OrderFlow charts dated 09th July 2018

OrderFlow charts dated 09th July 2018

OrderFlow charts – 30 min duration of the Nifty and the BankNifty July Futures showing the Buy side and the sell side imbalances


30 Min Bnf Bid 6 Orderflow Charts Dated 09Th July 2018 Orderflow 30 Min Fp Nf 6 Orderflow Charts Dated 09Th July 2018 Orderflow Delta Stack 6 Orderflow Charts Dated 09Th July 2018 Orderflow Delta Stack Bn 6 Orderflow Charts Dated 09Th July 2018 Orderflow


09:00   Vtrender Live : (08:59) Vtrender Live: option charts – https://join.me/699-373-868
(08:59) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/229780893

09:05   Shai : (09:04) Shai : https://vtrender.com/evening-marketprofile-report-dated-06th-july/
(09:05) Shai : https://vtrender.com/weekly-outlook-for-the-week-dated-9th-july-to-13th-july/

09:45   Shai : (09:44) Shai : Intra : Buy BankNifty 26650 sl of 25545 tgt 26800.

11:25   Shai : (11:25) Shai : Update : Book the BNF trade fully at 26692

12:21   Shai : (12:21) Shai : Intra : Buy Nifty 10847 sl of 10817 tgt 10884

12:48   Shai : (12:48) Shai : Close the Nifty longs at 10848- 49 here cost

13:10   Shai : (13:10) Shai : Intra : Buy BankNifty again 26712 sl of 26640 tgt 26810.

13:54   Shai : (13:54) Shai : Enter exit orders for the Banknifty at 26719 here.



08:59   Vtrender Live : option charts – https://join.me/699-373-868
08:59   Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/229780893
09:04   Shai : GM all
09:04   Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:04   Uttam : how was the Hyderabad workshop Shai 🙂 hope it went on well
09:04   Shai : https://vtrender.com/evening-marketprofile-report-dated-06th-july/
09:04   Uttam : and you seem to be coming back with a big gap up
09:05   Shai : https://vtrender.com/weekly-outlook-for-the-week-dated-9th-july-to-13th-july/
09:05   Mihir : Good morning Shai 🙂
09:06   Shai : Hederabad workshop was a good one Uttam. Met some of our trading room members there too. Always a joy to meet people of the room and put a face to a name
09:06   Uttam : yes Shai +1 still looking for a meet where all of us at VT can meet at one place
09:07   Jatin : GM all
09:08   Abhay : gm all
09:08   Uttam : BNF above 26640-650 can do 26800 todya Shai?
09:08   Jitender : Gm Folks 🙂
09:10   Manjunath : Good morning Shai and all! This is my first message and attended the workshop in Hyd. Pardon my ignorance for the dumb questions I will ask going forward.
09:10   Shai : welcome Manjunath
09:11   Shai : KIndly go through the welcome videos we sent
09:11   Manjunath : Thanks & sure…
09:11   Shai : Overnight US futures made it over the Soc after 2 weeks forcing short covering quickly
09:12   Shai : 2740 now a support and auction looks headed to 2790
09:12   TP : GM All.
09:12   Abhay : shai what is 2740 nd 2790 i cant understand
09:13   Shai : for US futures that is
09:13   Abhay : ok thku
09:18   Uttam : NF high so far total 6
09:20   Shai : A trip back to 10810 ad 26560 is an opp for RB’s
09:20   Shai : 10846 expetced supply holding
09:22   Mihir : +1 Uttam 🙂 lets see if supply holds
09:22   Mihir : 😀
09:22   Mihir : Shai bnf spot price display rounds the decimals over here?
09:23   Shai : yes
09:23   Mihir : Ok
09:23   Shai : will get that changed
09:23   Mihir : Thanks 🙂
09:23   Uttam : NF ofr 10873 / 896 if high gets crossed
09:23   Uttam : lots of shorts are trapped I feel of Friday?
09:25   Uttam : 10815 on spot needs to hold now in Nifty
09:25   Uttam : BNF wil finally do that 1atr from 26437
09:25   Uttam : looks like
09:27   Mihir : Spot and future both high in NF is 6
09:29   Uttam : NF OTD on a slightly lower vol Shai?
09:29   Uttam : 10L in first 15mins
09:44   HK : GM All
09:44   Shai : Intra : Buy BankNifty 26650 sl of 25545 tgt 26800.
09:46   Jitender : 26k seller
09:47   HK : NF does 840 and BNF 670
09:48   Uttam : yes HK 🙂 congrats
09:48   Jitender : u rock Hk
09:48   HK : need more Uttam, only 25% got out here
09:49   Uttam : will get HK does look like it
09:49   HK : Was looking for it on Friday, but came on monday, but fine
09:49   Uttam : this time will try to ride with you 🙂
09:49   HK : Had a great entry, so better to stop watching screen :0
09:49   Mihir : Congrats HK.
09:51   HK : thanks guys
09:51   Shai : Congrats HK
09:52   Shai : these 2 may hold for the day today – (09:20) Shai : A trip back to 10810 ad 26560 is an opp for RB’s
09:54   Shai : we got an RS in BNF at 26670 but that aggressive buyer at open and the struck sellers at 22625 shoud tell us more
09:54   Shai : net 65000 buyers there and a stuck selelr
09:55   Shai : NF cross over 10847 is a new buy
09:58   Abhay : shai is there orr in nf ?
09:59   Shiv : GM All
09:59   Mihir : Shai so on ORR and OTD days we must be cautious before entering with the Intent lines?
10:00   Shai : No OAOR today
10:01   Shai : yes Mihir . always be careful of day based indicators when OTF is there
10:01   Mihir : Super. Thanks chief.
10:02   Abhay : ok thanku 🙂
10:03   Mihir : OTF over anything
10:04   Mihir : So friday last drop was long liquidation I reckon.
10:14   Shiv : BNF open is not OAOR ?
10:19   HK : 840 and 670-720 are pause zones
10:22   Manjunath : Stop Loss must be 26545 I guess. Must be a typo…
10:22   Shai : yes 26545
10:23   Shai : BNF also is – (10:14) Shiv : BNF open is not OAOR ?
10:23   Shiv : What Open Type does this fall under ?
10:24   Uttam : both are OAOR today Shiv
10:25   Shiv : OK Thanks
10:26   Shiv : i midread Shai response
10:31   Shiv : in this usually the mvements happen after 12:30 PM ?
10:31   Shai : 810 visist coming
10:32   Shai : BNF is a proper OAOR Shiv
10:33   Shai : NF has that strat tick at 801 which is coming in the way of a proper auction
10:33   Shai : stray*
10:33   Abhay : it means move ll come around at 12:30 ?
10:34   Shai : I’m bullish on BNF cos contect is a break of a 2 day inside day
10:34   Shai : context*
10:34   Shai : yes should move in noon
10:34   Abhay : ok ok thnks
10:34   Shiv : Thanks
10:34   Shai : for now we keep a bias and not o much
10:35   Shai : or hold no bias and trade cos auction is open
10:35   Abhay : what open auction do ?
10:39   Shai : 🙂 Nothing much – (10:35) Abhay : what open auction do ?
10:39   Abhay : ok thnku chief…
10:39   Shai : don’t overtrade unless you look for 5 or 10 points here and there
10:41   Uttam : spot leaving a probable FA at yVAH
10:45   Shai : 10868 is there in this move
10:46   Uttam : NF at vwap
10:52   Manjunath : Hi Uttam! When you mention NF at vwap, is it for daily or 30 mins?
10:53   Uttam : 30mins
10:54   Uttam : that is the current vwap which you can also check on the 5mins charts too as that is actually the latest
10:54   Uttam : you have the value in the box on the left most side in the screen
10:54   Manjunath : ok – tks
10:54   Uttam : welcome 🙂
10:55   Manjunath : got it
10:55   Uttam : pretty small IB in BNF can do a DD or a 3IB today?
10:56   Mihir : 25+ points this gave. (09:18) Uttam : NF high so far total 6
10:56   Uttam : congrats Mihir 🙂
10:56   Mihir : It works best with MP context.
10:56   Mihir : Thanks Uttam.
11:00   Uttam : NF still in the first 3 minute range
11:00   Uttam : 10846-10801
11:00   Mihir : Yes Uttam. Too much time spent here.
11:00   Uttam : BNF also in the A period still
11:00   Uttam : though spot both made a break below the opening lows
11:02   RK : GM Shai and all
11:03   Mihir : Hello RK.
11:04   RK : Uttam IBL 10817.35? I started late today
11:04   RK : Hi Mihir
11:04   RK : I can see only freak tick at 10801
11:04   Mihir : Can take that. Freak trade at 801.
11:04   RK : cool
11:04   Uttam : yes RK
11:05   Uttam : spot alrwady broken IBL in Nifty
11:06   Uttam : in fact has stayed below IBL for more than 30mins now
11:06   Mihir : Both are searching for new biz around vwap?
11:06   Uttam : but it is OAOR so first half coffee time today
11:06   Mihir : Uttam 3 black coffee done. Mad rains too over here.
11:06   RK : tks Uttam
11:07   Uttam : ohh you in Mumbai right?
11:07   Mihir : Yep.
11:07   Uttam : narrow range in both RK, planning for a DD>
11:07   Uttam : ?
11:07   RK : lets get 10870 holding 10810 Uttam
11:07   Uttam : +1 RK
11:07   RK : and leave everyone with a surprise question if we will go out of bracket or tuck in #10874
11:08   Uttam : (09:23) Uttam : NF ofr 10873 / 896 if high gets crossed
11:08   Uttam : (09:25) Uttam : 10815 on spot needs to hold now in Nifty…it is just holdoing arnd there from last 30 mins
11:09   TP : Shai-868. uttam- 873 , rk – 870 just reference levels for you Mr. Bot 😉
11:09   Uttam : lol Tej
11:12   Mihir : I am trying to get the bot conversations.
11:12   Mihir : What is it about Tej? Uttam? 🙂
11:13   TP : Mihir it’s about an imaginary bot in the room which I beleive in .
11:13   Mihir : Oh who tags the numbers that are mentioned?
11:13   Mihir : 😛
11:14   TP : especially if mentioned by RK 🙂
11:14   Mihir : Haha.
11:15   Mihir : Please give the bnf numbers to the bot too RK.
11:15   RK : Tej 🙂
11:16   Uttam : lets do a RE up now
11:16   Mihir : Ready Uttam.
11:16   Uttam : already into E period now but OAOR so little bit of rules breaking allowed
11:17   Mihir : Where is Janak.
11:17   Jayesh : Shai already given that…(11:15) Mihir : Please give the bnf numbers to the bot too RK.
11:17   Uttam : looks like hes still on weekend mode 🙂
11:17   Mihir : Oh yes. Jayesh. I thought bot needs 2 step authentication. Shai and RK too.
11:18   Jayesh : +1 🙂
11:18   Mihir : On a side note I binge watched Sacred Games.
11:18   Mihir : Nice watch it was.
11:23   Uttam : (11:16) Uttam : lets do a RE up now,….
11:23   Uttam : done
11:23   Uttam : BNF done NF got to still
11:23   Mihir : Uttam you beauty
11:23   Mihir : 🙂
11:23   Shai : some one’s buy orders got takem
11:23   Mihir : Shukriyaaaa!
11:24   TP : looks like that 60k getting out in bn.
11:24   Uttam : BNF does that 1atr from 26437
11:25   Shai : Update : Book the BNF trade fully at 26692
11:25   Shai : sell side adding up
11:26   Shai : we will buy a dip
11:26   Shashwat : ok. nice trade 🙂
11:26   Shai : hit 627 and bounced – (09:54) Shai : we got an RS in BNF at 26670 but that aggressive buyer at open and the struck sellers at 22625 shoud tell us more
11:27   Manjunath : My first day in trading room and first trade in proft. Thanks Shai!
11:27   Boppanna : +1 Shai
11:27   Shai : now net 88k sell so those buyers opting out maybe
11:27   Mihir : Nice trade chief.
11:27   Mihir : Thank you 🙂
11:27   Uttam : nice Shai 🙂 +1
11:28   Mihir : Green band
11:28   Shai : yes green counter response trying to build for the reds
11:28   RK : kids play with NF and Legends with BNF..so when it comes to BNF that too intra then only one https authentication and thats Shai only 🙂
11:28   Shai : 30 k moves to 47k
11:28   RK : @Mihir 🙂 (11:17) Mihir : Oh yes. Jayesh. I thought bot needs 2 step authentication. Shai and RK too.
11:29   TP : +1 RK …bn is a wild beast.
11:29   Mihir : That nf high still intact.
11:29   Shai : lol RK, Thanks.:)
11:29   Mihir : Someone please break it.
11:30   Manjunath : 11:28 Shai ==> Where do I see that numbers? 30k moved to 47k?
11:30   RK : NF in P..bulls make a clean extn here else you need to wait till 1PM
11:30   Manjunath : It’s quite overwhelming
11:32   Manjunath : I meant information on screen
11:36   HK : Well said RK, one and only Shai for BNF 11:28 RK : kids play with NF and Legends with BNF..so when it comes to BNF that too intra then only one https authentication and thats Shai only 🙂
11:37   Shai : 76 k greens now
11:37   Shai : Buyers trying their best in BNF
11:37   Uttam : yep
11:37   Mihir : Green pressing the peddle
11:38   Uttam : NF RE also done 🙂
11:38   Mihir : NF RE yes uttam
11:38   Mihir : 🙂
11:38   Mihir : BNF the driver today?
11:39   Uttam : 26715 is 1.5 IB in BNF
11:39   HK : BNF reaction at 720 is v imp
11:40   Shai : 30 mins charts- (11:30) Manjunath : 11:28 Shai ==> Where do I see that numbers? 30k moved to 47k?
11:40   Uttam : Nifty spot yet to break IBH
11:40   Mihir : Shai two day inside day and if value forming higher we can see nice uptick?
11:40   Uttam : 10845
11:41   Uttam : 10825 TSL for longs in NF RK?
11:41   Manjunath : ok – tks
11:43   Uttam : BNF does 1.5 IB
11:44   Mihir : No mood to liqudiate at 1.5 ib Uttam?
11:44   Mihir : Nice greens here too
11:44   Uttam : small IB today
11:44   Uttam : and BNF looks good for 26800
11:45   Shashwat : Hey Uttam, 1.5IB basis the BNF Open, right?
11:46   Uttam : 1.5 is half the range of first hour plus first hour high Shashwat
11:46   Shai : high risk play in BNF here
11:46   Shashwat : ok, thank you
11:47   Shai : can swing 50 either side
11:47   Shai : 26625 a good supp though still on day
11:51   Praneeth : Gm All, in this upmove bnf CE price not convincing?
11:55   Mihir : 660 back in bnf will be good
11:55   Mihir : To enter again
11:56   RK : 10830 fair SL if you are looking for RE
11:56   RK : before 1
11:56   RK : @Uttam
11:57   Uttam : thanks RK 🙂
11:57   Uttam : we gto that green box also on 30mins just above 10830?
11:57   Uttam : so those greens should defend in case of a dip there?
11:58   RK : on such a small range and profile anything more thatn 15 pullback from peak means no RE sooner Uttam..so 10830
11:58   Uttam : Spot unable to cross that swing high of 10837
11:58   RK : any pullback now in this P should be within 10838-840 if you are in for RE
11:58   Manjunath : Any idea – What’s that sound every few seconds?
11:59   RK : might be the alert when Shai comments on the chay
11:59   RK : chat
11:59   RK : you will get alert when you blue letters in chat box
12:00   Manjunath : Thanks! Not that alert I guess….this is quite frequent. Almost 5-6 times in a minute
12:00   Manjunath : I mean sound
12:01   Uttam : have you opened the 30min gotomeeting link also?
12:01   Manjunath : yes
12:01   Uttam : that sound could be from that so mute that
12:01   Manjunath : oh…alright….tks
12:02   Uttam : 🙂 welcome
12:02   Shashwat : Anyone went for the 12PM trade? 😉
12:03   Mihir : Shaswat Testing it.
12:03   Mihir : 844 at 12 pm
12:03   Shashwat : cool 🙂
12:08   Uttam : what would be the SL for the 12pm trade?
12:09   Mihir : Uttam as per Janak he averages at every 10 pt drop.
12:10   Uttam : yes that is for 2 more entries
12:12   Mihir : Then if in a case it drops to 834 and 824. The avg price is 834 and rough sl will be ibl.
12:12   Mihir : I don’t know if Janak uses sl. Or keeps averaging till 1.30
12:14   Uttam : he does not put a system SL but has a SL in his mind whihc would be roughly 40 poitns from entry may be
12:14   Mihir : Okay.
12:15   Uttam : will check with him once he is here
12:15   Mihir : Has anyone used those volume candles in zerodha. It is gareebo ka mp I feel.
12:15   Uttam : but yes IBL can be a good SL in today’s case
12:16   Uttam : NF has 3 tpos at top & BNf has 2
12:16   Uttam : Nifty spot at 10838 needs to ssutain abovei t
12:16   Mihir : Swing high.
12:17   Mihir : BNF compensating for Friday.
12:17   Mihir : Going for 2ib.
12:18   Uttam : (10:55) Uttam : pretty small IB in BNF can do a DD or a 3IB today?
12:20   Uttam : 21k red in BNF
12:21   Shai : Intra : Buy Nifty 10847 sl of 10817 tgt 10884
12:22   Shai : working on that OAOR keeping it up till close now
12:27   Mihir : Spot go for it.
12:28   Mihir : Shai all this greens are sl just at days high no?
12:39   Uttam : BN Spot formed a ledge at lows todaay 26610 & now trending higher
12:40   Uttam : 2IB already doen there
12:43   Uttam : Nifty Spot making poor highs
12:44   Uttam : needs to get above that 10845
12:48   Shai : Close the Nifty longs at 10848- 49 here cost
12:50   Uttam : 2 pink bands in NF reason to close the longs Shai?
12:51   Jayesh : ~10848 Supply Zone of June.
12:51   Uttam : BNF still looking good
12:51   Uttam : but overlapping POC on 30min last 3 bars
12:52   Uttam : supply taking control here or getting absorbed need to see
12:52   Shai : yes
12:53   Shai : upply still coming
12:53   Manjunath : @Uttam What does 2 pink band represents?
12:53   Manjunath : ic
12:53   Uttam : seller imbalance
12:53   Manjunath : tks
12:53   Shai : risk has increased for the longs but plr is still upwards
12:54   Manjunath : when ever there are more nos of sellers than buyers, does the bar turn pink?
12:59   Uttam : yes there is a imbalance ratio so if we have sellers more than buyers as per that ratio you get a pink bar
13:00   Uttam : band
13:00   Uttam : same for green also
13:00   Manjunath : ic
13:00   Uttam : some liquidation in BNF?
13:01   Uttam : tagged that ext handle of 26680 of morning
13:01   Uttam : IBH and vwap also there
13:01   Mihir : Uttam that 26700 pe low made 20.
13:01   Mihir : Ran and how 🙂
13:02   Mihir : One shot 8 points++
13:04   Uttam : 26500pe you mean?
13:05   Uttam : sorry my bad
13:05   Uttam : one pink band gone
13:07   Manjunath : thanks Uttam for explanation.
13:07   Uttam : sellers stuck in BNF
13:10   Uttam : finally spot above 10845
13:10   Shai : Intra : Buy BankNifty again 26712 sl of 26640 tgt 26810.
13:23   Mihir : Get us 888 HK?
13:23   RK : watch for LLT now
13:23   RK : NF
13:23   Mihir : Aye RK.
13:24   Uttam : LLT in red RK?
13:24   RK : guessing..lets see
13:24   RK : yes reds
13:24   Uttam : hmmm +1
13:24   Uttam : that vol at 26727 should give a good move now Shai?
13:25   HK : today @Mihir?
13:25   Mihir : Haan.
13:25   Mihir : From the freak low 889.6 is 2ib
13:26   HK : vols need to pick up
13:26   HK : hv entered pause zones
13:26   Uttam : BNF forming a ledge at 26730 RK?
13:27   Uttam : or not yet as this zone is all of 4 tpos
13:27   Uttam : 26710-735
13:31   RK : DD Uttam so thats fine
13:32   Uttam : oh ok so BNF now just filling up the upper part
13:32   Uttam : small range so may as well make the DD into a bell also?
13:45   RK : guys whoever in BNF show sm commitment for new high pls 🙂
13:45   Mihir : RK exactly.
13:45   Mihir : 😛
13:45   RK : we NF traders are suffering 🙂
13:45   Mihir : Seems he is hearing now
13:45   RK : not until done 🙂
13:46   Shashwat : Mihir: 12PM trade would have worked fine today as well 🙂
13:47   Mihir : Yes Shashwat.
13:47   Mihir : It did.
13:47   Mihir : I think Janak is riding the algo truck today.
13:47   Mihir : He is away.
13:48   Shashwat : 🙂
13:49   Mihir : With 818 as IBL we need 872 for 2ib
13:53   Mihir : spot high 6
13:53   Mihir : short from 860 baby scalps
13:54   Shai : Enter exit orders for the Banknifty at 26719 here.
13:54   Shai : too coiled up
13:58   Mihir : Shai today in OF multiple bar POCs are overlapping and on top. Does it say risk for longs is higher?
13:59   Mihir : 2 hours of overlapping poc in bnf
14:00   Mihir : Out of that trade with 5 pts. (13:53) Mihir : spot high 6
14:01   Mihir : No stunts. Sitting like a good boy.
14:01   Shai : No PLR is still up just that risk is increasing for new buys
14:02   Shai : That dpoc in BNF can make is move up or down quickly
14:02   Mihir : Ok
14:02   Shai : either we move to 26625 or up to 26800
14:02   Shai : gone back to a 50- 50 probability
14:05   Mihir : Either of it is going to be fast.
14:05   Mihir : Uttam DD today in BNF but two range not separated by singles right?
14:10   RK : Uttam NS got FA down today?
14:16   janak : no pull back till 840-830 in NF?
14:17   Mihir : Janak is here.
14:18   janak : i was travelling and just logged in
14:18   Mihir : 12 pm test done today too.
14:18   Mihir : 15 pointer.
14:18   janak : my intent call on Friday was a loss -) great 12 noon
14:19   Mihir : Janak ORR or OTD days Intent trade must be watched for. As Shai mentioned.
14:22   Uttam : RK price stayed for more than 30mins below IBL in spot
14:22   janak : yeah so i took a pe and good thing with NF optionss is that loss of 30-40 points can be recovered next day intraday
14:22   RK : ok Uttam
14:23   janak : I misjudged that closing hour drive of 816 6o 770 as an OTF aiming at 100 pt drive down
14:25   Shai : The fizz is gone off the index
14:26   Shai : 10 point F for last 1 hour
14:26   Mihir : Shai Biggies absent?
14:35   Uttam : NF going for poor high repair
14:35   Uttam : BNF back at that ledge
14:35   janak : DAX is fizzled already and SP has taken a down curve – so tom may be consolidation betn 850 to 800 in NF?
14:35   janak : results season will begin soon
14:44   HK : Is Mumbai rains impacting volumes in any way?
14:44   Mihir : Looks like HK.
14:44   Mihir : Also Upstox users Intra day positions getting squared off at 3.00 today.
14:44   RK : why?
14:45   Mihir : Currency at 4.30
14:45   Shai : little weird what happened today esp the range and vol drp
14:45   janak : these are result players shai – will take NF to 11k mostly
14:45   Mihir : RK no clue. Just got an sms update from Upstox. Datacenter work maybe.
14:45   Shai : was buiding nicely from 10825 for the 10868 plus and more
14:45   Uttam : RK we can consider ‘c’ as a FA in spot na though not a text book one?
14:45   Shai : lost momo for no reason
14:46   Uttam : post that C period spot has been OTF up
14:46   RK : ok Mihir
14:46   RK : yes Uttam
14:47   HK : Upstox is continuing to screw its users, sad indeed
14:47   Himanshu : uttan RK shai did we have FA at lows today in BNF?
14:47   RK : and b low happened just after 10.15 so its ok
14:47   RK : no Himanshu
14:47   Lakshay : @hk what happen?
14:47   Uttam : perfect RK & value also forming higher today
14:48   Uttam : so we can get a spike?
14:48   HK : early square off and NEST issues @lakshay
14:48   RK : NF wants 10835
14:48   Lakshay : ok
14:48   HK : too many complaints abt them, I moved away long back
14:48   RK : before scaling 10880
14:48   janak : uttam, before any spike give me 840-830 once before close man
14:48   Mihir : RK looks like. One dip will be nice to go up.
14:49   RK : But Uttam clerverly pulled vwap to IBH in the grind Mihir..so all with him and his buyers 🙂
14:50   Himanshu : (14:47) RK : no Himanshu .. none of the period stays below B for more than 30 min isnt it?
14:50   Mihir : One more attempt at DHI bnf. Do it now please.
14:51   Uttam : lol RK 10849 pull back low 10846 IBH & 10843 vwap
14:51   Mihir : Ya RK. All controls with Uttam today.
14:51   RK : no low below A Himanshu..you need a low below b period and then back inside to get FA at lows
14:51   Mihir : BNF such a tease today.
14:52   Uttam : it is BNF who has got stuck & NF unwillingly got stuck with it
14:52   Uttam : but oen move can come before close I feel
14:52   Mihir : Can can.
14:53   Uttam : coiling is done now for the uncoiling to ake place
14:53   Mihir : Spike on low vol day easier?
14:53   Himanshu : (14:51) RK : no low below A Himanshu..you need a low below b period and then back inside to get FA at lows… sorry but we have one C below B period..
14:54   RK : BNF?
14:54   Uttam : C should be below the first hour Himanshu
14:54   Uttam : below both A & B for a Fa at lows
14:55   Himanshu : (14:54) RK : BNF? yess
14:56   Himanshu : (14:54) Uttam : below both A & B for a Fa at lows .. IB is one hour ? then see one TPO of C is below B
14:56   RK : a+b=1hr=IB time so you need any TPO further below this 1 hr time
14:56   RK : so if A is least then below A if b is least then below b you should have TPO to call it FA
14:57   RK : its simply a context of auction going below first 1 hr traded price zone
14:58   Manjunath : Thanks for the explanation sir!
14:58   RK : welcome..just call by name..no Sirs here 🙂
14:58   Uttam : RK was just checking on the probability of BN giving a Fa on monthly time frame 😉 this month made a lower low but got rejected immediayely & got back into range
14:58   Manjunath : Got it RK 🙂
14:59   RK : will check Uttam
14:59   Himanshu : (14:56) RK : a+b=1hr=IB time so you need any TPO further below this 1 hr time RK got it.. but isnt there one TPO of C below B period?
14:59   Uttam : but issue is June had made a high of 27048 in the opening 2-3 days itself
15:00   RK : yes below b..but as I said still its within IB right as long as not breaking A?
15:00   RK : as I said IB is a+b
15:00   Uttam : so for that FA to get confrimed it needs to do 1000 points & then target for 1atr if arnd 1500 points so 27500 levels
15:00   Himanshu : (15:00) RK : yes below b..but as I said still its within IB right as long as not breaking A?… got it .. thanks RK
15:00   RK : so unless you break IB low you dont have FA
15:00   Mihir : Himanshu. If IB is 0 – 10. FA comes if any tpo comes below 0
15:00   Mihir : Or above 10.
15:00   Manjunath : Any issues with Zerodha prices?
15:01   Himanshu : (15:00) Mihir : Himanshu. If IB is 0 – 10. FA comes if any tpo comes below 0 .. got it mihir.. my bad.. got confused
15:01   Manjunath : It’s fluctating a lot…from 10027 to 10851
15:01   Boppanna : kite showing random spot/futur prices
15:01   Manjunath : yes
15:01   Mihir : Manjunath: Both of them have datacenters in Mumbai. Internet is messed in the city. Most of the ISP’s have got a hit.
15:01   RK : so no extension then today 🙂 (15:01) Boppanna : kite showing random spot/futur prices
15:01   Manjunath : oh…ic
15:02   Uttam : no that rules out a spike?
15:02   Uttam : BN spot is making a rectangular DD 😉
15:02   Uttam : 4 tpos at lows
15:03   Uttam : 26612-618 first 30mins lows of the 4 barsa
15:03   Uttam : bars*
15:03   Mihir : Thats what Uttam. I was asking earlier. does DD mean it should look something like B ?
15:03   Himanshu : lol zerodha showing 11333 nifty futures…
15:03   TP : Uttan bn day range lowest for this year ?
15:04   TP : Uttam
15:04   Uttam : let me check Tej but does look one of the lowest if not the lowest
15:05   TP : tks
15:05   RK : 36 I think prev low range
15:05   Uttam : 136 & 137 we had on 4th & 9th May
15:05   RK : NF
15:05   RK : 94 BNF
15:06   Uttam : BN we had 143 on 4th May
15:06   RK : 8th Jan check
15:07   Uttam : 128
15:07   Uttam : 8th jan
15:07   Uttam : yep RK
15:07   RK : 8th was 94 and 09th was 128 and 10th was 149 and 11th 156 and 12th 196..what horrible week that was 🙂
15:09   Uttam : today range in BN is 159?
15:09   Uttam : total 6 Mihir 😉
15:10   Mihir : Looks like staying within that.
15:20   Uttam : shorts covering in bnf?
15:20   Uttam : 68k green
15:20   Boppanna : looks like RK pushig for his 870
15:21   Mihir : Shai
15:21   Mihir : Any crazy cash moves happening in stock?
15:21   Mihir : Looks like Bop.
15:26   Mihir : Shai neutral intent?
15:27   Shai : Not much difference
15:27   Uttam : no intent at all Mihir looks like ;-p
15:27   Shai : so no big gap expected
15:28   Mihir : Thanks uttam & shai
15:28   Shai : shoud test 10846 again
15:28   Uttam : BNF forming the tiniest MB?
15:28   Uttam : 40 points
15:28   Mihir : Bonsai MB.
15:28   Himanshu : whats MB?
15:28   Mihir : micro balance.
15:29   Himanshu : ok ok
15:29   Uttam : micro balance on the stack chart
15:29   Manjunath : spot or jun futures?
15:29   Uttam : blue box
15:29   Shai : Bye all
15:29   Shai : Have a nice evening
15:29   Uttam : thanks a;; 🙂
15:29   Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:29   Manjunath : bye and tks
15:29   Shashwat : bye all
15:30   TP : Bye All.
15:30   Mihir : See you all.
15:30   Himanshu : bye all



10:11   Gaurav : Shai can keep SUN Tv July for 840-850?
10:31   Shai : sun tv headed to 838 but carry it only on close abv 806 today , if not hedge the postn. Sl is 790
11:42   Jayesh : Shai view on VEDL for July series pls.
12:36   HK : Shai, by any chance you have access to OF data for commodities
13:12   Shai : VEDL downmove could be over but price needs to confirm that by closing abv 228 this week. In that case 248 plus can come in next 2 weeks
13:12   Shai : No @HK don’t have data for commos
13:13   Jayesh : Thanks Shai