OrderFlow charts dated 28th May

OrderFlow charts dated 28th May


30 Min Bnf Bid 2 2 Orderflow Charts Dated 28Th May Banknifty Future, Nifty Future, Orderflow 30 Min Bnf Bid 21 Orderflow Charts Dated 28Th May Banknifty Future, Nifty Future, Orderflow 30 Min Fp Nf 21 Orderflow Charts Dated 28Th May Banknifty Future, Nifty Future, Orderflow 30 Min Nf 2 1 Orderflow Charts Dated 28Th May Banknifty Future, Nifty Future, Orderflow Delta Stack 21 Orderflow Charts Dated 28Th May Banknifty Future, Nifty Future, Orderflow Delta Stack Bn 21 Orderflow Charts Dated 28Th May Banknifty Future, Nifty Future, Orderflow



08:52   Vtrender Live : (08:51) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts ( May+June F )= https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/836734965
(08:52) Vtrender Live: option charts – https://join.me/772-296-114

09:06   Shai : (09:02) Shai : https://vtrender.com/evening-marketprofile-report-dated-25th-may/
(09:05) Shai : https://vtrender.com/weekly-outlook-for-week-dated-28th-may-to-1st-june/

09:22   Shai : (09:22) Shai : Intra – Buy Nifty 10656-10658 sl of 10628 tgt 10690/ 10705.

09:47   Shai : (09:46) Shai : Update : close the Nifty intra longs at cost here 10658-660

10:43   Shai : (10:43) Shai : Intra : Keep a BNF short open below 26445 sl of 26515 tgt 26363. cmp 26460. short below.

11:38   Shai : (11:37) Shai : @everyone the webinar on reading the charts and using OrderFlow is on wednesday at 4 pm in the Room. Same location as your regular login. Please join in and wih questions!

12:31   Shai : (12:31) Shai : BNF stopped out Make exits

14:14   Shai : (14:14) Shai : Intra : Buy Nifty 10686 sl of 10666 tgt 10728. Trade a smaller size

14:57   Shai : (14:57) Shai : Update : book the Nifty longs at 10692



08:51   Vtrender Live : 30 min charts ( May+June F )= https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/836734965
08:52   Vtrender Live : option charts – https://join.me/772-296-114
08:58   janak : gap up and close at around 10730 today?
09:00   janak : actually chart suggest a sharp rise till 10820
09:00   Shai : GM all
09:00   Snehil : gm shai
09:01   Lakshay : janak don’t seduce us ….hehe
09:02   Shai : https://vtrender.com/evening-marketprofile-report-dated-25th-may/
09:03   janak : he he – we r back to bull mkt
09:04   janak : expiry can be around 10950
09:05   Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:05   Shai : https://vtrender.com/weekly-outlook-for-week-dated-28th-may-to-1st-june/
09:06   Jitender : Gm Shai, Folks 🙂
09:06   Praneeth : Gm All
09:06   Praneeth : Shai, your view on usdinr pls
09:07   janak : We see 10675 and 10750 as supply points for the week into settlement.
09:07   janak : from that link
09:07   Kathir : GM shai all
09:10   Uttam : Nifty showing 43 point plus in pre open & BN only 18
09:11   TP : GM All.
09:11   janak : that may be to reduce the discount betn BNF and BN spot
09:11   Shai : usdinr slight weakness at tis open below 67.60F. Swing move below 67.60 can drop to 67.26
09:12   Shai : but short covering bounce can also nt be ruled out as settlement tom
09:12   janak : i m long in NF so hope to make a few at open
09:12   Shai : watch 67.54 for intra
09:13   Praneeth : thanks shai, you mean, above 67.54 would be resistance?
09:13   Shai : 67.54/ 67.60 res for day
09:13   Praneeth : cool
09:13   Shai : don’t be short abv 67,54
09:14   Praneeth : ok
09:14   Aiholi : good morning all
09:17   Uttam : BNF going for the 2atr from that failed FA of 25840
09:17   Uttam : 10 more points to go
09:17   Uttam : done…
09:19   Kathir : both open = loe
09:19   Kathir : low
09:19   Shai : possibly headed to 10686/90
09:20   Shai : open green band
09:20   TP : looks like FRI shorts running to cover …sc green.
09:22   Shai : Intra – Buy Nifty 10656-10658 sl of 10628 tgt 10690/ 10705.
09:24   Lakshay : please adjust goto charts
09:25   Lakshay : thanks
09:26   Praneeth : usdinr 67.5PE bought on friday at 0.06 covered at 0.14 avg
09:26   Praneeth : thanks shai for levels
09:27   Shai : charts sharing resulation today. so we may have those issues for next 4 days
09:27   Shai : +1 Praneeth
09:31   Shai : BNF has to decide here quickly at 25400
09:31   Shai : either 25480 or 25320 again
09:32   Shai : looks decided for 480
09:37   janak : good premkt levels shai – 10670-75 supply in action now
09:45   Santhanam : Shai : looks decided for 480 Spot or future?
09:46   Shai : Future
09:46   Shai : always F for intra day
09:46   Santhanam : thanks
09:46   Shai : Pace of tape has dropped drstically
09:46   Shai : Update : close the Nifty intra longs at cost hee 10658-660
09:47   Shai : avoid also that BNF long abv view
09:47   janak : -) that trade will work now later in the day shai
09:48   janak : initial drive over now all day drudgery in 30-40 pts
09:48   Shai : NF can drop to 640 again hence chooing to exit
09:48   janak : ur premkt level 675 is villain for that trade 🙂
09:52   HK : GM Shai, friends
09:58   Kathir : @ uttam whats up with 27k ce ?
10:03   Uttam : lemme check Kathir
10:03   Kathir : sure
10:10   Santosh : Market open above yesterdays IB and day range, as well open above 5/21 day range high where we saw rejection/responsing selling…so seems market will be defended above 10629
10:11   Santosh : urs response on my above view Shai, RK
10:13   Santosh : price chasing new value area
10:16   Santosh : so seem IB will be days range
10:20   Shai : IB can extend yes but we stay strong abv 630 today
10:21   Santosh : Shai where do i get to see the whole months daily chart of NF?
10:21   Shai : 67.30 sees buyng – (09:11) Shai : usdinr slight weakness at tis open below 67.60F. Swing move below 67.60 can drop to 67.26
10:21   Shai : can do 67.55
10:22   Santosh : here can see for 6 days only NF daily chart in MP
10:22   TP : Shai next positional lvl for BN above the 450-500 zone given in weekly report.
10:23   Uttam : 10673-680 needs to get scaled, pull back high of 18th May
10:23   Uttam : BNf going to tag that vpoc of 26480
10:24   Santosh : IB tagged but its C time frame need to wait for D TPO
10:25   Shai : blog has daily post updated and you can see prev- (10:21) Santosh : Shai where do i get to see the whole months daily chart of NF?
10:26   Shai : quirky move in BNF
10:26   Shai : was very undecided at 25400 and sudeen extension in C
10:26   Santosh : i check that… what i mean is NF MP daily chart for the series in one page…
10:29   Shai : that is the daily chart only
10:30   Shai : last 20 profiles – https://vtrender.com/marketprofile-charts-dated-25th-may-2018/
10:32   Shai : 25790- (10:22) TP : Shai next positional lvl for BN above the 450-500 zone given in weekly report.
10:33   Uttam : 26790
10:33   TP : tks
10:43   Shai : Intra : Keep a BNF short open below 25445 sl of 25515 tgt 25363. cmp 25460. short below.
10:43   Santosh : Thanks Shai
10:43   Shai : (10:43) Shai : Intra : Keep a BNF short open below 26445 sl of 26515 tgt 26363. cmp 26460. short below.
11:00   Shai : BNF triggered
11:01   Shai : (10:26) Shai : quirky move in BNF
11:01   Boppanna : +1
11:01   Shai : short based on C period extension with SL above the vpoc of 15/05+ filter
11:02   Boppanna : Could drop quick below IBH Shai?
11:11   Shai : yes
11:11   Uttam : poor highs everywhere today, nifty spot NF, Bank Nifty Spot & BNF
11:11   Natarajan : poor high, means revist/
11:11   Natarajan : ?
11:11   Uttam : chances there that auction that side yet to get over @Natrajan
11:12   Uttam : so yes can revisit
11:13   Uttam : @Kathir 3L addition in that 27k CE good till it stays above 8
11:19   Kathir : ty uttam
11:26   HK : Shai, can USDINR dropt to 66.4 positionaal
11:27   Shai : can’t say here. Trade is tricky in F for 2 days as rollovers
11:28   Boppanna : that 2.2lkh is a rollovr in NF?
11:31   Shai : yes
11:31   Gaurav : how come both those May/June on buy side, one should be sell for it to be a rollover?
11:32   Uttam : need a refresh Shai
11:32   Uttam : both are green that 2.3L on May & June
11:34   Shai : that’s ok
11:34   Shai : refresh does not change anything
11:34   Uttam : so 2.3L green in both
11:34   Shai : yes they have an option of covering shorts and reversing same qty to longs also
11:35   Uttam : hmmm so this will be an interesting level to watch then Shai
11:35   Shai : this is the first – lots more will appear
11:35   Uttam : yep
11:36   HK : Shai, intra support for Nf pls
11:36   Natarajan : Shai, you arrive at roll over volumes based on these kind of bug trades?
11:36   Natarajan : *big
11:37   Shai : @vereyone the webinar on reading the charts and using OrderFlow is on wednesday at 4 pm in the Room. Same location as your regular login. Please join in and wih questions!
11:38   Uttam : super Shai 🙂 will be there
11:38   Santosh : Great
11:39   janak : shai refreshment will be served 😉
11:39   janak : can we order PIZZA/COFFEE and ask them to bill u ? 😉 complementary from shai 😉
11:39   Santosh : LLT 240525 in NF
11:41   Shai : sure as much as you can – (11:39) janak : can we order PIZZA/COFFEE and ask them to bill u ? 😉 complementary from shai 😉
11:41   janak : 🙂 ha ha good man!
11:43   Shai : correction – It’s a rollover : (11:39) Santosh : LLT 240525 in NF
11:44   Santosh : ok
11:44   Shai : subtle difference in volumes in expiry week
11:44   Uttam : yes Santosh, expiry week be careful about the big vol fellas as most will be rollovers
11:45   Santosh : ok…rollover games
11:54   Gaurav : so we effectively had 4.5L greens (May/June combined) and price still not moving higher. How to interpret this?
12:04   Uttam : poor highs repaired in both NF & BNF
12:15   TP : BN wants to move out of the P like friday.
12:20   Uttam : poor highs now getting shifted higher 😉
12:24   TP : 48k seller bn but green band.
12:24   TP : 38k
12:25   HK : CEs are least bothered abt this upmove
12:26   Snehil : sl hit in bnf
12:27   Uttam : and reverse in NF 1.4L green but pink band
12:28   Lakshay : late buyers , not a rollover
12:28   Lakshay : nf
12:30   Uttam : looks like multiple ordrs SL hit of shorts
12:30   Uttam : we have 0s above it too
12:30   Uttam : in NF
12:31   Shai : BNF stopped out Make exits
12:33   Uttam : BNF headed to 26570-590 Shai?
12:34   Shai : yes
12:34   TP : almost 1000 point move from the lows arond 550.
12:36   Uttam : yep
12:36   Uttam : 10680 in NF was a weekly ext handle & no wonder it is taking som uch time thrre
12:37   Uttam : sustaining above it NF can try to test that scene of crim & bigger ext handle of 10710
12:38   Boppanna : anyone has the BNF vwap and POC of Karntaka results day ?
12:38   Uttam : 10914 & 10858
12:38   RK : 26661 vwap and vpoc 2486
12:39   Uttam : 26480 & 26599
12:39   RK : *26486
12:39   Boppanna : thx RK ,Uttam
12:40   Uttam : You planning to take BNF above that vwap Boppanna 😉
12:41   Boppanna : no just trying to make sure my stops are above that if and when I enter my shorts 🙂
12:42   RK : Shai has a setup and if that goes right then 26600+ coming there
12:45   RK : pullback to 480 could be buy for that with 420 SL
12:51   Boppanna : 1TF up in BNF on the hourly charts
12:52   Shai : yes
12:52   Shai : have to buy the dip i next 30 mins
12:53   Ankush : shai.. seems like market wants to check that SOC of around 10720-30?
12:54   Shai : yes
12:54   Shai : shorts of friday trapped
12:54   Shashwat : SOC?
12:55   Uttam : Scene of Crime
12:55   Uttam : from where the market trended one side
12:56   Shashwat : thanks
12:58   Uttam : welcome 🙂
13:00   HK : Shai, intrs support for NF pls
13:00   HK : 10650?
13:02   Shai : 10642
13:07   Kathir : bnf dpoc shifted up 26512
13:08   HK : NF is on edge,
13:13   Kathir : pink band nf 30 mins ?
13:39   TP : Jit score ?
13:39   TP : mine is red .
13:44   RK : NF coiling here for 20 pointer move
13:45   RK : 10678-10695 boundaries to decide
13:46   Kathir : bnf had few attempts to go below dpoc ..but couldnt
13:47   Jitender : Tej 2.1..yrs
13:48   Jitender : oh..just saw yr red msg
13:48   Jitender : 0.80 is overnite bnf PE shrts
13:49   TP : good.
13:49   Jitender : majorly due to Maruti 8600ce longs at 88 in morn
13:49   Kathir : jit if this discount persists till setlment day noon ..then bnf will blst upside ?
13:49   Kathir : bnf
13:49   Jitender : no kathir..discount is nuthn to do with it
13:50   Boppanna : This seems to have happened 12:52 Shai : have to buy the dip i next 30 mins
13:51   Jitender : its up 110 points (13:49) Jitender : majorly due to Maruti 8600ce longs at 88 in morn
13:52   Kathir : ok jit
13:52   Kathir : congrats jit.
13:53   Jitender : tx bro
13:53   Kathir : @ RK dpoc close on cards both today ?
13:53   RK : BNf top reminds me inglorious bastards
13:53   TP : Maruti seems your fav now Jit 🙂
13:54   RK : in profile
13:54   Kathir : for a second though RK is angry with bnf guys 🙂
13:54   TP : lol
13:54   Jitender : so far..have gained 9xDT with only one -2DT trade…so net s +7
13:54   Jitender : since started tradn Maruti
13:54   TP : super
13:55   Jitender : plan 2 gradutare into 2-3 more stocks with Shai’s & ye help
13:55   Jitender : *your
13:55   TP : Stick to Shai for predictable results 🙂
13:56   Jitender : +1
13:56   RK : not sure KAthir (13:53) Kathir : @ RK dpoc close on cards both today ?
13:57   Kathir : ok
13:58   Jitender : Kathir..today is a good setup to do DH close….so watch the 1.55-2pm candle for any start of selling to get to yr dpoc 🙂
13:58   Kathir : ok jit. bnf there at dpoc now
13:59   Jitender : yh
13:59   Kathir : thanks man
13:59   Jitender : wc ji
14:03   janak : strong bulls….NF not falling even 10 pts properly
14:07   Santosh : RK is it we had initiative selling from 10692 last week
14:07   RK : yes
14:07   RK : BNF scalped head gone
14:07   Mihir : Good afternoon Room and Shai.
14:07   Santosh : above 10707 price will chase new value area
14:07   Kathir : 13:58 Jitender : Kathir..today is a good setup to do DH close….so watch the 1.55-2pm candle for any start of selling to get to yr dpoc 🙂
14:07   Kathir : perfect jit
14:08   Mihir : Rollover LLT and price action is very different. Need to see June activity too.
14:08   Santosh : RK (14:07) Santosh : above 10707 price will chase new value area above
14:09   RK : Santosh ST reversal confirmed above 10565 and above 10630..now just need to monitor auction for continuation..this zone is prev LVN and accepted now
14:09   RK : 650-670 was prev HVN hence grind
14:09   RK : in first session
14:10   RK : now any weakness only below 10625
14:10   RK : the spike
14:10   RK : *not spike..yday range
14:10   Santosh : ok
14:10   Santosh : 10629
14:10   Uttam : (12:33) Uttam : BNF headed to 26570-590 Shai?….done
14:10   Kathir : +1
14:11   Shashwat : HVN??
14:11   Uttam : high volume node
14:11   RK : high vol node
14:11   Shashwat : thanks Uttam
14:11   Uttam : level where lot of vol is attached
14:11   Uttam : which becomes imp reference
14:12   Mihir : Shai: Can today be classified as a slow trend day. Board at 9.30 exit at 3.30?
14:12   Mihir : 3.29*
14:13   Santosh : if accepated this HVN 650-670 will act as responsive buying for down
14:14   Shai : Intra : Buy Nifty 10686 sl of 10666 tgt 10728. Trade a smaller size
14:14   Shai : yes – (14:12) Mihir : Shai: Can today be classified as a slow trend day. Board at 9.30 exit at 3.30?
14:15   Shai : except that it has not given much of a pullback
14:17   Uttam : NF most likely to test that 10710 & if sellers do not come there can tag that vpoc of 10728\
14:18   Santosh : ok uttam
14:18   Uttam : BNF has run away ahead though
14:19   Santosh : market if chasing higher value area with higher POC means it is accepting the higher price….
14:20   Uttam : 26630 next level to watch on BNF else going to 26705
14:20   Kathir : uttam i am watching for that 10700 pe below 40
14:21   Santosh : RK testing the 10692 RS…right
14:21   Santosh : last weeks RS
14:21   RK : no Santosh test has to be rej at bottom of tail not top of tail
14:22   RK : 10670-695 was tail if am right
14:22   Santosh : ok
14:23   Uttam : yep we had a OH in NF at 10693.3
14:23   Santosh : so what happens at top of tail if the prices touches it
14:23   Uttam : and today hgih right there sp far
14:24   Uttam : but it was also a spike zone RK of prev day so singles actually till 10710 that SOC?
14:25   RK : yes above 710 was stuck buyers and we had spike below
14:25   RK : but after 300 pointer move down from there that becomes irrelavent imo
14:25   Uttam : hmmm okies
14:25   Uttam : that spike & tail did its job
14:26   RK : thats the reason no selling ref is respected in this move above that 565 VWAP
14:26   RK : yes that spike which trapped buyers done its job
14:26   Uttam : +1
14:26   Santosh : ok
14:26   RK : so what might happen here is above 710 those old buyers might come in
14:27   Santosh : 710-760 value area
14:27   RK : intra looks weak here now
14:27   Santosh : ok
14:27   HK : yes rk, pull it down to 648
14:28   Santosh : maybe grinding the options for expirty
14:28   HK : and if possible 550 on wed
14:32   Kathir : @ hk please take this above 700 once before doing that 🙂
14:33   HK : 🙂 IMO there is nothing to be bullish abt
14:33   Uttam : RK Friday – Monday same trend so if there is a reversal for expiry can expect it tom?
14:33   HK : Put writers can be whacked IMO
14:33   Kathir : ok
14:33   HK : Calls are also not bullish
14:33   RK : Uttam if we dont extend range and close above 695 today then I suspect bullish expiry..could be a dull one
14:34   Uttam : 550-700 types?
14:34   RK : not bearish also as 10500 and 10600 got good support for this expiry
14:34   RK : yes possible around 600
14:34   Uttam : +1 thanks RK
14:35   Jitender : sebi gets nod for petron n diesel futures
14:36   Uttam : so Jit now has one more entity to get his DTs in 😉
14:36   Jitender : 🙂
14:37   Uttam : so after Maruti Showroom you plan to open a IOC or HP outlet Jit 😉
14:37   Uttam : next to each other may be
14:38   Jitender : amen man
14:38   Uttam : Amen ++
14:38   Jitender : nuthn wrong to dream….:)
14:39   Uttam : pink band in NF being negotiated
14:41   Santosh : yes with buyers 1lac+ twice
14:42   Kathir : nf discount widening
14:43   Boppanna : Shai can we have 10700pe OF in options
14:43   Davis : what could be the reason, Kathir?
14:43   Kathir : more cash buying
14:44   Kathir : any other reasins jit ?
14:45   Jitender : sum PB in may also ..cud be
14:45   Kathir : psu bank index up 3 %
14:45   Jitender : Kathir..half book here if long in bnf at 2pm
14:46   TP : Jit finally neutral .
14:46   Jitender : awesum +1
14:46   RK : done (12:42) RK : Shai has a setup and if that goes right then 26600+ coming there
14:46   Kathir : sold 26700 pe jit coverred when bnf was around 580
14:47   Jitender : congrats K
14:47   Shai : +1 RK
14:47   TP : RK you playing BN today 😉
14:47   RK : 678 failed (13:45) RK : 10678-10695 boundaries to decide
14:47   RK : my NF stopped there
14:47   Kathir : ty jit. RK now tell us whats that plan 🙂
14:47   RK : no Tej
14:47   RK : just view..not in BNf
14:47   Shai : on screen=(14:43) Boppanna : Shai can we have 10700pe OF in options
14:48   RK : NF short at 685 with 10 point stop didnt work
14:48   Shai : was good trde for 25600 .
14:48   Boppanna : +1
14:48   Shai : was waiting for a prper test of 26485
14:49   RK : waited for dip at 480 Shai didnt get
14:49   TP : vix is rising should have gone below 12 in today’s upmpve.
14:49   RK : +1
14:49   RK : (14:48) Shai : was waiting for a prper test of 26485
14:53   RK : NF could do 660 below 685
14:55   HK : NF vols at 58 l only
14:57   Shai : Update : book the Nifty longs at 10692
14:57   RK : 10685.1 low..better stay above (14:53) RK : NF could do 660 below 685
14:57   Shai : too much struggle in a 10 pont range
14:59   Kathir : +1 RK was watching for that ..
15:02   Uttam : (14:20) Uttam : 26630 next level to watch on BNF else going to 26705
15:12   Shai : last friday a smiliar dip was bought
15:12   Shai : BNF down 100
15:12   Mihir : RK Nice trade there. 🙂
15:14   Mihir : VWAP test finally.
15:14   Shai : yes
15:15   RK : MIhir fate of mechanical slow trend day esp when you spike it up in J or K period 🙂 ..BNF perfect..NF struggling though
15:15   RK : spike also today came little late in L period
15:16   Boppanna : Shai a punt at 26200pe till expirry worth it?
15:17   Shai : 26470 has to break
15:17   Jitender : Us is closed today Bop..u can imagine 2mrw morn open
15:18   Boppanna : ok thx
15:21   Kathir : both at dpoc now
15:21   RK : guys atleast 665?
15:22   Kathir : sure .
15:22   Mihir : RK I am batting for 665 too.
15:23   Kathir : 6 more mins for you guys
15:23   Boppanna : Shai’s test of 480 on BNF pending so may get there
15:23   Shai : close at highs would have been a good short for tom
15:23   Shai : this close makes it even stevens for tom again
15:27   Mihir : Out at the edge of mb. last 30 min poc at low of the bar.
15:28   Kathir : uttam your 26630 kicked bnf
15:28   Shai : Bye all
15:28   Shai : Have a nice evening all
15:28   Shai : catch up tm
15:28   Uttam : 🙂 Kathir
15:28   Jitender : bye all
15:28   Ankush : bye all
15:28   TP : Bye All.
15:28   Ankush : thanks
15:29   Anish shah : thank yousir
15:29   Kathir : thanks and bye all
15:29   Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:29   janak : so again tom gap up and a march towards 10730
15:29   Mihir : See you all.
15:30   Praneeth : bye all


09:35   Kathir : @ shai views for LT longs positional
09:37   TP : LT results today.
09:38   Kathir : ok tej was about to ask you. should be good result 🙂
09:40   TP : not sure also results generally post mkt.
09:40   TP : L&TQ1FY18 16:19Q4FY17 16:41
09:42   Kathir : ty tej. mostly after market hours
09:42   TP : wc
09:52   HK : Shai, SUN pharma headed for 516?
09:52   HK : Sun pharm ID view only
10:13   HK : Shai, doea 445 level in Jet airways is of any significance, like SoC et al
10:25   Gaurav : Shai BEL futures can buy positional?
10:38   Shai : LT 1367 pos supply
10:38   Shai : supp 1352 today
10:38   Kathir : TY shai
10:38   Shai : either one level can set up a trade ro 1440 or down to 1313/ 1280
10:38   Shai : positional
10:39   Shai : sun pharma abv 488 good for 504/ 516
10:39   Kathir : ok. thanks
10:40   Shai : intra day detsination 504
10:41   Shai : 453 responsive seller- (10:13) HK : Shai, doea 445 level in Jet airways is of any significance, like SoC et al
11:10   Gaurav : DLF positional view pls Shai. thanks
11:12   Shai : sharp buying from fri dlf
11:12   Shai : see it extending to 213 from here 205
11:27   Gaurav : Thanks Shai
13:42   Kunal : shai any view for biocon
13:53   Shai : bicon headed to 680/ 695
13:53   Kunal : ok
13:53   Shai : dips are a buy till 646
13:53   Kunal : positional ?
13:53   Shai : yes
13:53   Kunal : ok
13:53   Kunal : thx
13:53   Shai : one month view sl below 635
13:53   Kunal : ok

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