OrderFlow charts dated 26th July 2018

OrderFlow charts dated 26th July 2018

OrderFlow charts – 30 min duration of the Nifty and the BankNifty July Futures showing the Buy side and the sell side imbalances


30 Min Bnf Bid 18 Orderflow Charts Dated 26Th July 2018 Orderflow 30 Min Fp Nf 18 Orderflow Charts Dated 26Th July 2018 Orderflow Delta Stack 18 Orderflow Charts Dated 26Th July 2018 Orderflow Delta Stack Bn 18 Orderflow Charts Dated 26Th July 2018 Orderflow


08:53   Vtrender Live : (08:51) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/552576973
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09:02   Shai : (09:02) Shai : https://vtrender.com/evening-marketprofile-report-dated-25th-july/

09:22   Shai : (09:21) Shai : Intra : Buy BankNifty 27125 sl f 27058 tgt 27260.

10:09   Shai : (10:09) Shai : Part book BNF at 27215 and ride the rest at cost

10:19   Shai : (10:19) Shai : Book the BNF trade at 27202 here

10:44   Shai : (10:44) Shai : Intra : Buy 27300 ce t 36 sl of 22 tgt 70. . Trade a smaller size.

10:59   Shai : (10:59) Shai : 27300 ce at 55. Book fully

11:03   Shai : (11:02) Shai : Positional BNF near tgt of 26326 – Book fully : (10:07) Shai : POsitional : Buy BankNifty 26900 sl of 26720 tgt 27326.

11:17   Shai : (11:16) Shai : Buy BankNifty again 27270 sl of 27200 tgt 27370.

11:36   Shai : (11:36) Shai : Book the BNF at 27286



08:51   Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/552576973
08:53   Vtrender Live : option charts – https://join.me/543-187-855
09:02   Shai : GM all
09:02   Shai : https://vtrender.com/evening-marketprofile-report-dated-25th-july/
09:02   Shriram : Good Morning everyone!
09:04   Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:06   Shiv : GM All
09:06   Abhishek : GM all
09:08   Shai : Good news aaand bad news for the US markets overnight — https://in.finance.yahoo.com/news/wall-street-rises-trump-touts-025726848.html
09:08   Shai : But much closer now to the monthly onjective of 2866
09:09   Abhishek : lots of results during mkt hours today
09:09   Praneeth : Gm All
09:09   Shai : Nifty expected to open at the edge of yesterday’s balance
09:12   Jitender : Gm Everyone 🙂
09:14   Kathir : GM shai all
09:15   TP : GM All.
09:16   TP : August expiry looks to be one of the longest one ever.
09:18   Uttam : spot making new high
09:18   Uttam : than yesterday
09:21   Shai : Intra : Buy BankNifty 27125 sl f 27058 tgt 27260.
09:23   Shai : did mention yesterday that the 27030- 40 volumes near clsoe looked like shorts covering
09:24   TP : +1
09:24   Uttam : +1 Shai
09:24   Uttam : moving away from 2day balance looks like both
09:24   Shai : looking for this to move higher now from the balance
09:25   Uttam : Spot making new aTH
09:25   Uttam : 11185.6 in NF
09:26   Jitender : +1 (09:23) Shai : did mention yesterday that the 27030- 40 volumes near clsoe looked like shorts covering
09:28   Uttam : big writing in 11200pe looks like?
09:28   Uttam : 13L vol so far
09:30   Uttam : BN Spot gave a FA yesterday at 26939 & 1atr from there is 27185 plus old bal at 27189-27349*-27424
09:32   TP : uttam check out august 112k combo 295 now.
09:33   HK : GM All
09:34   TP : one trade ides buy aug 112k combo at 195 sell 11kpe/114kce 145 , net debit 150. aug is long series.
09:34   Jitender : not feeling like a new LTH
09:34   TP : 295 cost not a195.
09:35   Uttam : will check Tej
09:36   Uttam : OTD in both Shai though vols not there for a drive as yet
09:41   Praneeth : Need initiative buyers to take out of balance shai?
09:44   Kathir : bnf vwap now above PDH
09:47   Boppanna : is the options screen updating ?
09:50   Uttam : Tej, that 11200 straddle has given a drive down today at open, posted it on slack https://vtrender.slack.com/archives/C0F31QRN3/p1532578856000148
09:50   TP : tks
09:50   Uttam : 🙂
09:51   Uttam : PE had more premium at close yesterday so right now balancing
09:51   Uttam : but seems to be a good one to get into
09:51   Shai : 27160 on teh spot plus minus is a 3 week high
10:00   Shai : 27200 ce is targgeting 80
10:03   Shiv : Shai tgt of bnf ?
10:03   Shiv : 27260 ?
10:04   Uttam : BN Spot above 27190
10:04   Uttam : lets do 27349 today
10:05   Gaurav : now is it a multiday FA at yesterday’s low?
10:05   Uttam : (09:30) Uttam : BN Spot gave a FA yesterday at 26939 & 1atr from there is 27185 plus old bal at 27189-27349*-27424…BN spot does 1atr
10:05   Gaurav : NF
10:06   Kathir : bnf pink band at top
10:06   Uttam : Kathir top so far 2725 🙂
10:06   Uttam : 27225
10:07   Kathir : 🙂 +100
10:07   Uttam : 27226 is also 1atr from yesterdays low in BNF
10:08   Kathir : ok
10:08   Uttam : poor low so can take that also as a FA
10:08   Mihir : Good morning everyone.
10:09   Shai : Part book BNF at 27215 and ride the rest at cost
10:10   Boppanna : +1 Shai
10:10   Mihir : Shai super call 🙂
10:10   Shai : yes- (10:03) Shiv : 27260 ?
10:10   Shai : 72 already- (10:00) Shai : 27200 ce is targgeting 80
10:10   Natarajan : instead of buying 1500 qty ( 750 qty *2), by mistake bought 7500 qty twice, of 11200 ce yesterday at 19rs. looking for exit, will i get better price ?
10:11   Jitender : get out now
10:11   Shai : take it 🙂
10:11   Jitender : & ten keep only 1500
10:11   Shai : stay with your original
10:11   Uttam : wow Natarajan 🙂
10:11   Jitender : today is expiry & huge qty will kill u if mkt reverses
10:11   Uttam : what a profitable mistake you did 🙂
10:11   Natarajan : nothing wow, its at loss, only today i saw it. bad mistake entry was at 19
10:12   Jitender : yh
10:12   Kathir : 11200 ce bought at 19 ?
10:12   Uttam : oh you not yet got to your cost also today?
10:12   Uttam : how much is it?
10:12   Kathir : now 9
10:12   Uttam : oh my bad
10:12   Shai : Oh I thought it was 27200 ce at 19
10:14   Kathir : yes shai but bnf only 2400 one can place single order..even by mistake you cant buy 7500 qty in single order ..jit ?
10:15   Mihir : 27300 ce overnight holding 30 to 78 🙂
10:15   Kathir : but nf 7500 is max limit
10:15   Mihir : 27200**
10:15   Kathir : +1 mihir..whats your trgt
10:15   Jitender : Kathir 75k is one order limit
10:16   Shivam : burrent bar sellers r higher then buyers at POC am i right?
10:16   Jitender : u can buy 7500 in nf & 2400 in bnf
10:16   Shivam : current *
10:16   Jitender : in single order
10:16   Kathir : yes jit perfect.
10:17   Shai : buyers are still more – (10:16) Shivam : burrent bar sellers r higher then buyers at POC am i right?
10:17   Shai : watch the 30 mins
10:17   Uttam : A period singles means OTF there at open
10:17   Shai : it’s a dynamic value will keep changing every sec
10:17   Uttam : we have a open test drive away from balance
10:17   Natarajan : taking the loss, better than taking at 5rs. Did made some money in 27200ce 45 till 76 🙂
10:18   Uttam : yes Natarajan, first objective is to manage your risk well
10:18   Uttam : and never take out of money optiosn for overnight unless you are ready to lose all
10:18   Shivam : of previous bar buyers at upper hand at POC current still under development so not to conclude it
10:18   Uttam : its like a lottery
10:18   Shai : 79.95- (10:00) Shai : 27200 ce is targeting 80
10:18   Jitender : _1
10:19   Jitender : +1
10:19   Uttam : super Shai 🙂
10:19   Shai : Book the BNF trade at 27202 here
10:19   Mihir : That morning message made me pyramid 🙂
10:19   Mihir : Expiry is sorted.
10:19   Natarajan : when i saw this 80 trgt, i put a order at 76, then heard ding ding
10:20   Mihir : Shivam 5 min OF you are talking about?
10:21   Shivam : no 30 min
10:21   Natarajan : ya uttam, i wanted to buy only 750qty *2, by mistake bough 7500, that two in two different account, First time i do this mistake. Atleast got half money back, Just hoping with new high may be we rally…anyways there is always another trade
10:21   Boppanna : That 27200ce was a perfect 40-80 trade of the morning
10:21   Uttam : yes Natarajan +1
10:21   Shai : ding ding is a nice sound to hear . I get a lot of peace with thaat 🙂 – (10:19) Natarajan : when i saw this 80 trgt, i put a order at 76, then heard ding ding
10:22   Mihir : Yes POC on the higher side @shivam.
10:22   Jitender : Shai..the feeling is mutual 🙂
10:23   Mihir : 79.95 that 27200 ce high
10:23   Shai : 🙂
10:23   Mihir : Break it boys.
10:23   Mihir : Doneee!
10:23   Shai : this algo is placed at last week highs
10:24   Shai : in BNF
10:24   Shai : he has forgotten it is expiry and spot has crossed
10:24   Jitender : 🙂
10:24   Mihir : Algos are in their own world since 3 days.
10:25   Shiv : IB Broken ?
10:26   Jitender : ys
10:26   Shai : in bnf
10:26   Shiv : 2IB possible today ?
10:27   Shivam : I B Stands for initial balance which is high low of 1st hr am i right
10:27   Mihir : Yes Shivam
10:27   Shivam : n whats 2 ib is it IB * 2
10:28   Shiv : Yes
10:28   Shivam : thanx 🙂
10:28   Praneeth : shai, bnf OD?
10:29   Shivam : current bar lot of sellers comming in 30 min time frame at POC dose it indicates that these r true intitutional vol
10:29   Shivam : in BNF
10:30   Shai : Not in BNF
10:30   Shai : But NF could be
10:30   Shai : Insti vol is much much higher
10:31   Shai : NF got a big vol players
10:31   Shivam : thanx but in bnf at present 47320 – 5083 is big diff
10:31   Uttam : needs a refresh Shai, delta showing green
10:32   Uttam : looks like almost equal I guess
10:32   Shai : delta is green
10:32   Uttam : yes Shai, noticed that
10:32   Uttam : we have a 72k buy at top too
10:33   Shiv : SHai – is there something about delta chart to read about .
10:41   Shai : delta is just the difference between sell side volume and buy side volume. Nothing more to it
10:42   Shiv : whats the thin green line against the broad pink bar
10:42   Mihir : Which is moving right Shiv?
10:42   Shiv : Yes
10:43   Shiv : right now it says 34280
10:43   Shai : whch chart are you looking at?
10:43   Shiv : Delta Stack
10:43   Shiv : now its 46001
10:43   Syed : Any chance of dip in NF today towards 11120?
10:44   Shai : Intra : Buy 27300 ce t 36 sl of 22 tgt 70. . Trade a smaller size.
10:44   Praneeth : bnf high 27245 = 20
10:44   Natarajan : did, i enetered at 33
10:45   Praneeth : bnf high 27245 = 20 – ignore crossed it
10:45   Shai : green is buy voume- red sell – (10:43) Shiv : Delta Stack
10:46   Shivam : is it weekly ce
10:46   Shai : 1.23L dip buyer
10:46   Shai : NF
10:47   Mihir : 11164 levels.
10:47   Mihir : Right at dval dpoc
10:49   Shai : everything settleing today, You can call it either 🙂 – (10:46) Shivam : is it weekly ce
10:49   Shivam : 🙂
10:51   Mihir : Chief 27330 possible?
10:51   Boppanna : Shai making of trend day?
10:55   Shai : yeah BNF d also up
10:58   Shai : THis is what I had noted for BNF yesterday at 3 pm on that Vol we saw – // 15:03 Shai : But BNF looks like it is resolved for up tom//
10:58   Jitender : +100
10:58   Shai : 15:25 Shai : good balanced profiles in NF and BNF
10:59   Boppanna : yep perfect
10:59   Shai : 15:26 Shai : exit of balance is a quick and easy trade for tom settlement
10:59   Mihir : Aye chief! 🙂
10:59   Shai : 27300 ce at 55. Book fully
10:59   Mihir : I will take 130++ on the 27200 ce
11:00   Shivam : i exited at 65 🙂
11:00   Shai : +1
11:00   Shivam : i had placed order at 65 high made was 65.45 got lucky
11:00   Mihir : We should have confetti popping on the sceen when we hit ATH 🙂
11:02   HK : what is the ATH in BNF spot?
11:02   Yogesh : did 180-69 on 27300 BN PE
11:02   Shai : Positional BNF near tgt of 26326 – Book fully : (10:07) Shai : POsitional : Buy BankNifty 26900 sl of 26720 tgt 27326.
11:03   Yogesh : 42-32 on 11200 PE NF
11:06   Shai : stay a little cautious in BNF here 27320- 27370 zone
11:07   Shai : 27260 and 27210 to provide a supp
11:07   Yogesh : @shai… holding NF.. positional view pls
11:08   Shai : 11120 short trem supp moved up for swing obj at 11220/ 235
11:08   Yogesh : ok thx
11:09   Kathir : sbi any news ?
11:11   Mihir : Shai booked 270 on that positional 10.9k ce 🙂
11:11   Mihir : last small qty.
11:12   Kathir : amazing mihir.congrats man
11:13   Mihir : Thanks.
11:14   Kathir : uttam bnf high
11:14   Uttam : (09:30) Uttam : BN Spot gave a FA yesterday at 26939 & 1atr from there is 27185 plus old bal at 27189-27349*-27424….spot does high if 27320 so far
11:14   Uttam : yes Kathir 🙂 27309
11:14   Uttam : dot
11:14   Kathir : perfect
11:15   Uttam : need to be consistent though 🙂
11:16   Shai : Buy BankNifty again 27270 sl of 27200 tgt 27370.
11:17   HK : @Kathir, SBI chairman stmt yday that the worst is over
11:17   Shai : low of 27262 – (11:07) Shai : 27260 and 27210 to provide a supp
11:17   Abhishek : +1
11:18   HK : Shai shows who is the boss of BNF today 🙂
11:18   Shai : lol HK.
11:18   Shai : Just trading a trend day for what it is 🙂
11:19   HK : give me 450 and i will get off BTST
11:19   HK : you indicated that it can do 180 today and therein lies the clue
11:20   Shai : E has just begun…let’s see if it makes a new high
11:21   Mihir : 20 more for suyogs range to be done.
11:21   Mihir : Spot already did it
11:23   Shai : 27652=(11:02) HK : what is the ATH in BNF spot?
11:23   Shai : 27613 was feb
11:24   Shai : Nifty did 11171 Jan and 11117 feb
11:24   Shai : 11179 today
11:24   Uttam : so 11711 by year end Shai 😉
11:25   Shai : BN is much below
11:25   Shai : so Aug has to prove again
11:28   HK : PSU banks and Pharma rallying typically siganals a end of bull auction in ST. Not a trade idea
11:29   HK : However money is flowing back to broader markets (FIIs)
11:30   Mihir : dval second time holding up
11:32   Shai : Explosion near US embassy in Beijing
11:32   Shivam : shall we exit
11:33   Shivam : bnf
11:33   HK : Problem is crude and INR is gonna rise
11:35   TP : US or Indian embassy https://noagendasocial.com/@corani/100439280593102719
11:35   Shai : 10 mins left- (11:20) Shai : E has just begun…let’s see if it makes a new high
11:36   Shai : Book the BNF at 27286
11:37   Shai : let’s trade safe
11:37   HK : Sellers crowding in NF
11:44   Shai : E did not make a new high- (11:35) Shai : 10 mins left- (11:20) Shai : E has just begun…let’s see if it makes a new high
11:45   Shai : Perfect trend days not very high percentage on settlement days
11:45   Shai : 27300 ce pe may get driven to the ground then
11:46   Shai : near 125 at 27300 ce pe
11:46   Praneeth : shai, so it could be P in bnf?
11:47   Jitender : yday liquidation happened below 11157
11:50   Shai : net 125 in the 27300 straddle S is 162 tgt 56/ 40 in the pair. cmp 125
11:56   HK : Shai, can you pls move the NF indicators to the screen, some of them are hidden
11:58   Shai : better?
11:58   HK : yes, looks good
12:02   TP : Shai the blue numbers in profile charts Balup and then +1 11217 , these levels are good positionally can we have a box onl left corner in profile charts with these levels placed for easy refrence.
12:03   TP : somewhat similar to data box in 5 min.
12:04   Kathir : 11:17 HK : @Kathir, SBI chairman stmt yday that the worst is over – TY HK ..WAS AWAY FOR AWHILE
12:07   Mihir : Maruti result out?
12:08   Jitender : nt yt
12:14   Shai : good thought- will add it : (12:02) TP : Shai the blue numbers in profile charts Balup and then +1 11217 , these levels are good positionally can we have a box onl left corner in profile charts with these levels placed for easy refrence.
12:15   TP : tks chief .
12:16   Mihir : Shai how are those numbers derived?
12:18   Shivam : what is yellow line in Mp chart
12:18   Uttam : current price
12:18   Uttam : 12 more points for Spot to do 27349
12:18   Mihir : Go go uttam 🙂
12:19   Uttam : (09:30) Uttam : BN Spot gave a FA yesterday at 26939 & 1atr from there is 27185 plus old bal at 27189-27349*-27424
12:21   Boppanna : +1 Uttam ..BN spot hit the Budget day open price
12:22   Uttam : last time spot got resisted at 27187 & today once it sustained above it that poc was coming
12:22   TP : i think these are composite/balance levels BALUP could be upper boundary of previous composite .(12:16) Mihir : Shai how are those numbers derived?
12:23   Mihir : TP 🙂 Shukria.
12:23   TP : but still let boss confirm 🙂
12:40   Shai : yes mini balances and deviations up and down
12:40   Shai : 27300 ce is being sold again and again 55-65
12:41   TP : 27160 to be repaired then 🙂
12:42   Shai : stil no lower low
12:42   Shai : but upside steam has gone
12:43   Shai : 27216 vwap expected to hold
12:45   Kathir : fourth time nf testing 11160 ?
12:48   Shai : 114 now after 1 hour – (11:50) Shai : net 125 in the 27300 straddle S is 162 tgt 56/ 40 in the pair. cmp 125
12:48   Shai : (11:45) Shai : 27300 ce pe may get driven to the ground then
12:49   Mihir : Chief tweeting super stuff 🙂
12:53   HK : NF bulls seems to be in trouble
12:56   Mihir : The arch of P is getting wider.
12:57   Mihir : So either it gathers more strength upwards or whipsaw moment can start to distort that P.
12:59   Uttam : till bnf stays above 27226 we are on for 27470
12:59   Uttam : NF playing the spoilsport today though, taking reveng with BNF 😉
13:00   Mihir : Yes Uttam.
13:00   Mihir : Day high in fibotime will be ideal.
13:00   Jayesh : + Uttam
13:01   Uttam : BN Spot 27341…8 more to go for that 27349
13:02   Uttam : NF first level was 11185 & not yet reached there also but then BNF is way below ATH & NF is at ATH
13:04   Kathir : vix 11.7 – 4 % down
13:10   Jayesh : Uttam done
13:10   Uttam : (09:30) Uttam : BN Spot gave a FA yesterday at 26939 & 1atr from there is 27185 plus old bal at 27189-27349*-27424….27350 Done 🙂
13:11   Uttam : yes Jayesh objective of entering a balance is to tag that POC & then the VAH
13:11   Jitender : +1
13:11   Mihir : Uttam 🙂 shaabash!
13:11   Mihir : Thank you
13:11   TP : excellent levels uttam +1
13:11   Uttam : thanks guys 🙂
13:13   Kathir : perfect uttam
13:14   Uttam : thanks Kathir 🙂
13:14   Abhishek : ati uttam..uttam 🙂
13:14   Mihir : Nice one abhi haha!
13:14   Uttam : 🙂 thanks Abhishek
13:17   Jitender : Maruti out
13:17   Kathir : ji where is max pain bnf ?
13:18   Mihir : Maruti cracked and how
13:18   Mihir : options dancing
13:18   Mihir : let loose all the options
13:20   TP : maruti reversed the complete 250 point spike of 23rd.
13:20   Jitender : ys
13:21   HK : Uttam, you rock man
13:21   Sandesh : Bang On!
13:21   HK : not able to scale P in NF
13:22   Shiv : BNF Expiry Tgt ?
13:23   Mihir : RIL saving when maruti falling.
13:23   Uttam : thanks HK & Sandesh 🙂
13:23   Mihir : What a beauty this index management is
13:24   Abhishek : after mkt hours i will read in depth all your msgs uttam ..cant focus now due to positons
13:25   Uttam : 27280-260 needs to hold in BNF now else can just smoothen the profile of today till close
13:25   Uttam : that 27280 looking lilke a ledge
13:26   Uttam : in NF that 11160 is one ledge now
13:32   Yogesh : can 27300 CE do a century from here.. 100?
13:32   Shai : 92- (12:48) Shai : 114 now after 1 hour – (11:50) Shai : net 125 in the 27300 straddle S is 162 tgt 56/ 40 in the pair. cmp 125
13:32   Uttam : super Shai 🙂 +1
13:33   Uttam : (09:24) Uttam : moving away from 2day balance looks like both(09:36) Uttam : OTD in both Shai though vols not there for a drive as yet(10:17) Uttam : A period singles means OTF there at open(10:17) Uttam : we have a open test drive away from balance
13:34   Uttam : BNf headed to tag 27160 looks like
13:34   Mihir : Shai is holding bnf so tight 🙂
13:34   Uttam : 27265 low so far
13:34   Uttam : (13:25) Uttam : 27280-260 needs to hold in BNF now else can just smoothen the profile of today till close
13:34   TP : (11:06) Shai : stay a little cautious in BNF here 27320- 27370 zone..had placed 275k put buy at 160/140 in system. 160 booked half at 210.
13:35   Shai : SL 125 in the straddle now. reduce size : 27300 ce pe
13:35   Uttam : super Tej 🙂
13:35   Shai : +1 TP
13:36   TP : tks chief n uttam.
13:36   Shai : what a drop in Maruti
13:37   Abhishek : pressing nifty
13:37   Shai : 9313 supp
13:38   TP : itc might pull up nifty in case of bullish expiry can ount otm call for result boost.
13:39   TP : punt
13:41   HK : gone 12:53 HK : NF bulls seems to be in trouble
13:41   Uttam : +1 HK
13:41   HK : gimme IBL and below….
13:41   Uttam : Nf looks like leaving another FA at new hgih today
13:42   Uttam : taking sup at VAH of 2day bell 11151
13:46   Shiv : POC shifted in BNF ?
13:50   Shai : yes
13:50   Shai : sell side transition happeneed
13:51   Shai : Close the 27300 ce pe if holding at 82 net here .
13:51   Abhishek : shai dpco still showing 27142..kindly check
13:51   Shai : Can still give you that 56 but risk of a major move is higher now
13:52   Shai : else carry till 3.15 with strict sl of 117
13:52   Shai : almost equal Abhishek
13:54   Shai : we got 18+19 + 21k 17K at 27280 which equals 41k 41k at 27140
14:00   Abhishek : okay sir
14:00   Jitender : Maruti 95pe 130-90 done 🙂
14:01   Jitender : edgy trade
14:01   Kathir : wow jit..it jumped 50 rs maruti is it
14:01   Jitender : 9365-9430
14:01   Kathir : congrats jit
14:01   Mihir : Jitt 🙂
14:01   Jitender : tx…
14:01   Mihir : 9530 gimme gimme 🙂
14:02   Jitender : thpugh was a gamble….shouldn’t have done it 🙁
14:02   Mihir : Jit it is short covering sd2 trade
14:02   Jitender : 72 now
14:02   Jitender : ys Mihir…but Maruti cud have done 9300 also..in blink of eye
14:02   TP : Jit did same with in cash as was gamble in options sold at 480 covered at 396 .
14:03   Jitender : awesum
14:03   Jitender : u r the best
14:03   TP : tks indeed a good day to return to desk full time 🙂
14:03   Jitender : wc
14:03   Uttam : super Tej 🙂 congrats for a dhamakedaar return
14:04   Mihir : Congrats guys.
14:05   TP : tks uttam.
14:06   TP : i think Itc results should come in now to move nifty .
14:06   Jitender : congrats 2 u also Mihir
14:06   TP : congrats team VT .
14:07   Gaurav : TCS also cracked
14:09   Abhishek : yesbank out
14:09   Jitender : ys
14:09   Jitender : profit +
14:10   Jitender : slippages 60cr more
14:10   Abhishek : 380 to 375
14:12   Mihir : Thanks Jit 🙂 Riding adani today. both sides.
14:13   Jitender : +1
14:13   Jitender : 27k straddle 80
14:13   Kathir : jit max pain bnf 27300 ?
14:13   Abhishek : 27200
14:13   Kathir : ok. thanks
14:14   Jitender : 27400 pcr is .07
14:14   Jitender : tough 2 climb …if we dont’ get vols
14:19   Mihir : Break of IBL and we have 11130 in flash.
14:20   Shai : 27300 pe can do 82 plus
14:20   Shai : sl 34
14:21   Uttam : FA confirmed at 11181 in NF
14:21   HK : cool trade 13:41 HK : gimme IBL and below…
14:22   Uttam : but green band at lows
14:22   HK : yes, can raise to 170 if 135 held in NF
14:22   Jitender : (11:47) Jitender : yday liquidation happened below 11157
14:23   Shai : 11124 and 11112 in this move
14:23   Jitender : k
14:23   Mihir : Aye chief.
14:23   TP : bn vwap done.
14:23   Abhishek : YDAY poor low nifty
14:24   Mihir : 7 min done 🙂 (14:19) Mihir : Break of IBL and we have 11130 in flash.
14:25   TP : +1
14:25   Shai : 1
14:25   Jitender : +1
14:25   Uttam : when NF does not do 1.5 IB also after IBH break very strong chance of it making new lows post 2PM
14:25   Shai : Nice Mihir
14:25   Jitender : ITC dwn’
14:25   Shai : FA at ATH
14:25   Uttam : congrats Mihir
14:25   Shai : 🙂
14:25   Uttam : yep
14:26   Mihir : Thanks chief. all learnt here. FA at ATH with Shai smiley.
14:26   Jayesh : +1 Uttam…u told earlier also..revision today .
14:26   Shai : 68 – (14:20) Shai : 27300 pe can do 82 plus
14:26   Mihir : What we have now.
14:26   Uttam : yes Jayesh 🙂
14:27   Shai : setlement at 11133??
14:27   Mihir : We all take the punts.
14:27   Shai : hour to go and vwap stock move pending
14:27   Natarajan : where is this series vwap , shai
14:27   Mihir : 11152 lets see.
14:27   Shai : much lower
14:28   Shai : udated in the notes yesterday
14:28   Mihir : No no I meant settlement today.
14:29   Uttam : Nifty spot SOC 11160 today
14:29   Mihir : VWAP monthly somwhere around 10737 spot.
14:29   Shai : clsoe the 27300 pe if in
14:29   Mihir : Kathir we did 11130 🙂
14:30   Jayesh : as per Suyog ~265 range …today BNF range 285
14:30   Kathir : yes Mihir . congrats for this one.
14:30   Uttam : yes Jayesh 🙂 Suyog rocks
14:30   Shai : These guys sold from 12 noon and are also smiling big – (12:40) Shai : 27300 ce is being sold again and again 55-65
14:30   Jitender : +1
14:31   Abhishek : +1
14:32   Mihir : Stock moves have started.
14:32   Uttam : look at the intent lines in BNF
14:33   Kathir : oh yeah
14:33   Mihir : Mumbaikar can make 1bhk between those intent gap.
14:33   Praneeth : +1 🙂
14:33   Uttam : actually not that big difference only that chart is zoomed out so looking a bit more
14:33   Uttam : lol Mihir
14:33   Mihir : number wise 1.1M vs 1.4M
14:34   Uttam : NF does 80% of the 2day bell 11151-11127
14:35   Uttam : now that BNF intetn not good enough for your 1bhk Mihir 😉
14:35   Mihir : haha 🙂
14:36   Mihir : Repeat of Jan expiry anyone feels like?
14:37   Uttam : NF getting back to 11170?
14:38   HK : @mihir, this time it is diff
14:39   Mihir : Jit pe sold again maruti 🙂
14:42   Abhishek : something is reaaly wrong in HDFCBANK
14:45   Jitender : 58 now (14:26) Shai : 68 – (14:20) Shai : 27300 pe can do 82 plus
14:52   Jitender : booked at 51…tx Shai
14:53   Mihir : Nice one Jit.
14:53   Jitender : all Shai man
14:54   Mihir : You holding and riding it this far 🙂
14:55   Jitender : yh…look at the conviction wen he said that 27.3 straddle wud be sold
14:55   Mihir : Exactly.
14:55   Mihir : Said many times that ce is getting sold.
14:55   Mihir : Just super.
14:55   TP : 273K ce 19 to 38 , whattay day , time to shut shop i guess 🙂
14:56   Jitender : 🙂
14:56   Mihir : TP
14:56   Mihir : 🙂
14:56   Uttam : you have time left to do aother 149 trades Tej 😉
14:58   TP : no uttam just watching now , some news Imram Khan nex t Pak pm !1
14:58   Uttam : and he may have to go to jail for some poll code breach so swearing in will be in jail ;-p
14:59   Mihir : Tomorrow’s news: Imran Khan next Pak Pm. Markets close ATH.
14:59   TP : 🙂
14:59   Jayesh : 🙂
14:59   Mihir : Come on boys. close with new high. What is the fun otherwise.
14:59   TP : 2 ib done.
14:59   Uttam : (14:37) Uttam : NF getting back to 11170?
15:00   Mihir : Atti Uttam.
15:00   Uttam : rode 11100ce from 41 ti 60
15:00   Mihir : I was there with you 🙂
15:00   TP : good one uttam n mihir.
15:00   Uttam : can do mroe though
15:00   Uttam : BN Spot 27404…20more to go for that VAH of balance
15:01   HK : 35 + 14:22 HK : yes, can raise to 170 if 135 held in NF
15:01   Jitender : +1
15:01   Mihir : Who woke bnf?
15:01   Mihir : 🙂
15:01   Uttam : pump & dump
15:01   Uttam : that CE back below 40 now 🙂
15:01   HK : been a great day in NF so far
15:02   Mihir : 27300 ce out at 75
15:03   Mihir : Looks like 100 there.
15:04   HK : BNf guys 20 short of 450 in Aug
15:05   Uttam : (12:19) Uttam : (09:30) Uttam : BN Spot gave a FA yesterday at 26939 & 1atr from there is 27185 plus old bal at 27189-27349*-27424…BN high 27416
15:07   Uttam : Kathir you there
15:08   Himanshu : uttam did we have FA in NF today?
15:08   Uttam : yes but need to close below 11142 else we have a probable FA at lows too
15:09   Mihir : So nicely they used hdfcbank in this upmove.
15:09   Gaurav : like the one yesterday
15:09   Mihir : Chief said we have FA at highs today.
15:09   Gaurav : Yesterday’s FA at lows is confirmed today
15:09   Gaurav : multi day leg
15:09   Uttam : we do have Mihir but need to see where we close
15:09   Himanshu : ok but after Kn L period none of the TPO crossed IBH
15:10   Uttam : Spot also near the highs now
15:10   Jitender : Shai..can btst bnf here ?
15:11   Mihir : Uttam closing within IB confirms it?
15:11   Kathir : yes uttam
15:12   Uttam : BNF new high
15:13   Kathir : +1000 uttam
15:13   Kathir : you are an algo guy i guess 🙂
15:14   Uttam : BNF res@ 27095 27125-138 27188*-190 27226-237 27275-309 27340-352 27395 27430 had given these levels to Kathir last evening
15:15   Jitender : bnf spot 27415
15:15   Uttam : BN spot tags 27425
15:15   HK : BNF aug did 450
15:16   Jitender : wat timing..84 now 🙂 (14:52) Jitender : booked at 51…tx Shai
15:16   Uttam : +1 Jit
15:17   Jitender : tx
15:17   Uttam : MP rocks BN spot did this entire balance
15:17   Uttam : (15:05) Uttam : (12:19) Uttam : (09:30) Uttam : BN Spot gave a FA yesterday at 26939 & 1atr from there is 27185 plus old bal at 27189-27349*-27424…BN high 27416
15:17   HK : 11:19 HK : give me 450 and i will get off BTST
15:18   Shai : Nice 1 HK
15:18   Shai : Congrats
15:18   Mihir : HK shaabash! 🙂
15:18   HK : Shai, it was your level….owe this one to you
15:18   Mihir : Give me also and I will get out. 90 here so far (15:03) Mihir : Looks like 100 there.
15:18   Shai : Cheers
15:19   Kathir : congrats and cheers guys . just keep rocking all 🙂
15:20   Praneeth : Congratualtions all
15:21   Shai : anyone still with NF July? Can I switch to aug and see what is in store tom?
15:21   Mihir : Yes Yes.
15:21   Mihir : Go ahead.
15:21   TP : +1
15:22   Jayesh : +1
15:22   Himanshu : +1
15:23   Shai : BNF may run a bit mor up
15:23   Shai : 27580 in it
15:23   Shai : aug
15:23   HK : yes yes bring on Aug 🙂
15:23   HK : think Aug gtg sold
15:24   Jayesh : And good part is spot and future are also aligned…
15:25   Jayesh : sorry..diff is 70
15:25   Jayesh : 40*
15:25   Mihir : Kissed my 100.5(15:03) Mihir : Looks like 100 there.
15:26   Jayesh : super Mihir
15:26   Shai : super
15:26   Shai : stt pressure there
15:26   Shai : else more
15:27   Mihir : Thanks chief 🙂
15:28   Shai : that 1270k buyer got 5 x
15:28   Shai : 20 onwardds
15:28   Shai : 27300 pe selelrs selling tyat 1 buck also
15:29   Gaurav : profile wise we do not have an FA in NF?
15:29   Gaurav : August series
15:29   Uttam : FA negated at top in Nifty & now FA at lows 11125
15:29   Shai : NO FA
15:29   Shai : Bye all
15:29   TP : Bye All.
15:29   Shai : Hope you all had a good series
15:29   Shashwat : Bye
15:29   Jitender : bye all
15:29   Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:29   Shai : lets start fresh from tom for aug
15:29   Kathir : thanks and bye all
15:29   Jayesh : Thanks all 🙂
15:30   Jitender : +1 Shai
15:30   Uttam : yes want to have an August augusto ne 😉
15:30   Kathir : HK hope you ended up wit green MTM 🙂 july
15:30   Praneeth : bye all
15:31   Mihir : Lovely Month Shai.
15:31   Mihir : Thank you people for all the inputs.
15:31   Kathir : +100 mihir
15:32   Kathir : thanks and bye all. wishing you all a great August as well.



10:00   Syed : Any one tracking BoB?
10:17   Gaurav : Shai can take INFRATEL August?
10:18   Gaurav : for longs
10:20   Shai : bhart airtel earninsg out?
10:29   TP : Shai levels for LT , ID.
10:29   Jayesh : https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/earnings/bharti-infratel-q1-profit-dips-4-to-rs-638-cr-2762381.html
10:33   Gaurav : Thanks Jayesh
10:51   Shai : Infratel is showing short covering and can boucne t 290 with sl at day lows but too early to take a bigger view fr aug
10:52   Sandesh : sir, id veiw on escorts pls
10:52   Shai : LT could have started a swing leg down
10:53   Shai : intra day one obj done at 1309 second one at 1292
10:54   Shai : 875 supp escorts
10:55   Shai : shoudk do 907/ 913
10:55   Sandesh : thank you sir
10:57   TP : tks chief.
11:17   Gaurav : Thanks Shai
11:39   Sandesh : shai, id view on auropharma and sun tv pls
12:04   Mihir : Shai ID view on Maruti? Thanks.
12:17   Shai : auro near supp at 576. a sharp move abv 582 can bring back 591 intra
12:18   Shai : suntv slighty weakened below 770 . could do 754 again
12:18   Sandesh : ok sir
12:18   Shai : Maruti intra 9827 res and supp at 9710
12:21   Mihir : Gracias Chief!

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