shai : 29390- 405 sl if in Shubro
12:48 Shubro : ok
12:48 Boppanna : Below 280 sustains then could fall
12:48 Shai : No case for longs yet but new shorts have to be careful
12:48 Shubro : hmm
12:48 Shai : (11:50) Shai : be alert on shorts but no case for a long yet unless scalping
12:48 Shubro : no exited at cost that one as directed
12:49 Shai : yes just safety
12:49 Jitender : bingo (12:42) Jitender : n hez in trouble
12:49 Uttam : boom
12:49 Uttam : NF new lows
12:49 Shai : +1 Jit
12:49 Jitender : 29.1 ce 233-170
12:49 Uttam : +1 Jit
12:49 Jitender : tx chief
12:49 Jitender : tx Uttam
12:50 Uttam : wonder what made that 28k green to go long there at 29340 😉
12:50 Uttam : he puked all in the next bar looks like
12:50 Uttam : -24k COT in ot
12:51 Shai : yes
12:52 Shai : sellersa take back vwap
12:52 Uttam : 11432 coming in NF?
12:53 Hari : that is buy above open price alert Uttam
12:54 Uttam : which one Hari?
12:54 Hari : that 36k buy in BNF
12:55 Uttam : oh ok you mean it was an algo whihc executed a pre defined trade?
12:55 Hari : no seminar sellers
12:55 Uttam : lol
12:55 Uttam : they are getting famous
12:56 Hari : i just open twitter once in a week for 10 mins and shut it, damned SM that is
12:56 Uttam : @Shai probable FA in that 11300pe at lows
12:58 Shubro : sellers now firmly in control Shai/uttam?
12:58 Madhu : s
12:59 Hari : otf stopped in both
13:00 Uttam : 11478 level in NF to be held
13:00 Uttam : prominent POC of today
13:00 Uttam : so far
13:01 Uttam : Hari had ordered for a ‘b’ in the mornign so NF followng his order 🙂
13:04 Arjun : @uttam if its a FA at lows whats the likely target for it on the upside ?
13:04 Uttam : Nifty Spot gave a drive dow below that March’s POC of 11448 whcih was a trending profile so close belwo that would add to the bearishness
13:04 Himanshu : B means – Closing at Open level
13:06 Uttam : no Himanshu ‘b’ mostly closes around the dPOC but we can get a b+spike down also today
13:07 Uttam : @Arjun if FA gets confirmed we take the 1atr move from there
13:07 Uttam : but today no Fa possivle at lows as we have stayed below IBL for more than 30mins
13:07 Hari : Uttam, what is the 2 ATR move in FA in NF day before
13:08 Uttam : 11480 Hari
13:08 Santosh : what is ATR ?
13:08 Hari : oh then it is already here 🙂
13:08 Uttam : yep got there at open itself
13:08 Uttam : 11426 is 2 ATR from that negated FA of 11637
13:08 Anubhav : double bottom forming in nf intraday charts if lows dont break soon i think it will tag highs
13:09 Jayanth : (13:08) Santosh : what is ATR ? Average true range
13:09 Uttam : ATR is Average True Range Santosh
13:09 Uttam : thanks Jayanth 🙂
13:09 Jayanth : 🙂
13:09 Santosh : THANKS
13:10 MJ : 65 pt range after that 160 pointer makes it so slow.
13:11 Uttam : 100 points of that 160 came post 2 pm Mihir 😉
13:12 Hari : NF already done 1.5 IB
13:12 MJ : Yeah 🙂
13:12 Anubhav : whats the max pain of this exp guys in nf n bnf…tht will give clue
13:12 Anubhav : weekly
13:13 Uttam : (11:53) Uttam : both NF & BNF do 1.5 IB down
13:13 MJ : Weekly PCR in that otm system is at 0.4
13:13 Jitender : 29.3 pain
13:13 Jitender : was 29.8 yday
13:14 Anubhav : so they need a bounce to exit agar aaj average bhi kiya hoga
13:15 Jitender : 🙂
13:15 Jitender : tey wud hv yday itself
13:15 Jitender : cut
13:15 Shai : 11455- (09:17) Shai : (09:09) Shai : 11406/ 11445 obj of the move is sustains below Neu X
13:15 Jitender : +1
13:16 Shai : anticpatinga sharp drop in that 11445 goes . shoudl fetch a quick 40
13:16 Shai : else roaotional till 11500
13:17 Shai : day lows are not secure yet
13:17 Shai : again not a case for longs
13:18 Hari : just 7 trading sessions to go for mother of volatality
13:19 Shubro : they heard ya
13:19 Govind : here you go Shai
13:19 Shai : 11443
13:19 Shai : liquidity crisis
13:19 Govind : 125k?
13:19 Anubhav : hehe wt a timig
13:20 Anubhav : insiders
13:20 Shubro : woah big boy here
13:20 Shubro : algo?
13:21 Shai : yes
13:21 Anubhav : hammer
13:21 Shai : planted limit buy order
13:21 Uttam : 25k green in BNF also
13:21 Uttam : 29200
13:21 Govind : Yes Uttam
13:22 Shai : high risk long for 11492 sl of 11442
13:22 Shubro : this is like yesterday again
13:23 Shubro : if this guy goes whistle towards south
13:24 MJ : First trade of the day done phew.
13:24 Shai : oh vwap is it?
13:24 Shai : nice
13:25 Himanshu : Chief – Low secured now for BNF
13:25 MJ : With biggie Shai.
13:25 MJ : 🙂
13:25 Subhodeep null : sometimes I feel mj is the big guy
13:25 Shai : yes Him
13:25 MJ : Subhodeep you know man. Was under tonnes of work. Just aaya.
13:25 Shai : NF also with LLT
13:25 MJ : Missing room in a board meet!
13:26 MJ : Couldn’t stay away.
13:26 Subhodeep null : thAt board word confirms my suspicion 🙂
13:26 Jitender : board or broad 🙂
13:27 MJ : Sssshh! 🙂
13:27 MJ : Subho.
13:27 Govind : 🙂
13:27 Subhodeep null : lol
13:27 Subhodeep null : hi