OrderFlow charts dated 23rd Aug 2018

OrderFlow charts dated 23rd Aug 2018

OrderFlow charts – 30 min duration of the Nifty and the BankNifty July Futures showing the Buy side and the sell side imbalances


30 Min Bnf Bid 14 Orderflow Charts Dated 23Rd Aug 2018 Marketprofile 30 Min Fp Nf 14 Orderflow Charts Dated 23Rd Aug 2018 Marketprofile Delta Stack 14 Orderflow Charts Dated 23Rd Aug 2018 Marketprofile Delta Stack Bn 14 Orderflow Charts Dated 23Rd Aug 2018 Marketprofile


09:06   Shai : (09:06) Shai : https://vtrender.com/evening-marketprofile-report-dated-21st-aug/

09:06   Shai : (09:00) Vtrender Live: option charts – https://join.me/226-058-300
(09:01) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/475796445

09:34   Shai : (09:34) Shai : Intra – Buy 28200 ce at 51 sl of 26 tgt 103

09:45   Shai : (09:45) Shai : exit the 28200 ce at 44

10:38   Shai : (10:38) Shai : INtra- Short Banknifty 28118- 28114 sl of 28185 tgt 28020/ 27940.

11:04   Shai : (11:04) Shai : Book out the BNF shorts at 28100- 28103 here

11:42   Shai : (11:41) Shai : Intra – Buy 28100 ce at 42 sl of 24 tgt 80

11:53   Shai : (11:52) Shai : Exit the 28100 ce at 47 here just above cost.

14:26   Shai : (14:26) Shai : Positional – Buy BankNifty 26064 sl of 27880 tgt 28365.

14:55   Shai : (14:54) Shai : Intra – Buy BankNifty 28110 sl of 28040 tgt 28190.

15:18   Shai : (15:18) Shai : Clsoe the BNF longs at 28100 cost here. Time runnning out for trade.



09:00   Vtrender Live : option charts – https://join.me/226-058-300
09:01   Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/475796445
09:05   Shai : GM all
09:06   Shai : https://vtrender.com/evening-marketprofile-report-dated-21st-aug/
09:08   Rushabh : GM all
09:09   Abhay : Gm All
09:10   Manjunath : GM all….
09:12   Tulajaram : G M all.
09:12   Kunal : GM
09:15   Shai : 11580 is early morning supp for the auction
09:15   Manjunath : spot and futures almost same?
09:15   Shai : yes
09:16   Manjunath : ?
09:16   Manjunath : sorry
09:16   Manjunath : It was not like this for this month. Does it indicate top is heavy?
09:16   Manjunath : was always at a premium
09:16   Uttam null : Good Morning All
09:17   TP : GM All.
09:17   TP : Shai refresh needed 30 min /5min not in sync.
09:17   HK : GM Shai and Friends
09:20   Manjunath : now futures at discount…
09:20   TP : tks chief
09:24   TP : Looks like Jet Li resuming office today 😉
09:24   Shai : 28330- 28370 spot still a big res
09:26   HK : Jai ho morning singles!
09:29   Uttam null : Otd in bnf and orr in nf Shai?
09:29   Manjunath : Shai…I have nifty short straddle of 28k at 600. Currently at 436. What should Ibe the target I ideal target I should look for?
09:29   Manjunath : Banknifty
09:30   Manjunath : ignore the typos please
09:30   Shai : 23rd or monthly?
09:30   Manjunath : monthly
09:30   HK : NF rej at POC and covered shorts there
09:30   Uttam null : nice Manjunath
09:31   Manjunath : tks. Was tempted to comeout at 50 points profit…surprised at myself that I am still holding.
09:32   Shai : can’t update monthly value for the option till this series ends but in F it is slips below 28165 shoud be down to 27970 again
09:32   Manjunath : ok
09:32   Uttam null : let em check the monthly straddle chart and post it on slack
09:32   Shai : 28164 supp intra
09:32   Shai : some buying coming back in BNF’
09:32   Abhay : green band there
09:33   Uttam null : BNF tags that vpoc of 28180 which it missed on Tuesday
09:34   Praneeth : GM all
09:34   Shai : Intra – Buy 28200 ce at 51 sl of 26 tgt 103
09:34   Praneeth : bnf low =20
09:35   Azmath : NF low = 20
09:40   Shai : holding for now- (09:15) Shai : 11580 is early morning supp for the auction
09:40   TP : Hi Azmath you active on slack now.
09:41   Praneeth : shai, 28200 CE is attracting more sellers? OI is been increasing
09:44   Uttam null : NF almost tags 1atr from Tuesdays FA of 11553
09:45   Shai : exit the 28200 ce at 44
09:45   Uttam null : below 11585 can test 11562 NF
09:48   Uttam null : tail forming in both at top so could signal end of up auction if remains by close
09:49   TP : Almost 3l red delta in opening 5 min NF bar on these low vol days shows red has intent today.
09:50   Shai : 28200 strike being written
09:50   Shai : could have held it if vwap at 54 was crossed
09:50   Shai : ORR in NF and an OD in BNF
09:51   Shai : this OD gets a life below 28165 else we may have a b
09:52   TP : Shai NF lifeline ?
09:52   Uttam null : if stays below 28220 bnf looks headed to test 28140 I feel
09:52   Shai : 11575- 11580 zome a supp
09:53   Uttam null : yes composite ‘P’ poc in NF at 11577 so below it gets weak
09:59   Mihir : Last expiry we couldn’t go above A period since open?
10:00   Uttam null : bnf low so far 28146
10:03   Boppanna : +1 Uttam
10:05   Mihir : ORR in wed didn’t work today it is good so far.
10:05   Mihir : can go 110. bnf.
10:05   Uttam null : volumes were there today Mihir
10:05   Mihir : Yes Uttam.
10:06   Uttam null : bnf tags 28140
10:08   Boppanna : Shai staying below 28160 can test 28080?
10:09   Shai : yes can
10:09   Shai : vwap sl fr day
10:09   Uttam null : 28124 is a hvn so can hold?
10:11   Uttam null : NF low so far 11564
10:13   Uttam null : 11563.5 missed by 1.5 points
10:14   Mihir : Uttam and bnf by 3 🙂
10:14   Uttam null : yes bad 🙁 need to improve
10:14   Mihir : Going back
10:14   Mihir : 😉
10:15   Mihir : fixed.
10:16   Uttam null : 11562 done 🙂
10:18   Uttam null : nf again gettign sup at that 11555
10:18   Mihir : Hvn there.
10:19   Mihir : Buyer came day before over there too right?
10:19   Uttam null : yep
10:19   Uttam null : 11553 is the FA
10:20   Uttam null : that goes then 11541 and 11510 coming
10:22   Uttam null : bnf seems to be takign sup at that 28124 level
10:22   Mihir : Yes.
10:22   Himanshu : shai pls zoom out NF 30 min chart
10:22   Uttam null : 28180 level to watch now for rejection of
10:22   Francis : anyone facing issues with Truedata today? mine is just starting and closing abruptly and can’t get on with support
10:22   Mihir : Uttam 11553 PDL was 6 and FA and currently bounced back too 🙂
10:23   TP : Same here Francis guess thay had an upgrade.
10:24   Francis : yes TP 🙁 terrible
10:26   Uttam null : i upgraded it yesterday so working fine
10:28   TP : Working ok on ami only nt is issue.
10:36   Mihir : 1.5 pts away (10:05) Mihir : can go 110. bnf.
10:36   HK : BNF can stop at 28060
10:38   Shai : INtra- Short Banknifty 28118- 28114 sl of 28185 tgt 28020/ 27940.
10:44   Boppanna : Shai levels for 28200pe pls
10:50   Shai : supp at 65 . technical tgt at 171 if held
10:50   Uttam : +1 Shai
10:50   Praneeth : 28.1PE OI is 16L , difficult to go further down or grind possible here?
10:51   Boppanna : thx
10:51   Uttam : Manjunath you there?
10:51   Praneeth : Shai, bnf is OTD?
10:51   Uttam : (09:29) Uttam null: Otd in bnf and orr in nf Shai?
10:52   Praneeth : thanks uttam
10:52   Uttam : 🙂
10:57   Manjunath : yes
10:58   Praneeth : 28.2 PE high = 20
10:59   Praneeth : *sorry ignore above
11:03   Mihir : value lower today.
11:03   Manjunath : Thanks Uttam for the 28k straddle chart. 🙂
11:03   Mihir : Jit away today?
11:04   Shai : Book out the BNF shorts at 28100- 28103 here
11:05   Mihir : Shai these greens can hold bnf for the day?
11:06   Uttam : welcome Manjunath you can trail that combo to 429 now if still holding
11:08   Manjunath : Still holding and currently at 390.
11:08   Manjunath : Thanks!
11:11   Shai : max pain moved to 28100
11:11   Shai : its over to the writers now
11:11   HK : out of morning shorts, next trade only below IBL 09:26 HK : Jai ho morning singles!
11:11   Shai : could be a 28030 28190 zone till 3 pm
11:12   Shai : Congrats HK . Nice 1
11:12   Manjunath : Good one HK!
11:12   HK : Thx Shai
11:12   Uttam : super Manjunath lovely trade
11:12   Shai : could – (11:05) Mihir : Shai these greens can hold bnf for the day?
11:13   Shai : transistion volume coing at 28100 . could do 28170
11:14   Manjunath : Straddle was old trade Uttam. Sold 28200 today at 45 today.
11:14   Manjunath : time to close
11:14   Manjunath : 28200 ce
11:20   Uttam : yep it has tagged single digits so better to book your profits
11:24   Praneeth : uttam, pain at 28.1 ?
11:26   HK : Shai, in 30 mins OF in BNF/NF, can we make the font size uniform pls
11:26   HK : IMO, BNF font need to be reduced a bit and NF increased a bit
11:27   Manjunath : weekly bnf at 28.1, monthly at 28k and NF at 11400
11:29   Praneeth : thanks manjunath
11:29   Manjunath : yw
11:30   Praneeth : shai, one vwap test possible in bnf?
11:30   Praneeth : *if D goes above E?
11:31   Praneeth : or do we have enough sellers to move up?
11:31   Shai : yes
11:31   Praneeth : thanks shai
11:31   Shai : no 66k is a coverr order for shorts of the open
11:32   Shai : supply declined
11:32   Praneeth : ok
11:36   Mihir : Shai how to figure if it is a cover order?
11:37   Mihir : Same value reds covered is it?
11:40   Shai : dpoc shift
11:41   Shai : Intra – Buy 28100 ce at 42 sl of 24 tgt 80
11:52   Shai : Exit the 28100 ce at 47 here just above cost.
11:53   Shai : no traction for a move here
11:54   Shai : that green in 28100 ce and pink in 28100 pe are out to kill the premium
11:54   Praneeth : +1 shai
12:10   Pradeep : I am a new subscriber. This is my first week and first day of getting intra day calls. What is the edge one has using Market Profile and Market order if such calls are given. I understand mkt may not be moving. But that has to be well read in mkt profile. Giving random calls anyone can do
12:10   Shai : 🙂
12:15   Shai : The first thing we learn in the markets is not to judge based on 2 -3 hours of activity
12:16   Shai : If you want to know how marketProfile works we have 3 years of data on Slack. Maybe yu should go through that before you start judging if this is for you or not
12:17   Pradeep : Well appreciate your views. I subscribed looking at that. I am happy if there is no trade today. But all I said random calls shouldnt be given
12:18   Shai : ok. Can you tell us how you felt the 3 calls of today were random?
12:18   Pradeep : I am not here to argue or fight. I am your client. It’s fine. I am sur eyou have good track record and thats why I am here./
12:20   Shai : No it’s not an argument . Could be a learning lesson for all
12:20   Boppanna : My suggestion is just have a look at calls given and if you dont get the logic behind the call shoot a question and Shai will be glad to clarify..
12:20   Shai : How were they random>
12:20   Shai : Ok I’ll explain the first call. nd maybe you can do the second
12:21   Shai : 28200 ce was gven at 51 knowing that 28190 F was a support on tuesday and it had put a bounce of 90 then. We got in at 51
12:22   Shai : but the seller came back and broke 28190
12:22   Pradeep : I am a novice. How I can explain. I only meant that view was long, short and long in matter of 90 mins.
12:22   Shai : we exited at 44
12:22   Shai : It is 9 now
12:22   Shai : should we have held?
12:22   Pradeep : I am sure market profile gives better edge than those using TA
12:23   Shai : 28190 is now new resistance for day
12:23   Shai : second one
12:23   Shai : we got into long at 28116. After our entry supply diminished and we saw 66000 buy side order at 28100. We exited
12:24   Shai : market has not broken 28100 since then
12:24   Shai : should we have held the short knowing that supply is gone?
12:24   Shai : 28100 ce entry at 42
12:24   Shai : went to 47 . seller entered again
12:25   Shai : It’s at 32 now . I chose to exit
12:25   Shai : should we have held?
12:26   Mihir : 1L at dpoc.
12:26   Mihir : Have the rollovers started?
12:26   Mihir : they* started?
12:26   Himanshu : dpoc and vwap both
12:27   Shai : we will wait – (11:53) Shai : no traction for a move here
12:28   Mihir : Yes himanshu. Big number from nowhere.
12:29   Boppanna : @Pradeep take a few days to get used to charts being used and info being shared things would be clearer and the randomness will get clearer..also videos avalible on slack and vtrrender site would be a good place to get info
12:32   Bragadesh Majli : Pradeep- Sir I am here with Shai over 6 months. forget what you know outside and start learning here . View long, short, is not important. Enter when Shai tells you to enter and exit when he tells
12:35   Pradeep : Hello All.. i know that you are all here bcos you find results. I also came in after I have seen the track record. Did I offend you Mr. Shai? Any problem in what I asked? My question is not person. If each one of you want to reflect it is fine. If not its ok also. I only asked at times we need to reflect what is the edge we get using market profile or Market order as against TA.
12:36   Pradeep : So lets end it there.. otherwise we will go on and on… I didnt want to disrespect anyone
12:36   Pradeep : I look forward for long innings here just like you all!
12:37   Shai : 28200 ce is a short with sl of 16
12:37   Shai : is headed to 0
12:40   Mihir : Suyog’s range done in spot.
12:40   HK : Shai, tht 1.5 lac buyer, a fresh one? he came at dcpo
12:41   HK : in NF
12:42   Mihir : Looks like a fresh fella. DLO and PDL both defended so far in nf. DPOC gets biggie. Looks like an exciting setup.
12:42   HK : NF also has a excess outside compo
12:43   Himanshu : dpoc now abv vwap …?
12:44   Shai : yes that 1L guy looks new
12:44   Shai : dpoc just abv
12:45   Himanshu : (12:44) Shai : yes that 1L guy looks new.. generally such volumes always defends
12:58   Uttam : BNF does 2IB down on weekly IB
12:58   Uttam : 28063
12:58   Uttam : 27976 is 2atr from that multiday FA in BNF at 28378
12:59   HK : done, sold below IBL and covered 10:36 HK : BNF can stop at 28060
12:59   TP : Shai had 28020/27940 tgt matches with tour 27976 uttam .
13:01   Uttam : yes Tej 28023 is imp level to watch too
13:01   Uttam : all levels match up in AMT is what I have learnt 🙂
13:01   Uttam : +1 HK
13:02   Shai : 9 to 3- (12:37) Shai : 28200 ce is a short with sl of 16
13:02   HK : BNF for 28444 next week 🙂
13:02   TP : yes uttam expiry might play truant but we should hit 2794o by tomorrow.
13:03   HK : thanks Uttam, again printed half my name there 🙂
13:03   Uttam : 27916-906 will be nice Tej tom as that is a weekly hvn plus we will do 3IB on weekly
13:03   TP : HK 27940 and then 28444 , if you allow.
13:03   Uttam : then next week as HK has decalred we can do 3IB on weekly up 🙂
13:04   HK : hahah TP ,going to begin SIP soon, so pls do your targets asap 🙂
13:04   Kathir : uttam 28022 1.5 ib bnf too ?
13:04   Uttam : yep Kathir as I said levels in MP always match up
13:04   Kathir : +1 eagle
13:04   Uttam : 28023 was imp sup even in the levels I shared
13:05   TP : all the best HK ,SIP not my cup of tea 🙂
13:05   Uttam : lol Tej doing SIP will be 100th wonder of this world 😉
13:05   Kathir : yes uttam 🙂
13:05   Kathir : lol
13:05   Uttam : SIP on 30sec charts may for intra you can try Tej 😉
13:06   TP : lol
13:06   Uttam : 28340 was pink band in BNF from where we opened OH today morning
13:07   Uttam : @Manjunath you there?
13:07   HK : 27940 looks diff TP
13:07   Uttam : that 28k monthly straddle TSL can be revised to 390 now, looks like a fresh leg down in that now
13:08   Kathir : premium just 2 to 3 points in NF
13:08   HK : all system indicators are triggering posnl buy
13:08   TP : yes HK , you Sultan of Swing 🙂
13:08   Uttam : both keen on making a proper ‘b’ today looks like
13:08   Manjunath : Sure…will do that….thanks for keeping an eye on that. ..:)
13:09   Uttam : sorry keep the TSL above 400 not 390
13:09   Manjunath : ok
13:09   Uttam : can give you 300 looks like in that
13:09   Manjunath : 😀
13:09   TP : For swing we have 340-370 spot with Shai’s resistance beyond that fresh legs.
13:10   Mihir : 28k ce/pe you sold Manjunath is it?
13:10   Uttam : yes HK 28055 imp level here in BNF, weekly VAH also
13:10   Mihir : 11650 anyone by tomorrow?
13:11   Manjunath : yes Mihir…at 600
13:11   Mihir : Superb. Nice trade.
13:11   Manjunath : thanks
13:12   Mihir : now 93k red just above vpoc.
13:13   Mihir : Tough fight this is.
13:13   Jayesh : rollovers?
13:15   Mihir : Early rollovers have started. Data needs to be validated.
13:18   TP : 9500 aug ce has 105825 vol ….pretty high @2087 avg price.
13:24   HK : some magic there in 28060 level
13:31   Francis : hdfcbank doing all damage
13:31   Mihir : tp 930 960 today only?
13:31   Mihir : yes Francis.
13:32   TP : Expiry guys can create havoc Mihir.
13:33   TP : no bn weekly now post 1:30.
13:35   Mihir : +1 me too stay away unless pure donation trade around.
13:37   HK : picked up BNF 1 part longs swing
13:38   Shai : majot writing was at 28140 last friday
13:38   Shai : put writers**
13:39   Shai : 27975 spot last of the known supports
13:39   Shai : below that new 150 point drop
13:43   Uttam : BNF 28022 done 🙂
13:44   TP : bots following Shai’s level 33k right at that tgt 1 of morning short 😉
13:44   Praneeth : one more ext handle in bnf?
13:48   Manjunath : BNF at day’s low….What’s holding NF?
13:48   Uttam : that 28200pe does 170 & more Shai 🙂
13:49   Manjunath : wow
13:49   Mihir : 5 to 25 in that 28k pe.
13:50   Mihir : 975 gone.
13:59   Praneeth : NF will pull bnf up or otherwise/?
14:00   HK : Shai, how much importance do you give to excess outside range in NF
14:01   Shai : lots
14:01   HK : so today’s excess is significant irrepective of volume
14:01   Shai : yes but vlume of the drive down was less
14:01   HK : and a b profile as well
14:02   Shai : long liquidation rather than active shorting
14:03   Shai : just different winds today in NF ad BNF
14:04   Shai : typical thurs behavior in BNF where writers are active
14:04   Shai : 28000 pe lottery trade at 22 sl of 10 tgt 51
14:12   Kathir : bnf vwapup still at 28337 shai ?
14:12   Kathir : sd3
14:13   Kathir : bnf loooking for dpoc ?
14:14   Mihir : SC will be mean in NF.
14:14   Mihir : if it starts.
14:15   HK : pls erase the excess asap Mihir….
14:17   Mihir : 🙂
14:17   Mihir : Lone wolf against that excess.
14:17   Mihir : HK 🙂
14:17   Kathir : not dval again HK 🙂
14:17   Mihir : need greens or dpoc coming.
14:18   Shai : RIL jumping
14:18   HK : @Kathir, in NF,
14:18   Mihir : Above pdh needs to stay
14:18   HK : BNF anyway for 444…
14:18   Mihir : yes shai straight up saw who did this.
14:18   Mihir : mota
14:18   Kathir : yes HK nf only 11560 – 65
14:19   HK : testing the stem of b
14:22   Uttam : BN Spot today low imp level to hold
14:22   Uttam : its the monthly IBH
14:23   Kathir : mihir bnf pain now ?
14:26   Shai : Positional – Buy BankNifty 26064 sl of 27880 tgt 28365.
14:27   Kathir : 28064
14:27   Shai : 28064*
14:28   Shai : has just shot up last few mins but can buy here also
14:28   Shai : good RR here as 27975 sot is holding
14:29   Shai : we will bump up the SL tom
14:32   Jayesh : Finally 11600 🙂
14:33   Shai : singles are being covered
14:33   Shai : 11625 in it
14:33   Jayesh : NF …its simple to trade today…large IB..no followthru…enter at just above daylow in E period SL day low….Thanks Shai for this setup and RK’s golden input
14:34   Shai : +1
14:34   Uttam : +1 Jayesh poor lows today meant seller exhaustion even after getting a ORR
14:34   Uttam : that FA still held 11533
14:35   Uttam : 11553
14:37   Jayesh : Yes that was the worry ..but exhaustion was visible in OF
14:47   Praneeth : uttam,pain @28k?
14:52   Uttam : not following Praneeth
14:52   Praneeth : fine, np .. thanks uttam
14:54   Mihir : Last two days singles are being attacked.
14:54   Mihir : Kathir: I don’t track pain.
14:54   Shai : Intra – Buy BankNifty 28110 sl of 28040 tgt 28190.
14:55   Uttam : pain at 28k Praneeth
14:55   Mihir : Jayesh nice plan setup.
14:55   Uttam : can be around 28050
14:56   Praneeth : thanks uttam
14:56   Uttam : 🙂
15:00   Uttam : BNF resisting at that 28125 lvel for now
15:02   Kathir : 15:01 Shai : 3 pm move going the other side 🙁
15:05   Uttam : just filling up the profile Kathir
15:07   Kathir : ok uttam
15:08   Mihir : Kathir was copy pasting from stocks tab I am guessing.
15:08   Mihir : 🙂
15:10   Kathir : yes mihir..though this is for gen tab from shai 🙂
15:10   Praneeth : looks like move is post 3.15
15:10   Mihir : ATH close anyone?
15:11   Praneeth : bnf mihir ? 🙂
15:11   Mihir : I have stayed away from her today.
15:11   Mihir : Just 2 trades.
15:11   Mihir : She is on another tangent so far.
15:12   Praneeth : 🙂
15:12   Uttam : yes Mihir abc 11586 will be a ATH close for NF
15:13   Uttam : above*
15:18   Mihir : 620 will also be nice in the close.
15:18   Uttam : 11627
15:18   Praneeth : bnf close at 28155?
15:18   Mihir : time running out.
15:18   Shai : Clsoe the BNF longs at 28100 cost here. Time runnning out for trade.
15:19   Shai : vwap/ dpoc close
15:19   Shai : good for 28180 at least near open though
15:24   HK : BNF profile looks crazy
15:25   Shai : p, p, b, b
15:25   Shai : composute would be a bell next week
15:27   Mihir : I think with todays
15:27   Mihir : dLO bnf can go for that 340 resistance area again.
15:27   Mihir : Trading the composite will be fun.
15:29   TP : Bye All.
15:29   Mihir : Bye everyone.
15:29   Mihir : See you.
15:29   Shai : Bye all
15:29   Shai : Have a nice evening
15:29   Praneeth : bye all
15:29   Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:30   Praneeth : shai, can u please let me know usdinr levels
15:32   Shai : sure
15:34   Shai : 69.67 a supp
15:35   Shai : tgt upsie remains 70.65



10:20   Manjunath : Shai…..When you have some time, your views on BPCL please?
10:26   Sumit : Shai now that AXISBANK has crossed resistance mentioned by you what is target now
10:26   Sumit : For intra and week
10:44   Shai : axis not able to get new buyers above 640. intra supp at 635 and 630 today
10:45   Shai : can do 662 ina week if sustains above 642 bur a close below 635 today can bring 616 again
10:46   Rushabh : shai L&TFH breakout of balance unsuccessful? back now?
10:46   Shai : bpcl weak below 377 cn drop to 334
10:47   Manjunath : it’s now at 358.
10:47   Manjunath : couple of months back bounced from 361
10:48   Manjunath : looks like that is broken now. Thanks Shai!
10:48   Shai : yes LTFH initiative selling at open can tgt 178 sl of 187
10:53   Gaurav : Shai Godrej Industries can buy for 650? Above that 625 resistance
11:15   Shai : yes can
11:15   Shai : but strict sl at 620
11:28   Gaurav : Thanks Shai
12:45   TP : Shai swing views on Maruti some good vol today.
12:52   Gaurav : Shai TCS can be bought for 2100-2120?
13:03   Mihir : Maruti engine is roaring today.
13:42   Shai : maruti swing is long again on hat short coering move abv 9135
13:42   Shai : res at 9245 again to play
13:42   Shai : but shoukd be good again if crossed
13:43   TP : tks chief.
13:45   Shai : tcs 2062 obj 1 of the rise sl nw 2015
14:00   Gaurav : Thanks Shai
14:56   Gaurav : I exited Godrej at 633 today Shai, but brilliant trade from 595. Thanks
14:59   Shai : Cheers
14:59   Mihir : Thanks chief. did 75 pt move in maruti.
15:00   Mihir : since morning lows.
15:00   Mihir : From*
15:01   Shai : 3 pm move going the other side 🙁
15:02   TP : Mihir did you short from that 9245 resistance !!
15:03   Mihir : TP* I meant lows held was holding longs.
15:03   Mihir : exited before the 9240 rough levels.
15:03   Mihir : low was magic figure.
15:04   TP : great i got 30 in cash 🙂
15:05   Mihir : Kudos.
15:15   Mihir : Shai that 118 seller in india cem looks like taken care of. Can we go long for a swing view for India cements?
15:23   Shai : 118 ad 125 were the supply zone. supp is still 112 but tentative fpr a new position here
15:24   Mihir : Thanks a lot.