OrderFlow charts dated 19th July 2018

OrderFlow charts dated 19th July 2018

OrderFlow charts – 30 min duration of the Nifty and the BankNifty July Futures showing the Buy side and the sell side imbalances


Delta Stack 13 Orderflow Charts Dated 19Th July 2018 Orderflow Delta Stack Bn 13 Orderflow Charts Dated 19Th July 2018 Orderflow 30 Min Fp Nf 13 Orderflow Charts Dated 19Th July 2018 Orderflow 30 Min Bnf Bid 13 Orderflow Charts Dated 19Th July 2018 Orderflow



August Futures :



30 Min Bnf Bid Aug Orderflow Charts Dated 19Th July 2018 Orderflow 30 Min Fp Nf Aug Orderflow Charts Dated 19Th July 2018 Orderflow Delta Stack Aug Orderflow Charts Dated 19Th July 2018 Orderflow Delta Stack Bnf Aug Orderflow Charts Dated 19Th July 2018 Orderflow



9:45   Shai : (09:44) Shai : Update : Part book the overnight BNF shorts here at 26855. Ride the rest at cost.

09:50   Vtrender Live : (09:49) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/790705573
(09:50) Vtrender Live: option charts – https://join.me/254-403-689

10:53   Shai : (10:53) Shai : Intra : Buy BankNifty 26950 sl of 26870 tgt 27085.



09:42   Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:43   Shashwat : Good Morning everyone
09:43   Uttam : BNF seem to be getting some greens at that ext handle but now those also under pressure
09:44   Jayesh : Good Morning all 🙂
09:44   Manjunath : Good morning Shai and all
09:44   Jitender : Gm Folks 🙂
09:44   Shai : Update : Part book the overnight BNF shorts here at 26855. Ride the rest at cost.
09:47   TP : GM All.
09:48   Jayesh : Shai view USDINR pls.
09:48   Shai : Book out the BNF shorts fully at 26855.
09:49   Mihir : Good morning everyone 🙂
09:49   Boppanna : low exact at POC of 17/7
09:49   Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/790705573
09:49   Boppanna : BNF
09:50   Vtrender Live : option charts – https://join.me/254-403-689
09:50   Shiv : GM ALl
09:51   Shiv : BNF is OTD today ?
09:51   Jitender : Uttam..nf as well spot did 3IB yday ?
09:52   Shai : bnf is OTD yes
09:52   Uttam : spot did not do Jit
09:52   Shai : hit vpoc of 17/07 where greens are seen
09:52   Shai : we will review at vwap
09:53   Shiv : Shai can you please share reason for booking fully BTST ? As it was OTD i
09:53   Shiv : i just want to know youe view
09:53   Abhishek : rb at poc i guess
09:53   Jitender : tx Uttam
09:53   Uttam : 🙂 subah subah started your thanks Jit 😉
09:55   Boppanna : intent overlapping in both
09:56   Praneeth : Gm all
09:56   Praneeth : bnf low – 20
09:56   Jitender : Uttam…bro dil se 🙂
09:56   Jitender : Anuj advocating recvry ID
09:57   Jitender : PDL in bnf needs 2 b taken out fr tat
09:58   Jitender : pain at 26900
10:02   Uttam : BNF approaching vwap
10:02   Uttam : sustains above vwap then can look to tag 26950
10:11   Praneeth : +1 uttam
10:11   Praneeth : bring it on
10:11   Uttam : got a pink band on that 11000pe & was perfect signal that NF has made at least a short term low
10:11   Shai : (09:52) Shai : hit vpoc of 17/07 where greens are seen- (09:53) Shiv : Shai can you please share reason for booking fully BTST ? As it was OTD i
10:12   Uttam : this zone in BNF is a support zone
10:12   Uttam : 26835 / 26802
10:12   Shai : still greens at vwap
10:12   Shai : but this 29000 is late to the game
10:13   RK : cheers to 3IB ..breakfsat done 🙂
10:13   Shai : Cheers
10:14   Uttam : congrats RK 🙂
10:15   Shiv : Thanks Shai
10:15   Praneeth : cheers RK
10:16   Uttam : BNF low 20 😉
10:17   Praneeth : yes 🙂
10:18   Mihir : Uttam 🙂 Riding that low of bnf
10:18   Uttam : (10:02) Uttam : BNF approaching vwap(10:02) Uttam : sustains above vwap then can look to tag 26950 did high of 26944 so far
10:18   Shai : 26900 ce is a buy near 45-48 can show 111
10:18   Shai : 64 now
10:19   Mihir : Chief the fall today didn’t have much volume?
10:19   Shai : USDINR same view no change as bracket remains . Mentined yesterday to buy near 68.50 tgt 69.10 – (09:48) Jayesh : Shai view USDINR pls.
10:20   Jayesh : Thanks Shai
10:20   Shai : just hit the median of vol Mihir.
10:20   Mihir : Thanks.
10:21   Uttam : 26948 & seems to have got a RS in BNF?
10:22   Mihir : 16k there Uttam.
10:23   Jitender : 942 & 886 ST markers fr bnf now
10:27   Shai : pain at 26900
10:27   Jitender : since open (09:58) Jitender : pain at 26900
10:28   Shiv : what exactly do you guys mean by Pain at 26900
10:28   Mihir : Jit can you take that 942 guy out please? Thanks.
10:28   Jitender : price at wich buyrs loose most & writers gain most
10:28   Shiv : Thanks JItender
10:29   Jitender : Mihir..he started at 670…so hes good fr the moment
10:29   Jitender : 870
10:29   Jitender : the buyr i mean
10:29   Shai : yes BNF shorts of yesterday covered
10:30   Mihir : All the shorts getting covered had VT written on it 😛
10:30   Mihir : Shai This is just brilliant. Like one long one short 🙂 tussi great hoi.
10:31   Mihir : One of those days when you trade index + stocks and you are happy.
10:31   Mihir : Ashok and ril.
10:33   Shai : +1
10:33   Jitender : Wat time r kotak’s results ?
10:35   Jayesh : approx. betn 13:15 – 14:15
10:35   Jitender : 2 lac buyr in nf ?
10:35   Jitender : tx Jayesh
10:36   Jayesh : welcome Jit 🙂
10:36   Mihir : Biggie!
10:36   Mihir : Just woke me up
10:36   Abhishek : @ vwap
10:36   RK : rollover Shai?
10:36   Jitender : yh Rk..was just typn tat
10:36   Jitender : cud be
10:36   Mihir : So early in the month?
10:36   Jitender : the way it appeared
10:37   Abhishek : yes rollover
10:37   Mihir : Though last big guy was around in same range 968.
10:37   Abhishek : similar volume in that period in aug contract
10:37   RK : tks Abhishek
10:38   Jitender : is he playn fr Hk’s tgts next series ?
10:39   Mihir : Abhishek same amount of reds in August?
10:40   Abhishek : dont know red green..i cheched vulume on Odin
10:40   Mihir : Oh okay.
10:40   Mihir : Thanks.
10:41   Abhishek : 🙂
10:42   Uttam : so 2L shorts being rolled over in Aug at 10990 levels
10:43   Manjunath : How to see if shorts are being rolled over Uttam?
10:43   Abhishek : total 4.2 lac rollover @ 10:36
10:44   Manjunath : Where do you see that info?
10:44   Manjunath : in the screen?
10:45   Uttam : here in Jul it is a 2.3L green Manjunath so if it is a rollover then Aug must be red
10:45   Uttam : Shai will have to confrim that it is a red in aug
10:45   Uttam : Mihir BN Spot low also 6 🙂
10:45   Uttam : 26800.45
10:45   Uttam : sorry 7
10:46   Manjunath : ic…thanks Uttam
10:46   Mihir : Nifty spot low is 6
10:46   Mihir : Automated excel helps
10:46   Uttam : cool
10:47   Abhishek : see volume of multi leg book of nifty(10:44) Manjunath : Where do you see that info?
10:48   Abhishek : its showing 4.2 lac vol when that 2 lac green apeared in july Of
10:49   Manjunath : Pardon my ignorance…which chart are you looking at Abhishek?
10:49   Abhishek : no chart..
10:49   Manjunath : not nifty options chain right
10:49   Abhishek : on odin
10:50   Manjunath : ok…I don’t have access to odin
10:50   Manjunath : thanks
10:51   Shiv : Is BNF setup changed to more like OAIR
10:53   Shai : Intra : Buy BankNifty 26950 sl of 26870 tgt 27085.
10:54   Tulajaram : RK ji, pl. elaborate on dpoc kissing dvah.
10:54   Shai : was waiting on that 26900 ce lower but is not coming down
10:54   Shai : low of 56- (10:18) Shai : 26900 ce is a buy near 45-48 can show 111
10:54   Shai : still can do 111
10:55   Uttam : nice greens in NF also Shai?
10:55   Uttam : that 2.2L is a rollover or both places green can you check?
10:57   Uttam : BN spot near that OH of 26960
10:57   Uttam : broken above it
10:58   Abhishek : bought on 26865 (10:53) Shai : Intra : Buy BankNifty 26950 sl of 26870 tgt 27085.
10:58   Manjunath : missed it….
10:58   Shai : will check
10:58   Abhay : missed:(
10:58   Uttam : thanks Shai
10:59   Mihir : Rocket launcher!
10:59   Jayesh : Riding 🙂
10:59   Uttam : that ce did 111 Shai
10:59   Mihir : Ce done 111
10:59   Uttam : 27092 coming in BNF
10:59   Uttam : 27040 in spot
11:00   Shai : BNF 27035 part book and ride the rest at cost
11:00   Boppanna : 50 k red
11:00   Mihir : 27100 ce 7 to 22
11:00   Mihir : Out 😀
11:00   Jitender : got 90 🙂 (10:23) Jitender : 942 & 886 ST markers fr bnf now
11:00   Uttam : super Jit & Mihir 🙂 congrats
11:00   Mihir : Jit shukria 🙂
11:01   Uttam : 1L red in NF
11:01   Jitender : tx guys
11:01   Mihir : 942 ko control mein lene ke lie 🙂
11:01   Uttam : part of that 2L guy?
11:01   Mihir : Thanks Uttam 🙂
11:01   Uttam : could be buy in both that 2L fellow?
11:01   Uttam : 50k red in BNF
11:01   Shiv : I always exit my calls in 15 points . From last 2 days they have moved up by almost 60 points
11:02   Jitender : 26.9ce at 111+…tx Shai
11:02   Uttam : you can part book & trail some at cost Shiv
11:03   Shiv : i do options so i exit at a certain pre decided value . Its a bad pratice or good for time being till leaning curve reached to an extent you guys analyze
11:03   Manjunath : wow…bnf just zoomed….missed it 🙁
11:03   Mihir : Shiv yes part book and keep holding. That 7 to 22 had part bookings too.
11:03   Mihir : Shai you’ve got something from Dubai is it?
11:04   Mihir : And Shiv I keep part booking done till my quantity is 0. Exit in trenches. So there is no hard feeling.
11:04   Shiv : yup
11:05   Gaurav : can we add august futures on go to screen
11:05   Uttam : (10:59) Uttam : 27092 coming in BNF(10:59) Uttam : 27040 in spot
11:05   Shiv : i am happy to be picking up right trades after Shai’s class at Hyd
11:05   Uttam : pink band in BNF
11:05   Boppanna : still 2 hrs in the day and nice intra moves both ways..
11:06   Uttam : welcome to the composite Bops RK will say
11:06   Mihir : Yes Uttam.
11:06   Mihir : Read a lot about the composites.
11:06   Mihir : Rk were we staring at composite before Guj election.?
11:06   Uttam : a DD in a composite has got big chance of getting crossed
11:07   Uttam : BNF was almost like a triple dist yesterday
11:08   Boppanna : Yep he already gave his plan yesterday if 930 holds that he will make sure of yesterday’s SOC visit 🙂
11:09   Boppanna : atleast
11:09   Uttam : NF broke IBH but the CE’s did not & neither the PE broke the morning lows
11:09   Uttam : may be as Spot still not got above the IBH
11:12   Abhishek : max pain is sfiting to 27000 from 26900
11:13   Boppanna : One more tricks of trade when Shai comes a break go all in with eyes closed 🙂
11:13   Mihir : Bopp: high five!
11:13   Mihir : Yeah
11:14   Mihir : RM = 3ibs
11:14   Mihir : Shai Return == Shahi Return.
11:14   Shriram : Max pain is 27000 for monthly; and 26900 for today
11:15   Shriram : Isn’t it?
11:15   Jitender : fr today yes
11:16   Abhishek : for weekly too its shifting from 26900 to 27000
11:16   Mihir : Intent giving clear picture now.
11:16   Jitender : monthly also at 27k
11:16   Gaurav : intent could be skewed because of rollovers mihir(11:16) Mihir : Intent giving clear picture now.
11:16   Shai : Book the BNF trade fully at 27025
11:17   Shai : lol- (11:13) Boppanna : One more tricks of trade when Shai comes a break go all in with eyes closed 🙂
11:17   Mihir : Yes Gaurav.
11:17   Shai : :)– (11:14) Mihir : Shai Return == Shahi Return.
11:17   Uttam : NF needs to get above 11022 to check that scene of crime at 11045
11:17   Uttam : BN spot resisting at 27025
11:18   Shai : Cheers – (11:05) Shiv : i am happy to be picking up right trades after Shai’s class at Hyd
11:18   Praneeth : +1 Shai, shiv
11:18   Mihir : That 1L guy identity needs to be known.
11:18   Jayesh : Yes @HVN of 12/07 (11:17) Uttam : BN spot resisting at 27025
11:18   Boppanna : Seems BNF Needs to sustain above 26060 for the next leg today if any
11:19   Mihir : If he is not a rollover then that is 50% booking by 2L guy.
11:19   Shai : We have MP + OF to get the intra day right and now Intent to get the overnight BTST/ STBT right. Rest is about fllowing a process.
11:19   Shriram : Shai – my intraday trading has improved significanltly after the Hyd class and being in this trading room !!!
11:19   Shai : Be machnical.
11:19   Shiv : mine too @ Shai . U rock
11:20   Shai : If you aim for 7./10 trades rigght, you account would be smiling with you in a year’s time. But give it a regular daily process and a year with the same process and see the change
11:20   Jitender : +1000
11:20   Shai : get rich slowly. The markets will open everyday for the rest of our lives
11:21   Shriram : Quite true.
11:21   Manjunath : True Shai…
11:21   Shiv : Yes
11:21   Manjunath : Congrats Shriram and Shiv
11:21   Jitender : congrats to all
11:21   Mihir : Jit is super fast.
11:21   Mihir : Before I could copy paste he is there on slack 🙂
11:22   Shai : + 1. Congarts – (11:19) Shriram : Shai – my intraday trading has improved significanltly after the Hyd class and being in this trading room !!!
11:22   Jitender : Mihir…try beatn Rm 🙂
11:22   Shiv : initially all your language was alien to me. Now i understand atleast 40% of your analysis
11:22   Shashwat : @Shai – kindly do plan a teach-in session in delhi as well
11:22   Mihir : I want to compete RM and TP someday!
11:22   Mihir : 🙂
11:22   Shai : Indeed- (11:21) Mihir : Jit is super fast.
11:23   Jitender : _/\_
11:23   Shai : super fast fingers and super fast brains
11:23   Jitender : Shai..m a sardar..so will take that brain comment with a pinch of salt 🙂
11:24   Shai : lol. …a Blessed one you are Jit. I too should have been born as 1 🙂
11:24   Jitender : tx fr the kind words…means a lot coming from u
11:24   Mihir : Does RM go to agyatvas when Shai is here?
11:25   Mihir : Or he reads everything and keeps quiet?
11:25   Shai : RM is recuperating from a shoulder injury
11:25   Mihir : Oh yes. Group talks about it.
11:26   Mihir : We have loads of fun when you are away. He is like the notorious monitor of the class.
11:26   Shai : like yesterday in NF the gate is being guraded at 11010- 11020
11:26   Shai : NF needs to pass through for more
11:29   Mihir : 11004 ledge?
11:30   Mihir : Also IBH that is.
11:30   Uttam : super points Shai +100
11:32   Boppanna : Shai vwap a good support in BNF now?
11:32   Uttam : Shai D made a new high but E needs to follow up?
11:33   Uttam : 26960-950 holding in BNF we can close at day highs I feel
11:33   Mihir : Karado Uttam 🙂
11:33   Uttam : 27130+ can come today
11:34   Uttam : today already like DD up in both
11:34   Boppanna : thx Uttam
11:35   Uttam : morning hvns in NF at 10980 & BNF at 26920
11:37   Shai : vwap is a supp
11:39   Shai : 2L guy is a rollover . 10976 in JUly and 10996 in Aug at 10,35 am today. First of the big guns.
11:39   Abhishek : can we see new low in bnf??
11:40   Uttam : cool Shai thanks
11:40   Uttam : that 1L at top today is a long booking out I guess as no similar vol in Aug
11:41   Shiv : whats the BNF target we are looking on upside
11:42   Uttam : 27180 max on upside we can get if we get above 27065-95
11:42   Uttam : right now big reds coming in BNF
11:48   Uttam : E making an inside bar so F will show the path RK?
11:49   RK : maybe G Uttam..that seller who came at top holding
11:49   RK : but BNF looking good
11:50   Uttam : oh ok RK, thanks
11:50   RK : NF need to sustain above IBH for smtime
11:50   RK : that would add pressure to shorts and invite more longs
11:50   Uttam : yes BNF looking good as far as it stays above that 26950-960
11:50   Uttam : some shorts already getting trapped in it I guess
11:50   RK : till then a visit to VWAP possibility there as morning extn handle is compromised
11:50   RK : at 995
11:51   Shai : pain at 27000 now
11:51   Shai : 96 in it at the strike
11:51   RK : so grind more to eat that premium Shai you are expecting?
11:52   RK : am little concerned about this early extn here upside in NF..was expecting lower grind for more time
11:52   RK : after such IB
11:52   RK : so this paved way to responsive sellers imo
11:52   Shai : Suyog has got 290 for the day we have done 224
11:53   RK : ok
11:53   Abhishek : bnf did 3rd retest of IBH (11:49) RK : but BNF looking good
11:53   Jitender : Rk..a retest of 942-950 in bnf wud tell
11:54   Jitender : else all clr abv 27042
11:54   Uttam : that would also make the profile nice Jit
11:54   RK : yes Jit NF also need extend quicker above else drop on cards
11:55   Jitender : nf has tat 1lac guy who is standn guard
11:56   Jitender : n points 2 lower ext
11:56   RK : yes
11:58   RK : NF at vwap
12:01   Abhishek : reds in bnf
12:01   Mihir : Yes Abhishek.
12:04   Shai : BNF weekly vwap is also at this zone 26960
12:04   Shai : dpoc also
12:05   RK : NF bulls should appear here and hold 10975-80 band else day would end badly for them with lot of chop
12:05   RK : till close
12:05   Shai : would mean thar 27000 strike would melt
12:09   Shai : 27000 strike at 98 net now . with a sl of 124 expecting 57 and 14 in it
12:12   Uttam : (11:33) Uttam : 26960-950 holding in BNF we can close at day highs I feel(11:35) Uttam : morning hvns in NF at 10980 & BNF at 26920 BNF low in this dip at 26948.3 & NF 10979.3
12:12   Uttam : Nf making a smooth bell & BNF almost cpoying it
12:12   Uttam : copying it
12:14   HK : GA All
12:22   HK : Shai, is the 11100 CE call open? Where are you planning to add the balance 50%
12:23   HK : bear with me, catching up for the day
12:24   Uttam : hey HK 🙂
12:24   Uttam : you back in the bull’s ring is it 🙂
12:25   HK : no Uttam
12:25   HK : might take a hedge, 840 on by monday or thrusday
12:25   HK : Want to know what boss’s plan, his levels play to the dot
12:25   Uttam : oh ok 🙂
12:26   Uttam : RK you there?
12:26   RK : yes Uttam
12:26   HK : 11060-80 need to be taken out solidly where my SLs are
12:26   Uttam : posted the NF chart in slack, can you check & give your feedback whenever you get the time
12:26   Uttam : in marketprofile channel
12:26   HK : BNF shorts a big disappointment
12:27   RK : yes you are right on that Uttam
12:27   Manjunath : This is from amibroker?
12:27   Uttam : the buyers who extended the range from 26820-870 still there HK
12:27   Mihir : Hi HK.
12:28   Uttam : thanks RK 🙂
12:28   HK : Hi Mihir
12:28   Mihir : 840 by next week you see?
12:28   Uttam : tom we have the no confidence motion right?
12:28   Mihir : Last time those shorts from 868 levels gave you good positional trade.
12:28   Mihir : Yes Uttam. Friday.
12:28   Mihir : It is a news planter I feel that event.
12:29   Uttam : if it is like the election results counting we could have some whips & freak levels in tom
12:29   HK : Monday ot thrus. my TF is completely diff from u r guys, please take Shai’s view 12:28 Mihir : 840 by next week you see?
12:29   HK : early elections man
12:29   HK : market discounting it
12:31   Mihir : @manjunath that is ninja.
12:31   Mihir : Okay HK.
12:32   Manjunath : oh…ic….How much do you pay for the feed?
12:32   Manjunath : nevermind,…this is not the place to ask that
12:33   Manjunath : will ask in slack
12:35   Jitender : kotak out
12:35   Jitender : NPA improve
12:36   Jitender : profit below exp
12:37   Mihir : Jit Bajfinance result update? Is it out?
12:38   Jitender : yh
12:38   Jitender : nt good
12:38   Jitender : but TV made up fr it
12:38   Jitender : tey r doing same fr kotak
12:38   Mihir : Kotak whipsaw entry.
12:38   Mihir : Yeah.
12:39   Jitender : done (11:53) Jitender : Rk..a retest of 942-950 in bnf wud tell
12:45   Mihir : +1 Jit.
12:47   Praneeth : =1
12:47   Praneeth : +1
12:47   Mihir : Both low and high in bnf did 6. today.
12:48   Mihir : Break that either side.
12:49   Mihir : Sweet entry at PB. 60 points there.
12:49   Mihir : This wants to give uttam 27130?
12:52   Boppanna : 27000 straddle at 80
12:52   Mihir : Janak not around but his 12 pm trade gave 13++ today too.
12:53   Manjunath : Is there a nifty straddle chart?
12:54   Mihir : Yes Boppana that is melting nicely.
12:57   Manjunath : If straddle coming down, means kind of sideways movement?
13:04   Praneeth : 44800 stuck in bnf?
13:04   Uttam : yes Manjunath, straddle coming down means premium of both CE & PE melting
13:05   Uttam : or we are stuck in a range so both CE & PE are within a boundary not giving a breakout or breakdown
13:05   Manjunath : right…thanks Uttam.
13:05   Uttam : but just swinging between both
13:06   Uttam : looks like BNF 50k red SL got hit or he exited
13:06   Uttam : that 44800 could be that
13:06   Praneeth : oh ok
13:10   Mihir : Jit spx is quiet?
13:11   Mihir : +6
13:14   Uttam : NF going for bell now?
13:14   Uttam : filling lower part?
13:15   Uttam : BNF playing holi
13:15   Mihir : Yes
13:16   Mihir : Uttam.
13:16   Mihir : Making nice bell NF
13:18   Uttam : that 27000 straddle will give Shai’s second target also look like
13:18   Mihir : Now pe melting time.
13:18   Mihir : in that.
13:22   Uttam : from 91 to 71 now that 27000pe
13:23   Uttam : below 60 can go for 30
13:24   Uttam : 36 actually is a hvn in that
13:24   Shai : Buy 27000 ce at 20.5 sl of 10 tgt 45.
13:26   Jitender : 942 in bnf is the pivot fr morn buyrs
13:27   Jitender : usdinr 69.06
13:29   Jitender : same action as of yday after bounce…distribution at 27k
13:29   Jitender : n boom
13:29   Boppanna : +1
13:29   Jitender : 886 in bnf on watch now
13:29   Shai : 27000 ce stopped. Exit
13:30   Uttam : that straddle seem to have reversed from 80 levels
13:33   Jitender : if this green at 8860 goess…it wud b beautiful
13:33   Jitender : not tat it isn’t so far 😉
13:34   Shai : broke below 26945
13:34   Shai : not good for buyers again
13:34   Shai : 26840 expected
13:34   Uttam : NF also getting some IS here shai?
13:35   Jitender : 60 so far tat 1 lac guy has given (11:55) Jitender : nf has tat 1lac guy who is standn guard(11:56) Jitender : n points 2 lower ext
13:35   Shai : +1
13:35   Uttam : that is also a probable FA
13:35   Jitender : yr OF Shai…its brilliant
13:35   Shai : +1
13:35   Mihir : He is saving that gate entry. Nice watch man he is.
13:36   Mihir : That 1L guy
13:36   Jitender : Rk….done better than yday 🙂
13:38   Jitender : m out of bnf
13:38   Jitender : lets c wat happens now
13:39   Gaurav : Bnf are we holding long?
13:40   Jitender : no
13:40   Abhishek : still waiting for new low(11:39) Abhishek : can we see new low in bnf??
13:40   Jitender : +1
13:41   Mihir : Aye Aye Abhishek 🙂
13:41   Shiv : what is the low we can get upto ?
13:42   Jitender : Shiv 26900 still is on one PCR
13:42   Jitender : 26800 on 5 pcr
13:42   Jitender : 26800 spot brks..it wud be a scramble
13:42   Uttam : 26800 pcr is at 9.7 Jit
13:43   Uttam : sorry 4.5 now
13:43   Jitender : 🙂
13:43   Uttam : 26900 at 0.8
13:43   Uttam : 3.9
13:43   Shiv : hold , exit ?
13:43   Shiv : am on 26800 pe
13:43   Jitender : half book…nvr hurts
13:44   Shiv : ok
13:44   Jitender : & ask for Shai’s guidance
13:45   Abhishek : writers are in comfort even @ 26800
13:51   HK : oh my BNF
13:53   Boppanna : Still IBL holding in both
13:54   Shiv : so it got to break 840
13:56   Abhishek : u may exit(13:43) Shiv : am on 26800 pe
13:56   Shiv : whats the yellow box signify ?
13:57   Abhishek : spot is around 26810
14:02   Mihir : RK value devolping lower since the extension handle?
14:04   Praneeth : lets tag 26680 ?
14:05   Shiv : @ Abhishek . Partly i have
14:06   Shiv : BNF is stuck for a long time
14:08   HK : @Jit BNF 800 PE writers strong enough?
14:08   Jitender : Hk..pos 2pm… i dont look at OI on expiry day
14:08   Jitender : n nt a strong def so far
14:09   Jitender : but tey have time
14:09   HK : thx
14:09   Jitender : bnf spot now 852
14:12   HK : yeah both look bullish for 30 mins
14:16   Praneeth : bought small quantity of 26700 PE @ 4
14:17   Praneeth : chillar trade 🙂
14:29   Jitender : .
14:31   Jitender : Last hr begins
14:32   Uttam : kya dhamaaka karne wale ho Jit
14:32   Jitender : bhai…waitn
14:32   Jitender : m done fr the day…will take a small pos if nned be
14:33   Jitender : y take unnecessary risk on a grt day
14:33   Uttam : +1
14:34   Uttam : BNF got rejected exactly at vwap
14:34   Uttam : NF also seems to be filling the lower part of [rofile
14:35   Uttam : poor lows in BNF so that could get repaired
14:36   Jitender : +1 (13:34) Shai : 26840 expected
14:36   Jitender : grt Uttam
14:37   Uttam : will NF confirm a FA at 11010?
14:39   Shai : BNF is neutral now
14:41   Abhishek : whats d VAL of 16-8-18 in bnf?
14:42   Uttam : 26770
14:42   Abhishek : ty
14:43   Shai : 26800 pe liquidating
14:43   Praneeth : 100 more down?
14:43   Jitender : do it
14:43   Uttam : NF can do 10920 Shai if BNF falls more here?
14:43   Uttam : NF forming a ledge at 10953?
14:43   HK : Super shai
14:43   Jitender : 26760 spot
14:44   Uttam : NF intent is green
14:48   Mihir : Uttam looks like 953
14:49   Mihir : Shai can avg 11.1kce?
14:50   Abhishek : still no excess at lows in BNF
14:50   Jitender : 760 spot
14:51   Shai : Not yet Mihir. We may have to hold that till MOn
14:51   Shai : 26800 pe can double to 55 cmp 24 sl of 10
14:51   Mihir : Okay chief.
14:56   Praneeth : shai, 680 possible in bnf?
14:59   Shai : 51- (14:51) Shai : 26800 pe can double to 55 cmp 24 sl of 10
14:59   Shai : double done
15:00   Uttam : NF back at that ledge
15:00   Yogesh : gr8 call 🙂
15:00   Uttam : free fall coming in last 30mins?
15:01   Boppanna : +1 Shai
15:01   Mihir : Shai whattey call.
15:02   Uttam : that ledge still standing tall
15:03   Boppanna : Op-Range was on the dot
15:03   Boppanna : BNF
15:04   Shai : +1
15:04   Shai : :)- (15:01) Mihir : Shai whattey call.
15:04   Abhay : Chief which day it is in bnf n nf ?
15:04   Shai : neutral in BNF and normal in NF
15:05   Abhay : ok thnks
15:05   Shai : pain is at 26800
15:05   Uttam : pretty narrow range in NF relatively speaking so can give a range expansion tom
15:06   Shai : looks like call writers and put writers both got clipped today
15:07   Boppanna : Shai that 11100ce should move tomrrow?
15:08   Jitender : 26.8pe from 28 shrt..teres always a lat trade 🙂
15:08   Abhishek : i was short on 26800 call around 24
15:09   Abhishek : *26900
15:09   Jitender : congrats Abhi
15:09   Uttam : Shai close below 10975 (that 2L guy rollover) will be bearish on NF?
15:10   Abhishek : intent is opp in nnifty & b/nifty…what it shows??
15:10   Uttam : we have rollovers also today so best would be to check Aug stack chart also if Shai can chek
15:14   Mihir : Anyone traded bajfinance today?
15:14   Uttam : one touch of 10977 will make the NF profile smoother
15:14   Mihir : Coming uttam 🙂
15:15   Jitender : 🙂
15:16   Abhay : Yes Mihir i do bought at 2400:)
15:16   Mihir : Super Abhay.
15:17   Abhay : 🙂
15:18   Praneeth : +1 guys
15:19   Shai : mon or tues – (15:07) Boppanna : Shai that 11100ce should move tomrrow?
15:19   Uttam : reds still coming in BNF?
15:19   Uttam : poor lows even after repairing earlier poor lows there
15:20   Uttam : NF unable to tag that 10975
15:20   Uttam : now 10952 needs to go
15:20   Uttam : stuck in this range for now
15:20   Mihir : 9 mins hai aapke pass.
15:20   Mihir : Take either side.
15:21   Uttam : close will be here only looks like 10975-76
15:21   Uttam : both POC & vap here & we have a normal day with a belll
15:21   Uttam : can get a drive tom Shai?
15:22   Uttam : that 2L was a green in Aug also Shai?
15:23   Uttam : 10975 done 🙂 profile looks complere now
15:23   Uttam : complete
15:24   Mihir : Uttam 🙂
15:24   Uttam : 10977
15:24   Shai : too thin in aug that bid ask spread @Uttam
15:25   Shai : But net intent is green in NF and shows traders positioned still for an upmove
15:25   Uttam : cool Shai
15:25   Shai : BNF will have to tackle that broken 26940 again tom if it wants up
15:25   Gaurav : please include august charts also in evening reports today onwards if you can
15:26   Shai : sure
15:27   Shai : green charge at the close in NF
15:27   Uttam : big vols here?
15:27   Uttam : BNF opposite though
15:27   Uttam : but NF is what will matter
15:28   Mihir : Uttam ledge to 982 trade done 🙂
15:28   Jitender : no confi vote morrow
15:28   Uttam : 10952 new sup in NF for tom
15:28   Uttam : yes Jit can give spike moves you think?
15:28   Uttam : or if BJP wins it easily NF will get a reason to make that new hgihs 😉
15:28   Shai : what time would it be tabled?
15:29   Mihir : Morning session.
15:29   Jitender : emotional value Uttam
15:29   Shai : doubt whther after all the speeches are done we get it in market hours
15:29   Jitender : ys Post mkt hrs
15:29   Uttam : hmmm
15:29   Praneeth : bye guys..have a noce day
15:29   Jitender : bye all
15:29   Mihir : Is it jit? Okay. Bye everyone fulfilling day.
15:29   Boppanna : bye
15:29   Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:30   Mihir : Thanks all.
15:30   Shashwat : Bye all!
15:30   Shai : Bye all
15:30   Shai : Have a nice evening



09:56   Boppanna : Shai Mindtree intra & positional views pls when u have time
10:07   Gaurav : Shai BEML and RBL Bank can buy August?
10:45   Shai : MInd tree intra day not much can be said here but is a sell on rise
10:46   Shai : 940 should be seen in here min n today’s move
10:47   Shai : BEML seeing buyers which should push it back to 818
10:47   Shai : sl is 749
10:51   Shai : RBL this morning move below 564 is not good but intra my try to hold 556 and 554
10:51   Shai : 578/ 580 is a quick move if 564 is taken out again
11:11   Mihir : Shai Positional view for Ashok please? Thanks.
12:51   Shai : ashok supp is good at 104-100 . is a buy with sl of 98 for 138
12:51   Shai : avoid if closes below99
12:51   Mihir : Thanks chief.
13:05   Boppanna : Done 10:46 Shai : 940 should be seen in here min n today’s move
13:06   HK : Shai, please review Hindalco
15:26   Yogesh : view on Amaraja pls.. holding positional short for a 715 target from 778