OrderFlow charts dated 18th April 2018
08:51 Vtrender Live : (08:49) Vtrender Live: options link- https://join.me/vtrenderlive
(08:50) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/995026749
08:56 Shai : (08:55) Shai : https://vtrender.com/evening-marketprofile-report-dated-17th-april-2018/
09:43 Shai : (09:43) Shai : INtra : keep an NF short open below 10549 sl of 10569 tgt 10526/ 10503
09:48 Shai : (09:47) Shai : NF short in
09:48 Shai : (09:48) Shai : Update : close the 10500 ce at 99-100 here . We will buy it lower
10:01 Shai : (10:01) Shai : Exit the NF shorts at 10563
11:08 Shai : (11:08) Shai : Positional : Buy Nifty 10570 sl of 10458 tgt 10724. Hold till next week.
11:41 Shai : (11:41) Shai : Options link up now – 08:49) Vtrender Live: options link- https://join.me/vtrenderlive
12:57 Shai : (12:57) Shai : Intra : Buy BankNify 25340 sl of 25259 tgt 25480
13:16 Shai : (13:15) Shai : Book the BNF intra longs at 25360- 362 here
14:00 Shai : (14:00) Shai : Intra – Buy BankNifty again 25275 sl of 25200 tgt 25375
14:06 Shai : (14:05) Shai : Hold the BNF longs with sl of 25186
14:41 Shai : (14:41) Shai : BNF stopped
15:08 Shai : (15:08) Shai : Update : close the 25200 ce at 45-47 all qty. Buy BankNifty again 25110- 25112 with same SL of 24965.
08:49 Vtrender Live : options link- https://join.me/vtrenderlive
08:50 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/995026749
08:54 Shai : GM all
08:55 Shai : https://vtrender.com/evening-marketprofile-report-dated-17th-april-2018/
08:58 Shai : 10428- 10728F outlook for the series now. We will shorten that range by Friday
09:01 Jitender : Gm Shai, Folks 🙂
09:01 Azmath : GM Shai, Team
09:02 Manish : gm everyone
09:02 Azmath : Happy Aksha Tritya
09:05 NDee : Hi Gm Shai
09:07 Kathir : GM Shai all
09:08 Kathir : usd/inr 65.81
09:09 Chetan Shenoy : GM All 🙂
09:10 Jitender : HAT to u Azmath & folks here
09:11 TP : GM ALL.
09:12 HK : GM Shai, VT team
09:14 Kathir : ty and wishes azmath
09:15 Shai : Happy Aksha Tritya Azmath and to all here
09:19 Jitender : AG goes ID & postnal shrt here
09:21 Praneeth : Gm all, Happpy Akshaya Tritiya to all
09:21 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:21 Praneeth : Shai, your view on usdinr pls
09:23 Uttam : BNF buyers been taken over?
09:23 Uttam : ORR in both for now
09:23 Shai : 65.72 supp usint for now
09:24 Uttam : NF needs to get below 10555
09:24 Praneeth : thanks shai, whats the resistance?
09:26 Shai : 6572- 6592 range for now intra
09:27 Praneeth : thanks shai
09:29 Kathir : @ uttam right from open 25400 pe has good volumes..anything there ?
09:31 Uttam : now buyers comign in BNF
09:31 Uttam : POC on 30mins shift to lows
09:31 Uttam : will check Kathir
09:32 Kathir : ok
09:33 Uttam : open ing bar had huge vols Kathir, sup@ 125 & res @180 in that 25400pe
09:33 Uttam : OI has gone up so can be writing too
09:37 Kathir : ty uttam
09:37 Jitender : Shai..mkt gttng weak here ID ?
09:42 Shai : yes
09:43 Shai : INtra : keep an NF short open below 10549 sl of 10569 tgt 10526/ 10503
09:43 Jitender : Tej..done
09:43 TP : jeez was typing that only.
09:43 Jitender : 🙂
09:44 Shai : short below 10549 only
09:47 Uttam : 34k green in bnf
09:47 Shai : NF short in
09:48 Shai : Update : close the 10500 ce at 99-100 here . We will buy it lower
09:57 Kathir : BNF completed 80 %
10:01 Shai : Exit the NF shorts at 10563
10:02 Shai : teased below yeeterday close and came back up 🙁
10:02 Shai : open auction now
10:02 Shai : BNF looking up
10:06 Pavan : GM , BNF may fall more 100points till evening
10:07 Uttam : greens at vwap in BNF
10:08 Jitender : lot of greens ar 320 in bnf
10:09 Uttam : he BNF down move
10:10 Uttam : (09:47) Uttam : 34k green in bnf…this guy stalled the downmove in BNF
10:11 Jitender : this entire upmve from 2nd april has mostly Dl done by 1.30pm
10:11 Jitender : DL
10:12 Jitender : 2day is 10th day of HH
10:12 HK : yup, these won stop till 10630 by friday, sellers will have reasonable success only there
10:13 HK : seems this 10490 zone needs a revisit
10:13 Jitender : duun abt tat..one round of profit bookn / shakeout is due
10:13 Jitender : dunno
10:13 HK : 10630 is Soc need to test upply
10:13 Jitender : i know…alongwith yr 880
10:14 HK : gosh, i am letting out all secrets :0
10:14 Jitender : but so does the wole mkt
10:14 HK : yes Jit
10:14 Jitender : Hk..u must have lost the key to the box & tey tumbled out 🙂
10:15 HK : today also they tagged yvwap, happening now on daily basis
10:24 Jitender : lot of 30k+ greens in nf from 550
10:26 Boppanna : not able to view the options screen..anybody else having issues?
10:26 Jitender : Uttam..profile wise doesn’t 470-480 looks inviting ?
10:29 Shai : yes we are having a minor issue with the Option charts. Is being worked upon
10:29 Shai : have taken the link down, til we sort it
10:29 Boppanna : ok Shai
10:31 Uttam : yes Jit break 10545 & 525 then one test possible of that ext handle of 10480
10:31 Jitender : k
10:33 Boppanna : That 25500ce/25000pe sell was the perfect trade end of last week
10:33 Boppanna : its still going down
10:34 Uttam : yes Bopanna
10:34 Uttam : 100 points almost in that in 3 days
10:35 Jitender : listening to Anuj on Cnbc Awaaz gvng tech stock analysis to retail…u will cum 2 know how retail get sucked by pl like him
10:35 Jitender : ppl
10:35 Uttam : BNf has poor lows
10:41 Uttam : Tej as you said looks like BNF adding to that balance of last 3days today also
10:43 HK : Guys need some input, IT has been tanking for last one week, BNF stagnant, NF moving up, which sector that is pumped to move NF?
10:44 TP : Yes uttam too much balance .
10:44 TP : Will set up a nice expiry on thu for bn.
10:46 Uttam : +1
10:49 TP : Shai the divergence/indexmovers alerts also not working today ?
10:50 Shai : yes that is tied up to the data issue we are facing for optons and stocks
10:50 TP : oh ok.
10:53 Chetan Shenoy : Looks like FMCG HK : Guys need some input, IT has been tanking for last one week, BNF stagnant, NF moving up, which sector that is pumped to move NF?
10:53 HK : Thx Chetan, do you know the weightage in NF
10:54 HK : Or is that Nifty consumption index?
10:56 Chetan Shenoy : think this shld help https://www.nseindia.com/content/indices/ind_nifty50.pdf
11:08 Shai : Positional : Buy Nifty 10570 sl of 10458 tgt 10724. Hold till next week.
11:09 Shai : we should look at 10650 on this by FRiday
11:11 TP : Shai can you give positional SL for BN also for the upmove.
11:11 TP : like 10458 NF.
11:12 Jitender : 25050 ?
11:12 TP : yes jit had same
11:12 Shai : yes below 25020
11:12 Jitender : cool
11:12 TP : tks.
11:15 Kathir : @ tej what trgt you ae looking for bnf upide ?
11:15 Kathir : upside
11:16 Kathir : 25600 ?
11:16 TP : tgt don’t know but expiry related move could give a dip to 25150-200 zone.
11:17 Kathir : ok tej
11:17 TP : let it stay balanced for today , then maybe can play straddles.
11:18 Kathir : yes ..will be good tomorrow trade
11:18 Jitender : Tej has paancho ungliyan ghee main 🙂
11:19 TP : no jit today no ghee 🙂
11:19 Jitender : don’t tell me…its olive oil nowadays 🙂
11:19 Kathir : bnf touched vah
11:19 TP : jit 🙂
11:22 Kathir : inr 65.70
11:30 Jitender : long now (09:19) Jitender : AG goes ID & postnal shrt here
11:41 Shai : Options link up now – 08:49) Vtrender Live: options link- https://join.me/vtrenderlive
11:58 HK : Question: What is the difference btw vwap bands and SD bands
12:01 Boppanna : Trying to stay awake so summarizing BNF did VAH->VAL then VAL->VAH and now snoozing at dpoc/vwap
12:05 Shai : 2 SD from vwap would be upper and lower bands- (11:58) HK : Question: What is the difference btw vwap bands and SD bands
12:06 Kathir : oh ws just typing 3 SD . ty shai
12:06 Shai : 3 sd also
12:06 Shai : we are set at 3 SD
12:06 Shai : others use 2 SD
12:07 Kathir : fine . I remenber it was 3 SD here. thanks shai
12:07 Jitender : so vwapup/lo r 3SD ? (12:05) Shai : 2 SD from vwap would be upper and lower bands- (11:58) HK : Question: What is the difference btw vwap bands and SD bands
12:10 HK : so op=Ra are SD bands?
12:16 Shai : yes- we have always been 3SD
12:16 Shai : Op + Ra is a statistical calulaton and not based on SD but historical moves off open prices
12:18 Shai : (12:14) Himanshu : do we have weak sellers now in BNF as they did not able to push price lower VWAP ?(12:18) Shai : there is also a stronger buyer at 25275 who has bought into the wekness at the open and holding(12:18) Shai : morning seller was at 25365 ‘
12:20 Shai : Once we cross over 10585-10595 roughly the next 100 points in NF would be quicker
12:45 HK : Test
12:57 Shai : Intra : Buy BankNify 25340 sl of 25259 tgt 25480
13:04 Shai : a few more greens here in BNF and we will be up 50 in no time
13:05 Shai : NF is getting all those greens
13:12 Jitender : bnf in discount
13:15 Uttam : 10500pe is being written, looks like writers saying tata-bye bye to 10500 for this expiry?
13:15 Uttam : 53L OI now up by 13L since morning
13:15 Shai : Book the BNF intra longs at 25360- 362 here
13:16 Shai : Alos exit the BNF BTST at 25360
13:18 Shai : pink bands in NF
13:19 Shai : 10565 supp
13:19 Uttam : +1 Shai
13:23 Uttam : green band in 10500pe
13:25 Uttam : pink band at same time in 10500ce too
13:26 Jitender : +1
13:26 Uttam : so looks like some profit booking
13:26 Jitender : Green band in ce has good qty ?
13:27 Jitender : in pe
13:28 Shai : no
13:28 Gaurav : horizontal ratios nearly 1:1 in both
13:28 Jitender : tx
13:34 Shai : above 10595 this should go to 10615 with sl of 10580. Greens from vwap are good
13:34 Shai : BNF lackluster
13:34 Shai : but should make up for it tom being expiry
13:36 Uttam : NF that pink band sellers are being negotiated Shai?
13:36 Uttam : could be forced to cover?
13:36 Shai : yes
13:36 Jitender : bnf is the key here
13:37 Uttam : Shai BNF morning high was a freak one? no vols above 25380?
13:37 Jitender : if it comes down..will stall nf
13:40 Uttam : pink band in NF going
13:40 Jitender : another pink in 10.5ce
13:41 Uttam : numbers are low though Jit
13:41 Gaurav : gone
13:41 Jitender : nxt 10mns n hoefully we get a directional mve
13:41 TP : 599 NF
13:41 Jitender : waitn to jump
13:43 Jitender : anthr lo vol day
13:45 Jitender : cmon guys….gv a hi vol bar..to set the tone fr rest of the day
13:46 Jitender : Uttam AP’s threshold fr 10.5 combo trendn was 165 ?
13:47 Uttam : yep that straddle has given a buy at 163 Jit
13:47 Jitender : k
13:47 Uttam : at 167.4 now
13:47 Jitender : tx
13:48 Boppanna : AP said it has cross to 165-170 for a trend
13:48 Jitender : cool
13:49 Jitender : stalled 1st wave up (13:36) Jitender : bnf is the key here(13:37) Jitender : if it comes down..will stall nf
13:49 Jitender : yipee
13:49 Uttam : reds in BNF
13:49 TP : jit that 599 was the key …107k put entry at 127 part book 139.
13:49 Uttam : super exit Shai in BNF both intra & BTST
13:50 Jitender : awesum Tej…2.4x here
13:50 Uttam : congrats Tej & Jit
13:50 Jitender : tx
13:50 Jitender : bnf tankn
13:50 TP : tks
13:50 Jitender : news based
13:50 Jitender : Dy gov sayn no change in NPA 1 day default norms
13:51 Jitender : grren band in bnf
13:52 Shai : Update : close the 25200 ce ( second part taken ) at 140- 142 here
13:53 TP : Shai time to go long in 253k combo at 180 or still expensive.
13:53 Jitender : Shai…approval fr 44o in nf ?
13:53 Jitender : 440
13:54 Shai : 545 still a supp
13:54 Jitender : tx
13:54 Jitender : tat green ban in bnf goes we get Tej’s 150-200 in bnf
13:55 HK : 10541
13:55 TP : yes jit
13:56 Jitender : tis green band is option guys…pain at 300
13:57 Uttam : reds at vwap in NF but price not going down?
13:57 Uttam : demand coming here?
14:00 Shai : Intra – Buy BankNifty again 25275 sl of 25200 tgt 25375
14:01 Shai : holding for now- (13:19) Shai : 10565 supp
14:02 Jitender : +1
14:02 Shai : 10580 crosses again – NF should close neat 10617
14:04 Jitender : 25.3ce below 75 sustainence is a short
14:04 HK : me think BNF buyers came early
14:04 HK : would have waiting till 180
14:04 HK : *waited
14:05 TP : jit below the band 30 done in bn.
14:05 Jitender : +1
14:05 Jitender : 3x
14:05 Jitender : here
14:05 TP : +1
14:05 Shai : Hold the BNF longs with sl of 25186
14:06 TP : massive greens in bn
14:06 Boppanna : big green band
14:06 Jitender : 25.4 pcr comes down 2 0.16
14:06 Shai : NFmay test day lows
14:06 TP : (11:16) TP : tgt don’t know but expiry related move could give a dip to 25150-200 zone. longs being loaded.
14:07 Jitender : +1
14:07 Jitender : started here (13:12) Jitender : bnf in discount
14:07 Shai : +1
14:07 Jitender : 220 in bnf was yday buyr
14:07 Shai : yes
14:08 Jitender : tx
14:08 Shai : bigger buy than yesterday now
14:08 Jitender : 92k in bnf ?
14:09 Jitender : booked all
14:09 Jitender : will watch 🙂
14:09 Shai : yes
14:10 Uttam : green band in 25200ce too now
14:12 TP : Shai incase 92k goes can place sell below 180 in bnf.
14:12 Jitender : (13:56) Jitender : tis green band is option guys…pain at 300
14:12 Jitender : big guns out
14:12 HK : below 180 bn looks very bad
14:12 HK : straight to 50
14:13 Pavan : i told morning , banknifty fallen
14:13 Shai : +1
14:13 Jitender : good one Pavan
14:14 HK : =
14:14 HK : +1 pavan
14:14 Pavan : 10:06 Pavan : GM , BNF may fall more 100points till evening
14:14 Jitender : were is the party Pavan 🙂
14:14 Pavan : hyd
14:15 Jitender : mm tere next week…. 🙂
14:15 Jitender : fr a day
14:15 Pavan : sure
14:15 Jitender : cheers
14:16 Jitender : bnf slown dwn
14:17 HK : bnf on way to 180
14:18 TP : BN hits PDL .
14:20 Jitender : 25.2 pcr 3
14:20 Jitender : 25.1pe at 50…
14:23 Shai : these green want 25320 F again
14:23 Shai : but below 25180 it would be bad
14:23 Jitender : +1
14:24 Shai : an hour to go
14:24 Shai : attempt would be to close it back at 25320
14:24 Shai : mostly inside still
14:31 Jitender : Ag is now shrt on bnf
14:31 Jitender : hez screwed retail today in every call
14:33 Jitender : bnf below 252 again
14:34 Jitender : gt 12 points ..tx Shai (14:20) Jitender : 25.1pe at 50…
14:37 Shai : +1
14:39 Jitender : closn below tis may cauz a dump (14:33) Jitender : bnf below 252 again
14:40 Jitender : both simultaneous reds Tej–OF
14:41 Shai : BNF stopped
14:41 Shai : Make exits – intra
14:41 Jitender : 30 in it so far (14:04) Jitender : 25.3ce below 75 sustainence is a short
14:41 Mungerilal : @Jitender Naman sweekar karna!
14:41 HK : booked 14:17 HK : bnf on way to 180
14:41 Jitender : Sameer 🙂
14:41 TP : bn 180 🙂
14:42 TP : lets do 2ib now.
14:42 Jitender : +1
14:43 Jitender : so tey say wat u do at Akshay Tritiya..the starts r such..it doubles
14:43 Jitender : i shorted at 10590…so
14:43 Jitender : will it cum true ?
14:44 Chetan Shenoy : Amen Jit
14:44 Chetan Shenoy : 🙂
14:44 Jitender : not a ID q 😉
14:44 Jitender : Chetan 🙂
14:44 Jitender : 100 down & mine 4x done (14:39) Jitender : closn below tis may cauz a dump (14:33) Jitender : bnf below 252 again
14:45 Jitender : (10:13) Jitender : duun abt tat..one round of profit bookn / shakeout is due(10:13) Jitender : dunno
14:46 TP : BN into singles of 16 closing shorts.
14:46 HK : Done and dusted 13:55 HK : 10541
14:46 HK : NF can halt here a bit
14:47 Jitender : tat 44k green inf must be Hk
14:47 TP : Shai bn dpoc still up ay 340 ?
14:47 HK : oh no jit. it was a dval yvwap trade quite a easy one
14:48 HK : *dvah
14:48 Jitender : cool
14:49 HK : good place to pic up BN longs swing
14:51 Jitender : nf has 5 red flags
14:53 Shai : yes higher- (14:47) TP : Shai bn dpoc still up ay 340 ?
14:53 TP : so tomorrow can go for 45degree .
14:55 Jitender : pain comes dwn 2 25.2
14:57 TP : BN got nice excess on top.
14:58 Jitender : bnf into prem nw
14:59 Shai : BNF longs got wied
14:59 Shai : wiped
14:59 Shai : could close at 25065
14:59 Jitender : +1
15:01 TP : 2l buyer
15:02 TP : 520 defended
15:04 Jitender : Shai..refresh pls
15:05 Uttam : BNF does 2IB down
15:05 Uttam : ext handle a 25220 so if does not get above it tom then we are in for some more downside
15:06 Uttam : 10560 a ledge in NF & dPOC also around there so level to watch in NF tom
15:06 Davis : shai can we expect a gap down in bnf tomorrow
15:07 TP : shai 3l in 30 min is it rollover ?
15:08 Shai : Update : close the 25200 ce at 45-47 all qty. Buy BankNifty again 25110- 25112 with same SL of 24965.
15:09 Shai : Net cost of BNF longs is now 25155.
15:10 Shai : No can’t see a gap down- (15:06) Davis : shai can we expect a gap down in bnf tomorrow
15:10 Shai : refresh done
15:11 Jitender : tx..delta of bar changed
15:11 Shai : yes there are some 0’s above
15:11 Jitender : yh
15:12 Uttam : BNF gave a multiday FA today at open (25449) which was above yesterday hgih & broken ibl so 1atr from there done at 25152 & 2atr at 24855
15:12 Uttam : realised it late tofday
15:12 TP : +1 uttam your FA are awesomw .
15:13 Jitender : no doubt
15:13 Shai : any news behind that axis fall?
15:13 Uttam : thanks Tej & Jit but got carried away by NF being bullish so did not trade this FA
15:14 Jitender : apart from the Dy Gov thingie..i dont have nythn else chief
15:14 Shai : axis single handedly wiped the BNF longs out
15:14 Jitender : tats k Uttam..one day u will be riding tem into glory
15:14 Uttam : 🙂 thanks Jit…amen
15:15 Uttam : BOB also down 4% Shai
15:15 Ankush : bnf 25200 ce good bet for tomorrow?
15:15 Jitender : 50 in it (14:41) Jitender : 30 in it so far (14:04) Jitender : 25.3ce below 75 sustainence is a short
15:16 Jitender : repeat done (14:34) Jitender : gt 12 points ..tx Shai (14:20) Jitender : 25.1pe at 50…
15:16 TP : don’t carry weeklies overnight Ankush will decay fast at open.
15:16 Ankush : ok
15:17 Uttam : +1 Jit in fact was holding that 25300ce & on your msg exited that once it stayed below 70
15:17 Jitender : perfect
15:17 Uttam : yes Tej / Ankush +1
15:17 Jitender : the key was expiry morrow
15:17 Jitender : so options prem & pos change fast if nt held
15:18 Uttam : make or break in BN tom as bright chances of it leaving a weekly FA tom
15:18 Uttam : has tagged both ends today
15:18 Uttam : could give a good trending move
15:19 Uttam : 25403 & 25067 levels to watch
15:19 Uttam : whichever sides breaks can give a big move
15:21 Shai : 25200 pe was sold at 155
15:21 Shai : shoukd do 75 at open tom
15:21 Shai : too much premium in it anyways
15:23 Jitender : Shai spx shld also take a breather today ?
15:23 Shai : mor e90K green in NF
15:24 Shai : 2705 base for spx to watch again
15:24 Jitender : tx
15:26 Himanshu : is NF absorbing supply of 132k sellers ?
15:28 Jitender : ITC held up nifty
15:28 Jitender : bnf is down coz of Hdfc & Axis
15:28 Kathir : 15:27 Himanshu : is that intiative buying in last 30minutes in NF ?
15:29 Shai : NF has responsive BUying
15:29 Shai : not IB
15:29 Jitender : bye all
15:29 Kathir : ty and bye all
15:29 Shai : yes BNF went down ahead of those axis numbers
15:29 Shai : market event tm
15:29 Shai : Bye all
15:29 TP : Bye All.
15:29 Shai : have a nice evening
15:30 Himanshu : bye bye
15:30 Ankush : bye all
15:30 Chetan Shenoy : Bye All 🙂
15:33 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
09:28 HK : Shai, can you please review MGL positional
11:01 HK : Shai, please review SBI 3-4 days swing
11:09 Shai : HK, small issue with stock charts. Is being worked upon
11:45 Shai : MGL very still – nearing a MT support at 870- 89 but any bounce to 1000 may get sold in next 30 days
11:46 Shai : 237 zone a supp now SBIN
11:46 Shai : res would continue at 262
11:47 Shai : for next few days see 245 as holding
11:51 HK : Thanks Shai
12:14 Himanshu : do we have weak sellers now in BNF as they did not able to push price lower VWAP ?
12:17 Shai : yes
12:18 Shai : there is also a stronger buyer at 25275 who has bought into the wekness at the open and holding
12:18 Shai : morning seller was at 25365
13:57 HK : Shai, please review BEL positional
14:35 Shai : weak below 142 can do 134 Short term
14:36 Shai : 134 zone is also MT supp but no mometum till it closes abv 160 again
15:27 Himanshu : is that intiative buying in last 30minutes in NF ?