General Chat Transcript
Date and Time: February 11, 2015 08:56:11
[08:56] r m : Good Morning folks!
[08:56] r m :
[08:56] r m :
[08:56] r m : NF Key Ref. Area 8626 Hypo1 below 8596➜8570➜8552 SL 8618 Hypo2 above 8626➜8643➜8683 SL 8595 FEB Future levels
[08:56] Porus : GM all
[08:56] r m : BNF KRA 18745 Hypo1 above 18805➜18944➜19062 SL 18745 Hypo2 below 18744➜18660➜18525 SL 18800 FEB Future levels
[08:58] Sharad : GM all
[09:02] Shai : m all
[09:03] r m : Results today – Bata India, Natco, Power Grid, NCC,Syndicate Bank, Escorts, Container Corporation,Hathway, India Cement
[09:04] r m : Results tomorrow – Tata Comm., ONG, Glenmark, IGL, BOI, BHEL, CIPLA
[09:04] r m : *ONGC
[09:04] r m : SBI results on Fryday the 13th 🙂
[09:09] r m : Pre-market suggests open above KRA 8626 in NF
[09:11] Rahul G : GM all
[09:11] Rahul G : Shai the premium section is throwing page not found error for last two days orderflow
[09:11] Rahul G :
[09:13] RK : Good morning Shai,RM and all
[09:13] r m : opening on my screen Rahul
[09:13] r m : Hi RK
[09:14] r m : try login first and then premium page
[09:14] Rahul G : oh okay
[09:14] Rahul G : sure rm I will try again
[09:14] r m : thanks
[09:14] r m : @RK, you faced the same issue yesterday – not being able to open premium page?
[09:17] Kris : GM All 🙂
[09:17] r m : Hi Kris 🙂
[09:17] Rahul G : yup rm thanks working now
[09:17] r m : welcome
[09:17] Rahul G : logout and login worked 🙂
[09:18] Sumit : gm everyone
[09:18] r m : ok, strange ways of browser world 🙂
[09:19] Shai : BNF 19060
[09:20] Sumit : are these candles for 5 min. or changes according to volume/size
[09:20] Sumit : as was earlier
[09:20] r m : 5 minutes
[09:21] Sumit : ok so not those 5 tick/2 tick sizes anymore
[09:21] r m : yes, no more ticks!
[09:21] Sumit : thanks rm
[09:21] r m : welcome
[09:22] Rav : booked 19096 and 19000ce. 19500ce holding
[09:23] Kris : NF Open=High is holding for 8 minutes, if it holds for 30 minutes, be careful with longs!
[09:24] r m : it looks like OAIR in NF
[09:24] Varun : kris it opened outside value, back in range, 80% ?
[09:24] Tejpreet : GM all.
[09:25] Rav : 8600 spot is protected with pcr of 1.8 with ce being shortcovered
[09:25] Kris : @Varun – if it does not cross IB high, I would expect a minimum of prev day vwap test!
[09:25] Varun : thanks
[09:26] Kris : in fact a preemptive trade taken – 8648 short with 8657 SL 🙂
[09:27] Sumit : delta numbers next to candle in white means neutral?
[09:30] r m : white are limit order based trades I think
[09:30] r m : red and green are market order trades
[09:31] Sumit : ok thanks
[09:32] Kris : OK – 8628 – 50% booked at 20 points! – not great – not bad either 🙂
[09:33] r m : good one Kris, I would have asked for a party but being teetotaller you will offer only coffee 😀
[09:36] r m : green in NF
[09:42] RK : Yes RM I couldnt view them first then managed to view it by checking out and relogging
[09:44] Shai : there is a chance at 8683 still
[09:44] Shai : but better to take abv 8656 with sl below 8642
[09:49] Sumit : can the next pink with red candle at bottom be taken
[09:51] Shai : yes the BNF now can be taken if delta in pane below is red
[09:52] Sumit : thanks Shai. these bottom deltas are of much help.
[09:54] Shai : yes they are the net of the 5 min bar above and tell you whether there were more sellers or buyers in that bar
[09:54] Amit J : shai any view on frl
[09:56] Shai : FRL hit supp at 118 and shoing a bounce
[09:56] Shai : view is revisit of 133 and may sell off again from there
[09:57] Shai : weak below 118 again
[09:58] Shai : one view of today was that we remain inside yesterday
[09:59] r m : NF is still inside the IB of yesterday!
[10:00] Rav : bought 8640 with 8600pe@100
[10:04] Rav : 8600ce sc
[10:11] Amit J : thanks
[10:20] Sumit : Shai, part book at 8683?
[10:21] Shai : yes
[10:21] Sumit : hope it goes there 🙂
[10:21] Shai : seller also coming here
[10:22] Shai : watch that 38000 to increae
[10:22] Shai : now 47300
[10:22] Varun : seller or buyer
[10:22] Rahul G : tht is a buyer now shai
[10:22] Shai : buyer
[10:22] Rahul G : but thr is a seller at 8666 around 104925
[10:23] Sumit : 50600 now
[10:24] Shai : yes Rahul
[10:24] Shai : even yesterday these points were used to se;
[10:24] Shai : we liquidate when that 50900 reduces
[10:25] Sumit : how will we know? red delta?
[10:25] Rahul G : yup shai hw will we know tht
[10:25] Shai : yes red delta
[10:25] Kris : IB extension between 10.15 and 10.45 rarely succeeds 🙂
[10:25] Sharad : Shai how that 50900 will change ..candle is changed
[10:25] Shai : or same price will have seller
[10:26] Shai : exited 15000
[10:26] Sharad : Yes Kris Thanks shorted @ 8665
[10:26] Kris : @Sharad – I am trying BN 🙂
[10:26] Rahul G : shai views on idfc
[10:26] Shai : exit long beow 8654
[10:27] Sharad : ok no problem both will go togeather
[10:27] Sharad : stop 8683
[10:28] Shai : IDBI 66.65 supply
[10:28] Rahul G : shai IDFC
[10:28] Shai : oh 🙂
[10:30] Shai : idfc abv 169.8 can give you 175.6 and 176.8
[10:31] Shai : will turn weak below 165.6 now
[10:31] Rahul G : ok
[10:31] Rahul G : thanks
[10:31] Shai : welcome
[10:32] Rahul G : shai have no shorts should I wait till we get a pink line or can take one now
[10:34] Shai : pink
[10:34] Shai : buyers are not defending 8665 now
[10:35] Shai : shoudl gibe 8632 if 8654 breaks
[10:42] Shai : if today’s close is above 8645 spot it is a further confirmation of the lows being in yesterday
[10:43] Shai : in that case the market should do 8800 spot next
[10:47] Sharad : 8627 Shai cover Nifty ?
[10:47] Shai : yes
[10:47] Sharad : covered @ 8629
[10:48] Shai : 10.15 bar 60975 and 5825 were the only 2 volumes propping up the NF abv IBH once that seller came
[10:48] Sharad : clap clap Kris… earned 3 months subscription..
[10:48] Shai : they gave way in the 10.40 bar
[10:48] Kris : @Sharad – covered few at 19025 – 90 points
[10:49] Kris : rest trail at 1060
[10:49] Kris : 19060
[10:49] Sharad : covered full as master said
[10:50] Kris : mostly that is the right decision – but I have a policy. Play for peanuts leave a small chance for them to become pumpkins 🙂
[10:51] Sharad : Great going Kris..
[10:51] Kris : ok – moved tsl to pdh at 19025!
[10:51] Sharad : we believe in HMV ( his Master’s Voice )
[10:51] r m : p2P policy 🙂
[10:52] Kris : @Shai – my daily quota pat please! 🙂
[11:00] Kris : @Rm – see – no response 🙁
[11:04] Rav : 19500ce heavy buying
[11:05] Rav : 8700-8800ce heavy buying and 8600 pcr is 2!!!
[11:06] Rahul G : rav u stil holding yr longs
[11:07] Varun : bnf opened outside value, sustaining outside, if doesnt reneter value, a nice big move upside awaits in afternoon
[11:07] Rav : yes
[11:08] Rav : 8700ce-40 lots bought
[11:15] Rav :
[11:16] Shai : t
[11:38] Rav : 8500-8600ce SC will push N up
[11:41] Kris : @Sharad -BN buy at vwap with pdh as sl?
[11:48] r m : getting kicked out by the room repeatedly 🙂
[11:50] Sumit : same here…
[11:50] r m : ok, I feel easy now that I know that the misery is shared 🙂
[11:51] Amit J : hi shai any view on hcl tech for short
[11:51] Sumit : :))
[11:55] Shai : Anybody having issues with logins please send a mail immediately to me
[11:55] Sharad : Sorry was away from computer Kris.. yes ggod buy but stop should be 19015 open
[11:55] Shai : [email protected]
[11:56] RK : its working fine here
[11:58] Shai : can’t see a short in hcltech till 1926 breaks
[11:58] Shai : even then 1907 is a supp
[11:58] Sharad : or DVAL 19004 ?
[11:59] Shai : yes 19004
[11:59] Sharad : ok thanks Shai
[12:01] Rahul G : psu banks moving
[12:02] Kris : Thanks Shai and Sharad!
[12:02] Rahul G : shai advice on albk
[12:02] Shai : sellers abv 19100 in BNF
[12:02] Shai : test at 19090 due
[12:04] Rahul G : beautiful shai tht is 090
[12:05] Ravi : ya shai ..wonderful
[12:05] Sharad : Shai sell BNF
[12:05] Kris : Thanks Sharad- got 50 points! 🙂
[12:06] Sharad : or wait for 19200
[12:06] Sharad : sold 50% @ 19091
[12:06] Shai : dol or covered?
[12:06] Shai : sold**
[12:06] Sharad : was long Shai
[12:07] Shai : ok
[12:07] Shai : yes selling is there at 19100
[12:07] Shai : have to see lots of greens
[12:07] Sharad : sold balance @ 19079
[12:08] Sharad : one good trade Thanks to Kris .. for reminding trade
[12:09] Shai : albk can’t see a huge edge here in a new position
[12:09] Shai : at 107 the bounce from 103 is good but has sold on good volume from 110 alsi
[12:10] Shai : guess it can go test either from here
[12:10] Shai : larger bias can be for 113 if 102 holds over next few sessions
[12:11] Rav : 19000PE Writing and 19500ce buying are there for 19250 for sure
[12:12] Shai : Maintian 19242 as still the objective from yesterday aas we are over 18825
[12:12] Shai : F
[12:13] Shai : if that comes we may close friday near 19365 and possiblly 19668F by Mon
[12:13] Kris : @Shai – so time to buy? 🙂
[12:15] Kris : I mean – the best trade would have been a buy closer to 18850 with 18820 SL and wait for 19600?
[12:16] Amit J : short cipla for results
[12:18] Rahul G : shai the session u plan to have on friday will it be recorded
[12:18] Rahul G : since i havr office ao nt sure if i can be thr so asked
[12:19] Shai : Yes Rahul will try to record it
[12:19] Rahul G : also have anyone tried this room through mobile and does the audio works
[12:19] Rahul G : thanks shai
[12:19] Sharad : i use it on mobile and working fine…
[12:19] Shai : yes audio works fine
[12:19] Sharad : but audio not tried
[12:20] Sharad : have to download Omnivia App
[12:20] Rahul G : okay thanks will give it a try tht day if my boss allows
[12:20] Rahul G : qhen u start the session a msg on twitter wil help
[12:21] Sumit : Shai, empty space in lower pane delta means no volume or equal buy sell?
[12:21] Rav : BN 8% long got added
[12:21] r m : @Sumit, equal buy/sell
[12:21] Sumit : thanks rm
[12:22] r m : @Sumit, the numbers in the bars are volumes at sell X buy, you’ll notice that the sum of sell and buy is almost the same in 12:00 bar in NF
[12:22] r m : welcome
[12:23] Sumit : yes. only 150 differece
[12:24] Sumit : Kris/Sharad, shorting BN?
[12:24] Sumit : red bar with pink looking good
[12:25] Rav : long on BNF
[12:25] Rav : in
[12:30] Sharad : waiting for pink sumit
[12:30] Kris : 10400 is a buy in BN? Never thought Rav trades in those volumes 🙂
[12:30] r m : he is a big trader 🙂
[12:30] Sharad : buyer at top means only short covering
[12:31] Rav : all bank heavy weights are in LBU
[12:32] Sumit : yes Sharad
[12:32] Sumit : now only if you and Kris can join in
[12:32] Sumit : 🙂
[12:33] Kris : Sharad – I missed that idea – So cancelled the sell 🙁
[12:34] Sharad : ohh ok… i am not bold like you so no very aggresive trade
[12:35] r m : here comes large OF for NF
[12:35] Sharad : wow RM seen after long time
[12:36] r m : yeah, looks like it too missed us 🙂
[12:36] Kris : Well, it gave sufficient hints from 150 points below – with MO at -72 – we did not want to hear it 🙂
[12:37] r m : You and Shai heard it all right 🙂
[12:37] Shai : this BNF party is till SBI strikes on Fri
[12:37] r m : Fryday the 13th!
[12:38] Shai : can’t expect SBI to deliver when the entire space is going bad
[12:38] Sharad : yes but Shai all PSU reporting very bad numbers of NPA what do you think SBI is different
[12:39] r m : @Sharad, precisely what Shai is saying, party on till Friday 🙂
[12:39] Sharad : ok good i misunderstood
[12:40] Kris : @Rm – do you think Shai is also saying MO will reach a reasonable shape, and then it can be hammered again? 🙂
[12:40] Sharad : SBI result in market hours ?
[12:40] r m : @Kris, possible 🙂
[12:40] r m : @Sharad, yes, PSB guys don’t like to work outside 10 to 5 envelope 🙂
[12:41] Rav : MAX PAIN 8700 need to be touched
[12:41] Sharad : good then fryday morning 19242 and evening 18242
[12:41] Sumit : 🙂
[12:41] r m : @Kris, remember we used to buy straddles for Infy and SBI? 🙂
[12:41] Sharad : pink about to come in BNF
[12:41] Kris : @Sharad – let us be ready to short closer to 19242 then 🙂
[12:42] Kris : @Rm – yes – Shai is doing that special before results still? I missed last quarter or two
[12:42] Sharad : i am already short through options from morning
[12:43] Sharad : 200 rise in BNF is peanut if you want 1000
[12:43] r m : @Kris, we have to cajole him into doing it now the chief cajoler (Janak) is missing 🙂
[12:43] Sharad : yes janka, Kathir not seeing them in market hours
[12:44] Sharad : Janak
[12:44] Kris : @Sharad -once we expect a range bound day, A sell near IB high with a few points SL is not such a risky trade – worked for me more than failed!
[12:45] r m : pink in NF
[12:45] Sharad : ok will definately remember.. and trade
[12:45] Sharad : pink in both
[12:45] Sharad : 19065 short
[12:46] Sharad : 19100 DVAH stop
[12:46] Kris : IB High short gave 70 already 🙁
[12:46] Sharad : Kris tum mahan ho… hahaha
[12:46] r m : lol
[12:47] Kris : @Shai Master, Shai Master, your students are making fun of me 🙁
[12:48] Sharad : Master will not listen to best students.. he is with us who are learning
[12:48] r m : 😀
[12:49] Sharad : this BNF will go down after 1 pm only… big player time
[12:56] Rav : 19100 19300 19400 19500ce buying on and 18400-19200pe writing on…..
[12:59] Sharad : 1 pm done now big players can come for up and down
[13:01] Amit J : european come to office around 12.30-1
[13:04] Sharad : no Amit 240 min is FII time which complets at 1 pm
[13:08] Rav : 8700ce @ 90 booked at 108
[13:09] Rav : NF booked at 8688 and cut 8600pe @90 at 76:48-14:34 points
[13:10] Amit J : 8700 call – 3 days back 155 was low yesterday 112 was high and now 110. sharp IV correction
[13:11] Sharad : ohh 19100 stop gone
[13:11] Rav : IV reduces when spot approaches to the proximity level
[13:12] Sharad : great ravi
[13:13] Tejpreet : Thanks Rav I was abt to ask that as Vix is almost constant at 20 plus.
[13:14] Rav : bnf 10% long added LBU .NF LBU
[13:16] Rav : 19030-19075:2% LONG added
[13:19] Shai : clear path in BNf abv day high to 19216
[13:20] Shai : NF hould do 8733
[13:22] Shai : 19057 sl tgt 19216
[13:23] Rav : bnh hv in this candle
[13:23] Rav : bnf
[13:30] Shai : (10:42) Shai :if today’s close is above 8645 spot it is a further confirmation of the lows being in yesterday
[13:33] RK : seller 43450 at bottom
[13:34] Shai : BNf sl taken
[13:40] Shai : BNF profie is rounded now
[13:40] Shai : next 2 hours should be spent around vwap
[13:40] Shai : with a close most likely to be at vwap
[13:41] Shai : attemt to break abv 19110 has met with failure this once
[13:41] Amit J : 2 major result in next 2 days
[13:41] Shai : sbi and ?
[13:41] Shai : syndi delivered now
[13:41] Shai : Syndicate Bank Q3: Net Profit At Rs. 305 Cr Vs EST Of Rs. 417 Cr; Gross NPA At 3.60% Vs 3.43% (QoQ).
[13:42] Shai : all these psu’s are deliverring exactly the same kind of results
[13:44] r m : @Shai, tomorrow Tata Comm, ONGC, IGL, BHEL, Cipla
[13:45] r m : Friday – M&M, SAIL, SBI, Nestle, Rcom, Oil India, HPCL, IOCL, MRPL, GSPL, Bosch, NBCC, UB
[13:47] Shai : yes all big guns
[13:49] Ravi : shai can we go nifty long as positional
[13:49] r m : OF wave turning blue!
[13:50] r m : no!
[14:09] Rav : sbi from – 0.7% to 0
[14:10] Rav : now bnf will move up
[14:12] Varun : @shai in mp chart whats the ref of 19208 the blue line in bnf
[14:13] Kris : 19106 – let me check one more time – the assumption 🙂
[14:17] Sharad : Ravi is 9000 and 8300 shorts are covering ? if yes they know that they will feel more heat going forward.
[14:17] Sharad : or best time to cover ?
[14:17] Sharad : Ravi the Option Champ…
[14:18] Sharad : Kris seller at top and IB high in BNF short ?
[14:18] Rav : 8900ce are covering shorts
[14:19] Varun : @rm where s is upper vwap band in bnf rite now ?
[14:19] Sharad : bnf moved above no shorts now…
[14:19] r m : @Varun, near 19177 in NT
[14:19] Varun : thanks rm
[14:20] RK : for BNF we need seller qty atleast above 6000 in closing hours for safe short..and better to wait for some ticks to ensure red stays
[14:20] Kris : @Sharad – I am still in – 19138 is what I kept – randomly 🙂
[14:20] Kris : 19115 entry!
[14:20] RK : there is a big buyer 11050
[14:20] Sharad : i am waiting to short… but below DPOC 19100 and pink
[14:21] Sharad : 11050 is at top so not worried
[14:21] Rav : LBU including SBI
[14:22] RK : Yes..have to see if he covers..we need to get red ticks
[14:25] Rav : 19164 band 3
[14:25] Rav : sbi finally joined to push
[14:26] Sharad : Kris your 19138 SL going
[14:26] Kris : yes Sharad – gone
[14:26] RK : Axis too Rav close to highs
[14:26] Rav : yes.19164 band taken out
[14:26] Varun : vwap abnd not increasinh, seems less volume
[14:27] Varun : sty for typos
[14:27] Varun : sry
[14:29] Rav : heavy vol in this 5 min bnf candle
[14:29] Varun : rm do we sometimes extend outside vwap bands too ?
[14:29] Tejpreet : 19500 ce 30 lots booked 400 to 465.
[14:29] Rav : 19187 nest stop
[14:31] Tejpreet : still a long way to go for 20500 ce which is still on 🙁
[14:31] r m : @Varun, yes, but usually return back inside vwap bands after that
[14:31] Sharad : looks only SL drive big seller at top bnf
[14:31] RK : Shai, LT – planning to enter long here..this spot is ok or should wait till 1670?
[14:33] Sharad : But NF SL drive not came so wait for it before shorting
[14:33] Varun : if bnf has strength should extend vwap bands
[14:33] Sharad : BNF is always advance
[14:34] Varun : back in ib range
[14:34] Sharad : BNF DPOC and vwap close by 19100 and 19065 no big room for shorting as master always say close near vwap
[14:38] Shai : BNF suggested close at vwap based on the profile type not giving that breakout a chance
[14:38] Shai : Varun 19216 is anomaly
[14:38] Sharad : so Shai close near vwap in both ?
[14:38] Shai : It’s also base of the last 2 way profile hence marked as another ref line
[14:39] RK : Yes..that seller also gave a hint to drive it back to VWAP
[14:39] RK : 23550
[14:39] Shai : Not sure of NF Sharad
[14:40] Sharad : ok all 3 delta BNF red
[14:40] Shai : I feel longs will hold over tomorrow with 8640 F sl for 8733
[14:40] Shai : bigger fall only f 8640 F goes now
[14:40] Kris : NF should produce some short covering rally to the close – vwap is marginally moving aboe IB high.
[14:42] Sharad : here come NF SL drive
[14:47] r m : 6th feb was a balanced profile, should cut through that VA easily above day high
[14:47] RK : thanks RM
[14:47] r m : welcome
[14:49] RK : 8645 fight
[14:49] Shai : and 6th in BNF was a seller who is still making life difficut abv 19100
[14:49] Sharad : very nice RM 8700/8720 tough to cross as per your profile
[14:49] r m : ok Shai, thanks
[14:50] Shai : yes RM right abt 6th profile in NF should cut through to vah 8733
[14:50] Varun : shai what r the the single prints of that bnf seller
[14:50] Varun : which level
[14:50] Shai : 19208
[14:50] Sharad : again buyer at hogh in Nf .. looks difficult to go above it
[14:50] Sharad : high
[14:51] Varun : has vwap band increaded in bnf
[14:51] Varun : not showing at 170 now
[14:51] Shai : could be shorts getting covered repetaedly
[14:51] Sharad : short at 8684 sl 8694 recent high
[14:51] Shai : buyer at the high
[14:52] Shai : 19178
[14:52] Sharad : + Shai cumulative delta @ 245 alos negative for todays rise
[14:54] RK : after a week, prices sustained today from open without any downward pressure
[14:55] r m : @RK, looks like price going down only to catch stops of intraday longs!
[14:55] Shai : don’t pay attention to cumulative in thsi profile
[14:55] Sharad : why ?
[14:55] Shai : I’ll explain more on friday
[14:55] RK : RM I meant about buyers of yday..price not gone below entry price 🙂
[14:56] Sharad : ok fine
[14:56] r m : @RK, yeah 🙂
[14:58] r m : @Shai, some folks use delta/volume ratio too, is that meant to check the volumes traded by agressive traders compared to total volume?
[14:59] r m : today NF spent the day in Hypo2 area
[15:00] Shai : Yes RM same thing
[15:00] r m : thanks
[15:00] Shai : except that I’m not a big fan of the data
[15:01] Shai : hence that delta fig cumulative is not absolute
[15:01] r m : 🙂
[15:01] r m : too much data = datalysis 🙂
[15:02] RK : Shai we too not a fan of delta after that -1300 on big up day:)
[15:02] RK : nice landing on
[15:03] RK : VWAP
[15:03] Shai : RK delta is good but NSE data is not
[15:04] RK : Yes Shai..but paying too much attention to Delta sometimes distracts..
[15:04] Shai : we will get full advantage of delta when NSE stops 0.05 tick increment
[15:04] RK : they can go for .25
[15:04] RK : .05 is pathetic
[15:04] RK : when we trade at 9000
[15:04] Shai : NSE moves a point all the time like 8678 to 8675 now
[15:05] Shai : watch the price it’s never 0.05 increment
[15:05] r m : it may have moved by .05 points in 1990!
[15:05] r m : when index was below 1k 🙂
[15:05] Shai : yes they have to go to 0.5 increment or 1
[15:05] Shai : then we will be fine
[15:06] Shai : it’s outdated
[15:13] Kris : @Sharad – assumption is right – hit me once – but took revenge 🙂
[15:13] r m : 🙂
[15:14] r m : @Kris, booked all 8800CE or still holding some?
[15:14] Sharad : Kris what should i do … you are an amazing..
[15:14] r m : or booked none?
[15:15] Sharad : NF vwap test and back up
[15:16] Kris : @rm – yesterday in morning panic got a few at 38 – booked most in 60-70 area.
[15:16] Kris : but I still believe tomorrow also they will pay 🙂
[15:16] r m : ok, thanks
[15:20] Shai : longs shoold cover I think in BNF especially taken yesterday
[15:20] Shai : profile is balancing at 19062 and makes risk reward equal now
[15:20] Shai : between 18860 and 19230
[15:20] Shai : edge to long is nt there
[15:21] Shai : NF inclined to longs still abv 8644 F
[15:21] Shai : looking at 8733 +
[15:22] Shai : tom fresh bias in BNF on this profile : long abv vah and dh
[15:22] Shai : pdh*
[15:22] RK : buying in many scrips in closing
[15:22] Shai : shrt below val and pdl in parts
[15:30] Sharad : ok guys Bye all
[15:30] r m : Thanks and bye folks, have a great evening 🙂
[15:30] Shai : bye all
[15:30] Shai : have a good evening
[15:31] Porus : bye all
[15:34] Tejpreet : Bye All.