Participantwise Open Interest – 31st AUG 2020

FIIs have added 27K short Index Futures, net 31K short Index PE, net 24K long Index PE and 5K short Stocks Futures contracts today besides liquidating 24K long Index Futures and 17K long Stocks Futures contracts. They were net sellers in equity segment as well for ₹3395 crore. 
Clients have added 2K long Index Futures and net 153K long Index CE contracts while covering 27K short Index Futures contracts and reducing exposure in Index PE and Stocks Futures.
Nifty SEP has shed 13437 contracts today, Banknifty SEP OI came down by 2180 contracts.

Poi24Aug Participantwise Open Interest - 31St Aug 2020 Client, Dii, Fii, Open Interest, Participantwise Oi, Props

Daily changes in FII Open Interest 

Fiioi31Aug Participantwise Open Interest - 31St Aug 2020 Client, Dii, Fii, Open Interest, Participantwise Oi, Props

Daily changes in Client Open Interest 

Clientoi31Aug Participantwise Open Interest - 31St Aug 2020 Client, Dii, Fii, Open Interest, Participantwise Oi, Props

Daily changes in Prop’s Open Interest 

Prooi31Aug Participantwise Open Interest - 31St Aug 2020 Client, Dii, Fii, Open Interest, Participantwise Oi, Props

Daily changes in DII Open Interest 

Diioi31Aug Participantwise Open Interest - 31St Aug 2020 Client, Dii, Fii, Open Interest, Participantwise Oi, Props

Daily changes in Index Future OI of all participants

Oishift31Aug Participantwise Open Interest - 31St Aug 2020 Client, Dii, Fii, Open Interest, Participantwise Oi, Props

Total Nifty/Banknifty OI and daily OI changes

Oi31Aug Participantwise Open Interest - 31St Aug 2020 Client, Dii, Fii, Open Interest, Participantwise Oi, Props

Latest participantwise derivative ownership in %

Piechart31Aug Participantwise Open Interest - 31St Aug 2020 Client, Dii, Fii, Open Interest, Participantwise Oi, Props

FII Index Future exposure & Nifty – 2020

Oipercent31Aug Participantwise Open Interest - 31St Aug 2020 Client, Dii, Fii, Open Interest, Participantwise Oi, Props

Nifty Spot & Current Month Future Open Interest

Ns31Aug Participantwise Open Interest - 31St Aug 2020 Client, Dii, Fii, Open Interest, Participantwise Oi, Props

Banknifty Spot & Current Month Future Open Interest

Bns31Aug Participantwise Open Interest - 31St Aug 2020 Client, Dii, Fii, Open Interest, Participantwise Oi, Props

Net equity investments (2014-2020)

Netequity31Aug2020 Participantwise Open Interest - 31St Aug 2020 Client, Dii, Fii, Open Interest, Participantwise Oi, Props